Results for 'parental agency'

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  1.  8
    Parental agency in pediatric palliative care.Marta Szabat - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12594.
    The study discusses a new approach to parental agency in pediatric palliative care based on an active form of caregiving. It also explores the possibility of a positive conceptualization of parental agency in its relational context. The paper begins with an illustrative case study based on a clinical situation. This is followed by an analysis of various aspects of parental agency based on empirical studies that disclose the insufficiencies of the traditional approach to (...) agency. In the next step, parental agency is analyzed from a reality‐based perspective as an activity focused on relationships and the cognitive capacity of parents vis‐a‐vis their seriously ill children. The paper also considers the importance of the cultural and social contexts in which parental agency and decision‐making take place. This agency is addressed not as individualistic in form, and nor is it exercised in terms of fixed choices. Rather, the focus is on its dynamic and future‐oriented aspects. Consequently, parental agency should be comprehended not only as a form of proxy agency representing the child's best interests but also as a complex decision‐making process in which the parents learn from their child how to become good, compassionate caregivers and at the same time good parents. (shrink)
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  2. Children's rights, parental agency and the case for non-coercive responses to care drain.Anca Gheaus - 2014 - In Diana Tietjens Meyers, Poverty, Agency, and Human Rights. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Worldwide, many impoverished parents migrate, leaving their children behind. As a result children are deprived of continuity in care and, sometimes, suffer from other forms of emotional and developmental harms. I explain why coercive responses to care drain are illegitimate and likely to be inefficient. Poor parents have a moral right to migrate without their children and restricting their migration would violate the human right to freedom of movement and create a new form of gender injustice. I propose and defend (...)
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    Eliciting Value-Judgments in Health Technology Assessment: An Applied Ethics Decision Making Paradigm.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Jean-Pierre Béland, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):307-325.
    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has shed more light on the difficulty of making health care decisions integrating scientific knowledge and values associated to life and death issues, human suffering, quality of life, economic losses, liberty of movement, etc. But the difficulties related to health care decisions and the use of innovative drugs or technologies are not new, and many countries have created agencies that have the mandate to evaluate new technologies in health care. Health Technological Assessment (HTA) reports’ aim is (...)
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  4. Legal Governance in HTA: Environment, Health and Safety Issues / Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (EHSI/ELSI), the Ongoing Debate.Louise Bernier, Georges-Auguste Legault, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Jean-Pierre Béland, Christian Bellemare, Pierre Dagenais, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):83-92.
    Nous voulons mieux comprendre les lois circonscrivant le rôle social de l’Évaluation des technologies en santé (ETS) et les raisons empêchant l’inclusion de l’éthique en ETS. Nous avons ciblé un débat qui est au coeur du rôle perçu du droit réglementaire dans le développement de technologies en santé : l’opposition entre les enjeux environnementaux, sécuritaires et sanitaires (EHSI) et les enjeux éthiques, légaux et sociaux (ELSI), issus de la gouvernance technologique. La collecte de données est basée sur une revue de (...)
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    Agency/empowerment in clinical practice.Mary Sue Richardson - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 14 (1):40-49.
    Discusses concepts of agency and free will from the perspective of clinical practice and feminism. Following a definition of agency that locates it in a relational context , the problematized nature of subjective experience is explored from both a feminist and a psychoanalytic perspective. These considerations set the stage for examining the contradictions and dilemmas of clinical practice devoted to individual change and improving lives as well as political values and ideology devoted to social change, suggesting the history (...)
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  6. How Procreation Generates Parental Rights and Obligations.Michael Cholbi - 2016 - In Jaime Ahlberg & Michael Cholbi, Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights: Ethical and Philosophical Issues. Routledge.
    Philosophical defenses of parents’ rights typically appeal to the interests of parents, the interests of children, or some combination of these. Here I propose that at least in the case of biological, non-adoptive parents, these rights have a different normative basis: namely, these rights should be accorded to biological parents because of the compensatory duties such parents owe their children by virtue of having brought them into existence. Inspried by Seana Shiffrin, I argue that procreation inevitably encumbers the wills of (...)
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    Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and Clinicians.Cassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor & Zachary E. Warren - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):199-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and CliniciansCassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor, and Zachary E. WarrenRecent reviews of treatments for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reveal how little we still know about how to help adolescents with ASD and their families successfully transition into adulthood (Shattuck et al., 2012b; Taylor et al., 2012a). Shattuck and colleagues found that services in the United States (...)
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    Agency in the discursive condition.Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (4):34–58.
    This article claims that postmodernity necessarily, and perhaps opportunely, undermines the bases upon which political democracy traditionally has rested; and that therefore some significant work must be done in order to redefine, restore, or otherwise reconfigure democratic values and institutions for a changed cultural condition. This situation presents the opportunity to explore the new options, positive openings, and discursive opportunities that postmodernity presents for political practice; for this the problem of agency provides a focal issue.The practices of postmodernity, taken (...)
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  9.  53
    Parenting Support and the Role of Society in Parental Self‐Understanding: Furedi's Paranoid Parenting Revisited.Luc Van den Berge - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 47 (3):391-406.
    The publication of Frank Furedi's Paranoid Parenting in 2001 was trend-setting in the sense that it addresses parents directly in a way that is intended to be both critical and supportive, by helping parents to look through a sociological lens at their alleged predicament. Furedi's hope is that this will lead to the restoration of parental self-confidence, which he claims to be sorely lacking in contemporary (Western?) society. I argue that such a project would be more likely to succeed (...)
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  10. Parents' Rights.J. T. Thornton - 1987 - Dissertation, Rice University
    This study provides a moral justification of the family as a child-bearing and child-rearing institution by arguing that procreation may entitle parents to their children. It begins by observing that the belief that parents have such a right is deeply ingrained in the laws and customs of Western civilization but that at present we have no satisfactory theoretical explanation of this belief; and it further underscores the need for such an explanation by pointing to the conflict between a commitment to (...)
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    Neurobiological limits and the somatic significance of love: Caregivers’ engagements with neuroscience in Scottish parenting programmes.Tineke Broer, Martyn Pickersgill & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (5):85-109.
    While parents have long received guidance on how to raise children, a relatively new element of this involves explicit references to infant brain development, drawing on brain scans and neuroscientific knowledge. Sometimes called ‘brain-based parenting’, this has been criticised from within sociological and policy circles alike. However, the engagement of parents themselves with neuroscientific concepts is far less researched. Drawing on 22 interviews with parents/carers of children (mostly aged 0–7) living in Scotland, this article examines how they account for their (...)
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    Health Agency and Perfectionism: The Case of Perinatal Health Inequalities.Hafez Ismaili M’Hamdi & Inez de Beaufort - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (2):168-179.
    Poor pregnancy outcomes and inequalities in these outcomes remain a major challenge, even in prosperous societies that have high-quality health care and public health policy in place. In this article, we propose that justice demands the improvement of what we call the ‘health agency’ of parents-to-be as part of a response to these poor outcomes. We take health agency to have three aspects: the capacity to form health-goals one has reason to value, the control one perceives to have (...)
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  13. Do Prospective Parents Have a Duty to Adopt Rather than Procreate?Erik Magnusson - 2025 - Public Affairs Quarterly 39 (1):66-86.
    Is it wrong to bring new children into existence when there are so many existing children in need of parental care? Several philosophers have defended the view that prospective parents have a pro tanto​ duty to adopt rather than procreate as a means of fulfilling their interest in parenting. The most prominent argument for this view in the existing literature is the rescue-based argument, which derives an individual duty to adopt rather than procreate from a more general duty to (...)
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    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the political agency of parents, guardians and trustees over other adult citizens. This (...)
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    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - Sage Publications: European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    European Journal of Political Theory, Volume 21, Issue 2, Page 368-389, April 2022. Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the (...)
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  16. Moral Agency and the Family: The Case of Living Related Organ Transplantation.Robert A. Crouch & Carl Elliott - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (3):275-287.
    Living related organ transplantation is morally problematic for two reasons. First, it requires surgeons to perform nontherapeutic, even dangerous procedures on healthy donors—and in the case of children, without their consent. Second, the transplant donor and recipient are often intimately related to each other, as parent and child, or as siblings. These relationships challenge our conventional models of medical decisionmaking. Is there anything morally problematic about a parent allowing the interests of one child to be risked for the sake of (...)
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  17.  47
    Motivation, Agency, and Public Policy: Of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens.Julian Le Grand - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    Can we rely on the altruism of professionals or the public service ethos to deliver good quality health and education services? How should patients, parents and pupils behave - as grateful recipients or active consumers? The book provides new answers to these questions, and evaluates recent government policies in health services, education, social security and taxation, and puts forward proposals for policy reform: universal capital or 'demogrants', discriminating vouchers, matching grants for pensions and for long-term care and hypothecated taxes.
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  18.  20
    Unpacking Agency of Adolescent Girls in Combating Child Marriage at Quarit Woreda, Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia.Yitaktu Tibebu, Meron Zeleke & Wouter Vandenhole - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1913-1938.
    The implementation of international human rights laws at the national and local levels relies on the framing of norms. Recent research has shown that international norms regarding child marriage have shifted from setting a minimum age limit to building the agency of girls to resist the practice, which can be either active or passive. Active agency requires taking action for its purpose, whereas passive agency involves acting in situations with limited options. The dominant discourse on child marriage (...)
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  19. Children and developed agency.Andrew Divers - 2013 - Childhood and Philosophy 9 (18):225-244.
    That we treat children differently from adults is clear. The attitude of increased paternalistic standards can be seen in a number of cases – be it the rights which children have in terms of medical treatment, decisions about their lives which are left up to parents or guardians, or the prohibition of certain activities before a certain age. However, we can only treat ‘children as children’ if we can prove that this stands in great enough distinction from the adult. Either (...)
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  20. Power Shift: Play and Agency in Early Childhood.Megan Lee - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):241-264.
    Considerable ferment exists around the changing nature of children’s play and its place in contemporary childhood. Traditional perspectives on early childhood research have tended to trivialize and obscure the possibilities inherent in children’s ways of knowing. Researchers seldom ask children what play means to them. This article proffers a relatively new image of childhood, one that presents young children as collaborators in research, as competent interpreters of their lived experience. This study investigates children’s knowledge: their knowledge about what play is, (...)
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    School Involvement: Refugee Parents’ Narrated Contribution to their Children’s Education while Resettled in Norway.Kari Bergset - 2017 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 18 (1):61-80.
    In the majority of research, resettled immigrant and refugee parents are often considered to be less involved with their children’s schooling than majority parents. This study challenges such research positions, based on narrative interviews about parenting in exile conducted with refugee parents resettled in Norway. Cultural psychology and positioning theory have inspired the analyses. The choice of methodology and conceptualisations have brought forth a rich vein of material, which illuminated agency and active positions in the parents’ narratives about involvement (...)
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  22. The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted Toward Children: Parental Viewpoint.Aysen Bakir & Scott J. Vitell - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):299-311.
    The children’s market has become significantly more important to marketers in recent years. They have been spending increasing amounts on advertising, particularly of food and beverages, to reach this segment. At the same time, there is a critical debate among parents, government agencies, and industry experts as to the ethics of food advertising practices aimed toward children. The␣present study examines parents’ ethical views of food advertising targeting children. Findings indicate that parents’ beliefs concerning at least some dimensions of moral intensity (...)
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  23. Unity of agency and volition: Some personal reflections.Scott E. Weiner - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4):369-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 369-372 [Access article in PDF] Unity of Agency and Volition:Some Personal Reflections Stephen Weiner The issues of unity of agency, self-as-narrative, and more generally, volition are highly personal to me. Indeed, I would say I have frequently been obsessed with them. I am 52 years old, and date the onset of my psychiatric symptoms—my long-term misery—very specifically: 11:00 pm Pacific Standard (...)
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    Altruistic Agencies and Compassionate Consumers: Moral Framing of Transnational Surrogacy.Caitlyn Collins & Sharmila Rudrappa - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):937-959.
    What makes a multimillion-dollar, transnational intimate industry possible when most people see it as exploitative? Using the newly emergent case of commercial surrogacy in India, this article extends the literature on stratified reproduction and intimate industries by examining how surrogacy persists and thrives despite its common portrayal as the “rent-a-womb industry” and “baby factory.” Using interview data with eight infertility specialists, 20 intended parents, and 70 Indian surrogate mothers, as well as blogs and media stories, we demonstrate how market actors (...)
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    Moral education in Hong Kong: Confucian‐parental, Christian‐religious and liberal‐civic influences.Roger Cheng - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):533-551.
    A brief review of the social and educational context of Hong Kong shows that the publication of the General guidelines on moral education in schools in 1981, by the Hong Kong Education Department, marked a milestone in the development of moral education. The Guidelines explicitly asserted moral education as one function of schooling, whilst also formally recognizing the home and the community as two main influences. This paper narrates how three moral sources of influence – namely Confucian‐parental, Christian‐religious and (...)
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    Adopting Neuroscience: Parenting and Affective Indeterminacy.Celia Roberts & Adrian Mackenzie - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):130-155.
    What happens when neuroscientific knowledges move from laboratories and clinics into therapeutic settings concerned with the care of children? ‘Brain-based parenting’ is a set of discourses and practices emerging at the confluence of attachment theory, neuroscience, psychotherapy and social work. The neuroscientific knowledges involved understand affective states such as fear, anger and intimacy as dynamic patterns of coordination between brain localities, as well as flows of biochemical signals via hormones such as cortisol. Drawing on our own attempts to adopt brain-based (...)
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  27.  6
    Learner choice, learning voice: a teacher's guide to promoting agency in the classroom.Ryan L. Schaaf - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Becky Zayas & Ian Jukes.
    Learner Voice, Learner Choice offers fresh, forward-thinking supports for teachers creating an empowered, student-centered classroom. Learner agency is a major topic in today's schools, but what does it mean in practice, and how do these practices give students skills and opportunities they will need to thrive as citizens, parents, and workers in our ever-shifting climate? Showcasing authentic activities and classrooms, this book is full of diverse instructional experiences that will motivate your students to take an agile, adaptable role in (...)
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    Cooperation and obligation in early parent-child relationships.Ross A. Thompson - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e88.
    Tomasello's moral psychology of obligation would be developmentally deepened by greater attention to early experiences of cooperation and shared social agency between parents and infants, evolved to promote infant survival. They provide a foundation for developing understanding of the mutual obligations of close relationships that contribute (alongside peer experiences) to growing collaborative skills, fairness expectations, and fidelity to social norms.
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  29. Special agents: Children's autonomy and parental authority.Robert Noggle - 2004 - In David Archard, The moral and political status of children. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 97--117.
    Cognitive incompetence cannot adequately explain the special character of children's moral status. It is, in fact, because children lack preference structures that are sufficiently stable over time that they are not ’temporally extended agents’. They are best viewed as 'special agents’, and parents have the responsibility of fostering the development of temporally extended agency and other necessary related moral capacities. Parental authority should be exercised with the view to assisting children to acquire the capacities that facilitate their transition (...)
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    Re‐examining the relationship between moral distress and moral agency in nursing.Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12419.
    In recent years, the phenomenon of moral distress has been critically examined—and for a good reason. There have been a number of different definitions suggested, some that claimed to be consistent with the original definition but in fact referred to different epistemological states. In this paper, we re‐examine moral distress by exploring its relationship with moral agency. We critically examine three conceptions of moral agency and argue that two of these conceptions risk placing nurses' values at the center (...)
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    Beyond Behavior: Linguistic Evidence of Cultural Variation in Parental Ethnotheories of Children’s Prosocial Helping.Andrew D. Coppens, Anna I. Corwin & Lucía Alcalá - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined linguistic patterns in mothers’ reports about their toddlers’ involvement in everyday household work, as a way to understand the parental ethnotheories that may guide children’s prosocial helping and development. Mothers from two cultural groups – US Mexican-heritage families with backgrounds in indigenous American communities and middle-class European American families – were interviewed regarding how their 2- to 3-year-old toddler gets involved in help with everyday household work. The study’s analytic focus was mothers’ responses to interview questions (...)
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    Confounders in Voluntary Consent about Living Parental Liver Donation: No Choice and Emotions. [REVIEW]M. E. Knibbe, E. L. M. Maeckelberghe & M. A. Verkerk - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (4):433-440.
    Parents’ perception of having no choice and strong emotions like fear about the prospect of living liver donation can lead professionals to question the voluntariness of their decision. We discuss the relation of these experiences (no choice and emotions), as they are communicated by parents in our study, to the requirement of voluntariness. The perceived lack of choice, and emotions are two themes we found in the interviews conducted within the “Living Related Donation; a Qualitative-Ethical Study” research program. As a (...)
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    ‘It’s All Public Anyway’: A Collaborative Navigation of Anonymity and Informed Consent in a Study with Identifiable Parent Carers.Pam Joseph - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):191-205.
    For qualitative researchers seeking the perspectives of people with unusual characteristics or circumstances, compliance with expectations about participant anonymity can be difficult, if not impossible. In the age of internet communications and emerging research methodologies, traditional strategies require ongoing re-examination to ensure cohesion between a project’s ethical framework and its research practice. This paper reflects on the approach to informed consent used in a study with parent carers whose children had high-level support needs. A two-step process of written consent was (...)
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    Exploring young children's agency in everyday transitions.Pernille Juhl - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book presents new ethnographic research carried out with five children between one and five years old. It explores children's agency in relation to daily transitions across everyday life contexts such as home and day-care contexts. Based on this new research, Pernille Juhl shows how young children are active participants orientating in their everyday life transitions. She argues that we should understanding children as creative and transformative subjects co-creating together with co-participants such as parents, professionals and other children, the (...)
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    Unity of Agency and Volition: Some Personal Reflections.Stephen Weiner - 2003 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 10 (4):369-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 369-372 [Access article in PDF] Unity of Agency and Volition:Some Personal Reflections Stephen Weiner The issues of unity of agency, self-as-narrative, and more generally, volition are highly personal to me. Indeed, I would say I have frequently been obsessed with them. I am 52 years old, and date the onset of my psychiatric symptoms—my long-term misery—very specifically: 11:00 pm Pacific Standard (...)
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    Children’s Agency, Children’s Welfare: A Dialogical Approach to Child Development, Policy and Practice.Carol van Nijnatten - 2010 - Policy Press.
    Contributing to current debates about child welfare and child protection, this book provides a holistic view of how children develop agency, combining social, ...
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    Donor Conception and “Passing,” or; Why Australian Parents of Donor-Conceived Children Want Donors Who Look Like Them.Karen-Anne Wong - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):77-86.
    This article explores the processes through which Australian recipients select unknown donors for use in assisted reproductive technologies and speculates on how those processes may affect the future life of the donor-conceived person. I will suggest that trust is an integral part of the exchange between donors, recipients, and gamete agencies in donor conception and heavily informs concepts of relatedness, race, ethnicity, kinship, class, and visibility. The decision to be transparent about a child’s genetic parentage affects recipient parents’ choices of (...)
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    ‘I’ve Been Trying to Change My Life Heaps But I Always End Up Back Here’. The Complex Relationship Between Poverty, Parental Substance Dependency, and Self-Control.Anke Snoek - 2019 - In Nicolás Brando & Gottfried Schweiger, Philosophy and Child Poverty: Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Poor Children and Their Families. Springer. pp. 189-207.
    The aim of this chapter is to question the punitive approach towards substance dependent parents, especially substance dependent parents struggling with poverty, by outlining the complex ways in which poverty can shape reasoning, and hence capacities for self-control. I will outline two ways in which poverty can shape reasoning: a rational shift from a global to a local perspective, and a more invasive one: resignation. I will argue that when people with addictions become resigned, it is especially important to not (...)
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    Mothering for the State: Foster Parenting and the Challenges of Government-Contracted Carework.Teresa Toguchi Swartz - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (5):567-587.
    This article draws on ethnographic research with a nonprofit foster family agency to examine how payment affects caregivers’motivations and performance, as well as how state bureaucratic organization and professional supervision affect their carework. Findings suggest that contrary to conventional thought, economic interests and altruistic motives coexist for foster mothers. Although monetary compensation is a concern for these mostly working-class women, impetus for caring also stems from traditional gendered ideals of mothering, nurturing, and staying at home with their biological children. (...)
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    Using wmen (we) to mean s/he in Chinese parents’ interaction : Interpersonal meanings and relational work.Yanmei Han & Tao Xiong - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (1):126-150.
    Using the first-person plural pronoun wǒmen to refer to a child is repeatedly observed in Chinese parents’ interaction. To understand its interpersonal meanings, this study investigates this non-prototypical pronoun use in Chinese parents’ community of practice. The analysis shows that the non-prototypical use of this pronoun not only displays agency and connection between parents and children but also reveals the seemingly close but detached relationship among parents. This non-prototypical pronoun use unveils the complex and dynamic nature of relational work. (...)
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    Commentary on Singh: Not Robots: children's perspectives on authenticity, moral agency and stimulant drug treatments.Steven Rose - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):371-371.
    Singh's study of 150 UK and US children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and prescribed psychotropic medication concludes on the basis of interviews with the children that ‘stimulants improve their capacity for moral agency … an ability to meet normative expectations’.1 Reinterpreted in lay language, she finds that, when taking Ritalin, the children conform to the wishes and expectations of their parents and teachers. They get better grades at school and show less ‘oppositional-defiance’. This is not surprising as (...)
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  42. Personal ideals and the ideal of rational agency.Sarah Buss - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (1):232-254.
    All of us have personal ideals. We are committed to being good (enough) friends, parents, neighbors, teachers, citizens, human beings, and more. In this paper, I examine the thick and thin aspects of these ideals: (i) their substance (to internalize an ideal is to endorse a particular way of being) and (ii) their accountability to reason (to internalize an ideal is to assume that this is really a good way to be). In considering how these two aspects interact in the (...)
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    The Positive and Negative Rights of Pre-Natal Organisms and Infants/Children in Virtue of Their Potentiality for Autonomous Agency.Anna-Karin Andersson - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2):293-312.
    In this paper, a rights-based argument for the impermissibility of abortion, infanticide and neglect of some pre-natal organisms and infants/children is advanced. I argue, in opposition to most rights-ethicists, that the potentiality for autonomous agency gives individuals negative rights. I also examine the conjecture that potential autonomous agents have positive rights in virtue of their vulnerability. According to this suggestion, once an individual obtains actual autonomous agency, he or she has merely negative rights. Possible solutions to conflicts of (...)
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    Organizational Culture and Strategy Implementation in Kenya Government Tourism Agencies.Juliana Kyalo - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (2):13-28.
    Purpose: The main aim of this study was to examine the influence of organizational culture on strategy implementation in Kenya Government Tourism Agencies. Materials and Methods: The study used a positivist approach research philosophy. The research designs employed in this study were explanatory and descriptive research designs. The study population comprised of the tourism industry. The study included the ministry of tourism itself since it is the parent ministry that regulates and oversees the operations of the tourism agencies to give (...)
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  45.  29
    Teleologism Full Stop: A General Theory of Ability, Agency, Obligation, and Justification.Ryan Hebert - unknown
    Deontic modals are the topic of my dissertation. All deontic modals, yes, but justification in particular, and epistemic justification even more specifically. Deontic modals operate upon performances—they appraise performances. Positively appraised, a performance is appropriate, decent, justifiable, right, permissible, or proper; negatively appraised, inappropriate, indecent, unjustifiable, wrong, impermissible, or improper. Belief and knowledge and performances in exactly the same sense that action and intention are performances: all are products of powers that are in some sense responsive to reasons. The principal (...)
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    Managing the Tension between the Child's Agency and the Need for Protection in Family Court Enquiries.Greg Mantle - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (2):163-175.
    This article reviews pertinent literature and presents findings from recent research to illustrate how CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) private law practitioners understand, experience and manage the tension between empowerment and protection in welfare report enquiries. The traditional approach in the United Kingdom has been for children to be protected, especially when their divorced or separated parents are in conflict, but the balance is changing, as calls for the active participation of children in decisions that affect (...)
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    Residential Mobility, Family Structure, and Completion of Upper Secondary Education – A Registry-Based Cohort Study of the Norwegian Adolescent Population.Tommy Haugan & Arnhild Myhr - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:466382.
    Background: Longitudinal studies exploring the complex interplay between family structures and residential mobility on educational achievement and failure are lacking. We investigate the interplay between the number of residential moves during late childhood, parental education level, family living situation, and the probability of completing upper secondary education. Methodology Detailed longitudinal data for a random sample of 30% of the entire Norwegian population born 1982 to 1989 ( N = 121,247) and information on all their relocations between Norwegian enumeration districts (...)
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  48. The moral complexity of sperm donation.Rivka Weinberg - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (3):166–178.
    Sperm donation is a widely accepted and increasingly common practice. In the standard case, a sperm donor sells sperm to an agency, waives his parental rights, and is absolved of parental responsibility. We tend to assume that this involves no problematic abandonment of parental responsibility. If we regard the donor as having parental responsibilities at all, we may think that his parental responsibilities are transferred to the sperm recipients. But, if a man creates a (...)
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    Adolescent OCD Patient and Caregiver Perspectives on Identity, Authenticity, and Normalcy in Potential Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment.Jared N. Smith, Natalie Dorfman, Meghan Hurley, Ilona Cenolli, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Eric A. Storch, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz & Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):507-520.
    The ongoing debate within neuroethics concerning the degree to which neuromodulation such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) changes the personality, identity, and agency (PIA) of patients has paid relatively little attention to the perspectives of prospective patients. Even less attention has been given to pediatric populations. To understand patients’ views about identity changes due to DBS in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the authors conducted and analyzed semistructured interviews with adolescent patients with OCD and their parents/caregivers. Patients were asked about projected (...)
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    Fathers and intergenerational transmission in social context.Julia Brannen, Violetta Parutis, Ann Mooney & Valerie Wigfall - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (2):155-170.
    This article takes an intergenerational lens to the study of fathers. It draws on evidence from two economic and social research council-funded intergenerational studies of fathers, one of which focused on four-generation British families and the other which included new migrant (Polish) fathers. The article suggests both patterns of change and continuity in fatherhood across the generations. It demonstrates how cultural forces and material conditions need to combine to facilitate change in fathers? exercise of agency and how social class (...)
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