Results for 'human, life, upbringing, education, culture, values'

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  1.  22
    Upbringing as an Educational Result: A Value-Based Approach to Assessment in the General Education System.Elena V. Bryzgalina & Sergey V. Stanchenko - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):574-588.
    The aim of this article is to describe the basic parameters of a value-oriented approach to assessing the education results as a possible basis for the methodology for assessment of the educational work in the general system of education. The key methods we used were content analysis of text sources, cross-reference analysis, comparative analysis, and humanitarian examination of juristic documents. The interpretation of education as a unity of teaching and upbringing for the state as a key subject of education, which (...)
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    Життєтворчі цінності та їх формування засобами освіти.Yevhen Bidenko - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):181-192.
    За визначенням аналітиків, здоров’я, екологія, здоровий спосіб життя належать до цінностей, які сприймаються людиною як пріоритети другого, а може й третього порядку. Допоки людина здорова, особливої уваги щодо них вона не звертає. Водночас, якщо у неї з’являються проблеми зі здоров’ям, особливо ті, що безпосередньо загрожують її життєздатності, всі інші цінності втрачають сенс: життєзабезпечувальні пріоритети переходять у розряд найголовніших. Подолання цього парадоксу – одне з основних завдань системи освіти. На жаль, тривалий час означена проблематика знаходилась на периферії вітчизняної освіти та виховання. (...)
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    Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi’s Philosophy of Education: Human-Centred Dimension.V. H. Kremen & V. V. Ilin - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:5-14.
    _Purpose__._ The basis of the presented study is a methodological and human-centred analysis of the philosophy of education of the outstanding Ukrainian educator Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi as a relevant anthropological-intellectual strategy for understanding and comprehending the educational process in the context of civilisation challenges. This implies a sequential solution to the following tasks: 1) to review the conceptual content and human-centred load of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi’s pedagogical position in the discourses of philosophical anthropology and social philosophy; 2) to analyse the theoretical knowledge (...)
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  4.  19
    Peculiarities of Vocal art in the Context of Postmodernism as a Factor of Cultural Value.Mayia Pechenyuk, Olena Priadko, Oleksandr Vozniuk, Liubov Martyniuk, Oleksandr Rudenko & Yuliia Havrylenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):56-68.
    This article interprets the formation of personal value orientations in the context of the artistic perception of the world. Personality is formed in the process of socialization and self-realization. Every person in the world is an individual, and individuality is formed in the process of acquiring value orientations, as well as in the conditions of cultural and educational development. Thus, an individual perceives the world and the environment in own way. His or her idea is a consequence of the value (...)
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    Religious education in social concepts of Christian churches of Ukraine.Mykola Mykhailovych Zakovych - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:282-293.
    In their social concepts, Christian Churches attach particular importance to education. Secular education is considered in the context of modern science and culture. The Church recognizes the authority and achievements of modern science, but believes that the rational picture of the world formed by scientific research is not complete and inclusive. The religious worldview cannot be dismissed as a source of insight into the truth and understanding of history, ethics, and many other humanities that have a basis and right to (...)
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  6. Advocating values as a mission of education in the context of war.Serhii Proleiev & Viktoria Shamrai - 2025 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (2):8-27.
    The article examines of the role of the institution of education in ensuring the value-normative component of the life of modern society. In this regard, the situation of the contemporary global world is analyzed, which is characterized by a powerful trend of devaluation of values. The global crisis of normativity manifests itself in several main dimensions. First, the destruction of the role of the authority of the proper as a determining factor in human life. Second, the loss of effectiveness (...)
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  7.  18
    Философские проблемы нации.Naum Yaroshchuk - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:1019-1027.
    “Rethinking of philosophy to-day”, from my point of view, means new understanding of the “basic truths” of philosophy in their use in the analysis of actual social problems of the modern swiftly changing world. One of such actual problems is the problem of a nation that is the most stable social unit, representing a unity of a human and social being, and in this context a human being is understood as a national human being. Only in such a role becomes (...)
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  8.  33
    More than Just Music: Reconsidering the Educational Value of Music in School Rituals.Hanna M. Nikkanen & Heidi Westerlund - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (2):112.
    Although rituals are considered central to human life, scholarship on rituals in music education is sparse. This may be due to a more general emphasis on the individual and private at the expense of the social and public aspects of music in education. This article highlights the educational value of school rituals in festivities and celebrations, arguing that there is a need to revisit the idea of musical performance as ritual from an educational perspective. By leaning on anthropological viewpoints, musical (...)
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  9.  42
    Role of Education in Cultivation of Values.Dhanpat Raj Bhandari - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 49:31-38.
    The prime concern of education is to evolve the good, the true and the divine in man so as to establish a moral life in the world. It should essentially make a man pious, perfect and truthful. The welfare of humanity lies neither in scientific or technological advancements nor in acquisition of material comforts. The main function of education is to enrich the character. What we need today more than anything else is moral leadership founded on courage, intellectual integrity and (...)
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  10. MEDIA EDUCATION AND THE FORMATION OF THE LEGAL CULTURE OF SOCIETY.Anna Shutaleva - 2020 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education 45:10-22.
    Introduction. The development of legal culture and a culture of human rights in the modern world through media technologies, is acquiring special significance in connection with the processes of globalization and the spread of media in recent decades. The purpose of the article is to study the prospects for the use of media education in the formation of the legal social culture and a culture of human rights. Materials and methods. Based on a study of domestic and foreign sources, issues (...)
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  11.  36
    Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory (review).Jennifer Tolbert Roberts - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):621-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political TheoryJennifer RobertsJ. Peter Euben. Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997. xvi 1 271 pp. Cloth, $55, £37.50; paper, $18.95, £13.95.Who, Socrates asks Meletus, improves the young men of Athens? The laws, Meletus replies. But which people, Socrates wants to know, which men? These very dicasts here. All of them, Meletus, or just (...)
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  12.  37
    Women Empowerment as a Tool for Enhancement of Values in Education: An Historical Analysis.D. Pulla Rao - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (1):85-93.
    Education is a part and parcel of human life itself irrespective of the field of activity. Every field of human activity has developed its own value systems. Education has also accumulated its own value systems over a period of time. In order to make value education a powerful tool, education should be made more open, more reflective and more vocal with greater participation of teachers, students, parents and the society in deciding all major aspects of education. So far, the education (...)
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  13.  11
    Cultural traditions in social and pedagogical work with minors.Elena Igorevna Zritneva - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):248-252.
    The article substantiates the possibility of using certain elements of cultural traditions in social and pedagogical work with children and adolescents. A brief description of cultural norms and characteristics of the system of value orientations, their significance for the functioning of the spiritual life of society is given. The importance of introducing minors to cultural values in the process of carrying out social and educational activities is emphasized. The problems of maladjustment and asocial behavior within the framework of cultural (...)
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  14.  6
    Being Human: On the Issue of Moral Education.Алексей Алексеевич Скворцов - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (1):131-149.
    The author argues that moral education is a complex phenomenon to comprehend. Both its theoretical understanding and the transmission of relevant skills to the younger generation pose significant challenges. In contemporary Russia, there is an evident demand for moral education. The society’s interest in the moral development of the individual was first embodied in the emergence of the “Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Citizen of Russia,” followed by the creation of a special (...)
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  15.  14
    Concept of upbringing of humanistic values of pupils of secondary school.I. Bekh, N. Gannusenko & K. Chorna - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:265-281.
    Social life convinces that without cultivating such moral values as goodness, humanity, responsibility, self-esteem, creative initiative, enterprise, tolerance, one can hardly expect to improve the moral situation in our country. These moral phenomena, in the period of transition to a market that has not yet become civilized, serve the function of harmonizing personal and public interests.
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  16.  28
    Contemporary world and the crisis of spiritual values.Mirko Zurovac - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):107-116.
    The crisis of contemporary art is a paradigmatic example of the crisis of spiritual values in today's world. The main cause of this crisis, it is argued, lies in the spirit of modern sciences. These do not find their object as a ready given, but rather determine it themselves, from their own standpoint, and thus basically produce it. Due to enormous technological development, modern civilization has turned the whole world into the Eleatic One. In materializing the uniform spirit of (...)
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  17.  50
    A Cultural Schemas: A Study on the Practice of Funeral and Marriage Rites of the Vietnamese Catholic Community.Ly Thi Phuong Tran & Dat Tran Tuan Nguyen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):176-219.
    As a model for processing information about people's perceptions to understand the complex world and society in which they live, the cultural schema serves as a key concept in Cultural Linguistics when directing to the perception and processing of information about people, and social groups, and events. Cultural schema theory is valuable in deciphering culturally structured concepts, covering the entire range of human experience expressed in many fields such as education, belief, religion, etc. Through the practice of sacred rituals, each (...)
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  18.  41
    Aesthetica and eudaimonia: Education for flourishing must include the arts.Laura D'Olimpio - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (2):238-250.
    The point of education is to support students to be able to live meaningful, autonomous lives, filled with rich experiences. The arts and aesthetic education are vital to such flourishing lives in that they afford bold, beautiful, moving experiences of awe, wonder and the sublime that are connected to the central human functional capability Nussbaum labels senses, imagination and thought. Everyone ought to have the opportunity to learn about art, to appreciate and create art, to critique art and to understand (...)
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  19.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  20.  23
    "Adep Sabagi" as Spiritual and Cultural Values Education in Kyrgyzstan.Kubatali Topchubaev - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):325-352.
    This study aims to reveal the nature of the Adep lesson, which is seen as an effort to transfer national and spiritual values to the next generation in Kyrgyzstan. In line with the purpose of the study, it focused on the questions of how the Adep lesson emerged, which factors are effective, what kind of discussions it brings, its place in the education system, what its purpose and principles are. The answers to these questions are constructed with a descriptive (...)
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  21.  8
    Comparative education for global citizenship, peace and shared living through uBuntu.N'Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba, Michael Cross, Kanishka Bedi & Sakunthala Ekanayake (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    There is a dire need today to create spaces in which people can make meaning of their existence in the world, abiding by cultural frameworks and practices that acknowledge and validate a meaningful existence for all. People are not just isolated individuals but are connected in diverse ways with other persons within our natural and social environment which is part of the whole universe. The African philosophy of uBuntu or humaneness is re-emerging for its timely relevance and potential as indispensable (...)
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  22.  13
    The Culture of Coexistence in the Context of the Medina Agreement.Hüseyin Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):239-258.
    As a natural result of globalization and migration from village to city, peace, ease, and happiness of people who have to coexist in cities are extremely important. Beliefs, systems, ideologies, and institutions aim to achieve this. This situation forces individuals and groups who live together, whether they want to or not, to get to know and communicate with each other within a trust environment. The most important factor that makes recognizing segments of society with different characteristics and communicate with them (...)
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  23.  54
    Pedagogy and educational democratization: The problem of alienation.Natalya Lebedeva - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):95-101.
    Education is viewed as not merely a particular domain of social life. It is more a universal process than a mere learning of sciences and arts; it is richer than an individual's socialization. The educational democratization turns out to be a prerequisite of humanization of the entire social life. The orientation at the supreme humane values as a strategic direction of democratic evolution of education is opposed to the authoritarian tendencies as an “antivalue” of pedagogical relations.Being a significant step (...)
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  24. Moral problems of educated citizenship in the context of philosophy of education.Andriy Shevchuk - 2025 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (2):162-172.
    The moral and ethical issues of forming an educated citizenry are quite rel­evant for Ukrainian society. The formation of civic consciousness on the basis of European values is in the problematic field of the philosophy of education, which is a methodological guideline for the formation of an individual’s worldview. In the article, an attempt is made to outline the conceptual and categorical appara­tus of educated citizenship; in particular, the meaning of the term “citizenship” is clarified. Citizenship is defined as (...)
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  25.  46
    The Note on the Humanities and Education.Theodor W. Adorno - 2019 - Філософія Освіти 24 (1):24-31.
    The article “The Note on the Humanities and Education” by the german social philosopher Theodor Adorno, a representative of the critical theory of society, was published in 1962. In this philosophical-educational work Theodor Adorno continued the preliminary theme of his critical consideration of the unity of the elements of the culture of the industrial-mass society, which contribute to establishment in social life of industrial-mass ideology as completely dominant. In his philosophical-educational works Theodor Adorno also carried out a critical attack on (...)
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  26.  35
    Quality of Worklife: A Human Values Approach.Tanmoy Datta - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (2):135-145.
    In a deeper sense, quality of worklife (QWL) refers to the quality of life (QL) of individuals in their working organizations—commercial, educational, cultural, religious, philanthropic or whatever they are. Modern society is organizational society. Individuals spend much of their lives in organizations. Hence, the impor tance of QWL is unquestionable. It has an ideological core comprising the perceptual gap across individu als about the real connotation of QL as well as QWL. In addition to this ideological problem, the study of (...)
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  27.  24
    Factors of Formation of Human Dignity in the Moral Culture of the People.P. Kravchenko & M. Kostenko - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:66-78.
    The problem of the values of Ukrainian society is one of the most important and debatable problems in modern scientific discourse. This is due to the transition of our state from the traditional model of the state, in which there is authoritarianism, secrecy, to a socially oriented society and a democratic, open state.Accordingly, there is a change in values, which is an integral part of the existence of any society and state. To replace the Soviet system of declaration (...)
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  28.  10
    William James and Education.James W. Garrison, Ronald Podeschi & Eric Bredo - 2002
    William James and Education is a dynamic collection of original essays spotlighting William James as a role model for bringing philosophy to bear on the persistent issues of life and education. Using James's philosophical ideas, the contributors evade the polarization and superficiality that permeate the debate around such educational issues as standards versus diversity, cultural consensus versus multiculturalism, religion versus science, and individual freedom versus social determinism. The result is a synthetic collection of essays offering original, unique, and useful insights. (...)
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  29.  62
    Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World (review).Marwood Larson-Harris - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing WorldMarwood Larson-HarrisConflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World. By Sulak Sivaraksa. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005. 145 pp.Sulak Sivaraksa's Conflict, Culture, Change is a useful if uneven collection of essays that touch on many of the basic aspects of Engaged Buddhism. The book does not make an original contribution to the field, yet it serves as a good introduction (...)
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  30. Inclusive organizational culture as a culture of diversity acceptance and mutual understanding.Anna Shutaleva - 2019 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 41 (5):373-385.
    The relevance of the study is the need to reform the educational environment based on the values of inclusion to ensure the accessibility of quality education for all people. The purpose of the study is to justify the need an inclusive culture formation as a culture of acceptance of diversity and mutual understanding. The research problem is the lack of development of an inclusive organizational culture is a barrier to ensuring the availability of quality education in a variety of (...)
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    Martabat Tembung Wali of Sunan Gunung Jati: As the value of religious humanism for the people of Cirebon.Linda E. Pradita, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Kundharu Saddhono & Muhammad Rohmadi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):5.
    This study discusses the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati as the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati are still tightly grasped by the people of Cirebon from ancient times to the present, namely martabat tembung wali because they contain moral teachings and noble cultural values. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati have the concept of religious humanism as a form of history. The concept of religious humanism (...)
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  32.  8
    Values, Education and the Human World: Essays on Education, Culture, Politics, Religion and Science.John Haldane (ed.) - 2004 - Imprint Academic.
    The essays in this book consist of revised versions of Victor Cook Memorial Lectures delivered in the universities of St. Andrews, London, Cambridge, Aberdeen, Oxford, Glasgow and Leeds.
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  33. Educational Potential of Young People in Serbia for Religious Dialogue and Tolerance.R. Jovan Bazić & D. Bojana Sekulić - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):19-32.
    Institutional education of young people for religious dialogue and tolerance inthe Republic of Serbia began with the introduction of optional teaching subjects ReligiousEducation and Civic Education in primary and secondary schools in 2001. At the sametime, a radical reform of the educational system was started in accordance with neoliberalideological principles and development strategies. Explicit and hidden religious andpolitical contents can also be observed in many other teaching subjects that have undergonereform changes in teaching contents, especially in primary education. Religiouseducation is (...)
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  34.  21
    Cultivating Community-Responsive Future Healthcare Professionals: Using Service-Learning in Pre-Health Humanities Education.Casey Kayser - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (4):385-395.
    This essay argues that service-learning pedagogy is an important tool in pre-health humanities education that provides benefits to the community and produces more compassionate, culturally competent, and community-responsive future healthcare professionals. Further, beginning this approach at the baccalaureate level instills democratic and collaborative values at an earlier, crucial time in the career socialization process. The discussion focuses on learning outcomes and reciprocity between the university and community in a Medical Humanities course for junior and senior premedical students, an elective (...)
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    Humanistic effects of the value synergy of religious ethical ideas: the methodological platform and applied horizons.Oleksandr Brodetsky - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:13-25.
    . The article substantiates the relevance of complex researches aimed at expert understanding of the humanistic potential of ethical ideas of different religious traditions and clarifying the conditions of their effectiveness in modern reality. Methodological guidelines for such studies are Kant's ethicotheology; ethical doctrine of N. Hartmann; Berdyaev's ethics of creativity; E.Fromm’s demarcation of the foundations of authoritarian and humanistic religiosity; D.Ikeda's ideas about the primacy of cultural dialogue of religions over their dogmatic or corporate isolationism. The author models the (...)
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  36. HOW THE IDEA OF CHANGE HAS MEDDLED WITH AFRICAN CULTURAL PRACTICES AND THE AFRICAN.Ovett Nwosimiri - 2022 - Arumaruka: Journal of Conversational Thinking 2 (1):24-46.
    The idea of change seems to be a vital part of human life and culture. With the concept of change, people, communities, and cultural practices have significantly evolved. Change has transformed some communities, traditions, cultural values and practices, communication methods, education, art, and literature. Thus, in this paper, I focus on the idea of change, African cultural practices, and the African sense of community. I aim to show how the concept of change has meddled with African cultural practices and (...)
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    Adaptation of the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure to Turkish Culture.Ali Baltaci & Mehmet Kamil Coşkun - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):415-439.
    The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for determining students' spiritual health and life orientation. For this purpose, the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) inventory developed by Fisher (2010) is adapted to Turkish. The adaptation study was carried out on 1591 high school students in three study groups studying in Ankara and Muş. The original English measure consisting of four dimensions and twenty items was translated into Turkish, factor analysis, validity and reliability (...)
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    Research on the Status of Intangible Cultural Heritage Bearers in the Human Capital Perspective.Jing Zhao, Zhong Wang, Chenyu Wang, Liming Han, Yaohui Ruan, Zhounan Huangfu, Shuai Zhou & Lei Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Culture is the bloodline of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. Intangible cultural heritage belongs to the field of culture, and the transmission of ICH is a kind of human-based cultural transmission, which is the shaping of people’s morality, character, sentiment, will, ideals and beliefs, value orientation, humanistic cultivation, artistic taste, way of thinking, wisdom, and ability in the practice of production and life of various ethnic groups. Based on the status acquisition model, this study analyzed the (...)
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    (1 other version)Art Education and the World of Life: Michel Henry on the Cultural Value of Art.Max Schaefer - 2024 - Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):314-331.
  40.  20
    Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values: Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology.Leila Ahmed - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):371-387.
    The paper "Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values related to the Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology" examines the complex interplay of ethical concerns about the environment, cultural viewpoints, and human values. This research explores eco-axiology, the philosophical study of values in connection to the natural world, observing at how moral precepts influence how people interact with the natural world. For measuring, the research study used SPSS software and generated results, including descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test analysis, which also (...)
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    The eternal flower of the child: The recognition of childhood in Zeami’s educational theory of Noh theatre.Karsten Kenklies - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (12):1227-1236.
    European theorists of childhood still tend to locate the first positive acknowledgements of childhood as a human developmental period in its own positive right between the 16th and 18th century in Europe. Even though the findings of Ariès have been constantly challenged, it still remains a commonplace, especially within the history of education, to refer to Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the 18th century as one of the earliest and most prominent conceptualisers of childhood as a positive period that must not be (...)
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  42.  12
    Education as a Way of Human Existence in a Postmodern Society.Volodymyr Bekh, Viktor Vashkevych, Alla Kravchenko, Alla Yaroshenko, Valerii Akopian & Tetiana Antonenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):01-14.
    Without exaggeration, learning problems are among the most complex and most controversial not only in pedagogical and philosophical science but also in other scientific areas. We are talking about the philosophy of education as a general paradigm of the organization and content of all that knowledge - scientific and non-scientific - that we pass on to pupils and students through education, about worldview values that are brought up, merged in the process of educational and educational activities, the certainty of (...)
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    How the Idea of Change has Meddled with African Cultural Practices and the African Sense of Community.Ovett Nwosimiri - 2022 - Arụmarụka 2 (1):23-45.
    The idea of change seems to be a vital part of human life and culture. With the concept of change, people, communities, and cultural practices have significantly evolved. Change has transformed some communities, traditions, cultural values and practices, communication methods, education, art, and literature. Thus, in this paper, I focus on the idea of change, African cultural practices, and the African sense of community. I aim to show how the concept of change has meddled with African cultural practices and (...)
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  44. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MORALITY IN HUMAN LIFE: AN OVERVIEW.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2014 - Milestone Education Review 5 (01):25-35.
    Presently philosophers, social theorists, educationists and legal scholars are busy with issues of contemporary importance such as affirmative actions, animal’s rights, capital punishment, cloning, euthanasia, immigration, pornography, privacy in civil society, values in nature, human rights, cultural values and world hunger etc. Since ancient time ethics is one of the most important part of philosophical speculations and human development. The development of morality comes under three stages viz. intrinsic morality, customary morality and reflective morality. Intrinsic morality has traditionally (...)
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  45.  16
    Democracy, culture and human development in John Dewey and Martha Nussbaum.Chinedu Vincent Ezeanochie - 2021 - Roma: G&BPress.
    This work is an attempt to contribute on the perennial question, how community life should be organized for human beings to achieve their basic aspirations of development? Drawing from the thoughts of Dewey and Nussbaum, this work offers democracy as a superior form of social organization. Democracy is superior not because it serves the interest of the majority but because of the values promoted by democracy which include but not limited to freedom, equality, interaction and deliberation. However, given that (...)
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    Representation of cultural values in Tempuutn Senarikng of Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribes.Nina Queena H. Putri, Andayani Andayani & Nugraheni E. Wardani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Tempuutn Senarikng is one Indonesian mythical folklore telling the origins of humans in the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribal communities. This research aims to represent the cultural values in Tempuutn Senarikng. This study is qualitative research using an ethnographic approach and interactive model data analysis techniques. The results show that Tempuutn Senarikng contains cultural values of the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribal communities explaining that (1) the nature of the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung people’s life is to try (...)
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    The aesthetics of asian art: The study of montien boonma in the undergraduate education classroom.Mary Ann Maslak - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (2):67-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Aesthetics of Asian Art:The Study of Montien Boonma in the Undergraduate Education ClassroomMary Ann Maslak (bio)John Dewey, in his Experience and Nature, expounds on the developmental nature of human experience premised on the concept of qualitative propinquity—the integration and harmonization with the environment exemplifies the essence of experience. This principal line of reasoning shapes his fundamental argument in Art as Experience, one of Dewey's most significant educational works (...)
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    Higher education for the people: critical contemplative methods of liberatory practice.Maryann Krikorian (ed.) - 2022 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,.
    This monograph aims to uncover value-belief-systems underlying dominant narratives in modern IHEs, impacting the lives of many multidimensional adult learners. To do so, Eurocentrism and neoliberalism are used to analyze the socio-cultural-political movements of the U.S. and its influence on higher education trends. Then, models of adult consciousness and transformative approaches to adult learning are introduced to problematize dominant narratives and make the case for more complex epistemologies. With critical contemplation, acts of compassion for interdependence, self-compassion for intentionality, authentic relationships (...)
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    Church and Liberal Healthcare: Need of Spiritual and Moral Education for Healthcare Workers.Dmitry V. Mikhel & Михель Дмитрий Викторович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):740-756.
    The increased attention of the Orthodox Church to issues of medical education in our country was the result of the fact that in the 1990s it once again became one of the most active forces in our society. The connection between the church and the medical community, which goes back to a time when the doctoring of the mind and bodily health was in fact the work of the same people, cannot leave the church indifferent to the professional formation of (...)
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    The Impact of Veritatis Splendor on Catholic Education at the University and Secondary Levels.Cardinal Pio Laghi - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (1):1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE IMPACT OF VER/TATIS SPLENDOR ON CATHOLIC EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY AND SECONDARY LEVELS* CARDINAL PIO LAGHI Prefect of the Sacred Congregationfor Catholic Education INTRODUCTION T HE TOPIC which has been proposed to me, "The Impact of Veritatis Splendor on Catholic Education at the University and Secondary Levels,'' requires a note of clarification with regard to the word impact. When this Encyclical Letter of Pope John Paul II appeared, (...)
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