Results for 'history and history teaching'

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  1. (1 other version)History teaching for patriotic citizenship in australia.Bruce Haynes - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (4):424-440.
    History has long been taught in Australian schools with a view to encouraging patriotic citizenship. What has been taught and what is meant by patriotic Australian citizenship has changed markedly over the years. Current national initiatives to stimulate and direct the teaching of 'what we all know' to be Australian history may not meet the requirements of acceptable educational practice. The Commonwealth government may be better advised to pursue initiatives that encourage understanding of and commitment to the (...)
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    History Teaches Us That Confronting Antibiotic Resistance Requires Stronger Global Collective Action.Scott H. Podolsky, Robert Bud, Christoph Gradmann, Bård Hobaek, Claas Kirchhelle, Tore Mitvedt, María Jesús Santesmases, Ulrike Thoms, Dag Berild & Anne Kveim Lie - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s3):27-32.
    Antibiotic development and usage, and antibiotic resistance in particular, are today considered global concerns, simultaneously mandating local and global perspectives and actions. Yet such global considerations have not always been part of antibiotic policy formation, and those who attempt to formulate a globally coordinated response to antibiotic resistance will need to confront a history of heterogeneous, often uncoordinated, and at times conflicting reform efforts, whose legacies remain apparent today. Historical analysis permits us to highlight such entrenched trends and processes, (...)
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    Does history of medicine teach useful lessons?Plinio Prioreschi - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (1):97-104.
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    History Teaching in Romania.Speranta Dumitru Nalin - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):40-46.
    Relationships to time through memory or projection form a particular axis along which the post-communist space reshapes, constructs and understands its identity. Caught between a public rejection of the communist past and a need for roots in the recent past, if only for narrative reasons, and cornered by the near future in the name of transition, the postcommunist societies face a dilemma in their search for identity. The weight of this dilemma can be directly measured by the level of consensus (...)
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    The philosophy of history teaching-Wesleyan-university.Jurgen Herbst - 1985 - History and Theory 24 (3):325-336.
  6. Health Care Reform: What History Doesn’t Teach.Nancy S. Jecker - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (4):277-305.
    The paper begins by tracing the historical development of American medicine as practice, profession, and industry from the eighteenth century to the present. This historical outline emphasizes shifting conceptions of physicians and physician ethics. It lays the basis for showing, in the second section, how contemporary controversies about the physician’s role in managed care take root in medicine’s past. In the final two sections, I revisit both the historical analysis and its application to contemporary debates. I argue that historical narratives (...)
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    Historical thinking in a digital environment: Swedish history teaching analysed through a TPACK lens.Mikael Bruér - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:57-71.
    This paper presents results from a large-scale study of history teachers in Swedish secondary schools. The study examines perceptions of history, content being taught, teaching methods and use of digital technology. The study uses the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to analyse the results together with narrative theory. The main results indicate that knowledge of the past and contemporary perspectives from a canonical tradition are prioritised, together with a content-based lecture-style pedagogy. The use of digital (...)
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    Teaching U.S. History as Mystery.David Gerwin - 2010 - Routledge. Edited by Jack Zevin.
    Presenting U.S. history as contested interpretations of compelling problems, this text offers a clear set of principles and strategies, together with case studies and "Mystery Packets" of documentary materials from key periods in American history, that teachers can use with their students to promote and sustain problem-finding and problem-solving in history and social studies classrooms. Structured to encourage new attitudes toward history as hands-on inquiry, conflicting interpretation, and myriad uncertainties, the whole point is to create a (...)
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  9. Teaching & Researching Big History: Exploring a New Scholarly Field.Leonid Grinin, David Baker, Esther Quaedackers & Andrey Korotayev - 2014 - Volgograd: "Uchitel" Publishing House.
    According to the working definition of the International Big History Association, ‘Big History seeks to understand the integrated history of the Cosmos, Earth, Life and Humanity, using the best available empirical evidence and scholarly methods’. In recent years Big History has been developing very fast indeed. Big History courses are taught in the schools and universities of several dozen countries. Hundreds of researchers are involved in studying and teaching Big History. The unique approach (...)
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    Instructional Significance for Teaching History: A Preliminary Framework.Lauren McArthur Harris & Brian Girard - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (4):215-225.
    This study explores preservice and practicing teachers’ conceptions of historical significance generally and for the history classroom. Using think-aloud interviews and card-sorting data, we engaged in qualitative analysis of how four preservice and five practicing teachers answered two questions related to determining significance: what events are most significant in world history and what events are most important for students to learn? Results showed that (a) participants answered the two questions differently, and (b) both practicing and preservice teachers added (...)
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  11. Teaching New Histories of Philosophy.J. B. Schneewind (ed.) - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    Philosophy and the scientific revolution / Daniel Garber -- Old history and introductory teaching in early modern philosophy : a response to Daniel Garber / Lisa Downing -- Meaning and metaphysics / Susan Neiman -- Evil and wonder in early modern philosophy : a response to Susan Neiman / Mark Larrimore -- The forgetting of gender / Nancy Tuana -- The forgetting of gender and the new histories of philosophy : a response to Nancy Tuana / Eileen O’Neill (...)
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  12.  21
    On teaching Christian history in the postmodern world.Philippe Denis - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):7.
    Is there truth in history? Historians are commonly expected to produce ‘facts’ and to be ‘objective’. If they teach the history of Christianity, their audience sees in them the depositors of the ‘truth’ on the history of church. Showing the contradictions of the church’s discourse in the past and highlighting the essentially transient nature of church doctrine are perceived as a threat. Yet, our knowledge of the Christian past is provisional and limited. It depends on the quality (...)
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    Teaching nursing history: The Santa Catarina, Brazil, experience.Maria Itayra Padilha & Sioban Nelson - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (2):171-180.
    Nursing history has been a much debated subject with a wide range of work from many countries discussing the profession’s identity and questioning the nature of nursing and professional practice. Building upon a review of the recent developments in nursing history worldwide and on primary research that examined the structure of mandated nursing history courses in 14 nursing schools in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, this paper analyzes both the content and the pedagogical style applied. We (...)
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  14. Teaching reformation history.Josephine Laffin - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):440.
    Laffin, Josephine On 31 October 2017 it will be five hundred years since Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, the date traditionally hailed as the start of the Lutheran Reformation. Another anniversary is a personal one: it is twenty-five years since I began teaching Reformation history. It seems an appropriate time, therefore, to pause and reflect on the significance of this task.
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    Using History of Science to Teach Nature of Science to Elementary Students.Valarie Akerson, Heidi Masters & Khadija Fouad - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1103-1140.
    Science lessons using inquiry only or history of science with inquiry were used for explicit reflective nature of science instruction for second-, third-, and fourth-grade students randomly assigned to receive one of the treatments. Students in both groups improved in their understanding of creative NOS, tentative NOS, empirical NOS, and subjective NOS as measured using VNOS-D as pre- and post-test surveys. Social and cultural context of science was not accessible for the students. Students in second, third, and fourth grades (...)
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  16.  31
    Teaching agricultural history in American universities.Monroe Billington - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (4):34-39.
    This paper reports the results of a survey of the teaching of courses in agricultural history in the seventy-four Land Grant institutions in the United States and its territories. It concludes with the expression of concern that the subject matter, agricultural history, is nearly a dying field, and only heroic measures will succeed in rescuing it.
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    Teaching the History of Philosophy in 19th-Century Germany.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2004 - Teaching New Histories of Philosophy:275-295.
    What does it mean to do philosophy historically, and when does the legend of philosophy begin? When Hegel tried to give a logical explanation of philosophy's history, was he doing the same thing as Eduard Zeller in his account of Creek thought, or Kuno Fischer in his narrative of modern philosophy? l do not believe so, and I shall sugges t in the following that we should carefully differentiate between the different activities commonly referred to as the history (...)
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  18.  39
    Teaching About Adaptation: Why Evolutionary History Matters. [REVIEW]Kostas Kampourakis - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (2):173-188.
    Adaptation is one of the central concepts in evolutionary theory, which nonetheless has been given different definitions. Some scholars support a historical definition of adaptation, considering it as a trait that is the outcome of natural selection, whereas others support an ahistorical definition, considering it as a trait that contributes to the survival and reproduction of its possessors. Finally, adaptation has been defined as a process, as well. Consequently, two questions arise: the first is a philosophical one and focuses on (...)
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  19.  33
    Teachers’ curricular choices when teaching histories of oppressed people: Capturing the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.Katy Swalwell, Anthony M. Pellegrino & Jenice L. View - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (2):79-94.
    This paper investigates what choices teachers made and what rationales they offered related to the inclusion and exclusion of primary source photographs for a hypothetical unit about the U.S. Civil Rights Movement in order to better understand teachers’ curricular decision-making as it relates to representing the histories of oppressed people. Elementary and secondary social studies/history teachers from three different in-service and pre-service cohorts ( n=62) selected and discarded images from a bank of 25 famous and lesser-known photographs. Their decisions (...)
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  20. Should We Teach Patriotic History?Harry Brighouse - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg, Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    Harry Brighouse’s essay concludes Part I of the book by taking up one aspect of the task of clarifying the role of common education, by applying it to the teaching of patriotism in public schools. He asks whether liberal and cosmopolitan values are compatible with a common education aimed at fostering patriotic attachment to the nation. He examines numerous arguments recently developed to justify fostering patriotism in common schools from a liberal–democratic perspective, and finds them all wanting. However, even (...)
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  21.  37
    Learning to teach history as interpretation: A longitudinal study of beginning teachers.Christopher C. Martell - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (1):17-31.
    Over the past two decades many social studies educators have called for history to be taught as interpretation, which has included arguments for the teaching of history through inquiry. This case study examined four secondary social studies teachers and their development of beliefs and practices related to teaching history as interpretation. The data were collected longitudinally from their student teaching through the completion of their first year in the classroom. Corroborating arguments found in the (...)
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  22.  17
    Better learning through history: using archival resources to teach healthcare ethics to science students.Julia R. S. Bursten & Matthew Strandmark - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-14.
    While the use of archives is common as a research methodology in the history and philosophy of science, training in archival methods is more often encountered as part of graduate-level training than in the undergraduate curriculum. Because many HPS instructors are likely to have encountered archival methods during their own research training, they are uniquely positioned to make effective pedagogical use of archives in classes comprised of undergraduate science students. Further, because doing this may require changing the way HPS (...)
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  23.  4
    The Teaching of History.Eugene Lewis Hasluck - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1920 as part of a series of handbooks for teachers, this book of advice to history teachers is still full of practical information on the use of historical sources and possible classroom exercises designed to engage children with the study of the past. This book will be useful to anyone with an interest in the history of education, historical education in particular.
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    Planning to teach difficult history through historical inquiry: The case of school desegregation.Yonghee Suh, Brian Daugherity & Danielle Hartsfield - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):71-83.
    This exploratory study investigates the ways in which secondary U.S. history teachers who attended two iterations of a teacher professional development workshop, focusing on the history of school desegregation in Virginia, planned to teach the history of school desegregation through historical inquiry. Conceptualizing the history of school desegregation as difficult history, the authors conducted the content analysis of 23 written lesson plans generated by workshop participants. The historiography of school desegregation, and research on four dimensions (...)
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  25.  20
    Teaching Comparative History of Political Philosophy.Eric Schliesser - 2023 - In Amber L. Griffioen & Marius Backmann, Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past: New Reflections in the History of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 163-178.
    The main aim of this chapter is to provide a conceptual framework that makes a genuinely comparative survey of the history of political theory/philosophy [hereafter HOP] possible. At present, in political science and philosophy departments, there are survey courses in HOP that cover, roughly, works from Plato to Max Weber. Such courses, and the survey works, they rely upon are generally Eurocentric and mostly male dominated. This chapter discusses two kinds of obstacles to developing a comparative survey of HOP (...)
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    Teaching the Conceptual History of Physics to Physics Teachers.Peter Garik, Luciana Garbayo, Yann Benétreau-Dupin, Charles Winrich, Andrew Duffy, Nicholas Gross & Manher Jariwala - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (4):387-408.
    For nearly a decade we have taught the history and philosophy of science as part of courses aimed at the professional development of physics teachers. The focus of the history of science instruction is on the stages in the development of the concepts and theories of physics. For this instruction, we designed activities to help the teachers organize their understanding of this historical development. The activities include scientific modeling using archaic theories. We conducted surveys to gauge the impact (...)
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  27.  65
    On Not Teaching the History of Philosophy.Mary Ellen Waithe - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (1):132 - 138.
    Courses in the history of philosophy which exclude contributions made by women cannot legitimately claim to teach this history. This is true, not merely because those histories are incomplete, but rather because they give a biased account. I sketch the difficulties thus posed for the profession, and offer suggestions for developing a less biased, more accurate understanding of the history of philosophy.
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    Speaking of Teaching: Lessons From History.Gabriel Moran - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History focuses on teaching as a fundamental act of all human beings, viewing the question of teaching through the lens of five famous thinkers and two contemporary problems. Moran argues that teaching is not given the attention that it deserves and proposes to situate school teaching in the context of many forms of teaching. Tracing the history of the idea of teaching from Socrates to Wittgenstein in (...)
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    System of teaching aids for the discipline Cuban History in Higher Medical Education.Silvia de la Caridad Rodríguez Selpa, Nancy Iraola Valdés, Maritza Peñaranda Calzado & Consuelo Fernández Parrado - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):532-548.
    A partir del enfoque desarrollador del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje y teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que se muestran con la literatura en la asignatura Historia de Cuba I para algunos contenidos, se presenta un sistema de medios con el objetivo de resolver estas dificultades. Se concluye que el sistema que se ofrece contribuye a la motivación del estudiante por el estudio de la asignatura; eleva la calidad de la clase; proporciona la asimilación y profundización del contenido, así como el (...)
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    Essays on the Teaching of History.F. W. Maitland (ed.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1920 as part of a series of handbooks for teachers, this book of advice to history teachers is still full of practical information on the use of historical sources and possible classroom exercises designed to engage children with the study of the past. This book will be useful to anyone with an interest in the history of education, historical education in particular.
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    The Garching nuclear egg: Teaching contemporary history beyond the linguistic turn.Roland Wittje - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):683-689.
    In my paper I argue for mobilising recent material heritage at universities in teaching history of contemporary science. Getting your hands dirty in the messy worlds of the laboratory and the storage room, and getting entangled with the commemorative practices of scientists and technicians does not belong to the common experiences of students in history and philosophy of science. Despite the recent material turn in cultural studies, students’ engagement with the material world often remains a linguistic exercise, (...)
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  32. From deep learning to rational machines: what the history of philosophy can teach us about the future of artifical intelligence.Cameron J. Buckner - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a framework for thinking about foundational philosophical questions surrounding machine learning as an approach to artificial intelligence. Specifically, it links recent breakthroughs in deep learning to classical empiricist philosophy of mind. In recent assessments of deep learning's current capabilities and future potential, prominent scientists have cited historical figures from the perennial philosophical debate between nativism and empiricism, which primarily concerns the origins of abstract knowledge. These empiricists were generally faculty psychologists; that is, they argued that the active (...)
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  33.  62
    Editorial Teaching ethics in the new millennium.Henk Ten Have & Friedrich Heubel - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):217-217.
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    Teaching Cultural Studies; Teaching Stuart Hall.Catherine Driscoll - 2016 - Cultural Studies Review 22 (1).
    I belong to a generation of cultural studies researchers for whom Stuart Hall was not the primary voice defining the field as I first encountered it. He was not even among the first wave of writers that I read or heard discussed as doing ‘cultural studies’. Instead, I came to Hall’s work from a distance defined by the history of cultural studies as a discipline; first by the diffusion of some of its most important interventions through other fields, so (...)
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    What Does the History of Technology Regulation Teach Us about Nano Oversight?Gary E. Marchant, Douglas J. Sylvester & Kenneth W. Abbott - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):724-731.
    Nanotechnology is the latest in a growing list of emerging technologies that includes nuclear technologies, genetics, reproductive biology, biotechnology, information technology, robotics, communication technologies, surveillance technologies, synthetic biology, and neuroscience. As was the case for many of the technologies that came before, a key question facing nanotechnology is what type of regulatory oversight is appropriate for this emerging technology. As two of us wrote several years ago, the question facing nanotechnology is not whether it will be regulated, but when and (...)
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    Basic Teachings of the Buddha.Glenn Wallis - 2007 - New York City: Random House.
    A new translation and compilation, with a guide to reading the texts. -/- In Basic Teachings of the Buddha, Glenn Wallis selects sixteen essential dialogues drawn from more than five thousand Pali-dialect suttas of the Buddhist canon. The result is a vibrant introductory guide to studying Buddhist thought, applying its principles to everyday life, and gaining a deeper understanding of Buddhist themes in modern literature. Focusing on the most crucial topics for today’s readers, Wallis presents writings that address modern psychological, (...)
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  37. Teaching Philosophy through a Role-Immersion Game.Kathryn E. Joyce, Andy Lamey & Noel Martin - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (2):175-98.
    A growing body of research suggests that students achieve learning outcomes at higher rates when instructors use active-learning methods rather than standard modes of instruction. To investigate how one such method might be used to teach philosophy, we observed two classes that employed Reacting to the Past, an educational role-immersion game. We chose to investigate Reacting because role-immersion games are considered a particularly effective active-learning strategy. Professors who have used Reacting to teach history, interdisciplinary humanities, and political theory agree (...)
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    Why Teaching Art Is Teaching Ethics.John Rethorst - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This exhaustively-researched, carefully-focused book asks whether imagination, emotion and art can enlighten our sense of right and wrong, looking at this question through the lens of moral philosophy with contributions from cognitive science, psychology and neurology. If moral thinking is simply logical reasoning or following God-given law, why did the poet Shelley say that “the great instrument of moral good is the imagination”? Why does ethical reasoning tend towards absolutes: something is either right or wrong, period, while a thoughtful minority (...)
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  39. Loreto teaching in India, 1842-2010: transcending the centre-periphery paradigm.Tim Allender - 2014 - In Barnita Bagchi, Connecting histories of education: transnational and cross-cultural exchanges in (post-)colonial education. London: Berghahn Books.
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    Using applied conversation analysis to teach novice dietitians history taking skills.Linda Tapsell - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (3):281-307.
    This paper presents an applied approach to conversation analysis in a setting comprising student dietitians and patients attending an outpatient clinic for heart disease and related disorders. In the first phase of the study interactions involving students deemed competent by supervisors were closely examined for distinctive configurations which could be attributed to satisfactory entry level practice. Reference was made to studies in similar settings and a particular emphasis was placed on the narrative structure for producing the diet history account. (...)
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    Teaching Argument Through Relationships.William Keith, Roxanne Mountford & Timothy Steffensmeier - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (3):355-369.
    One way of understanding how to intervene in dysfunctional public discourse is to attend to the ways that we teach argument. This article contends that argument pedagogy would benefit from consideration of the process of argumentation, in which participants are prepared to enter into deliberation by attending to relationality. To ground their discussion, the authors present rhetorical praxis taught in two university sites and one public site.
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    Teaching Christine de Pizan in Turkey.Sandrine Berges - 2013 - Gender and Education 25 (5):595-605.
    An important part of making philosophy as a discipline gender equal is to ensure that female authors are not simply wiped out of the history of philosophy. This has implications for teaching as well as research. In this context, I reflect on my experience of teaching a text by medieval philosopher Christine de Pizan as part of an introductory history of philosophy course taught to Turkish students in law, political science, and international relations. I describe the (...)
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  43. (1 other version)LOGIC TEACHING IN THE 21ST CENTURY.John Corcoran - 2016 - Quadripartita Ratio: Revista de Argumentación y Retórica 1 (1):1-34.
    We are much better equipped to let the facts reveal themselves to us instead of blinding ourselves to them or stubbornly trying to force them into preconceived molds. We no longer embarrass ourselves in front of our students, for example, by insisting that “Some Xs are Y” means the same as “Some X is Y”, and lamely adding “for purposes of logic” whenever there is pushback. Logic teaching in this century can exploit the new spirit of objectivity, humility, clarity, (...)
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    Can a Postmodern Philosopher Teach Modern Philosophy?Ladelle McWhorter - 2000 - Teaching Philosophy 23 (1):1-13.
    This paper considers the following question: how can those whose thought is informed by poststructuralist values, arguments, and training legitimately teach the history of philosophy? In answering this question, three pedagogical approaches to courses in the history of philosophy are considered and criticized: the representational, the phenomenological, and the conversational. Although these three approaches are seemingly exhaustive, each is problematic because the question they attempt to answer rests on the false assumption that there is one, universally right way (...)
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    (1 other version)Inventions of teaching: a genealogy.Brent Davis - 2004 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by Angus McMurtry.
    Inventions of Teaching: A Genealogy is a powerful examination of current metaphors for and synonyms of teaching. It offers an account of the varied and conflicting influences and conceptual commitments that have contributed to contemporary vocabularies--and that are in some ways maintained by those vocabularies, in spite of inconsistencies and incompatibilities among popular terms. The concern that frames the book is how speakers of English invented (in the original sense of the word, "came upon") our current vocabularies for (...)
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    Teaching in Hunter-Gatherers.Adam H. Boyette & Barry S. Hewlett - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):771-797.
    Most of what we know about teaching comes from research among people living in large, politically and economically stratified societies with formal education systems and highly specialized roles with a global market economy. In this paper, we review and synthesize research on teaching among contemporary hunter-gatherer societies. The hunter-gatherer lifeway is the oldest humanity has known and is more representative of the circumstances under which teaching evolved and was utilized most often throughout human history. Research among (...)
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  47. A Contextualist Approach to Teaching Antisemitism in Philosophy Class.Elisabeth Widmer - 2022 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 6 (1).
    This paper argues for a ‘contextualist’ approach to teaching antisemitism in philosophy class. The traditional ‘systematic’ approach emphasizes recognizing and dismantling antisemitic aspects in canonical philosophical texts. The introduced contextualist approach broadens the perspective, treating philosophy as a continuous debate embedded in cultural realities. It focuses on historical controversies rather than isolated arguments, includes the voice and the perspectives of the oppressed, and so has the potential to broaden traditional philosophical canons. In the second half of the paper, we (...)
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    Controlling History: Cognitive Effects of Historical Parallelisms.YuL Troitski - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    This paper presents the principles and techniques of unbiased history teaching practices. Goals of teaching history at schools are also formulated.
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    Abriendo la historia, abriendo la enseñanza. Una aproximación al proyecto OpenLIVES/ Open history, open teaching. An approach to the project OpenLIVES.Pedro García-Guirao & Katherine Borthwick - 2012 - Caracteres. Estudios Culturales y Críticos de la Esfera Digital 1 (2):159-165.
    El proyecto OpenLIVES (Learning Insights from the Voices of Émigrés) se encargará de digitalizar y publicar materiales de todo tipo que documenten las experiencias de los emigrantes españoles, sobre todo por tierras francesas, alemanas e inglesas durante un período de tiempo que abarca las décadas de los 50, 60 y 70, y su posterior retorno a España; toda la información recogida será reutilizada en forma de recursos educativos en abierto. Estas fuentes primarias sobre el tema de la migración, obtenidas a (...)
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    Teaching ethics in engineering education through historical analysis.David P. Billington - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):205-222.
    The goal of this paper is to stress the significance of ethics for engineering education and to illustrate how it can be brought into the mainstream of higher education in a natural way that is integrated with the teaching objectives of enriching the core meaning of engineering. Everyone will agree that the practicing engineer should be virtuous, should be a good colleague, and should use professional understanding for the common good. But these injunctions to virtue do not reach closely (...)
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