Results for 'opętanie i trans'

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  1.  16
    Kryteria diagnozy i rozeznania opętania. Spojrzenie wielowymiarowe.Borys Jacek Soiński - 2016 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 22 (1):185-229.
    Many symptoms of possession described by exorcists correspond to the symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Before helping a person who feels that they are possessed by an evil spirit, one should answer this question: when is therapy necessary, and when is an exorcism required? The article points out that psychiatrists have different attitudes to theological explanations of possession and exorcism. According to the author, it is best to adopt a complementary attitude, such as leaves room for the thought that there exist (...)
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    Transgressing Borders.Jonathan Tran - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (2):97-116.
    UTILIZING MICHEL FOUCAULT'S CONCEPTION OF "PLAGUE" AS A DESCRIPtion of states of exception, this essay analyzes America's plans to genetically screen illegal immigrants. It argues that liberal democratic theory presupposes the exceptionalism of the nation-state and hence justifies sacrifices to appease the tragic order of things. The use of genetic technology in current American immigration policy instantiates these "necessary" sacrifices, extending agency and visibility in a never-ending struggle to foreclose every manner of contingency. In contrast, I offer a "doxological" view (...)
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  3. How Digital Natives Learn and Thrive in the Digital Age: Evidence from an Emerging Economy.Trung Tran, Manh-Toan Ho, Thanh-Hang Pham, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Khanh-Linh P. Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong, Thanh-Huyen T. Nguyen, Thanh-Dung Nguyen, Thi-Linh Nguyen, Quy Khuc, Viet-Phuong La & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - Sustainability 12 (9):3819.
    As a generation of ‘digital natives,’ secondary students who were born from 2002 to 2010 have various approaches to acquiring digital knowledge. Digital literacy and resilience are crucial for them to navigate the digital world as much as the real world; however, these remain under-researched subjects, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, the education system has put considerable effort into teaching students these skills to promote quality education as part of the United Nations-defined Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). This issue (...)
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    Consumers’ Responses to Moral Transgressions in the Fashion Industry: Comparative Insights from Western Developed and Southeast Asian Emerging Markets.Thi Thanh Huong Tran & Fabian Bartsch - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):773-806.
    Using an institutional perspective, this paper investigates how consumers in Western developed and Southeast Asian emerging markets respond to fashion brands’ moral transgressions and how consumers’ moral rationalization tendencies vary across the two markets. The study employs multimethod analyses, including cross-national secondary data from 12 countries and experimental data from 940 German and Vietnamese consumers. In a non-transgression context, the multivariate analyses show that Western developed-market consumers embrace higher ethical standards (Study 1A), tend to seek collective action against prevalent immoral (...)
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    École du parti et formation des élites dirigeantes en Chine.Émilie Tran - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 122 (1):123-144.
    Dans un régime comme celui de la République populaire de Chine, où prévaut la suprématie d’un Parti-État unique, la politique et le politique constituent, a fortiori plus qu’ailleurs, la chasse gardée de l’élite dirigeante du pays, à savoir les cadres du Parti communiste. Cet article tente de saisir qui sont les élites politiques aux commandes de la Chine d’aujourd’hui à travers l’analyse du modus operandi de l’École des cadres du Parti de Shanghai. L’étude de cette institution, qui participe à la (...)
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  6. High energy phenomenology: proceedings of the Sixth Rencontre de Moriond, Méribel-lès-Allues (France), March 7-9 [i.e. 7-19].J. Thanh Van Tran (ed.) - 1971 - Orsay, France: The Laboratoire.
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    Medisinsk etikk i vår tid.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1991 - [Søreidgrend, Norway]: Sigma forlag.
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    Tími heimspekinnar í framhaldsskólanum.Kristín Hildur Sætran - 2010 - Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan.
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    Assessing the Augustinian Democrats.Jonathan Tran - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (3):521-547.
    In this essay I argue that Christian political participation as envisioned by those I term “Augustinian democrats”—a group of Protestant ethicists following a path cleared by Jeffrey Stout’s 2004 Democracy and Tradition—is founded upon an elegantly rendered political ontology, but leaves incomplete a description of the practical task and place of the church. My contention is that this incompletely developed practical task is not accidental to the manner in which these Augustinians complete the speculative, ontological task. The completion of the (...)
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    The Implications of Filial Piety in Study Engagement and Study Satisfaction: A Polish-Vietnamese Comparison.Joanna Różycka-Tran, Paweł Jurek, Thi Khanh Ha Truong & Michał Olech - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:525034.
    Even in psychological literature, which describes many determining variables related to the school domain, few studies have investigated the universal mechanism underlying parent–child relations, which is a prototype matrix for future student–teacher relations. The role of the imprinted schema of children’s obligations toward parents seems to be crucial for school functioning in classroom society. The Dual Filial Piety Model is comprised of two higher-order factors that correspond to the two focal filial piety attributes: reciprocal and authoritarian, which have been shown (...)
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    "I Shall Never Forget": The Civil War in American Historical Memory, 1863-1915.Emily Tran - 2017 - Constellations 8 (1):13-25.
  12.  21
    Arne Næss i 90. Filosofi, positivismestrid, etikk.Knut Erik Tranøy - 2002 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 37 (1-2):56-63.
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  13. Extremists are more confident.Nora Heinzelmann & Viet Tran - 2022 - Erkenntnis (5).
    Metacognitive mental states are mental states about mental states. For example, I may be uncertain whether my belief is correct. In social discourse, an interlocutor’s metacognitive certainty may constitute evidence about the reliability of their testimony. For example, if a speaker is certain that their belief is correct, then we may take this as evidence in favour of their belief, or its content. This paper argues that, if metacognitive certainty is genuine evidence, then it is disproportionate evidence for extreme beliefs. (...)
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    Who expresses their pride when? The regulation of pride expressions as a function of self-monitoring and social context.Chau Tran, Bengisu Sezer & Yvette van Osch - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1343-1353.
    Pride expressions draw attention to one’s achievement, and therefore can enhance one’s status. However, such attention has been linked to negative interpersonal consequences (i.e. envy). Fortunately, people have been found to regulate their pride expressions accordingly. Specifically, pride expressions are lower when the domain of the achievement is of high relevance to observers. We set out to replicate this effect in a non-Western sample. Additionally, we extended the current finding by investigating the moderating role of self-monitoring, an individual’s ability and (...)
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    Interpolative fusions.Alex Kruckman, Chieu-Minh Tran & Erik Walsberg - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150010.
    We define the interpolative fusion T∪∗ of a family i∈I of first-order theories over a common reduct T∩, a notion that generalizes many examples of random or generic structures in the model-theo...
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    Musical Experience and Speech Processing: The Case of Whistled Words.Anaïs Tran Ngoc, Julien Meyer & Fanny Meunier - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (12):e70032.
    In this paper, we explore the effect of musical expertise on whistled word perception by naive listeners. In whistled words of nontonal languages, vowels are transposed to relatively stable pitches, while consonants are translated into pitch movements or interruptions. Previous behavioral studies have demonstrated that naive listeners can categorize isolated consonants, vowels, and words well over chance. Here, we take an interest in the effect of musical experience on words while focusing on specific phonemes within the context of the word. (...)
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    Deconstruction, Choice, Reconstruction, and Integration: Insights from Ignatius of Loyola’s Conversion Process on the Professional Formation of Organizational Leaders.Michael R. Carey & Dung Q. Tran - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (2):181-190.
    This article, the first of a two-part series, examines how Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s (1548/ 1991 ) nearly 500 year-old approach to the transformation of others in their leadership journeys is still being actualized, with applications to transformations in workplaces and the graduate education of business leaders, by drawing upon both the handbook Ignatius wrote to guide his work—called the _Spiritual Exercises_—and upon the account of his own transformation experience captured in his _Autobiography_. Our exploratory prelude to practice is guided (...)
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  18. Information Priorities for investment decision-making and fear during market crashes: Analyzing East Asian Countries with Bayesian Mindsponge Framework Analytics.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Dan Li, Thien-Vu Tran, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Thi Mai Anh Tran & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Market crises amplify fear, disrupting rational decision-making of stock investment. This study examines the relationship between investors’ information priorities—such as intuition, company performance, technical analysis, and other factors—and their fear responses (freeze, flight, and hiding) during market crashes. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) to analyze data from 1,526 investors in China and Vietnam, the findings reveal complex dynamics. We found positive associations between investors’ prioritization of social influence and intuition for investment decision-making with being freeze (i.e., not knowing what (...)
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    Background: School meal programs are not only government initiatives but also community-driven efforts. Aiming to combat food insecurity among school-aged children effectively, these programs are executed in conjunction with food bank initiatives. Various community groups play a crucial role in the success of both food security initiatives. There is a need to improve community engagement to successfully link school meal programs with food banks to build program synergy, combating food insecurity through a two-sided approach. Aim: This study aims to examine (...)
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    Attentive deep neural networks for legal document retrieval.Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Manh-Kien Phi, Xuan-Bach Ngo, Vu Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen & Minh-Phuong Tu - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (1):57-86.
    Legal text retrieval serves as a key component in a wide range of legal text processing tasks such as legal question answering, legal case entailment, and statute law retrieval. The performance of legal text retrieval depends, to a large extent, on the representation of text, both query and legal documents. Based on good representations, a legal text retrieval model can effectively match the query to its relevant documents. Because legal documents often contain long articles and only some parts are relevant (...)
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  21.  44
    Rat pups and random robots generate similar self-organized and intentional behavior.Christopher J. May, Jeffrey C. Schank, Sanjay Joshi, Jonathan Tran, R. J. Taylor & I.-Esha Scott - 2006 - Complexity 12 (1):53-66.
  22.  20
    PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.T. Miller, O. Nir, Y. Sakurai, I. Noda, B. T. R. Savarimuthu & S. Tran (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
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  23. Trans women participation in sport: A feminist alternative to Pike’s position.Michael Burke - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (2):212-229.
    Both the approach taken by World Rugby to address the question of trans women participation in women’s rugby and the paper by Jon Pike that explains the ethical justification for the exclusion of trans women players from world rugby are compelling when understood within the dominant rugby/sport narrative. However, in this article, I suggest that what is absent is a radical feminist understanding that engages with the political purposes of separate sport spaces for women in producing feminist counternarratives (...)
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  24. How I Became a Trans Philosopher.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2022 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (1):145-156.
    pThis essay recounts my intellectual development from undergraduate study until present. The first section discusses my early life and my introduction to philosophy at Glendon College. The second discusses my graduate career at UCLA and my gender transition midway through the program. The third concerns my philosophical development as a professor at Cal State LA until 2012. It details my shift from early modern philosophy to what would eventually be called “trans philosophy.” The final discusses my intellectual growth since (...)
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    I. A Trans-African Telegraph.Mr Siveright - 1877 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 1 (2):1-11.
    (1877). I. A Trans-African Telegraph. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society: Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-11.
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  26. Trans Identities and First-Person Authority.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage, You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa.
    Trans studies constitute part of the coming-to-voice of transpeople, long the theorized and researched objects of sexology, psychiatry, and feminist theory. Sandy Stone’s pioneering, “The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto” sought the end of monolithic medical and feminist accounts of transsexuality to reveal a multiplicity of trans-authored narratives. My goal is a better understanding of what it is for transpeople to come to this polyvocality. I argue that trans politics ought to proceed with the principle that (...)
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    Complexity, trans-immanent systems and morphogenetic régulation: towards a problématique of calibration.Karim Knio - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (5):790-812.
    This article aims to study the intersection between critical realism and complexity theories through the existing literature on complex systems via an engagement with Luhmann’s autopoiesis. With reference to the philosophies of substance and persistence, I build on previous critical realist scholarship and provide an explanation for what the literature has only noted as the limitations and potentials of autopoiesis for complex systems thinking and its compatibility with Critical Realism. By highlighting how Luhmann’s autopoiesis is not a trans-immanent/ perdurantist-exdurantist (...)
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    Trans women are real women: a critical realist intersectional response to Pilgrim.Jason Summersell - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):329-336.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I explain why I disagree with David Pilgrim’s claim that critical realists should deny any ‘natal male’ claim to womanhood. Specifically, Pilgrim and I have different definitions of the transitive and intransitive dimensions of reality. In my version – which I believe is in the spirit of the Bhaskarian version – the transitive dimension embraces everything that is currently being affected by human praxis. This allows for an intersectional view of gender in which it is perfectly possible (...)
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  29. Pathologizing Disabled and Trans Identities: How Emotions Become Marginalized.Gen Eickers - 2024 - In Shelley Tremain, _The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability_. London UK: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 360-379.
    In recent years, an array of critical emotion theorists have emerged who call for change with respect to how emotion theory is done, how emotions are understood, and how we do emotion. In this chapter, I draw on the work that some of these authors have produced to analyze how emotional marginalization of trans and disabled identities is experienced, considering in particular how this emotional marginalization results from the long history of pathologization of trans and disabled people. The (...)
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    Trans-Planckian Philosophy of Cosmology.Mike D. Schneider - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 90:184-193.
    I provide some philosophical groundwork for the recently proposed ‘trans-Planckian censorship’ conjecture in theoretical physics. In particular, I argue that structure formation in early universe cosmology is, at least as we typically understand it, autonomous with regards to quantum gravity, the high energy physics that governs the Planck regime in our universe. Trans-Planckian censorship is then seen as a means of rendering this autonomy an empirical constraint within ongoing quantum gravity research.
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    (1 other version)Trans Realism, Psychoanalytic Practice, and the Rhetoric of Technique.Grace Lavery - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (4):719-744.
    I argue that, in George Eliot’s early, definitive statement of realism in the seventeenth chapter of Adam Bede, realism will only have been accomplished when readers have learned not merely to respect, but to desire, the dysphorically sexed bodies of others. In this sense, I argue, realism shares a central tenet with two of the more controversial and, frankly, neglected dimensions of Freudian thinking—which Sigmund Freud himself took to be indipensable components in the treatment of neurotics—castration complex and penis envy. (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Trans*formative Experiences.Rachel McKinnon - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):419-440.
    What happens when we consider transformative experiences from the perspective of gender transitions? In this paper I suggest that at least two insights emerge. First, trans* persons’ experiences of gender transitions show some limitations to L.A. Paul’s (forthcoming) decision theoretic account of transformative decisions. This will involve exploring some of the phenomenology of coming to know that one is trans, and in coming to decide to transition. Second, what epistemological effects are there to undergoing a transformative experience? By (...)
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  33. Trans Women, Cis Women, Alien Women, and Robot Women Are Women: They Are All (Simply) Adults Gendered Female.Marcus Arvan - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (2):373-389.
    Alex Byrne contends that women are (simply) adult human females, claiming that this thesis has considerably greater initial appeal than the justified true belief (JTB) theory of knowledge. This paper refutes Byrne’s thesis in the same way the JTB theory of knowledge is widely thought to have been refuted: through simple counterexamples. Lessons are drawn. One lesson is that women need not be human. A second lesson is that biology and physical phenotypes are both irrelevant to whether someone is a (...)
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  34. The Circulation of Trans Philosophy: A Philosophical Polemic.Amy Marvin - 2024 - Apa Studies on Feminism and Philosophy 24 (1):2-12.
    This essay argues that trans philosophy - and perhaps philosophy more broadly - should be understood according to the interplay of social, material, and emotional circulations. It opens by bridging insights from underemployed library work during the COVID-19 pandemic with Sara Ahmed’s analysis of the circulation of emotions in relation to texts and archives. The first major section diagnoses Martha Nussbaum’s confusing analysis of “the new trans scholarship” to establish that trans philosophy is differentially circulated across the (...)
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  35. Review of "Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Soul, Part I,” Trans. Victor Caston". [REVIEW]Caleb Cohoe - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):163-164.
  36. What Is Trans Philosophy?Talia Mae Bettcher - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (4):644-667.
    In this article, I explore the question “What is trans philosophy?” by viewing trans philosophy as a contribution to the field of trans studies. This requires positioning the question vis à vis Judith Butler's notion of philosophy's Other (that is, the philosophical work done outside of the boundaries of professional philosophy), as trans studies has largely grown from this Other. It also requires taking seriously Susan Stryker's distinction between the mere study of trans phenomena and (...)
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  37. Trans-marriage and the Unacceptability of Same-sex Marriage Restrictions.Loren Cannon - 2009 - Social Philosophy Today 25:75-89.
    This essay analyzes the coherency and reasonableness of legal restrictions against same-sex marriage. The population of focus is transgender individuals and their partners. Focusing on trans-marriage makes clear that the restriction of marriage to one man and one woman is misguided in that the law rests on the assumption that the categories of sex and gender comprise two disjoint, exhaustive, and unambiguous groupings. The primary argument here is not that the restrictions of same-sex marriage are harmful to certain transpersons (...)
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    Trans porting the Burden of Justification: The Unethicality of Transgender Conversion Practices.Florence Ashley - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (3):425-442.
    Transgender conversion practices involve attempts to alter, discourage, or suppress a person’s gender identity and/or desired gender presentation, including by delaying or preventing gender transition. Proponents of the practices have argued that they should be allowed until proven to be harmful. Drawing on the notion of expressive equality, I argue that conversion practices are prima facie unethical because they do not fulfill a legitimate clinical purpose and conflict with the self-understanding of trans communities.
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  39. Trans''iacheistye struktury kak forma stroeniia i istochnik samorazvitiia gosudarstva.A. I. Solov’ev - 2006 - Polis 6:59-80.
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  40. Trans-world causation?Eduardo García‐ramírez - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (246):71-83.
    According to Lewis, causal claims must be analysed in terms of counterfactual conditionals, and these in turn are understood in terms of relations of comparative similarity among single concrete possible worlds. Lewis also claims that there is no trans-world causation because there is no way to make sense of trans-world counterfactuals without automatically making them come out to be false. In this paper I argue against this claim. I show how to make sense of trans-world counterfactuals in (...)
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    Trans Epistemology and Methodological Radicalism: Un Œuf, But Enough.Matthew J. Cull - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (1):44-60.
    There have now been a few attempts in trans theory to give an account of trans epistemology (see Radi 2019; Meadow 2016; and Dickson 2021). I will suggest that despite an admirable goal—that of giving an epistemology that provides a methodologically radical and distinctively trans break from other contemporary epistemological theory—thus far no account has been successful. Instead, I suggest that, in the absence of a more satisfactory radical account of trans epistemology, we can think of (...)
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  42. Trans-Religious Dancing Dialogues: Michel Henry on Dionysus and the Crucified.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Culture and Dialogue.
    Perhaps owing to frictions between his Christological worldview and the dominant secularism of contemporary French thought as taken up in the U.S., and persistent worries about a seeming solipsism in his phenomenology, Michel Henry's innovative contributions to aesthetics have received unfortunately little attention in English. The present investigation addresses both issues simultaneously with a new interpretation of his recently-translated 1996 interview, “Art and Phenomenology.” Inspired by this special issue’s theme, “French Thought in Dialogue,” it emphasizes four levels of dialogue in (...)
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  43. Puzzle Pieces: Shapes of Trans Curiosity.Perry Zurn - 2018 - APA Newsletter on LGBTQ Issues in Philosophy 1 (18):10-16.
    Whether in journalism or medicine, education, law, or television, trans writers and trans studies scholars consistently develop this critique of the representational totalization of trans people, whereby they are and have been made whats, not whos; objects, not subjects; voiceless, not vocal; passive, not active; dehistoricized, not historical; and single, not multiple. In what follows, I aim to supplement this critique by attending to the role of curiosity both as a technique of (trans) objectification and as (...)
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    Trans animisms.Abram J. Lewis - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):203-215.
    This article examines a handful of recent creative works that reflect speculatively on transgender pasts. I argue that each of these creative texts uses ontological interventions to reimagine moments in trans activist history that scholars have narrated only in terms of the attenuation of sociality and of political participation. These works do this by ratifying trans activists’ relations of reciprocity with extraordinary entities that are not often supported by secular and anthropocentric historiographies. Instead of engaging accounts of coalition (...)
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    Autistic trans camouflaging: an early phenomenological exploration.Ruby Hake - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):150-167.
    Autistic people often camouflage, i.e. they adopt certain behaviors in order to fit in in neurotypical environments. Autobiographical accounts suggest that autistic trans people experience camouflaging in a unique, more complex and often heightened way than cis autistic people, and this has not been studied. They have autistic traits to mask, as well as gendered traits, in a hostile neuronormative and cisnormative world. This intersection of experience is worthy of exploration, not least because this group of people are typically (...)
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    “I Can't Read This”: Plagiarism, Biopolitics, and The Production of The Trans‐Dividual Student.Tony Iantosca - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (5):668-691.
    In this paper, Tony Iantosca situates the academic integrity policies of US colleges and universities, as well as student plagiarism, in biopolitical frameworks. By examining the aporias that result from student plagiarism in the context of neoliberal knowledge production, which produces and depends upon individualized, skills-bearing students, Iantosca interrogates what educators can learn philosophically and pedagogically from the mutual misrecognition that occurs between institutional policy and the transgressing student. He frames this discussion with Michel Foucault's classic work on biopolitics as (...)
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  47. Trans Women Are (or Are Becoming) Female: Disputing the Endogeneity Constraint.Matilda Carter - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):384-401.
    The dispute between the transgender-rights movement and “gender-critical” activists represents a stark division in British public discourse. Although the issues of contention are numerous and require their own philosophical treatment, a core metaphysical concern underlies them. Gender-critical activists, such as Kathleen Stock, tend to argue that recognizing trans women as women requires erasing the category of biological sex. This implies that all trans women are male, and thus recognizing them as women rips female biology from the root of (...)
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    Trans Romance: Queer Intimacy and the Problem of Inexistence in the Modern Novel.Zhao Ng - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (2):185-206.
    This article introduces the problem of inexistence to studies in genre and gender, providing a hermeneutic point of reference for literary history and trans theory. It seeks to negotiate the affinities and disaffinities between queer and trans by foregrounding the latter’s struggle for existence against the former’s mobilization of a rhetoric of negative relationality, while at the same time preserving the bonds of intimacy across and beyond the coalition of LGBTQIA+. Such queer intimacy is read in relation to (...)
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  49. Trans-Saharan Exchange and the Black Slave Trade.Samir Amin - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):31-47.
    The UNESCO research projects focusing on The Silk Routes and The Slave Routes were launched at just the right time to remind us that globalization is not a novel dimension of the history of humanity. Not only am I among those who analyze capitalism as a worldwide system from its very inception, but I have also found it pertinent to recall that prior to the sixteenth century, societies were not at all isolated from one another but rather competing within regional (...)
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  50. The Shape of Trans Afterlife Justice.Blake Hereth - 2020 - In Michael C. Rea & Michelle Panchuk, Voices from the Edge: Centering Marginalized Voices in Analytic Theology. Oxford University Press.
    Trans persons endure terrible injustices in this life: They are bullied, murdered, forced to conceal their identities, and denied opportunities that would be available to them if they were cis. This chapter offers grounds for theological hope—in particular, hope that the afterlife would be better for trans persons. I argue that we should view trans identities as worthy of respect and that, as a matter of justice, their gender identities should be preserved in the afterlife. I focus (...)
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