Results for 'self-fulfilling prophecy'

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  1. Self-fulfilling Prophecy in Practical and Automated Prediction.Owen C. King & Mayli Mertens - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (1):127-152.
    A self-fulfilling prophecy is, roughly, a prediction that brings about its own truth. Although true predictions are hard to fault, self-fulfilling prophecies are often regarded with suspicion. In this article, we vindicate this suspicion by explaining what self-fulfilling prophecies are and what is problematic about them, paying special attention to how their problems are exacerbated through automated prediction. Our descriptive account of self-fulfilling prophecies articulates the four elements that define them. Based (...)
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    Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.Stephanie Rennick - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (3):78.
    Causal loops are a recurring feature in the philosophy of time travel, where it is generally agreed that they are logically possible but may come with a theoretical cost. This paper introduces an unfamiliar set of causal loop cases involving knowledge or beliefs about the future: self-fulfilling prophecy loops (SFP loops). I show how and when such loops arise and consider their relationship to more familiar causal loops.
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    The self-fulfilling prophecy in intensive care.Dominic Wilkinson - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (6):401-410.
    Predictions of poor prognosis for critically ill patients may become self-fulfilling if life-sustaining treatment or resuscitation is subsequently withheld on the basis of that prediction. This paper outlines the epistemic and normative problems raised by self-fulfilling prophecies (SFPs) in intensive care. Where predictions affect outcome, it can be extremely difficult to ascertain the mortality rate for patients if all treatment were provided. SFPs may lead to an increase in mortality for cohorts of patients predicted to have (...)
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    The self-fulfilling prophecy in medicine.Mayli Mertens - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (5):363-385.
    This article first describes the mechanism of any self-fulfilling prophecy through discussion of its four conditions: credibility, employment, employment sensitivity, and realization. Each condition is illustrated with examples specific to the medical context. The descriptive account ends with the definition of self-fulfilling prophecy and an expansion on collective self-fulfilling prophecies. Second, the normative account then discusses the moral relevance of self-fulfilling prophecies in medicine. A self-fulfilling prophecy is (...)
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    A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 "Russian Flu".Donald S. Burke & Amy Schleunes - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):386-405.
    Surprisingly, the 1977 "Russian flu" H1N1 pandemic influenza virus was genetically indistinguishable from strains that had circulated decades earlier but had gone extinct in 1957. This essay puts forward the most plausible chronology to explain the reemergence of the 1977 H1N1 pandemic virus: (1) in January–February 1976, a self-limited small outbreak of a swine H1N1 influenza virus occurred among Army personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey; (2) in March 1976, the US launched a nationwide H1N1 swine influenza vaccine program; (...)
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  6. Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars.Michaël Gonin - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):33-58.
    Business research and teaching institutions play an important role in shaping the way businesses perceive their relations to the broader society and its moral expectations. Hence, as ethical scandals recently arose in the business world, questions related to the civic responsibilities of business scholars and to the role business schools play in society have gained wider interest. In this article, I argue that these ethical shortcomings are at least partly resulting from the mainstream business model with its taken-for granted basic (...)
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  7. SelfFulfilling Prophecies: The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Functional Neuroimaging Research on Emotion.Robyn Bluhm - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):870-886.
    Feminist scholars have shown that research on sex/gender differences in the brain is often used to support gender stereotypes. Scientists use a variety of methodological and interpretive strategies to make their results consistent with these stereotypes. In this paper, I analyze functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research that examines differences between women and men in brain activity associated with emotion and show that these researchers go to great lengths to make their results consistent with the view that women are more (...)
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    The self-fulfilling prophecies and global inequality.R. Juha - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (2):193 – 200.
    In this paper I will discuss the causes of global inequality. I will argue that there may be other important reasons for poverty than Western selfishness. Further, I will claim that most Western people believe that for one reason or another it is practically impossible to eradicate poverty, and that this shared belief itself may be a cause for why it is practically impossible to eradicate it in the near future. The question is about an unfortunate self-fulfilling (...). In my view, it is important to consider the background and logic of this prophecy. (shrink)
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    Self-fulfilling prophecies: A theoretical and integrative review.Lee Jussim - 1986 - Psychological Review 93 (4):429-445.
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    Stereotypes and self-fulfilling prophecies in the Bayesian brain.Daniel Https://Orcidorg624X Villiger - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Stereotypes are often described as being generally inaccurate and irrational. However, for years, a minority of social psychologists has been proclaiming that stereotype accuracy is among the most robust findings in the field. This same minority also opposes the majority by questioning the power of self-fulfilling prophecies and thereby the construction of social reality. The present paper examines this long-standing debate from the perspective of predictive processing, an increasingly influential cognitive science theory. In this theory, stereotype accuracy and (...)
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    Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Exile and Return in the History of Judaism.Jacob Neusner - 1990 - Studies in the History of Juda.
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  12. Can we learn from hidden mistakes? Self-fulfilling prophecy and responsible neuroprognostic innovation.Mayli Mertens, Owen C. King, Michel J. A. M. van Putten & Marianne Boenink - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):922-928.
    A self-fulfilling prophecy in neuroprognostication occurs when a patient in coma is predicted to have a poor outcome, and life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn on the basis of that prediction, thus directly bringing about a poor outcome for that patient. In contrast to the predominant emphasis in the bioethics literature, we look beyond the moral issues raised by the possibility that an erroneous prediction might lead to the death of a patient who otherwise would have lived. Instead, we (...)
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    The self-fulfilling prophecy: A reappraisal.Cecil Miller - 1961 - Ethics 72 (1):46-51.
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    Self-interest as self-fulfilling prophecy.Mark Van Vugt - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):429-430.
    The adoption of experimental methods from economics, in particular script-enactment, performance-related payment, and the absence of deception, will turn experimental social psychology into a trivial science subject. Such procedures force participants to conform to a normative expectation that they must behave rationally and in accordance with their self-interest. The self-fulfilling prophecy inherent in these procedures makes it more difficult to conduct innovative social-psychological research.
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    Excited Delirium: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Police Brutality.Kathryn Petrozzo - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):357-359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Excited DeliriumThe Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Police BrutalityKathryn Petrozzo (bio)In their timely and pressing piece, Arjun Byju and Phoebe Friesen explore the contentious diagnosis of excited delirium; a syndrome characterized by erratic, aggressive, and “delusional” behavior (2023). Overwhelmingly, this term is used when individuals come in contact with police and/or first responders. Although much attention has been given to debating whether or not this is a “real” (...)
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  16. Are Corruption Indices a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? A Social Labeling Perspective of Corruption.Danielle E. Warren & William S. Laufer - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):841 - 849.
    Rankings of countries by perceived corruption have emerged over the past decade as leading indicators of governance and development. Designed to highlight countries that are known to be corrupt, their objective is to encourage transparency and good governance. High rankings on corruption, it is argued, will serve as a strong incentive for reform. The practice of ranking and labeling countries "corrupt," however, may have a perverse effect. Consistent with Social Labeling Theory, we argue that perceptual indices can encourage the loss (...)
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    When peers are not peers and don't know it: The Dunning‐Kruger effect and selffulfilling prophecy in peer‐review.Sui Huang - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):414-416.
    The fateful combination of (i) the Dunning‐Kruger effect (ignorance of one's own ignorance) with (ii) the nonlinear dynamics of the echo‐chamber between reviewers and editors fuels a self‐reinforcing collective delusion system that sometimes spirals uncontrollably away from objectivity and truth. Escape from this subconscious meta‐ignorance is a formidable challenge but if achieved will help correct a central deficit of the peer‐review process that stifles innovation and paradigm shifts.
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    Rethinking Political Myth: The Clash of Civilizations as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Benoît Challand & Chiara Bottici - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (3):315-336.
    This article argues for the need to recover the concept of political myth in order to understand the crucial phenomena of our epoch. By drawing on Blumenberg’s philosophical reflections on myth, it proposes to understand political myth as the continual process of work on a common narrative by which the members of a social group can provide significance to their political conditions and experience. In order to show how this understanding of political myth can throw light on important aspects of (...)
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  19. Conditional Goods and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: How Literature (as a Whole) Could Matter Again.Joshua Landy - 2013 - Substance 42 (2):48-60.
    This essay argues that literature is neither an intrinsic good (like oxygen) nor a constructed good (like a teddy-bear) but instead a conditional good, like a blueprint. It has immense potential value, but that potential can be actualized only if readers do a certain kind of work; and readers are likely to do that work only if, as a culture, we retain an understanding of what novels and poems both need from us and can give us. This means we need (...)
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    Self-negating functions of self-fulfilling prophecies.John Jung - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):397-398.
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    Accuracy, bias, self-fulfilling prophecies, and scientific self-correction.Lee Jussim - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Applying the self-fulfilling prophecy: some thoughts on how the prophet forms and sustains expectations.C. R. Snyder - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):474-474.
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    Frailty as a Priority-Setting Criterion for Potentially Lifesaving Treatment—Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Circularity, and Indirect Discrimination?Søren Holm & Daniel Joseph Warrington - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (1):48-55.
    Frailty is a state of increased vulnerability to poor resolution of homeostasis after a stressor event. Frailty is most frequently assessed in the old using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CSF) which ranks frailty from 1 to 9. This assessment typically takes less than one minute and is not validated in patients with learning difficulties or those under 65 years old. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) developed guidelines that use “frailty” as one of the priority-setting criteria for (...)
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    To what extend is the going concern judgment influenced by the self-fulfilling prophecy?Andrés Guiral-Contreras, Emiliano Ruiz-Barbadillo & Waymond Rodgers - unknown
    We examined whether auditors' attitude to the evidence may be driven by their perception of the self-fulfilling prophecy effect. Following previous research on motivated reasoning, we assumed that the self-fulfilling prophecy effect could be interpreted as a potential motivational/incentive factor supporting auditor's reluctance to release going concern opinions. We contribute to the literature by demonstrating in a laboratory experiment that auditors' perceptions of the self-fulfilling prophecy effect can bias their professional judgment. (...)
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    Ethical behaviour in the U.k. Audit profession: The case of the self-fulfilling prophecy under going-concern uncertainties. [REVIEW]David B. Citron & Richard J. Taffler - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (4):353 - 363.
    External auditors owe a professional duty to the company''s stockholders and to society in general. However their remuneration is determined by management. The resulting conflicts of interest are particularly acute in distressed companies where the auditors are required to disclose uncertainties regarding future survival. We focus on the consequentialist self-fulfilling prophecy argument whereby auditors may fail to disclose such uncertainties due to the belief that the disclosure itself would precipitate the company''s bankruptcy. We find no empirical support (...)
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    Economic Mind: From Attribution Error to Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Bartosz Kuźniarz - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):245-264.
    I argue in this text that the economic mind is a culturally hegemonic, naturalistic interpretation of the behavior produced by the revolutionary nature of the economic and technical developments of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Despite persistent criticism, people fulfilled the predictions of the economic model of a human being for so long that they committed an attribution error and took it to be the adequate vision of human nature. Neoclassical economic theory played a significant, even if involuntary, role (...)
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    Consciousness in congenitally decorticate children: Developmental vegetative state as self-fulfilling prophecy.D. A. Shewmon, G. L. Holmes & P. A. Byrne - 1999 - Dev Med Child Neurol 41:364-374.
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    Précis of Social Perception and Social Reality: Why accuracy dominates bias and self-fulfilling prophecy.Lee Jussim - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:1-66.
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    The Apnea Test: Requiring Consent for a Test That is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Not Fit for Purpose, and Always Confounded?Ari R. Joffe - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):42-44.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 42-44.
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    The Center on the Margin, or, Self-Fulfilling Prophecies for Medievalists.Nicholas Howe - 1999 - Das Mittelalter 4 (1).
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    How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.Roger E. A. Farmer - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    "Of all the economic bubbles that have been pricked," the editors of The Economist recently observed, "few have burst more spectacularly than the reputation of economics itself." Indeed, the financial crisis that crested in 2008 destroyed the credibility of the economic thinking that had guided policymakers for a generation. But what will take its place? In How the Economy Works, one of our leading economists provides a jargon-free exploration of the current crisis, offering a powerful argument for how economics must (...)
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    Artifact or agent of change: the self-fulfilling prophecy redefined.Gerald G. Smale - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):405-406.
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    Monuments to Academic Carelessness: The Self-fulfilling Prophecy of Katherine Frost Bruner.Ole Bjørn Rekdal - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):744-758.
    In 1942, Katherine Frost Bruner published an article titled “Of psychological writing: Being some valedictory remarks on style.” It was published in Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, the journal for which she served as editorial assistant between 1937 and 1941. Her collection of advice to writing scholars has been widely quoted, including by several editions of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The most frequently quoted message in Bruner’s article deals with the importance of making sure that (...)
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    Deconstructing selffulfilling outcome measures in infertility treatment.Mayli Mertens & Heidi Mertes - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (7):616-623.
    The typical outcome measure in infertility treatment is the (cumulative) healthy live birth rate per patient or per cycle. This means that those who end the treatment trajectory with a healthy baby in their arms are considered to be successful and those who do not are considered to have failed. In this article, we argue that by adopting the healthy live birth standard as the outcome measure that defines a successful fertility treatment, it becomes an interpretative self-fulfilling (...): those who achieve the goal consider themselves successful and those who do not consider themselves failures. This is regardless of the fact that having children is only one out of many ways to alleviate the suffering related to infertility and that stopping fertility treatment can also be a positive decision to move on to other goals, rather than a form of “giving up,” “dropping out,” “nonadherence,” or failure. We suggest that those seeking fertility treatment would be served better by an alternative outcome measure, which can be equally self-fulfilling, according to which a successful treatment is one in which people leave the clinic released from the suffering that accompanied their status as infertile when they first entered the clinic. This new outcome measure still implies that walking out with a healthy baby is a positive outcome. What changes is that walking out without a baby can also be a positive outcome, rather than being marked exclusively as a failure. (shrink)
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    Lying and self-defeating prophecies.Wolfgang Freitag - 2024 - Synthese 203 (3):1-8.
    The paper disputes the common view which holds that to lie is, essentially, to assert a disbelieved proposition. It shows by reference to self-defeating prophecies that one can lie by asserting a believed proposition, and by reference to self-fulfilling prophecies that one can be truthful by asserting a disbelieved proposition. It concludes that lying is, essentially, asserting a proposition believed to be false conditionally on the occurrence of the assertion.
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  36. A More Fulfilling (and Frustrating) Take on Reflexive Predictions.Matthew Kopec - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1249-1259.
    Even though social scientists continue to discuss the problems posed by self-fulfilling and self-frustrating predictions, philosophers of science have ignored the topic since the 1970s. Back then, the prevailing view was that the methodological problems posed by reflexive predictions are either minor or easily avoided. I believe that this consensus was premature, ultimately relying on an overly narrow understanding of the phenomenon. I present an improved way to understand reflexive predictions (framed in probabilistic terms) and show that, (...)
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  37. Self-reflexive thoughts.Gilbert Harman - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):334-345.
    Alice has insomnia. She has trouble falling asleep and part of the problem is that she worries about it and realizes that her worrying about it tends to keep from falling asleep. It occurs to her that thinking that she will not be able to fall asleep may be a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps she even has a thought that might be expressed like this: I am not going to fall asleep because of my having this (...)
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    Belief Now, True Belief Later: The epistemic advantage of self-related insights in psychedelic-assisted therapy.Chiara Caporuscio - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    Chris Letheby’s defence of psychedelic therapy hinges on the premise that psychedelic-facilitated insights about the self are in a better epistemic position than those about the external world. In this commentary, I argue that such a claim is not sufficiently defended. More precisely, I argue that one element is underexplored in Letheby’s otherwise compelling picture: namely, that unlike new beliefs about the external world, beliefs about oneself have the capacity to turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. Recognising the psychedelic (...)
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    Metaphor, self-reflection, and the nature of mind.John A. Barnden - 2004 - In Darryl N. Davis, Visions of Mind: Architectures for Cognition and Affect. IDEA Group Publishing. pp. 45-65.
    This chapter speculatively addresses the nature and effects of metaphorical views that a mind can intermittently use in thinking about itself and other minds, such as the view of mind as a physical space in which ideas have physical locations. Although such views are subjective, it is argued in this chapter that they are nevertheless part of the real nature of the conscious and unconscious mind. In particular, it is conjectured that if a mind entertains a particular (metaphorical) view at (...)
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  40. Character as Moral Fiction.Mark Alfano - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Everyone wants to be virtuous, but recent psychological investigations suggest that this may not be possible. Mark Alfano challenges this theory and asks, not whether character is empirically adequate, but what characters human beings could have and develop. Although psychology suggests that most people do not have robust character traits such as courage, honesty and open-mindedness, Alfano argues that we have reason to attribute these virtues to people because such attributions function as self-fulfilling prophecies - children become more (...)
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    Self-Confirming Biased Beliefs in Organizational “Learning by Doing”.Sanghyun Park & Phanish Puranam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Learning by doing, a change in beliefs due to experience, is crucial to the adaptive behaviours of organizations as well as the individuals that inhabit them. In this review paper, we summarise different pathologies of learning noted in past literature using a common underlying mechanism based on self-confirming biased beliefs. These are inaccurate beliefs about the environment that are self-confirming because acting upon these beliefs prevents their falsification. We provide a formal definition for self-confirming biased beliefs as (...)
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  42. Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons.Jakob Ortmann & Walter Veit - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):65-89.
    Climate change mitigation has become a paradigm case both for externalities in general and for the game-theoretic model of the Tragedy of the Commons (ToC) in particular. This situation is worrying, as we have reasons to suspect that some models in the social sciences are apt to be performative to the extent that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Framing climate change mitigation as a hardly solvable coordination problem may force us into a worse situation, by changing real-world behaviour (...)
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  43. Robots in aged care: a dystopian future.Robert Sparrow - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (4):1-10.
    In this paper I describe a future in which persons in advanced old age are cared for entirely by robots and suggest that this would be a dystopia, which we would be well advised to avoid if we can. Paying attention to the objective elements of welfare rather than to people’s happiness reveals the central importance of respect and recognition, which robots cannot provide, to the practice of aged care. A realistic appreciation of the current economics of the aged care (...)
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  44. Four Reasons Why Assisted Dying Should Not Be Offered for Depression.Thomas Blikshavn, Tonje Lossius Husum & Morten Magelssen - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):151-157.
    Recently, several authors have argued that assisted dying may be ethically appropriate when requested by a person who suffers from serious depression unresponsive to treatment. We here present four arguments to the contrary. First, the arguments made by proponents of assisted dying rely on notions of “treatment-resistant depression” that are problematic. Second, an individual patient suffering from depression may not be justified in believing that chances of recovery are minimal. Third, the therapeutic significance of hope must be acknowledged; when mental (...)
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  45. L’École des soignantes : compte-rendu participant d’une prophétie auto-réalisatrice.Lise Lévesque - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):144-149.
    More than entertainment and beyond salutary reading to take a step back from the COVID-19 crisis, this novel by Martin Winckler is meant to be a source of inspiration and even a self-fulfilling prophecy of which it is up to us to become a part.
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    Reactivity in the human sciences.Caterina Marchionni, Julie Zahle & Marion Godman - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (1):1-24.
    The reactions that science triggers on the people it studies, describes, or theorises about, can affect the science itself and its claims to knowledge. This phenomenon, which we call reactivity, has been discussed in many different areas of the social sciences and the philosophy of science, falling under different rubrics such as the Hawthorne effect, self-fulfilling prophecies, the looping effects of human kinds, the performativity of models, observer effects, experimenter effects and experimenter demand effects. In this paper we (...)
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  47. A Socio-Historical Take on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness.H. Lau & M. Michel - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):136-147.
    The intuition that consciousness is hard to explain may fade away as empirically adequate theories of consciousness develop. We review socio-historical factors that account for why, as a field, the neuroscience of consciousness has not been particularly successful at developing empirically adequate theories. Based on this we argue that the meta-problem may be a self-fulfilling prophecy, created in part because we inadvertently focused too much on the so-called 'hard problem', limiting scientific progress.
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    Placebo and Deception: A Commentary.Anne Barnhill & Franklin G. Miller - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (1):69-82.
    In a recent article in this Journal, Shlomo Cohen and Haim Shapiro introduce the concept of “comparable placebo treatments” —placebo treatments with biological effects similar to the drugs they replace—and argue that doctors are not being deceptive when they prescribe or administer CPTs without revealing that they are placebos. We critique two of Cohen and Shapiro’s primary arguments. First, Cohen and Shapiro argue that offering undisclosed placebos is not lying to the patient, but rather is making a self-fulfilling (...)
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    The spirit of democracy and the rhetoric of excess.Jeffrey Stout - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (1):3-21.
    If militarism violates the ideals of liberty and justice in one way, and rapidly increasing social stratification violates them in another, then American democracy is in crisis. A culture of democratic accountability will survive only if citizens revive the concerns that animated the great reform movements of the past, from abolitionism to civil rights. It is crucial, when reasoning about practical matters, not only to admit how grave one's situation is, but also to resist despair. Therefore, the fate of democracy (...)
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    Demarcating public from private values in evolutionary discourse.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1988 - Journal of the History of Biology 21 (2):195-211.
    What I suggest we can see in this brief overview of the literature is an extensive interpenetration on both sides of these debates between scientific, political, and social values. Important shifts in political and social values were of course occurring over the same period, some of them in parallel with, and perhaps even contributing to, these transitions I have been speaking of in evolutionary discourse. The developments that I think of as at least suggestive of possible parallels include the progressive (...)
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