Results for 'thông tin'

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  1. Về khả năng ứng dụng của hệ xử lý thông tin 3D và nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị trong tìm kiếm giải pháp cho vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường và biến đổi khí hậu ở Việt Nam.Quy Khuc - 2022 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 1:1-9.
    Giải quyết biến đổi khí hậu và ô nhiễm môi trường đang và sẽ là thách thức lớn của nhân loại trong thế kỷ 21. Con người không còn nhiều thời gian để sửa chữa, phục hồi đưa hệ sinh thái môi trường (tự nhiên) trở về trạng thái an toàn. Trong khi các nỗ lực trong thời gian qua chưa thực sự hiệu quả thì COP26 mở ra cơ hội lớn để nhân loại tiến gần đến mục tiêu kiềm (...)
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  2. Cải tiến phương pháp lượng giá tài nguyên sử dụng nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị và hệ xử lý thông tin SM3D.Quy Khuc - manuscript
    Cải tiến phương pháp lượng giá tài nguyên và di sản sử dụng nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị và hệ xử lý thông tin SM3D. Lý thuyết sử dụng trong bài: • Total economic value (Adger et al., 1995) • Mindsponge theory (Quan-Hoang Vuong, 2023) và khung ra quyết định mindspongeconomics (Khuc, 2022) • Tháp văn hóa (Khuc, 2023) • Lý thuyết nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị (Q.-H. Vuong, 2021) • Hệ xử lý thông tin (lý (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Tác động của yếu tố xã hội đến phản ứng của nhà đầu tư chứng khoán cá nhân trong khủng hoảng: bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc và Việt Nam.Nguyễn Phương Tri, Nguyễn Văn Quý, Giang Hoàng & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 864 (1):55-63.
    Cảm xúc là yếu tố cơ bản thúc đẩy con người đưa ra quyết định và xử lý thông tin. Sợ hãi là một trong những cảm xúc phổ biến nhất ảnh hưởng đến hành vi của nhà đầu tư cá nhân trên thị trường chứng khoán. Mặc dù nhiều nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện để khám phá tác động của nỗi sợ hãi đối với hiệu quả đầu tư và hành vi giao dịch của nhà đầu tư (...)
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  4. Vài dòng tản mạn về JSTOR, xưa và nay.Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - AISDL 2020:1-5.
    Hiện tại, hệ thống JSTOR đã có một giao diện web rất thân thiện. Họ cũng đã tăng cường các mục thông tin bài vở phổ thông, có tính cách phổ biến cập nhật thông tin khoa học. Nhiều thông tin khai thác từ lịch sử dữ liệu hàn lâm cũng rất lý thú, nhờ vào hệ thống lớn tích lũy lâu ngày của 2600 tạp chí hàn lâm hàng đầu, từ 1200 nhà xuất bản của (...)
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  5. Một số đặc điểm quan sát từ giao dịch trái phiếu.Quan-Hoang Vuong - unknown
    Dưới đây là một số quan sát từ dữ liệu giao dịch trái phiếu sơ cấp từ hệ thống thông tin trực tuyến của Sở Giao dịch Chứng khoán Hà Nội (HNX). HNX đảm nhiệm chức năng giao dịch sơ cấp tập trung đối với thị trường trái phiếu chính phủ.
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  6. Consequences of Assigning Non-Measurable Sets Imprecise Probabilities.Joshua Thong - 2024 - Mind (531):793-804.
    This paper is a discussion note on Isaacs et al. (2022), who have claimed to offer a new motivation for imprecise probabilities, based on the mathematical phenomenon of non-measurability. In this note, I clarify some consequences of their proposal. In particular, I show that if their proposal is applied to a bounded 3-dimensional space, then they have to reject at least one of the following: (i) If A is at most as probable as B and B is at most as (...)
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    The Cardinal Squaring Principle and an Alternative Axiomatization of NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (4):551-581.
    In this paper, we rigorously prove the existence of type-level ordered pairs in Quine’s New Foundations with atoms, augmented by the axiom of infinity and the axiom of choice (NFU + Inf + AC). The proof uses the cardinal squaring principle; more precisely, its instance for the (infinite) universe (VCSP), which is a theorem of NFU + Inf + AC. Therefore, we have a justification for proposing a new axiomatic extension of NFU, in order to obtain type-level ordered pairs almost (...)
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    A Modern Rigorous Approach to Stratification in NF/NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (3):451-468.
    The main feature of NF/NFU is the notion of stratification, which sets it apart from other set theories. We define stratification and prove constructively that every stratified formula has the (unique) least assignment of types. The basic notion of stratification is concerned only with variables, but we extend it to abstraction terms in order to simplify further development. We reflect on nested abstraction terms, proving that they get the expected types. These extensions enable us to check whether some complex formula (...)
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    Filtrations of generalized Veltman models.Tin Perkov & Mladen Vuković - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):412-419.
    The filtration method is often used to prove the finite model property of modal logics. We adapt this technique to the generalized Veltman semantics for interpretability logics. In order to preserve the defining properties of generalized Veltman models, we use bisimulations to define adequate filtrations. We give an alternative proof of the finite model property of interpretability logic with respect to Veltman models, and we prove the finite model property of the systems and with respect to generalized Veltman models.
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    The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma.Pe Maung Tin & G. H. Luce - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:348.
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  11. Về vai trò của nghiên cứu trong giáo dục Việt Nam thời đại 4.0.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2019 - Trang Thông Tin Điện Tử Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương 2019 (8):1-15.
    Cách mạng 4.0 đã và đang mang đến sự thay đổi lớn trong đời sống của người dân Việt Nam. Sự tiện dụng của Grab, khả năng cập nhật 24/24 của Facebook, hay sự đa dạng về nội dung của YouTube thúc đẩy xã hội tiến tới thời đại mới của khởi nghiệp điện toán (Vuong, 2019). Ở đó, mỗi cá nhân đều có cơ hội để khởi nghiệp thông qua sự kết nối đến khắp mọi nơi trên thế (...)
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    Abstract Logical Constants.Tin Perkov - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):341-350.
    A possibility of defining logical constants within abstract logical frameworks is discussed, in relation to abstract definition of logical consequence. We propose using duals as a general method of applying the idea of invariance under replacement as a criterion for logicality.
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  13. Saturated Phenomena: From Picture to Revelation in Jean-Luc Marion's Phenomenology.Mikkel B. Tin - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9):860-876.
    A phenomenon is that which appears. In his phenomenology, Jean-Luc Marion shows how a phenomenon that appears in and out of itself evades the metaphysical demand of grounding. Classical philosophy has acknowledged phenomena only in so far as they can be sanctioned by the concepts of the intellect. This holds good also of Husserl’s constitutive ego. Now, Marion distinguishes between such intuitively “poor phenomena” and the “saturated phenomena” that exceed the intentional consciousness; they are given not by the consciousness but (...)
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  14. Primitive conditional probabilities, subset relations and comparative regularity.Joshua Thong - 2023 - Analysis 84 (3):547–555.
    Rational agents seem more confident in any possible event than in an impossible event. But if rational credences are real-valued, then there are some possible events that are assigned 0 credence nonetheless. How do we differentiate these events from impossible events then when we order events? de Finetti (1975), Hájek (2012) and Easwaran (2014) suggest that when ordering events, conditional credences and subset relations are as relevant as unconditional credences. I present a counterexample to all their proposals in this paper. (...)
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  15. Computing with causal theories.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1992 - International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 6 (4):699-730.
    Formalizing commonsense knowledge for reasoning about time has long been a central issue in AI. It has been recognized that the existing formalisms do not provide satisfactory solutions to some fundamental problems, viz. the frame problem. Moreover, it has turned out that the inferences drawn do not always coincide with those one had intended when one wrote the axioms. These issues call for a well-defined formalism and useful computational utilities for reasoning about time and change. Yoav Shoham of Stanford University (...)
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  16. The logic of counteraction.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1993 - Elektrik 1 (3):167-181.
    We extend causal theories and study actions in domains involving multiple agents. Causal theories, invented by Yoav Shoham, are based on a temporal nonmonotonic logic and have computationally tractable aspects. Since Shoham's formalism does not provide an adequate mechanism for representing simultaneous actions and specifying their consequences, we introduce the notion of counteractions while preserving the efficiency and model-theoretic properties of causal theories.
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    Some characterization and preservation theorems in modal logic.Tin Perkov - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1928-1939.
    A class of Kripke models is modally definable if there is a set of modal formulas such that the class consists exactly of models on which every formula from that set is globally true. In this paper, a class is also considered definable if there is a set of formulas such that it consists exactly of models in which every formula from that set is satisfiable. The notion of modal definability is then generalized by combining these two. For thus obtained (...)
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    Boffa’s construction and models for NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-25.
    New Foundations with Urelements (NFU) is a theory that extends Quine’s original theory (New Foundations) by adding “urelements” (atoms). It was discovered by Jensen in 1969, who proved that NFU is relatively consistent with Peano arithmetic and consequently with Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZF). Jensen’s proof is rather hard to follow, so Boffa introduced a more straightforward method of constructing models for NFU from a model of ZF. However, Boffa’s presentation of his construction is extremely terse with many essential details omitted, (...)
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    Vulnerability as a Key Concept in Museum Pedagogy on Difficult Matters.Katrine Tinning - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (2):147-165.
    In recent years there has been an increasing interest in museum studies in exhibitions on what is termed Difficult Matters —such as rape and mass murder—and how such exhibitions may evoke ethical change. This raises the question about the conditions on which such exhibitions can lead to an ethical change. By developing a conceptual framework this article contributes to museum studies on Difficult Matters demonstrating how vulnerability can work as a key concept in a relational pedagogical understanding of the conditions (...)
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    Natural Deduction for Modal Logic of Judgment Aggregation.Tin Perkov - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (3-4):335-354.
    We can formalize judgments as logical formulas. Judgment aggregation deals with judgments of several agents, which need to be aggregated to a collective judgment. There are several logical formalizations of judgment aggregation. This paper focuses on a modal formalization which nicely expresses classical properties of judgment aggregation rules and famous results of social choice theory, like Arrow’s impossibility theorem. A natural deduction system for modal logic of judgment aggregation is presented in this paper. The system is sound and complete. As (...)
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  21. Situated nonmonotonic temporal reasoning with BABY-SIT.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1997 - AI Communications 10 (2):93-109.
    After a review of situation theory and previous attempts at 'computational' situation theory, we present a new programming environment, BABY-SIT, which is based on situation theory. We then demonstrate how problems requiring formal temporal reasoning can be solved in this framework. Specifically, the Yale Shooting Problem, which is commonly regarded as a canonical problem for nonmonotonic temporal reasoning, is implemented in BABY-SIT using Yoav Shoham's causal theories.
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  22. Towards situation-oriented programming languages.Erkan Tin, Varol Akman & Murat Ersan - 1995 - ACM SIGPLAN Notices 30 (1):27-36.
    Recently, there have been some attempts towards developing programming languages based on situation theory. These languages employ situation-theoretic constructs with varying degrees of divergence from the ontology of the theory. In this paper, we review three of these programming languages.
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  23. Situations and computation: an overview of recent research.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1995 - In J. Griffith, Topics in Constraint Grammar Formalism for Computational Linguistics (SfS Report 4-95). Tübingen: Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Eberhard-Karls-Universität.
    Serious thinking about the computational aspects of situation theory is just starting. There have been some recent proposals in this direction (viz. PROSIT and ASTL), with varying degrees of divergence from the ontology of the theory. We believe that a programming environment incorporating bona fide situation-theoretic constructs is needed and describe our very recent BABY-SIT implementation. A detailed critical account of PROSIT and ASTL is also offered in order to compare our system with these pioneering and influential frameworks.
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  24. BABY-SIT: a computational medium based on situations.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1993 - In Paul Dekker & Martin Stokhof, 9th Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    While situation theory and situation semantics provide an appropriate framework for a realistic model-theoretic treatment of natural language, serious thinking on their 'computational' aspects has just started. Existing proposals mainly offer a Prolog- or Lisp-like programming environment with varying degrees of divergence from the ontology of situation theory. In this paper, we introduce a computational medium (called BABY-SIT) based on situations. The primary motivation underlying BABY-SIT is to facilitate the development and testing of programs in domains ranging from linguistics to (...)
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  25. Computational situation theory.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1994 - ACM SIGART Bulletin 5 (4):4-17.
    Situation theory has been developed over the last decade and various versions of the theory have been applied to a number of linguistic issues. However, not much work has been done in regard to its computational aspects. In this paper, we review the existing approaches towards 'computational situation theory' with considerable emphasis on our own research.
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  26. Information-oriented computation with BABY-SIT.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1996 - In Jerry Seligman & Dag Westerståhl, Logic, Language and Computation, Volume 1. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications. pp. 19-34.
    While situation theory and situation semantics provide an appropriate framework for a realistic model-theoretic treatment of natural language, serious thinking on their 'computational' aspects has only recently started. Existing proposals mainly offer a Prolog- or Lisp-like programming environment with varying degrees of divergence from the ontology of situation theory. In this paper, we introduce a computational medium (called BABY-SIT) based on situations. The primary motivation underlying BABY-SIT is to facilitate the development and testing of programs in domains ranging from linguistics (...)
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  27. Situated processing of pronominal anaphora.Erkan Tin & Varol Akman - 1994 - In Harald Trost, Proceedings of KONVENS'94. Vienna, Austria: Informatik Xpress.
    We describe a novel approach to the analysis of pronominal anaphora in Turkish. A computational medium which is based on situation theory is used as our implementation tool. The task of resolving pronominal anaphora is demonstrated in this environment which employs situation-theoretic constructs for processing.
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    A Note on Logicality of Generalized Quantifiers.Tin Perkov - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (2):149-152.
    This note follows up an earlier paper in which a possibility of defining logical constants within abstract logical frameworks was discussed, by using duals as a general method of applying the idea of invariance under replacement as a criterion for logicality. In the present note, this approach is applied to the discussion on logicality of generalized quantifiers. It is demonstrated that generalized quantifiers are logical constants by this criterion.
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  29. Print︠s︡ip protivorechii︠a︡ v sovremennoĭ nauke.Zhabaĭkhan Mubarakovich Abdilʹtin (ed.) - 1975
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  30. Ideĭnye istoki i reakt︠s︡ionnai︠a︡ sushchnostʹ antikommunizma v voprosakh teoriii gosudarstva.Mikhail Iosifovich Baĭtin - 1968
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    Sushchnostʹ prava: sovremennoe normativnoe pravoponimanie na grani dvukh vekov.M. I. Baĭtin - 2005 - Moskva: Pravo i gosudarstvo.
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    Radio Guyane, entre modernité et tradition.Jean-Claude Ho Tin Noe - 2002 - Hermes 32:255.
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    Plotino y el problema de la unificación del alma con el principio primero.Fernando Gabriel Mar´tin de Blassi - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:451-479.
    Sobre la base de una línea interpretativa propiciada por la misma doctrina de Plotino, este trabajo pretende estudiar el problema que conlleva el fin último del alma humana en vista de su ascenso hacia el Uno-Bien. En varios pasajes de su obra, el filósofo sostiene que, conociendo el propio sí-mismo, se puede tomar contacto con un principio supremo, anterior incluso a la potencia intelectiva, en virtud de cuya visión es dable gozar de un amor sin medida. El remate en la (...)
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    Tracking Familial History of Reading and Math Difficulties in Children’s Academic Outcomes.Tin Q. Nguyen, Amanda Martinez-Lincoln & Laurie E. Cutting - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The current study aimed to investigate the extent to which familial history of reading and math difficulties have an impact on children’s academic outcomes within a 3-year longitudinal study, which evaluated their core reading and math skills after first and second grades, as well as performance on complex academic tasks after second and third grades. At baseline, parents were asked to complete the Adult Reading History Questionnaire and its adaption, Adult Math History Questionnaire, to index familial history of reading and (...)
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    A 4-valued framework encompassing intuitionistic and classical logic.Tin Perkov - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2):138-143.
    A 4-valued framework is proposed to distinguish intuitionistically valid formulas within classical validities.
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    Existential definability of modal frame classes.Tin Perkov & Luka Mikec - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (3):316-325.
    We prove an existential analogue of the Goldblatt‐Thomason Theorem which characterizes modal definability of elementary classes of Kripke frames using closure under model theoretic constructions. The less known version of the Goldblatt‐Thomason Theorem gives general conditions, without the assumption of first‐order definability, but uses non‐standard constructions and algebraic semantics. We present a non‐algebraic proof of this result and we prove an analogous characterization for an alternative notion of modal definability, in which a class is defined by formulas which are satisfiable (...)
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    From Anthropocentric to the Abiotic.Tina Tin - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (1):57-74.
    Over the past six decades, Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties have developed legal agreements to protect various aspects of the Antarctic environment. Strong anthropocentrism (e.g., unsustainable harvesting of marine living resources) is generally rejected, and stewardship (e.g., minimizing risks of contamination) is accepted while protection of nonanthropocentric values (e.g., wilderness and intrinsic values) is evoked when it furthers human interests. As one of the world’s remaining large wildernesses, Antarctica is under threat from the continuous expansion of the human footprint and is (...)
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    Les Amours de Cassandre: Un concours poétique.Louis-Georges Tin - 2000 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 62 (2):249-257.
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    Sculpture, Painting, and Damage.F. David Mar Tin - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (1):47-52.
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    Tredimensjonale skulpturer i fire dimensjoner.Mikkel B. Tin - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (3):116-139.
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    Constant Regions in Models of Arithmetic.Tin Lok Wong - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (4):603-624.
    This paper introduces a new theory of constant regions, which generalizes that of interstices, in nonstandard models of arithmetic. In particular, we show that two homogeneity notions introduced by Richard Kaye and the author, namely, constantness and pregenericity, are equivalent. This led to some new characterizations of generic cuts in terms of existential closedness.
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    Models of the Weak König Lemma.Tin Lok Wong - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 25:25-34.
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    How agricultural extension responds to amplified agrarian transitions in mainland Southeast Asia: experts’ reflections.Thong Anh Tran & Van Touch - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1773-1789.
    Recent decades have witnessed widespread agrarian transitions in mainland Southeast Asia. This paper examines how agrarian transitions are shaped by multiple drivers of change, and how these interwoven processes have triggered shifts in agricultural extension practices in three countries in the Lower Mekong Basin: Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Drawing on interviews with experts working on the fields of agrarian studies and rural development, this paper argues that agrarian transitions not only put a strain on agricultural extension systems in responding to (...)
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    Aftercare for participants in clinical research: ethical considerations in an asthma drug trial.S. C. Harth and Y. H. Thong - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):225.
  45.  13
    Holistic Transformation Leading to Sustainable Development in China.Chan Kei Thong - 2015 - Creative and Knowledge Society 5 (1):6-15.
    China’s phenomenal economic development since 1979 has caught the attention and envy of the rest of the world. 500 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty since then.1 Yet, it has come with a huge price which threatens not only China but the rest of the world. These challenges include corruption, environmental issues, social inequalities and a rapidly aging population. If China is not able to overcome any of these, then its development will not be sustainable and the impact (...)
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    Underdetermination of Imprecise Probabilities.Joshua Thong - 2022 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    In a fair finite lottery with n tickets, the probability assigned to each ticket winning is 1/n and no other answer. That is, 1/n is unique. Now, consider a fair lottery over the natural numbers. What probability is assigned to each ticket winning in this lottery? Well, this probability value must be smaller than 1/n for all natural numbers n. If probabilities are real-valued, then there is only one answer: 0, as 0 is the only real and non-negative value that (...)
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    On Interpretations of Arithmetic and Set Theory.Richard Kaye & Tin Lok Wong - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4):497-510.
    This paper starts by investigating Ackermann's interpretation of finite set theory in the natural numbers. We give a formal version of this interpretation from Peano arithmetic (PA) to Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the infinity axiom negated (ZF−inf) and provide an inverse interpretation going the other way. In particular, we emphasize the precise axiomatization of our set theory that is required and point out the necessity of the axiom of transitive containment or (equivalently) the axiom scheme of ∈-induction. This clarifies the (...)
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    Bisimulations and bisimulation games between Verbrugge models.Sebastijan Horvat, Tin Perkov & Mladen Vuković - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (2):231-243.
    Interpretability logic is a modal formalization of relative interpretability between first‐order arithmetical theories. Verbrugge semantics is a generalization of Veltman semantics, the basic semantics for interpretability logic. Bisimulation is the basic equivalence between models for modal logic. We study various notions of bisimulation between Verbrugge models and develop a new one, which we call w‐bisimulation. We show that the new notion, while keeping the basic property that bisimilarity implies modal equivalence, is weak enough to allow the converse to hold in (...)
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    Unifying the model theory of first-order and second-order arithmetic via WKL 0 ⁎.Ali Enayat & Tin Lok Wong - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (6):1247-1283.
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    Prolonged immigration detention, complicity and boycotts.Melanie Jansen, Alanna Sue Tin & David Isaacs - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):138-142.
    Australia’s punitive policy towards people seeking asylum deliberately causes severe psychological harm and meets recognised definitions of torture. Consequently, there is a tension between doctors’ obligation not to be complicit in torture and doctors’ obligation to provide best possible care to their patients, including those seeking asylum. In this paper, we explore the nature of complicity and discuss the arguments for and against a proposed call for doctors to boycott working in immigration detention. We conclude that a degree of complicity (...)
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