Results for 'multidimensional religiosity, confessional and religious self-identification, belief in God, sociology of religion, Serbia'

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  1.  44
    Religious and confessional identification and faith in God among the citizens of Serbia.Mirko Blagojevic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (1):40-52.
    The author presents and analyses, in regard with the subject, the data from a systematic sociological research study of religiosity of the citizens of Serbia which is relevant for the Republic of Serbia without Kosovo and Metohija. The study named?Religiosity in Serbia and the EU integration process? was conducted twice, in 2010 and 2011, by the Christian Cultural Centre from Belgrade with the financial assistance of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Center for European Studies from Brussels. (...)
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    Релігійна самоідентифікація в україні періоду незалежності: Рівень, характер, проблемність, тенденції.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:37-50.
    Problems of modern religiosity, its origin, causes and real level in Ukrainian society; religious self-identification, which in sociological surveys and polls of different levels was usually identified with the true level of religiosity in society; problems of validity and authenticity of religious self-determination of a person and other related problems were started to be considered by scientists from the late 80's - early 90's of the XX century. mostly as a response to the increasing trend of (...)
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    Religious self-identification in modern society.Alla V. Aristova - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 33:77-84.
    Since the beginning of the 1990s, the progressive growth and activity of various denominations, the controversial and turbulent processes of organizational development of religious and church life have become the object of close attention of sociologists and religious scholars. Statistical and sociological data have convincingly shown that the quantitative composition of religious communities and the number of existing denominations has increased ten times, that the religiosity of the Ukrainian population has become a mass phenomenon, and in the (...)
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    The Multidimensional Religious Ideology scale.Wesley J. Wildman, Connor P. Wood, Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Nicholas DiDonato & Aimee Radom - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):213-252.
    The Multidimensional Religious Ideology (MRI) scale is a new 43-item measure that quantifies conservative versus liberal aspects of religious ideology. The MRI focuses on recurring features of ideology rooted in innate moral instincts while capturing salient differences in the ideological profiles of distinct groups and individuals. The MRI highlights how religious ideology differs from political ideology while maintaining a robust grounding in the social psychology of ideology generally. Featuring three major dimensions (religious beliefs, religious (...)
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    Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social Artifact.Duane R. Bidwell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:3-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social ArtifactDuane R. BidwellIt is somewhat paradoxical to write or speak about identity formation in two religious traditions that ultimately deny the reality of any identity that we might claim or fashion for ourselves. In the Christian traditions, a person’s true (or ultimate) identity is received through God’s action and grace in baptism; to foreground any other facet of (...)
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    Self-identification.Maximiliana Jewett Rifkin - unknown
    Here, I first analyze gender identity qua gender self-ascription and offer a theory of the psychological states underpinning gender self-ascriptions, which I call a form of ‘self-identification’. I hold gender self-identification consists of a gender self-concept, which itself consists of a belief or assumption in a context, and sometimes involves a gender role ideal, which consists of an individual’s expectations and standards for how to perform a gender role. Second, I defend my view from (...)
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    Youth religious identity.Iryna Klimuk & Sofia Kliots - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:117-138.
    . The article examines the specifics of the formation of the religious identity of schoolchildren in Lutsk and identifies the main factors influencing this process. The main approaches in defining the concept of religious identity are analyzed. The focus is on ontological, psychological, revealing the individual level of religious identity and sociological approaches, which are represented by confessional and institutional religious identity. Emphasis is placed on the use of a constructivist approach to understanding religious (...)
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    Global Citizenship Identification and Religiosity.Stephen Reysen, Iva Katzarska-Miller & Carole A. Barnsley - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (3):344-367.
    In four studies we examine the associations between religiosity, global citizenship identification, and various kinds of values. Across the studies, general trends emerged showing that religiosity is unrelated to global citizenship identification, and positively related to exclusionary values. However, examination of the varied motivations to be religious showed that quest religious motivation is positively related to global citizenship identification, as well as inclusionary and prosocial values. Furthermore, quest religious motivation was found to positively influence the antecedents and (...)
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    Is Religiosity Helpful for Patients with Heart Failure? Implications for Medical Ethics.Anca Daniela Farcaş, Laura Elena Năstasă & Cristina Aneta Tîrhaş - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:115-122.
    The present study aims to underline the current discussions on the religiosity-health outcome relation, highlighting the tensions that may arise in the course of the medical practice on the following questions: a) Is religiosity itself an (independent) factor capable to affect the outcome of patients with heart failure, or is the association between religiosity and health benefits mediated by other social and psychological factors?; b) To what extent do religious beliefs conduct to illness avoidance or acceptance and to adequate (...)
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    “WE MAKE RELIGION”: WHY IS RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE SO IMPORTANT TODAY? Viktoriia Yakusha interview with Jason Alvis.Viktoriia Yakusha & Jason Alvis - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:149-160.
    The phenomenon of religious experience is of interest to modern researchers in the field of phenomenology and analytical philosophy abroad, but remains unpopular in Ukraine. The interview talks about why philosophy does not stop trying to explore such experiences, and raises the question of the relevance of religion in the age of secularization. Jason Alvis clarifies some points of his project «phenomenology of inconspicuousness» and shares an unpopular view on the work of Martin Heidegger in general and on his (...)
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    Does Religiosity Affect Subjective Well-Being? A Cross-Sectional Study on Hemodialysis (HD) Patients.Nevzat Gencer - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1419-1444.
    The aim of this study, which is a field reseach, is to determine the level of religiosity and subjective well-being (SWB) of patients with chronic renal failure who are receiving hemodialysis treatment with a descriptive approach and by using socio-psychological methods and to try to determine the relationship between their religiosity and subjective well-being. The sample of the study consists of 205 individuals who were determined by stratified random sampling method from the patients treated in Turkish Ministry of Health, Hitit (...)
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  12.  31
    Cross-Confessional Investigation of Religious Visions of the World.Victor Petrenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:271-278.
    The majority of world religions have developed in the course of overcoming tribal and clan identity. The idea of "One God" carries the implication, overtly or not, of uniting mankind on basis of religious belief. The rise of world religions was associated with rise of huge empires and states where various ethnic groups coexisted, not only on the basis of force alone, but also on basis of common religious belief and value systems imposed by religious (...)
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  13. Religious belief without evidence.Alvin Plantinga - 1986 - In Joseph Runzo, Craig K. Ihara & Alvin Plantinga, Religious experience and religious belief: essays in the epistemology of religion. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
  14.  6
    Situating Religious Beliefs.Erik Ringmar - 2025 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 25 (1-2):182-198.
    Recent scholarship in cognitive theory emphasizes the situatedness of cognitive processes, which occur not only in minds but in bodies engaging with their environments. This article relies on these insights to rethink the concept of religious beliefs. It argues that to believe in something is more fundamental than to believe that something is the case. Religious beliefs are primarily expressions of trust rather than propositional statements. To believe in God is to trust in God, reflecting cognitive processes rooted (...)
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  15.  25
    Academic Religious Institution.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 40:18-31.
    Prior to Ukraine's accession to the Ukrainian SSR, there were two research religious institutions - the department of the philosophical problems of religion and atheism of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine B. Lobovyk, and since 1990 - Doctor of Philosophy A. Kolodnyi) and the Inter-republican Branch of the Institute of Scientific Atheism of the Academy of Social Sciences at the CPSU Central Committee. If the first institution was engaged in the study of the (...)
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    Religiöser Universalismus im Zeitalter der Nation. Friedrich von Hügel und die deutsche Geisteswelt.Christian Stoll - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):246-298.
    The article analyzes the influence of German thought on Baron Friedrich von Hügel’s philosophy of religion. The activities of the British scholar in the networks of Catholic modernism are placed within the broader framework of the international discussion on religion around 1900. His religious universalism was shaped to a great extent by the encounter of German intellectuals from a liberal Protestant background, most notably by Rudolf Eucken, Ernst Troeltsch and Friedrich Naumann. This encounter, started during the 1890s, focussed on (...)
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  17.  40
    Does religiosity affect financing activity? Evidence from Indonesia.Ibrahim Fatwa Wijaya, Andrea Moro & Yacine Belghitar - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):670-697.
    We examine the role of religiosity on the financing activities in both Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesian provinces by using five different measures of religiosity: number of Islamic schools, hajj application, number of Islamic seminary schools, number of Mosques, and number of certified halal products. Based on regression analysis, the results show that both Islamic and conventional banks provide more financing in religious provinces. Religiosity also helps in reducing the volume of non-performing financing. Our the results are still (...)
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  18. Religiöse Erfahrung und christliches Selbstverständnis. Der Aufstieg eines Deutungsbegriffs und die Folgen.Andreas Koritensky - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (2):216.
    Die Krise des Glaubens in der Neuzeit hat den Erfahrungsbegriff zu einem wichtigen Mittel der christlichen Selbstdeutung werden lassen. Mit diesem Begriff sollen der Wesenskern und das Kriterium des Christlichen erfasst werden. Eine Untersuchung der drei wichtigsten Grundmodelle, repräsentiert durch Schleiermachers unmittelbare Erfahrung in Anschauung und Gefühl, Rahners transzendentale Erfahrung und Swinburnes perzeptiven Ansatz, zeigt aber, dass der neue Begriff zu Verengungen in der theoretischen und praktischen Architektur des Christentums führt. Statt das Christentum durch eine isolierte, einheitliche Erfahrungskonzeption zu stützen, (...)
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    Self-Identification: Sociological Research Data.Arvydas Virgilijus Matulionis & A. Savicka - 2007 - Lithuanian Identity and Values, Lithuanian Philosophical Studies V, Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series Iva, Eastern and Central Europe 31:83 - 99.
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  20. Scientific theories are religious theories.Ralph H. Vaags - 2016 - In Asle Eikrem & Atle Ottesen Søvik, Talking seriously about God: philosophy of religion in the dispute between theism and atheism. Wien: Lit.
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  21.  46
    Religious education or education about religion?Joris Vlieghe - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):241-246.
    ABSTRACTIn this reply to Agbaria’s reflections on religious authority I first make a distinction between three forms of authority: theological, sociological and educational. Defending the need for a purely educational account of authority, I develop with Arendt a thing-centered approach towards education. This allows me to transcend the traditional opposition between teacher – and student-centered views in education. From this perspective I argue for making a further distinction, viz. between religious education and education about religion. I will defend (...)
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  22. Do religious “beliefs” respond to evidence?Neil Van Leeuwen - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup1):52-72.
    Some examples suggest that religious credences respond to evidence. Other examples suggest they are wildly unresponsive. So the examples taken together suggest there is a puzzle about whether descriptive religious attitudes respond to evidence or not. I argue for a solution to this puzzle according to which religious credences are characteristically not responsive to evidence; that is, they do not tend to be extinguished by contrary evidence. And when they appear to be responsive, it is because the (...)
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  23. Does religious belief impact philosophical analysis?Kevin P. Tobia - 2016 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 6 (1):56-66.
    One popular conception of natural theology holds that certain purely rational arguments are insulated from empirical inquiry and independently establish conclusions that provide evidence, justification, or proof of God’s existence. Yet, some raise suspicions that philosophers and theologians’ personal religious beliefs inappropriately affect these kinds of arguments. I present an experimental test of whether philosophers and theologians’ argument analysis is influenced by religious commitments. The empirical findings suggest religious belief affects philosophical analysis and offer a challenge (...)
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  24.  33
    Hume's Religious Naturalism.Lou Reich - 1998 - Upa.
    This work presents a conception of Hume's overall philosophical stance which is derived from a focus on his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion. A broad context is provided by frequent references to A Treatise of Human Nature and to An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding as well as to other relevant essays and letters written by Hume. Religious Naturalism is a complex tapestry woven of aesthetic, ethical, epistemological and metaphysical elements. The religious element in (...)
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  25.  94
    Religious Self-Reliance.Randy L. Friedman - 2012 - The Pluralist 7 (1):27-53.
    Robert Frost read "The Gift Outright" to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at William & Mary College almost one hundred years after Emerson delivered his famous lecture "The American Scholar" before the Society's Harvard chapter. In his talk, Emerson proclaims, "Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close" (Essays and Poems 53). It is no accident that Frost's poem brings to mind Emerson.1 The possession of the American imagination by other lands (...)
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    Ethnic Self-Identification: Modern Legacy among Postmodern Realities.Roman Syrinsky - 2001 - Sententiae 3 (1):127-140.
    «Ethnical renaissanse» has demonstrated ethnicity is one of the most important attributes of the individuum. However, unclear position of ethnical identity in individuum life and active usage of this concept contributes to every ethnical conflict leads to political conflict. It makes the basis for research which role identity plays in human`s life. The author explores beginnings of concepts of nation and ethnicity and considers comunitarians` and liberals` attitude towards them. Paradoxes of nation and ethnicity concepts and need of self-identity (...)
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    Civilizational Self-Identification as a Response to the Neoliberal Crisis.Валерия Игоревна Спиридонова - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (1):77-97.
    The article discusses issues related to overcoming the crisis situation of non-Western countries, including Russia, caused by the uncritical acceptance of the neoliberal universalistic paradigm of development at the turn of the century. The intellectual response to the crisis led the initiative of civilizational self-identification of these countries based on the formation of a new principle of supranational organization in the form of a “civilizationstate,” which is perceived by Western analysts as a fundamental global challenge of modernity requiring a (...)
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  28.  33
    Religion und religiöse Tradition: Unterscheidungsdiskurse zu den Grenzen des Islams.Markus Dreßler - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):48-77.
    Zusammenfassung Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich am Beispiel des islamischen Diskursfeldes mit der metasprachlichen Beschreibung objektsprachlicher Ab- und Ausgrenzungsdiskurse. Dies bringt zwangsläufig eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Dynamiken zwischen objekt- und metasprachlicher Begriffsebene mit sich. Der Artikel diskutiert in einem ersten Schritt Talal Asads Konzeption islamischer Orthodoxie und den ihr zugrundeliegenden Traditionsbegriff. In einem zweiten Schritt werden anhand von Beispielen aus dem nordamerikanischen Sufidiskurs und dem modernen türkischen Religionsdiskurs objektsprachliche Grenzziehungsdynamiken innerhalb des islamischen Diskursfeldes analysiert. Der letzte Teil des Aufsatzes widmet sich (...)
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    Do Local Religious Beliefs Affect Firms’ Earnings Management Practice? Evidence From the United States.Hongying Geng, Min Hua, Li Sun & Chao Yan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper investigates whether local religious beliefs have a significant impact on the practice of earnings management. We extend the existing literature on the role of firm characteristics in mitigating earnings management by showing that local religious beliefs significantly impact the practice of earnings management. Specifically, exploring firms located in the U.S. counties that vary from 2000 through 2010, we document the negative relationship between religiosity and earnings management using multivariate regression analysis. Our results show that firms in (...)
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  30.  85
    Do religious beliefs aim at the truth?Michael Scott - 2005 - Religious Studies 41 (2):217-224.
    This paper evaluates Brian Zamulinski's argument from considerations of relative likelihood for preferring a ‘religion-as-fiction’ hypothesis to metaphysical realism. The paper finds that the argument fails to consider numerous variant hypotheses, and that the ‘religion-as-fiction’ hypothesis is poorly formulated. It is concluded that an argument from likelihood about the status of religious belief will not, in the way Zamulinski constructs it, give support to a hypothesis unless supplemented by an estimate of its probability. Moreover, once probability is taken (...)
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  31. Evidence is Required for Religious Belief.Blake McAllister - 2019 - In Michael Peterson & Ray VanArragon, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269-278.
  32.  15
    The will to religion: Obligatory religious citizenship.Lori G. Beaman - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (2):141-157.
    This article takes up the problematic of the ‘new normal’ and its necessary twin, the ‘will to religion’. The notion of the ‘new normal’ describes the shift to the persistent presence, indeed requirement, for religious assessment in all manner of public and institutional life. The idea of the will to religion reflects a broadly Foucauldian perspective on the care of the self and the requirement to confess—in this instance to confess one’s belonging to a religious category. The (...)
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  33. Religious Beliefs as World-View Beliefs.Winfried Löffler - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):7-25.
    In this paper, I defend a moderately cognitive account of religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are interpreted as “worldview beliefs”, which I explicate as being indispensable to our everyday and scientific practice; my reading is nonetheless distinct from non-cognitivist readings of “worldview belief” which occasionally appear in the literature. I start with a brief analysis of a recent German contribution to the debate which on the one hand insists on the priority of epistemic reasons for or against (...) beliefs, but on the other hand contends that religious beliefs are worldview beliefs. This leads me to explicate a special sense of worldview beliefs, as well as their cognitive role. After that, I shed some light on a special epistemological characteristic of worldview beliefs, namely the strong involvement of “free certitude” in their acceptance. I explore the implications for the possible role of arguments for worldview beliefs, especially for worldview beliefs concerning theism. (shrink)
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  34. Religious Experience Justifies Religious Belief.William P. Alston - 2003 - In Michael L. Peterson, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken: Blackwell. pp. 135--45.
  35.  13
    Is Religious Education Possible?: A Philosophical Investigation.Michael Hand - 2006 - London: Continuum.
    This fascinating monograph tackles a well-established problem in the philosophy of education. The problem is the threat posed to the logical possibility of non-confessional religious education by the claim that religion constitutes an autonomous language-game or form of knowledge. Defenders of this claim argue that religion cannot be understood from the outside: it is impossible to impart religious understanding unless one is also prepared to impart religious belief. Michael Hand argues for two central points: first, (...)
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  36. The Secular-Religious Divide: Kant's Legacy.Richard J. Bernstein - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (4):1035-1048.
    How has philosophy contributed to bringing about a secular age? What role has philosophy played in bringing about a secular age in which belief and unbelief are both viable options? This paper does not address philosophy in general but rather focuses on a single thinker, Immanuel Kant, to argue that the consequences—both intended and unintended—of Kant's critical philosophy has had the greatest philosophical influence on making unbelief a legitimate alternative to faith in a transcendent God. Initially, the thesis may (...)
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  37. Pascal on Self-Caused Belief.Stephen T. Davis - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (1):27 - 37.
    Let me begin with a true story. Years ago, early in my career as a professor of philosophy, I had a fascinating series of conversations with a student whom I will call Peter. He was a bright and incisive senior, with a double major in philosophy and psychology. Raised in a religious family, the son of a Christian minister, he was himself unable to believe. His doubts were too strong. But the odd fact was that he genuinely wanted to (...)
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    Using multiple religious belonging to test analogies for religion.Rhiannon Grant - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (4):370-382.
    ABSTRACTThis article considers some analogies for religion which are so common in our ordinary language that they might pass without notice. I explore five in detail to show how each in different ways limits what we can say, and indeed think, about religion. By using multiple religious belonging as an example, I am able to compare the things we ordinarily say about religion with the complexities of real, lived religion and illustrate some of the ways in which our analogies (...)
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  39. Religiöse Ahnungen unter Aufklärungsdruck.Gereon Wolters - 2010 - In Joachim Bromand & Guido Kreis, Was Sich Nicht Sagen Lässt: Das Nicht-Begriffliche in Wissenschaft, Kunst Und Religion. Berlin: Akademie Verlag/De Gruyter. pp. 661-670.
    This paper deals with the fate of religious intuitions in enlightenment contexts.
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  40. Humble Confessionalism.David Holley - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1):141-161.
    : Much of the appeal of religious pluralism for those who take religious truth claims seriously arises from the sense that confessionalist alternatives to pluralism that affirm the truth of one particular religion are unacceptable. Pluralists try to foster this sense by portraying confessionalist views as implausible for one who is fully informed about the facts of religious diversity. However, when pluralists attempt to rule out confessionalism, they tend to characterize it in ways that overlook the possibility (...)
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  41. Does religious experience justify religious belief.W. Alston & E. Fales - 2003 - In Michael L. Peterson, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken: Blackwell.
  42. Religious Belief as 'Properly Basic'.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - In Brian Davies, Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Religious opposition to obstetric anaesthesia: A Myth?A. D. Farr - 1983 - Annals of Science 40 (2):159-177.
    It has frequently been suggested that science and religion are innately in conflict. One example from the history of medicine is the introduction of anaesthesia into obstetrics in 1847, which is commonly said to have stimulated massive religious opposition. Historians have almost unanimously averred that such opposition arose from the belief that obstetric anaesthesia interfered with the primeval curse— ‘In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children’ . Despite considerable opposition to obstetric anaesthesia upon medical, physiological, and general moral (...)
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  44. A religious belief.Peter Genco & Alex Blum - 2014 - Annales Philosophici 7:25-25.
    We discuss some of the consequences of the belief that while God keeps His promises under every possible circumstance He can nevertheless break them. One interesting consequence is that no proof is possible for the proposition that God keeps His promises. We also point out that for this believer, necessity and possibility cannot be reformulated as truth in all and some possible worlds, respectively.
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    Religious experience: A sociological perspective.Michael P. Hornsby‐Smith - 1998 - Heythrop Journal 39 (4):413–433.
    This paper draws on a wide range of researches to stress the importance of social context to the sociological understanding of religious experiences. It argues that individualistic definitions fail to take into account real group experiences such as those resulting from the reforms of Vatican II. For the sociologist, it is important to explore general patterns of group experiences and the meanings attributed to them. The paper discusses some of the methodological and conceptual problems in this area before considering (...)
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    Religious Knowledge.James Kellenberger - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses the place of religious knowledge in religion, particularly within Christianity. The book begins by examining the difference between the general concepts of knowledge and belief, the relation between faith and knowledge, and reasons why belief as faith, and not knowledge, is central to the Abrahamic religions. The book explores the ambivalence about religious knowledge within Christianity. Some religious thinkers explicitly accepted and sought religious knowledge, as did St. Thomas Aquinas, while others, (...)
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    Multidimensional Approach to Religion: a way of looking at religious phenomena.Talip Küçükcan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):60-70.
    Modern societies have by nature a corrosive effect on traditional forms of religious life and lead to decline in the scope and influence of religious institutions and in the popularity of religious beliefs. This article argues that prophecies of traditional secularization theory failed to predict the future of religion in the contemporary world. Although modernity caused a degree of rupture between religion and society, there has also been a global revival of religion in the last two or (...)
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    (1 other version)Neo‐Confucian Religiousness Vis‐à‐vis Neo‐Orthodox Protestantism.Ping-Cheung Lo - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):609-631.
    Contemporary Neo-Confucianism, as represented by Tang Junyi, Mou Zongsan and Tu Wei-ming, has a definite religiosity. They consciously draw a parallel between the Christian God-human relationship and Confucian Heaven-human relationship, and argue for the superiority of the latter. They characterize the Christian God as “pure transcendence”; in contrast, they embrace immanentism of the Heaven and assert the divinity of human nature. This article argues that these Confucian thinkers have a very distorted understanding of classical Christian theology. They cherry-pick some statements (...)
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    Prophetic Ethics: Rufus Burrow, Jr.’s, Personalist Contribution to Religious Ethics.Dwayne A. Tunstall - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):14-29.
    Religious ethicists use a variety of conceptual tools from many disciplines—for example, psychology, sociology, anthropology, theology, philosophy, political science, cognitive science, and neuroscience—to study various religious traditions. They use these interdisciplinary tools to study how these traditions influence and are influenced by the cultural mores and societal norms of the societies in which these traditions are practiced. If William Schweiker's depiction of religious ethics in The Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics is representative of the field's (...)
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  50. Religious Credence is not Factual Belief.Neil Van Leeuwen - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):698-715.
    I argue that psychology and epistemology should posit distinct cognitive attitudes of religious credence and factual belief, which have different etiologies and different cognitive and behavioral effects. I support this claim by presenting a range of empirical evidence that religious cognitive attitudes tend to lack properties characteristic of factual belief, just as attitudes like hypothesis, fictional imagining, and assumption for the sake of argument generally lack such properties. Furthermore, religious credences have distinctive properties of their (...)
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