Results for 'histories of pariahs'

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  1.  4
    Histories of Pariahs - The Political Implications of Hannah Arendt’s Conception of History, and the Influence of Walter Benjamin on it -. 양창아 - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 117:115-139.
    본 논문은 한나 아렌트의 역사 개념과 이에 대한 발터 벤야민의 영향을 분석함으로써 아렌트 역사 개념이 내포하고 있는 독특한 정치적 의미를 밝히고자 한다. 먼저 아렌트 역사 개념의 주요 특성을 벤야민의 역사주의와 진보주의 비판의 계기와 더불어 분석한다. 여기서 그 특성은 첫째, 그 어떤 정치적 관점도 배제된 순수한 객관적 역사기술의 주장에 대한 비판으로, 둘째, 발전의 이데올로기가 결부된 ‘과정’으로서의 역사 개념에 대한 비판으로 드러난다. 다음으로 이러한 비판을 통해 아렌트가 근대의 역사 개념과 대조되는 고대의 역사 개념의 특성을 공정성과 불멸성으로 변별해냄을 드러낸다. 고대의 역사 개념은 사라진 (...)
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    The Politics of the Pariah - Action of Resistance starting with the Hidden past. 양창아 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 96:463-492.
    공적 영역에 나갈 수 없는 존재들은 어떤 방식으로 삶을 구가(求暇/歐歌)할 수 있을까? 공적 영역에 나갈 수 없다는 것은 어떤 의미이며, 그러한 배제와 추방의 상황에서도 자신을 비롯한 쫓겨난 존재들의 삶을 드러내는 일은 어떻게 이루어지는 걸까? 이 논문은 한나 아렌트(Hannah Arendt)의 정치 개념을 그 자신의 ‘파리아(pariah)’ 논의를 분석함으로써 ‘파리아의 정치’로 다시 해석하는 일을 통해 이와 같은 물음에 답하고자 한다. 먼저 공적영역에서 ‘보이지 않는’ 일의 의미를 ‘차별(discrimination)’의 구조를 중심으로 밝힌다. 그것은 구체적으로 유대인 파리아와 파브뉴 개념 분석을 통해 다루어질 텐데, 이 두 개념은 오늘날까지 (...)
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    Arendt’s ‘conscious pariah’ and the ambiguous figure of the subaltern.Maria Diemling & Larry Ray - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (4):503-520.
    Hannah Arendt’s Jewish writings were central to her thinking about the human condition and engaged with the dialectics of modernity, universalism and identity. Her concept of the ‘conscious pariah’ attempted both to define a role for the public intellectual and understand the relationship between Jews and modernity. Controversially she accused Jewish victims of lack of resistance to the Nazis and argued that their victimization resulted from apolitical ‘worldlessness’. We argue that although Arendt’s analysis was original and challenging, her characterization of (...)
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    Between Pariah and Parvenu.Mihály Vajda - 1999 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 21 (2):115-131.
    Hannah Arendt wrote the following to Karl Jaspers in 1931: “What this all really adds up to—fate, being exposed, what life means—I can’t really say in abstract. Perhaps all I can try to do is illustrate it with examples. And that is precisely why I want to write a biography. In this case interpretation has to take the path of repetition.” This description seems to me to be characteristic of her whole lifework: always illustrate everything with examples, and only use (...)
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    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and Sweden.
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    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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    History, Sociology and Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to, other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields; yet each discipline appears to have its own (...)
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    No Names Apart: The Separation of Word and History in Derrida's "Le Dernier Mot du Racisme".Anne McClintock & Rob Nixon - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):140-154.
    As it stands, Derrida’s protest is deficient in any sense of how the discourses of South African racism have been at once historically constituted and politically constitutive. For to begin to investigate how the representation of racial difference has functioned in South Africa’s political and economic life, it is necessary to recognize and track the shifting character of these discourses. Derrida, however, blurs historical differences by conferring on the single term apartheid a spurious autonomy and agency: “The word concentrates separation…. (...)
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    Politics and Modernity: History of the Human Sciences Special Issue.Irving History of the Human Sciences, Robin Velody & Williams - 1993 - SAGE Publications.
    Politics and Modernity provides a critical review of the key interface of contemporary political theory and social theory about the questions of modernity and postmodernity. Review essays offer a broad-ranging assessment of the issues at stake in current debates. Among the works reviewed are those of William Connolly, Anthony Giddens, J[um]urgen Habermas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Richard Rorty, Charles Taylor and Roy Bhaskar. As well as reviewing the contemporary literature, the contributors assess the historical roots of current problems in the works of (...)
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  10. Introduction: Histories of postmodernism.Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis & Sara Rushing - 2007 - In Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis & Sara Rushing (eds.), Histories of Postmodernism. Routledge.
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    Deep histories of the new world: Oral tradition and the fluid human mind.Deborah Kelley-Galin - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (1):107-119.
    Focusing, in part, on the influence of Jurassic-era seas on the philosophical beliefs of the Hopi and Zuni cultures of the American Southwest, the article investigates the fluid cognitive processes of the human mind and methodically investigates the presence of historical content in works from oracy-based peoples. Formal analyses of the embedded data encoded in historical oral narratives are provided and are based on Barber and Barber’s mytho-linguistic framework. The application of Roger C. Echo-Hawk’s methodology for the assessment of narrative (...)
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  12. Histories of cultural populism.M. Ryle - 1996 - Radical Philosophy 78:27-33.
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    Slavery's absence from histories of moral and political philosophy.Robert Bernasconi - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (S1):54-67.
    At a time when many institutions of higher learning are reflecting on their past complicity with chattel slavery, either in terms of the sources of their funding or their use of slave labor, philosophy as an academic discipline has been largely silent about its own complicity. Questions surrounding the legitimacy and practice of slavery were a regular part of moral philosophy courses at universities from the sixteenth century until its abolition. However, the discussions of slavery found in the dominant textbooks (...)
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    The Histories of Nishapur.Kenneth A. Luther & Richard N. Frye - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):292.
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  15. Writing histories of Congolese colonial education: an historiographical view from Belgium.Marc Depaepe - 2014 - In Barnita Bagchi (ed.), Connecting histories of education: transnational and cross-cultural exchanges in (post-)colonial education. London: Berghahn Books.
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    From Königsberg to Vienna: Coffa on the Rise of Modern Semantics.Richard Creath - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (1):113.
    Shortly before he died Alberto Coffa said he was writing “a very grumpy book.” It has turned out to be grumpy indeed, but also funny and deep and wonderful. When he began his work nearly 20 years ago he chose what must have seemed the most unpromising topic imaginable: the history of the a priori, both in the nineteenth century and especially among the logical positivists in the decade following 1925. In the early 1970s it was risky for a promising (...)
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    Natural Histories of Religion: A (Baconian) “Science”?James A. T. Lancaster - 2012 - Perspectives on Science 20 (2):246-267.
  18.  41
    "Abraham, Planter of Mathematics"': Histories of Mathematics and Astrology in Early Modern Europe.Nicholas Popper - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (1):87-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Abraham, Planter of Mathematics":Histories of Mathematics and Astrology in Early Modern EuropeNicholas PopperFrancis Bacon's 1605 Advancement of Learning proposed to dedicatee James I a massive reorganization of the institutions, goals, and methods of generating and transmitting knowledge. The numerous defects crippling the contemporary educational regime, Bacon claimed, should be addressed by strengthening emphasis on philosophy and natural knowledge. To that end, university positions were to be created devoted (...)
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    Personal histories of choices: documenting renunciation.Gulmina Bilal (ed.) - 2011 - Islamabad: DOTLINES.
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    Philosophical Histories of the Aesthetics of Nature.Roger Paden, Laurly K. Harmon & Charles R. Milling - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (1):57-77.
    Beginning with Ronald Hepburn’s path-breaking essay, “Contemporary Aesthetics and the Neglect of Natural Beauty,” which helped establish the modern discipline of environmental aesthetics, philosophers have provided sketches of what, after Hegel, might be called “philosophical histories of the aesthetics of nature.” These histories are remarkably similar and can easily be blended together to create a “received history” of the discipline. This history has subtly influenced work in the field. Unfortunately, it is not completely accurate and, as a result, (...)
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    Histories of molecules: Reconciling the past.Maureen A. O'Malley - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 55 (C):69-83.
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    Histories of old schools: A preliminary list for England and Wales.P. J. Wallis - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (2):224-265.
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    The Histories of Tacitus, Books I. and II., by A. D. Godley, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen Coll. Oxford (Macmillan & Co.) 5 s.G. H. E. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (5-6):154-.
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  24. Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Italian Language.Greco Francesca - 2024 - Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim.
    The endeavor of this bibliographical guide is inscribed in the broader effort to reframe the discipline of Philosophy in a global perspective through the account of its history. With the present work readers will gain a broad overview of the materials available in Italian on the histories of philosophy in different regions of the world from the first editions, in the 15th century, to the present. Some of these materials are presented in the extensive introduction to the bibliography, which (...)
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    Histories of political thought in the post-methodological age.David Boucher - 1993 - History of Political Thought 14 (2):301-316.
  26. Histories of organized animal protection. Animal protection in Britain.Hilda Kean - 2013 - In Andrew Linzey & Desmond Tutu (eds.), The global guide to animal protection. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
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  27. Intellectual histories of the book and the sociology of texts.Jean-Michel Chahsiche & John Raimo - 2024 - In Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro (eds.), The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas. New York: Routledge.
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    Placing Insects in Histories of Science.Diogo de Carvalho Cabral & Frederico Freitas - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):136-140.
    This essay considers insects’ place-making powers in history of science topics. Insects have co-shaped the geographies of knowledge production throughout history in three primary dimensions: through their size, density, and multiplane existence. Insects’ miniature worlds have helped humans to create trans-scale analogies. Their spatial transgression and swarming capacity have overwhelmed people, including field researchers, contributing to the making of the places where science is produced. Finally, insects’ “ontologically alien” ways of engaging with environments (e.g., flying and living underground) have offered (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and politics: histories of psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom.Joy Damousi & Mariano Ben Plotkin (eds.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This volume explores a central paradox in the evolution of psychoanalytic thought and practice and the ways in which they were used.
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  30. Counterfactual Histories of Science and the Contingency Thesis.Luca Tambolo - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. pp. 619-637.
    Within the debate on the inevitability versus contingency of science for which Hacking’s writings have provided the basic terminology, the devising of counterfactual histories of science is widely assumed by champions of the contingency thesis to be an effective way to challenge the inevitability thesis. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to the problem of how to defend counterfactual history of science against the criticism that it is too speculative an endeavor to be worth bothering with—the same critique (...)
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    Living Histories of Black Embodiment.Jasmine Wallace - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):47-55.
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    Review Article: Histories of Australian Republicanism.M. Francis - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (2):351-362.
    Mark McKenna, The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia, 1788-1996 , xiv + 334 pp., ?40.00, ISBN 0 521 5728 4. Philip Pettit, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government , xii + 304 pp., ?25.00, ISBN 0 19 8290837. Bruce Scates, A New Australia: Citizenship, Radicalism and the First Republic , viii + 261 pp., ?45.00, ISBN 0 521 57296 7.
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    The Histories of Tacitus, Books III. IV. and V., with Introduction and Notes by A. D. Godley, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. [REVIEW]H. F. Burton - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (09):423-424.
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    Consistent Histories of Systems and Measurements in Spacetime.Ed Seidewitz - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (7):1163-1192.
    Traditional interpretations of quantum theory in terms of wave function collapse are particularly unappealing when considering the universe as a whole, where there is no clean separation between classical observer and quantum system and where the description is inherently relativistic. As an alternative, the consistent histories approach provides an attractive “no collapse” interpretation of quantum physics. Consistent histories can also be linked to path-integral formulations that may be readily generalized to the relativistic case. A previous paper described how, (...)
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    (1 other version)Divergent Histories of Sexual Science.G. Roth - 1989 - Télos 1989 (82):185-191.
    Title: Consuming Desire: Sexual Science and the Emergence of a Culture of Abundance, 1871-1914 Publisher: Cornell University Press ISBN: 080142058X Author: Lawrence Birken Title: Sexual Science: The Victorian Construction of Womanhood Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN: 0674802918 Author: Cynthia Eagle Russett.
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  36.  16
    Outsider theory: intellectual histories of unorthodox ideas.Jonathan Paul Eburne - 2018 - Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
    A vital and timely reminder that modern life owes as much to outlandish thinking as to dominant ideologies What do the Nag Hammadi library, Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, speculative feminist historiography, Marcus Garvey's finances, and maps drawn by asylum patients have in common? Jonathan P. Eburne explores this question as never before in Outsider Theory, a timely book about outlandish ideas. Eburne brings readers on an adventure in intellectual history that stresses the urgency of taking seriously--especially in an (...)
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    Histories of old schools: A preliminary list for England and Wales.P. J. Wallis - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (1):48-89.
  38.  18
    Histories of violence: post-war critical thought.Brad Evans & Terrell Carver (eds.) - 2017 - London: Zed Books.
    An essential introduction to post-war critical thought on the problem of violence.
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    Histories of heresy in early modern europe: For, against, and beyond persecution and toleration. Edited by John Christian Laursen.Alastair Hamilton - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (1):134–135.
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    The histories of sexuality: The future of debate.Paul J. Johnson - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (2):127 – 137.
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    Rival Histories of Emer de Vattel's Law of Nations.Béla Kapossy - 2010 - Grotiana 31 (1):5-21.
  42.  6
    Education and the Professions.History of Education Society - 1973 - Routledge.
    Part of the educational system in England has been geared towards the preparation of particular professions, while the identity and status of members of some professions have depended significantly on the general education they have received. Originally published in 1973, this volume explores the interaction between education and the professions. It also looks at the education of the main professions in sixteenth century England and at how twentieth century university teaching is a key profession for the training of new recruits (...)
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    The Brain-Eye: New Histories of Modern Painting.Robin Mackay (ed.) - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    English-language translation of a major work by French philosopher Eric Alliez, in which he offers a new perspective on critical problems in modern aesthetics.
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    Histories of Postmodernism.Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis & Sara Rushing (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Histories of Postmodernism reexamines the history of the constellation of ideas and thinkers associated with postmodernism. The increasingly dominant historical narrative depicts a relatively smooth development of ideas from Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger, through a range of French theorists, most notably Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, to contemporary American thinkers such as Richard Rorty, Edward Said, and Judith Butler. Histories of Postmodernism challenges this narrative by highlighting the local contexts of relevant theorists and thus the crucial distinctions (...)
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    New Histories of Enlightenment Geneva. [REVIEW]Neven Leddy - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (8):1105-1110.
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    The Histories of Nishapur by ʿAbdalġāfir al-Fārisī : Register der Personen- und OrtsnamenThe Histories of Nishapur by Abdalgafir al-Farisi : Register der Personen- und Ortsnamen.Richard W. Bulliet & Habib Jaouiche - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):669.
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    Lawyers & Vampires: Cultural Histories of Legal Professions edited by W. Wesley Pue & David Sugarman.David S. Caudill - 2004 - Legal Ethics 7 (2):276-284.
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    Alexander I in the Histories of Herodotos.Ross Scaife - 1989 - Hermes 117 (2):129-137.
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    Histories of mistrust and protectionism: Disadvantaged minority groups and human-subject research policies.Justin M. List - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):53 – 56.
    Rosamond Rhodes' evaluation of modern American research ethics emphasizes a need to shift from a protectionist understanding of human subjects to one that focuses more on the conduct of research in...
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    Graphic Histories of Solidarity, in Solidarity.Koni Benson - 2024 - Kronos 50 (1):1-2.
    Revolutionary experiments require building revolutionary relationships. This praxis of material and social creativity to reorganise power dynamics and weave connections across weaponised divides, are evident in the content, the form and the backstory woven into Janet Biehl's Their Blood Got Mixed: Revolutionary Rojava and the War on ISIS. Written and illustrated by Janet Biehl, it is a graphic memoir that can be read as both an historical narrative and a blueprint of a contemporary revolutionary experiment that combines political theory and (...)
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