Results for 'meta consent'

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  1. Meta Consent – A Flexible Solution to the Problem of Secondary Use of Health Data.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):721-732.
    In this article we provide an in-depth description of a new model of informed consent called ‘meta consent’ and consider its practical implementation. We explore justifications for preferring meta consent over alternative models of consent as a solution to the problem of secondary use of health data for research. We finally argue that meta consent strikes an appropriate balance between enabling valuable research and protecting the individual.
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    Eliciting meta consent for future secondary research use of health data using a smartphone application - a proof of concept study in the Danish population.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):51.
    The increased use of information technology in every day health care creates vast amounts of stored health data that can be used for research. The secondary research use of routinely collected data raises questions about appropriate consent mechanisms for such use. One option is meta consent where individuals state their own consent preferences in relation to future use of their data, e.g. whether they want the data to be accessible to researchers under conditions of specific (...), broad consent, blanket consent or not at all. This study investigates whether meta consent preferences can be successfully elicited by a smartphone application in the adult Danish population. A smartphone app was developed for the elicitation of meta consent preferences. An invitation to use the app was distributed to a stratified, representative sample of the Danish adult population. The meta consent choices, the use of the app, user experience data, and demographic data were logged and analysed statistically using IBM SPSS version 20. Of 1000 potential respondents 221 used the app. One hundred eighty-eight of the respondents were female and 103 male. The age range was 19 to 79 years with an average of 51 years. Most users indicate 1) that they find the choices they are asked to make easy to understand, 2) that the application is easy to use, and 3) that this kind of choice should be offered to people. It is possible to collect meta consent preferences in the general, adult population using a smartphone app. (shrink)
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    Meta-consent for the secondary use of health data within a learning health system: a qualitative study of the public’s perspective.Jean-François Ethier, Anne-Marie Cloutier, Nissrine Safa, Roxanne Dault, Adrien Barton & Annabelle Cumyn - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundThe advent of learning healthcare systems (LHSs) raises an important implementation challenge concerning how to request and manage consent to support secondary use of data in learning cycles, particularly research activities. Current consent models in Quebec were not established with the context of LHSs in mind and do not support the agility and transparency required to obtain consent from all involved, especially the citizens. Therefore, a new approach to consent is needed. Previous work identified the (...)-consent model as a promising alternative to fulfill the requirements of LHSs, particularly large-scale deployments. We elicited the public’s attitude toward the meta-consent model to evaluate if the model could be understood by the citizens and would be deemed acceptable to prepare for its possible implementation in Quebec.MethodsEight focus groups, with a total of 63 members of the general public from various backgrounds were conducted in Quebec, Canada, in 2019. Explicit attention was given to literacy levels, language spoken at home and rural vs urban settings. We assessed attitudes, concerns and facilitators regarding key components of the meta-consent model: predefined categories to personalized consent requests, a dynamic web-based infrastructure to record meta-consent, and default settings. To analyse the discussions, a thematic content analysis was performed using a qualitative software.ResultsOur findings showed that participants were supportive of this new approach of consent as it promotes transparency and offers autonomy for the management of their health data. Key facilitators were identified to be considered in the implementation of a meta-consent model in the Quebec LHSs: information and transparency, awareness campaigns, development of educational tools, collaboration of front-line healthcare professionals, default settings deemed acceptable by the society as well as close partnerships with recognized and trusted institutions.ConclusionsThis qualitative study reveals the openness of a sample of the Quebec population regarding the meta-consent model for secondary use of health data for research. This first exploratory study conducted with the public is an important step in guiding decision-makers in the next phases of implementing the various strategies to support access and use of health data in Quebec. (shrink)
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    The case against meta-consent: not only do Ploug and Holm not answer it, they make it even stronger.Neil C. Manson - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (9):627-628.
    In a recent article, I argued that Ploug and Holm’s ‘meta-consent’ proposal should be rejected for biobank governance. This was because, although meta-consent is permissible, it is both burdensome and ethically omissible. There is no ethical reason why funders should undertake the additional costs. Ploug and Holm have sought to respond to these arguments. Here, it is noted that not only do they fail to adequately refuse the case against meta-consent, they fail to even (...)
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    The biobank consent debate: Why ‘meta-consent’ is not the solution?Neil C. Manson - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):291-294.
    Over the past couple of decades, there has been an ongoing, often fierce, debate about the ethics of biobank participation. One central element of that debate has concerned the nature of informed consent, must specific reconsent be gained for each new use, or user, or is broad consent ethically adequate? Recently, Thomas Ploug and Søren Holm have developed an alternative to both specific and broad consent: what they call a meta-consent framework. On a meta- (...) framework, participants can choose the type of consent framework they require, for different kinds of use, different types of user and so on. Meta-consent involves a distinctive kind of design of the consent process. Here it is argued, first, that although a meta-consent framework does not wrong participants, Ploug and Holm understate the likely costs and burdens of such a framework, so there are good practical reasons not to offer it. Second, although Ploug and Holm allude to some ethical considerations that might seem to ground an ethical argument for providing meta-consent, they do not offer any sound argument, and it does not wrong participants in any way to fail to offer them the opportunity to design their own consent process. (shrink)
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    The biobank consent debate: why ‘meta-consent’ is still the solution!Thomas Ploug & Soren Holm - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):295-297.
    In a recent article in theJournal of Medical Ethics,Neil Manson sets out to show that the meta-consent model of informed consent is not the solution to perennial debate on the ethics of biobank participation. In this response, we shall argue that (i) Manson’s considerations on the costs of a meta-consent model are incomplete and therefore misleading; (ii) his view that a model of broad consent passes a threshold of moral acceptability rests on an analogy (...)
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    The ‘Expiry Problem’ of broad consent for biobank research - And why a meta consent model solves it.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (9):629-631.
    In this response to Neil Manson’s latest intervention in our debate about the best consent model for biobank research we show, contra Manson that the ‘expiry problem’ that affects broad consent models because of changes over time in methods, purposes, types of data used and governance structures is a real and significant problem. We further show that our preferred implementation of meta consent as a national consent platform solves this problem and is not subject to (...)
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  8.  78
    The Meta‐Nudge – A Response to the Claim That the Use of Nudges During the Informed Consent Process is Unavoidable.Scott D. Gelfand - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (8):601-608.
    Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, in Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, assert that rejecting the use nudges is ‘pointless’ because ‘[i]n many cases, some kind of nudge is inevitable’. Schlomo Cohen makes a similar claim. He asserts that in certain situations surgeons cannot avoid nudging patients either toward or away from consenting to surgical interventions. Cohen concludes that in these situations, nudging patients toward consenting to surgical interventions is uncriticizable or morally permissible. I call this argument: The (...)
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  9.  40
    Ethical and practical considerations arising from community consultation on implementing controlled human infection studies using Schistosoma mansoni in Uganda.Moses Egesa, Agnes Ssali, Edward Tumwesige, Moses Kizza, Emmanuella Driciru, Fiona Luboga, Meta Roestenberg, Janet Seeley & Alison M. Elliott - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):78-102.
    Issues related to controlled human infection studies using Schistosoma mansoni (CHI-S) were explored to ensure the ethical and voluntary participation of potential CHI-S volunteers in an endemic setting in Uganda. We invited volunteers from a fishing community and a tertiary education community to guide the development of informed consent procedures. Consultative group discussions were held to modify educational materials on schistosomiasis, vaccines and the CHI-S model and similar discussions were held with a test group. With both groups, a mock (...)
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    Broad consent for biobanks is best – provided it is also deep.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Mickey Gjerris, Gunhild Waldemar & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-12.
    As biobank research has become increasingly widespread within biomedical research, study-specific consent to each study, a model derived from research involving traditional interventions on human subjects, has for the sake of feasibility gradually given way to alternative consent models which do not require consent for every new study. Besides broad consent these models include tiered, dynamic, and meta-consent. However, critics have pointed out that it is normally not known at the time of enrolment in (...)
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    The ethics of biobanking: Assessing the right to control problem for broad consent.Neil C. Manson - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):540-549.
    The biobank consent debate is one with deeply held convictions on both the ‘broad’ and ‘specific’ side with little sign of resolution. Recently, Thomas Ploug and Soren Holm have developed an alternative to both specific and broad consent: a metaconsent framework. The aim here is to consider whether metaconsent provides a ‘solution’ to the biobank consent debate. We clarify what ‘metaconsent’ actually is (arguing that the label is a misnomer and ‘ (...) à la carte’ is more accurate). We identify problems with Ploug and Holm's arguments, and some challenges for metaconsent. We focus on whether there is any ethical obligation to provide consent à la carte. There may seem to be so, especially if we draw upon an unclear appeal to the ethical significance of ‘respect for autonomy’. Similarly, there might seem to be an intuitive inference from the fact that ethically legitimate research requires informed consent to the conclusion that it thereby requires consent à la carte. It is shown that this line of inference is mistaken. (shrink)
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  12. Informed consent and registry-based research - the case of the Danish circumcision registry.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):53.
    Research into personal health data holds great potential not only for improved treatment but also for economic growth. In these years many countries are developing policies aimed at facilitating such research often under the banner of ‘big data’. A central point of debate is whether the secondary use of health data requires informed consent if the data is anonymised. In 2013 the Danish Minister of Health established a new register collecting data about all ritual male childhood circumcisions in Denmark. (...)
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    Evaluating models of consent in changing health research environments.Svenja Wiertz & Joachim Boldt - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):269-280.
    While Specific Informed Consent has been the established standard for obtaining consent for medical research for many years, it does not appear suitable for large-scale biobank and health data research. Thus, alternative forms of consent have been suggested, based on a variety of ethical background assumptions. This article identifies five main ethical perspectives at stake. Even though Tiered Consent, Dynamic Consent and Meta Consent are designed to the demands of the self-determination perspective as (...)
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    Going Beyond the False Dichotomy of Broad or Specific Consent: A Meta-Perspective on Participant Choice in Research Using Human Tissue.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):44-46.
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    Nudging, Bullshitting, and the Meta-Nudge.Scott D. Gelfand - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (1):56-68.
    In “Nudging, Bullshitting, and the Meta-Nudge”, the author responds to William Simkulet’s claim that nudging is bullshitting (according to Harry Frankfurt’s analysis of bullshit and bullshitting), and therefore nudging during the process of informed consent renders consent invalid. The author argues that nudging is not necessarily bullshitting and then explains that although this issue is philosophically interesting, practically speaking, even if nudging is bullshitting, it does not follow that nudging necessarily renders informed consent invalid. This is (...)
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    Authority and the Future of Consent in Population-Level Biomedical Research.Mark Sheehan, Rachel Thompson, Jon Fistein, Jim Davies, Michael Dunn, Michael Parker, Julian Savulescu & Kerrie Woods - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics.
    Population-level biomedical research has become crucial to the health system’s ability to improve the health of the population. This form of research raises a number of well-documented ethical concerns, perhaps the most significant of which is the inability of the researcher to obtain fully informed specific consent from participants. Two proposed technical solutions to this problem of consent in large-scale biomedical research that have become increasingly popular are meta-consent and dynamic consent. We critically examine the (...)
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    Informed consent for record linkage: a systematic review.Márcia Elizabeth Marinho da Silva, Cláudia Medina Coeli, Miriam Ventura, Marisa Palacios, Mônica Maria Ferreira Magnanini, Thais Medina Coeli Rochel Camargo & Kenneth Rochel Camargo - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):639-642.
    Background Record linkage is a useful tool for health research. Potential benefits aside, its use raises discussions on privacy issues, such as whether a written informed consent for access to health records and linkage should be obtained. The authors aim to systematically review studies that assess consent proportions to record linkage. Methods 8 databases were searched up to June 2011 to find articles which presented consent proportions to record linkage. The screening, eligibility and inclusion of articles were (...)
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    Rescuing Informed Consent: How the new “Key Information” and “Reasonable Person” Provisions in the Revised U.S. Common Rule open the door to long Overdue Informed Consent Disclosure Improvements and why we need to walk Through that door.Mark Yarborough - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1423-1443.
    There is substantial published evidence showing that countless people enroll each year in ethically deficient clinical trials. Many of the trials are problematic because the quality of the science used to justify their launch may not be sufficiently vetted while many other trials may lack requisite social value. This poses the question: why do people volunteer for them? The answer resides in large part in the fact that informed consent practices have historically masked, rather than disclosed, the information that (...)
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    Fantasy, Counter-fantasy, and Meta-fantasy in Hobbes’s and Butler’s Accounts of Vulnerability.James Griffith - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (3):617-636.
    Hobbes and Butler both conjure images of an abandoned infant in their respective discussions of vulnerability. Leviathan uses this image to discuss original dominion, or natural maternal right over the child, while for Butler rights discourse produces fantasies of invulnerability that derealize other lives. However, Hobbes’s infant in nature has no rights and can only consent to being nourished. Only when able to nourish itself can it claim rights to transfer through the covenant producing a fantasy of individual invulnerability. (...)
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    Including or excluding consent to the French offence of rape: an analysis of the criminal literature.Salomé Lannier - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2465-2487.
    Since the #MeToo movement, many discussions arose on the role of consent in defining rape, among academics, legal practitioners, non-governmental organisations, and at the European Union level. This debate is particularly relevant in France, where rape is a sexual act committed by violence, coercion, threat, or surprise, with no mention of consent in the Criminal Code. By conducting a meta-analysis of the discourse of the French legal literature on this topic in four criminal law reviews and ten (...)
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    The patient and clinician experience of informed consent for surgery: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence.L. J. Convie, E. Carson, D. McCusker, R. S. McCain, N. McKinley, W. J. Campbell, S. J. Kirk & M. Clarke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-17.
    Background Informed consent is an integral component of good medical practice. Many researchers have investigated measures to improve the quality of informed consent, but it is not clear which techniques work best and why. To address this problem, we propose developing a core outcome set to evaluate interventions designed to improve the consent process for surgery in adult patients with capacity. Part of this process involves reviewing existing research that has reported what is important to patients and (...)
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    Data autonomy and privacy in the smart home: the case for a privacy smart home meta-assistant.Alexander Orlowski & Wulf Loh - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    In this paper, we focus on privacy risks in smart home environments and their implications for privacy and data protection. As with other Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the collection and processing of user data in smart home environments currently lack transparency and control. Smart home applications operate within the home, a space that is both morally and legally particularly protected and characterized by a implicit expectation of privacy from the user’s perspective. In contrast to these higher privacy risks, the (...)
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    A comprehensive systematic review of stakeholder attitudes to alternatives to prospective informed consent in paediatric acute care research.Jeremy Furyk, Kris McBain-Rigg, Bronia Renison, Kerrianne Watt, Richard Franklin, Theophilus I. Emeto, Robin A. Ray, Franz E. Babl & Stuart Dalziel - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):89.
    A challenge of performing research in the paediatric emergency and acute care setting is obtaining valid prospective informed consent from parents. The ethical issues are complex, and it is important to consider the perspective of participants, health care workers and researchers on research without prospective informed consent while planning this type of research. We performed a systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines, of empirical evidence relating to the process, experiences and acceptability of alternatives to prospective informed consent, (...)
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    Big Data and Health Research—The Governance Challenges in a Mixed Data Economy.Søren Holm & Thomas Ploug - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):515-525.
    Denmark is a society that has already moved towards Big Data and a Learning Health Care System. Data from routine healthcare has been registered centrally for years, there is a nationwide tissue bank, and there are numerous other available registries about education, employment, housing, pollution, etcetera. This has allowed Danish researchers to study the link between exposures, genetics and diseases in a large population. This use of public registries for scientific research has been relatively uncontroversial and has been supported by (...)
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    Adjusting the focus: A public health ethics approach to data research.Angela Ballantyne - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (3):357-366.
    This paper contends that a research ethics approach to the regulation of health data research is unhelpful in the era of population‐level research and big data because it results in a primary focus on consent (meta‐, broad, dynamic and/or specific consent). Two recent guidelines – the 2016 WMA Declaration of Taipei on ethical considerations regarding health databases and biobanks and the revised CIOMS International ethical guidelines for health‐related research involving humans – both focus on the growing reliance (...)
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    A renewed, ethical defense of placebo-controlled trials of new treatments for major depression and anxiety disorders.B. W. Dunlop & J. Banja - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):384-389.
    The use of placebo as a control condition in clinical trials of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders continues to be an area of ethical concern. Typically, opponents of placebo controls argue that they violate the beneficent-based, “best proven diagnostic and therapeutic method” that the original Helsinki Declaration of 1964 famously asserted participants are owed. A more consequentialist, oppositional argument is that participants receiving placebo might suffer enormously by being deprived of their usual medication(s). Nevertheless, recent findings of potential for (...)
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  27. Randomised Placebo‐controlled trials and HIV‐infected Pregnant Women in Developing Countries. Ethical Imperialism or Unethical Exploitation.Paquita De Zulueta - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (4):289-311.
    The maternal‐fetal HIV transmission trials, conducted in developing countries in the 1990s, undoubtedly generated one of the most intense, high profile controversies in international research ethics. They sparked off a prolonged acrimonious and public debate and deeply divided the scientific community. They also provided an impetus for the revision of the Declaration of Helsinki – the most widely known guideline for international research. In this paper, I provide a brief summary of the context, outline the arguments for and against the (...)
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    Ethical Monitoring: Conducting Research in a Prison Setting.K. Dalen & L. O. Jones - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (1):10-16.
    Conducting research in a prison setting is ethically challenging. Because history is full of unethical research conducted in prison settings, researchers are often afraid of doing research in this area. It is argued that too much emphasis has been put on the protection of prison inmates as a vulnerable population. Consequently, too little research is being conducted where the focus is on those factors which serve to make the prison population vulnerable. In this paper ethical questions, emerging when conducting a (...)
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    Ethical Monitoring: Conducting Research in a Prison Setting.Lise Øen Jones & Knut Dalen - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (1):10-16.
    Conducting research in a prison setting is ethically challenging. Because history is full of unethical research conducted in prison settings, researchers are often afraid of doing research in this area. It is argued that too much emphasis has been put on the protection of prison inmates as a vulnerable population. Consequently, too little research is being conducted where the focus is on those factors which serve to make the prison population vulnerable. In this paper ethical questions, emerging when conducting a (...)
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  30. The ethics of big data: current and foreseeable issues in biomedical contexts.Brent Daniel Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):303–341.
    The capacity to collect and analyse data is growing exponentially. Referred to as ‘Big Data’, this scientific, social and technological trend has helped create destabilising amounts of information, which can challenge accepted social and ethical norms. Big Data remains a fuzzy idea, emerging across social, scientific, and business contexts sometimes seemingly related only by the gigantic size of the datasets being considered. As is often the case with the cutting edge of scientific and technological progress, understanding of the ethical implications (...)
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    Current state of ethical challenges reported in Saudi Arabia: a systematic review & bibliometric analysis from 2010 to 2021.Shakil Ahmad, Mohammad Rasheed, Khawaja Bilal Waheed & Alexander Woodman - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-36.
    BackgroundOver the past few years, five domains of importance about the current state of bioethics in Saudi Arabia have shaped the perspective of most research: doctor-patient relationship, informed consent, do-not-resuscitate, organ donation, and transplantation, medical students’ knowledge and attitudes about medical ethics curriculum. This systematic review aimed to systematically identify, compile, describe and discuss ethical arguments and concepts in the best-studied domains of bioethics in Saudi Arabia and to present cultural, social, educational, and humane perspectives. MethodsSix databases were searched (...)
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    Ethical and methodological issues in qualitative health research involving children.Xiaoyan Huang, Margaret O’Connor, Li-Shan Ke & Susan Lee - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):339-356.
    Background: The right of children to have their voice heard has been accepted by researchers, and there are increasing numbers of qualitative health studies involving children. The ethical and methodological issues of including children in research have caused worldwide concerns, and many researchers have published articles sharing their own experiences. Objectives: To systematically review and synthesise experts’ opinions and experiences about ethical and methodological issues of including children in research, as well as related solution strategies. Research design: The research design (...)
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    Reporting and referring research participants: Ethical challenges for investigators studying children and youth.Celia B. Fisher - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (2):87 – 95.
    Researchers studying at-risk and socially disenfranchised child and adolescent populations are facing ethical dilemmas not previously encountered in the laboratory or the clinic. One such set of ethical challenges involves whether to: (a) share with guardians research derived information regarding participant risk, (b) provide participants with service referrals, or (c) report to local authorities problems uncovered during the course of investigation. The articles assembled for this special section address the complex issues of deciding if, when, and how to report or (...)
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    A Moral and Intellectual Evaluation of Russell’s Romantic/Sexual Practices.Gülberk Koç Maclean - 2024 - In Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein, Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 11-36.
    This chapter will argue that due to a lack of genuine consent, some of Russell’s practices in his romantic/sexual relationships are morally objectionable according to his own normative theory (utilitarianism) and these practices are intellectually objectionable according to his post-1913 meta-ethics (expressivism) and his understanding of rationality. On utilitarian grounds, Russell’s actions would maximize pleasure and minimize pain for all the parties affected by the relationship if the authenticity of his partners’ consent were maintained either by a (...)
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    The Defining Characteristics of Ethics Papers on Social Media Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Md Sayeed Al-Zaman, Ayushi Khemka, Andy Zhang & Geoffrey Rockwell - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):163-189.
    The growing significance of social media in research demands new ethical standards and practices. Although a substantial body of literature on social media ethics exists, studies on the ethics of conducting research using social media are scarce. The emergence of new evidence sources, like social media, requires innovative methods and renewed consideration of research ethics. Therefore, we pose the following question: What are the defining characteristics of ethics papers on social media research? Following a modified version of the Preferred Reporting (...)
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  36. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Privacy and Security within Biobanking: The Role of Information Technology.Raymond Heatherly - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):156-160.
    Along with technical issues, biobanking frequently raises important privacy and security issues that must be resolved as biobanks continue to grow in scale and scope. Consent mechanisms currently in use range from fine-grained to very broad, and in some cases participants are offered very few privacy protections. However, developments in information technology are bringing improvements. New programs and systems are being developed to allow researchers to conduct analyses without distributing the data itself offsite, either by allowing the investigator to (...)
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    Systematic review and metasummary of attitudes toward research in emergency medical conditions.Alexander T. Limkakeng, Lucas Lentini Herling de Oliveira, Tais Moreira, Amruta Phadtare, Clarissa Garcia Rodrigues, Michael B. Hocker, Ross McKinney, Corrine I. Voils & Ricardo Pietrobon - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):401-408.
    Emergency departments are challenging research settings, where truly informed consent can be difficult to obtain. A deeper understanding of emergency medical patients’ opinions about research is needed. We conducted a systematic review and meta-summary of quantitative and qualitative studies on which values, attitudes, or beliefs of emergent medical research participants influence research participation. We included studies of adults that investigated opinions toward emergency medicine research participation. We excluded studies focused on the association between demographics or consent document (...)
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    Interpretazioni del Rinascimento.Eugenio Garin - 2009 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Edited by Michele Ciliberto.
    Eminente studioso del Rinascimento, Eugenio Garin non fu storico di carattere erudito o di vocazione strettamente filologica; al contrario interrogò i grandi autori rinascimentali muovendo da problemi teorici assai precisi. Il saggio si propone di individuare differenti periodi nella produzione scientifica di Eugenio Garin portando soprattutto alla luce i saggi degli anni '30 e degli anni '40, sorprendenti per le connotazioni di carattere spiccatamente religioso da cui sono percorsi: tanto più sorprendenti se si pensa all'immagine di Garin quale autorevolissimo esponente (...)
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    Ethics Commentary.Tamra Lysaght - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):283-288.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics CommentaryTamra Lysaght, Senior Research FellowThe case scenario reflects the dilemmas frequently faced by researchers who discover incidental findings in the course of their studies. Indeed, the literature suggests that the prevalence of incidental findings in neuroimaging research is common,1 and a recent meta-analysis found that such findings increase significantly with age.2 Thus, given the age of the study population and increased likelihood of co-morbidities, it is puzzling (...)
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    Proposal of actions to develop positive thinking in university students.Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez & Mayelín Varona Delmonte - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):35-53.
    Introducción: cultivar el pensamiento positivo en el ser humano es una necesidad y está relacionado estrechamente con su calidad de vida. Los estudiantes universitarios transitan por una etapa del ciclo vital individual importante, una de sus metas es lograr una profesión; tener una actitud mental optimista puede ser de gran ayuda para el alcance de sus propósitos. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva y transversal con el objetivo de determinar un sistema de acciones para alcanzar un pensamiento positivo (...)
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    Dell'amicizia: alcuni inediti giovanili.Antonio Rosmini - 2020 - Roma: InSchibboleth. Edited by Emanuele Pili & Fulvio De Giorgi.
    Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) si profila come una delle vette filosofiche della prima metà dell'Ottocento europeo. La presente edizione di alcuni suoi inediti giovanili del 1813 (Delle laudi dell'amistà e il Dialogo tra Cieco e Lucillo), consente di gettare nuova luce sulla formazione di un intellettuale dell'epoca e sulla sua nascente sensibilità filosofico-letteraria: dalla ricerca dello stile linguistico all'esposizione delle numerose opere consultate, dal desiderio di condividere con gli altri le proprie passioni al conseguente riflettere sul senso dell'amore e dell'amicizia.
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  43. The Rights of Foreign Intelligence Targets.Michael Skerker - 2021 - In Seumas Miller, Mitt Regan & Patrick Walsh, National Security Intelligence and Ethics. Routledge. pp. 89-106.
    I develop a contractualist theory of just intelligence collection based on the collective moral responsibility to deliver security to a community and use the theory to justify certain kinds of signals interception. I also consider the rights of various intelligence targets like intelligence officers, service personnel, government employees, militants, and family members of all of these groups in order to consider how targets' waivers or forfeitures might create the moral space for just surveillance. Even people who are not doing anything (...)
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    Ethical aspects of genome diversity research: genome research into cultural diversity or cultural diversity in genome research? [REVIEW]Ilhan Ilkilic & Norbert W. Paul - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (1):25-34.
    The goal of the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) was to reconstruct the history of human evolution and the historical and geographical distribution of populations with the help of scientific research. Through this kind of research, the entire spectrum of genetic diversity to be found in the human species was to be explored with the hope of generating a better understanding of the history of humankind. An important part of this genome diversity research consists in taking blood and tissue samples (...)
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  45. Euthanasia and assisted suicide: Who are the vulnerable?Meta Rus & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):18-25.
    One of the common domains in health care in which the concept of vulnerability is used is end-of-life care, including euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS). Since different uses and implications of the notion have been recognised in the literature on EAS, this paper aims to analyse them and reflect on who is the most vulnerable in the context of EAS. A prior exploratory review of the literature has served as a starting point for the discussion. We concluded that vulnerability is (...)
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    Wissen und glaube in der geschichtswissenschaft.Meta Scheele - 1930 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    No Decrease in Muscle Strength after Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in Children with Cerebral Palsy.Meta Nyström Eek & Kate Himmelmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:194629.
    Spasticity and muscle weakness is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Spasticity can be treated with Botulinum Neurotoxin-A (BoNT-A), but this drug has also been reported to induce muscle weakness. Our purpose was to describe the effect on muscle strength in the lower extremities after BoNT-A injections in children with cerebral palsy. A secondary aim was to relate the effect of BoNT-A to gait pattern and range of motion. Twenty children with spastic cerebral palsy were included in the study, (...)
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    A Functional MRI Paradigm for Efficient Mapping of Memory Encoding Across Sensory Conditions.Meta M. Boenniger, Kersten Diers, Sibylle C. Herholz, Mohammad Shahid, Tony Stöcker, Monique M. B. Breteler & Willem Huijbers - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    We introduce a new and time-efficient memory-encoding paradigm for functional magnetic resonance imaging. This paradigm is optimized for mapping multiple contrasts using a mixed design, using auditory and visual stimuli. We demonstrate that the paradigm evokes robust neuronal activity in typical sensory and memory networks. We were able to detect auditory and visual sensory-specific encoding activities in auditory and visual cortices. Also, we detected stimulus-selective activation in environmental-, voice-, scene-, and face-selective brain regions. A subsequent recognition task allowed the detection (...)
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  49. Eve Sweetser.Meta-Metaphorical Conditionals - 1996 - In Masayoshi Shibatani & Sandra A. Thompson, Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning. Clarendon Press. pp. 221.
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    Bralec in književnost.Meta Grosman - 1989 - Ljubljana: Državna zal. Slovenije.
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