Results for 'homo digitalis'

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  1.  22
    How Does Homo Digitalis Empathize?Y. S. Borysenko - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:70-79.
    _Purpose._ The article aimed at identifying the effects of modern digital technologies on the formation of human morality. _Theoretical basis._ The research base is the practical communicative philosophy. _Originality._ It lies in the fact that the article considered a moral interaction between a person and artificial intelligence. _Conclusions._ Nowadays modern digital technologies have acquired a new importance. Previously, they were only passive assistants. But now they are able to actively influence human nature not only from the outside, yet also from (...)
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  2. Homo digitalis: governo e construção de subjetividades em um mundo digital.Rone Eleandro Santos - 2020 - Sofia 8 (2):128-144.
    Partindo do viés determinista da tecnologia veremos que esta tem poder suficiente para estabelecer formas-de-vida específicas, configurar a atividade humana, estruturar os comportamentos individuais e coletivos para produzir resultados desejados – entre estes está a construção condicionada e controlada de sujeitos sob encomenda. A ideia de uma razão tecnológica que constrói subjetividades pré-determinadas liga-se à noção foucaultiana de governamentalidade: um poder que se exerce sobre um conjunto de indivíduos através da estruturação dos possíveis campos de ação. Exercer o poder sobre (...)
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    Homo disruptus and the future church.André Ungerer - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a phrase that is frequently heard in the media. This study explores the major changes that this revolution has installed for us. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is an umbrella term for many aspects, and the study takes note of the concepts like the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, artificial general intelligence, artificial superintelligence, transhumanism and Homo digitalis. The spin-off effect of this revolution may cause possible disruptive effects on Homo sapiens by creating (...)
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    Освіта в патернах дигітальної культури: Індивідуальність детермінованого суб’єкту.Nataliya V. Kamardash - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:235-241.
    The article presents the problem of formation and determination of the individuality of the subject included in the world of digital culture. The study focuses on educational practices as one of the key factors influencing human subjectivity. The methodological basis of this research is a critical analysis and a multidisciplinary approach. This made it possible to consider a person, his characteristics and the problems of his personality in the postmodern era, as well as to determine the features of the current (...)
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    Revising Anthropocentrism of Technics in the Light of the 21st Century New Anthropological Models.V. P. Melnyk & U. I. Lushch-Purii - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:72-83.
    _Purpose._ To substantiate the definition of technics as the attributive characteristics of a human being and the necessity of its orientation towards human flourishing in the context of new anthropological models of the 21st century. _Theoretical basis._ Correlation between technics, technology and the human essence is examined. The role of technics is traced at different historical stages of human development. Negative and positive effects of digital technology development upon a contemporary human being is analysed in the light of new anthropological (...)
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    Política a contratiempo. Apuntes para un futuro posible en el marco de la sociedad del rendimiento (Leistungsgesellschaft).Andrés Botero-Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre-Román & Juan David Almeyda-Sarmiento - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):143-171.
    Esta investigación expone cómo el tiempo, en cuanto categoría existencial, es fundamental en el marco actual de dominación y control neoliberal. Para ello, el artículo se divide en tres momentos: el primero, expone el actual neoliberalismo temporal como esa figura hegemónica con la cualidad de capturar y cancelar el futuro, y evitar toda alternativa a dicho sistema. El segundo presenta los elementos de la ontología aromática, como una forma de resistencia frente a la aceleración, la hiperindividualización y el rendimiento del (...)
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    Цифрова трансформація суспільства в умовах четвертої промислової революції.Svitlana Sydorenko - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):31-43.
    Актуальність обраної теми статті зумовлена глобалізаційними процесами у різних сферах суспільного буття, їх конвергенцією, появою та розповсюдженням Інтернету у світі, який сприяв якісно новому етапу розвитку світу – загальної цифровізації економіки, політики, державного і муніципального управління, фінансової сфери, освіти, культури, медицини та інших сфер життєдіяльності суспільства. «Цифрова трансформація» набула ознак четвертої промислової революції. Технічні інновації визначають темпи розвитку сучасного соціуму. Цивілізаційні зміни у сфері цифровізації такі революційні, глибинні, що світ не уявляється нам без Інтернету речей, роботизації, штучного інтелекту, створення великих (...)
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  8.  27
    Transformation of the Human Image in the Paradigm of Knowledge Evolution.V. H. Kremen & V. V. Ilin - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:5-14.
    Purpose. The knowledge influence analysis on the formation process of new anthropological images of man in the contexts of scientific achievements and innovative technologies is the basis of this study. It involves the solution of the following tasks: 1) explication of the ontological content of knowledge in the anthropo-cultural senses of the epoch; 2) analysis of the knowledge influence on the process of forming a new type of man; 3) characteristics of the modern anthropological situation in the context of digital (...)
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  9.  13
    Irupsi Generasi Beriman Digital Z dan Disrupsi Katekese Kebangsaan.Mutiara Andalas - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (1):70-93.
    This paper discusses the irruption of the digital faithful generation of Z in the Indonesian Catholic church and its disruption to citizenship catechesis. The discussion of citizenship catechesis will fall short if we still fixate on the classic definitions of catechesis, the method of catechesis, and the profile of catechists in the apostolic exhortation Cateceshi Tradendae (1979). The predigital world conditions ideas about them. An in-depth discourse on citizenship catechesis needs to depart from the digital faithful generation of Z irrupting (...)
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  10.  20
    Enculturating Algorithms.Rafael Capurro - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):131-137.
    The paper deals with the difference between who and what we are in order to take an ethical perspective on algorithms and their regulation. The present casting of ourselves as homo digitalis implies the possibility of projecting who we are as social beings sharing a world, into the digital medium, thereby engendering what can be called digital whoness, or a digital reification of ourselves. A main ethical challenge for the evolving digital age consists in unveiling this ethical difference, (...)
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  11.  29
    Manusia Dalam Prahara Revolusi Digital.F. Budi Hardiman - 2021 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (2):177-192.
    Abstrak: Perkembangan yang sangat cepat dalam teknologi komunikasi digital telah mengubah pola-pola adaptasi manusia terhadap lingkungannya. Sudah saatnya filsafat merenungkan ciri manusia di era digital ini bukan sebagai homo sapiens, melainkan sebagai homo digitalis. Homo digitalis, berbeda dari sosok manusia pra-digital, mengalami perubahan tidak hanya dalam cara berkomunikasi, melainkan juga dalam cara merespons dunia dan menangkap kebenaran. Penulis memberi paparan fenomenologis yang kritis tentang kerumitan baru yang timbul akibat digitalisasi masyarakat. Dia berpendirian bahwa dampak revolusi (...)
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    Emotionen: Zwischen Romantisierung und Technologisierung.Sabine Seichter - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (1):157-165.
    Macht man sich die anthropologischen Transformationen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts bewusst, dann sind es gewiss nicht zuletzt die Neuformulierungen des Menschen im Zuge des Digitalen. Mehr noch: Das Digitale wird in den folgenden Überlegungen nicht nur ein neuer Appendix des Menschlichen sein, sondern als Einwohner der sog. ‚Digitalgesellschaft‘ erscheint der Mensch selbst als ‚homo digitalis‘. Aus einer kulturwissenschaftlich getränkten pädagogischen Perspektive stelle ich mir die Frage nach den Ver-Änderungen bzw. Um-Formungen menschlicher Beziehungen im Zuge des rasant fortschreitenden (...)
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    Fenomenologia della carne e tecnontologia digitale.Floriana Ferro - 2022 - la Filosofia Futura 18:49-64.
    In questo testo si affronta, a livello ontologico, la questione della tecnica in relazione allo sviluppo del digitale. Parlare di “tecnontologia digitale” implica che il digitale porta alla luce l’homo technicus in maniera peculiare rispetto alla dimensione analogica. Non avviene un processo di smaterializzazione, bensì di ridefinizione della materia e di pervasività della dimensione digitale nei confronti della nostra corporeità e della nostra esistenza quotidiana. Viene proposta una lettura della relazione con la tecnologia digitale basata sulla fenomenologia della carne, (...)
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  14.  44
    The vendantic absolute.Homo Leone - 1912 - Mind 21 (81):62-78.
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  15. Filozofia 2002. Č. 2.Homo Philosophicus - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (1-5):72.
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  16. I. Works by Nietzsche.Ecce Homo & All-too-Human Human - 2007 - In Brian Leiter & Neil Sinhababu (eds.), Nietzsche and morality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 13--297.
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    Architectus.K. Pojmom Homo Architectus A. Deus - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (8):770.
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  18. the Meanings of" Humanism.V. R. Giustiniani & Humanus Homo - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46:175.
  19.  16
    Crowding Out and Crowding In of Intrinsic.Standard Microeconomics & Homo Oeconomicus - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 75.
  20. Beckett and Nietzsche: The Eternal Headache.Richard Lane & Ecce Homo - 2002 - In Richard J. Lane (ed.), Beckett and philosophy. New York: Palgrave. pp. 166.
  21.  9
    Ecce Homo: How to Become What You Are.Friedrich Nietzsche - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Ecce Homo is an autobiography like no other. Nietzsche passes under review all his previous books and reaches a final reckoning with his many enemies. Ecce Homo is the summation of an extraordinary philosophical career.
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    Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age.Luc Ferry (ed.) - 1993 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Homo Aestheticus, Luc Ferry argues that this central problem of aesthetic theory is fundamentally related to the political problem of democratic individualism.
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    'Ecce homo' ou les labyrinthes de la lecture.Hervé Couchot - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 26 (1):41-58.
    The motif of reading is placed at the center of Ecce Homo as both a vital problem and a practice in action. Nietzsche undertakes to reread every one of his "so good books" except the one he is currently writing, placing his reader in a position identical to his own. Faced with this ultimate Nietzschean "Library of Babel," the reader will have to re-experience for himself what it means to read his works, and assess his own reading biases in (...)
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    Homo Deus.Nur Azizah, Jauharul Habibi, Galuh Maria & Muhammad Aula Rahmad Shuhada - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):251-268.
    This article discusses Islam and homo deus as a new agenda for humanity’s future. This article tries to explain the reading of homo deus and the problems of humanity in the future. Likewise, regarding the issue of immortality and human happiness in the future from an Islamic perspective. This article tries to analyze the problem using the library research model in carrying out an analysis of the main problem. Humans to fight death and the problems that humans expect (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Homo Heuristicus: Why Biased Minds Make Better Inferences.Gerd Gigerenzer & Henry Brighton - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):107-143.
    Heuristics are efficient cognitive processes that ignore information. In contrast to the widely held view that less processing reduces accuracy, the study of heuristics shows that less information, computation, and time can in fact improve accuracy. We review the major progress made so far: the discovery of less-is-more effects; the study of the ecological rationality of heuristics, which examines in which environments a given strategy succeeds or fails, and why; an advancement from vague labels to computational models of heuristics; the (...)
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  26. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life.Giorgio Agamben - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    The work of Giorgio Agamben, one of Italy's most important and original philosophers, has been based on an uncommon erudition in classical traditions of philosophy and rhetoric, the grammarians of late antiquity, Christian theology, and modern philosophy. Recently, Agamben has begun to direct his thinking to the constitution of the social and to some concrete, ethico-political conclusions concerning the state of society today, and the place of the individual within it. In Homo Sacer, Agamben aims to connect the problem (...)
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  27.  9
    emblema Homo moriens de Hieronymus Wierix.Helmut Renders - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (179).
    O artigo aqui apresentado faz parte de uma elaboração sistemática de estilos iconográficos e suas respectivas mensagens iconológicas da cultura visual cristã, com foco na arte religiosa devocional. A obra em questão é um interessante exemplo flamengo da linguagem visual católica em uso cem anos depois da reforma protestante e criada, provavelmente, entre a Trégua dos Doze Anos e o início da[s] Guerra[s] dos Trinta Anos. É estudo a gravura Homo moriens de Hieronymus Wierix do ano [1609/1619]. Formalmente, trata-se (...)
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    Do Homo Sapiens Ao Homo Faber: Um Possível Diálogo Entre Axel Honneth e Hans Jonas.José Aldo Camurça de Araújo Neto - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):162-173.
    Este trabalho examina a evolução da condição humana à luz das teorias de reconhecimento social de Axel Honneth e da ética da responsabilidade de Hans Jonas. Honneth explora como a identidade e a autonomia do indivíduo são moldadas pelo reconhecimento social e pelas relações interativas na sociedade moderna. Jonas, por sua vez, destaca a necessidade de uma ética da responsabilidade diante dos avanços tecnológicos, que devem levar em consideração as consequências futuras das ações humanas. A transição do Homo Sapiens (...)
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  29.  24
    Homo sacer: il potere sovrano e la nuda vita.Kurt Flasch - 2005
    Ogni tentativo di ripensare le nostre categorie politiche deve muovere dalla consapevolezza che della distinzione classica fra zoé e bios, tra vita naturale ed esistenza politica (o tra l'uomo come semplice vivente e l'uomo come soggetto politico), non ne sappiamo piú nulla. Nel diritto romano arcaico homo sacer era un uomo che chiunque poteva uccidere senza commettere omicidio e che non doveva però essere messo a morte nelle forme prescritte dal rito. È la vita uccidibile e insacrificabile dell' 'uomo (...)
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  30.  29
    From Homo Economicus to Homo Eudaimonicus: Anthropological and Axiological Transformations of the Concept of Happiness in A Secular Age.U. I. Lushch-Purii - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:61-74.
    Purpose. The paper is aimed to explicate a recently emerging anthropological model of homo eudaimonicus from its secular framework perspective. Theoretical basis. Secularity is considered in three aspects with reference to Taylor’s and Habermas’ ideas: as a common public sphere, as a phenomenological experience of living in a Secular Age, and as a background for happiness to become a major common value among other secular values in the Age of Authenticity. The modifications of happiness interpretation are traced from Early (...)
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  31.  10
    Postawa "homo ethicus" jako ideał etyczny w koncepcji filozoficznej Henryka Elzenberga.Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):61-68.
    The main purpose of this article is a presentation of the H. Elzenberg's philosophical theory of the ethical ideal. I pay special attention to the most interesting, from the ethical point of view, parts of his concept. Elzen-berg proposed the ethical ideal, the so called ‘homo ethicus’. I present two ways of its realisation: melioristic and soteristic. My aim is also to prove that Elzenberg’s theory demonstrates that some features of ethical activity distinguish a human being from the background (...)
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    Homo religiosus and its brain: Reality, imagination, and the future of nature.Rodney Holmes - 1996 - Zygon 31 (3):441-455.
    “Daddy, is God real or is he a part of people's imagination?” The brain constructs reality by bottom‐up, genetically programmed mechanisms. Nature selected the human holistic, symbolically thinking, aesthetic brain using a mechanism of brain‐language coevolution. Our religious nature and moral capabilities are rooted in this brain, and in the real images it constructs.
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    Homo religiosus: The Soul of Bioethics.William E. Stempsey - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):238-253.
    Although many of the pioneers of present-day bioethics came from religious and theological backgrounds, the recent controversy about the role of religion in bioethics has elicited much attention. Timothy Murphy would ban religion from bioethics altogether. Much of the ado hinges on conflicting understandings of just what bioethics is and just what religion is. This paper attempts to make more explicit how the fields of bioethics and religion have been understood in this context, and how they should not be understood. (...)
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  34.  12
    Дихотомія «дух/розум – тіло» та їх вплив на формування «homo creativus» у контексті філософії економіки: методологічні засади.T. V. Teslenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:53-64.
    У статті представлено концептуалізацію дихотомії категорій «дух/розум-тіло», в основі якої необхідність формування креативного класу, який несе в собі зміни для держави і сприяє розвитку і самоствердженню особистості. Дихотомія категорій «дух/розум-тіло» пов’язана з формуванням креативної особистості в умовах нових технологій, які сприяють формуванню креативного світогляду, в основі якого інформаційна творчість та інновації. Постановка завдання. Зроблено акцент на те, що філософія економіки направлена на формування креативного класу, який повинен розвивати іманентні сили, які розширяють горизонти дихотомії «дух/розум-тіло», раніше обмежені як людиною, так і (...)
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    Homo technologicus and the Recovery of a Universal Ethic: Maximus the Confessor and Romano Guardini.Nadia Delicata - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (2):33-53.
    On September 1 st 2017, Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew issued a Joint Message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation. The gesture reveals the church’s efforts “to breathe with two lungs” on the urgent matter of climate change and ecological sustainability. But, the church leaders have also insisted on a philosophical and religious reflection on technology if humanity is to take responsibility for the environment. In particular, they have sought to correct the wrong interpretation of the (...)
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    Homo juridicus: on the anthropological function of the law.Alain Supiot - 2007 - New York: Verso.
    In this groundbreaking work, French legal scholar Alain Supiot examines the relationship of society to legal discourse. He argues that the law is how justice is implmented in secular society, but it is not simply a technique to be manipulated at will: it is also an expression of the core beliefs of the West. We must recognize its universalizing, dogmatic nature and become receptive to other interpretations from non-Western cultures to help us avoid the clash of civilizations. In Homo (...)
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    (1 other version)Ecce homo: how one becomes what one is.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1979 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by R. J. Hollingdale.
    Ecce Homo is an autobiography like no other. Deliberately provocative, Nietzsche subverts the conventions of the genre and pushes his philosophical positions to combative extremes, constructing a genius-hero whose life is a chronicle of incessant self-overcoming. Written in 1888, a few weeks before his descent into madness, the book sub-titled 'How To Become What You Are' passes under review all Nietzsche's previous works so that we, his 'posthumous' readers, can finally understand him aright, on his own terms. He reaches (...)
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    Homos.Leo Bersani - 1995 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In Homos, he studies the historical, political, and philosophical grounds for the current distrust, within the gay community, of self-identifying moves, for the ...
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    Del Homo Ludens a la gamificación.Carla Carreras Planas - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1):107-118.
    Resumen: Parece que las últimas tendencias en educación pasan por introducir la gamificación en las aulas y en todas las actividades educativas. La idea de que los contenidos deben interesar a nuestros estudiantes combinada con el convencimiento de que “se aprende mejor jugando”, han llevado a pensar que debemos dar a esos contenidos una forma lúdica o, mejor todavía, convertirlos en juegos. ¿Es la gamificación una moda o una oportunidad? Y en el caso concreto de la educación, ¿se trata sólo (...)
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    Ecce homo videns, of hoe iemand wordt wat hij aanschouwt.Bart Jansen & Lorenzo Nieuwenburg - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (4):410-440.
    Ecce Homo Videns, or How a Person Becomes What He Beholds: Synchronicity between Bourdieu and Sartori on Television and Democracy What role does television play in liberal democracy? This topical question is the focus of two essays, one by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and another by the Italian political philosopher Giovanni Sartori. Bourdieu’s position, in short, is that the television medium manipulates information from which a structural corruption emerges. Sartori, in turn, argues that television modifies thought at best (...)
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    Homo militaris: Чому людина прагне війни?Kateryna S. Honcharenko & Karina V. Krahel - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 61:63-71.
    The phenomenon of war occupies one of the leading places in socio-philosophical and cultural studies. War also has an ambiguous position in human life. On the historical map we see the ongoing waves of armed conflicts, which inevitably lead to fatal consequences for countries, peoples and human beings. War mainly appears in the form of horrors and tragedies. However, in philosophical studies, war is considered from different angles. Philosophers often emphasize the ambiguity and multidimensionality of war. In this work, the (...)
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    Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics.Vanessa Lemm - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Nietzsche coins the enigmatic term homo natura to capture his understanding of the human being as a creature of nature and tasks philosophy with the renaturalisation of humanity. Following Foucault's critique of the human sciences, Vanessa Lemm discusses the reception of Nietzsche's naturalism in philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. She offers an original reading of homo natura that brings back the ancient Greek idea of nature and sexuality as creative chaos and of the philosophical life as outspoken (...)
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  43.  11
    O Homo Profanum e a potência do uso: uma proposição conceitual a partir de Giorgio Agamben.Caio Paz - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240026.
    This article aims to present a conceptual proposition based on the writings of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. One of the central notions in his political philosophy is that of Homo Sacer, used as a paradigmatic figure to criticise the violence of law. From this, in this article, I propose a game with this notion, through the syntagma Homo Profanum. This game refers to the role that the concept of profanation plays in Agambenian ethical thought. Through this conceptual (...)
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    The Homo Economicus as a Prototype of a Psychopath? A Conceptual Analysis and Implications for Business Research and Teaching.Florian Fuchs & Volker Lingnau - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (4):763-777.
    Since the beginning of business research and teaching, the basic assumptions of the discipline have been intensely debated. One of these basic assumptions concerns the behavioral aspects of human beings, which are traditionally represented in the construct of homo economicus. These assumptions have been increasingly challenged in light of findings from social, ethnological, psychological, and ethical research. Some publications from an integrative perspective have suggested that homo economicus embodies to a high degree dark character traits, particularly related to (...)
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    Homo Mysticus: Three Lectures.Wolfgang Struve & George Wald - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Upa. Edited by George Wald.
    Homo Mysticus presents three renowned lectures delivered by Wolfgang Struve from 1974 to 1984, translated into English in this volume. Philosophical and mystical experiences are finally given expression in this remarkable collection.
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  46. (4 other versions)Ecce homo.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Raoul Richter - 1911 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Anthony M. Ludovici.
    Published posthumously in 1908, Ecce Homo was written in 1888 and completed just a few weeks before Nietzsche’s complete mental collapse. Its outrageously egotistical review of the philosopher’s life and works—featuring chapters called Why I Am So Wise and Why I Write Such Good Books—are redeemed from mere arrogance by masterful language and ever-relevant ideas. In addition to settling scores with his many personal and philosophical enemies, Nietzsche emphasizes the importance of questioning traditional morality, establishing autonomy, and making a (...)
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    Evolution of religious capacity in the genus homo: Origins and building blocks.Margaret Boone Rappaport & Christopher Corbally - 2018 - Zygon 53 (1):123-158.
    The large, ancient ape population of the Miocene reached across Eurasia and down into Africa. From this genetically diverse group, the chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and humans evolved from populations of successively reduced size. Using the findings of genomics, population genetics, cognitive science, neuroscience, and archaeology, the authors construct a theoretical framework of evolutionary innovations without which religious capacity could not have emerged as it did. They begin with primate sociality and strength from a basic ape model, and then explore how (...)
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  48.  42
    Der Homo Oeconomicus: Ausnahmeerscheinung in jeder Situation oder Jedermann in Ausnahmesituationen?Reinhard Zintl - 1989 - Analyse & Kritik 11 (1):52-69.
    Even if formally precise, the economic concept of rationality has different empirical implications depending on how it is used in theory building. If it is used as a tool of microfoundation in multi-level analysis it can be applied universally, but does not imply a specific model of human behavior. As a means of constructing microtheories proper it is, on the other hand, translated into a definite model of man but can be applied only to specific situations. This model, known as (...)
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    Homo Economicus on Trial: Plato, Schopenhauer and the Virtual Jury.Doris Schroeder - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (2):65-74.
    The concept of Homo economicus, one of the major foundations of neoclassical economics and a subset of the ideology of laisser-faire capitalism. was recently charged and tried in the island high court. Using the island’s virtual jury system for the first time, the accused was tried before a jury of three — Plato, Schopenhauer and feminist economists — chosen by him while under a veil of ignorance of the charge. All three returned guilty verdicts. Plato’s was prescriptive: ‘One ought (...)
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    Ecce Homo: How to Become What You Are.Duncan Large (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Ecce Homo is an autobiography like no other. Nietzsche passes under review all his previous books and reaches a final reckoning with his many enemies. Ecce Homo is the summation of an extraordinary philosophical career.
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