Results for 'text reuse'

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  1.  22
    Enlightenment Inflluencers: Networks of Text Reuse in 18th-century France.Glenn Roe, Valentina Fedchenko & Dario Nicolosi - unknown
    The ERC-funded ModERN project is investigating 18th-century authorship practices using data-rich computational techniques to examine the digital archive of the Enlightenment period. This paper explores the use of new large-scale text reuse detection and network analysis to identify intertextual 'influencers' in a large heterogeneous collection of 18th-century French texts.
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    Detecting the influence of the Chinese guiding cases: a text reuse approach.Benjamin M. Chen, Zhiyu Li, David Cai & Elliott Ash - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):463-486.
    Socialist courts are supposed to apply the law, not make it, and socialist legality denies judicial decisions any precedential status. In 2011, the Chinese Supreme People’s Court designated selected decisions as Guiding Cases to be referred to by all judges when adjudicating similar disputes. One decade on, the paucity of citations to Guiding Cases has been taken as demonstrating the incongruity of case-based adjudication and the socialist legal tradition. Citations are, however, an imperfect measure of influence. Reproduction of language uniquely (...)
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    The Reuse of Texts in Indian Philosophy: Introduction.Elisa Freschi - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (2-3):85-108.
    The study of textual reuse is of fundamental importance in reconstructing lost or partially lost texts, passages of which can be partly recovered through other texts in which they have been embedded. Furthermore, the study of textual reuse also provides one with a deeper understanding of the modalities of the production of texts out of previous textual materials. Finally, it constitutes a unique chance to reconsider the historicity of concepts such as “author”, “originality” and “plagiarism”, which do not (...)
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    Reuse of Text in P?li Legal Commentaries.Petra Kieffer-Pulz - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):8-45.
    We will examine three types of reuse represented in P?li legal literature: unacknowledged borrowings of authoritative opinions and definitions adapted and rearranged ; unacknowledged borrowings of largely unchanged selected text portions being rearranged ; and unconnected extracts of unchanged text portions lined up in the sequence of the source text century CE).
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  5. Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.) - forthcoming - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Harrassowitz.
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  6. Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.) - forthcoming - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Harrassowitz.
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    The Case of the Sārasaṅgaha: Reflections on the Reuse of Texts in Medieval Sinhalese Pāli Literature.Chiara Neri - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):335-388.
    The Sārasaṅgaha is a Pāli text of XIIth–XIIIth century by the Sinhalese monk Siddhattha Thera. Its themes include the aspiration to become a Buddha, shrines, meditation, theories on rain, wind, gender and more. The main body consists of citations from the Nikāyas, the Jātakas, the Visuddhimagga and above all, from commentarial literature. By analysing the way the Sārasaṅgaha refers to and establishes a dialogue with the quoted works, this paper promotes a new assessment of the cultural and textual tendencies (...)
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    Ve?ka?an?tha’s Engagement with Buddhist Opponents in the Buddhist Texts he Reused.Elisa Freschi - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):65-99.
    Ve?ka?an?tha was the most important systematiser of the Vi?i???dvaita school of Ved?nta. This article describes his use of Buddhist sources and shows how Ve?ka?an?tha reused Buddhist texts to a much more significant extent than his predecessors Y?muna and R?m?nuja. The reused text-passages come mostly from the epistemological school of Buddhist philosophy but there are important exceptions, attesting that Ve?ka?an?tha was also aware of Buddhist schools such as the Vaibh??ikas, of whom only little is preserved today. Given that Buddhist philosophy (...)
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    Text Recycling in Scientific Writing.Cary Moskovitz - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):813-851.
    Text recycling, often called “self-plagiarism”, is the practice of reusing textual material from one’s prior documents in a new work. The practice presents a complex set of ethical and practical challenges to the scientific community, many of which have not been addressed in prior discourse on the subject. This essay identifies and discusses these factors in a systematic fashion, concluding with a new definition of text recycling that takes these factors into account. Topics include terminology, what is not (...)
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    Some Problems Concerning Textual Reuses in the Madhyamakaratnapradīpa, with a Discussion of the Quotation from Saraha’s Dohākośagīti.Krishna Del Toso - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):511-557.
    The aim of the present study is to shed light on why the citation taken from Saraha’s Dohākośagīti and occurring in the Madhyamakaratnapradīpa, chapter 7, opens the door to some fundamental reflections concerning the authority and the “nature” of this latter text. On the basis of a historical and doctrinal analysis, here a new interpretation is put forward, according to which the Madhyamakaratnapradīpa should be considered a tenth century CE handbook, written by some unknown Buddhist teacher perhaps as a (...)
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    Rewritten or Reused? Originality, Intertextuality, and Reuse in the Writings of a Buddhist Visionary in Contemporary Tibet.Antonio Terrone - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):203-231.
    The study of Buddhist texts can inform us of the way scriptures were composed, as well as illuminate the reasons behind their production. This study examines the phenomenon of borrowing and reusing portions of texts without attributing them to their ‘legitimate authors’ within the Buddhist world of contemporary Tibet. It shows that not only is such a practice not at all infrequent and is often socially accepted, but that it is used in this case as a platform to advance specific (...)
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    Thoughts on Originality, Reuse, and Intertextuality in Buddhist Literature Derived from the Contributions to the Volume.Vesna A. Wallace - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):233-239.
    Studies in originality, authorship, and intertextuality in the contexts of the South Asian and Tibetan Buddhist literature are indispensible for uncovering the direct and indirect referential connections and the diverse modes of their production in an extensive mosaic of Buddhist texts. They also highlight the multifarious functions of textual reuses and re-workings in cultural productions and religious and literary reinvigorations. Moreover, a reintegration of explicit and silent citations and creative paraphrases and a recirculation of narrative adaptations, which have been often (...)
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  13.  41
    “Madhyamakanising” Tantric Yogācāra: The Reuse of Ratnākaraśānti’s Explanation of maṇḍala Visualisation in the Works of Śūnyasamādhivajra, Abhayākaragupta and Tsong Kha Pa.Daisy S. Y. Cheung - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (5):611-643.
    The eleventh-century Indian Buddhist master Ratnākaraśānti presents a unique Yogācāra interpretation of tantric _maṇḍala_ visualisation in the _*Guhyasamājamaṇḍalavidhiṭīkā_. In this text, he employs the neither-one-nor-many argument to assert that the qualities of the mind represented by the deities in the _maṇḍala_ are neither the same nor different from the mind itself. He also provides five scenarios of meditation to explain the necessity of practising both the perfection method (_pāramitānaya_) and the mantra method (_mantranaya_) together in Mahāyāna. Ratnākaraśānti’s explanation exerts (...)
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  14.  35
    Quotations in Grammatical Texts and the Tradition of Manuscript Transmission of the Kāśikāvṛtti.Malhar Kulkarni - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (2-3):183-190.
    The Kāśikāvṛtti, the oldest available complete commentary on Pāṇini’s grammar, the Aṣṭādhyāyī, is found quoted often in the later Pāṇinian grammatical tradition. These quotations throw light on a number of aspects of the text of the Kāśikāvṛtti. This paper focuses on how this later Pāṇinian grammatical tradition views the modifications in the text of the Aṣṭādhyāyī and concludes that also the tradition ascribes these modifications to the Kāśikāvṛtti. Further, this paper also attempts to show that these quotations can (...)
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    Quasi nani super humeros gigantum? Reusing Classical and Medieval Quotations in the Hagiographic Discourse in Tenth-Century Liège.Sibil Gruntar Vilfan & Cristian-Nicolae Gaşpar - 2021 - Clotho 3 (2):31-52.
    The paper offers a detailed investigation of select passages from the Vita II Sancti Remacli, a hagiographic text produced in the diocese of Liège in the last decades of the tenth century. The purpose of this investigation is threefold. First, to illustrate the point that the tenth-century Latin hagiographic texts produced in the diocese of Liège did not display quotations from classical and patristic authors only as petrified forms of frozen ancient wisdom with a merely decorative function, but rather (...)
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  16.  23
    Research using free text data in medical records could benefit from dynamic consent and other tools for responsible governance.Michael Morrison - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):380-381.
    As the capacity to generate, store, aggregate and combine ever greater volumes and types of data about individuals, behaviours and interactions continues to expand apace, so too does the challenge of ensuring suitable and appropriate governance of that data. In broad terms, the challenge is simple; how to ensure the (public) benefits of data, such as improvements in service delivery or individual and collective well-being, while avoiding harms such as discrimination, injustice or placing undue burdens on individuals and groups. The (...)
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    The Wolf Motif in the Hobbesian Text.Cécile Voisset-Veysseyre - 2010 - Hobbes Studies 23 (2):124-138.
    Hobbesian anthropology makes use of the wolf motif, a Roman and Republican one, by which Hobbes defines a state of nature as a state of war where men live in diffidence each other and where fear is law; the wolf is there a timid or unsociable animal, not a sanguinary or savage creature. But against ancient philosophers and moral writers - Aristotle, Cicero - who regard man as a rational being and who believe in a right reason, the modern philosopher (...)
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  18.  16
    Seneca, de beneficiis 6.19.5—a neglected text on Roman public law.Miriam Griffin & Andrew Lintott - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):731-733.
    si quis patriae meae pecuniam credat, non dicam me illius debitorem nec hoc aes alienum profitebor aut candidatus aut reus: ad exsoluendum tamen hoc dabo portionem meam.If anyone were to lend money to my country, I will not call myself his debtor nor will I declare this as money owed either when a candidate or when prosecuted: nevertheless, I will contribute my share to paying off the debt. Miriam Griffin drew attention to the comment of Justus Lipsius: ‘a defendant might (...)
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  19.  26
    Les Mites d'Assyrie Moths in the Assyrian Texts of the Second Millennium B. C.Cécile Michel & Cecile Michel - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):325.
    Old and Middle Assyrian sources dealing with moths Terminology Moth damage Conditions for moth proliferation Prevention Losses and reuse of infested textiles.
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    Introduction.Elisa Freschi & Cathy Cantwell - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):1-7.
    The bulk of the present volume focuses on the reuse of Buddhist texts. The Introduction gives some background to the topic of textual reuse in general and discusses the reasons for undertaking the analysis of textual reuse within Buddhist texts. It then elaborates on the extent of its pervasiveness within Buddhist literature through the example of Tibetan ritual texts. Lastly, it takes stock of the articles on text-reuse and discusses some general lines of interpretation of (...)
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  21.  13
    Building A Corpus of Open Ancient Greek: New Ways to Learn, Teach, and Publish.Leonard Muellner - 2021 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 10:293-305.
    Documents the history and rationale as well as the technology for the creation of an open online corpus of Ancient Greek texts, the Free First Thousand Years of Greek. Reveals the energy on a worldwide basis for building open data along with the boundless creativity around developing software tools for teaching, research, and publishing that exploit open data in ways that were impossible before.
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  22. Gandhian design for the development of Braille printers. The contribution of Industrial Design.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, Guido Amendolaggine, Florencia Tenorio & Sofia Lara Marozzi - 2019 - Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico y Social (Idts) 1 (2):16-27.
    The study, design and development of a low-cost digital braille printer is boarded with a transdisciplinary approach. The main challenge was focused on reducing significantly the high cost of this type of printers and their printing services. This context is aggravated with the low commercialization of these products in the country, a factor that makes the access of these tools -that are essential to much of the low and middle sectors of the Argentine social structure- even more difficult. An interdisciplinary (...)
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  23.  33
    Quotations, References, etc. A Glance on the Writing Habits of a Late Mīmāṃsaka.Elisa Freschi - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (2-3):219-255.
    Rāmānujācārya’s Tantrarahasya, a philosophical treatise mainly dedicated to the hermeneutics and epistemology of the Pūrva Mīmāṃsā School, might be considered hardly more than a jigsaw of reused passages, since one third of it has a direct source, and a further third has its roots in interlanguage usage. It is thus a perfect case study for investigating the compositional habits of philosophical authors in pre-modern śāstra literature. The article analyses the formal aspects of textual reuse by Rāmānujācārya and draws some (...)
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    How to accommodate grief in your life.Louisa Minkin & Francis Summers - 2016 - Philosophy of Photography 7 (1):83-113.
    This artists’ text examines the relationship between photographic images and Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) environments. We note that such scripted image worlds necessitate a fundamental reconsideration of the capacities of image, its formation, reproduction, storage and circulation. As an archaeologist would document an excavation, extending conventional methods through 3D visualization technology to work in new ways with the archaeological record, we chose to document a world built and razed digitally by a now dormant group of anonymous gamers called the (...)
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    Sa skya Paṇḍita’s Classification of Arguments by Consequence Based on the Type of the Logical Reason: Editorial Conundrum and Mathematics for Commentators.Pascale Hugon - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (5):845-887.
    This paper examines a passage of the eleventh chapter of the Rigs gter of Sa skya Paṇḍita on the division of arguments by consequence of the form “Because S is P, it follows that it is Q” with respect to the type of relation between P and Q. This passage appears in quite different versions in several available recensions of the Rigs gter, all of which are problematic to some extent. The different interpretations of the commentators can be shown to (...)
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  26. An Architecture for Linguistic and Semantic Analysis on the ARXMLIV Corpus.D. Ginev, C. David & M. Kohlhase - unknown
    The ARXMLIV corpus is a remarkable collection of text containing scientific mathematical discourse. With more than half a million documents, it is an ambitious target for large scale linguistic and semantic analysis, requiring a generalized and distributed approach. In this paper we implement an architecture which solves and automates the issues of knowledge representation and knowledge management, providing an abstraction layer for distributed development of semantic analysis tools. Furthermore, we enable document interaction and visualization and present current implementations of (...)
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  27. CTO: A Community-Based Clinical Trial Ontology and Its Applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIViewH.Asiyah Yu Lin, Stephan Gebel, Qingliang Leon Li, Sumit Madan, Johannes Darms, Evan Bolton, Barry Smith, Martin Hofmann-Apitius, Yongqun Oliver He & Alpha Tom Kodamullil - 2021 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) and 10th Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS).
    Driven by the use cases of PubChemRDF and SCAIView, we have developed a first community-based clinical trial ontology (CTO) by following the OBO Foundry principles. CTO uses the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as the top level ontology and reuses many terms from existing ontologies. CTO has also defined many clinical trial-specific terms. The general CTO design pattern is based on the PICO framework together with two applications. First, the PubChemRDF use case demonstrates how a drug Gleevec is linked to multiple (...)
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  28.  18
    Walking the Deckle Edge: Scribe or Author? Jayamuni and the Creation of the Nepalese Avadānamālā Literature.Camillo A. Formigatti - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):101-140.
    The article presents a preliminary survey of textual reuse in Nepalese collections of j?takas and avad?nas, focusing in particular on three works: the Avad?na?ataka, the Divy?vad?na, and the Dv?vi??atyavad?nakath?. The reassessment of the manuscript tradition of these three Sanskrit collections, based on Nepalese manuscripts and Tibetan translations, sheds more light on the role of scribes in the creation of these collections and of the Nepalese avad?nam?l? literature. In particular, the great role played in the 17th century by the Nepalese (...)
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    Augustine’s Case for the Multiplicity of Meanings.Tarmo Toom - 2014 - Augustinian Studies 45 (2):183-201.
    Augustine was a convinced proponent of the multiplicity of meanings. He had both theoretical and theological reasons for affirming the phenomenon of polysemy. This article deduces seven themes from Augustine’s exegetical practice and from his discussions of the principles of his exegesis, and employs these as Augustine’s arguments for the multiplicity of meanings. Augustine acknowledges the legitimacy of the many senses of the Word of God. Because scripture is an ambiguous linguistic reality, it constitutes a system of signs and it (...)
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  30. Secular and Christian Commentaries in Late Antiquity, invited chapter in The Cambridge History of Later Latin Literature, eds Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari, Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - In Gavin Kelly (ed.), The Cambridge History of Later Latin Literature, eds Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari, Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming.
    Commentaries in late antiquity were the predominant form of scholarly engagement with ancient, authoritative texts. Not only in Greek, but in Latin no less, ancient commentaries were an integral part of reading and understanding literature and philosophy (and theology, as part and parcel of philosophy at that time). I shall deal with commentaries (as self-standing works, different from glosses) on poetic, rhetorical, philosophical, and religious texts in Latin late antiquity, both ‘pagan’ and Christian. Grammatical and rhetorical education played a remarkable (...)
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    Ethical considerations for biobanking and use of genomics data in Africa: a narrative review.Mary Amoakoh-Coleman, Dorice Vieira & James Abugri - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-22.
    Background Biobanking and genomic research requires collection and storage of human tissue from study participants. From participants’ perspectives within the African context, this can be associated with fears and misgivings due to a myriad of factors including myths and mistrust of researchers. From the researchers angle ethical dilemmas may arise especially with consenting and sample reuse during storage. The aim of this paper was to explore these ethical considerations in the establishment and conduct of biobanking and genomic studies in (...)
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  32.  12
    Plagiieren als wissenschaftliche Innovation? Kritik und Akzeptanz eines vor drei Jahrhunderten skandalisierten Plagiats im Zeitalter der Exzerpierkunst.Daniel Fulda - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (2):218-238.
    The paper reconstructs the tension between the then emerging approach of emphasising authorial innovation and the traditional learned practice of adapting and reusing existing texts, which was cultivated in the early modern ars excerpendi. In 1717, a case of plagiarism occurred in the midst of a new historiographical genre (Reichshistorie) and attracted much attention. Complementing existing scholarship on early modern theories of plagiarism, the examination focuses on how learned communicative practice treated plagiarism. Contrary to the norm established in the discourse (...)
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    Digital Art in the Artlike Culture and Networked Economy.Janez Strehovec - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):137-152.
    Contemporary art based on new media is situated at the intersection of art-as-we-know-it, smart technologies, digital and algorithmic culture, networked economy, politics, as well as bio and techno sciences. Contemporary art enters into intense relations with these fields, including interactions, adoption of methodological devices and approaches, changes of the areas of activity, hybridization and amalgamation. This text explores those features of contemporary life and culture which are affected by digital art and the recombination, appropriation, remediation, reusing, repurposing, and transfer (...)
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  34. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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    The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. XVI, Inscriptions: The Decrees (review).William C. West - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):458-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at AthensWilliam C. WestA. Geoffrey Woodhead. The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. XVI, Inscriptions: The Decrees. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1997. xx 1 531 pp. 1 plan. 32 pls. Cloth, $100.A. G. Woodhead characterizes his work as “a still (...)
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    Treatability of Wastewater from a Fiqh Perspective.Hüseyin Baysa - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):415-432.
    The lack of water, which has arisen due to reasons such as climate change, excessive and misuse, has become a global problem. The reuse of wastewater is considered as an important solution to overcome this problem. With the technology developed for this purpose, wastewater is treated and used in many fields, especially in irrigation of agricultural products and parks and fire extinguishing. There is no information directly related to the methods of treating polluted water in the religious texts. In (...)
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    The beginnings of Nietzsche's theory of language.Claudia Crawford - 1988 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Beginnings of Nietzsche's Theory of Language is concerned with the years 1865 through Winter/Spring 1870-71. Four texts of Nietzsche's, "Vom Ursprung der Sprache", "Zur Teleologie", "Zu Schopenhauer", and "Anschauung Notes", are translated into English and interpreted from the perspective of Nietzsche's developing theory of language. An examination of the major influences of Schopenhauer, Kant, Eduard von Hartmann, and Frederick A. Lange are pursued. ;Theory, in this work, does not assume that it is possible to take a position of authority (...)
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    Aὐτὸς γνώσῃ. Gorgia e Filebo.Marco Gemin - 2023 - Hermes 151 (1):40-49.
    The abrupt beginning of the Philebus refers to the abrupt interruption of the dialogue with Callicles in the Gorgias. The reuse of the phrase αὐτὸς γνώσῃ (Phlb. 12a9 = Gorg. 505c9), unique in Plato, is an evident sign of the will to connect the two texts and contexts. Both of them deal with the problem of the interruption of the philosophical dialogue. The absolute lack of contextualization and the ‘open’ conclusion in the Philebus are consistent with this framework. The (...)
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    “Should It Be Considered Plagiarism?” Student Perceptions of Complex Citation Issues.Dan Childers & Sam Bruton - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (1):1-17.
    Most research on student plagiarism defines the concept very narrowly or with much ambiguity. Many studies focus on plagiarism involving large swaths of text copied and pasted from unattributed sources, a type of plagiarism that the overwhelming majority of students seem to have little trouble identifying. Other studies rely on ambiguous definitions, assuming students understand what the term means and requesting that they self-report how well they understand the concept. This study attempts to avoid these problems by examining student (...)
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    “By the Power of the Perfection of Wisdom”: The “Sūtra-Rotation” Liturgy of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā at Dunhuang.Yi Ding - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):661.
    This paper focuses on the ritual context of the 200,000-line Chinese Great Perfection of Wisdom at Dunhuang. Beside the fact that the purpose of the mass production of sūtras was to generate merit and then present a “merit gift” for the sponsor, the copies were reused as ritual instruments in the large-scale chanting liturgy called “sūtra-rotation”. This paper examines the relevant administrative documents and liturgical texts to reconstruct the three modules of the liturgy, i.e., the preparation stage, the pronouncement of (...)
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    Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge Management.John Davies, Dieter Fensel & Frank van Harmelen - 2003 - Wiley.
    With the current changes driven by the expansion of the World Wide Web, this book uses a different approach from other books on the market: it applies ontologies to electronically available information to improve the quality of knowledge management in large and distributed organizations. Ontologies are formal theories supporting knowledge sharing and reuse. They can be used to explicitly represent semantics of semi-structured information. These enable sophisticated automatic support for acquiring, maintaining and accessing information. Methodology and tools are developed (...)
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  42.  19
    Unconventional Computing, Arts, Philosophy.Andrew Adamatzky (ed.) - 2022 - World Scientific Publishing Company.
    The unique compendium re-assesses the value of future and emergent computing technologies via artistic and philosophical means. The book encourages scientists to adopt inspiring thinking of artists and philosophers to reuse scientific concepts in their works.The useful reference text consists of non-typical topics, where artistic and philosophical concepts encourage readers to adopt unconventional approaches towards computing and immerse themselves into discoveries of future emerging landscape.
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    Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Theories of Temporality and the Pātañjala Yoga Theory of Transformation (pariṇāma).Philipp A. Maas - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (5):963-1003.
    This article discusses a peculiar Sā$$\dot {\text{n}}$$n˙khya-Yoga theory of transformation (pariṇāma) that the author of the Pātañjalayogaśāstra created by drawing upon Sarvāstivāda Buddhist theories of temporality. In developing his theory, Patañjali adaptively reused the wording in which the Sarvāstivāda theories were formulated, the specific objections against these theories, and their refutations to win the philosophical debate about temporality against Sarvāstivāda Buddhism. Patañjali’s approach towards the Sarvāstivāda Buddhist theories was possible, even though his system of Yoga is based on an (...)
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    Poetry, Praise, and Patronage: Simonides in Book 4 of Horace's "Odes".Alessandro Barchiesi - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (1):5-47.
    The paper aims at reconstructing the influence of Simonides on a contiguous series of Horatian poems . The starting point is provided by the discovery of new Simonidean fragments published by Peter Parsons and by Martin West in 1992. But the research casts a wider net, including the influence of Theocritus on Horace-and of Simonides on Theoocritus-and the simultaneous and competing presence of Pindar and Simonides in late Horatian lyric. The influence of Simonides is seen in specific textual pointers-e.g., a (...)
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    Logical Contradictions and Moral-legal Paradoxes at the Intersection of Scientometrics and Ethics of Scientific Publications (Oxymorons “Self-Pillage” and “Self-Theft” in the AI-System Called “Anti-Plagiarism”).В. О Лобовиков - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):5-19.
    The subject matter of research is contradictions and moral-legal antinomies arising in the philosophy of science, in relation to a set of technologies called “Anti-Plagiarism”. The formal-logical and formal-axiological aspects of the notions “property”, “common property”, “private property”, “theft”, “plundering” and others are considered. The paper argues for the urgent necessity to allow authors unlimited reuse of any fragments of their previously published texts in their new publications actually containing novel scientific results. The condition is that such duplication is (...)
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    Observations on the Use of Quotations in Sanskrit Dharmanibandhas.Florinda De Simini - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):601-624.
    This article examines some of the strategies adopted by the authors of Sanskrit law digests in dealing with quotations. Given the peculiar nature of the Nibandhas, which in the majority of cases are almost exclusively made of quotations from authoritative texts, citations are here not only a method to support a viewpoint, but constitute the very core of the text. In order to narrow the topic, the analysis has been restricted to a sub-category of the Dharmanibandha genre, i.e. the (...)
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    Hotspots for textual dynamics: cultural semiotic approach to digital archives.Indrek Ibrus & Maarja Ojamaa - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):387-407.
    Digital cultural archives and databases are promising an era of heritage democratization and an enhancement of the role of arts in everyday cultures. It is hoped that mass digitization initiatives in many corners of the world can facilitate the secure preservation of human cultural heritage, with easy access and diverse ways for creative reuse. Understanding the dialogic processes within these increasingly vast databases necessitates a dynamic conceptualization of data they contain. The paper argues that this can be found in (...)
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    The Creative Erudition of Chapaṭa Saddhammajotipāla, a 15th-Century Grammarian and Philosopher from Burma.Aleix Ruiz-Falqués - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):389-426.
    This paper focuses on the scholastic technique of the Theravāda scholar-monk Chapaṭa Saddhammajotipāla. Chapaṭa is the author of several scholastic treatises in Pāli, the most voluminous of which is the Suttaniddesa, a commentary on the Pāli grammar of Kaccāyana. I offer a general introduction to the Pāli grammatical tradition and especially to the Pāli grammatical tradition of Burma, together with an introduction to the life and works of Chapaṭa. I also offer the first annotated translation of a passage from the (...)
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    “As it is said in a Sutra”: Freedom and Variation in Quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures in Early Bka’-gdams-pa literature.Ulrike Roesler - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):493-510.
    The phyi dar or ‛later dissemination’ of Buddhism in Tibet is known to be a crucial formative period of Tibetan Buddhism; yet, many questions still wait to be answered: How did Tibetan Buddhist teachers of this time approach the Buddhist scriptures? Did they quote from books or from memory? Did they study Buddhism through original Sūtras or exegetical literature? To what degree was the text of the scriptures fixed and standardised before the Bka’ ’gyur and the Bstan ’gyur were (...)
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    The Moral Purpose of the State: Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality in International Relations.Christian Reus-Smit - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    This book seeks to explain why different systems of sovereign states have built different types of fundamental institutions to govern interstate relations. Why, for example, did the ancient Greeks operate a successful system of third-party arbitration, while international society today rests on a combination of international law and multilateral diplomacy? Why did the city-states of Renaissance Italy develop a system of oratorical diplomacy, while the states of absolutist Europe relied on naturalist international law and "old diplomacy"? Conventional explanations of basic (...)
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