Results for 'textual practices'

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  1.  36
    Textual practices in crafting bioethics cases.Brian Hurwitz - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):395-401.
    Bioethics case reports generally treat aspects of moral fathomability, characterised and addressed in different ways. This paper reads the case as a textual model of scenarios and draws attention to its structure, narrative shape, linguistic register, and the effects of tone and temporality on reader expectation and responsiveness. Such textual elements of case composition reflect authorial purpose and influence the interpretation, including moral and ethical interpretation, of bioethics cases.
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    Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice in Eighteenth-Century Lankan Monastic Culture (review).Jonathan S. Walters - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):189-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 189-193 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice in Eighteenth-Century Lankan Monastic Culture. By Anne M. Blackburn. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. x + 241 pp. Buddhist Learning is an important study of the emergence of the Siyam Nikaya (monastic order) in eighteenth-century Kandy, Sri Lanka's last Buddhist kingdom (which fell to the British only in 1815). Blackburn focuses on educational (...)
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    Philosophy as a Way of Life: As Textual and More Than Textual Practice.Richard Shusterman - 2021 - In James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani & Kathleen Wallace (eds.), Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 40–56.
    Philosophy is typically identified with the textual practices of reading and writing and oral dialogue. It has also claimed to be an entire way of life, an art of living dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom and thus to the practices that such pursuit should entail. This chapter probes to what extent philosophy as a practice or art of living requires a literary or more generally textual form. It also considers why it should not confine itself (...)
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    Hybrid discourse and textual practice: sinology and natural history in the nineteenth century.Fa-Ti Fan - 2000 - History of Science 38 (119):25-56.
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    The Reliance on Scripture and Vicissitudes of Textual Practices in Madhyamaka Thought.Shenghai Li - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3):543.
    What texts did Buddhists of South Asia and beyond read? How did they read, interpret, and use these texts? This essay focuses primarily on the first of the two questions and examines in this connection instances of citation found in the early Mūlamadhyamakakārikā commentaries and in a related Tibetan work as evidence of the uses of Buddhist texts. The collected samples indicate two major shifts in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist textual practices. The first transition occurred in the sixth (...)
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    Finding a Place from Which to Write: the Methodology of Feminist Textual Practice'.Lynne Pearce - 1995 - In Beverley Skeggs (ed.), Feminist cultural theory: process and production. New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press. pp. 80--96.
  7.  13
    Reading the Postmodern Polity: Political Theory as Textual Practice (review).Jay S. Andrews - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):388-389.
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    “Take Care Some Seeds in the Letter”: Material and Textual Practices of Seed Exchange in the Long Eighteenth Century.Maria Zytaruk - 2019 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38:179.
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    Hermeneutics of clinical practice: The question of textuality. [REVIEW]F. Svenaeus - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (2):171-189.
    In this article I scrutinize the question whetherclinical medicine, in order to be considered ahermeneutical enterprise, must be thought of as areading of different texts. Three differentproposals for a definition of the concept of text inmedicine, suggested by other hermeneuticians, arediscussed. All three proposals are shown to beunsatisfying in various ways. Instead of attempting tofind a fourth definition of the concept of textsuitable to a hermeneutics of medicine, I then try toshow that the assumption that one needs to operatewith the (...)
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    Singing Alexandria: Music between Practice and Textual Transmission.E. Christian Kopff - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (1):82-83.
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    Buddhist Nuns and Gendered Practice: In Search of the Female Renouncer by Nirmala S. Salgado, and: Women in Pali Buddhism: Walking the Spiritual Paths in Mutual Dependence by Pascale Engelmajer, and: Women in Early Indian Buddhism: Comparative Textual Studies ed. by Alice Collett.Rita M. Gross - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:226-234.
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    Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction.Alexander A. di Lella & Ellis R. Brotzman - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):136.
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    The Textual Sublime: Deconstruction and its Differences.Hugh J. Silverman & Gary E. Aylesworth (eds.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This book addresses the question of deconstruction by asking what it is and discussing its alternatives. To what extent does deconstruction derive from a philosophical stance, and to what extent does it depend upon a set of strategies, moves, and rhetorical practices that result in criticism? Special attention is given to the formulations offered by Jacques Derrida and by Paul de Man . And what, in deconstructive terms, does it mean to translate from one textual corpus into another? (...)
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  14.  15
    Singing Alexandria: Music between Practice and Textual Transmission.E. Christian - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (1):82-83.
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    Sphere Confusion: A Textual Reconstruction of Astronomical Instruments and Observational Practice in First-millennium CE China.Daniel Patrick Morgan - 2016 - Centaurus 58 (1-2):87-103.
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    Textual Reasonings: Jewish Philosophy and Text Study at the End of the Twentieth Century.Peter Ochs & Nancy Levene - 2002
    "Textual Reasoning" is the name a family of contemporary Jewish thinkers has given to its overlapping practices of Jewish philosophy and theology. This collection represents the most public expression to date of the shared work, over a period of 12 years, of this society of "textual reasoners." Although the movement of textual reasoning is diverse and pluriform, it is characterized at bottom by the pursuit of the claim that there are significant affinities between Jewish forms of (...)
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  17.  14
    Textual materiality and abstraction in mathematics.Anna Kiel Steensen, Mikkel Willum Johansen & Morten Misfeldt - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (1):81-101.
    In this paper, we wish to explore the role that textual representations play in the creation of new mathematical objects. We do so by analyzing texts by Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813) and Évariste Galois (1811–1832), which are seen as central to the historical development of the mathematical concept of groups. In our analysis, we consider how the material features of representations relate to the changes in conceptualization that we see in the texts.Against this backdrop, we discuss the idea that new (...)
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  18.  76
    No one commits suicide: Textual analysis of ideological practices[REVIEW]Dorothy E. Smith - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):309 - 359.
  19.  29
    Theory in Practice (S.A.) Gurd Iphigenias at Aulis. Textual Multiplicity, Radical Philology. Pp. xiv + 188, figs. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2005. Cased, £21.95, US$39.95. ISBN: 978-0-8014-4329-. [REVIEW]Pantelis Michelakis - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):365-.
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    Nursing as textually mediated reality.Julianne Cheek & Trudy Rudge - 1994 - Nursing Inquiry 1 (1):15-22.
    Nursing and nursing practice both construct and are in turn constructed by the context in which they operate. Texts play a central part in that construction. As such, nursing and nursing practice can be considered to represent a reality that is textually mediated. This paper explores the notion of nursing as a textually mediated reality and offers the reader the possibility of engaging in reflection on what implications this has for nursing and their own nursing practice. The analyses provided draw (...)
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  21.  20
    Textualities of the city – from the legibility of urban space towards social and natural others in planning.Ernest W. B. Hess-Luttich - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (1-2):34-52.
    ‘Text’ has been a frequent notion in analytical conceptualizations of landscape and the city. It is mostly found in analyses of textual representations or suggestions concerning a metaphor of “reading” an (urban) landscape. In the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics the idea of the text of St. Petersburg has also been applied in analysing particular cities as organizing topics in literature and in culture more widely, but it has not happened to an equal degree in studies of actual urban spaces. (...)
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  22.  18
    Exploring xenophobic and homophobic attitudes in Malta: Linking the perception of social practice with textual analysis.Stavros Assimakopoulos & Rebecca Vella Muskat - 2017 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 13 (2).
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    Procedure manuals and textually mediated death.Beverleigh Quested & Trudy Rudge - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (4):264-272.
    Procedure manuals and textually mediated deathThe procedure manual as a document represents the practice of nursing care. Analysis of such manuals allows us to explore discourses of nursing and the ways in which they frame nursing practice. A critical analysis of a hospital procedure manual using discourse analysis was undertaken. A specific excerpt concerning ‘Last offices’ is used as an example of the institutionalisation of organisational values and beliefs as these influence nursing care. ‘Last offices’ directs nursing practices related (...)
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  24. The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism.Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland, Erroll F. Rhodes & Eldon Jay Epp - 1987
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    Textual artefacts at the centre of sensemaking: The use of discursive-material resources in constructing joint understanding in organisational workshops.Pekka Pälli & Riikka Nissi - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (2):123-145.
    The article examines the role of discourse in organisational sensemaking. By building links between the theorising undertaken within organisational studies and the empirical analysis of multimodal social interaction, it argues for a relational view of sensemaking and investigates how sense is made in and through social interaction in real organisational situations where language use intertwines with embodied actions and the manipulation of artefacts. In particular, the article studies the use of discourse technologies of textual artefacts in sensemaking processes. The (...)
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  26. Self-plagiarism or appropriate textual re-use?Tracey Bretag & Saadia Mahmud - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (3):193-205.
    Self-plagiarism requires clear definition within an environment that places integrity at the heart of the research enterprise. This paper explores the whole notion of self-plagiarism by academics and distinguishes between appropriate and inappropriate textual re-use in academic publications, while considering research on other forms of plagiarism such as student plagiarism. Based on the practical experience of the authors in identifying academics’ self-plagiarism using both electronic detection and manual analysis, a simple model is proposed for identifying self-plagiarism by academics.
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    Religion and Dialogue: Textuality, Rationality and the Re-imagining of the Public Sphere.Stephen B. Roberts - unknown
    Socially and politically significant Muslim communities are posing a challenge to the public spheres of Western Europe: can public reason in a liberal democracy be so conceived as to accommodate the religious reasons of Muslims and other religiously motivated citizens? This question, often discussed from the perspective either of political philosophy or of particular religious traditions, is addressed here instead by drawing on the theory and practice of inter-religious dialogue. The dialogue movement known as ‘scriptural reasoning’ is analysed for its (...)
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  28.  36
    Textual context in the history of political thought and intellectual history.Adrian Blau - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (8):1191-1210.
    ABSTRACTWe can easily misread historical texts if we take ideas and passages out of their textual contexts. The resulting errors are widespread, possibly even more so than errors through reading ideas and passages out of their historical contexts. Yet the methodological literature stresses the latter and says little about the former. This paper thus theorises the idea of textual context, distinguishes three types of textual context, and asks how we uncover the right textual contexts. I distinguish (...)
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  29.  74
    Method, Practice, and the Unity of Scientia in Descartes’s Regulae.Tarek R. Dika - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (2):93-110.
    For most commentators, the universality of Descartes’s method goes hand in hand with the uniformity with which it must be applied to any problem in any science. I will henceforth refer to this as the Uniformity Thesis. Finding themselves unable to identify such a uniformly applied method in any of Descartes’s extant treatises, many readers of Descartes have been led to conclude that Descartes’s method played little or no role in Cartesian science. My principle argument will be that Descartes did (...)
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    (1 other version)Ni trazas textuales, ni prácticas discursivas. Suárez y el barroco como claves de comprensión de la duda cartesiana.Óscar Barroso Fernández - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:29-46.
    This paper analyses the discussion between Foucault and Derrida on the subject of Cartesian doubt. In order to find a solution, the methodology applied retains some aspects of Foucault's analysis of discursive practices and, at the same time, goes beyond the intra-textual Derridian exegesis. In particular, the relevance of the Cartesian evil genius allows to read Cartesian philosophy in terms of baroque thought, instead of the classical rationalist reading of his works.
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    The Principles and Practice of New Testament Textual Criticism. Collected Essays. [REVIEW]J. Neville Birdsall - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):435-436.
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    Textual Practitioners: A comparison of hypertext theory and phenomenology of reading.Annamaria Carusi - 2006 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 5 (2):163-180.
    The article is an exploration of online reading from the perspective of theories of reading and interpretation based on literary theory and the phenomenology of reading literary text. One of its aims is to show that such theories can make a contribution to our understanding of reading and to our design of online reading spaces. The precursor of this stance is the form of hypertext theory originally proposed by George Landow, which predicted radical changes in reading practices with an (...)
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    New (Post-?) Textualities and the Autonomy Claim: Rethinking Law’s Quest for Normative Convergence in Dialogue with Law and Aesthetics’ Heterodoxy.Brisa Paim Duarte - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):231-258.
    Beginning by offering an overview on legal aesthetic humanisms as a specific embodiment of critical discourse, and discussing the ways the recreation of juridical experience, rationality, and culture underpinning such a criticism, leaving behind monolithic views on textuality, judgment, and subjectivity, positively contributes to unsettling the main assumptions underlying typical understandings of law’s autonomy—mostly those of formal specification of juridical “sources” and “scientific” isolation of legal thought—, this paper argues that simply reproducing aesthetic heterodoxy as the epitome of a humanist (...)
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    Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach.Anthony Grafton & Glenn W. Most (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this collection of richly documented case studies, experts in many textual traditions examine the ways in which important texts were preserved, explicated, corrected, and used for a variety of purposes. The authors describe the multiple ways in which scholars in different cultures have addressed some of the same tasks, revealing both radical differences and striking similarities in textual practices across space, time and linguistic borders. This volume shows how much is learned when historians of scholarship, like (...)
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    Two Textual Problems in Euripides' Antiope, Fr. 188.E. K. Borthwick - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (01):41-.
    In a recent article I drew attention to the fact that the well-known fable of the improvident cicada and the industrious ant has a close resemblance to the story of the twin brothers Amphion and Zethus and their classic debate on the respective merits of the artistic and practical life in Euripides' Antiope, which is reflected not only in the argument of Callicles and Socrates in the Gorgias and Horace, Ep. i. 18.
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    Textualities of the city – from the legibility of urban space towards social and natural others in planning.Tiit Remm - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (1-2):34-52.
    ‘Text’ has been a frequent notion in analytical conceptualizations of landscape and the city. It is mostly found in analyses of textual representations or suggestions concerning a metaphor of “reading” an (urban) landscape. In the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics the idea of the text of St. Petersburg has also been applied in analysing particular cities as organizing topics in literature and in culture more widely, but it has not happened to an equal degree in studies of actual urban spaces. (...)
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  37.  19
    Textual Standardization and the DSM-5 “Common Language”.Patty A. Kelly - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (2):171-189.
    In February 2010, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) launched their DSM-5 website with details about the development of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The APA invited “the general public” to review the draft diagnostic criteria and provide written comments and suggestions. This revision marks the first time the APA has solicited public review of their diagnostic manual. This article analyzes reported speech on the DSM-5 draft diagnostic criteria for the classification Posttraumatic Stress (...)
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    The aesthetics of textual production: reading and writing with Umberto Eco.Peter Pericles Trifonas - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (3):267-277.
    In The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco essentially presents an educative vision of some basic semiotic principles that infuse the textual form of a popular fictional genre—the detective story. In effect, it characterizes the postmodernization of the traditional “whodunnit” moving the genre from the realm of “the real” or the plausible into the realm of “the metaphysical” or the unthinkable. The Name of the Rose is a practical application in semiotics. Or, how the aesthetics of textual production (...)
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    ‘I make the rules on my Wall’: Privacy and identity management practices on Facebook.Mariza Georgalou - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (1):40-64.
    Much significant work on the topic of privacy and identity on social network sites stems from the realms of media, information and cultural studies, and sociology eschewing language-based disciplines almost entirely. To redress the balance, this article draws on discourse-centred online ethnography, an approach which blends online ethnography with discourse analysis, to explore how self-presentation on Facebook is regulated by means of privacy. To this end, I analyse a dataset of statuses, comments, links, photographs and interviews from five Greek users. (...)
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  40.  10
    Arts-based research across textual media in education: expanding visual epistemology.Jason D. DeHart & Peaches Hash (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    In company with its sister volume, Arts-Based Research Across Textual Media in Education explores arts-based approaches to research across media, including film and comics-related material, from a variety of geographic locations and across a range of sub-disciplines within the field of education. This first volume takes a textual focus, capturing process, poetic, and dramaturgical approaches. The authors aim to highlight some of the approaches that are not always centered in arts-based research. The contributors represent a variety of arts-based (...)
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    Back to the rough ground: Textual, oral and enactive meaning in comparative political theory.Toby Rollo - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3).
    The emerging field of comparative political theory (CPT) seeks to expand our understanding of politics through intercultural dialogues between diverse systems of political thought. CPT acknowledges diverse modes of political understanding, yet the field is still methodologically focused on textual forms of political practice and learning. I argue that the privileging of political literature in CPT has been inherited from orthodox political theory and the history of political thought and that the prioritizing of text over oral and enactive (...) places constraints on intercultural dialogue. First, methodological focus on texts inhibits dialogue with Indigenous traditions that do not prioritize text in the same way or to the same extent in the reproduction of political culture. Second, the incorporation of oral traditions tends to conflate orality with text in ways that obfuscate the contribution of enactive performance. One result of these methodological oversights is that CPT risks recapitulating some of the historical exclusionary logics that it seeks to overcome. (shrink)
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    Daoism, Practice, and Politics: From Nourishing Life to Ecological Praxis.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):792-801.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Daoism, Practice, and Politics:From Nourishing Life to Ecological PraxisEric S. Nelson (bio)I. Daoism's Multiple ModelsManhua Li, Yumi Suzuki, and Lisa Indraccola have offered evocative insights, questions, and alternatives in their contributions concerning the arguments of Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life (Nelson 2021). The present brief response and sketch of the book will not address every point in their essays, but I will strive to reply, directly and indirectly, (...)
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  43. The practical value of spurious correlations: selective versus manipulative policy.Bert Leuridan, Erik Weber & Maarten Van Dyck - 2008 - Analysis 68 (4):298-303.
    In the past 25 years, many philosophers have endorsed the view that the practical value of causal knowledge lies in the fact that manipulation of causes is a good way to bring about a desired change in the effect. This view is intuitively very plausible. For instance, we can predict a storm on the basis of a barometer reading, but we cannot avoid the storm by manipulating the state of the barometer (barometer status and storm are effects of a common (...)
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    On fluidity of the textual transmission in Abraham bar Hiyya’s Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret.Michael Friedman & David Garber - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (2):123-174.
    We examine one of the well-known mathematical works of Abraham bar Ḥiyya: Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret, written between 1116 and 1145, which is one of the first extant mathematical manuscripts in Hebrew. In the secondary literature about this work, two main theses have been presented: the first is that one Urtext exists; the second is that two recensions were written—a shorter, more practical one, and a longer, more scientific one. Critically comparing the eight known copies of the Ḥibbur, we show that (...)
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    Reconstructing Artifacts, Reconstructing Work: From Textual Edition to On-Line Databank.Karen Ruhleder - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (1):39-64.
    New media can change the way that artifacts are constructed and used. Changes in these artifacts, in turn, will be reflected in work practices and processes. This article draws on an empirical investigation of the impact of computer-based technologies on classical scholarship to discuss some of the ramifications that a switch in medium may have for work. The article defines both traditional and computer-based tools as "packages" that consist of artifacts, skill sets, data, beliefs about the work process, and (...)
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  46. Textualization, mystification and the power of the frame.Vincent Crapanzano - 2010 - In Olaf Zenker & Karsten Kumoll (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: Current Intersections of Epistemologies and Representational Practices. Berghahn Books.
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    Wallace, Darwin, and the Practice of Natural History.Melinda B. Fagan - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (4):601 - 635.
    There is a pervasive contrast in the early natural history writings of the co-discoverers of natural selection, Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin. In his writings from South America and the Malay Archipelago (1848-1852, 1854-1862). Wallace consistently emphasized species and genera, and separated these descriptions from his rarer and briefer discussions of individual organisms. In contrast, Darwin's writings during the Beagle voyage (1831-1836) emphasized individual organisms, and mingled descriptions of individuals and groups. The contrast is explained by the different (...) of the two naturalists in the field. Wallace and Darwin went to the field with different educational experiences and social connections, constrained by different responsibilities and theoretical interests. These in turn resulted in different natural history practices; i.e., different habits and working routines in the field. Wallace's intense collecting activities aimed at a complete inventory of different species and their distributions at many localities. Darwin's less intense collecting practice focused on detailed observations of individual organisms. These different practices resulted in different material, textual and conceptual products. Placing natural history practices at the center of analysis reveals connections among these diverse products, and throws light on Wallace and Darwin's respective treatment of individuals and groups in natural history. In particular, this approach clarifies the relation between individuals and groups in Wallace's theory of natural selection, and provides an integrative starting point for further investigations of the broader social factors that shaped Victorian natural history practices and their scientific products. (shrink)
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    Critical Forum Introduction: Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the Mediterranean.Burcu Kayışcı Akkoyun, Emrah Atasoy & Merve Tabur - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):127-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Critical Forum Introduction:Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the MediterraneanBurcu Kayışcı Akkoyun, Emrah Atasoy, and Merve TaburThis issue's Critical Forum takes its point of departure from two paradigm shifts. The first one has already occurred in utopian studies, as attested by the increasingly evident interest in non-Western conceptions of utopianism and representations of speculative fiction. Scholars of utopian studies such as Lyman Tower Sargent and Jacqueline Dutton have (...)
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    A Textual Note on Paul of Aegina, Pragmateia 6.88.Aileen R. Das - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):868-870.
    Paul of Aegina's (fl.c. 630)Pragmateiais the only extant Greek medical text from antiquity that discusses the extraction of arrows and small missiles. In his book on surgery, Paul details how to extract arrows according to their properties and the parts of the body which they have wounded (6.88). He prefaces his instructions by describing how arrows differ in their material, figure, size, number, mode, and power. Paul's account of arrow varieties appears to reflect the environment of his medical practice, seventh-century (...)
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    From the Textual to the Digital University. A philosophical investigation of the mediatic conditions for university thinking.Lavinia Marin - 2018 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Starting from the current trend to digitise the university, this thesis aims to clarify the specific relation between university thinking and its use of media. This thesis is an investigation concerning the sensorial and medial conditions which enable the event of thinking to emerge at the university, i.e. conditions which do not make thinking necessary, but possible. Thinking is approached as an event which can happen while studying at the university, not as an outcome, nor a disposition or skill. The (...)
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