Results for 'macroeconomic announcements'

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  1.  84
    An Empirical Study of Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Returns in the Context of Economic Uncertainty News Sentiment Using Machine Learning.Ayesha Jabeen, Muhammad Yasir, Yasmeen Ansari, Sadaf Yasmin, Jihoon Moon & Seungmin Rho - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    Stock markets accurately reflect countries’ economic health, and stock returns are tightly related to economic indices. One popular area of financial research is the factors that influence stock returns. Several investigations have frequently cited macroeconomic factors, among numerous elements. Therefore, this study focuses on the empirical analysis of the relationship between macroeconomic factors and stock market returns. When a stock market becomes increasingly volatile, it becomes susceptible to economic uncertainty news, and information on social media platforms. Thus, we (...)
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    Credit and Prices in Woodford's New Neoclassical Synthesis.Alexander Tobon & Nicolas Barbaroux - 2015 - Economic Thought 4 (1):21-46.
    Following recent debates on the New Neoclassical Synthesis, the theory of monetary policy has been renewed. The prevailing method, illustrated by Woodford's version of Interest and Prices, is a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model in which the old LM curve is voluntarily substituted by an optimal monetary rule. Such a turning point requires a peculiar set of assumptions, especially regarding monetary prices. The recent debate pays attention to de-emphasis on the nominal monetary aggregate, which does not play any explicit role (...)
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    Predicting Accounting Misconduct: The Role of Firm-Level Investor Optimism.Shantaram Hegde & Tingyu Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):535-562.
    Motivated by a large literature on how firm-specific resources drive firm performance, we propose and find that heterogeneity in investor optimism regarding firm-specific attributes plays a very important role in influencing the managerial propensity to manipulate financial statements. When firm-level investor optimism is moderate, the incidence of accounting misconduct increases, but it decreases when investors are highly optimistic. Further, market reaction to the announcement of financial restatements is more negative when investors held more optimistic firm-specific beliefs at the time of (...)
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  4. Red-tailed Boas by hi'lin* ile ybijoji.Announces Four New Books - 1991 - Vivarium 3:8.
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    Causality in Macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover & Kevin D. Autor Hoover - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Causality in Macroeconomics examines causality while taking macroeconomics seriously. A pragmatic and realistic philosophy is joined to a macroeconomic foundation that refines Herbert Simon's well-known work on causal order to make a case for a structural approach to causality. The structural approach is used to understand modern rational expectations models, regime switching models, Granger causality, vector autoregressions, the Lucas critique, and concept exogeneity. Techniques of causal inference based on patterns of stability and instability in the face of identified regime (...)
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    Macroeconomic Observations on Paying for and Funding Universal Basic Income.Malcolm Sawyer - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (2):227-252.
    The paper undertakes macroeconomic analysis of Universal Basic Income (UBI). It focuses on issues of paying for and the funding of universal basic income. A number of proposals are examined and the limitations of borrowing and money creation for the funding of UBI are indicated. It is generally argued that funding of UBI should be examined in terms of funding through taxation. The effects of UBI on employment and national output and the macroeconomic limits on the scale on (...)
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  7. Is Macroeconomics for Real?Kevin D. Hoover - 1995 - The Monist 78 (3):235-257.
    Argues that ontological reduction of macroeconomics to microeconomics is untenable. Existence of macroeconomic aggregates; Microfoundations of macroeconomics; Examinations of the general price level; Limits of the scientific development of microeconomics.
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    Macroeconomic Fluctuations as Sources of Luck in CEO Compensation.Hsin-Hui Chiu, Lars Oxelheim, Clas Wihlborg & Jianhua Zhang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (2):371-384.
    Macroeconomic fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation can be considered sources of good or bad “luck” for corporate performance if management is unable to adjust operations to these fluctuations. Based on a sample of 2,091 US firms, we decompose the impacts of macroeconomic fluctuations on three measures of CEO compensation. Our study provides empirical support for the importance of considering macroeconomic fluctuations in designing CEO incentive schemes. It adds to the managerial power literature on moral (...)
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    Macroeconomic dynamics and the at-risk-of-poverty population in Slovakia.Ladislav Kabat - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (1):20-32.
    Macroeconomic dynamics and the at-risk-of-poverty population in Slovakia This paper deals with analysis and presentation of the core findings under the EU SILC 2009 project. Particularly we are oriented on study of the socially vulnerable groups of population identified according their income situation. As a sorting criterion for this purpose we use the standard methodology set by OECD and Eurostat. It means the 60% of the national median equivalized disposable income is applied for this criterion as the poverty threshold. (...)
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  10. Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 2: Keynesian Economics, Unemployment, and Policy.Roger E. Backhouse & Andrea Salanti (eds.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In these two volumes, a group of distinguished economists debate the way in which evidence, in particular econometric evidence, can and should be used to relate macroeconomic theories to the real world. Topics covered include the business cycle, monetary policy, economic growth, the impact of new econometric techniques, the IS-LM model, the labour market, new Keynesian macroeconomics, and the use of macroeconomics in official documents.
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  11. Why macroeconomics does not supervene on microeconomics.Brian Epstein - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (1):3-18.
    In recent years, the project of providing microeconomic foundations for macroeconomics has taken on new urgency. Some philosophers and economists have challenged the project, both for the way economists actually approach microfoundations and for more general anti-reductionist reasons. Reductionists and anti-reductionists alike, however, have taken it to be trivial that the macroeconomic facts are exhaustively determined by microeconomic ones. In this paper, I challenge this supposed triviality. I argue that macroeconomic properties do not even globally supervene on microeconomic (...)
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  12.  8
    Macroeconomics: An Introduction.Alex M. Thomas - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Macroeconomics: An Introduction, provides a lucid and novel introduction to macroeconomic issues. It introduces the reader to an alternative approach of understanding macroeconomics, which is inspired by the works of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Piero Sraffa. It also presents the reader with a critical account of mainstream marginalist macroeconomics. The book begins with a brief history of economic theories and then takes the reader through three different ways of conceptualizing the macroeconomy. Subsequently, the (...)
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  13. The problems of macroeconomics as institutional problems: complementing the ‘what went wrong’ story with a social epistemology perspective.Teemu Lari - 2024 - Cambridge Journal of Economics 48 (4):661-680.
    After the financial crisis of 2008, many economists expressed dissatisfaction with the state of macroeconomics. They criticised deficiencies in the dominant dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling approach and conceptions of good macroeconomic research behind that dominance. This paper argues that there is a deeper problem in macroeconomics, which remains unaddressed. I connect existing literature critical of the institutions of macroeconomics and of economics in general to the institutional preconditions of effective criticism outlined by the philosopher Helen Longino. I find (...)
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    Macroeconomic Determinants of the Gap between Domestic and International Gold Prices in Vietnam.Do Minh Duc & Tran Tho Dat - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:289-319.
    This research investigates the factors influencing the disparity between domestic gold prices (SJC gold and 9999 gold) and global gold prices in Vietnam from January 2011 to December 2023. Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, we identify key macroeconomic determinants impacting this price spread, including interest rates, oil prices, and consumer demand. Our findings reveal that higher interest rates are associated with larger price spreads, suggesting that monetary policy plays a significant role in the domestic gold market. Oil (...)
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  15.  21
    Announcement as effort on topological spaces.Aybüke Özgün, Sophia Knight & Hans Ditmarsch - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2927-2969.
    We propose a multi-agent logic of knowledge, public announcements and arbitrary announcements, interpreted on topological spaces in the style of subset space semantics. The arbitrary announcement modality functions similarly to the effort modality in subset space logics, however, it comes with intuitive and semantic differences. We provide axiomatizations for three logics based on this setting, with S5 knowledge modality, and demonstrate their completeness. We moreover consider the weaker axiomatizations of three logics with S4 type of knowledge and prove (...)
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  16.  25
    Announcement.From the Editors - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (1):1.
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    Announcement as effort on topological spaces.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sophia Knight & Aybüke Özgün - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2927-2969.
    We propose a multi-agent logic of knowledge, public announcements and arbitrary announcements, interpreted on topological spaces in the style of subset space semantics. The arbitrary announcement modality functions similarly to the effort modality in subset space logics, however, it comes with intuitive and semantic differences. We provide axiomatizations for three logics based on this setting, with S5 knowledge modality, and demonstrate their completeness. We moreover consider the weaker axiomatizations of three logics with S4 type of knowledge and prove (...)
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  18.  51
    Model selection in macroeconomics: DSGE and ad hocness.Jaakko Kuorikoski & Aki Lehtinen - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (3):252-264.
    ABSTRACTWe investigate the applicability of Rodrik’s accounts of model selection and horizontal progress to macroeconomic DSGE modelling in both academic and policy-oriented modelling contexts. We argue that the key step of identifying critical assumptions is complicated by the interconnectedness of the common structural core of DSGE models and by the ad hoc modifications introduced to model various rigidities and other market imperfections. We then outline alternative ways in which macroeconomic modelling could become more horizontally progressive.
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    The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics stakes out a pragmatic middle-ground between traditional, prescriptive economic methodology and recent descriptive methodology. The former is sometimes seen as arrogantly telling economists how to do their work and the latter as irrelevant to their practice. The lectures are built around a case study of a concrete example of macroeconomic analysis. They demonstrate that economic methodology and the philosophy of science offer insights that help to resolve the genuine concerns of macroeconomists. Some examples of (...)
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  20. On axiomatizations of public announcement logic.Yanjing Wang & Qinxiang Cao - 2013 - Synthese 190 (S1).
    In the literature, different axiomatizations of Public Announcement Logic (PAL) have been proposed. Most of these axiomatizations share a “core set” of the so-called “reduction axioms”. In this paper, by designing non-standard Kripke semantics for the language of PAL, we show that the proof system based on this core set of axioms does not completely axiomatize PAL without additional axioms and rules. In fact, many of the intuitive axioms and rules we took for granted could not be derived from the (...)
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  21.  9
    Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 1: Keynesian Economics, Econometric Techniques and Macroeconomics.Roger E. Backhouse & Andrea Salanti (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In these two volumes, a group of distinguished economists debate the way in which evidence, in particular econometric evidence, can and should be used to relate macroeconomic theories to the real world. Topics covered include the business cycle, monetary policy, economic growth, the impact of new econometric techniques, the IS-LM model, the labour market, new Keynesian macroeconomics, and the use of macroeconomics in official documents.
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    (3 other versions)Editorial announcement.Gerald A. Press - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):5-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editorial AnnouncementGerald A. PressIt is my pleasure to announce that Jan Wojcik of Auburn University is the new Book Review Editor of the Journal of the History of Philosophy. All correspondence concerning book reviews should be directed to Professor Wojcik in Alabama effective immediately. The mailing address is: Prof. Jan Wojcik, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Auburn University, AL 36849-5210. E-mail: [email protected] thank the former (...)
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    Public announcement logic with distributed knowledge: expressivity, completeness and complexity.Yì N. Wáng & Thomas Ågotnes - 2013 - Synthese 190 (S1).
    While dynamic epistemic logics with common knowledge have been extensively studied, dynamic epistemic logics with distributed knowledge have so far received far less attention. In this paper we study extensions of public announcement logic ( $\mathcal{PAL }$ ) with distributed knowledge, in particular their expressivity, axiomatisations and complexity. $\mathcal{PAL }$ extended only with distributed knowledge is not more expressive than standard epistemic logic with distributed knowledge. Our focus is therefore on $\mathcal{PACD }$ , the result of adding both common and (...)
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  24.  57
    Private Announcements on Topological Spaces.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sophia Knight & Aybüke Özgün - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):481-513.
    In this work, we present a multi-agent logic of knowledge and change of knowledge interpreted on topological structures. Our dynamics are of the so-called semi-private character where a group G of agents is informed of some piece of information \, while all the other agents observe that group G is informed, but are uncertain whether the information provided is \ or \. This article follows up on our prior work where the dynamics were public events. We provide a complete axiomatization (...)
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  25.  16
    Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought: The Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures.Edmund S. Phelps - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book offers an excellent survey of various macroeconomic topics that feature prominently in the research agenda and have inspired both theoretical and policy debate. The book presents an authoritative and comprehensive summary and original critique of macroeconomic approaches by a scholar whose own contribution to the field is considerable.
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    Announced refusal to answer: a study of norms and accountability in broadcast political interviews.Mats Ekström - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (6):681-702.
    This article investigates the announced refusal to answer as a form of dispreferred and challenging response in broadcast political interviews. The aim is to study how the rightness and wrongness of conduct is dealt with in situations of announced refusal. More specifically, the paper focuses on: announced refusal as a particular type of conduct; the orientation to norms and accountability in situations of announced refusal; how the legitimacy of politics and journalism is negotiated in broadcast interviews. The data consist of (...)
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  27.  19
    Endogenous preference formation on macroeconomic issues: the role of individuality and social conformity.Guido Baldi - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (1):49-58.
    Macroeconomic events often require individuals and policy-makers to make decisions that they are not accustomed to making. For example, a sovereign debt crisis makes it necessary to either default on government debt, increase taxes, cut public spending or to impose a mixture of these measures. I argue that decisions on such matters are not derived from deep preferences; they require reflections and judgement under uncertainty. Past experiences and the interaction with other individuals are likely to influence the salience of (...)
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    Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis, Volume 15.Bernard Lonergan - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Justification announcements in discrete time. Part II: Frame definability results.Grigory K. Olkhovikov - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):671-692.
    In Part I of this paper we presented a Hilbert-style system $\Sigma _D$ axiomatizing stit logic of justification announcements interpreted over models with discrete time structure. In this part, we prove three frame definability results for $\Sigma _D$ using three different definitions of a frame plus another version of completeness result.
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    The Macroeconomic Effects of a UBI: A Review of Existing Evidence and Approaches. [REVIEW]Joe Chrisp - 2023 - Basic Income Studies 18 (2):215-237.
    Research on UBI has blossomed in recent years, with a particular focus on conducting experiments with policies that share features with a UBI, microsimulation analysis and public opinion surveys. However, a common drawback with many of these approaches is the difficulty with examining ‘general equilibrium’ or ‘community’ effects. Macroeconomic modelling is one tool used to explore these more difficult questions of what would happen if a UBI was implemented at the national level. In this paper, a review of existing (...)
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  31.  41
    Public Announcements, Public Lies and Recoveries.Kai Li & Jan van Eijck - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):423-450.
    The paper gives a formal analysis of public lies, explains how public lying is related to public announcement, and describes the process of recoveries from false beliefs engendered by public lying. The framework treats two kinds of public lies: simple lying update and two-step lying, which consists of suggesting that the lie may be true followed by announcing the lie. It turns out that agents’ convictions of what is true are immune to the first kind, but can be shattered by (...)
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    Repurchase announcements, lies and false signals.Beverly Kracher & Robert R. Johnson - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (15):1677-1685.
    Prior stock repurchase studies have found evidence that the announcement of a repurchase program sends a positive signal to the market. Firms engaging in open-market repurchase programs do not have to report how, when, and if they actually repurchased any shares. Evidence following the stock market crash of 1987 indicates that many firms announcing repurchase plans did not actually repurchase any share and, by their own admission, had no intention of repurchasing shares. Companies announcing plans and not following through are (...)
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  33.  35
    Positive Announcements.Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French & James Hales - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):639-681.
    Arbitrary public announcement logic ) reasons about how the knowledge of a set of agents changes after true public announcements and after arbitrary announcements of true epistemic formulas. We consider a variant of arbitrary public announcement logic called positive arbitrary public announcement logic ), which restricts arbitrary public announcements to announcement of positive formulas. Positive formulas prohibit statements about the ignorance of agents. The positive formulas correspond to the universal fragment in first-order logic. As two successive (...) of positive formulas need not correspond to the announcement of a positive formula, \ is rather different from \. We show that \ is more expressive than public announcement logic \, and that \ is incomparable with \. We also provide a sound and complete infinitary axiomatisation. (shrink)
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  34. Sept. Announcement: Relativity conference at London 1988.Jarret Leplin - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38.
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    Editorial Announcement.Stephen H. Browne - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (1):5-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.1 (2000) v [Access article in PDF] Editorial Announcement The editors wish to announce the departure of Pierre Kerszberg, who has joined the Departement de Philosophie, Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail. We wish him the very best and are grateful for his editorial services. We are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Richard A. Lee Jr., a specialist in the history of philosophy, as co-editor of (...)
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    Macroeconomic Theory and Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Jean-Paul Fitoussi.K. Vela Velupillai (ed.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    Jean-Paul Fitoussi needs no introduction as one of the world's foremost Macroeconomists of his generation. This celebration of his work includes contributions from Nobel Prize - winning economists Robert W. Clower and Robert Solow as well as Olivier Blanchard and leading economic theorist, Edmond Malinvaud.
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    Private Announcements on Topological Spaces.Aybüke Özgün, Sophia Knight & Hans Ditmarsch - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):481-513.
    In this work, we present a multi-agent logic of knowledge and change of knowledge interpreted on topological structures. Our dynamics are of the so-called semi-private character where a group G of agents is informed of some piece of information $$\varphi $$ φ, while all the other agents observe that group G is informed, but are uncertain whether the information provided is $$\varphi $$ φ or $$\lnot \varphi $$ ¬φ. This article follows up on our prior work where the dynamics were (...)
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    Complex Dynamics of Macroeconomic Collapse and Its Aftermath in Transition Economies.J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    This paper presents a view of the process of transition from planned command socialism to mixed market capitalism involving nonlinear complex dynamical phenomena. After the former institutional structure disappears a coordination failure can bring about macroeconomic collapse as in almost all of the former Soviet bloc or macroeconomic boom as in China. A closely linked phenomenon is the rise of the underground economy as inflation and income inequality increase. This can lead to a jump from one equilibrium to (...)
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    Implications for teaching macroeconomics of complex dynamics.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    The implications for how teach macroeconomics at the undergraduate level of the emergence of the multidisciplinary study of nonlinear complex dynamics are examined. A definition of complex dynamics is presented and a broad review of various applications in macroeconomics is made. Some particular implications are emphasized such as how complex dynamics raise serious doubts about the rational expectations assumption. Several models and approaches are suggested that can be used to make these ideas accessble to students.
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    Editorial Announcements.Deborah Boyle - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (2):6-6.
    Each year the JHP awards an Article Prize to an article published in the previous year's volume, and a Book Prize to a book published in the previous year that deserves special recognition for its contribution to the history of Western philosophy. For the Book Prize, publishers may nominate books by submitting a hard copy to the Book Review Editor for consideration. The nomination and book must be received by January 1 following the year for which the prize is to (...)
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    Reasoning About Permitted Announcements.P. Balbiani & P. Seban - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):445-472.
    We formalize what it means to have permission to say something. We adapt the dynamic logic of permission by van der Meyden (J Log Comput 6(3):465–479, 1996 ) to the case where atomic actions are public truthful announcements. We also add a notion of obligation. Our logic is an extension of the logic of public announcements introduced by Plaza ( 1989 ) with dynamic modal operators for permission and for obligation. We axiomatize the logic and show that it (...)
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  42.  9
    Post Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model.David Colander (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Macroeconomics is evolving in an almost dialectic fashion. The latest evolution is the development of a new synthesis that combines insights of new classical, new Keynesian and real business cycle traditions into a dynamic, stochastic general equilibrium model that serves as a foundation for thinking about macro policy. That new synthesis has opened up the door to a new antithesis, which is being driven by advances in computing power and analytic techniques. This new synthesis is coalescing around developments in complexity (...)
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    Announcement.Alan Mabe - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):22-22.
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    Announcement.Alex C. Michalos - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (5):III-IV.
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    Macroeconomic uncertainty as a corporate policy issue.Lars Oxelheim - 1988 - World Futures 25 (1):101-130.
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  46. Does Macroeconomics Need Microfoundations.Kevin D. Hoover - 1984 - In Daniel M. Hausman (ed.), The Philosophy of Economics: An Anthology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 315--333.
  47. Do Announcements About Corporate Social Responsibility Create or Destroy Shareholder Wealth? Evidence from the UK.Iain Clacher & Jens Hagendorff - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (3):253-266.
    This paper investigates the stock market reaction to the announcement that a firm has been included in the UK FTSE4Good index of socially responsible firms. We use the announcement of firm inclusion in the index to estimate the stock market reaction to a firm being classified as socially responsible. This is an important test of whether investors view the undertaking of socially responsible activities by firms as a value increasing or value decreasing initiative by management. We do not find strong (...)
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    The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the Stock Market Index of the Tehran Stock Exchange.Mohsen Mehrara, Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani, Farzan Faninam & Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 71:17-24.
    Source: Author: Mohsen Mehrara, Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani, Farzan Faninam, Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari This paper examines the relationship between stock market index and macroeconomic policies on Iran's economy using quarterly data in the period 1999-2013. This study employed cointegration test and vector autoregressive models to examine relationships between the stock market index and the macroeconomic variables. The empirical results reveal that a positive money shock can increase stocks return. According to impulse responses, the government expenditure had a slight impact (...)
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    Post-Keynesian Macroeconomic Foundations for Comparative Political Economy.Engelbert Stockhammer - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (1):156-187.
    The global financial crisis and ensuing weak growth have increased interest in macroeconomic issues within comparative political economy. CPE, particularly the dominant Varieties of Capitalism approach, has based its analyses on mainstream economics, which limits analysis of the relation between distribution and growth and neglects the role finance plays in modern economies. It overstates the stability of the capitalist growth process and understates the potential effectiveness of government interventions. Baccaro and Pontusson have suggested a post-Keynesian theory of distribution and (...)
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    A Macroeconomic Potential Describing Structural Change of the Economy.Gunter Haag - 1985 - Theory and Decision 19 (3):279.
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