Results for 'international organisations'

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  1.  14
    An international Organisation under the German occupation: the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.Céline Fellag Ariouet - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 27:87-128.
    Le Bureau international des poids et mesures fait partie en 1940 des quelques organisations intergouvernementales dont le siège est en zone occupée. Pendant toute la durée de la guerre, il est soumis à la pression du Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich (MbF), le commandement militaire allemand, et entretient des relations continues avec le gouvernement de Vichy et de nombreuses institutions françaises. Cette contribution a pour ambition d’apporter une vue d’ensemble sur l’histoire de cette organisation sous l’Occupation en analysant son fonctionnement (...)
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    The Notion of Disability in Selected Documents of International Organisations.Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):77-99.
    The paper focuses on the notion of disability in the documents of selected international organisations. The social model approach to disability has been implemented since the second half of the 20th century and consequently such terms as ‘invalid’, ‘madman’, ‘dumb’, ‘cripple’, ‘paralytic’, ‘the lame’ or ‘the blind’ were removed from the literature, legal acts, or documents of international organisations. Notions like ‘disability’, ‘disabled person’, or ‘a person with disability’ are considered ‘politically correct’ now. It is worth (...)
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    Opening the World Bank: international organisations and the contradictions of global capitalism.Marcus Taylor - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (1):153-170.
  4. Logic as an internal organisation of language.Boris Čulina - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1):62-71.
    Contemporary semantic description of logic is based on the ontology of all possible interpretations, an insufficiently clear metaphysical concept. In this article, logic is described as the internal organization of language. Logical concepts -- logical constants, logical truths, and logical consequence -- are defined using the internal syntactic and semantic structure of language. For a first-order language, it has been shown that its logical constants are connectives and a certain type of quantifiers for which the universal and existential quantifiers form (...)
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    La Science de la logique au miroir de l'identité: actes du colloque international organisé à l'occasion du bicentenaire de la Science de la logique de Hegel en mai 2013 à Louvain-La-Neuve et à Poitiers.Gilbert Gérard & Bernard Mabille (eds.) - 2017 - Louvain: Peeters.
    Ce volume contient les actes d'un double colloque qui s'est tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve et a Poitiers en mai 2013 pour celebrer le bicentenaire de la Science de la logique de Hegel et qui a reuni quelques-uns des meilleurs specialistes internationaux du philosophe allemand. La thematique autour de laquelle s'organise la reflexion est celle de l'identite: la logique speculative de Hegel, pivot du systeme tout entier, est-elle en fin de compte foncierement identitaire, une fabrique d'identite, ne creusant la difference que pour (...)
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    Games of Truth in the Age of Transparency: International Organisations and the Construction of Corruption.Roan Alexander Snyman - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):83-96.
    AbstractCorruption is one of the most intractable problems that the world is faced with and its reported impact is widespread and pervasive. Since the mid-1990s, international efforts to combat this problem expanded significantly, driven by the involvement governments, international financial institutions and non-governmental organisations. The objective of this article is to use Michel Foucault’s work in a critical analysis of the international fight against corruption. This analysis is centred on Foucault’s concept of governmentality, as well as (...)
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  7. Ventriloquism in Geneva : the league of nations as international organisation.Megan Donaldson - 2021 - In Annabel S. Brett, Megan Donaldson & Martti Koskenniemi (eds.), History, politics, law: thinking internationally. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Mérites et limites des méthodes logiques en philosophie: colloque international organisé par la Fondation Singer-Polignac en juin 1984.Jules Vuillemin (ed.) - 1986 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Bergson professeur: actes du colloque international organisé par Alain Panero, Sylvain Matton & Mireille Delbraccio (Paris, École Normale Supérieure, 22-24 novembre 2010).Alain Panero, Sylvain Matton & Mireille Delbraccio (eds.) - 2014 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
    Bergson Professeur rassemble les actes d'un colloque international qui s'est tenu a Paris, a l'Ecole Normale Superieure, en novembre 2010. On y trouve les contributions des meilleurs bergsoniens contemporains sur un theme habituellement peu traite : le role exact des cours de Bergson et des notes de cours relativement a ses ouvrages publies. Ce volume vient ainsi combler un manque dans les publications academiques sur Bergson, puisqu'il permet de restituer, dans le sillage des travaux engages il y a deux (...)
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  10. Ars et ratio: sciences, art et métiers dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine: actes du colloque international organisé à Créteil, Fontenay et Paris du 16 au 18 octobre 1997.Carlos Lévy, Bernard Besnier & Alain Gigandet (eds.) - 2003 - Bruxelles: Latomus.
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  11. Multiple Averroès: actes du Colloque international organisé à l'occasion du 850e anniversaire de la naissance d'Averroès, Paris 20-23 septembre 1976.Jean Jolivet (ed.) - 1978 - Paris: Belles Lettres.
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  12.  15
    Une organisation internationale à l’heure allemande : le Bureau international des poids et mesures sous l’Occupation.Céline Fellag Ariouet - forthcoming - Philosophia Scientiae:87-128.
    Le Bureau international des poids et mesures fait partie en 1940 des quelques organisations intergouvernementales dont le siège est en zone occupée. Pendant toute la durée de la guerre, il est soumis à la pression du _Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich_ (MbF), le commandement militaire allemand, et entretient des relations continues avec le gouvernement de Vichy et de nombreuses institutions françaises. Cette contribution a pour ambition d’apporter une vue d’ensemble sur l’histoire de cette organisation sous l’Occupation en analysant son fonctionnement (...)
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  13.  39
    The boscoreale paintings. A. barbet, A. verbanck-piérard la Villa romaine de boscoreale et ses fresques. Volume I: Description Des panneaux et restitution du décor. Volume II: Actes du colloque international organisé du 21 au 23 avril 2010 aux musées royaux d'art et d'histoire de bruxelles et au musée Royal de mariemont. Pp. 107 + 419, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour pls. Arles/morlanwelz: Éditions errance/musée Royal de mariemont, 2013. Paper, €69. Isbn: 978-2-87772-469-2. [REVIEW]Roger Ling - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):581-582.
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    Lexiques et glossaires philosophiques de la renaissance: actes du colloque international organisé à Rome par l'Academia Belgica en collaboration avec le projet des "Corrispondenze scientifiche, letterarie ed erudite dal rinascimento all'età moderna", l'Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" et la Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales (F.I.D.E.M.), Academia Belgica, 3-4 novembre 2000.Jacqueline Hamesse & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 2003 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
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    Jean d'Alembert, savant et philosophe: portrait à plusieurs voix : actes du Colloque organisé par Centre international de synthèse, Fondation pour la science, Paris, 15-18 juin 1983.Pierre Monzani, Monique Emery, Jacques Roger & Centre International de Synthèse - 1989 - Archives contemporaines Editions.
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  16. Multiple Averroès: actes du Colloque international organisé à l'occasion du 850e anniversaire de la naissance d'Averroès, Paris 20-23 septembre 1976.Jean Jolivet (ed.) - 1978 - Paris: Belles Lettres.
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  17.  42
    International development: exploring the gap between organisations’ development policy and practice—a Southern perspective. [REVIEW]Denis Dennehy, Mike Fitzgibbon & Fergal Carton - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):221-230.
    International development policies inevitably encounter a conflict in their implementation, representing the gap between universal goals and grass-roots practice. The aim of this study was to explore and understand the significance of this gap, and to apply knowledge management principles as a lens to suggest bridging solutions. The research focuses on non-governmental organisations, which are a sub-section of the civil society. The study was unique as it took a Southern perspective—the views and experiences of policy-makers, practitioners and beneficiaries (...)
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  18. Histoire des Sciences Et Psychogenèse Actes du 4e Cours Avancé Organisé Par la Fondation Archives Jean Piaget En Collaboration Avec le Centre International d'Épistémologie Génétique À l'Université de Genève du 21 au 25 Juin 1982 = History of Science and Psychogenesis.Rolando Garcia, Fondation Archives Jean Piaget & Centre International D'épistémologie Génétique - 1983 - Fondation Archives Jean Piaget.
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    Plural Views, Common Purpose: On How to Address Moral Failure by International Political Organisations.Lynn Dobson - 2008 - Journal of International Political Theory 4 (1):34-54.
    International organisations are actors capable of bearing moral responsibilities and ought to be accountable for their failures in doing so. However, we should understand these responsibilities and respond to their failures in the light of fuller considerations about morality and the common good. The article argues that the international community should ensure victims are attended to, but also that defaulting institutions may themselves need rehabilitation for different kinds of international common purposes to be achievable. Further, the (...)
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    Ars et ratio: sciences, art et métiers dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine: actes du colloque international organisé à Créteil, Fontenay et Paris du 16 au 18 octobre 1997.Carlos Lévy, Bernard Besnier & Alain Gigandet (eds.) - 2003 - Bruxelles: Latomus.
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    National Surveys and Organised International Comparisons - The Practical Building Blocks of National Medical Professions.Godelieve van Heteren - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (3):247-252.
    In this third article on the role of international comparative practices in the formation of national health care systems I discuss a familiar group of systems-builders--medical professional organisations--and so focus on some early comparisons undertaken by organised groups of doctors. So far in this series I have argued that any attempt to make international comparisons--whether in the 19th-century or today--is bound to be based on a 'characteristically national' understanding. Not infrequently such an understanding finds its clearest expression (...)
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  22.  33
    Organisational Economics and the Evolution of a New Management Science.Kevin P. Christ - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (1):79-94.
    This paper reviews the origins of organisational economics and critically examines its influence on business-school scholarship and pedagogy in the eighties and nineties and argues three points. First, it is useful to analyse the infiltration of economic ideas about internal organisation of firms into organisational science within the context of the methodology of scientific research programmes. Second, the adoption by management theorists of organisational economics as part of a new science of organisations represented a significant change in research style (...)
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  23. “Society is Out There, Organisation is in Here”: On the Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Held by Different Managerial Groups.James A. H. S. Hine & Lutz Preuss - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):381-393.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant managerial concept, yet the manager as an agent of corporate bureaucracy has been substantially missing from both the analytical and conceptual literature dealing with CSR. This article, which is both interpretative in nature and specific in reference to the U.K. cultural context, represents an attempt at addressing this lacuna by utilising qualitative data to explore the perceptions of managers working in corporations with developed CSR programmes. Exploring managerial perceptions of motives for (...)
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  24.  16
    The International Labor Organisation. [REVIEW]Hans Fehlinger - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (2):300-301.
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    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine: artist and organiser's note.Muna Al-Jawad - 2013 - Medical Humanities 39 (2):145-146.
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    A Comparative Analysis of the Vision and Mission Statements of International Environmental Organisations.Claudio Campagna & Teresita FernÁNdez - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (3):369-398.
    The vision and mission statements of 24 environmental organisations were analysed under the premise that the language used in these statements reflects and influences the priorities of their operation. A dominant perspective, hinging on the concept of 'sustainable development', merged the profile of government agencies and non-governmental groups. The language reflected an utilitarian ethics: the environment was more generally portrayed as resources than as nature. Aesthetic remarks were exceptional, even among groups focusing on wildlife. Despite a broadly claimed link (...)
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  27.  39
    Conflits de valeurs internes aux sujets et aux organisations.Pierre Ancet - 2017 - Rue Descartes 91 (1):106-118.
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    Concepts and Transformation: The International Journal of Action Research and Organisational Renewal. [REVIEW]Richard Ennals - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (3):293-296.
  29.  15
    Woman Into Citizen: The World Movement Towards the Emancipation of Women in the Twentieth Century with Accounts of the Contributions of the International Alliance of Women, the League of Nations and the Relevant Organisations of the United Nations.Arnold Whittick - 1979
    Monograph on the historical evolution of women's rights from 1902 to 1978 - describes various campaigns for achieving civil rights for women, rights for political participation, equal opportunities for the woman worker, etc., and considers the contributions made to the emancipation of women by the international alliance of women (interest group), the League of Nations, the UN (role of UN) and other international organizations, the international women's year, etc. ILO mentioned. Bibliography pp. 312 to 314, chronology of (...)
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  30.  4
    Actes du Colloque International sur les Techniques de laboratoire dans l’étude des Manuscrits organisé dans le cadlre des colloquies internatiuniaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique à Paris du 13 au 15 septembre 1972, Paris, Ed. du C.N.R.S., 1974, 21 × 27, 270,p., ill. [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1977 - Revue de Synthèse 98 (85-86):178-179.
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    Impacts of accountability, integrity, and internal control on organisational value creation: evidence from Malaysian government linked companies.Jamaliah Said, Md Mahmudul Alam, Nurazwani Binti Mat Radzi & Mohamad Hafiz Rosli - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (2):206.
    Credible and well-functioning governance is crucial for the value creation of firms. Recently, private sectors have undergone substantial changes by focusing on good governance as a tool to enhance value, reputation, and image. The primary features of firms with good governance include greater emphasis on accountability practices, proper implementation of a corporate integrity system, and sound internal controls in place to avoid risk and to ensure policy and procedures that are complied. Government linked companies (GLCs) as the backbone of the (...)
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  32. Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Ratio (4):327-340.
    This paper critically revises the organisational account of teleology, which argues that living systems are first and foremost oriented towards a goal: maintaining their own conditions of existence. It points out some limitations of this account, mainly in the capability to account for the richness and complexity of biological systems and their purposeful behaviours. It identifies the reason of these limitations in the theoretical grounding of this account, specifically in the too narrow notion of closure of constraints, focused on self-production. (...)
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    Organisational Change and the Institutionalisation of University Patenting Activity in Italy.Nicola Baldini, Riccardo Fini, Rosa Grimaldi & Maurizio Sobrero - 2014 - Minerva 52 (1):27-53.
    As universities are increasingly called by their national governments for a more entrepreneurial management of public research results, they started to develop internal structures and policies to take a proactive role in the commercialisation of university research. For the first time, this paper presents a detailed chronicle of how country-level reforms on Intellectual Property Rights were translated into organisation-level mechanisms to regulate university-patenting activity. The analysis is based on the complete list of patent policies issued between 1993 and 2009 by (...)
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  34.  12
    Internationalization of Law: Globalization, International Law and Complexity.Marcelo Dias Varella - 2014 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    The book provides an overview of how international law is today constructed through diverse macro and microprocesses that expand its traditional subjects and sources, with the attribution of sovereign capacity and power to the international plane (moving the international toward the national). Simultaneously, national laws approximate laws of other nations (moving among nations or moving the national toward the international), and new sources of legal norms emerge, independent of states and international organisations. This expansion (...)
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  35.  22
    Towards An Acronym for Organisational Ethics: Using a Quasi-person Model to Locate Responsible Agents in Collective Groups.David Ardagh - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):137-160.
    Organisational Ethics could be more effectively taught if organisational agency could be better distinguished from activity in other group entities, and defended against criticisms. Some criticisms come from the side of what is called “methodological individualism”. These critics argue that, strictly speaking, only individuals really exist and act, and organisations are not individuals, real things, or agents. Other criticisms come from fear of the possible use of alleged “corporate personhood” to argue for a possible radical expansion of corporate rights (...)
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  36.  47
    Quarantine, cholera, and international health spaces: Reflections on 19th‐century European sanitary regulations in the time of SARS‐CoV ‐2.Benoît Pouget - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):302-310.
    The current SARS-CoV-2 crisis raises questions about the challenges faced by nation states and international organisations in offering a coordinated international response to the pandemic, and reveals the great vulnerability of European countries, which are implementing lockdown measures and imposing restrictions on international travel, for the most part on a unilateral basis. Such measures run counter to the prevailing approach of the previous two centuries that developed an international public health space. This article examines the (...)
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  37.  42
    Organisational Niche-Construction and Stakeholder Analysis: Concepts and Implications.Tom Hench & Davide Secchi - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (3):47-64.
    A countless variety of stakeholder approaches are referenced by management scholars and practitioners, with theories on stakeholders divided into normative and descriptive categories and managerial and instrumental theories. This paper addresses the normative stakeholder approach and evaluates its strengths and weaknesses in the context of a new framework. We argue that stakeholder theory arose from a philosophical and scientific tradition where the object of scientific analysis was divided into constituent parts that made them easier to understand and to analyse. Although (...)
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    (1 other version)Understanding international diplomacy: theory, practice and ethics.Corneliu Bjola - 2013 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Markus Kornprobst.
    This book provides a comprehensive new introduction to the study of international diplomacy, covering both theory and practice. The text summarises and discusses the major trends in the field of diplomacy, developing an innovative analytical toolbox for understanding diplomacy not as a collection of practices or a set of historical traditions, but as a form of institutionalised communication through which authorised representatives produce, manage and distribute public goods. The book: traces the evolution of diplomacy from its beginnings in ancient (...)
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  39. Présentation d'éléments observables dans une communauté de recherche philosophique en action: De la classification à l'organisation; de la complexité interne à la complexité contextuelle; de la linéarité à l'itérativité.M. Gagnon & M. Sasseville - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH.
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    The Origins of the International Labor Organisation. [REVIEW]Andries Sternheim - 1935 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 4 (2):296-296.
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  41. La théologie de l'histoire : Révélation et histoire. Actes du Colloque organisé par le Centre international d'Etudes humanistes et l'Institut d'Etudes philosophiques de Rome, 1 vol.Enrico Castelli - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (2):245-247.
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    Organisations and Organising: Understanding and Applying Whitehead’s Processual Account.Mark R. Dibben - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 7 (2):13-24.
    Process physics2 is, like all physics, a model of reality. However, unlike traditional substance-based versions, process physics implements many process philosophical concepts, perhaps most notably, the notion of internal relations. It argues that the universe can best be understood in terms of selfreferential semantic information that is remarkably similar to mathematical stochastic neural networks research in biology. It argues that information patterns generate new information through causal efficacy and, ultimately, internal integration, generating self-organising patterns of relationships. These patterns or relations (...)
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  43. The standard-setting and supervisory system of the International Labour Organisation.Klaus Samson & Kenneth Schindler - 1999 - In Raija Hanski Markku Suksi (ed.), An Introduction to the International Protection of Human Rights. A Textbook. pp. 185--218.
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    Janusz Kuczyński—Initiator, Inspiring Force and Organiser of the International Universalism Movement.Józef Leszek Krakowiak - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):9-18.
    The paper presents Professor Janusz Kuczyński’s life as well as his intellectual and organizational activities, his achievements as a publisher and his efforts to establish an environment of followers of his special kind of universalism.
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    Organisational approaches to corporate governance: An empirical study on shareholder activism.Elias Bengtsson - 2007 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 3 (3):238-249.
    It has been argued amply that alternative theoretical approaches to the corporate governance phenomenon can be a valuable complement to the mainstream economic approach. However, such approaches are largely embryonic and empirical studies based on more organisationally oriented theory are few and geographically limited. The purpose of the present article is to discuss the value of organisationally oriented approaches to corporate governance as a complement to more traditional economic approaches. This is accomplished by discussing the findings of an empirical study (...)
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    Les organisations sanitaires internationales face à l'émergence de maladies infectieuses nouvelles.Bernardino Fantini - 1993 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 15 (3):435 - 457.
    Throughout history, international health collaboration gradually came into being to counteract the emergence of new diseases. This process went through five stages.:1) Quarantine regulations were established for maritime commerce to safeguard public health. 2) Scientific data were studied to understand the causes of infectious diseases and their modes of transmission; a single solution to the problem was not sufficient because of the diversities of the various factors triggering these diseases. Furthermore, defensive and protective measures adopted in Europe were inadequate (...)
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    Perception of Security Among the Members of Pro-Defense Organisations in Poland: A Comparison of 2018 and 2022.Wojciech Gizicki - 2022 - Filosofija. Sociologija 33 (4).
    The article aims to analyse the motivation and perception of security among the members of pro-defence organisations in Poland. The multidimensionality of threats and challenges in the area of national and international security necessitates the use of all forces and means. This also applies to using the potential, interest, and involvement of specific people within the state security system. In the case of Poland, a large role is played by numerous pro-defence organisations with many members, including young (...)
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    Communicated Accountability by Faith-Based Charity Organisations.Sofia Yasmin, Roszaini Haniffa & Mohammad Hudaib - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):103-123.
    The issue of communicated accountability is particularly important in Faith-Based Charity Organisations as the donated funds and use of those funds are often meant to fulfil religious obligations for the well-being of society. Integrating Stewart’s (1984) ladder of accountability with the Statement of Recommended Practice guidance for charities, this paper examines communicated accountability practices of Muslim and Christian Charity Organisations in England and Wales. Our content analysis results indicate communicated accountability to be generally limited, focusing on providing basic (...)
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    Les Pensées Métaphysiques de Spinoza: [Issu d'Un Colloque International, "Dieu Et l'Âme Dans les Pensées Métaphysiques de Spinoza,".Chantal Jaquet (ed.) - 2004 - Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
    Issu d'un colloque international organisé à l'Université Paris I, en janvier 2003, dans le cadre du Centre d'Histoire des Systèmes de Pensée Moderne, cet ouvrage consacré aux Pensées métaphysiques de Spinoza vise à ouvrir les ...
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    Building and restoring organisational trust.Graham Dietz - 2011 - London: Institute of Business Ethics. Edited by Nicole Gillespie.
    Understanding and managing trust is a critical competency for organisations that take their ethical values seriously. Organisations need to know how trust is won, developed and sustained, and also what to do when that trust is threatened or has broken down. This Report helps organisations understand what trust is and how it is established at the interpersonal and organisational level. It outlines strategies for building and sustaining a resilient reputation for organisational trustworthiness and, through the use of (...)
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