Results for 'secular values'

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  1.  50
    Islamic and western liberal secular values of higher education : convergence or divergence?Abdullah Sahin - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick, Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 199-216.
    This chapter aims to discuss critically the changing values in higher education within the context of culturally, ethnically and religiously plural modern European societies with a special focus on the case of emerging European Islamic higher education institutions. The inquiry argues for the need to rethink the core values in Islamic and western liberal, secular higher education in order to facilitate a new creative engagement between these two distinctive perspectives on higher education that share an intertwined intellectual (...)
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    Religion, Society and Secular Values.William Charlton - 2016 - Philosophy 91 (3):321-343.
    Our paradigm for religion is Christianity, which appeared as a sub-society, the culture of which differed both from Jewish culture and from that of the Greeks and Romans. Human beings are essentially social, depending upon society for all rational thought and activity. As social beings we live with regard to customs we think good on the whole. Customs are rationalised by theoretical and moral beliefs. They contrast with nature and also with convention and habit. Religions, like families, are societies intermediate (...)
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  3. Overcoming the Divide between Religious and Secular Values.Christoph Jedan - 2013 - In Constellations of Value : European Perspectives on the Intersections of Religion, Politics and Society. LIT. pp. 1-15.
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    Christian Values in the Context of Secularization and Post-Secularization.Nina Dimitrova - 2016 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):149-154.
    This paper is focused, firstly, on the status of Christianity (as a whole) after a long period of secularization—examining in particular its “protective mechanisms”— and, secondly, on the modern tendencies that are transforming the present into an age of desecularization. The central interest here is the interaction between the civil and Christian values in the context of the two historical periods. The article provides a comparison between the aggressive use of reason during the Enlightenment and postmodern religious indifferentism in (...)
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    Human values in a secular world.Robert Z. Apostol (ed.) - 1970 - New York,: Humanities Press.
    Consists of lectures delivered at the Institute on human values, a series of lectures presented at Creighton University in 1968-69. Includes bibliographies.
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    The Values of Sacred Swamps: Belief-Based Nature Conservation in a Secular World.Narasimha Hegde, Rafael Ziegler & Hans Joosten - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (4):443-459.
    Global forest loss is highest in the tropical region, an area with high biological biodiversity. As some of these forests are part of indigenous forest management, it is important to pay attention to such management, its values and practices for better conservation. This paper focuses on sacred freshwater swamp forests of the Western Ghats, India, and with it a faith-based approach to nature conservation. Drawing on fieldwork and focus groups, we present the rituals and rules that structure the governance (...)
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    Value orientation and the secularization of post-Enlightenment social science.Sven Eliaeson - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (3):3-31.
    A full representation of all events in society is not possible. The Weber–Rickert solution to the establishing of transparent concept formation requires both theoretical and practical value relevance, that is, our fashions of today shape our selections from the past which, though, also have to be valid for the period studied. Max Weber’s tools for the selection of relevant information without risking uncontrolled value intrusion are influenced by Rickert’s historical relativism, which, however, is not free from lingering ‘objectivism’, transcendental metaphysics (...)
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    Advocating the value-add of faith in a secular context: The case of the Knowledge Centre Religion and Development in the Netherlands.Brenda E. Bartelink & Ton Groeneweg - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    This article analyses how faith-based civil society organisations have advocated the value-add of faith to governmental and non-governmental development actors in the highly secularised context of the Netherlands. Its social value lies in the space for reflexivity it opens up on how the religious and the secular are entangled in the field of development through shifting the gaze towards secularised Europe. Its academic value lies in how it combines the study of faith and development, with a critical analysis of (...)
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    Secular schools, spirituality and Maori values.Deborah Fraser - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (1):87-95.
    New Zealand has had free, state, secular education since 1877, but just what is meant by secularism is changing. Since the 1980s the growth of Maori education initiatives has mushroomed and these place emphasis on Maori values and beliefs, including spirituality. In addition, in 1999 a definition and statement on spirituality appeared in the health and physical education national curriculum document. This statement referred to values, beliefs, meaning and purpose. It also incorporated a Maori model of well‐being (...)
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    Sacred Values in Secular Politics.Steven Lukes - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):101-118.
    What role does sacredness play in the secular politics of the liberal democracies of the United States and Europe today? One approach, focusing on the sources of political unity, suggests that they are integrated by a kind of civil religion, however flawed. This suggestion is criticized empirically as ever less plausible and as blind to the currently feasible limits of social solidarity. A second approach, focusing on the growing democratic crisis of liberal democracies due to ever-deepening social divisions, leads (...)
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    Universal Human Values and the Secular Tradition.F. R. J. Williams - 1997
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  12. Secular Humanism and «Traditional Family Values».V. Bullough, B. Bullough, J. Barnhart, Ma Barnhart, C. Faulkner & A. Picchioni - 1992 - Free Inquiry 12 (4):4-23.
  13.  17
    Moral Values and Social Consensus in Democratic Secular Society: Challenges and Responsibilities.Mary Frances McKenna - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (4):663-676.
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    The Spirit of Secular Art: A History of the Sacramental Roots of Contemporary Artistic Values.Robert Nelson - 2007 - Monash University Epress.
    The Spirit of Secular Art: A History of the Sacramental Roots of Contemporary Artistic Values explains the spiritual prestige of art. Various theorists have discussed how art has an aura or indefinable magic. This book explains how, when and why it gained its spiritual properties. The idea that all art is somehow spiritual (even though not religious) is often assumed; this book, while narrating the historical trajectory of art in the most accessible language, reveals how the mysteries of (...)
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  15. The Core values of Secular Humanism: The Difference Between Ethics and Politics.Paul Kurtz - 2009 - Free Inquiry 29:6-6.
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    Value Philosophy and the Sacred: Exploring Religious Dimensions in Chinese Modernization.Xiaonan Xie & Jing Li - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):285-298.
    The essence of Chinese modernization is fundamentally about human development. This process unfolds within the dialectical interaction where individuals shape society and are in turn shaped by it. The new path of Chinese modernization challenges the prevailing logic of modern capitalism by fostering the emergence of the "real human," recognizing and reinforcing the masses' role as the primary agents in creating, enjoying, and evaluating values. These values are integral to the fabric of societal development, aligning with inclusive, autonomous, (...)
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  17.  64
    Religious and Secular Perspectives on the Value of Suffering.Jason T. Eberl - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (2):251-261.
    Advocates of active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide argue that a patient’s intractable pain and suffering are a sufficient justification for his life to end if he autonomously so chooses. Others hold that the non-utilization of life-sustaining treatment, the use of pain-relieving medication that may hasten a patient’s death, and palliative sedation may be morally acceptable means of alleviating pain and suffering. How a patient should be cared for when approaching the end of life involves one’s core religious and moral (...), particularly concerning whether pain and suffering can have some sort of instrumental value. The author reasons why a patient who is terminally ill can find his suffering valuable for both religious and nonreligious goals. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12.2 (Summer 2012): 251–261. (shrink)
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  18.  32
    Moral Values and Secular Education. [REVIEW]H. A. L. - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (7):221-222.
  19.  19
    "Human Values in a Secular World," ed. Robert Z. Apostol. [REVIEW]Edward L. Suntrup - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 49 (1):70-71.
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  20. Which values are reproduced within the swedish educational system?Niclas Lindström & Lars Samuelsson - 2016 - Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 69 (1):49-61.
    Using the World Values Survey (WVS) as a background the paper discusses a tension between the general evaluative outlook of Swedish teacher students and the educational values established by The Swedish National Agency for Education (SNAE). According to the results from WVS, which maps evaluative differences between approximately 80 countries in the world, Sweden stands out as a country that rejects traditional values and embraces so called secular self-expression values. However, the values established by (...)
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  21.  12
    The Crisis of Transcendent Values: Higher Education at a Crossroads.Laurie M. Johnson - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3-4):288-303.
    The faith in progress that propelled the West for over four centuries is in decline due to its own success. The emergence of capitalism with its novel market imperatives has created both the poverty that causes political crises and the material growth that has destabilized the Earth’s climate. There is a growing sense that we are dominated by the technologies and social organizations that we hoped would liberate us. Individualism and secularity have left people feeling isolated and without a sense (...)
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  22. Re A (A Child) and the United Kingdom Code of Practice for the Diagnosis and Confirmation of Death: Should a Secular Construct of Death Override Religious Values in a Pluralistic Society?Mohamed Y. Rady & Kartina A. Choong - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (1):71-89.
    The determination of death by neurological criteria remains controversial scientifically, culturally, and legally, worldwide. In the United Kingdom, although the determination of death by neurological criteria is not legally codified, the Code of Practice of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges is customarily used for neurological death determination and treatment withdrawal. Unlike some states in the US, however, there are no provisions under the law requiring accommodation of and respect for residents' religious rights and commitments when secular conceptions of (...)
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  23.  30
    The intersection of food justice and religious values in secular spaces: insights from a nonprofit urban farm in Columbus, Ohio.Kelsey Ryan-Simkins - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):767-781.
    Critical food scholars have argued that activists’ political ideologies and environmental values are important influences on their food justice projects. However, this body of work has given little attention to religion and spirituality even though religious studies scholars maintain that religious values affect environmental and social action. Bringing together these perspectives considers the way religious values and meaning making intersect with actions toward food justice outside of traditionally religious spaces. This paper draws on qualitative research, including a (...)
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  24. Secularism a Myth: Spiritual Values in Secular Culture.Edwin E. Aubrey - 1954
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  25.  37
    The 'Healing' Value of Truth-telling: Chances and Social Conditions in a Secularized World.Gesine Schwan - 1998 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 65.
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    Dictatorship of the Obscure? Values and the Secular Adjudication of Fundamental Rights.Matthias Mahlmann - 2010 - In András Sajó & Renáta Uitz, Constitutional Topography: Values and Constitutions. ELEVEN INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING.
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    Constellations of Value : European Perspectives on the Intersections of Religion, Politics and Society.Christoph Jedan (ed.) - 2013 - LIT.
    In Western public discourse there is a long tradition of opposing secular and religious values. In consequence, religion has been increasingly excluded from the public domain and relegated to the realm of personal motivation. From different perspectives, the present collection of essays shows that religion still has an important role to play in the public domain. In exploring the possibility of a rapprochement between religious and secular values, the contributions to this volume offer important insights for (...)
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  28. Emerging sacred values: The Iranian nuclear program.Morteza Dehghani, Rumen Iliev, Scott Atran, Jeremy Ginges & Douglas Medin - unknown
    Sacred values are different from secular values in that they are often associated with violations of the cost-benefit logic of rational choice models. Previous work on sacred values has been largely limited to religious or territorial conflicts deeply embedded in historical contexts. In this work we find that the Iranian nuclear program, a relatively recent development, is treated as sacred by some Iranians, leading to a greater disapproval of deals which involve monetary incentives to end the (...)
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  29.  35
    Values and religious experience: for an intercultural dialogue according to Viktor E. Frankl’s perspective.Carlo Macale - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):95-110.
    The contemporary society is characterised by a strong presence of different religious expressions, both traditional and new, community-based and individual. Therefore, we speak of a post-secular age in which there is a continuous exchange between beliefs and non-beliefs in everyday life. In this sense, the religious question takes on an increasingly intercultural connotation in the continuous biographical exchanges among people who give different existential meanings according to their own conscience. It is precisely the dimension of meaning, determined by the (...)
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    From Homo Economicus to Homo Eudaimonicus: Anthropological and Axiological Transformations of the Concept of Happiness in A Secular Age.U. I. Lushch-Purii - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:61-74.
    Purpose. The paper is aimed to explicate a recently emerging anthropological model of homo eudaimonicus from its secular framework perspective. Theoretical basis. Secularity is considered in three aspects with reference to Taylor’s and Habermas’ ideas: as a common public sphere, as a phenomenological experience of living in a Secular Age, and as a background for happiness to become a major common value among other secular values in the Age of Authenticity. The modifications of happiness interpretation are (...)
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  31.  16
    Values Imposition and Ethical Pluralism: An Argument Against Standardized Ethical Directives for Healthcare Ethics Consultants.Autumn Fiester - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (3):189-197.
    In the article “An Argument for Standardized Ethical Directives for Secular Healthcare Services,” Abram L. Brummett and Jamie C. Watson argue that, parallel to the directives of the Roman Catholic Church, secular healthcare ethics consultants (HECs) need substantive standardized ethical guidelines (what they call SEGs) that would constitute a best practice across all HECs in the U.S. Brummett and Watson believe that the absence of such directives constitutes an important deficit in clinical ethics consultation (CEC) that needs to (...)
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  32. Catholic Values and Australian Realities.James Franklin - 2006 - Bacchus Marsh, Australia: Connor Court.
    Collection of articles on themes of Australian Catholic philosophy and history. Articles of philosophical interest include 'Catholic thought and Catholic Action: Dr Paddy Ryan MSC' (on the scholastic philosopher and anti-Communist), 'Catholic schooldays with philosophy', 'Traditional Catholic philosophy: baby and bathwater', 'Secular versus Catholic conceptions of values in Australian education', 'Accountancy as computational casuistics', 'The Mabo High Court and natural law values', and 'Stove, Hume and Enlightenment'.
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    Ethics and the Sacred: Can Secular Morality Dispense with Religious Values?Richard Norman - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):5-24.
    In this paper I explore the role that the concept of the sacred can play in our moral thinking. I accept that the assertion that ‘human life is sacred’ can be one way of articulating the special value of individual human lives as in some sense inviolable. I cautiously allow that the idea of ‘sacred value’ might also apply to other things such as certain kinds of human commitments, uniquely precious art-works, and some other kinds of living things. In conclusion (...)
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    Life‐value narratives and the impact of astrobiology on Christian ethics.Lucas John Mix - 2016 - Zygon 51 (2):520-535.
    “Pale Blue Dot” and “Anthropocene” are common tropes in astrobiology and often appear in ethical arguments. Both support a decentering of human life relative to biological life in terms of value. This article introduces a typology of life-value narratives: hierarchical narratives with human life above other life and holistic narratives with human life among other life. Astrobiology, through the two tropes, supports holistic narratives, but this should not be viewed as opposed to Christianity. Rather, Christian scriptures provide seeds of both (...)
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  35.  23
    Tolerant Values and Practices in India: Amartya Sen’s ‘Positional Observation’ and Parameterization of Ethical Rules.Santosh Saha - 2015 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):51-84.
    In explaining the reasons for sustained existence of tolerance in Indian philosophical mind and continuation of tolerant practices in socio-political life, Amartya Sen argues that tolerance is inherently a social enterprise, which may appear as contingent, but for all intents and purposes is persistent. Basing his thesis that is opposed to Cartesian dualism, which makes a distinction between mind and body, Sen submits that Indian system of universalizing perception finds a subtle form of connection between mind and body. He expands (...)
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    Value challenges of the present: reflections about morally appropriate and religious faith.Iryna Horokholinska - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:52-58.
    The article by Iryna Horokholinska «Value challenges of the present: reflections about morally appropriate and religious faith» is aimed to the analysis of the moral and religious portrait of a modern person – in the conditions of globalization and secularization. Should we talk about the total secularization? Did the renaissance of religiosity really come to be? And what's important: what is the mission and strategy of the Church's actions in influencing the axiological self-determination of the modern person? As a Christian (...)
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  37. Book Review : Belief, Values and Policies: Conviction Politics in a Secular Age, by Duncan B. Forrester. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989. viii + 110 pp. n.p. [REVIEW]Paul Marshall - 1991 - Studies in Christian Ethics 4 (1):94-95.
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    Democracy, Values and Modes of Representation.Jack Goody - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (2):7-18.
    This paper argues that the emergence of humanistic values is not a purely modern phenomenon. If by humanism we refer to secular learning and the development of science, there were periods in the history of Islam when this was encouraged. Humanism in the sense of the respect for ‘human values’ such as democracy is equally widely distributed in time and space, so that the idea that the West, as heirs of Ancient Greece, has a monopoly is quite (...)
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  39. Content Analysis of The Catholic School and Religion and National Values, Primary 1- 6: Implications for Religious Education in Catholic Primary Schools within Calabar Archdiocese - Cross River State.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2016 - International Journal of Research in Basic and Lifelong Education 5 (1).
    The secular character of the Nigerian state should not impede collaboration between the Roman Catholic Schools Management Board and the Government of Cross River State (Nigeria) in the area of religious education. Based on the above claim, this paper is an exercise in content analysis of The Catholic School{\\ial is, the document regulating Catholic principles of education in schools) and Religion and National Values: Primary 1- 5(text on curricular contents of religious education at the primary school level in (...)
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  40.  7
    Progressive Secular Society: And Other Essays Relevant to Secularism.Tom Rubens - 2008 - Imprint Academic.
    A progressive secular society is one committed to the widening of scientific knowledge and humane feeling. It regards humanity as part of physical nature and opposes any appeal to supernatural agencies or explanations. In particular, human moral perspectives are human creations and the only basis for ethics. Secular values need re-affirming in the face of the resurgence of aggressive supernatural religious doctrines and practices. This book gives a set of 'secular thoughts for the day' – many (...)
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  41.  13
    The Secular Enlightenment.Margaret C. Jacob - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    A major new history of how the Enlightenment transformed people’s everyday lives The Secular Enlightenment is a panoramic account of the radical ways that life began to change for ordinary people in the age of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. In this landmark book, familiar Enlightenment figures share places with voices that have remained largely unheard until now, from freethinkers and freemasons to French materialists, anticlerical Catholics, pantheists, pornographers, readers, and travelers. Margaret Jacob, one of our most esteemed historians of (...)
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  42.  9
    Is Everything Sacred Evaporating? Transhumanist Traces on Value Orientation of Generation Z.Talip Demir - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):111-139.
    Social values are the basic cultural codes that determine the view of individuals to the world and can change with the effect of some developments. The concept of generation, which is one of the analytical tools used by social sciences to understand and explain the change in question, is used to express the clusters of people who were born in certain time periods. In this context, the Z generation, which is used to indicate those who were born after 2000, (...)
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  43.  5
    On the criticism of culture as a value.Alexandr Ogurtsov - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    Speech in the publication of A.P. Ogurtsov talks about the contemporary understanding of culture by M. Heidegger, which testifies to the spiritual fall of the world and the replacement of the concept of “spirit” with the concept of “culture” in a specific meaning — as a value, which Heidegger considers “the highest sacrilege”, because God appears among the values. This understanding of culture is associated with “the secularization of thought and the oblivion of being; value thinking is rooted in (...)
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    (1 other version)Spiritual Values for Those Without Eternal Life.Kevin Schilbrack - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):753-759.
    Martin Hägglund’s This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom offers a naturalistic, this-worldly theology with eloquence and heart. Nevertheless, from a religious studies perspective, there is a fair amount to criticize. This review essay identifies two shortcomings in this book and then develops a typology of religious teachings about eternal life in order to assess places where Hägglund’s critique succeeds.
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  45. Science cannot determine human values.Brian D. Earp - 2016 - Think 15 (43):17-23.
    Sam Harris, in his book The Moral Landscape, argues that "science can determine human values." Against this view, I argue that while secular moral philosophy can certainly help us to determine our values, science must play a subservient role. To the extent that science can what we ought to do, it is only by providing us with empirical information, which can then be slotted into a chain of deductive reasoning. The premises of such reasoning, however, can in (...)
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    Changes and Conflicts of What We Value: Empirical Value-Surveys and Axiological Reflection.Moritz von Kalckreuth - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the notion of value presupposed by empirical value-surveys such as the World Values Survey (WVS) or the European Values Study (EVS), using some basic distinctions of philosophical value-theory. I intend to show that the framework of these surveys is grounded on definitions or implicit claims that are systematically problematic, having also a certain impact on the empirical realisation and some of the survey’s outcomes. First, it is shown that the assumption (...)
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  47. Acquiring Universal Values through a Particular Tradition: A Perspective on Judaism and Modern Pluralism.Jacobs Jonathan - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):1--22.
    Religious traditions can be sources of values and attitudes supporting the liberal polity in ways that political theorizing and conceptions of public reason often fail to recognize. moreover, religious traditions can give support through the ways reason is crucial to their self-understanding. one understanding of Judaism is examined as an example. Also, the particularism of traditions can encourage commitment to universally valid values and ideals. reason’s role in Judaism and other religious traditions makes possible constructive interaction between those (...)
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    Constitutional Secularization: Religious Pluralism and the Canadian Courts (Secularização constitucional: O Pluralismo Religioso e os tribunais canadenses) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n21p220. [REVIEW]Steven Joseph Engler - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (21):220-241.
    Este artigo oferece um breve panorama da jurisprudência canadense desde a promulgação da Carta Canadense dos Direitos e Liberdades, em 1982. Ao mesmo tempo em que busca consolidar mais firmemente a liberdade religiosa, a Carta também tem colocado limites explícitos sobre o direito dessa mesma liberdade. Os Tribunais canadenses se mostram dispostos a intervir no funcionamento interno das instituições religiosas. A proteção legal foi ampliada no sentido de incluir não apenas as religiões não cristãs, mas também as crenças não religiosas (...)
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    The significance of Christian values in the establishment of a family institution: the Orthodox context.O. Maskevych - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:65-75.
    The current crisis of many social institutions, which is particularly characteristic of the post-Soviet countries, and is largely due to the situation where a system of norms and values ​​that united people into the community has already been destroyed, and the other has not yet been formed, and has a significant impact on such an important institution as a family. Orthodox Churches offered their model for strengthening family and family relations in the new conditions. Secular scholars and theologians (...)
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    Secular changes in height, body weight, body mass index and pubertal development in male children and adolescents in krakow, Poland.Łukasz Kryst, Małgorzata Kowal, Agnieszka Woronkowicz, Jan Sobiecki & Barbara Anna Cichocka - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (4):495-507.
    SummaryThis study examined the secular changes in height, body weight, body mass index and pubertal development in male children and adolescents in Krakow over the past 80 years, with an emphasis on the last decade. The survey of the population of Krakow is a continuation of observations conducted in that area for many years. The analysis aims to determine whether in the last decade Krakow still witnessed the secular trend, and what form the trend took. The body height (...)
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