Results for 'groundwater'

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  1. Virtual water and groundwater security.Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    In a recent study by Cai et al. about water shortages in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban areas, virtual water has become the central concept of the groundwater security strategy by suggesting increasing imports of water-intensive agricultural products instead of utilizing the depleted groundwater resources for production. However, despite reviewing the content, we could not see how the authors discussed the households’ economic and financial issues from both production and consumption perspectives.
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    Groundwater in California: From Juridical and Biopolitical Governmentality to a Political Physics of Vital Processes.Razvan Amironesei & Caleb Scoville - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (5):133-157.
    This article analyzes the emergence of a political rationality of groundwater in contemporary California. It contrasts a new government of nature that we call a ‘political physics of vital processes’, operative in the case of the Orange County Water District, with juridical and biopolitical rationalities of groundwater governance. To do so, we propose a genealogical account grounded in a reading of a key concept in Aristotle’s first book of Politics. The case is analyzed along the axes of subjectivity, (...)
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    Structural impediments to sustainable groundwater management in the High Plains Aquifer of western Kansas.Matthew R. Sanderson & R. Scott Frey - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):401-417.
    Western Kansas is one of the most important agricultural regions in the world. Most agricultural production in this semi-arid region depends on the consumption of nonrenewable groundwater from the High Plains Aquifer, which will be 70 % depleted by 2070. The problem of depletion has drawn significant attention from local citizens and policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels for at least 40 years, resulting in a variety of policies and institutions to manage groundwater from the aquifer (...)
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    Groundwater quality: Responsible agriculture and public perceptions. [REVIEW]M. J. Goss & D. A. J. Barry - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (1):52-64.
    The chief sources of groundwater contamination on farms come from point sources and diffuse sources. Possible point sources are feedlots, poorly-sited manure piles, septic sewage-treatment systems—all of which can release nitrate, phosphates and bacteria— and sites of chemical spills. Diffuse sources are typified by excess fertilizer leaching from a number of arable fields. The basis of quality standards for drinking-water is discussed in relation to common contaminants present on farms. Samples of drinking-water were collected in 1991–1992 from wells on (...)
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  5. Groundwaters shallow systems and indicators of environmental changes in the south of Córdoba Province, Argentina.Mónica Blarasin - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Information needs in groundwater protection policy: Agenda-setting for knowledge development.Stijn Hoorens & Pieter Bots - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (4):75-93.
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    Property rights and groundwater in Nebraska.E. Wesley, F. Peterson, J. David Aiken & Bruce B. Johnson - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (4):41-49.
    Property rights are important institutions that influence economic performance and reflect the historical, cultural, and political realities of particular societies. Drawing on a variety of concepts from legal and economic studies, a framework for explaining the origin and evolution of property rights is developed and applied to the specific case of changing ground water rights in Nebraska. The Nebraska case is an interesting example of reliance on local control in regulating water use. Despite the importance of local initiatives in ground (...)
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    In vino veritas, in aqua lucrum: Farmland investment, environmental uncertainty, and groundwater access in California’s Cuyama Valley.Madeleine Fairbairn, Jim LaChance, Kathryn Teigen De Master & Loka Ashwood - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):285-299.
    This paper explores the relationship between farmland investment and environmental uncertainty. It examines how farmland investors seek to “render land investible” in spite of drought, groundwater depletion, and changing regulations. To do so, we analyze a single case study: the purchase of 8000 acres of dry rangeland in California’s Cuyama Valley by the Harvard University endowment for use in creating an irrigated vineyard. Drawing from interviews with Cuyama Valley farmers and community members, participant observation at community meetings, and public (...)
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    Playing with models and optimization to overcome the tragedy of the commons in groundwater.O. López-Corona, P. Padilla, O. Escolero, F. Armas, R. García-Arrazola & R. Esparza - 2014 - Complexity 19 (1):9-21.
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    Heuristic Formulation of a Contextual Statistic Theory for Groundwater.O. López-Corona, P. Padilla, O. Escolero & E. Morales-Casique - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (1):75-83.
    Some of the most relevant problems today both in Science and practical problems involves Coupled Socio-ecological Systems, which are some of the best examples of Complex Systems. In this work we discuss groundwater-management as an example of these Coupled Socio-ecological System, also known as Coupled Human and Natural Systems. We argue that it is possible and even necessary to construct a contextual statistical theory of groundwater management. Contextuality implies some very different statistical features as entanglement and complementarity. We (...)
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    TOO MUCH GARBAGE! The Problems of Landfills, Groundwater Contamination, and Recycling.Mark A. Brockmeyer - 1991 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 11 (3):161-165.
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    Cultural Aspects of Environmental Problems: Individualism and Chemical Contamination of Groundwater.Janet M. Fitchen - 1987 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 12 (2):1-12.
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    Improved Optimization for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse System Using Computational Intelligence.Zong Woo Geem, Sung Yong Chung & Jin-Hong Kim - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
    River water pollution by wastewater can cause significant negative impact on the aquatic sustainability. Hence, accurate modeling of this complicated system and its cost-effective treatment and reuse decision is very important because this optimization process is related to economic expenditure, societal health, and environmental deterioration. In order to optimize this complex system, we may consider three treatment or reuse options such as microscreening filtration, nitrification, and fertilization-oriented irrigation on top of two existing options such as settling and biological oxidation. The (...)
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    The fluid nature of water grabbing: the on-going contestation of water distribution between peasants and agribusinesses in Nduruma, Tanzania.Chris de Bont, Gert Jan Veldwisch, Hans Charles Komakech & Jeroen Vos - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):641-654.
    This article contributes to the contemporary debate on land and water grabbing through a detailed, qualitative case study of horticultural agribusinesses which have settled in Tanzania, disrupting patterns of land and water use. In this paper we analyse how capitalist settler farms and their upstream and downstream peasant neighbours along the Nduruma river, Tanzania, expand and defend their water use. The paper is based on 3 months of qualitative field work in Tanzania. We use the echelons of rights analysis framework (...)
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    Environmental Concerns in the M arcellus S hale.William Beaver - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (1):125-146.
    Hydraulic fracturing used to remove natural gas from the Marcellus Shale has raised environmental concerns in the region both in terms of air and water pollution. This article will examine those concerns and how the natural gas industry has responded to them. After discussing the issues related to groundwater contamination and air quality. I discuss industry responses and how the costs and harm associated with fracking could be reduced, with the knowledge that despite opposition from environmental groups, fracking will (...)
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    Bridging the Past and Present: Sustainable Water Management Technologies Through the Lens of Hydro-Science in Ancient India.Rohini Dasgupta, Ayan Biswas & Debajit Dutta - 2025 - Journal of Human Values 31 (1):45-60.
    This article delves into the ancient Indian techniques of sustainable water resource management and the corresponding modern-day approaches of hydro-science towards sustainability. This article takes a comprehensive look at the traditional methods of water management that have been practised in India for centuries and highlights their relevance in the present-day context. The ancient techniques of water management in India, including rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and canal systems, were developed based on a deep understanding of the local ecosystems and the (...)
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    Feeling Blue in the South Valley: A Case Study of Nitrate Contamination in Albuquerque’s South Valley.Beth A. Mohr - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (5):408-420.
    This article examines, by way of a case study, a community where groundwater has been highly contaminated with nitrate and how that situation brings together matters of public policy, environmental justice, and emerging technology. The Mountain View community lies in an unincorporated area of Bernalillo County, New Mexico; the neighborhood is 77% Hispanic and is a pocket of poverty whose residents are considered at risk for environmental injustice. Groundwater nitrate contamination was discovered in the 1960s, but residents were (...)
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    The Economic and social impacts of water scarcity in the IR Iran.Scott Vitkovic & D. Soleimani - 2019 - International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 (13):342 - 359.
    The past 15 years of exceptionally severe water scarcity in the Islamic Republic of Iran have resulted in the desertification and salinity of formerly arable lands, drying out of Iranian lakes and rivers, and quickly shrinking groundwater resources, while water demand has risen, along with the size of the Iranian population, of which over 70% lives in urban areas now. We have aimed to discover the causes of water scarcity in the IR Iran and evaluated its social and economic (...)
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    Idealized laws, antirealism, and applied science: A case in hydrogeology.K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1989 - Synthese 81 (3):329 - 352.
    When is a law too idealized to be usefully applied to a specific situation? To answer this question, this essay considers a law in hydrogeology called Darcy''s Law, both as it is used in what is called the symmetric-cone model, and as it is used in equations to determine a well''s groundwater velocity and hydraulic conductivity. After discussing Darcy''s law and its applications, the essay concludes that this idealized law, as well as associated models and equations in hydrogeology, are (...)
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    Farmers’ strategies as building block for rethinking sustainable intensification.Diana Suhardiman, Mark Giordano, Lilao Leebouapao & Oulavanh Keovilignavong - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):563-574.
    Agricultural intensification, now commonly referred to as sustainable intensification, is presented in development discourse as a key means to simultaneously improve food security and reduce rural poverty without harming the environment. Taking a village in Laos as a case study, we show how government agencies and farmers could perceive the idea of agricultural intensification differently. The study illustrates how farmers with the opportunities for groundwater use typically choose to grow vegetables and high valued cash crops rather than intensify rice (...)
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    The fluid nature of water grabbing: the on-going contestation of water distribution between peasants and agribusinesses in Nduruma, Tanzania.Jeroen Vos, Hans Komakech, Gert Veldwisch & Chris Bont - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):641-654.
    This article contributes to the contemporary debate on land and water grabbing through a detailed, qualitative case study of horticultural agribusinesses which have settled in Tanzania, disrupting patterns of land and water use. In this paper we analyse how capitalist settler farms and their upstream and downstream peasant neighbours along the Nduruma river, Tanzania, expand and defend their water use. The paper is based on 3 months of qualitative field work in Tanzania. We use the echelons of rights analysis framework (...)
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    Identifying and ranking attributes that determine sustainability in Dutch dairy farming.Klaas J. Van Calker, Paul B. M. Berentsen, Gerard W. J. Giesen & Ruud B. M. Huirne - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):53-63.
    Recent developments in agriculture have stirred up interest in the concept of “sustainable” farming systems. Still it is difficult to determine the extent to which certain agricultural practices can be considered sustainable or not. Aiming at identifying the necessary attributes with respect to sustainability in Dutch dairy farming in the beginning of the third millennium, we first compiled a list of attributes referring to all farming activities with their related side effects with respect to economic, internal social, external social, and (...)
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    Environmental Sustainability and Adaptations in Indus Basin.Dr Shahana Maryam, Dr Nor Azlah Sham Rambely, Mohamed Ali Haniffa & Dr Siti Alwaliyah Mansor - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:692-704.
    The Indus Basin's advantageous climate and topography rendered it a prime site for the implementation of an irrigation system. This study looks at how the Indus Basin is affected by climate change. Changes in water flow, glacial/snow melt, and catchment areas in the Indus and its tributaries are revealed by trend analysis from hydro-logical stations. A network of canals constituted of trans-boundary rivers was built beside the Indus River System (IRS), soon after the implementation of the Indus Water Treaty, about (...)
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    A partnership farmland ethic.Sara Ebenreck - 1983 - Environmental Ethics 5 (1):33-45.
    Current facts about soil erosion, groundwater “mining,” and impact of toxic substances suggest a resource crisis in our farming system. Yet traditional checks on the exploitation of farmland, capsulized in the “stewardship ethic,” proceed from too limited a viewpoint to adequately address the root of the exploitation and proffer an alternative. After briefly examining the stewardship ethic, I consider the developmentof a “partnership ethic” to guide the use of land for farming which builds its essential elements out of the (...)
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    “Half a flood’s no good”: flooding, viticulture, and hydrosocial terroir in a South Australian wine region.William Skinner, Georgina Drew & Douglas K. Bardsley - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):549-564.
    Floods generate both risks and benefits. In Langhorne Creek, South Australia, a historically-embedded system of shared floodwater management exists among farmers, who rely on semi-regular flood inundations as part of the region’s hydrosocial terroir – a dynamic conjunction of water, landscape, social relations and agricultural practice. Unruly floods coexist with a heavily regulated and precisely measured system of modern water management for viticultural irrigation across the region. Since the mid-twentieth century, groundwater extraction and new pipeline schemes have linked Langhorne (...)
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    Conflicting Perspectives on Water in a Swedish Railway Tunnel Project.Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (2):221-239.
    The building of a railway tunnel through the Hallandsås ridge in the southwest of Sweden resulted in sinking groundwater levels and a toxic spill for the local community. As a result, this highly technological project expanded from the addressing of technological and economic issues of rail traffic and tunnel building to include issues of environmental harm and how to assess and manage the geology of the ridge. A central concern for local residents as well as for the developer has (...)
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    Risk Assessments of Water Inrush from Coal Seam Floor during Deep Mining Using a Data Fusion Approach Based on Grey System Theory.Yaru Guo, Shuning Dong, Yonghong Hao, Zaibin Liu, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh, Wenke Wang, Yaoquan Gao, Pei Li & Ming Zhang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    With the increase in depth of coal mining, the hydrogeological complexity largely increases and water inrush accidents happen more frequently. For the safety of coal mining, horizontal directional drilling and grouting techniques have been implemented to detect and plug the fractures and conduits that deliver high-pressure groundwater to coal mine. Taking the grouting engineering performed at Xingdong coal mine at 980 m below sea level as an example, we collected the data of grouting quantity, the loss of drilling fluid, (...)
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    Gendered Livelihoods and Multiple Water Use in North Gujarat.Bhawana Upadhyay - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):411-420.
    A variety of water-based livelihood activities undertaken by women and men in the villages of North Gujarat are under threat due to the unavailability of adequate water. Excessive groundwater withdrawal and limited recharge have led to shrinking water tables. With shrinking supply and growing sectoral demand, the competition for access to water is growing and women, who command less political and social power in the patriarchal communities of South Asia, often find themselves marginalized. Women are basically considered domestic water (...)
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    Crisis in Swedish farmland preservation strategy.David Vail - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (4):24-31.
    Since the late 1960's, a mix of government policies has prevented the loss of farmland in Sweden, “either to forest or asphalt”; these policies have also ensured the maintenance of soil fertility and groundwater resources. However, in Sweden as in several other European nations, a chronic and growing “grain glut” in recent years has undermined the economic logic of import protection and farm price supports—the principle means of promoting a sustainable agriculture. Mainstream economists, imbued with urban-biased and production-centered values, (...)
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  30. Recovery of precious metals from e-wastes through conventional and phytoremediation treatment methods: a review and prediction. [REVIEW]Chuck Chuan Ng - 2023 - Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2023.
    E-waste, also known as waste from electrical and electronic equipment, is a solid waste that accumulates quickly due to high demand driven by the market for replacing newer electrical and electronic products. The global e-waste generation is estimated to be between 53.6 million tons, and it is increasing by 3–5% per year. Metals make-up approximately 30% of e-waste, which contains precious elements Au, Ag, Cu, Pt, and other high-value elements, valued at USD 57 billion, which is driving the e-waste recycling (...)
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    Participatory approaches for sustainable agriculture: A contradiction in terms? [REVIEW]Murray Bruges & Willie Smith - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):13-23.
    This paper examines the adoption and application of a participatory approach to the transfer of scientific research to farmers with the objective of supporting government policies for sustainable agriculture. Detailed interviews with scientists and farmers in two case studies in New Zealand are used to identify the potential and constraints of such an approach. One case study involves Māori growers wishing to develop organic vegetable production; the other involves commercial wheat farmers who want to improve their profitability and face major (...)
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    The Monstering of Tamarisk: How Scientists made a Plant into a Problem.Matthew K. Chew - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (2):231-266.
    Dispersal of biota by humans is a hallmark of civilization, but the results are often unforeseen and sometimes costly. Like kudzu vine in the American South, some examples become the stuff of regional folklore. In recent decades, "invasion biology," conservation-motivated scientists and their allies have focused largely on the most negative outcomes and often promoted the perception that introduced species are monsters. However, cases of monstering by scientists preceded the rise of popular environmentalism. The story of tamarisk (Tamarix spp.), flowering (...)
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