Results for 'invariancia frente a inversión temporal'

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  1.  22
    Relevancia de la Invariancia Frente a Inversión Temporal Para la Flecha Del Tiempo.Olimpia Lombardi & Leonardo Vanni - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (44).
    En este artículo se argumenta que la existencia de leyes invariantes frente a inversión temporal no es condición indispensable para la existencia de la flecha del tiempo. Esta última puede definirse como una propiedad global y geométrica del espacio-tiempo que no se basa en consideraciones entrópicas ni requiere de la existencia de leyes no invariantes frente a la inversión temporal. A su vez, si el espacio-tiempo cumple ciertas condiciones, la flecha global se traslada a (...)
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    Temporal interference stimulation targeting right frontoparietal areas enhances working memory in healthy individuals.Yufeng Zhang, Zhining Zhou, Junhong Zhou, Zhenyu Qian, Jiaojiao Lü, Lu Li & Yu Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:918470.
    BackgroundTemporal interference (TI) stimulation is a novel technique that enables the non-invasive modulation of deep brain regions. However, the implementation of this technology in humans has not been well-characterized or examined, including its safety and feasibility.ObjectiveWe aimed to examine the feasibility, safety, and blinding of using TI on human participants in this pilot study.Materials and methodsIn a randomized, single-blinded, and sham-controlled pilot study, healthy young participants were randomly divided into four groups [TI and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) targeting the (...)
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    Temporal languages for epistemic programs.Joshua Sack - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (2):183-216.
    This paper adds temporal logic to public announcement logic (PAL) and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL). By adding a previous-time operator to PAL, we express in the language statements concerning the muddy children puzzle and sum and product. We also express a true statement that an agent’s beliefs about another agent’s knowledge flipped twice, and use a sound proof system to prove this statement. Adding a next-time operator to PAL, we provide formulas that express that belief revision does not take (...)
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    On Reversal of Temporality of Human Cognition and Dialectical Self.Suchoon Mo - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (1):37-46.
    In terms of temporality of logic, the relation between "before" and "after" is an inverse relation, as is the relation between intension and extension. Reversal of temporality of human cognition is accompanied by corresponding reversal between intension and extension. Such reversal is based on lateral reversal of brain hemisphere locus of time information. A similar inverse relation exists between self as subject and self as object. Extreme objectification of self is associated with brain hemisphere lateral reversal of time information, indicating (...)
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    El aspecto lógico del problema de marco y sus implicancias: razonamiento temporal y relevancia.María Inés Silenzi & Luis Gonzalo García García - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:69-90.
    Aunque el denominado problema de marco generó múltiples debates a finales del siglo pasado, aún es un problema fundamental para el avance en las Ciencias Cognitivas, en general, y para la Inteligencia Artificial, en particular. En este trabajo, y restringiéndonos al aspecto lógico del problema, postulamos que la discusión actual y subyacente a este aspecto gira en torno a cómo determinar lo que no cambia en términos de acciones y propiedades dentro de un sistema lógico formal. Es sobre este aspecto, (...)
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    La tercera persona: una propuesta antropológico-filosófica delimitada frente al planteamiento sociológico.Natalia S. García Pérez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):55-77.
    Frente al paradigma diádico preponderante en la teoría social, recientes propuestas reivindican la función del tercero. En estas teorías, el tercero personaliza el orden social normativo –surgido en la relación diádica– y atribuye empíricamente el reconocimiento como persona. Frente a este planteamiento empírico, proponemos un enfoque trascendental antropológico-filosófico, según el cual la estructura tri-posicional de las relaciones sociales constituye la condición de posibilidad de la cultura normativa y del modo de ser propio del hombre en cuanto que persona.
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    Tempus fugit, la fuga barroca frente a la crisis temporal contemporánea.Angélica Cabrera Torrecilla - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:99-107.
    El presente artículo propone un estudio comparativo de la idea de fuga presente en la época del Barroco, como una herramienta crítica capaz de afrontar la crisis temporal contemporánea provocada por una hegemonía aceleracionista. El objetivo es demostrar que, simbólicamente, la fuga permite analizar comparativamente el tiempo en la contemporaneidad y en el Barroco, pues en ambos casos esta noción infiere cambio y transitoriedad. Sin embargo, mientras en el primero la fuga se vincula con un tiempo prospectivo enmarcado en (...)
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    “How dare you!” When an ecological crisis is impacted by an educational crisis: Temporal insights via Arendt.John Quay & Maurizio Toscano - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (10):1137-1147.
    In this paper we take as our starting point Greta Thunberg’s message to an audience of adults at a recent climate change summit: ‘This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!’ We take Thunberg at her word and endeavour to investigate what is wrong and how it might be wrong. Through this investigation we (...)
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  9.  42
    Marsí­lio de Pádua frente a los planteamientos dualistas de Juan de Paris y Dante favorables a la autonomia de poder temporal.Bernardo Bayona Aznar - 2005 - Princípios 12 (17):57-75.
    A principios del siglo XIV algunos autores, como Juan de París y Dante, se apoyaron en el aristotelismo para defender la separación del poder religioso y del poder secular. Marsilio de Padua, en cambio, combatió el supremo poder del Papa sobre la base de que no existe poder religioso, porque no hay más que un solo poder: el gobernante civil. El artículo muestra las principales diferencias entre la concepción dualista de los primeros y el monismo marsiliano.
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    Spatio-temporal dynamics and laterality effects of face inversion, feature presence and configuration, and face outline.Ksenija Marinkovic, Maureen G. Courtney, Thomas Witzel, Anders M. Dale & Eric Halgren - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11.  22
    Interrupted Temporalities: Camilo Torres and El Frente Unido.Gustavo Quintero - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):52-70.
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  12. A Statement of Temporal Realism.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland, Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  13.  20
    Das Problem der Transzendentalen Zeitbestimmung im Rahmen von Kants Philosophie.Alba Jiménez Rodríguez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (1).
    Resumen: El presente artículo constituye un estudio sobre el concepto de determinación trascendental temporal expuesto por Kant en el marco del esquematismo trascendental kantiano en KrV. Con este objeto, se exponen las razones de la preminencia de la definición de esquema como transzendentale Zeitbestimmung, frente a otras asociadas a la interpretación estática del esquematismo y, fundamentalmente, frente aquella donde se presenta como un proceso de subsunción o de aplicación de las categorías a las intuiciones puras, reconstruyendo a (...)
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    Inverse Images of Box Formulas in Modal Logic.Lloyd Humberstone - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (5):1031-1060.
    We investigate, for several modal logics but concentrating on KT, KD45, S4 and S5, the set of formulas B for which ${\square B}$ is provably equivalent to ${\square A}$ for a selected formula A (such as p, a sentence letter). In the exceptional case in which a modal logic is closed under the (‘cancellation’) rule taking us from ${\square C \leftrightarrow \square D}$ to ${C \leftrightarrow D}$ , there is only one formula B, to within equivalence, in this inverse image, (...)
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  15.  83
    Comet tails, fleeting objects and temporal inversions.Liliana Albertazzi - 1996 - Axiomathes 7 (1-2):111-135.
  16. Inverse linking.Robert May - manuscript
    In this paper, we will consider a phenomenon known as inverse linking, a term coined by May (1977) to describe the most salient readings of sentences such as “Someone from every city despises it.”.
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  17. On the time reversal invariance of classical electromagnetic theory.David B. Malament - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (2):295-315.
    David Albert claims that classical electromagnetic theory is not time reversal invariant. He acknowledges that all physics books say that it is, but claims they are ``simply wrong" because they rely on an incorrect account of how the time reversal operator acts on magnetic fields. On that account, electric fields are left intact by the operator, but magnetic fields are inverted. Albert sees no reason for the asymmetric treatment, and insists that neither field should be inverted. I argue, to the (...)
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    The Inverse Problem: Symposium Ad Memoriam Hermann von Helmholtz.Heinz Lübbig (ed.) - 1995 - Wiley-Vch.
    The contributions to this volume originate from a symposium in honour of Hermann von Helmholtz. The authors are concerned with different aspects of the inverse methodology being a powerful tool in modern science. There is emphasized its role for understanding the concept of physical observation, for interpreting experimental results and for developing constructive strategies as well.
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    Inverse linking via function composition.Gregory M. Kobele - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (2):183-196.
    The phenomenon of inverse linking, where a noun phrase embedded within another behaves with respect to binding as though it were structurally independent, has proven challenging for theories of the syntax–semantics interface. In this paper I show that, using an LF-movement style approach to the syntax–semantics interface, we can derive all and only the appropriate meanings for such constructions using no semantic operations other than function application and composition. The solution relies neither on a proliferation of lexical ambiguity nor on (...)
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  20.  19
    Fin de Los tiempos, comienzos de la literatura.Julio Premat - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 24:104-123.
    El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las posibilidades y posiciones de la producción literaria en un momento histórico en el que pululan los discursos apocalípticos sobre toda una serie de finales diferentes. Ante las especificidades de los imaginarios temporales contemporáneos, ¿cómo pensar la literatura y las posibilidades de «empezar» o de repetir el gesto de comienzo? después de recorrer algunas posiciones de la crítica se proponen algunas características de respuesta o de resistencia por parte de los escritores; relatos (...)
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    Mecánica cuántica.Olimpia Lombardi, Mario Castagnino & Juan Sebastián Ardenghi - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (1):5-28.
    RESUMEN: El propósito del presente trabajo consiste en analizar los vínculos entre la interpretación modal-hamiltoniana de la mecánica cuántica y las transformaciones de Galileo, a fin de poner de manifiesto que el grupo de tales transformaciones permite reformular la regla de actualización de un modo más básico desde un punto de vista teórico, aplicable a otras teorías cuánticas. Además se argumentará que, bajo esta nueva forma, la regla de actualización manifiesta explícitamente su invariancia frente al grupo de Galileo.ABSTRACT: (...)
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  22. Bilateral Inversion Principles.Nils Kürbis - 2022 - Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 358:202–215.
    This paper formulates a bilateral account of harmony that is an alternative to one proposed by Francez. It builds on an account of harmony for unilateral logic proposed by Kürbis and the observation that reading the rules for the connectives of bilateral logic bottom up gives the grounds and consequences of formulas with the opposite speech act. I formulate a process I call 'inversion' which allows the determination of assertive elimination rules from assertive introduction rules, and rejective elimination rules from (...)
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  23. Inversions spectral and bright: Comments on Melinda Campbell.Austen Clark - 1996
    Spectrum inversion is a thought experiment, and I would wager that there is no better diagnostic test to the disciplinary affiliation of a randomly selected member of the audience than your reaction to a thought experiment. It is a litmus test. If you find that you are paying close attention, subvocalizing objections, and that your heart-rate and metabolism go up, you have turned pink: you are a philosopher. If on the other hand the thought experiment leaves you cold, and you (...)
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    Inverse effectiveness, multisensory integration, and the bodily self: Some statistical considerations.Nicholas P. Holmes - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):762-765.
    A recent report in Consciousness and Cognition provided evidence from a study of the rubber hand illusion that supports the multisensory principle of inverse effectiveness . I describe two methods of assessing the principle of inverse effectiveness , and discuss how the post-hoc method is affected by the statistical artefact of ‘regression towards the mean’. I identify several cases where this artefact may have affected particular conclusions about the PoIE, and relate these to the historical origins of ‘regression towards the (...)
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  25.  50
    Pay Inversion at Universities: Is it Ethical?Myron Glassman & R. Bruce Mcafee - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):325-333.
    This paper examines an important issue facing academia-pay inversion. It discusses how inversion is accompanied by ethical issues including secrecy, moral dilemmas for faculty, honesty, and keeping promises. It then examines this issue from five ethical viewpoints: a legalistic perspective, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, distributive justice, and Kants deontological approach. As part of the discussion, the effect of the moral philosophy on the universitys corporate culture is examined, with attention given to morale and productivity. Finally, alternatives to pay inversion that universities (...)
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  26.  16
    (1 other version)Temporality.William Blattner - 2005 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Heidegger. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 311–324.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Why Being and Time? The Temporality of Human Existence But Why Call It “Time?” Residual Issues: Authenticity and Historicality Temporality and Ontology.
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    Deontic, Epistemic, and Temporal Modal Logics.Risto Hilpinen - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 491–509.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Modal Concepts The Semantics of Modalities and Systems of Modal Logic Modality and Quantification Deontic, Epistemic, and Temporal Modalities Epistemic Logic Deontic Logic Temporal Frames Conditional Obligations and Rules of Detachment.
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  28. The Inverse Side of the Structure: Žižek on Deleuze on Lacan.Daniel W. Smith - 2004 - Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 46 (4):635-650.
  29.  9
    L’inversion motivationnelle, un problème d’irrationalité? Thi Nguyen et le spectre de la duperie de soi.Adrielle Pelchat-Rochette - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (2):253.
    Dans « Games and the Art of Agency » puis dans Games : Agency as Art, Thi Nguyen introduit l’inversion motivationnelle, un état motivationnel adopté par certain·e·s agent·e·s qui ne visent la victoire que pour éprouver les défis qui se présentent dans le cadre du jeu. Celleux-ci sont amené·e·s à considérer les objectifs largables du jeu comme des fins, bien qu’iels sachent ne désirer les rencontrer que dans une perspective instrumentale. Il s’agit ici de préciser la description de ce phénomène (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Constrained inversions of sensations.Erik Myin - 2001 - Philosophica (Belgium) 68 (2):31-40.
    Inverted sensation arguments such as the inverted spectrum thought experiment are often criticized for relying on an unconstrained notion of 'qualia'. In reply to this criticism, 'qualia-free' arguments for inversion have been proposed, in which only physical changes happen: inversions in the world, such as the replacement of surface colors by their complements, and a rewiring of peripheral input cables to more central areas in the nervous system. I show why such constrained inversion arguments won't work. The first problem is (...)
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    On inverse γ-systems and the number of l∞λ- equivalent, non-isomorphic models for λ singular.Saharon Shelah & Pauli Väisänen - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):272 - 284.
    Suppose λ is a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality κ. For a model M of cardinality λ, let No (M) denote the number of isomorphism types of models N of cardinality λ which are L ∞λ - equivalent to M. In [7] Shelah considered inverse κ- systems A of abelian groups and their certain kind of quotient limits Gr(A)/ Fact(A). In particular Shelah proved in [7, Fact 3.10] that for every cardinal μ there exists an inverse κ-system A such that (...)
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    The Mind‐Matter Inversions: Bergson's Conception of Mental and Material Actuality.Steven G. Smith - 2002 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):295-314.
    The development of a metaphysics of actuality is reconstructed from Plato through Bergson to capitalize on Bergson's suggestion that mind and matter can be understood as inversions of each other, or as respectively a centering and an extending of forms. This view avoids the pitfalls of reductive monism and disjunctive dualism: it is dyadic (cognizant at once of mind-matter difference and of the unity of reality), symmetrical (not apt to close off prematurely our reckoning with complexity and change, on either (...)
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  33. Temporality and psychopathology.Thomas Fuchs - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):75-104.
    The paper first introduces the concept of implicit and explicit temporality, referring to time as pre-reflectively lived vs. consciously experienced. Implicit time is based on the constitutive synthesis of inner time consciousness on the one hand, and on the conative–affective dynamics of life on the other hand. Explicit time results from an interruption or negation of implicit time and unfolds itself in the dimensions of present, past and future. It is further shown that temporality, embodiment and intersubjectivity are closely connected: (...)
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  34. Colour inversion problems for representationalism.Fiona Macpherson - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (1):127-152.
    In this paper I examine whether representationalism can account for various thought experiments about colour inversions. Representationalism is, at minimum, the view that, necessarily, if two experiences have the same representational content then they have the same phenomenal character. I argue that representationalism ought to be rejected if one holds externalist views about experiential content and one holds traditional exter- nalist views about the nature of the content of propositional attitudes. Thus, colour inver- sion scenarios are more damaging to externalist (...)
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  35. Temporal Parts.Katherine Hawley - 2004/2010 - Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy.
    Material objects extend through space by having different spatial parts in different places. But how do they persist through time? According to some philosophers, things have temporal parts as well as spatial parts: accepting this is supposed to help us solve a whole bunch of metaphysical problems, and keep our philosophy in line with modern physics. Other philosophers disagree, arguing that neither metaphysics nor physics give us good reason to believe in temporal parts.
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    Nihilismo y fin de la historia: Una mirada sobre la cuestión de la (pos)modernidad.Vicente Serrano Marín - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 24 (1):5.
    El presente trabajo pretende establecer una íntima conexión entre el que considera un falso debate en torno a la modernidad y la posmodernidad y expresiones como fin de la historia, fin de las ideologías, y otras que desde ámbitos diversos vienen compitiendo por caracterizar el mundo actual. La hipótesis central es que esa constelación obedece a una lógica muy similar a la que llevó, a fines del XVIIII, a utilizar por primera vez el término nihilismo frente a la que (...)
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    El rito de iniciación en cuatro novelas neorrealistas españolas.Ramón Moreno Rodríguez - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 24 (1):259.
    El presente trabajo pretende establecer una íntima conexión entre el que considera un falso debate en torno a la modernidad y la posmodernidad y expresiones como fin de la historia, fin de las ideologías, y otras que desde ámbitos diversos vienen compitiendo por caracterizar el mundo actual. La hipótesis central es que esa constelación obedece a una lógica muy similar a la que llevó, a fines del XVIIII, a utilizar por primera vez el término nihilismo frente a la que (...)
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  38. On Inversion Principles.Enrico Moriconi & Laura Tesconi - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (2):103-113.
    The idea of an ?inversion principle?, and the name itself, originated in the work of Paul Lorenzen in the 1950s, as a method to generate new admissible rules within a certain syntactic context. Some fifteen years later, the idea was taken up by Dag Prawitz to devise a strategy of normalization for natural deduction calculi (this being an analogue of Gentzen's cut-elimination theorem for sequent calculi). Later, Prawitz used the inversion principle again, attributing it with a semantic role. Still working (...)
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    The Inverse Invisible Hand and Heuristics in Managerial Decision-Making.Arnis Vilks - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (2):137-147.
    The paper points out that Adam Smith’s famous argument about the “invisible hand” (IH) of markets can be inverted. While the IH argument suggests that the baker and butcher do what is in their costumers’ interests not because they care for their costumers, but out of their own self-interest, one can also defend the converse claim: if one cares for other people and finds a way to satisfy their needs, one can expect that those others will be willing to pay (...)
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  40. Spectrum Inversion.Peter W. Ross - 2017 - In Derek Brown & Fiona Macpherson, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour. New York: Routledge.
    This chapter examines the spectrum inversion hypothesis as an argument against certain kinds of account of what it’s like to be conscious of color. The hypothesis aims to provide a counterexample to accounts of what it’s like to be conscious of color in non-qualitative terms, as well as to accounts of what it’s like to be conscious of color in terms of the representational content of conscious visual states (which, according to some philosophers, is in turn given an account in (...)
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    Inverse Problems.Mario Bunge - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (3):483-525.
    Although to live is to face problems, the general concept of a problem has been significantly understudied. So much so, that the publication of Polya’s delightful How to Solve It caused quite a stir. And, although the concept of a conceptual problem is philosophical because it is deep and occurs across fields, from mathematics to politics, no philosophers have produced any memorable studies of it. Moreover, the word ‘problem’ is absent from most philosophical reference works. There are plenty of texts (...)
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  42. Temporal phenomenology: phenomenological illusion versus cognitive error.Kristie Miller, Alex Holcombe & Andrew J. Latham - 2020 - Synthese 197 (2):751-771.
    Temporal non-dynamists hold that there is no temporal passage, but concede that many of us judge that it seems as though time passes. Phenomenal Illusionists suppose that things do seem this way, even though things are not this way. They attempt to explain how it is that we are subject to a pervasive phenomenal illusion. More recently, Cognitive Error Theorists have argued that our experiences do not seem that way; rather, we are subject to an error that leads (...)
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    Inverse limit reflection and the structure of L.Scott S. Cramer - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (1):1550001.
    We extend the results of Laver on using inverse limits to reflect large cardinals of the form, there exists an elementary embedding Lα → Lα. Using these inverse limit reflection embeddings directly and by broadening the collection of U-representable sets, we prove structural results of L under the assumption that there exists an elementary embedding j : L → L. As a consequence we show the impossibility of a generalized inverse limit X-reflection result for X ⊆ Vλ+1, thus focusing the (...)
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  44. Inverse akrasia and weakness of will.Richard Holton - manuscript
    The standard account of weakness of will identifies it with akrasia, that is, with action against one's best judgment. Elsewhere I have argued that weakness of will is better understood as over-readily giving up on one's resolutions. Many cases of weak willed action will not be akratic: in over-readily abandoning a resolution an agent may well do something that they judge at the time to be best. Indeed, in so far as temptation typically gives rise to judgment shift -- to (...)
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  45. Inverses for normal modal operators.Lloyd Humberstone & Timothy Williamson - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (1):33-64.
    Given a 1-ary sentence operator , we describe L - another 1-ary operator - as as a left inverse of in a given logic if in that logic every formula is provably equivalent to L. Similarly R is a right inverse of if is always provably equivalent to R. We investigate the behaviour of left and right inverses for taken as the operator of various normal modal logics, paying particular attention to the conditions under which these logics are conservatively extended (...)
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  46. La inversión de la memoria corporal en danza.Mónica Alarcón - 2009 - A Parte Rei 66:13.
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    Time, Temporality, Now: Experiencing Time and Concepts of Time in an Interdisciplinary Perspective.Harald Atmanspacher & Eva Ruhnau - 1997 - Springer.
    The essays in this topical volume inquire into one of the most fundamental issues of philosophy and the cognitive and natural sciences: the riddle of time. The central feature is the tension between the experience and the conceptualization of time, reflecting an apparently unavoidable antinomy of subjective first-person accounts and objective traditional science. Is time based in the physics of inanimate matter, or does it originate in the operation of our minds? Is it essential for the constitution of reality, or (...)
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    Inverse cue priming is not limited to masks with relevant features.Daniel Krüger & Uwe Mattler - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1207-1221.
    Apart from positive priming effects, masked prime stimuli can impair responses to a subsequent target stimulus which shares response-critical features in contrast to a target assigned to the opposite response. This counterintuitive phenomenon is called inverse priming . Here we examine the generality of this phenomenon beyond priming of motor responses. We used a non-motor cue-priming paradigm to study the underlying mechanism of inverse priming for relevant features masks which include task-relevant stimulus features and for irrelevant masks which omit task-relevant (...)
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    La inversión del platonismo y la imposibilidad de pensar la diferencia.Elkin Andrés Heredia Ríos - 2011 - A Parte Rei 75:8.
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    (1 other version)Temporal foundations in the construction of history: two essays.Frederic Will - 2009 - Cosmos and History 5 (2):161-177.
    The two essays included here are parts of a longer study of temporality, and the genesis of the “religious.” The first part, “Multiple Nows,” depicts a universe in which a present to past relation is establishable from any and every point in consciousness. The resulting perspective differs from that offered by the linear timeline of chronological history. Remembering where I put my glasses is an historicizing act, as fully as is remembering when the Battle of Zama was fought or who (...)
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