Results for 'standard completeness'

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  1.  51
    Standard completeness theorem for ΠMTL.Rostislav Horĉík - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):413-424.
    Abstract.ΠMTL is a schematic extension of the monoidal t-norm based logic (MTL) by the characteristic axioms of product logic. In this paper we prove that ΠMTL satisfies the standard completeness theorem. From the algebraic point of view, we show that the class of ΠMTL-algebras (bounded commutative cancellative residuated l-monoids) in the real unit interval [0,1] generates the variety of all ΠMTL-algebras.
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    Strong standard completeness theorems for S5-modal Łukasiewicz logics.Diego Castaño, José Patricio Díaz Varela & Gabriel Savoy - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (3):103529.
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    A proof of standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):183-192.
    In the present paper we show that any at most countable linearly-ordered commutative residuated lattice can be embedded into a commutative residuated lattice on the real unit interval [0, 1]. We use this result to show that Esteva and Godo''s logic MTL is complete with respect to interpretations into commutative residuated lattices on [0, 1]. This solves an open problem raised in.
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    Kripke semantics, undecidability and standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL∀.Franco Montagna & Hiroakira Ono - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):227-245.
    The present paper deals with the predicate version MTL of the logic MTL by Esteva and Godo. We introduce a Kripke semantics for it, along the lines of Ono''s Kripke semantics for the predicate version of FLew (cf. [O85]), and we prove a completeness theorem. Then we prove that every predicate logic between MTL and classical predicate logic is undecidable. Finally, we prove that MTL is complete with respect to the standard semantics, i.e., with respect to Kripke frames (...)
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  5.  26
    Incompatibility of standard completeness and quantum mechanics.Carsten Held - unknown
    The completeness of quantum mechanics is generally interpreted to be or entail the following conditional statement ): If a QM system S is in a pure non-eigenstate of observable A, then S does not have value ak of A at t. QM itself can be assumed to contain two elements: a formula generating probabilities; Hamiltonians that can be time-dependent due to a time-dependent external potential. It is shown that, given and, QM and SC are incompatible. Hence, SC is not (...)
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    Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point enjoys finite strong standard completeness.Sándor Jenei - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):67-86.
    An algebraic proof is presented for the finite strong standard completeness of the Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point (IULfp{{\mathbf {IUL}}^{fp}} IUL fp ). It may provide a first step towards settling the standard completeness problem for the Involutive Uninorm Logic (IUL{\mathbf {IUL}} IUL, posed in G. Metcalfe, F. Montagna. (J Symb Log 72:834–864, 2007)) in an algebraic manner. The result is proved via an embedding theorem which is based on the structural description of the class (...)
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    ItUML and Esteva-Godo-style standard completeness.Eunsuk Yang - 2023 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 89 (89):341-357.
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    On the standard and rational completeness of some axiomatic extensions of the monoidal t-Norm logic.Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):199 - 226.
    The monoidal t-norm based logic MTL is obtained from Hájek''s Basic Fuzzy logic BL by dropping the divisibility condition for the strong (or monoidal) conjunction. Recently, Jenei and Montgana have shown MTL to be standard complete, i.e. complete with respect to the class of residuated lattices in the real unit interval [0,1] defined by left-continuous t-norms and their residua. Its corresponding algebraic semantics is given by pre-linear residuated lattices. In this paper we address the issue of standard and (...)
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  9.  59
    Completeness for counter-doxa conditionals – using ranking semantics.Eric Raidl - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):861-891.
    Standard conditionals $\varphi > \psi$, by which I roughly mean variably strict conditionals à la Stalnaker and Lewis, are trivially true for impossible antecedents. This article investigates three modifications in a doxastic setting. For the neutral conditional, all impossible-antecedent conditionals are false, for the doxastic conditional they are only true if the consequent is absolutely necessary, and for the metaphysical conditional only if the consequent is ‘model-implied’ by the antecedent. I motivate these conditionals logically, and also doxastically by properties (...)
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  10.  63
    Complete and Partial Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Frank G. A. de Bakker & Jeremy Moon - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):651-663.
    This paper investigates different modes of organizing for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on insights from organization theory, we theorize two ways to organize for CSR. “Complete” organization for CSR happens within businesses and depends on the availability of certain organizational elements (e.g., membership, hierarchy, rules, monitoring, and sanctioning). By contrast, “partial” organization for CSR happens when organizers do not have direct access to all these organizational elements. We discuss partial organization for CSR by analyzing how standards and cross-sector partnerships (...)
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  11. Completeness of S4 for the Lebesgue Measure Algebra.Tamar Lando - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (2):287-316.
    We prove completeness of the propositional modal logic S 4 for the measure algebra based on the Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the unit interval, [0, 1]. In recent talks, Dana Scott introduced a new measure-based semantics for the standard propositional modal language with Boolean connectives and necessity and possibility operators, and . Propositional modal formulae are assigned to Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the real interval [0, 1], modulo sets of measure zero. Equivalence classes of Lebesgue-measurable subsets form a measure algebra, (...)
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  12. Completeness and Correspondence in Chellas–Segerberg Semantics.Matthias Unterhuber & Gerhard Schurz - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):891-911.
    We investigate a lattice of conditional logics described by a Kripke type semantics, which was suggested by Chellas and Segerberg – Chellas–Segerberg (CS) semantics – plus 30 further principles. We (i) present a non-trivial frame-based completeness result, (ii) a translation procedure which gives one corresponding trivial frame conditions for arbitrary formula schemata, and (iii) non-trivial frame conditions in CS semantics which correspond to the 30 principles.
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  13. Fibring: completeness preservation.Alberto Zanardo, Amilcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):414-439.
    A completeness theorem is established for logics with congruence endowed with general semantics (in the style of general frames). As a corollary, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with congruence provided that congruence is retained in the resulting logic. The class of logics with equivalence is shown to be closed under fibring and to be included in the class of logics with congruence. Thus, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with equivalence (...)
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  14.  43
    The Completeness of Carnap's Predicate Logic.Max Cresswell - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Logic 11 (1).
    The paper first proves the completeness of the first-order predicate logic presented in Carnap’s 1946 article ‘Modalities and quantification’. By contrast the modal logic defined by the semantics Carnap produces is unaxiomatisable. One can though adapt Carnap’s semantics so that a standard completeness proof for a Carnapian version of predicate S5 turns out to be available. //.
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    Intuitionistic Completeness and Classical Logic.D. C. McCarty - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (4):243-248.
    We show that, if a suitable intuitionistic metatheory proves that consistency implies satisfiability for subfinite sets of propositional formulas relative either to standard structures or to Kripke models, then that metatheory also proves every negative instance of every classical propositional tautology. Since reasonable intuitionistic set theories such as HAS or IZF do not demonstrate all such negative instances, these theories cannot prove completeness for intuitionistic propositional logic in the present sense.
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    Kripke Completeness of Infinitary Predicate Multimodal Logics.Yoshihito Tanaka - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):326-340.
    Kripke completeness of some infinitary predicate modal logics is presented. More precisely, we prove that if a normal modal logic above is -persistent and universal, the infinitary and predicate extension of with BF and BF is Kripke complete, where BF and BF denote the formulas pi pi and x x, respectively. The results include the completeness of extensions of standard modal logics such as , and its extensions by the schemata T, B, 4, 5, D, and their (...)
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  17. The Fundamentality of Physics: Completeness or Maximality.Alyssa Ney - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 12.
    There is a standard way of interpreting physicalism. This is as a completeness thesis of some kind. Completeness physicalists believe there is or in principle could be some future physics that provides a complete explanatory or ontological basis for our universe. And this provides a sense in which physics is special among the sciences, the sense in which it is fundamental. This paper contrasts this standard completeness physicalism with what is a more plausible maximality physicalism. (...)
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  18.  81
    The Complete Works: The Rev. Oxford Translation.Jonathan Barnes (ed.) - 1984 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    The Oxford Translation of Aristotle was originally published in 12 volumes between 1912 and 1954. It is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original Translation, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship three of the original versions have been replaced by new translations and a new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. The aim of the translation remains the same: to make the surviving works of Aristotle (...)
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  19.  24
    Completing the Quantum Formalism in a Contextually Objective Framework.Philippe Grangier - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (4):1-14.
    In standard quantum mechanics, a state vector \ may belong to infinitely many different orthogonal bases, as soon as the dimension N of the Hilbert space is at least three. On the other hand, a complete physical observable A is associated with a N-dimensional orthogonal basis of eigenvectors. In an idealized case, measuring A again and again will give repeatedly the same result, with the same eigenvalue. Let us call this repeatable result a modality \, and the corresponding eigenstate (...)
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  20. A Simple Proof of Completeness and Cut-elimination for Propositional G¨ odel Logic.Arnon Avron - unknown
    We provide a constructive, direct, and simple proof of the completeness of the cut-free part of the hypersequential calculus for G¨odel logic (thereby proving both completeness of the calculus for its standard semantics, and the admissibility of the cut rule in the full calculus). We then extend the results and proofs to derivations from assumptions, showing that such derivations can be confined to those in which cuts are made only on formulas which occur in the assumptions.
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  21. Completeness and decidability results for some propositional modal logics containing “actually” operators.Dominic Gregory - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (1):57-78.
    The addition of "actually" operators to modal languages allows us to capture important inferential behaviours which cannot be adequately captured in logics formulated in simpler languages. Previous work on modal logics containing "actually" operators has concentrated entirely upon extensions of KT5 and has employed a particular modeltheoretic treatment of them. This paper proves completeness and decidability results for a range of normal and nonnormal but quasi-normal propositional modal logics containing "actually" operators, the weakest of which are conservative extensions of (...)
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  22. complete enumerative inductions.John Corcoran - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12:465-6.
    Consider the following. The first is a one-premise argument; the second has two premises. The question sign marks the conclusions as such. -/- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote Greek. ? Every evangelist wrote Greek. -/- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote Greek. Every evangelist is Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. ? Every evangelist wrote Greek. -/- The above pair of premise-conclusion arguments is of a sort familiar to logicians and philosophers of science. In each case the first premise is (...)
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  23. Completeness in the theory of properties, relations, and propositions.George Bealer - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):415-426.
    Higher-order theories of properties, relations, and propositions are known to be essentially incomplete relative to their standard notions of validity. It turns out that the first-order theory of PRPs that results when first-order logic is supplemented with a generalized intensional abstraction operation is complete. The construction involves the development of an intensional algebraic semantic method that does not appeal to possible worlds, but rather takes PRPs as primitive entities. This allows for a satisfactory treatment of both the modalities and (...)
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  24.  42
    Completeness and exclusion in journalism ethics: An ethnographic case study.Don Heider - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11 (1):4 – 15.
    If completeness is going to be upheld as a standard of ethical journalism, then journalists cannot continue to systematically exclude certain groups of people from coverage. Using ethnographic methodology, this study looks at the experiences of a group of Hispanic television journalists in 1 market. These journalists identify problem areas, including the idea that news values are still infused with White maleness, which may impact not only news coverage but also the career progress of Hispanic journalists.
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    Non-completion and informed consent.Alan Wertheimer - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):127-130.
    There is a good deal of biomedical research that does not produce scientifically useful data because it fails to recruit a sufficient number of subjects. This fact is typically not disclosed to prospective subjects. In general, the guidance about consent concerns the information required to make intelligent self-interested decisions and ignores some of the information required for intelligent altruistic decisions. Bioethics has worried about the ‘therapeutic misconception’, but has ignored the ‘completion misconception’. This article argues that, other things being equal, (...)
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  26.  13
    Art Completes Nature’: Commentary on Dimitris Vardoulakis, ‘Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual.Martin Black - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):309-314.
    Vardoulakis’s ambitious work stems from his perception of the inability of Heidegger’s thought in particular, and of continental philosophy in general, to account for human action in the absence of an understanding of human ends. His specific contention is that this deficiency stems from a mistranslation of Aristotle by Heidegger, whereby Heidegger conflates the ends of phronesis with those of techne. Unfortunately, this contention is itself based on a mistranslation of the Greek. The true argument between Aristotle and Heidegger does (...)
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  27. Nelson's Complete Concordance of the Revised Standard Version Bible.John W. Ellison - 1957
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    Completions of μ-algebras.Luigi Santocanale - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (1):27-50.
    A μ-algebra is a model of a first-order theory that is an extension of the theory of bounded lattices, that comes with pairs of terms where μx.f is axiomatized as the least prefixed point of f, whose axioms are equations or equational implications.Standard μ-algebras are complete meaning that their lattice reduct is a complete lattice. We prove that any nontrivial quasivariety of μ-algebras contains a μ-algebra that has no embedding into a complete μ-algebra.We then focus on modal μ-algebras, i.e. (...)
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    On completely positive maps in generalized quantum dynamics.Ralph F. Simmons & James L. Park - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (1-2):47-55.
    Several authors have hypothesized that completely positive maps should provide the means for generalizing quantum dynamics. In a critical analysis of that proposal, we show that such maps are incompatible with the standard phenomenological theory of spin relaxation and that the theoretical argument which has been offered as justification for the hypothesis is fallacious.
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    You Complete Me: Posthumous Works and Secondary Agency.Sondra Bacharach & Deborah Tollefsen - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 49 (4):71-86.
    Many works are attributed to artists after their death, even when someone else has contributed substantively to the content of the work or when the work left by the artist is deemed incomplete by any standard of completion. Call these works posthumous works.1 Consider, for instance, Garden of Eden, Mysterious Stranger, Silmarillion, Symphony No. 10, Symphony No. 7, Sagrada Familia, the film A.I., Woyzeck, to name just a few. These are examples where..
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  31. Axiomatic Quantum Mechanics and Completeness.Carsten Held - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (8):707-732.
    The standard axiomatization of quantum mechanics (QM) is not fully explicit about the role of the time-parameter. Especially, the time reference within the probability algorithm (the Born Rule, BR) is unclear. From a probability principle P1 and a second principle P2 affording a most natural way to make BR precise, a logical conflict with the standard expression for the completeness of QM can be derived. Rejecting P1 is implausible. Rejecting P2 leads to unphysical results and to a (...)
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  32.  26
    Complete groups are complete co-analytic.Simon Thomas - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (5-6):601-606.
    The set of complete groups is a complete co-analytic subset of the standard Borel space of countably infinite groups.
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  33. Complete Virtue and the Definition of Happiness in Aristotle.Xinkai Hu - 2020 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 15 (2):293-314.
    In this paper, I challenge the standard reading of complete virtue (ἀρετή τελεία) in those disputed passages of Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics. I argue that, for Aristotle, complete virtue is neither (i) wisdom nor (ii) a whole set of all virtues. Rather, it is a term used by Aristotle to denote any virtue that is in its complete or perfect form. In light of this reading, I offer a pluralist interpretation of Aristotelian happiness. I argue that for Aristotle, (...)
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    Strong Completeness of Modal Logics Over 0-Dimensional Metric Spaces.Robert Goldblatt & Ian Hodkinson - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):611-632.
    We prove strong completeness results for some modal logics with the universal modality, with respect to their topological semantics over 0-dimensional dense-in-themselves metric spaces. We also use failure of compactness to show that, for some languages and spaces, no standard modal deductive system is strongly complete.
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    Completeness and incompleteness for anodic modal logics.Juliana Bueno-Soler - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (3):291-310.
    We propose a new approach to positive modal logics, hereby called anodic modal logics. Our treatment is completely positive since the language has neither negation nor any falsum or minimal particle. The elimination of the minimal particle of the language requires introducing the new concept of factual sets and factual deductions which permit us to talk about deductions in the actual world. We start from a positive fragment of the standard system K, denoted by K⊃, ∧, ◊, which is (...)
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  36. Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 2: The Revised Oxford Translation.Jonathan Barnes (ed.) - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    The Oxford Translation of Aristotle was originally published in 12 volumes between 1912 and 1954. It is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original Translation, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship; three of the original versions have been replaced by new translations; and a new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. The aim of the translation remains the same: to make the surviving works of Aristotle (...)
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  37.  46
    Lexicographic expected utility without completeness.D. Borie - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (2):167-176.
    Standard theories of expected utility require that preferences are complete, and/or Archimedean. We present in this paper a theory of decision under uncertainty for both incomplete and non-Archimedean preferences. Without continuity assumptions, incomplete preferences on a lottery space reduce to an order-extension problem. It is well known that incomplete preferences can be extended to complete preferences in the full generality, but this result does not necessarily hold for incomplete preferences which satisfy the independence axiom, since it may obviously happen (...)
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  38. Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation.Jonathan Barnes (ed.) - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    The Oxford Translation of Aristotle was originally published in 12 volumes between 1912 and 1954. It is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original Translation, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship; three of the original versions have been replaced by new translations; and a new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. The aim of the translation remains the same: to make the surviving works of Aristotle (...)
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  39.  42
    Completeness also Solves Carnap’s Problem.Eric Johannesson - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):192-198.
    In what sense, and to what extent, do rules of inference determine the meaning of logical constants? Motivated by the principle of charity, a natural constraint on the interpretation of logical constants is to make the rules of inference come out sound. But, as Carnap observed, although this constraint does rule out some non-standard interpretations, it does not rule them all out. This is known as Carnap’s problem. I suggest that a charitable interpretation of the logical constants should, as (...)
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    Standard Edition: Complete Works, Correspondence and Posthumous Writings. [REVIEW]John Sellars - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (3):613-616.
  41.  27
    Completeness of Pledger’s modal logics of one-sorted projective and elliptic planes.Rob Goldblatt - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Logic 18 (4).
    Ken Pledger devised a one-sorted approach to the incidence relation of plane geometries, using structures that also support models of propositional modal logic. He introduced a modal system 12g that is valid in one-sorted projective planes, proved that it has finitely many non-equivalent modalities, and identified all possible modality patterns of its extensions. One of these extensions 8f is valid in elliptic planes. These results were presented in his 1980 doctoral dissertation, which is reprinted in this issue of the Australasian (...)
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  42.  14
    The Completeness of Scientific Theories: On the Derivation of Empirical Indicators within a Theoretical Framework: The Case of Physical Geometry.Martin Carrier - 2012 - Springer.
    Earlier in this century, many philosophers of science (for example, Rudolf Carnap) drew a fairly sharp distinction between theory and observation, between theoretical terms like 'mass' and 'electron', and observation terms like 'measures three meters in length' and 'is _2° Celsius'. By simply looking at our instruments we can ascertain what numbers our measurements yield. Creatures like mass are different: we determine mass by calculation; we never directly observe a mass. Nor an electron: this term is introduced in order to (...)
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    Completely Discretized, Finite Quantum Mechanics.Sean M. Carroll - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (6):1-13.
    I propose a version of quantum mechanics featuring a discrete and finite number of states that is plausibly a model of the real world. The model is based on standard unitary quantum theory of a closed system with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. Given certain simple conditions on the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, Schrödinger evolution is periodic, and it is straightforward to replace continuous time with a discrete version, with the result that the system only visits a discrete and finite (...)
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    (1 other version)Formalisations With Non‐Standard Degrees of Completeness.Alan Rose - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):177-186.
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    An Intuitionistically Complete System of Basic Intuitionistic Conditional Logic.Grigory Olkhovikov - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (5).
    We introduce a basic intuitionistic conditional logic IntCK\textsf{IntCK} that we show to be complete both relative to a special type of Kripke models and relative to a standard translation into first-order intuitionistic logic. We show that IntCK\textsf{IntCK} stands in a very natural relation to other similar logics, like the basic classical conditional logic CK\textsf{CK} and the basic intuitionistic modal logic IK\textsf{IK}. As for the basic intuitionistic conditional logic ICK\textsf{ICK} proposed in Weiss (_Journal of Philosophical Logic_, _48_, 447–469, 2019 ), (...)
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    Pavelka-style completeness in expansions of Łukasiewicz logic.Hector Freytes - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (1):15-23.
    An algebraic setting for the validity of Pavelka style completeness for some natural expansions of Łukasiewicz logic by new connectives and rational constants is given. This algebraic approach is based on the fact that the standard MV-algebra on the real segment [0, 1] is an injective MV-algebra. In particular the logics associated with MV-algebras with product and with divisible MV-algebras are considered.
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    Algebraic semantics and model completeness for Intuitionistic Public Announcement Logic.Minghui Ma, Alessandra Palmigiano & Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (4):963-995.
    In the present paper, we start studying epistemic updates using the standard toolkit of duality theory. We focus on public announcements, which are the simplest epistemic actions, and hence on Public Announcement Logic without the common knowledge operator. As is well known, the epistemic action of publicly announcing a given proposition is semantically represented as a transformation of the model encoding the current epistemic setup of the given agents; the given current model being replaced with its submodel relativized to (...)
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    On the completeness of orientation rules for causal discovery in the presence of latent confounders and selection bias.Jiji Zhang - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (16-17):1873-1896.
    Causal discovery becomes especially challenging when the possibility of latent confounding and/or selection bias is not assumed away. For this task, ancestral graph models are particularly useful in that they can represent the presence of latent confounding and selection effect, without explicitly invoking unobserved variables. Based on the machinery of ancestral graphs, there is a provably sound causal discovery algorithm, known as the FCI algorithm, that allows the possibility of latent confounders and selection bias. However, the orientation rules used in (...)
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  49.  42
    Identity, Equality, Nameability and Completeness.María Manzano & Manuel Crescencio Moreno - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (3/4).
    This article is an extended promenade strolling along the winding roads of identity, equality, nameability and completeness, looking for places where they converge. We have distinguished between identity and equality; the first is a binary relation between objects while the second is a symbolic relation between terms. Owing to the central role the notion of identity plays in logic, you can be interested either in how to define it using other logical concepts or in the opposite scheme. In the (...)
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  50.  29
    A note on the first‐order logic of complete BL‐chains.Petr Hájek & Franco Montagna - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (4):435-446.
    In [10] it is claimed that the set of predicate tautologies of all complete BL-chains and the set of all standard tautologies coincide. As noticed in [11], this claim is wrong. In this paper we show that a complete BL-chain B satisfies all standard BL-tautologies iff for any transfinite sequence of elements of B, the condition ∧i ∈ I = 2 holds in B.
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