Results for 'teleological suspension of disciplinarity'

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  1.  16
    Living Phenomenology as a Decolonial Practice.Lewis R. Gordon - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):175.
    This paper examines phenomenology as a living form of thought with significance for decolonial epistemic practice. After discussing how phenomenology addresses concerns of living thought, the author outlines disciplinary decadence as a form of colonial epistemic practice and offers his theory of teleological suspensions of disciplinarity among the decolonial epistemic practices that could be devoted not only to the decolonization of thought but also ideas pertaining to normative life.
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  2. Teleological Suspensions In Fear and Trembling.Kris McDaniel - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):425-451.
    I focus here on the teleological suspension of the ethical as it appears in Fear and Trembling. A common reading of Fear and Trembling is that it explores whether there are religious reasons for action that settle that one must do an action even when all the moral reasons for action tell against doing it. This interpretation has been contested. But I defend it by showing how the explicit teleological suspension of the ethical mirrors implicit (...) suspensions of the epistemological and prudential, and by articulating how it might be necessary for God to suspend the ethical in order to forgive us for our wrongdoings to others. I also discuss whether God’s commands are implicitly conditional, whether religious reasons to act, believe, and forgive are in each case grounded in divine commands, and what role love plays in each type of teleological suspension. (shrink)
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    Iblis, Abraham, and Teleological Suspensions.Hud Hudson - 2021 - The Monist 104 (3):281-299.
    In this essay, I shall scold a Jinn, recommend a position in Islamic theology to my Muslim neighbors, explore a famous dilemma recounted in Genesis, and participate in a debate occasioned by an interpretive puzzle in Kierkegaard studies. I investigate two opposed ways of understanding the phrase, ‘the teleological suspension of the ethical’, offer some critical remarks on the interpretation of that phrase in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, and defend a range of considerations that speak in favor of (...)
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    Kierkegaard's teleological suspension is not a bridge in Madison county.Sheridan Hough - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (2):146–152.
  5. The teleological suspension of the ethical.Ralph Mclnerny - 1957 - The Thomist 20:295-310.
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    Abraham and Dilemma: Kierkegaard's Teleological Suspension Revisited. [REVIEW]Edward F. Mooney - 1986 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 19 (1/2):23 - 41.
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    Learning Metaphysical Humility with Lewis Gordons Teleological Suspension of Philosophy.Dwayne Tunstall - 2008 - CLR James Journal 14 (1):157-168.
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  8. The Teleological Suspension of the Ethical: Abraham, Isaac, and the Challenge of Faith.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    God demands that Abraham sacrifice his son Isaac. Why? Kierkegaard tells us that God requires of Abraham a "teleological suspension of the ethical." In this essay I explore the meanings of the Ethical, God, and Faith in an effort to make sense of this phrase, and, more broadly, of the biblical story itself.
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    Note on Kierkegaard's teleological suspension of the ethical.Calvin O. Schrag - 1959 - Ethics 70 (1):66-68.
  10. Kierkegaard and the 'teleological suspension of the ethical'.James Bogen - 1962 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (1-4):305-317.
    This article discusses the claim made by Kierkegaard in Fear and Trembling that the story of Abraham involves a ?teleological suspension of the ethical?. It tries to show that this claim is intelligible and plausible when considered within the context of a philosophical position which views morality as a system of duties.
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    On the Historiography of Africana Philosophy: Overcoming Disciplinary Decadence through the Teleological Suspension of Philosophy.Clevis Headley - 2017 - Critical Philosophy of Race 5 (1):70-90.
    This article is a critical philosophical discussion of Lewis Gordon's An Introduction to Africana Philosophy. Gordon in his text does not portray Africana philosophy as an abstract universalism, philosophy as the “view from nowhere” or philosophy as the “god's eye view” on reality. He also refrains from depicting Africana philosophy as a documentary description of Africana identity, thereby indicating a refusal on his part to reduce Africana philosophy to identity politics, to mere psycho-existential babble. Gordon critically engages with race in (...)
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    Kierkegaard's Teleological Suspension of the Ethical: A Study of Exception‐Cases.Elmer H. Duncan - 1963 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):9-18.
  13. Levinas's teleological suspension of the religious.Merold Westphal - 1995 - In Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak, Ethics as first philosophy: the significance of Emmanuel Levinas for philosophy, literature, and religion. New York: Routledge. pp. 151--60.
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    Is there a teleological suspension of the philosophical?Stephen M. Minister - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (2):115-125.
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    There is No Teleological Suspension of the Ethical: Kierkegaard’s Logic Against Religious Justification and Moral Exceptionalism.Mélissa Fox-Muraton - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 23 (1):3-32.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 1 Seiten: 3-32.
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    Ward’s Teleological Suspension of Philosophy in Peirce and Religion.Dwayne A. Tunstall - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (2):114-117.
    i find roger ward’s interpretation of Charles Sanders Peirce’s logic, semiotics, and pragmaticism in Peirce and Religion to be not only plausible, but also compelling. What makes Ward’s interpretation of Peirce’s thought compelling, at least to me, is the story he tells about how Peirce’s Trinitarian faith commitments shaped Peirce’s thought from the early 1860s to his death in 1914. Ward’s story accounts for how Peirce’s Trinitarian faith commitments led Peirce to consider his study of logic and semiotics as his (...)
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    The Ethics of Love in Spinoza and Kierkegaard and the Teleological Suspension of the Theological.Michael Strawser - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (4):438-446.
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    Re-radicalizing Kierkegaard: An alternative to Religiousness C in light of an investigation into the teleological suspension of the ethical. [REVIEW]Jack Mulder - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (3):303-324.
    In this paper I defend the view that not only does Fear and Trembling espouse the teleological suspension of the ethical as a radical suspension and even possible violation of otherwise ethical duties, but also that Kierkegaard himself espouses it and carries the belief through his entire authorship. A brief analysis of Religiousness A suggests that Climacus made a dialectical error in Concluding Unscientific Postscript. This error is corrected by Anti-Climacus and Kierkegaard's own journals, and the correction (...)
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  19. Kierkegaard, the Self, Authenticity and the Teleological Suspension of the Ethical.Gavin Rae - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (1):75-97.
    In Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard outlines and defends a faith-based religious ethic, belief in which justifies transgressing the universal ethical norms of the community. In contrast to certain commentators who maintain that Kierkegaard’s argument is about the individual’s relation to God, I understand that this aspect of Kierkegaard’s argument is only important because he maintains that faith in God is a necessary aspect of authentic being. Thus, I argue that Kierkegaard’s argument is about the role faith plays in the formation (...)
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    Rereading the Teleological Suspension: Resignation, Faith, and Teleology.J. Michael Tilley - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2012 (1).
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    Introduction: Søren Kierkegaard and Chinese Philosophy.Lauren F. Pfister - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (1):5-8.
    In the Mengzi there is a hypothetical situation relating how the ancient sage-king Shun would respond if his father had committed murder. This has recently become a source of debate among Chinese philosophers. Here we will apply arguments made by Johannes de silentio about the “teleological suspension of the ethical” related to the action of the biblical Abraham, and link them up to alternative interpretations of the actions of Shun. This challenges the current and traditional interpretations of his (...)
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  22. The Role of Material and Efficient Causes in Aristotle's Natural Teleology Margaret Scharle.Natural Teleology - 2008 - In John Mouracade, Aristotle on life. Kelowna, BC: Academic Print. &. pp. 41--3.
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    Does rhetoric, as Plato had Gorgias claim, have other areas of knowledge under its control? Or, as his Socrates claimed, does rhetoric have no use for knowledge at all? Gorgias seems to concede the point but counts it an advantage rather than a deficiency of rhetoric:“But is this not a great comfort, Socrates, to be able without learning any other arts but this one to prove in no way inferior to the specialists?”(Plato, trans. 1961, p. 459c). This critique of rhetoric mounted in the early part of the ...Disciplinarity Rhetoric - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly, SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 167.
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    Decolonizing Philosophy.Lewis R. Gordon - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (S1):16-36.
    This article explores five ways in which philosophy could be colonized: (1) racial and ethnic origins, (2) coloniality of its norms, (3) market commodification, (4) disciplinary decadence, (5) solipsism—and what the author calls a teleological suspension of philosophy as consideration among other practices of thought.
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  25. Problematizing Disciplinarity, Transdisciplinary Problematics.Peter Osborne - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):3-35.
    This article situates current debates about transdisciplinarity within the deeper history of academic disciplinarity, in its difference from the notions of inter- and multi-disciplinarity. It offers a brief typology and history of established conceptions of transdisciplinarity within science and technology studies. It then goes on to raise the question of the conceptual structure of transdisciplinary generality in the humanities, with respect to the incorporation of the 19th- and 20th-century German and French philosophical traditions into the anglophone humanities, under (...)
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    How Kierkegaard can help us understand covering in Analects 13.18.Andrew James Komasinski - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (2):133-148.
    ABSTRACTI suggest that Kierkegaard proves a helpful interlocutor in the debate about Analects 13.18 and the meaning of yin 隱. After surveying the contemporary debate, I argue that Kierkegaard and the Confucians agree on three important points. First, they both present relational selves. Second, both believe certain relationships are integral for moral knowledge. Third, both present a differentiated account of love where our obligations are highest to those with whom we are closest. Moreover, Kierkegaard’s ‘covering’ in the deliberation ‘Love covers (...)
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    Abraham, Isaac, And The Jewish Tradition: An Ethical Reappraisal.Ronald M. Green - 1982 - Journal of Religious Ethics 10 (1):1-21.
    Would the Jewish tradition agree with Søren Kierkegaard's claim that the biblical episode of Abraham's near-sacrifice of Isaac represents a fearful "teleological suspension of the ethical"? After surveying a variety of classical Jewish sources, the author concludes that Kierkegaard's interpretation has almost no resonance within the Jewish tradition. Rather than involving a suspension of the ethical, this episode is viewed by Jewish writers as involving a moment of supreme moral responsibility on the part of both God and (...)
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    Three Recent Texts in Africana Philosophy: Overcoming Disciplinary Decadence.Clevis Headley - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):141-149.
    The following essay is a review of three recent texts in Africana philosophy. These three texts are united by the overarching theme of the teleological suspension of mainstream philosophy. Lewis Gordon takes a global approach to Africana philosophy and his text engages the issue of the historiography of Africana philosophy; George Yancy’s approach is situated within the subtradition of African American philosophy and his text pursues a critical Africana study of the existential reality of whiteness; and Neil Roberts (...)
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  29. Modern Perspectives on Faith: Abraham’s Case in Kant and Kierkegaard. Reconstructions and Critical Remarks.Daniel Nica - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1):107-123.
    In this paper, I will compare Kant’s and Kierkegaard’s reflections on faith as they are articulated in the particular analyses of Abraham’s sacrifice. Kant’s prosecution of Abraham, which commences from the idea of “natural religion”, rests on two interrelated lines of attack, an epistemological one and ethical one, which deem Abraham’s action to be morally reprehensible. For Kant, the primacy of the practical reason leaves no special room for divine duties that are not ethical at the same time. On the (...)
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    Kierkegaard's "Fear and Trembling" in Logical Perspective.Edmund N. Santurri - 1977 - Journal of Religious Ethics 5 (2):225 - 247.
    The author provides explicit philosophical terminology to clarify Kierkegaard's notion of a "teleological suspension of the ethical." He claims that the feature of Abraham's act that placed it beyond the sphere of the ethical was the impossibility of describing it as part of a way of life that one is prepared to commend to others. Thus, the only appropriate response to Abraham is silence.
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    Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism.John Donnelly - 1972 - New York, NY, USA: Fordham University Press.
    In theology, by W.L. Rowe.--Divine foreknowledge and human freedom, by A. Kenny.--Some puzzles concerning omnipotence, by G.I. Mavrodes.--The paradox of the stone, by C.W. Savage.--Creation ex nihilo, by J. Donnelly.--The miraculous, by R.F. Holland.--On miracles, by P.J. Dietl.--The tacit structure of religious knowing, by J.H. Gill.--On the observability of the self, by R.M. Chisholm.--Re-examining Kierkegaard's "Teleological suspension of the ethical," by J. Donnelly.
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    Levinas and Kierkegaard: The Akedah, the Dao, and Aporetic Ethics.Eric S. Nelson - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (1):164-184.
    In this article, Kierkegaard's depiction of the teleological suspension of the ethical is contrasted with Levinas's articulation of the emergence of the ethical in the Akedah narrative drawing on Jewish, Christian, and Chinese philosophical and religious perspectives. The narrative of Abraham's binding of Isaac illustrates both the distance and nearness between Kierkegaard and Levinas. Both realize that the encounter with God is a traumatic one that cannot be defined, categorized, or sublimated through ordinary ethical reflection or the everyday (...)
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  33. Fear and trembling.Søren Kierkegaard - 1985 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Viking Penguin.
    The infamous and controversial work that made a lasting impression on both modern Protestant theology and existentialist philosophers such as Sartre and Camus Writing under the pseudonym of "Johannes de silentio," Kierkegaard expounds his personal view of religion through a discussion of the scene in Genesis in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's command. Believing Abraham's unreserved obedience to be the essential leap of faith needed to make a full commitment to his religion, Kierkegaard himself made (...)
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    Kierkegaard: A Biography (review).Vanessa Rumble - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.1 (2003) 135-136 [Access article in PDF] Alastair Hannay. Kierkegaard: A Biography. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xvi + 496. Cloth, $39.95. In the opening pages of this carefully crafted biography, Hannay states that he has no intention of making matters easy for his reader. By this, he means that "final judgments" will not be forthcoming on a number of key (...)
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    Abraham and Sacrifice.Merold Westphal - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (3-4):318-330.
    SUMMARYSince the theme of sacrifice as presented in Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling is a major focus of Levinas' critique of Kierkegaard, their debate, so to speak, is pertinent to the theme of sacrifice and the foundation of culture. But the central theme of Fear and Trembling is faith; so first of all a brief summary of its account of biblical faith is given. Then, in the light of this account of faith, the question of sacrifice is addressed, along with Levinas' (...)
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  36. Teleological Reasons.Douglas W. Portmore - 2018 - In Daniel Star, The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    I explain what teleological reasons are, distinguish between direct and indirect teleological reasons, and discuss both whether all practical reasons are teleological and whether all teleological reasons are direct.
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    Introduction: Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Educational Studies – Past, Present and Future.Gary McCulloch - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (4):295-300.
    This editorial introduction reviews the notions of disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity and their implications for an understanding of educational studies. It examines differences between multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, also raising issues about boundary work around and across the disciplines. It discusses the question of whether education is a discipline, together with the role of the so-called ‘foundation disciplines’ of psychology, sociology, history and philosophy in underpinning educational studies.
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  38. Suspense.Donald Beecher - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):255-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SuspenseDonald BeecherSuspense is one of those workaday terms so integrated into the discussion of literature that definition would hardly seem necessary. It does receive pro forma entries in most literary handbooks, but never provokes more than a statement of the self-evident: that it is a "state of uncertainty, anticipation and curiosity as to the outcome of a story or play, or any kind of narrative in verse or prose,"1 (...)
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  39. Suspension as Spandrel.Ernest Sosa - 2019 - Episteme 16 (4):357-368.
    A telic virtue epistemology was presupposed in our treatment of insight and understanding. What follows will lay out the main elements of that telic theory and explore how it provides an epistemology of suspension.
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  40. Teleology and function in non-living nature.Gunnar Babcock - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-20.
    There’s a general assumption that teleology and function do not exist in inanimate nature. Throughout biology, it is generally taken as granted that teleology (or teleonomy) and functions are not only unique to life, but perhaps even a defining quality of life. For many, it’s obvious that rocks, water, and the like, are not teleological, nor could they possibly have stand-alone functions. This idea - that teleology and function are unique to life - is the target of this paper. (...)
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  41. Resolving teleology's false dilemma.Gunnar Babcock & Dan McShea - 2023 - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 139 (4):415-432.
    This paper argues that the account of teleology previously proposed by the authors is consistent with the physical determinism that is implicit across many of the sciences. We suggest that much of the current aversion to teleological thinking found in the sciences is rooted in debates that can be traced back to ancient natural science, which pitted mechanistic and deterministic theories against teleological ones. These debates saw a deterministic world as one where freedom and agency is impossible. And, (...)
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  42. Folk teleology drives persistence judgments.David Rose, Jonathan Schaffer & Kevin Tobia - 2020 - Synthese 197 (12):5491-5509.
    Two separate research programs have revealed two different factors that feature in our judgments of whether some entity persists. One program—inspired by Knobe—has found that normative considerations affect persistence judgments. For instance, people are more inclined to view a thing as persisting when the changes it undergoes lead to improvements. The other program—inspired by Kelemen—has found that teleological considerations affect persistence judgments. For instance, people are more inclined to view a thing as persisting when it preserves its purpose. Our (...)
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  43. Absential Suspension: Malebranche and Locke on Human Freedom.Julie Walsh & Thomas M. Lennon - 2019 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 1 (1):1-17.
    This paper treats a heretofore-unnoticed concept in the history of the philosophical discussion of human freedom, a kind of freedom that is not defined solely in terms of the causal power of the agent. Instead, the exercise of freedom essentially involves the non-occurrence of something. That being free involves the non-occurrence, that is, the absence, of an act may seem counterintuitive. With the exception of those specifically treated in this paper, philosophers tend to think of freedom as intimately involved with (...)
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  44. Teleological Essentialism.David Rose & Shaun Nichols - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (4):e12725.
    Placeholder essentialism is the view that there is a causal essence that holds category members together, though we may not know what the essence is. Sometimes the placeholder can be filled in by scientific essences, such as when we acquire scientific knowledge that the atomic weight of gold is 79. We challenge the view that placeholders are elaborated by scientific essences. On our view, if placeholders are elaborated, they are elaborated Aristotelian essences, a telos. Utilizing the same kinds of experiments (...)
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    Teleological underdetermination, mark Okrent.Goodness Supervenience - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (1).
  46. Teleological Essentialism: Generalized.David Rose & Shaun Nichols - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (3):e12818.
    Natural/social kind essentialism is the view that natural kind categories, both living and non-living natural kinds, as well as social kinds (e.g., race, gender), are essentialized. On this view, artifactual kinds are not essentialized. Our view—teleological essentialism—is that a broad range of categories are essentialized in terms of teleology, including artifacts. Utilizing the same kinds of experiments typically used to provide evidence of essentialist thinking—involving superficial change (study 1), transformation of insides (study 2) and inferences about offspring (study 3)—we (...)
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  47. Suspension in Inquiry.Julia Staffel - forthcoming - Episteme:1-13.
    When we're inquiring to find out whether p is true, knowing that we'll get better evidence in the future seems like a good reason to suspend judgment about p now. But, as Matt McGrath has recently argued, this natural thought is in deep tension with traditional accounts of justification. On traditional views of justification, which doxastic attitude you are justified in having now depends on your current evidence, not on what you might learn later. McGrath proposes to resolve this tension (...)
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  48. Suspension, Equipollence, and Inquiry: A Reply to Wieland.Diego E. Machuca - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (2):177-187.
    It is generally thought that suspension of judgment about a proposition p is the doxastic attitude one is rationally compelled to adopt whenever the epistemic reasons for and against p are equipollent or equally credible, that is, whenever the total body of available evidence bearing on p epistemically justifies neither belief nor disbelief in p. However, in a recent contribution to this journal, Jan Wieland proposes “to broaden the conditions for suspension, and argue that it is rational to (...)
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  49. Rational Suspension.Alexandra Zinke - 2021 - Theoria 87 (5):1050-1066.
    The article argues that there are different ways of justifying suspension of judgement. We suspend judgement not only privatively, that is, because we lack evidence, but also positively, that is, because there is evidence that provides reasons for suspending judgement: suspension is more than the rational fallback position in cases of insufficient evidence. The article applies the distinction to recent discussions about the role of suspension for inquiry, Turri's puzzle about withholding, and formal representations of suspension.
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  50. Teleological arguments.Paul Gould - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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