Results for 'obraz, imaginarium, utopia, raj, millenaryzm, rewolucja, wspólnota, wykluczenie'

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  1.  18
    Images of Paradise, Images of Utopia: The Search for Community.Karol Morawski - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:99-120.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest nie tylko przybliżenie określonych obrazów raju i utopii, które ukazują się w różnych odsłonach w domenach imaginariów europejskich na przestrzeni dziejów, lecz także ukazanie powiązań owych obrazów z domeną dyskursów politycznych dążących do zmiany status quo oraz ukonstytuowania doskonałej, harmonijnej i nieantagonistycznej wspólnoty. Stworzenie takiej wspólnoty – pomimo uniwersalistycznych wizji, które imaginaria raju i utopii implikują – niejednokrotnie opiera się na mechanizmach inkluzji i ekskluzji. Mechanizmy tego typu są charakterystyczne przede wszystkim dla maksymalistycznych wizji i idei (...)
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  2.  13
    Sacrum i rewolucja. Leszek Kołakowski i inni.Jan Krasicki - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (2):37-59.
    The sacred and the revolution Leszek Kołakowski and othersThe author examines the relationship between the sphere of the sacred and the phenomenon of the revolution. He points to the distinctiveness of Leszek Kołakowski’s position as compared to the views articulated by other representatives of the so-called Warsaw school of the history of ideas. He claims that Kołakowski’s philosophical programme, which takes into account the sacred and mythical dimension of the socio-political diagnoses, can help us to understand the Russian Revolution of (...)
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  3.  7
    Imaginaria polityczności: obraz i hegemonia.Karol Morawski - 2019 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
    Wprowadzenie -- Platon mitotwórca -- Mit Księcia -- Imaginarium rewolucyjne -- Mit w postkomunistycznej Europie -- Mit i słowo -- Zakonczenie.
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    Сущность и признаки просвещения.Всеволод Кузнецов - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):94-112.
    In this article the author proves his own concept of the spirit of the Enlightenment and de-scribes the basic features of this phenomenon. At the beginning of the work the author examines the concept of scientists who believe that the Enlightenment was an event in the history of mediation. The author agrees with the basic idea of these researchers, however, he believes that it is necessary to find out about what kind of mediation in question. The author argues that the (...)
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  5. Culture and Utopia in the Phenomenological Perspective.Bello Aa - 1976 - Analecta Husserliana 5:305-341.
  6.  8
    Mito y cultura.José Luis Abellán - 1971 - [Madrid]: Seminarios y Ediciones.
  7. Persistent utopia.Miguel Abensour - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):406-421.
  8. To Think Utopia Otherwise.Miguel Abensour - 1998 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20 (2-1):251-279.
  9.  48
    Utopía: ¿Futuro y/o Alteridad?Miguel Abensour - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 46:15-32.
    Este artículo propone recorrer las diferentes perspectivas desde las que históricamente se ha pensado la utopía. En este recorrido Miguel Abensour subraya dos giros fundamentales. El primero sería la asignación de la utopía al tiempo por medio de su transferencia a una ontología dialéctica, operación llevada a cabo por Marx e identificada por Marc Bloch. El segundo, aún más importante en cuanto se trata de una tarea presente, sería la superación de los límites que la previsión dialéctica impone a la (...)
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  10.  83
    Matthew Lipman y Paulo Freire: Conceptos para la libertad.Stella Accorinti - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (18):35-56.
    M. Lipman and P. Freire are two thinkers who support the practice of liberty. Liberty is liberty to learn to think, and to exist in communities of dialogue, questioning, and search. This is the project that leads human beings to understand themselves and recognize others. Without liberty there..
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  11.  34
    Máscaras para el laberinto de la Bildung Cómo se llega a ser lo que Ariadna es.Stella Accorinti - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):51-58.
    “A mouth that speaks, many ears, and half the hands that write. These are the ac a demic ap - pa ra tus, these are the ac tive ma chines of Bildung in the Uni ver sity”, as writen by Nietz sche.. What should we do? Nietz sche gave us some an swers, in his ha bit ual form: ques tions, met a phor..
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  12.  27
    Finanzas y moneda internacionales al servicio del ser humano. Una propuesta desde la utopía.Alberto Acosta - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El artículo provee una interpretación de la actual crisis financiera como parte de una crisis económica que tiene una serie de facetas sincronizadas, -amén de lo financiero, en lo ambiental, lo energético, lo alimentario- eventuales antesalas de una profunda y prolongada crisis civilizatoria. Plantea la necesidad de no reducir la atención sólo a los temas coyunturales y de diseñar una estrategia que permita sentar las bases estructurales para el cambio, aprovechando las actuales dificultades coyunturales y las debilidades relativas de los (...)
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  13.  34
    La estructura cultural de la contrarrevolución burguesa y los límites de las transiciones democráticas en el cono sur de América Latina.Yamandú Acosta - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):9-31.
    Se desarrollan analíticamente cuatro proposiciones: I) La tensión democracia-autoritarismo es constitutiva de la identidad de las democracias latinoamericanas, II) La novedad del nuevo autoritarismo reside en su articulación como proyecto total que lo singulariza como totalitarismo que se l..
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  14. Popularidad, utopía y realidad del Buena Vista Social Club.Leonardo Acosta - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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  15.  6
    The philosophic unity of More's Utopia..Robert Pardee Adams - 1941 - [Chapel Hill, N.C.,:
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    The Social Responsibilities of Science in Utopia, New Atlantis and After.Robert P. Adams - 1949 - Journal of the History of Ideas 10 (1/4):374.
  17. Utopia: A New Translation, Backgrounds, Criticism. A Norton Critical Edition.Robert M. Adams, Thomas More, James J. Greene & John P. Dolan - 1992 - Utopian Studies 3 (2):102-120.
  18.  35
    Reconstituting Realism: Feasibility, Utopia and Epistemological Imperfection.Alan Finlayson Adrian Little - 2015 - Contemporary Political Theory 14 (3):276.
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    A Critical Study of Robert Nozick’s View on Utilitarianism.Sajia Afrin - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:165-176.
    In this paper, I will analyze and critically evaluate 20th century American philosopher Robert Nozick’s position regarding utilitarianism; how he refutes utilitarianism with reference to two new concepts called “Experience Machine” and “Utility Monster”. I will argue that if we were given the option of entering into an experience machine as Nozick presented in his book Anarchy State and Utopia, in which we can create a new better life for ourselves, then it would be irrational to refuse the option. I (...)
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  20. Haft kishvar va safarhā-yi Ibn Turāb: matnī pīshīnah dar akhlāq va siyāsat bargardah-ʼi dāstān.Mihrān Afshārī & Īraj Afshār (eds.) - 2007 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Chashmah.
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  21.  40
    An Assessment of Student Moral Development at the National Defense University: Implications for Ethics Education and Moral Development for Senior Government and Military Leaders.Raj Agrawal, Kenneth Williams & B. J. Miller - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (4):312-330.
    Senior service colleges provide professional education to prepare military and government civilians for public service at the senior levels of strategy and policy. Inclusive in the program of study...
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  22.  41
    Exclusión y Violencia disolvente en México. La reconstrucción populista de la Nación.Julio Aibar - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):53-64.
    Se ha impuesto en México, en las últimas dos décadas, un sentido común neoliberal que apuesta al Estado débil. Sin embargo la tradición de la revolución mexicana era otra, y también la historia latinoamericana muestra que los Estados han sido más fuertes que las naciones (J. Aricó). De tal modo es i..
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  23.  13
    New Challenges in Immigration Theory.Crispino E. G. Akakpo & Patti Tamara Lenard (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    As far as immigration theory is concerned, the attempt to reconcile concern for all persons with the reality of state boundaries and exclusionary policies has proved difficult within the limits of normative liberal political philosophy. However, the realpolitik of migration in today's environment forces a major paradigm shift. We must move beyond standard debates between those who argue for more open borders and those who argue for more closed borders. This book aims to show that a realistic utopia of political (...)
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  24.  35
    Transforming Business Education through Social Innovation: from Exalting Heroes to Engaging our Humanity.Lerzan Aksoy, Hooria Jazaieri, Yuliya Komarova Loureiro, Katherine Milligan, Jeffrey Nesteruk & Raj Sisodia - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):239-259.
    Our world is faced with complex challenges that include poverty, hunger, lack of education, gender inequality, sustainability, and climate change. These issues cannot be addressed by government action alone and requires the business world play an important role. Despite the many effort of companies to address social responsibility in the last decade however, capitalism continues to suffer a crisis of trust. Many organizations lack the awareness, mindset, frameworks, and knowledge to efficiently and effectively make progress in providing solutions to these (...)
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  25.  84
    Karl Marx as a Conservative Thinker.Alan Shandro - 2000 - Historical Materialism 6 (1):3-26.
    According to a long-standing conservative critique, the proponents of fundamental or revolutionary social change necessarily fail by sacrificing the organic complexity of society and the individual upon a procrustean bed of dogmatic and rigid universal principles. I will argue that Marx's concept of proletarian self-emancipation is not only compatible with this conservative critique but is appropriately understood as a variant of it. The self-emancipation of the working class is the core of Marx's critique of the Utopian socialists, for whom socialism (...)
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  26.  15
    Superficialismo radicale: soggetti, emancipazione e politica.Mirko Alagna & Leonard Mazzone (eds.) - 2021 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
    I saggi di questo testo gravitano attorno a due fuochi: una diagnosi della soggettività contemporanea e il tentativo di sviluppare una critica all'altezza della sua vocazione emancipativa. Ciò che viene descritto è un processo di tendenziale emersione in superficie della relazione tra soggettività e politica; nessuna utopia col torcicollo, nessun nostalgismo, nessuna lamentela sulla superficialità della politica o paternale sulla superficialità dei soggetti. La scommessa, piuttosto, è quella di prendere le apparenze sul serio e quindi rinunciare a ogni forma di (...)
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  27.  51
    Sociología y trabajo social: Un fundamento básico para hacer ciencia social desde el Otro.Luis Alarcón & Irey Gómez - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (26):67-76.
    The con flict be tween postmodernidad and mo der nity has left a se ries of leg a cies that al - though not new, be gin to resurge in a con text of con stant and dis tinct sociopolitical trans for ma - tion. In the case of Latin Amer ica, ac cord ing to Wallerstein, the mo ment has ar rived for..
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  28. Utopia and Islamic political thought.Aziz Al-Azmeh - 1990 - History of Political Thought 11 (1):9-19.
  29.  21
    Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial Ecotopianism.Heather Alberro - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):528-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial EcotopianismHeather Alberro (bio)Limitations and Exclusions of the (Western) Utopian CanonUtopianism in all of its manifestations often powerfully (re)surfaces during times of significant socio-ecological upheaval as a response to oppressive and exploitative realities. As such it is a fervent refusal against a given status quo and its purported inevitability. Utopianism and hope are rendered possible by, and (...)
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  30.  22
    Revolución y terrorismo en los 70s: ideología, utopía y consecuencias de una etapa liberticida.Alfredo Crespo Alcázar - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    Throughout the following analysis we propose a reflection on the reasons and causes that motivated the appearance and development of “revolutionary terrorism” or of the extreme left in Latin America and Western Europe. We review the role played by some of its main reference organizations and the response offered by the States in which they acted. As fundamental axes, we consider two. On the one hand, the role played by violence in these organizations. On the other hand, the causes that (...)
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  31. Chelovecheskoe znanie i ego kompʹi︠u︡ternyĭ obraz.I. I︠U︡ Alekseeva - 1993 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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  32.  29
    Community Partnership for Ecotourism based on an Environmental Education Program for Sustainable Development in Sierra De Huautla, México.Gabriela Alonso & Subas P. Dhakal - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (44):117-124.
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  33.  88
    Un sujeto a la zaga de sujetos de movimientos: pistas de indagaciones para la construcción de una teoría crítica.Jorge Alonso - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (49):35-52.
    El concepto de clases sociales pese a los cambios que ha sufrido está lejos de ser obsoleto, como algunos han llegado a afirmar. Las contradicciones sociales y la lucha clasista propiciada por las tensiones que generaban, hacen surgir una elite crítica que una vez instalada en el poder influye en lo..
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  34.  14
    Jean Baudrillard: il male, l'utopia, il simulacro.Dario Altobelli - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  35.  12
    Perspectives sociales?Elmar Altvater - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):42.
    The end of socialist utopias on the Fordian model, which today are in a state of general crisis and have become weakend in their foundations, calls for political forms capable of organizing new historical subjects appropriate to a new social structure.
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  36.  25
    In Honor and Memory of Frédéric Bastiat´s The Law.Eduardo Mayora Alvarado - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (2).
    Many people believe today that legislation is a tool powerful enough to shape society and to cure social diseases. Others think that legislation is useful to gain political support from special interest groups in search of privileges, at the expense of those whose cost of rejecting these actions is higher than their individual share of cost of such protection. Yet others think that legislation is the appropriate tool to implement public policy, according with their own “utopia”.To all those people, both (...)
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  37.  44
    Proposal of a Classification of Analogies.David Alvargonzález - 2020 - Informal Logic 40 (1):109-137.
    In this paper, I will propose a classification of analogies based on their internal structure. Selecting the criteria used in that classification first requires discussing the minimal constitutive parts of any analogy. Accordingly, I will discuss the differences between analogy and similarity and between analogy and “synalogy,” and I will stress the importance of the analogy of operations and procedures. Finally, I will set forth a classification of the different types of analogies, which lends itself to a further understanding of (...)
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  38.  78
    Subjetividades políticas: sus emergencias, tramas y opacidades en el marco de la acción política. Mapeo de 61 experiencias con vinculación de jóvenes en Colombia.Sara Victoria Alvarado, Patricia Botero & Héctor Fabio Ospina - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):39-55.
    Desde una hermenéutica ontológica política se hacen visibles y audibles prácticas singulares a partir del punto de vista de los estudios latinoamericanos, los cuales apelan por una perspectiva de afirmación como propone Arturo Escobar respecto a una mirada sobre la diversidad y singularidad de accio..
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  39. "in Memoriam": Recordando A Jacques Derrida.Gabriel Andrade - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 27:109-110.
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    Reseña de" El legado del cristianismo en la cultura occidental" de César Vidal.Gabriel Andrade - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (34):138-141.
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  41.  71
    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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  42. "tiempo Cíclico" En La Obra De Mircea Eliade Y René Girard.Gabriel Andrade & Maria Redondo - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17:9-36.
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  43.  53
    To Utopia Via the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: Elgin's Láadan.Kristine Anderson - 1991 - Utopian Studies 3:92-98.
  44.  12
    Women, Space and Utopia, 1600-1800.Kristine J. Anderson - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (3):576-579.
  45.  26
    Derecho, racionalidad y supuesto metodológico de la modernidad.José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):64-82.
    The influx of modernity is approached as a guaranteed right in the economic process. The period is catalogued as a proponent of rationality in Weberian-Habermasian sense, with an adjustment as to ends. Rights adopt four characteristics in the methodological argument of modernity: a) it is calc..
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  46. La profecía de Huxley y el siglo biotech: La sociedad posthumana nos alcanza.Pablo Antillano - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (38):105-125.
    Resumen Hace 78 años, en “Un Mundo Feliz”, el escritor Aldous Huxley, en un prodigioso tono satírico, se anticipó con asombrosa precisión a los grandes temas de la agenda científica y política del Siglo XXI: la reproducción controlada, el choque de civilizaciones y la clonación humana, entre otros. Hace unos días, a mediados de mayo de 2010, el J. Craig Venter Institute anunció que había producido la primera célula sin historia genética creada en un laboratorio a partir de un genoma (...)
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  47.  40
    Suits and “game-playing”: formalism and subjectivism revisited. A critique.Paulo Antunes - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-15.
    In his work, Bernard Suits presents and pursues a stated objective: to define ‘game’ or, more precisely, ‘game-playing’. In The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia, the author seeks a definition not as a ‘commitment to the universal fruitfulness of definition construction’, but rather with the idea ‘that some things are definable, and some are not’. This is something he believed could resolve many of the issues surrounding the debate on ‘game’ and ‘play’, such as those with Huizinga (in Homo Ludens) (...)
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  48.  16
    Klee, a utopia do movimento.Otília Arantes - 1976 - Discurso 7 (7):87-110.
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  49.  49
    El espacio teórico de la narrativa: un desafío ético y político.Leonor Arfuch - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (42):131-140.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar la relación entre la perspectiva teórica de la narrativa, con sus anclajes en la filosofía, la lingüística, la teoría literaria y el psicoanálisis -entre otros- y la problemática contemporánea de identidades y subjetividades desde una perspectiva no esencialist..
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  50.  44
    Utopian spaces and the promise of education: a conceptual analysis.Gerald Argenton - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (3):310-321.
    This paper states that modern education and utopian discourse share one common trait, that of being structurally founded on the promise of human betterment. The changing relations between concepts of education and utopianism will be developed through conceptual analysis of the dynamics of the promise in their interweaving process. This shall be discussed through three main topics. The first is the appropriation of space in early modern education (sixteenth century onward), with particular emphasis on the influence of print technology on (...)
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