Results for 'psychologizing'

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  1.  12
    Jung and Kinds of Love.James L. Jarrett & Guild of Pastoral Psychology - 1995 - Guild of Pastoral Psychology.
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    Empowerment in nursing: The role of philosophical and psychological factors.R. N. T. Rmn & Katie L. Dann Bsc Psychology - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):234–239.
  3. Synopsis of 'consciousness, brain and the physical world'.Philosophical psychology - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):153 – 157.
  4. Ethical Issues in Psychological Research on AIDS.American Psychological Association Committee for the Protection of Human Participants in Research - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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    The Prohibition Against Psychologizing.Robert L. Campbell - 2015 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 15 (1):53-66.
    The prohibition against psychologizing has been a source of confusion to many Randians. Psychologizing is the practice of incorrectly or improperly inferring motives in other people instead of rendering moral judgment. Rand thought that it could manifest in two ways: inquisitorial and excuse-making. However, Rand's concrete examples are preponderantly of the excuse-making type; her bright line between psychology and philosophy is unsuccessfully drawn; and in offering extended, strongly condemnatory analyses of the supposed motives behind psychologizing, she yields (...)
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    Psychologizing the Semantics of Fiction.John Woods & Jillian Isenberg - 2010 - Methodos 10.
    Les théoriciens sémantistes de la fiction cherchent typiquement à expliquer nos relations sémantiques au fictionnel dans le contexte plus général des théories de la référence, privilégiant une explication de la sémantique sur le psychologique. Dans cet article, nous défendons une dépendance inverse. Par l’éclaircissement de nos relations psychologiques au fictionnel, nous trouverons un guide pour savoir comment développer une sémantique de la fiction. S’ensuivra une esquisse de la sémantique.
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    De-Psychologizing Benevolence. Lotze’s Ethics between Kant, Herbart, and the British Moralists.Andrea Sebastiano Staiti - 2017 - Philosophical Readings 9 (3):230-236.
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    Psychologizing Politics, Neglect, and Gender: Applications of Voigtländer’s Scientific Characterology.Sophie Loidolt & Petra Gehring - 2023 - In Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality. Springer, Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences. pp. 199-222.
    This chapter elaborates on the main features and influences of Voigtländer’s specific version of “scientific characterology,” as well as on the ideological and institutional contexts in which it became practical. It assesses and exemplifies its methodology, development, and application in three texts: one on “political positioning,” in which Voigtländer analyzes the divide between “nationalists” and “internationalists” in Germany after the First World War; one on “gender and neglect,” which is a co-authored piece with the racial hygienist Adalbert Gregor and was (...)
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    Psychologizing” Practical Reason: John Rawls’s Naturalization of the Kantian Ethics.Irene Ottonello - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 805-816.
  10.  36
    The Psychologizing of the Psychological and the Return of Common Sense.Pietro Perconti - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (1):117-120.
    : According to Tim Crane, his version of psychologism is not based on the familiar opposition between conceptual analysis and empirical science. His point is not simply to consider phenomenological and empirical data in the science of the mind. Challenging the idea that investigation of the mind has to be understood “as an autonomous investigation solely into the concepts embodied in our psychological discourse”, Crane tries to argue for a more realistic picture of the mental. His rejection of “autonomous investigation”, (...)
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  11. De-Psychologizing Intuitionism: The Anti-Realist Rejection of Classical Logic.Sanford Shieh - 1993 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The most puzzling and intriguing aspect of intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics is its claim that classical deductive reasoning in mathematics is illegitimate. The two most well-known proponents of this position are L. E. J. Brouwer and Michael Dummett. Both of their criticisms of the use of classical logic in mathematics have, by and large, been taken to depend on the thesis that the principle of bivalence does not apply to mathematical statements; and the difference between these criticisms is (...)
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    On the Psychologizing of the World.Martin Buber - 1967 - Philosophy Today 11 (4):227-232.
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    Chapter 5. Psychologizing Oedipus: Reason and Unreason in Aristotle’s Ethics.Daniel Greenspan - 2008 - In The Passion of Infinity: Kierkegaard, Aristotle and the Rebirth of Tragedy. De Gruyter.
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  14. Does trait interpersonal fairness moderate situational influence on fairness behavior?Blaine Fowers, Bradford Cokelet & 5 Other Authors in Psychology - 2022 - Personality and Individual Differences 193 (July 2022).
    Although fairness is a key moral trait, limited research focuses on participants' observed fairness behavior because moral traits are generally measured through self-report. This experiment focused on day-to-day interpersonal fairness rather than impersonal justice, and fairness was assessed as observed behavior. The experiment investigated whether a self-reported fairness trait would moderate a situational influence on observed fairness behavior, such that individuals with a stronger fairness trait would be less affected by a situational influence than those with a weaker fairness trait. (...)
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    Down the greasy slope: the fatal contradictions of anti-doping.UKb School of Applied Psychology Newcastle Upon Tyne, Political Sciences Australiac School of Social & Uk - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-20.
    This article seeks to critically question the internal logic and coherence of ‘anti-doping’ through the case study of advantage-seeking practices in the sport of Brazilian Jui-Jitsu (BJJ). We provide an analysis of the recent controversy between high-profile fighters Gordon Ryan and Nicky Rod involving the relative morality of image and performance enhancing drug (IPED) use compared with ‘greasing’, whereby BJJ athletes apply substances, such as oil or lubricants, to the body to make it harder for opponents to establish a grip (...)
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  16. Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds: Individualism and the Sciences of the Mind.Robert Andrew Wilson - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers the first sustained critique of individualism in psychology, a view that has been the subject of debate between philosophers such as Jerry Fodor and Tyler Burge for many years. The author approaches individualism as an issue in the philosophy of science and by discussing issues such as computationalism and the mind's modularity he opens the subject up for non-philosophers in psychology and computer science. Professor Wilson carefully examines the most influential arguments for individualism and identifies the main (...)
  17.  12
    Psychology: a student's guide.Stanton L. Jones - 2014 - Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway.
    Psychology in its intellectual context -- The work of integration and a Christian view of persons -- Neuroscience, embodiment and mind -- Behavior genetics and responsible personhood -- Positive and applied psychology and sanctification -- Psychology of religion and truth.
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    From Status Politics to the Paranoid Style: Richard Hofstadter and the Pitfalls of Psychologizing History.Andrew McKenzie-McHarg - 2022 - Journal of the History of Ideas 83 (3):451-475.
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    Plato’s Moral Psychology (PMP) distinguishes two theses that might be taken as foundational to Plato’s psychologizing.Rachana Kamtekar - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (1):217-220.
  20.  5
    Psychology simplified.John Thomas Scott - 1919 - [Oklahoma City: Times-Journal Pub. Co..
    Excerpt from Psychology Simplified The dormant condition of the avenues in the brain is the only thing intervening between man and the solution of psychic manifestations. Mind can remove the existing conditions in the brain and put man in touch with the solu tion of these things. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to (...)
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    Positive psychology in Christian perspective: foundations, concepts, and applications.Charles Hackney - 2021 - Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
    Positive psychology is about fostering strength and living well-about how to do a good job at being human. Charles Hackney connects this still-new movement to foundational concepts in philosophy and Christian theology. He then explores topics such as subjective states, cognitive processes, and the roles of personality, relationships, and environment.
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    Psychology and anthropology: Intersubjectivity and epistemology in an interpretive cultural science.Michael J. Kral - 2007 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 27-27 (2-1):257-275.
    Psychology has been a deductive science where theory and hypotheses precede investigation of new knowledge. Data inform theory which then leads to more refined hypotheses. The recent move toward a cultural psychology calls for an unfurling of this perspective. This involves consideration of an epistemology at the core of anthropology, a shift toward first-person points of view, where ethnography is the inductive method based on a practical philosophy. This paper examines what is at stake for psychology to enter the interpretive (...)
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  23.  24
    Psychological reality.Kenneth P. Hillner - 1985 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    This volume presents one possible conceptual analysis of the task of constructing a model of psychological reality, so that psychology's pluralistic state can ...
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    Psychological, archetypal and phenomenological perspectives on soccer.David Huw Burston - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Soccer, or football, attracts vast numbers of passionate fans from all over the world; yet clinical psychology is yet to study it in depth. In this book, David Huw Burston, a consultant football psychology and performance coach, uses a phenomenological research method inspired by Amedeo Giorgi to consider what we can learn from the spirit of the game, and how this can be used positively in the consulting room and on the field of play. By examining detailed qualitative research with (...)
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    When psychology looks like a "soft" science, it's for good reasonp.George S. Howard - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):42-47.
    The natural sciences are sometimes called "hard" sciences in contrast to the social sciences , which are thought to represent "soft" sciences. L. V. Hedges made an important effort to determine the empirical cumulativeness of various scientific research programs, with an eye toward assessing if this criterion is related to a discipline's "hardness" or "softness." This article discusses another criterion, a research program's predictive accuracy, that might also be considered along with a program's empirical cumulativeness. Finally, recent improvements in the (...)
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    Psychology and formalisation: phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and statistics.Anita Williams - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book revisits psychology's appropriation of natural scientific methods. The author argues that, in order to overcome ongoing methodological debates in psychology, it is necessary to confront the problem of formalisation contained in the appropriation of methods of natural science. By doing so, the subject matter of psychology - the human being - and questions about the meaning of human existence can be brought to the centre of the discipline. Drawing on Garfinkel, Sacks, Edwards and Potter, the author sees ethnomethodologically (...)
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  27. The Psychology Of Perception: A Philosophical Examination Of Gestalt Theory And Derivative Theories Of Perception.David W. Hamlyn - 1957 - The Humanities Press.
    Originally published in 1957, the primary aim of this study was to shed light upon the logical character of the psychology of perception. D.W. Hamlyn begins by delimiting the field of psychological inquiry into perception, then gives a detailed account of the types of explanation appropriate in the field. He maintains that these explanations have certain important peculiarities which distinguish them from other scientific inquiries. In view of the central importance of Gestalt Theory in this field an account is given (...)
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  28.  43
    Psychology and Psychologies: which Epistemology?Marco Fenici (ed.) - 2009 - Humana.Mente.
    If the definition of a scientific discipline depends on the definition of its object of investigation, the unity of psychology should depend on the unitarian description of the mind. However, the mind is anything but a unitarian concept. Its common sense definition is subject to temporal and geographical variation because the mental is also a cultural construct; and the variety of psychological disciplines nowadays existing proposes several definitions of the mental. The epistemology of psychology investigates the definition of the mental (...)
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  29.  10
    School psychology ethics in the workplace.Daniel F. McCleary - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Jillian Dawes.
    School Psychology Ethics in the Workplace introduces a pragmatic and user-friendly model that helps readers become proficient ethical decision-makers using the 2020 NASP ethical code and to critically engage the ethical standards and work through ethical dilemmas that often occur in school and clinical settings. This book provides an overview of the National Association of School Psychologists' (NASP) latest Principles for Professional Ethics. It introduces readers to various ethical codes related to psychology, the importance of having ethical codes, the limitations (...)
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  30.  18
    Psychology and the other disciplines: a case of cross-disciplinary interaction (1250-1750).Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Cornelis Hendrik Leijenhorst & Sander Wopke de Boer (eds.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Bringing together specialists in various fields, this volume shows that the transformation from the scholastic to more empirical approaches to psychology was a gradual process.
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    How psychology erodes personhood.Philip Cushman - 2002 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 22 (2):103-113.
    For the purposes of addressing some of our most pressing dilemmas and deficiencies today, in both our society and the field of psychology, it is helpful to think of the last 115 years or so as an evolution, in many quarters, from Victorian character to a painful kind of "empty self" to an even more devastating kind of fragmentation I dub "multiple self." I explore ways in which the DSM is a more or less witting carrier of these troubling forms (...)
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    Systems and theories in psychology.Melvin Herman Marx - 1973 - New York,: McGraw-Hill. Edited by William A. Hillix.
    “The primary purpose of this book has been to provide a single source of containing the basic information about systematic and theoretical psychology which any student of psychology should have. It is mainly directed at the senior undergraduate major and the beginning of the graduate student.”-Publisher.
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  33.  23
    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome.Michał Nowopolski, Aleksandra Peplińska & Ryszard Makarowski - 2010 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (2):74-83.
    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome The primary objective of this study was the psychological examination of a group of Polish motorcyclists against a group of students and graduates of Technical Universities. This work poses a question regarding the differences in temperament, aggression and the level of risk between motorcyclists and the control group. The second question was whether it was possible to create a typology of Polish motorcyclists taking into account the variables describing (...)
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    Moral Psychology: Heartmind (Xin), Nature (Xing), and Emotions (Qing).Stephen C. Angle & Justin Tiwald - 2020 - In Kai-Chiu Ng & Yong Huang, Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy. Springer. pp. 361-387.
    An overview of Zhu Xi's moral psychology, with a special focus on the metaphysical underpinnings and the relations between heartmind (xin), emotions (qing), and nature (xing). The authors explain how Zhu uses his account to balance the demand for independent standards of assessment with his commitment to ethical norms that virtuous agents can embrace wholeheartedly.
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  35. Psychological Essentialism and the Structure of Concepts.Eleonore Neufeld - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (5):e12823.
    Psychological essentialism is the hypothesis that humans represent some categories as having an underlying essence that unifies members of a category and is causally responsible for their typical attributes and behaviors. Throughout the past several decades, psychological essentialism has emerged as an extremely active area of research in cognitive science. More recently, it has also attracted attention from philosophers, who put the empirical results to use in many different philosophical areas, ranging from philosophy of mind and cognitive science to social (...)
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  36. Moral Psychology: An Introduction.Mark Alfano - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This book provides a rich, systematic, and accessible introduction to moral psychology, aimed at undergraduate philosophy and psychology majors. There are eight chapters, in addition to a short introduction, prospective conclusion, and extensive bibliography. The recipe for each chapter will be: a) to introduce a philosophical topic (e.g., altruism, virtue, preferences, rules) and some prominent positions on it, without assuming prior acquaintance on the part of the reader b) to canvass and explain the relevance of a particular domain of empirical (...)
  37. Ecological psychology is radical enough: A reply to radical enactivists.Miguel Segundo-Ortin, Manuel Heras-Escribano & Vicente Raja - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (7):1001-1023.
    Ecological psychology is one of the most influential theories of perception in the embodied, anti-representational, and situated cognitive sciences. However, radical enactivists claim that Gibsonians tend to describe ecological information and its ‘pick up’ in ways that make ecological psychology close to representational theories of perception and cognition. Motivated by worries about the tenability of classical views of informational content and its processing, these authors claim that ecological psychology needs to be “RECtified” so as to explicitly resist representational readings. In (...)
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    Scientific method in current psychology.H. Rogosin - 1942 - Philosophy of Science 9 (April):183-188.
    Psychological investigations are supposed to deal with the behavior of animals, including of course, the human being. They are supposed to deal with the broad, general problem of how and why we behave the way we do.Most psychologists however, are still dealing with their particular science from the strictly biological point of view, and overlooking by and large, the ever gradual development of psychology into a social rather than biological science. Nevertheless, important methodological contributions are being made. These contributions show (...)
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    Psychological Distress, Anxiety, Family Violence, Suicidality, and Wellbeing in Pakistan During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Study.Farah Yasmin, Hafsa Nazir Jatoi, Muhammad Saif Abbasi, Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, Sarush Ahmed Siddiqui, Hamza Nauman, Abdullah Khan Khattak & Muhammad Tanveer Alam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:830935.
    Background and ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to draw the attention toward the implications of COVID-19 and the related restrictions imposed worldwide especially in Pakistan. The primary objective was to highlight the levels of psychological distress, anxiety, family violence, suicidality, and well-being due to COVID-19 and the secondary objective was to associate it to social demographic factors.Materials and MethodsIt is designed as a cross-sectional study by employing an online questionnaire in the English language and obtaining responses using a snowball (...)
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  40. Folk psychology as mental simulation.Luca Barlassina & Robert M. Gordon - 2017 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Mindreading (or folk psychology, Theory of Mind, mentalizing) is the capacity to represent and reason about others’ mental states. The Simulation Theory (ST) is one of the main approaches to mindreading. ST draws on the common-sense idea that we represent and reason about others’ mental states by putting ourselves in their shoes. More precisely, we typically arrive at representing others’ mental states by simulating their mental states in our own mind. This entry offers a detailed analysis of ST, considers theoretical (...)
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  41.  10
    The psychological mystique.Stewart Justman - 1998 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    This text weighs the influence of psychology on culture, traces the therapeutic model to its roots, and examines the connection between psychology and the marketing of goods and ideas. The author finds that the influence of psychology has saturated contemporary life both public and private. The book tracks the expansion of the therapeutic project from its beginnings in Locke and considers reflections on and of psychology in a number of authors, including Orwell, Conrad and Dostoevsky.
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    Psychology of Religion: What One Needs to Know.K. Helmut Reich - 1998 - Zygon 33 (1):113-120.
    This essay is an introduction to systematic nonsectarian psychology of religion—its nature and scope, and its history. Among major issues, the study of motivation for being religious and stages of religious development are discussed, as well as counseling and psychotherapy. I summarize current trends.
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    A psychological study of religion.James Henry Leuba - 1912 - New York,: AMS Press.
  44. Cognitive psychology, entrapment, and the philosophy of mind.Alan Gauld - 1989 - In The Case for Dualism. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
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    The psychological aspects of Christian experience.Richard Hooker Keller Gill - 1915 - Boston,: Sherman, French & company.
    Excerpt from The Psychological Aspects of Christian Experience Continued observation of the various methods of religious instruction has brought upon me a conviction that grows stronger as the years go by, that there must be, as Francis Peabody says, a new expansion of the range of studies appropri ate to the teachers of religion. There ought to be a far deeper study of the psychology of reli gion. The appeal to the impulses and emotions, so prevalent in the methods of (...)
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    Gestalt Psychology: An Introduction to New Concepts in Modern Psychology.Wolfgang Köhler - 1970 - Liveright.
    Wolfgang Köhler (1887-1967) was one of the founders of Gestalt psychology, the influential school that argues that perception is best understood as an organized pattern rather than as separate parts. Penetrating in its insights and lucid in presentation, Gestalt Psychology (1947) is Köhler's definitive statement of Gestalt theory.
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  47. (1 other version)The psychology of folk psychology.Alvin I. Goldman - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):15-28.
    The central mission of cognitive science is to reveal the real nature of the mind, however familiar or foreign that nature may be to naive preconceptions. The existence of naive conceptions is also important, however. Prescientific thought and language contain concepts of the mental, and these concepts deserve attention from cognitive science. Just as scientific psychology studies folk physics (McCloskey 1983, Hayes 1985), viz., the common understanding (or misunderstanding) of physical phenomena, so it must study folk psychology, the common understanding (...)
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  48. Psychology as Religion the Cult of Self-Worship /Paul C. Vitz. --. --.Paul C. Vitz - 1977 - Eerdmans, C1977.
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    Psychology on the Web: A Student Guide.Stuart D. Stein - 2002 - Routledge.
    _Psychology on the Web: A Student Guide_ is directed at those who want to be able to access psychology Internet resources quickly and efficiently without needing to become IT experts. The emphasis throughout is on the location of high quality psychology related Internet resources likely to be useful for learning, teaching and research, from among the billions of publicly accessible Web pages. Whilst the author has drawn on a large volume of technical literature, it is written on the basis of (...)
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  50.  21
    Psychological Well-Being in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Associated With Obesity: The Relationship With Personality, Cognitive Functioning, and Subjective and Objective Sleep Quality.Federica Scarpina, Ilaria Bastoni, Simone Cappelli, Lorenzo Priano, Emanuela Giacomotti, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Enrico Molinari, Ilaria Maria Angela Tovaglieri, Mauro Cornacchia, Paolo Fanari & Alessandro Mauro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severely affects psychological well-being. This syndrome frequently occurs in obesity; however, no previous study has investigated the level of psychological well-being in the case of OSA syndrome associated with obesity. In this work, we assessed the level of psychological well-being in fifty-two individuals affected by OSA syndrome and obesity through the Psychological General Well-Being Index. Moreover, we investigated the role of personality, cognitive functioning and attentional capabilities, subjective perception and objective measurement about sleeping, on the subjective (...)
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