Results for 'philosophy of love'

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  1. The philosophy of love.Haridas Chaudhuri - 1987 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edited by Dionne Marx.
    The Problem of Love I would like to say a word about the psychological approach to love and to Erich Fromm's little classic, ...
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    The Christian Philosophy of Love.George Burch - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 3 (4):411 - 426.
    According to the Platonic philosophy of love, a thing is to be loved because it is beautiful and insofar as it is beautiful. Since Beauty is the radiance of the Good, a thing is to be loved, ultimately, because and insofar as it is good. The entity which is best and therefore most beautiful and therefore most lovable is the Good itself, or God. The Good alone deserves our final and unconditioned love. And since the only characteristic (...)
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    Philosophies of Love.David L. Norton & Mary F. Kille (eds.) - 1971 - San Francisco,: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
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    Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction.Raja Halwani - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    How is love different from lust or infatuation? Do love and marriage really go together “like a horse and carriage”? Does sex have any necessary connection to either? And how important are love, sex, and marriage to a well-lived life? In this lively, lucid, and comprehensive textbook, Raja Halwani pursues the philosophical questions inherent in these three important aspects of human relationships, exploring the nature, uses, and ethics of romantic love, sexuality, and marriage. The book is (...)
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    The Philosophy of Love and the Bible.Brayton Polka - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):551-557.
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    Rabbi Akiva's Philosophy of Love.Naftali Rothenberg - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores the philosophy of love through the thought and life of Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph. Readers of the Talmud are introduced to Rabbi Akiva through the iconic story of his love for his wife Rachel. From this starting point, Naftali Rothenberg conducts a thorough examination of the harmonious approach to love in the obstacle-laden context of human reality. Discussing the deterioration of passion into simple lust, the ability to contend with suffering and death, and (...)
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  7. The philosophy of love.Hanuman Prasad Poddar - 1968 - Gorakhpur,: Gita Press.
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    Philosophy of Love in the Past, Present, and Future.André Grahle, Natasha McKeever & Joe Saunders (eds.) - 2022 - Routledge.
    This volume features original essays on the philosophy of love. The essays are organized thematically around the past, present, and future of philosophical thinking about love. In section I, the contributors explore what we can learn from the history of philosophical thinking about love. The chapters cover Ancient Greek thinkers, namely Plato and Aristotle, as well as Kierkegaard's critique of preferential love and Erich Fromm's mystic interpretation of sexual relations. Section II covers current conceptions and (...)
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  9. The philosophy of love and sex: an anthology.Carol Hay - 2023 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. Edited by Clancy Martin.
    The Philosophy of Love and Sex offers a wide range of diverse perspectives to challenge students to think beyond established concepts within the philosophies of love and sex.
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  10. Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up.Irving Singer & Alan Soble - 2009 - MIT Press.
    In 1984, Irving Singer published the first volume of what would become a classic and much acclaimed trilogy on love. Trained as an analytical philosopher, Singer first approached his subject with the tools of current philosophical methodology. Dissatisfied by the initial results, he turned to the history of ideas in philosophy and the arts for inspiration. He discovered an immensity of speculation and artistic practice that reached wholly beyond the parameters he had been trained to consider truly philosophical. (...)
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  11. Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction, second edition. Routledge, 2018.Raja Halwani - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy of LoveLove as Creation, Freedom in Lasting and Growth.Darija Rupčić Kelam - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):119-133.
    The intention and the guiding thought is to highlight the phenomenon of love because it unjustly became marginalised in the contemporary scientific discourse, including philosophy, especially from today’s perspective of the ultimate and complete commodification of human relations. The crucial part of the paper is the emphasis on the creative potential and revolutionary strength – and the emerging freedom as a vital moment – of the love as a permanent corrective and the possibility of changing and revolutionising (...)
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    Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love.Michael Strawser - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Michael Strawser provides a new reading of Spinoza as a philosopher of love for whom the ethically qualified conception of noble love is central. Strawser situates Spinoza’s philosophy of love within the Jewish and Cartesian traditions and shows how this active conception of love can conquer hatred and bring people together.
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    A Philosophy of Love: Henry More’s Moral Philosophy.James Bryson - 2019 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 61 (1):84-106.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 61 Heft: 1 Seiten: 84-106.
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    The philosophy of love.Alt̤āf Ḥusain - 2013 - Edgware: MQM International Secretariat.
  16. The Philosophy of Love.Leone Ebreo, F. Friedeberg-Seeley & Jean H. Barnes - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):116-117.
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  17. Philosophy of Love : Indian and Western Perspectives.Sanjay Kumar Shukla - 2023 - Madhya Bharati 84 (Jan-June):211-221.
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    A Philosophy of Maintenance? Engaging with the Concept of Software.David Love - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):27-30.
    Although reducing the costs of software maintenance has long been held as an important goal, few researchers have studied software maintenance — except in the context of software design. However, thinking in software design is itself muddled by the frequent confusion over the term ‘software’ and ‘programs’. In this paper we argue for a re-examination of the underlying philosophical foundations of programs, in order to establish software as a phenomenon in its own right. Once we understand the basic structure of (...)
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  19. The philosophy of love.Leo Hebraeus - 1937 - London,: The Soncino press. Edited by F. Friedeberg-Seeley & Jean H. Barnes.
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    Marx’s Philosophy of Love and Communism.Nicholas Zettel - 2008 - International Studies in Philosophy 40 (2):121-130.
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  21. Feminist Philosophies of Love and Work.Julie A. Nelson & Paula England - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):1-18.
    Can work be done for pay, and still be loving? While many feminists believe that marketization inevitably leads to a degradation of social connections, we suggest that markets are themselves forms of social organization, and that even relationships of unequal power can sometimes include mutual respect. We call for increased attention to specific causes of suffering, such as greed, poverty, and subordination. We conclude with a summary of contributions to this Special Issue.
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    P.B. Shelley's Philosophy of Love.Sarita Singh - 1988 - Mittal Publications.
    Poets are "the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society, and the inventors of the arts of life, and the teachers who draw into a certain ...
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    Patmore’s Philosophy of Love.Eleanor Downing - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (1):62-77.
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    The Human Embrace: The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love
    Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum.
    Ronald L. Hall - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Starting from Søren Kierkegaard's insight that fully accepting the human condition requires one to live with the persistent temptation to escape from it, Ronald Hall finds similar concerns reflected in the work of two modern-day philosophers, Stanley Cavell and Martha Nussbaum, who equally find in a philosophy of love and marriage the key to understanding how humans may achieve happiness in the acceptance of their humanity. All three thinkers follow a "logic of paradox" in showing how success in (...)
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    Patmore’s Philosophy of Love.Eleanor Downing - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (4):627-641.
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    Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction. By Raja Halwani. Pp. viii, 334, New York, Routledge, 2010, $17.99. [REVIEW]John R. Williams - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (5):881-882.
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    Rumi's philosophy of love in the era of U-turned Islam.Nevad Katheran - 2007 - Disputatio Philosophica 9 (1):99-112.
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  28. Philosophy of love.Alexander Moseley - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Ugo Spirito's philosophy of love.Patrick Romanell - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (7):188-193.
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    The philosophy of metaReality: creativity, love, and freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The Vedanta of conciousness : transcendence, enlightenment and everyday life -- The alienated self and the Kabbala of transformation -- The Zen of creativity and the critique of the discursive intellect -- The Tao of love and unconditionality in commitment -- The yoga of action and effortless efficiency -- The nous of perception and the re-enchantment of the tree of life -- The gnosis of freedom and the Fana of fulfilment.
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    Narada sutras: the philosophy of love.Hari Prasad Shastri (ed.) - 1973 - London: Shanti Sadan.
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    Some Remarks on the Philosophy of Love in Dietrich von Hildebrand and Karol Wojtyla.Jarosław Merecki - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (3):5-13.
    Tematem artykułu jest filozofia miłości rozwijana przez dwóch wybitnych fenomenologów wymienionych w tytule: Dietricha von Hildebranda i Karola Wojtyłę. Obydwaj korzystali w swoich badaniach z metody fenomenologicznej; celem artykułu jest pokazanie, że w obydwu wypadkach metoda ta prowadziła do podobnych rezultatów. Autor czyni to w trzech krokach. Po pierwsze, pokazuje, że miłość pojętą w sensie ogólnym obydwaj autorzy rozumieją jako odpowiedź na wartość osoby. W Lubelskiej Szkole Personalizmu zasada miłości została wyrażona w formule: persona est affirmanda propter seipsam, a treścią (...)
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  33. Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Love.Sylvia Walsh Perkins - 1995 - In David Goicoechea (ed.), The nature and pursuit of love: the philosophy of Irving Singer. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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    Kierkegaard and the Philosophy of Love.Michael Strawser - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book Michael Strawser argues that Kierkegaard should be interpreted primarily as a philosopher of love who ultimately presents readers with a first phenomenology of love.
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  35. Philosophy of Love and Sex.Clancy Martin & H. Hay (eds.) - 2023
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  36. T'ang chün-I's philosophy of love.Cheung Chan-fai - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (2):257-271.
    T'ang Chün-i's early work Ai-ching chih fu-yin (Gospel of love) has been much neglected by T'ang scholars. This essay argues that this text is not a caprice, and that it marks an important stage in T'ang's life and studies. Furthermore, in the history of Chinese philosophy, it is probably the first book ever written on the philosophy of love.
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    "Introduction to" The Philosophy of Love and Sex".Nicholas Dixon - 2001 - Essays in Philosophy 2 (2):32-36.
    Love and sex provide a fertile ground for philosophical inquiry, both conceptual analysis of the nature of love and sex and discussion of the many ethical issues that they raise. Moral issues arising from love include the permissibility of romantically loving more than one person at the same time and the moral value of romantic love and friendship. Moral issues arising from sex vary from the most fundamental question—the one addressed by Alan Soble in his paper (...)
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  38. A philosophy of love.Verrier Elwin - 1962 - [Delhi]: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
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    The Philosophy of Shinichi Suzuki: “Music Education as Love Education”.Karin S. Hendricks - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (2):136-154.
    This article attempts to bridge the philosophical gap between Western music education philosophers and practicing Suzuki music teachers. Specifically addressed is Estelle Jorgensen's critique of Suzuki-trained educators who may rely too heavily on rote pedagogical methods without careful reflection of the philosophical principles underlying their approach. By first discussing the cultural relativity of philosophical expression, this article suggests that Suzuki's philosophy may be better (although differently) articulated than Western scholars give it credit. On the other hand, this article also (...)
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  40. The philosophy of love, being the Narada sutras.Hari Prasad Shastri (ed.) - 1947 - London,: Shanti Sadan Pub. Committee.
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    Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up Reviewed by.Robert Scott Stewart - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (2):141-142.
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    Formal and material theories in philosophy of science: a methodological interpretation.Alan Love - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 175--185.
    John Norton’s argument that all formal theories of induction fail raises substantive questions about the philosophical analysis of scientific reasoning. What are the criteria of adequacy for philosophical theories of induction, explanation, or theory structure? Is more than one adequate theory possible? Using a generalized version of Norton’s argument, I demonstrate that the competition between formal and material theories in philosophy of science results from adhering to different criteria of adequacy. This situation encourages an interpretation of “formal” and “material” (...)
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  43. Philosophy of Sex and Love.James Petrik - 2016 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), Philosophy: Sources, Perspectives, and Methodologies. Boston, USA: Macmillan Reference. pp. 365-382.
    A critical overview of topics in the philosophy of sex and love, this article pays special attention to the connection between reason and love.
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    [Book Review] Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love by Michael Strawser. [REVIEW]Ian MacLean-Evans - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (4):452-456.
    Strawser’s Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love is a long-needed investigation into what Spinoza has to say about love, how Spinoza’s views of love are historically situated, and how Spinoza’s views...
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  45. "Introduction" for the Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love.Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts - 2024 - In Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love. NYC: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-23.
    The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love offers a wide array of original essays on the nature and value of love. The editors, Christopher Grau and Aaron Smuts, have assembled an esteemed group of thinkers, including both established scholars and younger voices. The volume contains thirty-three essays addressing both issues about love as well as key philosophers who have contributed to the philosophy of love, such as Plato, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, and Murdoch. The topics (...)
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    A Philosophy of Weakness: Merleau-Ponty on Fugitive Love and the Wisdom in Letting Die.Keith Whitmoyer - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (1):1-15.
    ABSTRACTThis essay provides a sketch of Merleau-Ponty’s understanding of love in relation to human experience and to the conceptualization of φιλία and σοφία outlined in his later works. In response to what he calls a “cruel thought … that is more fear of error than it is a love of truth”, Merleau-Ponty’s reflections on love and jealousy in Proust offer a concept of “fugitive love”. Opposed to the Cartesian desire for apodicticity that seeks to seize and (...)
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    Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up. [REVIEW]Michael Strawser - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (3):502-505.
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  48. Conditions of love: the philosophy of intimacy.John Armstrong - 2002 - New York: W.W. Norton & Co..
    This work aims to raise one of the deepest and most puzzling questions we can put to ourselves: What is love? Drawing on writers and thinkers as diverse as Plato, Tolstoy, Freud and Stendhal, John Armstrong explores how our perception of love is formed by culture and history. The book joins the search for a more mature conception of love without self-deception and asks whether this is even achievable.
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    Guardian of Dialogue: Max Scheler's Phenomenology, Sociology of Knowledge, and Philosophy of Love.Michael D. Barber - 1993 - Bucknell University Press.
    This book shows how, on the basis of a phenomenological account of knowledge, values, and intersubjectivity, Max Scheler defends the objective structure of being and value and the distinctiveness of the Other against mechanistic attempts to ...
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    Soteriological Aspects in the Naturalistic Philosophy of Robert Corrington and George Santayana.Edward W. Lovely - 2013 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 34 (1):49-63.
    In this paper, I will discuss and characterize transcendental and salvational aspects of two naturalistic philosophical projects, those of Robert Corrington, a contemporary American Naturalist and George Santayana, the first identifiable American Naturalist. I am considering here soteriological pathways available for transformation or transfiguration of the self toward a state of spiritual optimization in an imminent natural cosmos where all but limited gains seem to be out of human hands. The individual, imbedded in Nature, is caught up in an unteleological (...)
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