Results for 'oppression, domination, graded inequality, B. R. Ambedkar, stability'

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  1.  23
    Oppression, Domination, and the Structure of Graded Inequality.Yarran Hominh - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24.
    What structure do paradigm cases of oppression and domination, like racism and capitalism, have? Most theories of oppression and domination take them to have a binary structure. There are the oppressors and the oppressed, the dominators and the dominated. I argue that a better model for many paradigm cases of oppression and domination is a structure of graded inequality. Such a structure comprises multiple groups arranged in hierarchically ascending and descending order. A model of graded inequality has both (...)
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    Phule and Ambedkar’s critical philosophy of education and knowledge.Jadumani Mahanand - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Historically, Indian philosophy is asymmetric in its world view. It is broadly divided into Brahminic and Shraminic schools of thought. However, each school of thought is divided into several sects. Arguably, Brahminism or Brahminic philosophy eminently dominates society. Brahminism is premised upon Varnashramadharma (An inherited system of graded inequality), which itself is a system of education and knowledge that has a generational impact on the lives of people in the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, it is imperative to problematise the historical (...)
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    Understanding the Caste System and Its Maintenance: Brave New World’s World State and Ambedkar’s Stratified Hindu Society in Annihilation of Caste.Samrat Sardar - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (1):115-120.
    Aldous Huxley’s _Brave New World_ contains and resembles a caste system found in Hindu society. While in Hindu society, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras comprise the caste system, in Huxley’s text, there are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons. With regard to the stratified Hindu society, in _Annihilation of Caste_, Dr B.R. Ambedkar exposed the viciousness of the caste system and how it stabilized the privilege of those in power to the detriment of the rest. Hence, with Ambedkar’s views (...)
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    B. R. Ambedkar on the Practice of Public Conscience: A Critical Reappraisal.Vivek Kumar Yadav, Shomik Dasgupta & Bharath Kumar - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (1):24-32.
    This article discusses the importance of ‘public conscience’ in B. R. Ambedkar’s political thought. Ambedkar consistently defended public conscience as a democratic value in his writings and speeches. Public conscience referred to collective responsibility, social justice and the public deliberation of what constitutes the social good. Ambedkar consistently expressed the unequivocal belief that public conscience would bring about a moral transformation in Indian society through a collective ethical stance against all forms of social oppression. He conceptualized public conscience as a (...)
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    B. R. Ambedkar on Caste, Democracy, and State Action.Hari Ramesh - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (5):723-753.
    Recent years have seen a notable surge in scholarship on the life and thought of B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956). This essay contributes to this literature by uncovering heretofore underemphasized aspects of how Ambedkar theorized the relationships between caste oppression, democracy, and state action. The essay demonstrates that, particularly in the period from 1936 to 1947, Ambedkar closely attended to the pathological imbrications between caste society and representative institutions in India; that he theorized an alternative, ambitious conception of democracy that encompassed (...)
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    Organic intellectuals from modern India: B. R. Ambedkar and R. M. Lohia on inequality, intersectionality, and justice.Priyanka Jha & Christian Olaf Christiansen - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    This article revisits the intellectual history of inequality in the thinking of Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891–1956) and Dr Ram Manohar Lohia (1910–1967). Both were pivotal figures in the intellectual history of inequality in colonial and postcolonial India. Yet little work has been done to systematically juxtapose the two and their thinking on inequality. This article offers a first comparison, arguing that their ideas on inequality can be seen as the emergence of a unique, Indian version of what, in this (...)
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    IV—Philosophical Foundations of Anti-Casteism.Meena Dhanda - 2020 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 120 (1):71-96.
    The paper begins from a working definition of caste as a contentious form of social belonging and a consideration of casteism as a form of inferiorization. It takes anti-casteism as an ideological critique aimed at unmasking the unethical operations of caste, drawing upon B. R. Ambedkar’s notion of caste as ‘graded inequality’. The politico-legal context of the unfinished trajectory of instituting protection against caste discrimination in Britain provides the backdrop for thinking through the philosophical foundations of anti-casteism. The peculiar (...)
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  8.  35
    “Educate, Agitate, Organize”: Inequality and Ethics in the Writings of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar.Arun Kumar, Hari Bapuji & Raza Mir - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):1-14.
    Scholars of business and management studies have recently turned their attention to inequality, a key issue for business ethics given the role of private firms in transmitting—and potentially challenging—inequalities. However, this research is yet to examine inequality from a subaltern perspective. In this paper, we discuss the alleviation of inequalities in organizational and institutional contexts by drawing on the ideas of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, a jurist, political leader and economist, and one of the unsung social theorists of the twentieth (...)
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    Philosophy of Hinduism.B. R. Ambedkar - 2014 - New Delhi: Samyak Prakashan. Edited by M. G. Bhagat.
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  10. Beyond non-domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (2):187-208.
    The concept of non-domination is an important contribution to the study of freedom but it does not comprehend the whole of freedom. Insofar as domination requires a conscious capacity for control on the part of the dominant party, it fails to capture important threats to individual freedom that permeate many contemporary liberal democracies today. Much of the racism, sexism and other cultural biases that currently constrain the life-chances of members of subordinate groups in the USA are largely unconscious and unintentional, (...)
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  11.  27
    Nietzsche Contra Manu: Ambedkar’s Nietzsche Moment and the Politics of Dalit Rage.Kalyan Kumar Das - 2023 - Critical Philosophy of Race 11 (1):68-93.
    Echoing bell hooks’s discussions on “black rage,” this article explores the politics of “Dalit rage” by juxtaposing some instances of projections of Dalits as an “angry,” “illiberal,” and “intolerant” constituency with examples of anger from Dalit literature. While these projections in “mainstream” media and caste Hindu–dominated civil society narratives often represent them as engulfed in the emotive states marked by anger, intolerance, and impatience, the instances from Dalit literature archive a “Dalit rage” that demands to be dissociated from the Nietzschean (...)
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  12. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: A Modern Indian Philosopher.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2018 - Milestone Education Review 1 (09):19-31.
    Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is one of the names who advocated to change social order of the age-old tradition of suppression and humiliation. He was an intellectual, scholar, statesman and contributed greatly in the nation building. He led a number of movements to emancipate the downtrodden masses and to secure human rights to millions of depressed classes. He has left an indelible imprint through his immense contribution in framing the modern Constitution of free India. He stands as a symbol of struggle (...)
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  13. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: The Maker of Modern India.Desh Raj Sirswal (ed.) - 2016 - Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Pehowa (Kurukshetra).
    Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is one of the most eminent intellectual figures of modern India. The present year is being celebrated as 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Educationist and humanist from all over the world are celebrating 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by organizing various events and programmes. In this regard the Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdiscipinary Studies (CPPIS) Pehowa (Kurukshetra) took an initiative to be a part of this mega event by organizing (...)
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    Quantum-Mechanical Uncertainty and the Stability of Incompatibility.Jason Zimba - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (2):179-203.
    In talking about the compatibility of quantum observables, discussions often center on the question of whether the corresponding operators commute—even though commutativity is a coarse-grained notion that largely fails to capture the salient “nonclassical” features of quantum theory. Often, too, such discussions involve the issue of whether the operators in question satisfy a Heisenberg-like inequality, of the form ΔA·ΔB≥r>0—even though such inequalities are specific to unbounded operators and (for this and other reasons) are typically not a useful way to discuss (...)
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    The beginning of liberalism: reexamining the political philosophy of John Locke.Will R. Jordan (ed.) - 2022 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    The dominant public philosophy of the United States of America has long been some version of liberalism--dedicated to individual liberty, equal rights, religious freedom, government by consent, and established limits on political power. Today, however, we find ourselves in unusual times, when the major political parties have powerful and growing wings that embrace decidedly illiberal public philosophies. On the Left, critical theory eschews Enlightenment rationalism and liberal ideas of toleration and individual liberty as structures that serve to support inequality and (...)
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    Back to the Future? Temporality and Society in Indian Constitutional Law: A Closer Look at Section 377 and Sabarimala Decisions and the Genealogy of Legal Reasoning.Jean-Philippe Dequen - 2020 - Journal of Human Values 26 (1):17-29.
    ‘On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality’. B. R. Ambedkar’s famous last speech to the Constituent Assembly on 25 November 1949 still resonates within contemporary Indian constitutional law, and even more so his following interrogation: ‘how long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?’ Prima facie societal, the contradiction is however also a temporal (...)
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    What does person‐centred care mean, if you weren't considered a person anyway: An engagement with person‐centred care and Black, queer, feminist, and posthuman approaches.Jamie B. Smith, Eva-Maria Willis & Jane Hopkins-Walsh - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12401.
    Despite the prominence of person‐centred care (PCC) in nursing, there is no general agreement on the assumptions and the meaning of PCC. We sympathize with the work of others who rethink PCC towards relational, embedded, and temporal selfhood rather than individual personhood. Our perspective addresses criticism of humanist assumptions in PCC using critical posthumanism as a diffraction from dominant values We highlight the problematic realities that might be produced in healthcare, leading to some people being more likely to be disenfranchised (...)
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  18.  42
    Plasticity, stability, and yield: The origins of Anthony David Bradshaw's model of adaptive phenotypic plasticity.B. R. Erick Peirson - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 50:51-66.
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  19.  20
    Collective Action against Graded Inequality.Meena Dhanda - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (2):254-270.
    This essay juxtaposes the South Asian system of social hierarchies, conceptualized by Babasaheb Ambedkar as “graded inequality” with “serial relations” as conceptualized by Jean-Paul Sartre. Collective action against casteism faces internal problems. The complex psychological dynamics preserved over millennia through caste systems prevent solidarities across castes. The notion of “seriality” helps us to understand the material limitations placed by scripted functional roles on collective action. Internal divisions arising from prioritizing a caste or class perspective can be resolved with a (...)
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  20. The Role of Religious and Spiritual Values in Shaping Humanity (A Study of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Religious Philosophy).Desh Raj Sirswal - 2016 - Milestone Education Review 7 (01):6-18.
    Values are an important part of human existence, his society and human relations. All social, economic, political, and religious problems are in one sense is reflection of this special abstraction of human knowledge. We are living in a globalized village and thinking much about values rather than practice of it. If we define religion and spirituality we can say that religion is a set of beliefs and rituals that claim to get a person in a right relationship with God, and (...)
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  21. Proceedings of the One Day Faculty Development Programme on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Indian Constitution and Indian Society.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2016 - CPPIS.
    To follow the legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a RUSA Sponsored One-Day Facutly Development Programme on “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Indian Constitution and Indian Society” organised by the Department of Philosophy and P.G. Department of Public Administation held on 20th January, 2016 was a creative and fruitful effort to bring together the scholars and academicians from several disciplines to participate in the deliberations related to the conceptual understanding and insights of the philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
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    Bodies in Action: Corporeal Agency and Democratic Politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):299-324.
    A better appreciation of the material, distributed quality of human agency can illuminate subtle dynamics of domination and oppression and reveal resources for potentially liberatory political action. Materialist accounts of agency nevertheless pose challenges to the notion of personal responsibility that is so crucial to political obligation and democratic citizenship. To guard against this danger, we need to sustain the close connection between agency and a sense of selfhood that is individuated, reflexive, and responsive to norms. Yet we should acknowledge (...)
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  23.  13
    More zfc inequalities between cardinal invariants.Vera Fischer & Dániel T. Soukup - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):897-912.
    Motivated by recent results and questions of Raghavan and Shelah, we present ZFC theorems on the bounding and various almost disjointness numbers, as well as on reaping and dominating families on uncountable, regular cardinals. We show that if $\kappa =\lambda ^+$ for some $\lambda \geq \omega $ and $\mathfrak {b}=\kappa ^+$ then $\mathfrak {a}_e=\mathfrak {a}_p=\kappa ^+$. If, additionally, $2^{<\lambda }=\lambda $ then $\mathfrak {a}_g=\kappa ^+$ as well. Furthermore, we prove a variety of new bounds for $\mathfrak {d}$ in terms of (...)
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    Listening to the World: Prophetic Anger and Sapiential Compassion.Felix Wilfred - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:63-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Listening to the World:Prophetic Anger and Sapiential CompassionFelix WilfredPope Benedict XVI has insisted all along how the absence of reference to God has caused dehumanization in our world. Unfortunately, what does not seem to occur to him and those who think along these lines is how the absence of concern and engagement with the issue of suffering—poverty, oppression, racism, and sexism—causes dehumanization. Suffering epitomizes the condition of our contemporary (...)
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  25. Residential Segregation and Rethinking the Imperative of Integration.Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2019 - In Joseph S. Biehl, Samantha Noll & Sharon M. Meagher, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of the City. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 216–228.
    In this chapter I consider the place of the topic of racial and ethnic urban residential segregation factors into political philosophy. I begin with a short history of residential segregation and the ghetto, and their role in systems of racial domination and oppression, and remarks on the general neglect of this topic in contemporary political philosophy, including in nonideal political philosophy, which proports to take on examples of real-world injustices and inequalities. I then examine, from the standpoint of liberal-egalitarian political (...)
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  26. Jyotiba Phule : A Modern Indian Philosopher.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2013 - Darshan: International Refereed Quarterly Research Journal for Philosophy and Yoga 1 (3-4):28-36.
    JOTIRAO GOVINDRAO PHULE occupies a unique position among the social reformers of Maharashtra in the nineteenth century. While other reformers concentrated more on reforming the social institutions of family and marriage with special emphasis on the status and right of women, Jotirao Phule revolted against the unjust caste system under which millions of people had suffered for centuries and developed a critique of Indian social order and Hinduism. During this period, number of social and political thinkers started movement against such (...)
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  27. Justice as fairness in preparing for emergency remote teaching: A case from Botswana.M. S. Mogodi, Dominic Griffiths, M. C. Molwantwa, M. B. Kebaetse, M. Tarpley & D. R. Prozesky - 2022 - African Journal of Health Professions Education 14 (1):1-6.
    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated drastic changes to undergraduate medical training at the University of Botswana (UB). To save the academic year when campus was locked down, the Department of Medical Education conducted a needs assessment to determine the readiness for emergency remote teaching (ERT) of the Faculty of Medicine, UB. Objectives. To report on the findings of needs assessment surveys to assess learner and teaching staff preparedness for fair and just ERT, as defined by philosopher John Rawls. Methods. Needs (...)
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  28.  20
    Insurrectionist Ethics: Radical Perspectives on Social Justice ed. by Jacoby Adeshei Carter and Daryl Scriven (review).Duncan R. Cordry - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 60 (1):110-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Insurrectionist Ethics: Radical Perspectives on Social Justice ed. by Jacoby Adeshei Carter and Daryl ScrivenDuncan R. CordryEdited by Jacoby Adeshei Carter and Daryl Scriven Insurrectionist Ethics: Radical Perspectives on Social Justice Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 295 pp.In the collected volume Insurrectionist Ethics, edited by Jacoby Adeshei Carter and Daryl Scriven, contributors engage in discussion over the ethics of revolt. Faced with the systemic persistence of immiseration, and given normative (...)
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    Inequality: What Can Be Done?, by Anthony B. Atkinson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-674-50476-9. [REVIEW]Dominic Martin - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (2):323-326.
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    Inequality and the 2017 election: decreasing dominance of Abenomics and regional revitalization.David Chiavacci, Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven R. Reed, Ethan Scheiner & Daniel M. Smith - 2018 - In [no title]. pp. 219-242.
    Social and regional inequality remained of secondary importance in the 2017 House of Representatives election, especially in comparison to national security and constitutional reform. Still, the election victory of the coalition between the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Kōmeitō was also due to its ability to shape the debate concerning Japan’s political-economic model of growth and inequality. Abenomics and regional revitalization were the dominating policies, which opposition parties criticized without having a real counter-model. A more detailed analysis shows, however, that (...)
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  31. Using a virtue ethics lens to develop a socially accountable community placement programme for medical students.Mpho S. Mogodi, Masego B. Kebaetse, Mmoloki C. Molwantwa, Detlef R. Prozesky & Dominic Griffiths - 2019 - BMC Medical Education 19 (246).
    Background: Community-based education (CBE) involves educating the head (cognitive), heart (affective), and the hand (practical) by utilizing tools that enable us to broaden and interrogate our value systems. This article reports on the use of virtue ethics (VE) theory for understanding the principles that create, maintain and sustain a socially accountable community placement programme for undergraduate medical students. Our research questions driving this secondary analysis were; what are the goods which are internal to the successful practice of CBE in medicine, (...)
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  32.  20
    The Buddha’s Attitude towards Caturvarṇa System and B. R. Ambedkar’s Interpretation.Woo Myoungju - 2016 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 46:101-125.
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    Rethinking untouchability: The political thought of B. R. Ambedkar.Jesús F. Cháirez-Garza - 2024 - Manchester University Press.
  34.  62
    Towards theoretically robust evidence on health equity: a systematic approach to contextualising equity-relevant randomised controlled trials.Gry Wester, Kristine Bærøe & Ole Frithjof Norheim - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):54-59.
    Reducing inequalities in health and the determinants of health is a widely acknowledged health policy goal, and methods for measuring inequalities and inequities in health are well developed. Yet, the evidence base is weak for how to achieve these goals. There is a lack of high-quality randomised controlled trials reporting impact on the distribution of health and non-health benefits and lack of methodological rigour in how to design, power, measure, analyse and interpret distributional impact in RCTs. Our overarching aim in (...)
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    The diversity of experimental organisms in biomedical research may be influenced by biomedical funding.B. R. Erick Peirson, Heather Kropp, Julia Damerow & Manfred D. Laubichler - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (5):1600258.
    Contrary to concerns of some critics, we present evidence that biomedical research is not dominated by a small handful of model organisms. An exhaustive analysis of research literature suggests that the diversity of experimental organisms in biomedical research has increased substantially since 1975. There has been a longstanding worry that organism‐centric funding policies can lead to biases in experimental organism choice, and thus negatively impact the direction of research and the interpretation of results. Critics have argued that a focus on (...)
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  36.  63
    The Rise of American Philosophy. [REVIEW]B. R. S. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (4):678-679.
    Kuklick traces the history of philosophic thought in the United States "as typified and dominated by Harvard" from 1860 to 1930. He provides an analysis both of the thought of this period and of the development of Harvard University and its philosophy department. These two types of analyses are interwoven throughout the book, for Kuklick finds that the second type provides an important key to the interpretation that unfolds within the first type. Among the philosophers included are Francis Bowen, Chauncey (...)
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    (1 other version)A forage-based vision of ontario agriculture.E. Ann Clark & B. R. Christie - 1988 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1 (2):109-121.
    The necessity of incorporating societal and environmental concerns into publicly funded agricultural initiatives in research, extension, and practice is increasingly evident. Agriculturalists are urged to acknowledge and respond to societal concerns before an insensitive and largely ill-informed urban majority assumes a dominant posture in agricultural policy. In recent history, the availability of unrealistically cheap energy encouraged the evolution of a form of commercial agriculture unfettered by sound ecological principles. At present, external, resource-intensive intervention of increasing magnitude is needed to compensate (...)
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  38. Chiavacci, David (2018). Inequality and the 2017 election: decreasing dominance of Abenomics and regional revitalization. In: Pekkanen, Robert J.; Reed, Steven R.; Scheiner, Ethan; Smith, Daniel M.. Japan Decides 2017. New York, 219-242.David Chiavacci, Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven R. Reed, Ethan Scheiner & Daniel M. Smith (eds.) - 2018
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    Equalities and Inequalities in Education.Antony Flew, P. R. Cox, H. B. Miles & J. Peel - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):92.
  40. The Exchange Paradox, Finite Additivity, and the Principle of Dominance Commentary.R. B. Gardner - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 71:49-76.
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    An association between inequity-averse moral preference and risk aversion in decision-making.C. J. Palmer, B. Paton, T. T. Ngo, R. H. Thomson, J. Hohwy & S. M. Miller - unknown
  42. Symbolic and Social Connections of the Oppression of Women and the Domination of Nature.Rosemary R. Ruether - unknown
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    Inequality and political stability from Ancien Régime to revolution: The reception of Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments in France.Ruth Scurr - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (4):441-449.
    This article examines the excitement that Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments generated in France during the French Revolution, focusing particularly on the writings of political theorists, participants and commentators such as the abbé Sieyès, Pierre-Louis Rœderer, the Marquis de Condorcet and Sophie de Grouchy Condorcet, who were dismayed at their political opponents’ use of Rousseau, and looked to Smith for an understanding of the passions that was compatible with democratic sovereignty and representative government. In the political context of the (...)
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    Size versus electronic factors in transition metal carbide and TCP phase stability.D. G. Pettifor, B. Seiser, E. R. Margine, A. N. Kolmogorov & R. Drautz - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (28-30):3907-3924.
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    Stabilization of coherent precipitates in nanoscale thin films.Pooja Rani, Arun Kumar, B. Vishwanadh, Somnath Bhattacharyya, R. Tewari & Anandh Subramaniam - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (36):4130-4142.
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    Environmental Domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (4):443-468.
    In their vulnerability to arbitrary, exploitative uses of human power, many of Earth’s nonhuman parts are subject to environmental domination. People too are subject to environmental domination in ways that include but also extend beyond the special environmental burdens borne by those who are poor and marginalized. Despite the substantial inequalities that exist among us as human beings, we are all captured and exploited by the eco-damaging collective practices that constitute modern life for everyone today. Understanding the complex, interacting dynamics (...)
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    Foregrounding contingency in caste-based dominance: Ambedkar, hegemony, and the Pariah concept.Dag-Erik Berg - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (8):843-864.
    This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisible due to conceptual legacies in European social and political theory. Weber’s and Arendt’s conceptualization of Pariah agency is a case in point. Arendt’s main understanding of Pariah agency is individualized and inadequate to study freedom struggles among untouchable castes. This article argues that one not only needs to move away from analyzing individual to collective action, but it is also crucial to foreground how collective mobilization (...)
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    Ambedkar's inheritances.Aishwary Kumar - 2010 - Modern Intellectual History 7 (2):391-415.
    B. R. Ambedkar (1891Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Ancient IndiaEssays on the Bhagavad Gita”. This essay engages with that corpus, situating Ambedkar's encounter with the Gita within a much broader twentieth-century political and philosophical concern with the question of tradition and violence. It interrogates the excessive and heterogeneous conceptual impulses that mediate Ambedkar's attempt to retrieve a counterhistory of Indian antiquity. Located as it is in the same Indic neighborhood from which a radical counterhistory of touchability might emerge, the Gita is (...)
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    In quest of justice? Clinical prioritisation in healthcare for the aged.R. Pedersen, P. Nortvedt, M. Nordhaug, A. Slettebo, K. H. Grothe, M. Kirkevold, B. S. Brinchmann & B. Andersen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):230-235.
    Background: A fair distribution of healthcare services for older patients is an important challenge, but qualitative research exploring clinicians’ consideration in daily clinical prioritisation in healthcare services for the aged is scarce.Objectives: To explore what kind of criteria, values, and other relevant considerations are important in clinical prioritisations in healthcare services for older patients.Design: A semi-structured interview-guide was used to interview 45 clinicians working with older patients. The interviews were analysed qualitatively using hermeneutical content analysis and template organising style.Participants: 20 (...)
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  50.  22
    Portraits of Change: Using Picture Books to Engage Students in Thematic Civic Education.Alyssa Whitford, Timothy Lintner, Jeremiah Clabough, Caroline Sheffield & I. I. I. William Russell - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (1):49-63.
    This semester-long research project examined the use of social studies trade books to thematically teach about six individuals who served as change agents in the United States during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Three of the individuals were African American men, Robert Smalls, Frederick Douglass, and John Roy Lynch, who took civic action to address racial discrimination faced by the Black community in the half century following the U.S. Civil War. The other three indivduals were women women, (...)
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