Results for 'propagatio fidei per scientias'

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  1.  15
    Leibniz sur « l’avancement vers une plus grande culture ». Leibniz über den „Fortschritt zu höherer Kultur“.Daniel J. Cook - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (2):163.
    G. W. Leibniz has been praised as an exemplar of tolerance on both theological and political grounds. His irenic efforts within Christendom as well as his positive attitude towards pagans like the Chinese is well documented. He thought that “the great majority of mankind” were already “civilized”. This paper highlights Leibniz’s political treatment of the “uncivilized” peoples, whom he termed “barbarians” and “savages”. Given Leibniz’s worldly outlook and prodigious reading, including writings detailing the horrors inflicted on the natives of the (...)
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  2. La quaestio fidei sfida prioritaria oggi: Linee per Una riproposta Della fede cristiana come pienezza d'umanità.Domenico Paoletti - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):447-464.
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    Sensus Fidei Umat Katolik di Keuskupan Agung Jakarta terhadap Isu Homoseksualitas pada Tahun 2022.Albertus Adiwenanto - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):197-233.
    Homosexuality is not easily accepted in the Catholic Church. There are at least three major schools concerning the attitude towards homosexuality based on their respective theological methodologies (scientia fidei). The first school is encapsulated in the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1986), which rejects homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. The second school is put forward by John J. McNeill (1993), a moralist who embraces homosexual persons and same-sex sexual (...)
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    Philosophiae Wolffianae ex graecis et latinis auctoribus illustratae, maxime secundum animae facultatem cognoscendi consensus cum theologia per praecipua fidei capita.Israel Gottlieb Canz - 1737 - Hildesheim: G. Olms. Edited by Christian Wolff.
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  5. Celebrazioni per il Centenario della Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science.M. Loi - 1976 - Scientia 70:701.
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  6. Noumenorum non datur scientia. Kant e la nozione di mondo intelligibile: tra monadologia e platonismo.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:427-457.
    In quest’articolo, articolo prenderò in esame i passi in cui Kant descrive la monadologia leibniziana come un “concetto platonico” del mondo, ossia come una descrizione del mondo intelligibile che non ha nulla a che vedere con la spiegazione del mondo fenomenico. In generale, vorrei mostrare che quest’interpretazione non va contrapposta a quella che lo stesso Kant aveva dato nella prima Critica, dove la monadologia era caratterizzata come un “sistema intellettuale del mondo”. Per fare ciò, risponderò a due domande. La prima (...)
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    Per quelle confuse carte... The Galilean De motu in Raffaello Cave.Francesco Crapanzano - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:17-33.
    On peut, semble-t-il compter parmi les contributions liées au De motu et à ses enjeux, le texte obscur, verbeux et parfois inexact de Raffaello Caverni (1837-1900), l’Histoire de la méthode expérimentale en Italie. L’œuvre monumentale du prêtre toscan fut publiée en six grands volumes (le dernier à titre posthume) et suscita aussitôt autant d’éloges que de critiques. Au-delà des jugements extravagants et des hypothèses audacieuses, les idées de Caverni sur le De motu peuvent tout à fait s’avérer utiles, non tant (...)
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  8. Avicena y la división de las ciencias especulativas en base al subiectum scientiae.Rafael Pascual - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (2):283-300.
    Dopo aver studiato l’argomento della divisione delle scienze speculative in Aristotele e Boezio, riprendiamo la marcia della nostra ricerca presentando il pensiero di Avicenna al riguardo. Bisogna ammettere l’importanza del suo contributo per lo sviluppo della filosofia, e in modo particolare la metafisica, nell’occidente medievale, senza il quale non si può cogliere la continuità e i cambiamenti progressivi nelle diverse edizioni di questa scienza regina del sapere razionale umano. Avicenna insisterà a ragione nell’importanza del subiectum scientiae per stabilire la divisione (...)
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  9.  27
    Nature et esprit des anges dans la Summa theologiae sive de mirabili scientia Dei d’Albert le Grand.Anna Rodolfi - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:145-171.
    This paper’s focus is about some questions concerning the ontology of the angel and the theory of knowledge. About ontology, the main problems discussed by Albert are the metaphysical composition (despite its immateriality) of the angel, the nature of angel’s individuality and the angel’s relationship with the separate intelligences. On this last point Albert, unlike Thomas, argues that angels and intelligences are distinct entities and that the identification between them would be a denial of angel’s ministerial function. In order to (...)
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  10. Una ricostruzione razionale per le statistiche delle particelle elementari.D. Costantini - 1982 - Scientia 76:137.
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  11. Scienza e filosofia. Parte II: Le varie soluzioni del problema della conoscenza, quali tentativi falliti per ridurre tutto il reale ad unità.F. Sarlo - 1930 - Scientia 24 (47):149.
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    Comportamiento del consumo de ox geno en Americophis reesei durante el per odo de estudio (Onuphidae: polichaeta).I. G. Luna - 2001 - Scientia 16.
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    Conversazione sull’oggi. Scienza, filosofia e politica per tempi difficili.Andrea Zhok & Mario Cosenza - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 25:187–203.
    This interview seeks to highlight some of the main characteristics of the new pandemic world, besides the main contradictions the philosophical thought runs into in this difficult time. Between a political world which is unable to react and the scientific world which is usually moved by political aims, this work tries to understand if there is any room for a role of a long range philosophical thought, which is able to defend its clarity prerogatives but it is also able to (...)
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  14.  50
    La carne sintetica, un volano per costruire un nuovo rapporto tra Sapiens e animali non umani.Luca Lo Sapio - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:70-100.
    In Vitro meat, a flywheel to build a new relationship between Sapiens and non-human animals Meat consumption is a considerable Harm for human Health, Environment, and animal Welfare. In this essay I assume that in vitro meat could be a suitable solution for each of these problems. In the first part of my inquire I focus on animal Ethics. In particular I analyze the issue of moral status of non-human animals. In the second part I take into exam the main (...)
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  15. De Sanctis. S. E Ottolenghi, S. - Trattato Pratico Di Psicopatologia Forense Per Uso Dei Medici, Giuristi E Studenti. [REVIEW]M. Carrara - 1922 - Scientia 16 (32):63.
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  16. (1 other version)Lineamenti di cristeologia. «Fede critica» e umiltà epistemica: il rapporto ragione-fede al confine tra meta-teologia, metodologia e vita.Damiano Migliorini - 2016 - Theologica 1:1-51.
    ENGLISH: The author investigates whether the model prevalent today of an “humble reason” - based on fallibilism and epistemic humility - is the most appropriate to express the theological truth, even in the light of the debate within the contemporary theism (rational theology). To answer this question it is necessary to examine the epistemological status of “human truth” and the “truth of faith”, in order to develop a common approach to sciences, philosophy and theology. Finally, the author shows how the (...)
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    Locke on Newton's principia: Mathematics or natural philosophy?Michael J. White - unknown
    In his Essay concerning Human Understanding, John Locke explicitly refers to Newton’s Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica in laudatory but restrained terms: “Mr. Newton, in his never enough to be admired Book, has demonstrated several Propositions, which are so many new Truths, before unknown to the World, and are farther Advances in Mathematical Knowledge” (Essay, 4.7.3). The mathematica of the Principia are thus acknowledged. But what of philosophia naturalis? Locke maintains that natural philosophy, conceived as natural science (as opposed to natural (...)
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  18.  6
    "Un maître en théologie: Le Père Marie-Michel Labourdette, O.P." Revue Thomiste 92/1 ed. by Serge-Thomas Bonino.Kevin McCaffrey - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):517-521.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 517 My second concern is whether Dulles needs to develop more explicitly the liturgical dimension of the tradition as a type of tacit knowing. To be sure, Dulles is open to seeing the divine liturgy as an important source for what he refers to as " traditioning " (cf. 33-34). Furthermore, his personal commitment to the traditional liturgy's unique mode of communication can be quite passionate, as (...)
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    Johannes Rudbeckius’s Conclusio Collegii Logici.Tero Tulenheimo - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (2):189-208.
    Propono hic conversionem in linguam Anglicam conclusionis Collegii Logici, anno 1608–1609 semestri studiorum spatio hiberno a Johanne Rudbeckio Wittenbergæ habiti. Hic commentarius prooemium in conversionem est. Rudbeckius primus Suecus erat, qui librum didacticum de logica publicavit. Maiorem partem libri iam anno 1606 scripserat, cum Mathesis Professor Upsaliensis esset, sed Logica ex optimis et præstantissimis autoribus collecta & conscripta non ante annum 1625 edita sit. Cum Johanne Canuti Lenæo, collega suo, Rudbeckius primas partes agebat in inducenda in Sueciam scholastica Lutherana, cuius (...)
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  20. Hermeneusis sinóptica de ontologías convergentes en las Disputaciones de Suárez.Vicente Llamas Roig - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    Las Disputaciones metafísicas de Suárez son el punto de encuentro de dos líneas ontológicas, energetista y dinamicista, amenazadas por el nominalismo ockhamista, sin otra tangencia posible que una original reelaboración de la unidad formal (in natura rei ante operationem intellectus) al esse simplicissimum et primum omnium en aras de una autónoma scientia perfecta et a priori. La distinctio rationis ratiocinatae entre esencia y existencia en los seres creados, la individuación per intrinsecum y la posibilidad de su noticia directa o la (...)
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  21. Thomas Aquinas and John duns scotus: Natural theology in the high middle ages (review).Thomas Williams - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 483-485.
    In this ambitious study, Alexander W. Hall examines the two preeminent figures of the golden age of natural theology: Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Hall is not so much concerned with retracing particular proofs of the existence of God and derivations of the divine attributes—well-worn paths in discussions of medieval natural theology—as with investigating the larger philosophical issues that are raised by the project of natural theology, such as the nature of scientia and demonstrative arguments, and accounts of signification (...)
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  22.  9
    The Rectitude of Inclination.Nicholas Ingham - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):417-437.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE RECTITUDE OF INCLINATION NICHOLAS INGHAM, 0.P. Provincial Archives Providence, Rhode Island 0 F THE MOST plausible mainline treatments of the relation of inclination to action and of their combination to moral estimation-Kantian, Classical Utilitarian, and Aristotelian-Thomist--only the third, remarkably enough, provides for the possibility of intrinsic rectitude as regards inclination. For Kant, of course, inclination is not only indifferent to morality but censurable as a criterion for action; (...)
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    Aquinas on Resolution in Metaphysics.Michael Tavuzzi - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):199-227.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS ON RESOLUTION IN METAPHYSICS MICHAEL TAVUZZI, O.P. Angeliaum University Rome FOR AQUINAS a sequence of thoughts, even if interconnected in some manner, does not DJutomatically constitute a scientific discipline. To justify a daim to scientific status such a sequence will have ito he characterized by those properties which raise mere thinking to the level of reasoning : it wiH have to proceed rationabiliter,. in all senses of the (...)
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  24. Una lettura scotista della «Metafisica» di Aristotele: l'«Expositio in libros Metaphysicorum» di Antonio Andrea.Giorgio Pini - 1991 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 2 (2):529-586.
    Da lungo tempo è stato riconosciuto il carattere scotista dell'Expositio in libros Metaphysicorum di Antonio Andrea, a tal punto che essa figura tra le opere di Scoto nelle edizioni del Wadding e di Vivés. Anche ora che la paternità di Antonio Andrea per quest'opera è stata comunemente riconosciuta, accade spesso che si faccia ricorso all'Expositio al fine di illuminare questo o quel punto oscuro del pensiero di Scoto. Tuttavia, una volta analizzata, quest'opera mostra di essere un adattamento puntuale del commento (...)
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  25.  19
    Speculum animae: Erfurt, UB, Dep. Erf., CA Quarto 312, fol. 107va-110rb (Q312) Assisi, Bibl. del Sacro Convento, cod. 138, fol. 281va-284rb. [REVIEW]Richard Rufus - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:117-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:[Quaestio prima: quomodo est anima omnia]“Anima quodammodo est omnia.”2Verbum Philosophi est et abbreviatum; non autem omnibus satis manifestum. Quid me, Vir Dei,3 iam sollicitas in isto? Scis enim quod imperitussum scientia, et iste sermo profunda forte indiget exquisitione. Quaeris ergo specificari tibi illud quod dico ‘quodammodo’; quomodo enim erit anima omnia? Istum modum velles tibi specificari: autin summa dictione una, aut secundum singula entia singulos modos explicare.Videtur ergo ipse (...)
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  26. "Fordi du, når du skal dø, altid er et alene-objekt." ; Per Kramer.Per Kramer (ed.) - 1975 - Ärhus: Per Kramer.
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  27. Common-sense precaution and varieties of the precautionary principle.Per Sandin - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  28. First order predicate logic with generalized quantifiers.Per Lindström - 1966 - Theoria 32 (3):186--195.
  29. A two-dimensional theory of health.Per-Anders Tengland - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (4):257-284.
    The starting point for the contemporary debate about theories of health should be the holistic theory of Lennart Nordenfelt, claims George Khushf, not the refuted theory of Christopher Boorse. The present paper is an attempt to challenge Nordenfelt and to present an alternative theory to his and other theories, including Boorse’s. The main problems with Nordenfelt’s theory are that it is relativistic, that it leads to counter-intuitive results as to what goals can count as healthy, that it focuses on the (...)
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  30. Aids, myth, and ethics.Per Sundström - 1991 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 12 (2).
    The present paper is a commentary on an article by Larry Churchill [1]. Churchill has argued that the negative attitudes and adverse behavior we commonly encounter in connection with AIDS patients may be understood in terms of a dualistic myth inspiring a ritual avoidance of dirt, of dirt as something that does not belong to a clean world order. The deep-seated mythical character of attitudes and behavior here makes them less accessible to the kind of rational argument commonly employed in (...)
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    Mental illness.Christian Perring - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  32. Doing visual analysis: From theory to practice.Per Ledin & David Machin - 2018
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    Languages with self-reference I: Foundations.Donald Perlis - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (3):301-322.
  34.  40
    Get Smart: Outcomes, Influence, and Responsibility.Per-Erik Milam - 2021 - The Monist 104 (4):443-457.
    Once relegated to the margins of the responsibility debate, moral influence theories have recently been rehabilitated. This paper offers a moral influence theory with two parts: a theory of responsibility as influenceability and an act-consequentialist justification of blame. I defend this account against six concerns commonly raised both by opponents and by advocates of similar views. Some concerns target act consequentialism, claiming that it 1) permits blaming innocents; 2) permits coercion, manipulation, and other objectionable forms of influence; and 3) fails (...)
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  35.  81
    Is the Precautionary Principle a Midlevel Principle?Per Sandin & Martin Peterson - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (1):34-48.
    In this article, we defend two claims about the precautionary principle. The first is that there is no ‘core’ precautionary principle that unifies all its different versions. It is more plausible to think of the different versions as being related to each other by way of family resemblances. So although precautionary principle x may have much in common with precautionary principle y, and y with z, there is no set of necessary and sufficient conditions that unify all versions of the (...)
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    A context-based theory of recency and contiguity in free recall.Per B. Sederberg, Marc W. Howard & Michael J. Kahana - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):893-912.
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    Subjectivity and vulnerability: reflections on the foundation of ethical sensibility.Per Nortvedt - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (3):222-230.
    This paper investigates the possibility of understanding the rudimentary elements of clinical sensitivity by investigating the works of Edmund Husserl and Emmanuel Levinas on sensibility. Husserl's theory of intentionality offers significant reflections on the role of pre-reflective and affective intuition as a condition for intentionality and reflective consciousness. These early works of Husserl, in particular his works on the constitution of phenomenological time and subjective time-consciousness, prove to be an important basis for Levinas’ works on an ethics of alterity and (...)
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  38.  45
    Who’s Colonizing Who? The Knowledge Society Thesis and the Global Challenges in Higher Education.Per-Anders Forstorp - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (4):227-236.
    The two notions of “globalization” and “knowledge society” are often assumed to be relatively neutral descriptions of contemporary social and cultural developments, although they are embedded in discourses on power and domination. In this paper the argument is made that both these notions can be understood as expressions of an ideology of neo-colonialism and that they assume an ethnocentric or Eurocentric bias rather than being neutral descriptions of the “natural” unfolding of social and political changes. The thesis of the “knowledge (...)
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  39. Logic and Philosophy of Time: Themes from Prior, Volume 1.Per Hasle, Patrick Blackburn & Peter Ohrstrom (eds.) - 2017 - Aalborg University Press.
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  40. The Metaphysics of Time: Themes on Prior.Per Hasle, David Jakobsen & Peter Ohstrom (eds.) - 2020 - Aalborg University Press.
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    “Shame on the church of Sweden”: Radical nationalism and the appropriation of Christianity in contemporary Sweden.Per-Erik Nilsson - 2020 - Critical Research on Religion 8 (2):138-152.
    During the last decade, the populist radical nationalist party, the Sweden Democrats, has gone from being a minor party to become Sweden’s third largest party in parliament. In this article, the author shows how the category of Christianity has come to play a pivotal role in the party’s political identification. Drawing on Ernesto Laclau’s analysis of populism, the author argues that Christianity should be understood as a projection surface for fantasies of an ethnically and culturally superior homogenous nation vis-à-vis constructed (...)
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    Immersed subjectivity and engaged narratives: clinical epistemology and normative intricacy.Per Nortvedt - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (2):129-136.
    Gadow's understanding of nursing as a relational narrative anchored in a dialectic between the fundamental subjectivity of the individual client and the objectification of his illness poses some interesting questions for nursing ethics and care. For Gadow, nursing is an encounter with the immediate vulnerability of the client and also lends it responsibilities to the medical objectification of illness aiming at disease treatment and control. Hence, nursing agency is divided between its responsibilities induced by the personal vulnerability of the patient (...)
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    Subjectivity and vulnerability: Reflections on the foundation of ethical sensibility.Per Nortvedt PhD - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (3):222–230.
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    Scientia Et Virtus.Sándor Scientia Et Virtus & Durzsa (eds.) - 1978 - Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvtaranak Kiadasa.
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    Better safe than sorry: : Applying philosophical methods to the debate on risk and the precautionary principle.Per Sandin - unknown
    The purpose of the present thesis is to apply philosophical methods to the ongoing debate of the precautionary principle, in order to illuminate this debate. The thesis consists of an Introduction and five papers. Paper I con-cerns an objection to the method of conceptual analysis, the Charge from Psychology. After a brief characterisation of conceptual analysis, I argue that the Charge from Psychology is misdirected. In Paper II, the method of conceptual analysis is applied to the concept of precaution which (...)
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    Needs, closeness and responsibilities. An inquiry into some rival moral considerations in nursing care.Per Nortvedt - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):112–121.
    The first part of this paper seeks to clarify how interpersonal relationships are generally rooted in considerations about trust, vulnerability and interpersonal dependence. However, for nurse–patient relationships, and from the point of view of justice and fair rationing, it is essential to investigate their distinct moral nature. Hence, the second part of the paper argues that nurse–patient relationships, as a special kind of interpersonal relationship, raise particular normative issues. I will discuss dilemmas facing nurses and professional care‐givers in general who (...)
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    Direct, fully intentional self-deception is also real.Christian Perring - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):123-124.
    An important way to become self-deceived, omitted by Mele, is by intentionally ignoring and avoiding the contemplation of evidence one has for an upsetting conclusion, knowing full well that one is giving priority to one's present peace of mind over the search for truth. Such intentional self-deception may be especially hard to observe scientifically.
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    Disease: the phenomenological and conceptual center of practical-clinical medicine.Per Sundström - 2001 - In S. Kay Toombs (ed.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 109--126.
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    On certain lattices of degrees of interpretability.Per Lindström - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (2):127-140.
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    Languages with self-reference II.Donald Perlis - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (2):179-212.
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