Results for 'reality of God'

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  1.  32
    Wittgensteinianism: Logic, Reality and God.D. Z. Phillips - 2005 - In William J. Wainwright, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 447--71.
    Five reasons are given for why Wittgensteinianism, though a major movement in philosophy of religion, has never been a dominant one. The remainder of the chapter is divided as follows: - I: The influence of Descartes’ Legacy. - II: Philosophy of Religion’s epistemological inheritance as seen in Reformed epistemology and the influence of Thomas Reid, and in neo-Kantianism. - III: The return from metaphysical reality in Wittgenstein. - IV: Difficulties in the metaphysical notion of God: as being itself or (...)
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    Can We Acquire Knowledge of Ultimate Reality?Ultimate Reality - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 81.
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    Our spatial reality and God.Jan Muis - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    Modern scientific models of cosmological space and the theological concept of God’s immensity seem to exclude the possibility that God himself is personally present with us humans at particular places in space. Are God and our spatial reality incompatible? Or, is it possible to conceive the connection between God and space as ‘positive’, that is, in such a way that God himself can be fully and personally present with us at particular places in space? This essay explores how this (...)
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  4. God and Reality.Arman Hovhannisyan - manuscript
    Metaphysics has done everything to involve God in the world of being. However, in case of considering Reality as being and nothingness, naturally, the metaphysical approach toward the idea of God is losing its grounds. If Reality is being and nothingness, so the idea of God, too, should concern nothingness as well as being.
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    God, Mind, Evolution, and Quantum Reality Based on Process Metaphysics.Mark Germine - 2016 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):49-71.
    The genesis of actuality from potentiality, with the apparent role of the observer, is an important and unsolved problem which essentially defines science‟s view of reality in a variety of contexts. Observation then becomes lawful and not emergent. Panentheism is needed to provide a mechanism for order outside of blind efficient causality, in a Universal final causality. Classical physics is over a hundred years out of date, yet scientific models remain mechanistic and deterministic. Deism, a remnant of classical cosmology, (...)
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    God, Religion and Reality.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2017
    "In this engaging study Professor Clark sets out to show that there are good philosophical reasons for theism, and Christian theism in particular. He travels the breadth of our intellectual engagement with the world, from ethics to scientific knowledge, and his journey is vigorously argued, fresh, lively and readable. He explores the assumptions which underpin our philosophical and everyday thinking alike, examines the construction of the arguments used to support them, and tests the sturdiness and the makeup of their props (...)
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  7. Perfection and Reality in The Only Possible Argument.Emanuele Cafagna - 2024 - Kantstudien Ergänzungshefte 226:81-100.
    The paper deals with the concept of perfection in Kant’s work: The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God. This concept is mainly considered as an issue of ontology in order to show the differences between Baumgarten and Kant. I argue that Kant defines the relationship between the concept of perfection and the concept of reality according to some distinctive features that distinguish his philosophy from the Wolffian School. Moreover, the paper shows that (...)
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    Peirce on God, Reality and Personality.Jeffrey L. Kasser - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 431--440.
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    Reality.Gianni Vattimo - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    What has been the fate of Christianity since Nietzsche's famous announcement of the "death of God"? What is the possibility of religion, specifically Christianity, thriving in our postmodern era? In this provocative new book, Gianni Vattimo, leading Italian philosopher, politician, and framer of the European constitution, addresses these critical questions. When Vattimo was asked by a former teacher if he still believed in God, his reply was, "Well, I believe that I believe." This paradoxical declaration of faith serves as the (...)
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  10. Science and reality, religion and God: A reply to Harry Prosch.Richard Gelwick - 1982 - Zygon 17 (1):25-40.
    . Michael Polanyi saw his epistemology as restoring the capacity of a scientific age to believe again in the reality of God known through religion. This central feature of Polanyi’s thought, discussed in my book The Way of Discovery, is disputed by Harry Prosch, co-author with Polanyi of Meaning. Prosch’s argument is that while in Polanyi’s view science deals with an independent reality, religion and theology do not and are only works of our imagination. This article answers Prosch (...)
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    Robert Boyle and Mathematics: Reality, Representation, and Experimental Practice.Steven Shapin - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (1):23-58.
    The ArgumentThis paper is a study of the role of language in scientific activity. It recommends that language be viewed as a community's means of patterning its affairs. Language represents where the boundaries of the community are and who is entitled to speak within it, and it displays the structures of authority in the community. Moreover, language precipitates the community's view of what the world is like, such that linguistic usages can be taken as referring to that world. Thus, language (...)
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    God and Reality in Modern Thought. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):625-625.
    Burkill sees Kant's critical philosophy as the source of a vicious dualism in modern philosophy, a dualism between the phenomenally contented and the phenomenally discontented. After two chapters spent making this point, sketching both Kant's basic position and his criticisms of it, the author briefly considers a multitude of post-Kantian philosophers of all varieties. He ends with a constructive solution of the dualism, offering a doctrine of God as the élan vital, a positive principle inherent in the nature of things, (...)
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    Faith and South African realities in practising forgiveness.Rudy A. Denton - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):9.
    The invocation and necessity of a forgiveness process have become complicated and multifaceted within the South African society with its realities of crime, poverty, racism, injustice and abuse. The rhythms of forgiveness compel us to identify our present situation. Individuals, as well as larger social groups, should begin to reflect on the importance of forgiveness to deal with transgression, violence, revenge and bitterness. I suggest that forgiveness within the Christian doctrine needs to be situated and embodied in specific habits and (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Moral Reality and the Empirical Sciences.Thomas Pölzler - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Graz
    Are there things that are objectively right, wrong, good, bad, etc.: moral properties that are had independently of what we ourselves, our culture, God or any other subjects think about them? Philosophers have traditionally addressed this question from the “armchair.” In recent years, however, more and more participants of the debate have begun to appeal to evidence from science as well. This thesis examines such novel approaches. In particular, it asks what the empirical sciences can contribute to the moral realism/anti-realism (...)
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  15. Ideas and Reality in Descartes.Peter Myrdal & Arto Repo - 2019 - In Frans Svensson & Martina Reuter, Mind, Body, and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza. New York: Routledge. pp. 77-95.
    This chapter explores some key issues within Descartes’s theory of cognition. The starting-point is a recent interpretation, according to which Descartes is part of a tradition of theorizing about human cognition, beginning from the idea that we are in principle capable of articulating or grasping the basic order of reality. Earlier readings often take Descartes to question whether we have any cognitive access to reality at all. On the new reading, Descartes instead defends a robust conception of our (...)
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    Reality: Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics.Peter J. Loptson - 2001 - University of Toronto Press.
    Explores some of the major topics in metaphysics, such as essence, existence, substance, purpose, space, time, mind, causality, God, freedom, and the possibilities of immortality. An excellent companion to metaphysical studies.
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    Naming and nurturing reality from a heart renewed by grace.Fritz W. De Wet - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-08.
    This contribution investigates the unbearable tension between the homiletical act of naming reality on the one hand, and neglecting this same reality on the other hand, thereby causing it to return to an ignored, unchallenged and degenerated state. The author focuses on tension fields that are generated when preachers embark on the activity of naming realities in their proximate contexts and how they position, withdraw or distance themselves in a certain way when problematic elements are opened up by (...)
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    Eternity, Relative Realities, and Ontological Idealism About Time.Matyas Moravec - 2021 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 5 (1).
    This paper argues that idealism can offer a new solution to the problem of relating the “static” presence of things to eternity and the “dynamic” passage of reality in the temporal realm. I first offer a presentation of this problem using the dispute between Aquinas and Scotus, then describe “ontological idealism about time,” as a smaller–scale idealism, and show how it resolves the original problem. I conclude by demonstrating that this view is consonant with the recent emphasis on the (...)
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  19. Essays on Truth and Reality.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1914 - Oxford, England: Cambridge University Press.
    F. H. Bradley was the foremost philosopher of the British Idealist school, which came to prominence in the second half of the nineteenth century and remained influential into the first half of the twentieth. Bradley, who was educated at Oxford, and spent his life as a fellow of Merton College, was influenced by Hegel, and also reacted against utilitarianism. He was recognised during his lifetime as one of the greatest intellectuals of his generation and was the first philosopher to receive (...)
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  20. Substance, Reality, and Distinctness.Boris Hennig - 2008 - Prolegomena 7 (1):2008.
    Descartes claims that God is a substance, and that mind and body are two different and separable substances. This paper provides some background that renders these claims intelligible. For Descartes, that something is real means it can exist in separation, and something is a substance if it does not depend on other substances for its existence. Further, separable objects are correlates of distinct ideas, for an idea is distinct (in an objective sense) if its object may be easily and clearly (...)
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    How to Talk about Physical Reality? Other Models, Other Questions.Benjamin B. Olshin - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (1):25-66.
    Investigating the nature of our apparent physical reality is a profound challenge. Our models from physics, while powerful, do not treat reality per se. The famous painter Paul Gaugin articulated the relevant existential questions famously in a grand painting - questions that also give the painting its title: D’où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? People of religious faith, of course, assume that one can know the ultimate truth of reality, and, then, know the answers to these questions. (...)
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    Unity and Reality in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses.Brandon Look - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:95-101.
    Leibniz's correspondence with Des Bosses presents students of his thought with a problem. It contains some of Leibniz's longest and most detailed discussions of the nature of substance while at the same time introducing two concepts into Leibniz's metaphysics that continually baffle commentators: scientia visionis and the vinculum substantiale. The aim of this paper is to explicate the relationship between scientia visionis, or God's knowledge by vision, and the vinculum substantiale, or the substantial bond, and to show how these concepts (...)
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  23.  13
    Reality and Divinity in Islamic Philosophy.Josep Puig Montada - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe, A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 460–471.
    Because of the impact of Islam in the development of Arab culture, the first Arabic thinkers were theologians. Their main concern was not to prove God's existence or his creation of the world (both these facts being obvious in their view), but to solve questions related to human destiny. They argued about such questions as whether the Muslim who had committed a major sin had thereby lost his faith and deserted the community of believers, and about the exact status of (...)
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    Parmenides: The Road to Reality: A New Verse Translation.Richard McKim - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):105-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parmenides: The Road to Reality A New Verse Translation RICHARD MCKIM introduction i. In the history of Presocratic Greek philosophy, the poetry of Parmenides seems to loom up suddenly out of the blue like a spectral mountain peak. Depicting a vision of ultimate reality that transcends the sensory world, his towering verse manifesto revolutionized both how philosophers thought and what they thought about, with profound repercussions that (...)
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    Christian Unity — A Lived Reality: A Reformed/protestant Perspective.Joy Evelyn Abdul-Mohan - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (1):8-15.
    It is evident that disunity is a reality wherever we look in the world today. Even within the Body of Christ there is a lack of unity that is appalling. The universal church needs to develop a greater urgency about it and at the same time, do more about it than most are doing. If the universal church comes to a realization that genuine Christian unity is already ‘an established reality and can progressively be realized and brought into (...)
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    Socrates among the Corybantes: being, reality, and the gods.Carl Avren Levenson - 2022 - Thompson, Conn.: Spring Publications.
    In Plato's dialogues, we find many references to Corybantic rites-rites of initiation performed in honor of the goddess Rhea. But in the dialogue titled Euthydemus, there is more than a mere reference to the rites to be found. Within the context of Socratic dialectic, the ancient rites of the Corybantes are acted out-although veiled and distorted. This is what Carl Levenson argues in his book. Since the Corybantic rites are of the Dionysian/Eleusinian type, Plato gives us a glimpse of the (...)
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    Knowing Reality: A Guided Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology.Dwayne Moore - 2023 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Knowing Reality_ is a guided introduction to metaphysics and epistemology. Each of the book’s twelve chapters contains extended excerpts from influential historical and contemporary philosophers, as well as a guided exposition of their views and their locations within the logical space of the issues at play. Topics are introduced through engaging thought experiments, with relevant philosophical puzzles sprinkled throughout. Complex issues are explained using down-to-earth examples, with illustrations provided to connect with readers and assist them in understanding the sophisticated concepts (...)
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    Knowledge and reality in nine questions: a first book in philosophy.Matthew Davidson - 2021 - London: Bloomsbury.
    For the Ancient Greek thinkers Plato and Aristotle, questions about philosophy concerned the fundamental nature of reality. This introduction is based on their views, boiling philosophy down to nine essential questions and using them to reveal how we think about the major topics of metaphysics and epistemology. It is a fast-paced tour of the Western philosophical tradition, walking you through age-old questions about God, free will, skepticism, truth and perception and introducing you to distinctive features and methods. By unpacking (...)
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    Value and Reality: The Philosophical Case for Theism.Alfred Cyril Ewing - 2013 - Routledge.
    This is a major work by one of the best-known philosophical writers, representing the culmination of some twenty-five years’ work on the possibility of giving a rational defence of the claims of the religious man, and specifically the theist, in the face of modern criticisms. Dr Ewing’s object has been to fulfil what seem to him the two most important tasks for the philosopher in at least the present age, namely, to see if it is still possible to give a (...)
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  30. Truth and reality.H. G. Stoker (ed.) - 1971 - Braamfontein.: De Jong's Bookshop.
    Is 'n transendentale kritiek religieus bepaald? deur V. Brümmer. -- Constitution and creativity in the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, by A. L. Conradie. -- Studium Generale, deur H. J. De Vleeschauwer. -- Sociology of law and its philosophical foundtions, by H. Dooyeweerd. -- Beginvrae en antwoorde in der Wysbegeerte, deur P. G. W. Du Plesis. -- Max Scheler's concern with the highest perfection, by S. I. M. Du Plessis. -- Christelike wetenskap, highest perfection, by S. I. M. Deu Plessis. -- (...)
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    Maintaining Christian virtues and ethos in Christian universities in Ghana: The reality, challenges and the way forward.Peter White & Samuel K. Afrane - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):8.
    Christian universities are established to integrate Christian faith, principles and virtues into their academic programmes with the expectation that through this holistic Christocentric education, students will be well-prepared to serve and to contribute positively to transform society. Although this approach to education is good, it however does not come without the challenge of how to maintain these Christian virtues in light of increasing secularisation and permissiveness in contemporary society. This article examines the realities and challenges of maintaining Christian virtues and (...)
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  32. Soft Facts and Harsh Realities: Reply to William Craig.John Martin Fischer - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (4):523 - 539.
    . In a number of papers I have sought to discuss and cast some doubt on a certain strategy of response to an argument that purports to show that God's foreknowledge is incompatible with human freedom. This argument proceeds from the alleged ‘fixity of the past’ to the conclusion that God's foreknowledge is incompatible with human freedom. William Lane Craig has criticized my approach to these issues. Here I should like to respond to some of Craig's claims. My goal is (...)
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    Movement toward Freedom: Myth and Reality.Alexander S. Razumov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (10):84-101.
    The problem of freedom is researched in various ways by the religions of the world, by the scientific theories and by the mythological consciousness of people. The article pays great attention to the myth and its influence on the realm of freedom and on our interpretation of reality. The author understands a myth as a certain free fiction of a man in order to interpret reality in his own way and sometimes to create his own artistic image of (...)
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    Alfred North Whitehead. Process and Reality. An Essay in Cosmology Part I. Charter III. Some Derivative Notions.Мария Вячеславовна Локосова - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (2):132-144.
    Readers are invited to the translation of the third chapter of the central work of A.N. Whitehead “Process and Reality” (1929), in which the author gives the final fundamental touches to the foundations of the process philosophy (philosophy of the organism), which he outlined in the first two chapters of this work, already translated into Russian. The third chapter touches on many aspects of all subsequent chapters, focusing on such categories as ‘the primary nature of God’, ‘creativity’, ‘societies’ (connections (...)
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    Welcome to the Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual Reality.Ann Weinstone - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):77-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Welcome To The Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual RealityAnn Weinstone (bio)1. The Question of Addiction and TranscendenceIt has become a truism to say that virtual reality (VR) is addictive. Case, the protagonist of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, dreams of connection to the net like a junkie jonesing for a fix. In Jeff Noon’s novel Vurt, you get to cyberspace by tickling the back of your throat with addictive, government-produced (...)
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    ‘Flowing’ under the radar in a multifaceted liquid reality: The ekerk narrative.Stephan Joubert - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
    We live in a liquid new world driven by incessant change. Our reality is constantly shaped by new forms of non-linear individualism, which is expressed in countless factions, networks, tribes and alliances. Social systems do not maintain their shape for very long, because they decompose and melt faster than the time it takes to cast them, according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Religious institutions that do not come to terms with these rapid rates of change soon find themselves trapped (...)
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  37.  23
    Perspectives on Reality[REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):564-565.
    This imposing textbook bears the subtitle, "Readings in Metaphysics from Classical Philosophy to Existentialism," and appears to be uniquely designed for courses in metaphysics as taught in predominantly Catholic colleges and universities, although the selections reflect a distinct catholicity of concerns. In fact, when Bertrand Russell, A. J. Ayer and Rudolf Carnap get wind that some of their most polemical and positivistic pieces have been reprinted in a book of metaphysics, they are likely to reflect that Ecumenism has gone too (...)
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    Faith, science, and the wager for reality: Meillassoux and Ricœur on post-Kantian realism.Barnabas Aspray - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):133-156.
    This article compares two attempts to return to realism after Kant’s ‘Copernican Revolution’. Quentin Meillassoux, representing the ‘speculative realism’ school, rejects both Kantian and post-Kantian idealism in favour of a materialism based on the epistemology of the modern sciences. But Meillassoux is unaware of the element of choice in his philosophical position, and he does not solve the essential problem posed by idealism which concerns the place of the subject in being. Ricœur, on the other hand, sublates Kant by a (...)
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    The Incarnation as a Contingent Reality: A Reply to Dr. Pailin.Lewis S. Ford - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):169 - 173.
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    John Henry Newman: Analogy, Image and Reality.Ian Ker - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (2):15-32.
    By apologetics one generally means the kind of intellectual apologetics that we find in Newman’s Development of Christian Doctrine, Apologia, and Grammar of Assent. But Newman was also the persuasive apologist of the imagination, particularly in his two novels and Difficulties of Anglicans and Present Position of Catholics. In Loss and Gain Newman takes his readers into a Catholic church to experience the reality of Catholic worship, an imaginative experience designed to impress upon their imagination the difference between a (...)
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    Science Versus Materialism [Is Matter the Only Reality?].Reginald O. Kapp - 2010 -
    Excerpts: THIS book is an attempt to solve, in a way which any interested layman can understand, a problem which has been hotly debated throughout the centuries. Is Matter the only reality? Philosophers, theologians, scientists as well as others who can lay claim to no specialized knowledge, but whose concerns range beyond the petty tasks each day brings forth, have all said their say. And some of them have said yes, others no. Those who say yes are called materialists. (...)
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  42. Height and damage.Virtual Reality - 2022 - In Jonah Siegel, Overlooking damage: art, display, and loss in a time of crisis. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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  43. Who or What is God, According to John Hick?Daniel Howard-Snyder - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):571-586.
    I summarize John Hick’s pluralistic theory of the world’s great religions, largely in his own voice. I then focus on the core posit of his theory, what he calls “the Real,” but which I less tendentiously call “Godhick”. Godhick is supposed to be the ultimate religious reality. As such, it must be both possible and capable of explanatory and religious significance. Unfortunately, Godhick is, by definition, transcategorial, i.e. necessarily, for any creaturely conceivable substantial property F, it is neither an (...)
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    The Ban on Asking the Prophet Muḥammad: Its historical Reality, Nature and Significance.Şuayip Seven - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):565-586.
    In the ḥadīth sources it is being conveyed that the companions (ṣaḥāba) refrained from asking questions to the Prophet. This situation is generally associated with the verse of sūrat al-Māʾida 5:101. An-Navvās b. Samʿān (d. 50/670), Abū Umāma al-Bāhilī (d. 86/705) and Anas b. Mālik (d. 93/711-12) are among the companions who consider this situation as the ban on the asking questions. The concern that asking questions may cause additional obligations that were not presumed to be obligatory also attracts attention (...)
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  45. Is God an Aspect?Su Dechao - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (2):284-303.
    Neither logical deduction nor empirical induction is capable of mediating the dispute between religious disciples and non-disciples. The case is particularly acute when it comes to the divine Reality (God). Within Wittgenstein’s theoretical framework, some scholars start from the perspective of language games, contending that this dispute is meaningless and should be abandoned, while others are not satisfied with such a settlement and extend Wittgenstein’s aspect theory to religious issues, arguing that God is an aspect. The extension includes analogous (...)
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  46. Psychedelics, Atheism, and Naturalism Myth and Reality.Chris Letheby - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):69-92.
    An emerging body of research suggests that psychedelic experiences can change users’ religious or metaphysical beliefs. Here I explore issues concerning psychedelic-induced belief change via a critique of some recent arguments by Wayne Glausser. Two scientific studies seem to show that psychedelic experiences can convert atheists to belief in God, but Glausser holds that academic and popular discussions of these studies are misleading. I offer a different analysis of the relevant findings, attempting to preserve the insights of Glausser’s critique while (...)
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  47. God, matter, and information : towards a Stoicizing Logos christology.Niels Henrik Gregersen - 2010 - In Paul Davies & Niels Henrik Gregersen, Information and the nature of reality: from physics to metaphysics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    God and Cosmos: Moral Truth and Human Meaning.David Baggett & Jerry L. Walls - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Naturalistic ethics is the reigning paradigm among contemporary ethicists; in God and Cosmos, Baggett and Walls argue that this approach is seriously flawed. This book canvasses a broad array of secular and naturalistic ethical theories in an effort to test their adequacy in accounting for moral duties, intrinsic human value, prospects for radical moral transformation, and the rationality of morality. In each case, the authors argue, although various secular accounts provide real insights and indeed share common ground with theistic ethics, (...)
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    Modeling God in One Hindu Context: The Supreme God in a Medieval South Indian Hymn.Francis X. Clooney - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 453--469.
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  50. God and evil : a process perspective.Marcus P. Ford - 2007 - In Leemon McHenry & Pierfrancesco Basile, Consciousness, Reality and Value: Philosophical Essays in Honour of T. L. S. Sprigge. Frankfurt, Germany: Ontos Verlag.
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