Results for 'interpretation of Faidh Ar-Rahmân'

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  1.  29
    The humanisation of women in the Tafsir Faidh Ar-Rahm'n by Kiai Saleh Darat.Yuyun Affandi, Agus Riyadi, Romlah Widayanti, Asep D. Abdullah, Kurnia Muhajarah & Nasitotul Janah - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):5.
    The dehumanisation of women has been recorded in world history. In religions one can easily find interpretations that tend to be discriminatory against women. This research aims to see the humanisation of women in the Tafsir Faidh Ar-Rahman by Kiai Sholeh Darat towards the position of women in Islam. This research is a library research. Data collection was done through documentation. Furthermore, the data were analysed qualitatively by a descriptive method. The results of the study showed that. The humanisation (...)
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  2.  46
    Les Étapes Mystiques du shaykh Abu SaʿidA Sufi Rule for Novices (Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn)The ṬawāsīnLes Etapes Mystiques du shaykh Abu SaidA Sufi Rule for Novices (Kitab Adab al-Muridin)The Tawasin.Hamid Algar, Mohammad Ebne Monawwar, Mohammad Achena, Abū al-Najīb al-Suhrawardī, Menahem Milson, Manṣūr al-Ḥallāj, Aisha Abd ar-Rahman at-Tarjumana, Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi & Mansur al-Hallaj - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):486.
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    A reading attempt of Bayramī Melāmī Sheikh Ḥuseyn-i Lāmekānī’s A Criticized Couplet About Tawhid With Tracts.Oğuzhan ŞAHİN - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):611-630.
    Ṣūfī people, as well as the ulema (ʿulemā), discussed the issue of how God (Ḥaḳḳ) surrounds the universe (ʿālem) and where the ʿarş (arsh / the ninth heaven) in which God ensconces himself exists. The Ṣūfī people supporting the unity of existence (Wahdat al-wujud) concept claim that God surrounds the universe by his own being and so that the ʿarş (arsh) is all the creation / created beings by God moreover they argued that people who rejected this idea could attribute (...)
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    The Unity of Science in the Islamic Tradition.Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri (eds.) - 2008 - Hal Ccsd.
    the demise of the logical positivism programme. The answers given to these qu- tions have deepened the already existing gap between philosophy and the history and practice of science. While the positivists argued for a spontaneous, steady and continuous growth of scientific knowledge the post-positivists make a strong case for a fundamental discontinuity in the development of science which can only be explained by extrascientific factors. The political, social and cultural environment, the argument goes on, determine both the questions and (...)
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    The grotesque knot of the symptom: Heterogeneity and mutability.Rahman Veisi Hasar - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):19-34.
    The present paper aims to shed light on some post-oedipal moments of the Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis. Going beyond the stereotypical opposition between the oedipal psychoanalysis and the anti-oedipal schizoanalysis, it endeavors to reinvestigate the semiotic nature of theknotenpunktand thesinthomeby applying some Deleuzian and Bakhtinian concepts. Thus, theknotenpunktis described as a grotesque knot bringing together some heterogeneous elements. The involved disparate components establish a rhizomatic multiplicity irreducible to a common determiner. As far as thesinthomeis concerned, it is also illustrated as a grotesque (...)
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  6.  10
    In Existence and in Nonexistence: Types, Tokens, and the Analysis of Dawarān as a Test for Causation.Shahid Young Rahman - 2022 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 22.
    Qiyās, or “correlational inference”, comprises a primary set of methodological tools recognized by a majority of premodern Sunnī jurists. Its elements, valid modes, and proper applications were the focus of continual argument and refinement. A particular area of debate was the methodology of determining or justifying the ʿilla: the legal cause giving rise to a ruling in God’s Law. This was most often discussed under the rubric of “the modes of causal justification”. Among these modes was the much debated test (...)
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    What Follows from the Impossible: Everything or Nothing? (An Interpretation of the ‘Avranches Text’ and the Ars Meliduna).Wolfgang Lenzen - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (4):309-331.
    One of the main controversies of the Logic Schools of the 12th century centered on the question: What follows from the impossible? In this paper arguments for two diametrically opposed positions are examined. The author of the ‘Avranches Text’ who probably belonged to the school of the Parvipontani defended the view that from an impossible proposition everything follows (‘Ex impossibili quodlibet’). In particular he developed a proof to show that by means of so-called ‘disjunctive syllogism’ any arbitrary proposition B can (...)
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    A dialogical frame for fictions as hypothetical objects.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
    Recent work on the development of a dialogical approach to the logic of fiction stresses the notion of existence as choice. Moreover, this approach to existence has been combined with the notion of ontological dependence as deployed by A. Thomasson’s artifactual theory of fiction. In order to implement such a combination within the dialogical frame several predicates of ontological dependence have been defined. However, the definition of such predicates seems to lean on a model-theoretic semantics for modal logic after all. (...)
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  9.  35
    Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action A Dialogical Study.Shahid Rahman, Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe Conaughey & Juan Redmond - unknown
    PREFACEProf. Göran Sundholm of Leiden University inspired the group of Logic at Lille and Valparaíso to start a fundamental review of the dialogical conception of logic by linking it to constructive type logic. One of Sundholm's insights was that inference can be seen as involving an implicit interlocutor. This led to several investigations aimed at exploring the consequences of joining winning strategies to the proof-theoretical conception of meaning. The leading idea is, roughly, that while introduction rules lay down the conditions (...)
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  10.  28
    Um quadro dialógico para ficções como objetos hipotéticos.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
    Recent work on the development of a dialogical approach to the logic of fiction stresses the notion of existence as choice. Moreover, this approach to existence has been combined with the notion of ontolog-ical dependence as deployed by A. Thomasson’s artifactual theory of fiction. In order to implement such a combination within the dialogical frame several predicates of ontological dependence have been de-fined. However, the definition of such predicates seems to lean on a model-theoretic semantics for mod-al logic after all. (...)
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  11.  17
    Law and its Absent Addressee: Towards the Semiotics of Sharia.Rahman Veisi Hasar - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2397-2427.
    The crux of the present paper is that Fiqh can be considered as a religious apparatus mediating between the spheres of divine addressivity and Sharia performativity. The former may manifest itself as the addressing of a spectral prophetic figure or the hidden Imām; however, the latter may emerge in the form of a responsive-performative discourse characterized paradoxically by the autonomy of ontology, heteronomy of force and pen-ultimacy of statements. By fabricating a sacred archive, establishing some hermeneutical devices (generative and interpretative), (...)
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  12.  24
    Objective Knowledge and the not Dispensability of Epistemic Subjects. Some remarks on Popper's notion of objective knowledge.Shahid Rahman, Juan Redmond & Nicolas Clerbout - unknown
    While discussing his notion of objective knowledge Popper introduces the idea of dispensability of knowing subjects, the autonomy of knowledge and the argumentative function of language. The main claim of our paper is that, on our view, objective knowledge produced by argumentative interaction is not achieved by dispensing knowing subjects but by differentiating between the play and the strategic levels of argumentation, where a distinction should be drawn between a particular concrete knowing subject engaged in that interaction, say Karl, and (...)
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    Dans l'existence et dans l'inexistence : types, instances et l'analyse de Dawarān comme test de causalité.Shahid Rahman & Walter Edward Young - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    Qiyās, or “correlational inference” (often glossed as “analogy”), comprises a primary set of methodological tools recognized by a majority of premodern Sunnī jurists. Its elements, valid modes, and proper applications were the focus of continual argument and refinement. A particular area of debate was the methodology of determining or justifying the ʿilla: the legal cause (or occasioning factor, or ratio legis) giving rise to a ruling in God’s Law. This was most often discussed (and disputed) under the rubric of “the (...)
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  14. Towards a semantics for the artifactual theory of fiction and beyond.Matthieu Fontaine & Shahid Rahman - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):499-516.
    In her book Fiction and Metaphysics (1999) Amie Thomasson, influenced by the work of Roman Ingarden, develops a phenomenological approach to fictional entities in order to explain how non-fictional entities can be referred to intrafictionally and transfictionally, for example in the context of literary interpretation. As our starting point we take Thomasson’s realist theory of literary fictional objects, according to which such objects actually exist, albeit as abstract and artifactual entities. Thomasson’s approach relies heavily on the notion of ontological (...)
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  15.  83
    Fiction, Creation and Fictionality : An Overview.Matthieu Fontaine & Shahid Rahman - 2010 - Methodos 10:1-75.
    La réflexion philosophique sur la non-existence est une thématique qui a été abordée au commencement même de la philosophie et qui suscite, depuis la publication en 1905 de « On Denoting » par Russell, les plus vifs débats en philosophie analytique. Cependant, le débat féroce sur la sémantique des noms propres et des descriptions définies qui surgirent suite à la publication du « On Referring » par Strawson en 1950 n’engagea pas d’étude systématique de la sémantique des fictions. En fait, (...)
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  16.  18
    (1 other version)Parallel Reasoning by Ratio Legis in Contemporary Jurisprudence. Elements for a Dialogical Approach.Maria Dolors Martinez Cazalla, Tania Menendez Martin & Shahid Rahman - unknown
    Nowadays, there is a quite considerable amount of literature on the use of analogy or more generally of inferences by parallel reasoning in contemporary legal reasoning, and particularly so within Common Law. These studies are often motivated by researches in artificial intelligence seeking to develop suitable software-support for legal reasoning. Recently; Rahman/Iqbal/Soufi (2020) developed a dialogical approach in the framework of Constructive Type Theory to what in Islamic Jurisprudence was called qiyās or correlational inferences. In their last chapter the authors (...)
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  17.  15
    INTRODUCTION. The Major Breakthrough in Scientific Practice.Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri - 2008 - In Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri (eds.), The Unity of Science in the Islamic Tradition. Hal Ccsd.
    Knowledge was a major issue in science and philosophy in the twentieth century. Its first irruption was in the heated controversy concerning the foundations of mathematics. To justify his rejection of the use of the actual infinite in mathematical reasoning, Brouwer has made the construction of mathematical objects dependent on the knowing subject. This approach was rejected by the mainstream of analytical philosophers who feared a fall into pyschologism. Several years later, the question of the progress of scientific knowledge was (...)
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  18.  15
    A Philosophical Exploration of the Humanities and Social Sciences.Giorgio Baruchello & Ársæll Már Arnarsson - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Humor has been praised by philosophers and poets as a balm to soothe the sorrows that outrageous fortune’s slings and arrows cause inevitably, if not incessantly, to each and every one of us. In mundane life, having a sense of humor is seen not only as a positive trait of character, but as a social prerequisite, without which a person’s career and mating prospects are severely diminished, if not annihilated. However, humor is much more than this, and so much else. (...)
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  19.  34
    Extended Frameworks for Extended Reality: Ethical Considerations.Michael B. Burns, Gina Lebkuecher, Sophia Rahman, Maya Roytman, Sydney Samoska & Joseph Vukov - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (3):171-173.
    David Chalmers (2022) argues that reality as we encounter it in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is just as real as the everyday physical world. We may not agree with Chalmers’s prop...
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  20. Carnap's Problem: What is it Like to be a Normal Interpretation of Classical Logic?Arnold Koslow - 2010 - Abstracta 6 (1):117-135.
    Carnap in the 1930s discovered that there were non-normal interpretations of classical logic - ones for which negation and conjunction are not truth-functional so that a statement and its negation could have the same truth value, and a disjunction of two false sentences could be true. Church ar-gued that this did not call for a revision of classical logic. More recent writers seem to disa-gree. We provide a definition of "non-normal interpretation" and argue that Church was right, and in (...)
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  21.  22
    Our transformative journey to become action researchers.Sigrid Marie Gjøtterud, Erling Krogh, Md Alamin, Trine Lund & Md Hafizur Rahman - 2021 - International Journal for Transformative Research 8 (1):9-19.
    During my (Hafiz) childhood in Bangladesh, I experienced the negative impact of the educational system. My experiences initiated a process of conscientization leading to values-driven activism through the establishment of Education for Development and Sustainability (EDS), a child-friendly community of practice, with Trine and Alamin. In encounters with Erling and Sigrid, we became aware that our activities were in accordance with action research based on cooperative inquiry (Heron & Reason, 2008). From that point of departure, we developed our own collaborative (...)
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  22.  5
    Qurān Recitations in Abū ʿAbdirraḥmān ʿAbdullāh b. Yaḥyā al-Yazīdī's Book – Ġarībü’l-Qurʾān and Tefsīruh.Adel Şatla - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):392-420.
    Quranic recitations have attracted great attention from scholars throughout the ages. The recording of Quranic recitations, whether in special works, tafsir or hadith works, began in the early periods of Islamic history. This study aims to introduce Ibn al-Yazidi, Abu Abdurrahman al-Yazidi (d. 237 AH) and to examine his approach to presenting and guiding Quranic recitations in his book “Gharib Al-Qur’an and Tafsir”. The Yazidi family is famous in the field of Quranic recitations. At the forefront comes Abu Muhammad Yahya (...)
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  23.  23
    A syntax of phenomena: William Stanley Jevons’s logic and philosophy of science as an ars combinatoria.Eleonora Buono - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (2):299-323.
    According to the nineteenth-century polymath William Stanley Jevons, natural phenomena were a series of combinations and permutations. The similarity between Jevons’s account and other instances of ars combinatoria has already been noticed, although this topic has never been extensively addressed in the literature. In this paper, I offer a novel interpretation of Jevons’s logic and philosophy of science as an art of combinations. Jevons’s position shall be compared with other theorizers in the ars combinatoria tradition. This study will show (...)
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  24.  24
    Fazlur Rahman’s Criticism of Kal'm in the Context Of Reconstructing of the Scien-ce of Kal'm.Saadet Altay - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):853-874.
    The science of Kalâm, expressed as Uṣûlü'd-dîn in Islamic thought, is a constructional science. This means that the science of Kalâm has a dynamic structure in social life as well as a theoretical beginning. Kalâm has played an important role in the implementation of the idea of tawhid and the justice-based life that will accompany it by taking into account the historical and geographical heritage of Muslim communities on how to understand the hopes of religion. It is known that the (...)
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  25.  13
    Natura, Ars, Historia. Anecdotic History of Art in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia Part I.Ágnes Darab - 2014 - Hermes 142 (2):206-224.
    The concluding five books (33-37) of Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia enumerate various types of metals and minerals together with how these materials can be used. This utilization especially in fine arts gives Pliny a chance to survey the history of art. The peculiar feature of this historical narrative can be spotted in the author’s strongly anecdotic presentation. The first part of “Natura, Ars, Historia” is devoted to a specification, an analysis and an interpretation of the anecdotic narratives found (...)
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    Fazlur Rahman and the Koran: the methodical research of the author’s intention.Selami Varlik - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’herméneutique coranique de Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988) repose sur la recherche méthodique du sens objectif du texte. Inspiré par l’herméneutique romantique, telle qu’on peut la trouver chez E. Betti et qui nécessite pour le lecteur d’établir un lien intérieur avec l’esprit de l’auteur, Rahman considère que c’est l’intention divine qui est garante de l’objectivité du sens du Coran. L’empathie avec l’auteur est rendue possible par une conception historique de la révélation, selon laquelle la parole, qui est amenée par un Esprit intérieur (...)
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  27.  17
    A non-fundamentalist return to origin: The new Islamic reformers’ methodology of (re)interpretation.Mohammad Rezaei - 2020 - Critical Research on Religion 8 (1):25-38.
    Focusing on some contemporary Islamic reformers’ solutions, in particular, Abolkarim Soroush, Mohsen Kadivar, and Fazlur Rahman, to concrete issues in Muslim societies, this article examines two different methodological strategies of alternative readings of the Sunna: an archeological one and a genealogical one. In the archeological perspective, the holy text has been considered as a repository of answers to all sorts of questions. Through a pathological analysis, this view suggests solutions to correct distortions and looks for new windows seeking an original (...)
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  28. Science and Religious Anthropology: A Spiritually Evocative Naturalist Interpretation of Human Life, by Wesley J. Wildman. [REVIEW]Charles Taliaferro - 2010 - Ars Disputandi 10.
  29.  13
    Interpretation des Heiligen, Interpretation des Rechts =.Martin Kriele & Manuel Atienza (eds.) - 1999 - Piscataway, NJ: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers.
    The hermeneutic path involved in the interpretation of law as well as in the interpretation of sacred texts, though peculiar, seems - as Emilio Betti pointed out - to share several things, most importantly the "normative" nature of interpretation. The 1999 issue of the Yearbook "Ars Interpretandi" accounts for the several and disparate relationships between these two important "regional hermeneutics".
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    The Art of Interpreting Art.Paul Barolsky - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):101-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Art of Interpreting Art PAUL BAROLSKY “The quality of the prose is just as important in nonfiction as in fiction.” —Robert Caro If as Horace famously wrote in the Ars poetica the aim of poetry is to instruct and delight, why shouldn’t the goal of all writing be the same? Why should all readers not enjoy as well as learn from what they read? In the realm of (...)
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  31. Eloquence of the breadth of meaning in the interpretation of speech.Suliman Alomirat - 2018 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 4 (2):658 - 682.
    This study deals with a linguistic phenomenon that has not been fully researched. This phenomenon was mentioned in some of the works of the bedî scholars who called it ittisâ (statements that can be interpreted in more than one meaning – provided that the vocabularies can express these interpretations – without any presence of any presumption in favour of any meaning, often out of the intention of the speaker. -/- Multiples interpretations used for many reasons, may be grammatical, word’s structure, (...)
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  32.  31
    Fath al-Rahīm al-Rahmān fī tafsīri āyat “inna Allāha yaʼmuru bil-ʻadli wa al-Ihsān” by Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Muḥammad al-Khaṭīb al-Shirbīnī al-Shāfi’ī a Study and Critical Edition.Zakir Aras - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):619-639.
    This study seeks to investigate the treatise of Abū al-Hasan b. Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Khatīb al-Shirbīnī al- Shāfiʻī (d. after 1028/1619) entitled Fatḥ al-Raḥīm al-Raḥmān fī tafsīr Āyat "inna Allāha yaʼmuru bi al-ʻadl wa al-iḥsān" based on the manuscript of the author. Shedding light on the translation of this unknown scholar, as it is evident from the title of the treatise that it contains the interpretation of this verse, which is well known among scholars and commentators as the (...)
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  33. Vi. deconstructive interpretations of semiosis.Deconstructive Interpretations Of Semiosis - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Guz̲ar az difāʻīyahʹgarāyī; bih sū-yi padīdārʹshināsī-i matn.Farāmarz Muʻtamid (ed.) - 2018 - Tihrān: Naqd-i Farhang.
    Religion -- Philosophy. ; Bible -- Islamic interpretations. ; Knowledge, Theory of (Religion).
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    Ars Adeo Latet(Ovid, Metamorphoses 10.252).Konstantine Panegyres - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):444-447.
    The problems recently detected in the famous words ars adeo latet arte sua (Ov. Met. 10.252) can be resolved if the line is repunctuated on the basis of an unjustly neglected interpretation put forward by Byzantine and Renaissance scholars.
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    Giordano Bruno and Ars memoriae.Aleksandar Ostojić - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (4):907-921.
    The relationship of tradition towards Bruno is twofold, and the analysis of this relationship will show that Bruno is interpreted either as a pioneer of new science or as a mystic, mage, and follower of hermetic tradition. Following these two viewpoints, Bruno’s ars memoriae will be interpreted either as a mere memory technique in the service of empirical science or as an occult, magical art. This paper aims to open up and analyse the ways by which we can approach and (...)
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    Retrieving the ars moriendi tradition.Carlo Leget - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (3):313-319.
    North Atlantic culture lacks a commonly shared view on dying well that helps the dying, their social environment and caregivers to determine their place and role, interpret death and deal with the process of ethical deliberation. What is lacking nowadays, however, has been part of Western culture in medieval times and was known as the ars moriendi (art of dying well) tradition. In this paper an updated version of this tradition is presented that meets the demands of present day secularized (...)
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  38. Archaeological Analysis of Arabic-Malay Translation Works of Abdullah Basmeih.Azman Ariffin, Kasyfullah Abd Kadir & Idris Mansor - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):785-805.
    Utusan Melayu Company, Qalam Press Company and the Department of Islamic Affairs, Prime Minister’s Department are the main contributors to the translation discipline of religious texts in Malaysia. Abdullah Basmeih has worked with these institutions as a translator. His purpose is to assist the translation of religious writings from Al-Muṣawwar magazine and multi-disciplinary religious texts, among them sīrah, stories of the Prophet’s companions, ʿaqīdah, ‘Ibādah, social and politics. Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih migrated to Singapore in 1939 and worked with Qalam Press (...)
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    The Fourfold Division of Opposition in Questions on Aristotle’s “Categories” by Benedict Hesse, Paul of Pyskowice and in the Oldest Cracow Commentary on the Categories Preserved in Cod. bj 1941.Monika Mansfeld - 2016 - Studia Neoaristotelica 13 (2):101-120.
    In the first half of the 15ᵗʰ century there was a coherent philosophical system of teaching at the Jagiellonian university, so-called ars vetus, concerning the interpretation of three treatises: Aristotle’s Categories and Hermeneutics and Porphyry’s Isagoge. The question-commentaries on the Categories that have been preserved in several manuscripts show astonishing similarity in solving individual problems – there are three copies of Benedict Hesse’s commentary and one copy of Paul of Pyskowice’s work, moreover, in BJ 1941 there is an anonymous (...)
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  40. Dimka Gitcheva.Bulgarian Interpretations Of Ancient - 2001 - Studies in Soviet Thought 53:75-109.
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  41. Alira ashvo-Munoz.Interpretation Of Destiny - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 335.
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    Historical roots of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s universal science.Natalia A. Osminskaya - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):165-179.
    This paper analyses different retrospective links between the scientia generalis by Leibniz and the three key traditions of the Renaissance and Early Modern Europe – the philosophical, the rhetorical and the encyclopaedic one. The issue demonstrates the insufficient charachter of the two influential interpretations of the idea of scientia generalis by Leibniz – as a project of elaborating a a method of mathematical calculations for non-mathematical subjects (L. Couturat, J. Mittelstraß, V. Peckhaus etc.) and as a project of an encyclopaedic (...)
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    The Struggle of Andalus Umayyad Caliph Hakam II against the Christian States in the North Andalus.Furkan Erbaş & Saim Yılmaz - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (60):61-86.
    From their founding to their collapse, the Andalusian Umayyads have been struggling with the Christian states which established in the north following Umayyads conquests of the region. During this long struggle period, the first name that ceased their progress and had authority over these states was Hakam II’s father Abd ar-Rahman III (300-350/912-961). The power provided by him continued in the periods of Hakam II (350-366/961-976) and Amirids (366-398/976-1008). In this process, Hakam II period was important because the obedience of (...)
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    The Argument of Na’t in Arabic Grammar (From Sibawayh to the Present).C. A. N. Süleyman - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1091-1122.
    Although Sibawayh dealt with it in a scattered manner under different headings there have been different views on na't (adjective), which is gene-rally included in the tawabi group in Arabic syntax, and there have been debates around these views. Na't, which is categorized as a proper adjective and qualifies the meaning of man'ut (mawsuf), has different characteristics from the sentence elements that indicate the subject. Nahiv scholars have mostly divided na't into two parts: real and causal na't, and they have (...)
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  45. Nietzsche's Critique of the Subject.Saulius Geniušas - 2008 - Žmogus ir Žodis 10:15-21.
    Šios analizės tikslas yra trilypis. Visų pirma, bandoma nustatyti pagrindinius Nietzsche’s subjekto kritikos aspektus. Visų antra, bandoma identifikuoti centrinę šios kritikos funkciją. Visų trečia, bandoma interpretuoti Nietzsche’s ginamą subjektą kaip kūnišką stimulų, instinktų, ir reikmių daugialypumą. Esėje parodoma, kad standartinis subjekto problematikos Nietzsche‘s kūriniuose svarstymas nėra adekvatus. Pasak tokio svarstymo, Nietzsche atsisako subjektyvistinių mąstymo kontūrų ir pakeičia juos radikaliai nauja paaiškinamąja schema. Esėje taip pat parodoma, kad Nietzsche niekad nesiekė pateisinti atomistinės ar anarchiškos subjekto sampratos. Nietzsche siekė suprasti subjektyvybę dvigubo (...)
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    Medieval Grammatical Theory and Chaucer's House of Fame.Martin Irvine - 1985 - Speculum 60 (4):850-876.
    In the House of Fame, Chaucer takes up the problem of the nature of traditional texts and suggests, with humor and skepticism, that literary discourse is reducible to a form of speech, spoken sounds inscribed in texts as a form of written memory perpetuated by the arbitrary institution of tradition. Lady Fame personifies this institution. Although many critics have considered the House of Fame to be a poem about poetry and the burden of the past, the key assumptions of medieval (...)
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    A Critical Approach to Views of Muhammad Hamîdullah regarding The location of Al-Aqsā Mosque.İsmail Altun - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):293-316.
    According to the consencus of Muslim world, al-Aqsā Mosque is located in the land of al-Quds (Jerusalem). In this matter, especially the old Sunnite sources are in agreement with each other. However, there are recently some different views regarding the location of al-Aqsā Mosque. It has been argued that al-Aqsā Mosque most likley was built in a location differnet from Jerusalem. One of the defenders of this opinion is Muhammad Hamīdullah, who is a prominent scholar of Islamic studies and considered (...)
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  48. Maska i myśl. Sobość a ars vivendi w myśli George'a Santayany [ Mask and thought: Self and ars vivendi in the thought of George Santayana].Katarzyna Kremplewska - 2014 - Analiza I Egzystencja 26.
    At the end of the 20 century, after a few decades of oblivion, the thought of George Santayana (1863–1952), a major figure of the so-called Golden Age of American Philosophy, reappeared as subject of academic interest. It is believed that Santayana’s originality within the intellectual milieu of the dominant at that time in Anglo-Saxon context pragmatist and analytical thought contributed to this delayed reception. This text, being part of a broader project, looks at the concept of „the self” emerging from (...)
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    Interpretation of Faces: A Cross-cultural Study of a Prediction from Fridlund's Theory.Michelle S. M. Yik - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (1):93-104.
  50. On the problem of individuaron.Maritain as an Interpreter Of Aquinas - 1996 - Sapientia 199:103.
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