Results for 'partial terms'

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  1.  61
    The lazy logic of partial terms.Raymond D. Gumb - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1065-1077.
    The Logic of Partial Terms LPT is a strict negative free logic that provides an economical framework for developing many traditional mathematical theories having partial functions. In these traditional theories, all functions and predicates are strict. For example, if a unary function (predicate) is applied to an undefined argument, the result is undefined (respectively, false). On the other hand, every practical programming language incorporates at least one nonstrict or lazy construct, such as the if-then-else, but nonstrict functions (...)
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    An extended joint consistency theorem for a nonconstructive logic of partial terms with definite descriptions.Raymond D. Gumb - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (2):279-292.
    The logic of partial terms (LPT) is a variety of negative free logic in which functions, as well as predicates, are strict. A companion paper focused on nonconstructive LPTwith definite descriptions, called LPD, and laid the foundation for tableaux systems by defining the concept of an LPDmodel system and establishing Hintikka's Lemma, from which the strong completeness of the corresponding tableaux system readily follows. The present paper utilizes the tableaux system in establishing an Extended Joint Consistency Theorem for (...)
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    Truth-Value Semantics and Functional Extensions for Classical Logic of Partial Terms Based on Equality.F. Parlamento - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):383-395.
    We develop a bottom-up approach to truth-value semantics for classical logic of partial terms based on equality and apply it to prove the conservativity of the addition of partial description and selection functions, independently of any strictness assumption.
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    Cut Elimination for Gentzen's Sequent Calculus with Equality and Logic of Partial Terms.Franco Parlamento & Flavio Previale - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya, Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 161--172.
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    Theoretical terms and partial definitions.John A. Winnie - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (3/4):324-328.
    The problem of the interpretation of theoretical terms is outlined, and some difficulties connected with the distinction between partial definitions and empirical postulates are discussed. A reconstruction is sketched which is intended to explicate the 'definitional' character of partial definitions. Finally, some implications for the methodology of theory construction are indicated.
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  6. (1 other version)Theoretical terms and partial interpretation.Peter Achinstein - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (54):89-105.
  7.  30
    Long-term partial reinforcement extinction effect and long-term partial punishment effect in a one-trial-a-day paradigm.Anne Shemer & Joram Feldon - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):221-224.
    Two experiments were run to demonstrate the presence of a partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) and a partial punishment effect (PPE) 4 weeks after training in a 1-trial/day procedure. In the PREE paradigm, two groups of animals were trained to run a straight alley for food reward; one group was rewarded on every trial (CRF), whereas the other was rewarded on only 50% of the trials (PRF). In the test phase, extinction, no reward was present on any trial. (...)
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    Partial denotations of theoretical terms.Katherine Bedard - 1993 - Noûs 27 (4):499-511.
  9.  11
    A formal treatment of partial iota terms.Geert Vernaeve & Albert Hoogewijs - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):349-349.
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    Partially overlapping sensorimotor networks underlie speech praxis and verbal short-term memory: evidence from apraxia of speech following acute stroke.Gregory Hickok, Corianne Rogalsky, Rong Chen, Edward H. Herskovits, Sarah Townsley & Argye E. Hillis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11. Confused Terms in Ordinary Language.Greg Frost-Arnold & James R. Beebe - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):197-219.
    Confused terms appear to signify more than one entity. Carnap maintained that any putative name that is associated with more than one object in a relevant universe of discourse fails to be a genuine name. Although many philosophers have agreed with Carnap, they have not always agreed among themselves about the truth-values of atomic sentences containing such terms. Some hold that such atomic sentences are always false, and others claim they are always truth-valueless. Field maintained that confused (...) can still refer, albeit partially, and offered a supervaluational account of their semantic properties on which some atomic sentences with confused terms can be true. After outlining many of the most important theoretical considerations for and against various semantic theories for such terms, we report the results of a study designed to investigate which of these accounts best accords with the truth-value judgments of ordinary language users about sentences containing these terms. We found that naïve participants view confused names as capable of successfully referring to one or more objects. Thus, semantic theories that judge them to involve total reference failure do not comport well with patterns of ordinary usage. (shrink)
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    Short-term and long-term factors in extinction and durable persistence.Abram Amsel, Paul T. Wong & Kenneth L. Traupmann - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 90 (1):90.
  13.  26
    Long-Term Mating Orientation in Men: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Protection Skills, and Parenthood Disposition.Gabriela Fajardo, Pablo Polo, José Antonio Muñoz-Reyes & Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From an evolutionary perspective, phenotypic, social, and environmental factors help to shape the different costs and benefits of pursuing different reproductive strategies from one individual to another. Since men’s reproductive success is mainly constrained to women’s availability, their mating orientations should be partially calibrated by features that women prefer in a potential partner. For long-term relationships, women prefer traits that signal access to resources, protection skills, and the willingness to share them. Using generalized linear models with laboratory data taken from (...)
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  14. Partial reference, scientific realism and possible worlds.Anders Landig - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 47:1-9.
    Theories of partial reference have been developed in order to retrospectively interpret rather stubborn past scientific theories like Newtonian dynamics and the phlogiston theory in a realist way, i.e., as approximately true. This is done by allowing for a term to refer to more than one entity at the same time and by providing semantic structures that determine the truth values of sentences containing partially referring terms. Two versions of theories of partial reference will be presented, a (...)
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  15. Articulating Space in Terms of Transformation Groups: Helmholtz and Cassirer.Francesca Biagioli - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    Hermann von Helmholtz’s geometrical papers have been typically deemed to provide an implicitly group-theoretical analysis of space, as articulated later by Felix Klein, Sophus Lie, and Henri Poincaré. However, there is less agreement as to what properties exactly in such a view would pertain to space, as opposed to abstract mathematical structures, on the one hand, and empirical contents, on the other. According to Moritz Schlick, the puzzle can be resolved only by clearly distinguishing the empirical qualities of spatial perception (...)
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  16. The Long-Term Performance of Small Businesses: Are there Differences Between “Christian-Based” Companies and their Secular Counterparts?Nabil A. Ibrahim & John P. Angelidis - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):187-193.
    . Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of “Christian” companies in the U.S. These firms declare their belief in, and active pursuit of, the successful merging of biblical principles with business activities. Economic success, hard work, and biblical values are seen as capable of existing together in harmony. While the number of such businesses appears to be growing, there has been a dearth of any scientific study of these companies. No empirical research has been conducted to determine whether these religious (...)
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  17.  25
    Meaning making in long‐term care: what do certified nursing assistants think?Michelle Gray, Barbara Shadden, Jean Henry, Ro Di Brezzo, Alishia Ferguson & Inza Fort - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (3):244-252.
    Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide up to 80% of the direct care to older adults in long‐term care facilities.CNAs are perceived as being at the bottom of the hierarchy among healthcare professionals often negatively affecting their job satisfaction. However, manyCNAs persevere in providing quality care and even reporting high levels of job satisfaction. The aim of the present investigation was to identify primary themes that may helpCNAs make meaning of their chosen career; thus potentially partially explaining increases in job satisfaction (...)
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  18. Provocation: Explaining and justifying the defense in partial excuse, loss of self-control terms.Joshua Dressler - 2009 - In Paul Robinson, Kimberly Ferzan & Stephen Garvey, Criminal Law Conversations. Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 319--326.
  19.  18
    Improving Long‐Term Care by Finally Respecting Home‐Care Aides.Paul Osterman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):67-70.
    The American system of long‐term care is disorganized and expensive. Obtaining care for a loved one is a confusing and difficult journey. When it comes to paying for that care, a bit over half who receive care are supported at least partially by insurance, and those with no insurance pay entirely out of pocket. The costs are exorbitant. What makes the system function is reliance on unpaid family members, who care for their loved ones often at considerable cost to themselves.As (...)
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  20.  34
    Brain activation during associative short-term memory maintenance is not predictive for subsequent retrieval.Heiko C. Bergmann, Sander M. Daselaar, Sarah F. Beul, Mark Rijpkema, Guillén Fernández & Roy P. C. Kessels - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:155175.
    Performance on working memory (WM) tasks may partially be supported by long-term memory (LTM) processing. Hence, brain activation recently being implicated in WM may actually have been driven by (incidental) LTM formation. We examined which brain regions actually support successful WM processing, rather than being confounded by LTM processes, during the maintenance and probe phase of a WM task. We administered a four-pair (faces and houses) associative delayed-match-to-sample (WM) task using event-related fMRI and a subsequent associative recognition LTM task, using (...)
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  21.  58
    Splitting the Source Term for the Einstein Equation to Classical and Quantum Parts.T. S. Biró & P. Ván - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1465-1482.
    We consider the special and general relativistic extensions of the action principle behind the Schrödinger equation distinguishing classical and quantum contributions. Postulating a particular quantum correction to the source term in the classical Einstein equation we identify the conformal content of the above action and obtain classical gravitation for massive particles, but with a cosmological term representing off-mass-shell contribution to the energy–momentum tensor. In this scenario the—on the Planck scale surprisingly small—cosmological constant stems from quantum bound states having a Bohr (...)
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  22.  28
    National Partiality, Immigration, and the Problem of Double-Jeopardy.Johann Frick - 2020 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 6. Oxford University Press. pp. 151-183.
    The foundational conviction of contemporary liberal thought is that all persons possess equal moral worth and are entitled to equal concern and respect by others. At the same time, nation states, as the primary organs of our collective self-governance, frequently pursue policies that are strikingly partial towards the interests of compatriots over those of foreigners. A common strategy for justifying this national partiality is to view it as grounded in associative obligations that we incur by standing in special relationships (...)
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  23. Partiality and Meaning.Benjamin Lange - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-28.
    Why do relationships of friendship and love support partiality, but not relationships of hatred or commitments of racism? Where does partiality end and why? I take the intuitive starting point that important cases of partiality are meaningful. I develop a view whereby meaning is understood in terms of transcending self-limitations in order to connect with things of external value. I then show how this view can be used to distinguish central cases of legitimate partiality from cases of illegitimate partiality (...)
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  24.  17
    The Partial Organization of Networked Corruption.Carl Rhodes, Su-Dol Kang & Kyoung-Hee Yu - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1377-1409.
    This article uses the concept of partial organization to examine how organizing principles can facilitate the effective operation of networked forms of corruption. We analyze the case study of a corruption network in the South Korean maritime industry in terms of how it operated by selectively appropriating practices normally associated with formal bureaucratic organizations. Our findings show that organizational elements built into the corruption network enabled coordination of corruption activities and served to distort and override practices within member (...)
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  25. Partial belief, partial intention.Richard Holton - 2008 - Mind 117 (465):27-58.
    Is a belief that one will succeed necessary for an intention? It is argued that the question has traditionally been badly posed, framed as it is in terms of all-out belief. We need instead to ask about the relation between intention and partial belief. An account of partial belief that is more psychologically realistic than the standard credence account is developed. A notion of partial intention is then developed, standing to all-out intention much as partial (...)
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  26.  29
    Partiality and games: propositional logic.G. Sandu & A. Pietarinen - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (1):101-121.
    We study partiality in propositional logics containing formulas with either undefined or over-defined truth-values. Undefined values are created by adding a four-place connective W termed transjunction to complete models which, together with the usual Boolean connectives is shown to be functionally complete for all partial functions. Transjunction is seen to be motivated from a game-theoretic perspective, emerging from a two-stage extensive form semantic game of imperfect information between two players. This game-theoretic approach yields an interpretation where partiality is generated (...)
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  27.  24
    Hybrid Partial Type Theory.María Manzano, Antonia Huertas, Patrick Blackburn, Manuel Martins & Víctor Aranda - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-43.
    In this article we define a logical system called Hybrid Partial Type Theory ( $\mathcal {HPTT}$ ). The system is obtained by combining William Farmer’s partial type theory with a strong form of hybrid logic. William Farmer’s system is a version of Church’s theory of types which allows terms to be non-denoting; hybrid logic is a version of modal logic in which it is possible to name worlds and evaluate expressions with respect to particular worlds. We motivate (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Names that can be said of everything: Porphyrian tradition and 'transcendental' terms in twelfth-century logic.Luisa Valente - 2007 - Vivarium 45 (s 2-3):298-310.
    In an article published in 2003, Klaus Jacobi—using texts partially edited in De Rijk's _Logica Modernorum_—demonstrated that twelfth-century logic contains a tradition of reflecting about some of the transcendental names. In addition to reinforcing Jacobi's thesis with other texts, this contribution aims to demonstrate two points: 1) That twelfth-century logical reflection about transcendental terms has its origin in the _logica vetus_, and especially in a passage from Porphyry _Isagoge_ and in Boethius's commentary on it. In spite of the loss (...)
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  29. Partial Understanding and Concept Possession: A Dilemma.Víctor M. Verdejo & Xavier Donato Rodríguez - 2014 - Ratio 28 (2):153-162.
    In the light of partial understanding, we examine the thesis that concepts are individuated in terms of possession conditions and show that adherents face a fatal dilemma: Either concept-individuating possession conditions include cases of partially understood concepts or not. If yes, possession conditions do not individuate concepts. If no, the thesis is too restricted and lacks a minimally satisfactory level of generalization.
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  30.  46
    Partial ectogenesis: freedom, equality and political perspective.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):89-90.
    In this commentary, I consider how Giulia Cavaliere’s arguments about the limited reach of the current justifications offered for full ectogenesis in the bioethical literature apply in the context of partial ectogenesis. I suggest that considering the extent to which partial ectogenesis is freedom or equality promoting is more urgent because of the more realistic prospect of artificial womb technology being utilised to facilitate partial gestation extra uterum as opposed to facilitating complete gestation from conception to term. (...)
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  31. Full and partial grounding.Kelly Trogdon & D. Gene Witmer - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (2):252-271.
    Discussion of partial grounds that aren't parts of full grounds; definition of full grounding in terms of partial grounding.
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  32. Partial grounding, identity, and nothing-over-and-aboveness.Jonas Werner - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (12):3489-3509.
    A number of philosophers have recently argued for acknowledging non-augmented partial grounds, partial grounds that are not parts of full grounds. This paper shows how non-augmented partial grounds can be straightforwardly modelled within the framework of generalised identity. I argue that my proposal answers questions concerning the connections between partial grounding, full grounding, and nothing-over-and-aboveness in a motivated way. In this context, I propose and discuss a way to spell out nothing-over-and-aboveness in terms of generalised (...)
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  33.  24
    Partial Understanding and Concept Possession: A Dilemma.Víctor M. Verdejo & Xavier de Donato Rodríguez - 2014 - Ratio 28 (2):153-162.
    In the light of partial (mis)understanding, we examine the thesis that concepts are individuated in terms of possession conditions and show that adherents face a fatal dilemma: Either concept‐individuating possession conditions include cases of partially (mis)understood concepts or not. If yes, possession conditions do not individuate concepts. If no, the thesis is too restricted and lacks a minimally satisfactory level of generalization.
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  34. Partial blocking and associative learning.Anton Benz - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (5):587 - 615.
    We are going to explain partial blocking as the result of diachronic processes based on what we will call associative learning. Especially, we argue that the task posed by partial blocking phenomena is to explain their emergence from unambiguous and fully expressive languages. This contrasts with approaches that presuppose underspecified semantic meanings or ineffability like Bidirectional Optimality Theory (Bi–OT) and some game theoretic explanations. We introduce a formal framework based on learning, speaker’s preferences and pure semantics for describing (...)
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  35.  63
    Abundant nature's long-term openness to humane biocultural designs.Robert B. Glassman - 2009 - Zygon 44 (2):355-388.
    Not by Genes Alone excellently explains Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd's important ideas about human gene-culture co-evolution to a broader audience but remains short of a larger vision of civilization. Several decades ago Ralph Burhoe had seen that fertile possibility in Richerson and Boyd's work. I suggest getting past present reductionistic customs to a scientific perspective having an integral place for virtue. Subsystem agency is part of this view, as is the driving role of abundance, whose ultimate origins are (...)
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  36.  39
    Characterizing language identification in terms of computable numberings.Sanjay Jain & Arun Sharma - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (1):51-72.
    Identification of programs for computable functions from their graphs and identification of grammars for recursively enumerable languages from positive data are two extensively studied problems in the recursion theoretic framework of inductive inference.In the context of function identification, Freivalds et al. have shown that only those collections of functions, , are identifiable in the limit for which there exists a 1-1 computable numbering ψ and a discrimination function d such that1. for each , the number of indices i such that (...)
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  37.  20
    Fundamental and Non-Fundamental Beliefs In Terms of Epistemic Architecture.Mehmet Nuri Demir - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):60-73.
    In fundamental beliefs, in other words, in the internalist theory of knowledge, our beliefs are guaranteed by solid mental foundations, unshakable premises, epistemic principles and some reasons that lead to truth. However, in the theory of non-fundamental beliefs, that is, externalism, the conditions that guarantee knowledge are generally sought outside the mind. Now, in the epistemological sense, obtainingin formation by chance or situations that will eliminate error in information are not the kind of evidence or some principles present in the (...)
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  38.  16
    Female genital mutilation and its long-term complications.Yusimy Luján Risco & Betancourt Álvarez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):602-614.
    Introducción: La ablación o mutilación genital femenina incluye una amplia variedad de prácticas que suponen la extirpación total o parcial de los genitales externos o su alteración por razones que no son de índole médica. Causa daños irreversibles y pone en peligro la salud, e incluso la vida de la mujer o niña afectada. Objetivo: Caracterizar la mutilación genital femenina y sus complicaciones a largo plazo en la comunidad de Fajikunda, Gambia, entre marzo y septiembre de 2012. Método: Se realizó (...)
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  39. Realism bit by bit: Part II. Disjunctive partial reference.Christina McLeish - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (2):171-190.
    In this second paper, I continue my discussion of the problem of reference for scientific realism. First, I consider a final objection to Kitcher’s account of reference, which I generalise to other accounts of reference. Such accounts make attributions of reference by appeal to our pretheoretical intuitions about how true statements ought to be distibuted among the scientific utterances of the past. I argue that in the cases that merit discussion, this strategy fails because our intuitions are unstable. The interesting (...)
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  40.  98
    A partial functions version of church's simple theory of types.William M. Farmer - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1269-1291.
    Church's simple theory of types is a system of higher-order logic in which functions are assumed to be total. We present in this paper a version of Church's system called PF in which functions may be partial. The semantics of PF, which is based on Henkin's general-models semantics, allows terms to be nondenoting but requires formulas to always denote a standard truth value. We prove that PF is complete with respect to its semantics. The reasoning mechanism in PF (...)
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  41.  17
    A suffering body, hidden away from others: The experience of being long‐term bedridden with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood and adolescence.Silje Helen Krabbe, Wenche Schrøder Bjorbækmo, Anne Marit Mengshoel, Unni Sveen & Karen Synne Groven - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12625.
    In this article, we present findings from a qualitative study examining how young women experience being long‐term bedridden with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), during childhood and adolescence. The aim is to explore how young women who fell ill with ME/CFS during childhood and adolescence look back on their lived experience of being long‐term bedridden from the vantage point of being fully or partially recovered. Informed by a phenomenological theoretical perspective, the researchers applied a narrative (...)
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    Partially ordered connectives and monadic monotone strict np.Lauri Hella, Merlijn Sevenster & Tero Tulenheimo - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (3):323-344.
    Motivated by constraint satisfaction problems, Feder and Vardi (SIAM Journal of Computing, 28, 57–104, 1998) set out to search for fragments of satisfying the dichotomy property: every problem definable in is either in P or else NP-complete. Feder and Vardi considered in this connection two logics, strict NP (or SNP) and monadic, monotone, strict NP without inequalities (or MMSNP). The former consists of formulas of the form , where is a quantifier-free formula in a relational vocabulary; and the latter is (...)
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  43. Generalizing Empirical Adequacy II: Partial Structures.Sebastian Lutz - 2021 - Synthese 198 (2):1351-1380.
    I show that extant attempts to capture and generalize empirical adequacy in terms of partial structures fail. Indeed, the motivations for the generalizations in the partial structures approach are better met by the generalizations via approximation sets developed in “Generalizing Empirical Adequacy I”. Approximation sets also generalize partial structures.
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    The classification of preordered spaces in terms of monotones: complexity and optimization.Sebastian Gottwald, Daniel A. Braun & Pedro Hack - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (4):693-720.
    The study of complexity and optimization in decision theory involves both partial and complete characterizations of preferences over decision spaces in terms of real-valued monotones. With this motivation, and following the recent introduction of new classes of monotones, like injective monotones or strict monotone multi-utilities, we present the classification of preordered spaces in terms of both the existence and cardinality of real-valued monotones and the cardinality of the quotient space. In particular, we take advantage of a characterization (...)
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    On partial randomness.Cristian S. Calude, Ludwig Staiger & Sebastiaan A. Terwijn - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 138 (1):20-30.
    If is a random sequence, then the sequence is clearly not random; however, seems to be “about half random”. L. Staiger [Kolmogorov complexity and Hausdorff dimension, Inform. and Comput. 103 159–194 and A tight upper bound on Kolmogorov complexity and uniformly optimal prediction, Theory Comput. Syst. 31 215–229] and K. Tadaki [A generalisation of Chaitin’s halting probability Ω and halting self-similar sets, Hokkaido Math. J. 31 219–253] have studied the degree of randomness of sequences or reals by measuring their “degree (...)
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    Surrogate utility estimation by long-term partners and unfamiliar dyads.Richard J. Tunney & Fenja V. Ziegler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127163.
    To what extent are people able to make predictions about other people’s preferences and values? We report two experiments that present a novel method assessing some of the basic processes in surrogate decision-making, namely surrogate-utility estimation. In each experiment participants formed dyads who were asked to assign utilities to health related items and commodity items, and to predict their partner’s utility judgments for the same items. In experiment one we showed that older adults in long-term relationships were able to accurately (...)
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  47. Using semantic deference to test an extension of indexical externalism beyond natural-kind terms.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
    We offer a new outlook on the vexed question of the reference of natural-kind terms. Since Kripke and Putnam, there is a widespread assumption that natural-kind terms function just like proper names: they designate their referents directly and they are rigid designators: their reference is unchanged even in worlds in which the referent lacks some or all the properties associated with it in the actual world, and which are useful to us in identifying that referent. There have, however, (...)
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    Towards the computational complexity of ℘Rω-terms.Karl-Heinz Niggl - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1):153-178.
    We investigate a simply typed term system ℘R ω aimed at defining partial primitive recursive functionals over arbitrary Scott domains . A hierarchy of complexity classes R n ω for functionals definable in ℘R ω is given based on a hierarchy of term classes ℘R n ωpn denoting the n th class of so-called prenormal terms . They come into play by the key observation that every term t can be transformed by what we call higher type modularization (...)
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    Well-partial-orderings and the big Veblen number.Jeroen Van der Meeren, Michael Rathjen & Andreas Weiermann - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1-2):193-230.
    In this article we characterize a countable ordinal known as the big Veblen number in terms of natural well-partially ordered tree-like structures. To this end, we consider generalized trees where the immediate subtrees are grouped in pairs with address-like objects. Motivated by natural ordering properties, extracted from the standard notations for the big Veblen number, we investigate different choices for embeddability relations on the generalized trees. We observe that for addresses using one finite sequence only, the embeddability coincides with (...)
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  50.  28
    On partial disjunction properties of theories containing Peano arithmetic.Taishi Kurahashi - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (7-8):953-980.
    Let \ be a class of formulas. We say that a theory T in classical logic has the \-disjunction property if for any \ sentences \ and \, either \ or \ whenever \. First, we characterize the \-disjunction property in terms of the notion of partial conservativity. Secondly, we prove a model theoretic characterization result for \-disjunction property. Thirdly, we investigate relationships between partial disjunction properties and several other properties of theories containing Peano arithmetic. Finally, we (...)
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