Results for 'the Ukrainian-Russian relations'

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  1.  13
    Inter-Church Relations in Orthodoxy of Ukraine as an Explication of Ukrainian-Russian Ethnic-Political Clashes.S. Zdioruk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:210-225.
    In the Ukrainian-Russian relations, especially in pre-revolutionary times, the religious component played an important role. The attitude of the Russian authorities toward Southwest Russia was shaped by the influence of several conceptions made in the church circles, which also significantly influenced the formation of Russian national identity.
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    Dmytro Ivanovich Chyzhevśkyi – Ukrainian-Russian Scholar, Professor In Germany.Brigitte Flickinger - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):101-126.
    This is an intellectual-biographical research essay on D. I. Chyzhevśkyi (1894-1977), the internationally renowned Ukraine scholar, expert on the history of philosophy, on Russian and Ukrainian philology and Slavic-German intercultural relations. He studied at Saint Petersburg University 1911-1913 and at Kyiv University 1916-1919 where he graduated with distinction. His would have been a promising academic career, however, in 1921, for political reasons Chyzhevśkyi felt compelled to leave Ukraine. He went to Germany, studied with E. Husserl in Freiburg/Breisgau, (...)
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    Diogenes Laertius, “Life and Thoughts of Famous Philosophersˮ: strategy and principles of Ukrainian translation.Lesia Zvonska & Vitalii Turenko - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):117-129.
    Diogenes Laertius's “Lives of the Eminent Philosophers” is a fictionalised account of the history of philosophy, full of philosophical concepts and scientific terminology. The Ukrainian translation strategy this work proposed by the authors aims to ensure adequacy in meaning while maximizing the uniformity of terms. The main principles of this translation are: 1) to avoid Greekisms, Latinisms and calques from the Russian language; 2) to translate Greek etymologically related concepts with single-root words; 3) to translate single-root antonymic concepts (...)
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    What We Owe to Ukrainians: A Moral Perspective on Nuclear Coercion and Military Intervention.Sophia Anastazievsky - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):31-53.
    Ukraine's war of self-defense against Russia is one of the clearest examples of a nation fighting a just war in recent history. Ukraine is clearly entitled to defend itself, and Russia is clearly obligated to cease hostilities, withdraw troops, and make repair. In light of this, some of the most salient moral questions related to Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine involve the international community; namely, what moral duties it has toward Ukraine, especially in light of Russia's extreme and pervasive (...)
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    Editorial Foreword To Three Ukrainian/ Russian Papers in Decision Science.Bertrand Munier - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (4):287-289.
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    Russian-Estonian Relations After 2007: Current Status and Development Prospects.Agata Włodarska - 2011 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 13 (1):40-47.
    Russian-Estonian Relations After 2007: Current Status and Development Prospects The article highlights the major points that have influenced relations between Russia and Estonia after 2007. These relations were rather poor during the post-Soviet period. The number of Russian people who lived in Estonia after gaining independence in 1991 exceeded 30%, which resulted in the very keen interest of Russia in Estonian politics. April 2007 created a new reality for relations between the countries. The decision (...)
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    Ukrainian protestants and Russian catholics: «Ekman Cause» and «Factor of Maidan».Mychailo Cherenkov - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:262-268.
    Ukrainian Protestantism characterized by an eastern and western traditions that allows to recover cultural and theological relationship with European Protestantism and Catholicism in the context of interfaith dialogue. Dialogue has an ecumenical potential which was found by Ukrainian Maidan of dignity.
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    Socio-religious relations in Ukrainian realities and European Union policy.Serhiy I. Zdioruk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:21-27.
    The problems of the functioning of religion in the countries of the European Union are extremely complex and ambiguous. The EU is primarily political and economic. It is in these areas that active intra-integration processes are observed: introduction of a single currency, single payment system, actual “blurring” of borders between member states, development of the Constitutional Treaty, orientation towards the creation of a common market, a common transport network, harmonization of educational systems, etc.
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    Some Features of Russian Reception of Martin Heidegger in Relation to Debates Over His Black Notebooks.Aleksandr V. Mikhailovsky - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (3):183-204.
    This article focuses on the Russian image of Heidegger as a thinker of Being, as a conservative critic of late modernity, and as a “post” philosopher. On the one hand, special interest in Heidegger...
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    Чорноморський флот російської федерації в російсько-українських відносинах (пострадянський період).Bogdan Levyk - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):48-53.
    У статті розглянуто процес розподілу Чорноморського флоту СРСР у період 1991-1997 рр. між незалежною Україною та Російською Федерацією на тлі проблеми приєднання Криму та Севастополя до УРСР 1954 р. Акцентовано увагу на неврегулюванні цього питання на міждержавному рівні. Наголошено на незмінності імперської позиції Росії щодо перегляду питання повернення Криму та Севастополя як стратегічно важливих об'єктів її зовнішньої політики в Чорноморсько-Середземноморському регіоні. Підкреслено негативне ставлення сучасних російських політиків до партійно-урядових рішень СРСР та РФРСР 1954 р. про передачу Кримської області до складу (...)
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    Popularizing in legal discourse: What efforts do Russian judges make to facilitate juror’s comprehension of law-related contents?Olga Boginskaya - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (5):527-544.
    Previous research has demonstrated that judicial instructions are not well understood by jurors tasked with returning informative verdicts, and explanatory strategies can facilitate juror’s comprehension of law-related contents. Unlike a great deal of research on legal-lay interactions in a jury trial, most of which is based on English-language materials, the present article uncovers how Russian judges communicate law-related information to the jury. The study was motivated by the lack of guidance on interactions with the jury and the challenges faced (...)
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    Transformations of state-church relations in independent Ukraine.Valeriy Klymov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:279-299.
    The more than thirteen-year co-existence of the Ukrainian state and the Church in the qualitatively new conditions prevailing in the post-Soviet space together with the formation of an independent Ukraine, functioning during this period of state-church relations give reasonably reliable grounds for scientific analysis, a number of generalizations and conclusions regarding the results and conclusions conditions of state policy on religion, church and religious organizations, ensuring in Ukraine the right of everyone to freedom of world view and religion (...)
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    Code-Switching Does Not Equal Code-Switching. An Event-Related Potentials Study on Switching From L2 German to L1 Russian at Prepositions and Nouns. [REVIEW]Jan Patrick Zeller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:526512.
    Studies on event-related potentials (ERP) in code-switching (CS) have concentrated on single-word insertions, usually nouns. However, CS ranges from inserting single words into the main language of discourse to alternating languages for larger segments of a discourse, and can occur at various syntactic positions and with various word classes. This ERP study examined native speakers of Russian who had learned German as a second language; they were asked to listen to sentences with CS from their second language, German, to (...)
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  14.  21
    Місце і роль україни в геополітичному переформатуванні світу: релігієзнавчі аспекти.Lyudmyla Fylypovych & Larysa Vladychenko - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):169-185.
    The article offers to look at modern political processes through the prism of the participation of the religious factor in them. Considering the current Russian-Ukrainian war as a kind of trigger that launched global changes in the system of international relations, burying its previous bipolar model, the authors analyze the changes that have taken place in Ukraine, in its religious segment. Ukraine is turning from a little-known part of the world religious space into an active reformer of (...)
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  15.  13
    “Philosophy in Reality” Russian-Ukrainian Initiative.V. V. Mironov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):97-100.
    The proceeding of the Round Table on "Reason vs Post-Truth: Ontology, Axiology, Geopolitics".
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    Leisure Anthropology of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland.N. V. Dobroier - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:55-60.
    _Purpose. _The article is aimed at considering the concept of leisure in the daily practice of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and identifying the main trends in its development. _Theoretical basis._ The author used the quantitative method, the method of online search for respondents, the method of monitoring social networks, and the comparative method. The study was conducted in Poland from 01.08.2022 to 31.01. 2023 as part of grant support from the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies. The study is based (...)
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  17.  33
    Ukrainian Identity in Heterogeneous European Collective Action.O. S. Polishchuk & V. S. Dudchenko - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:34-43.
    _Purpose._ This article aims at outlining the consider Ukrainian identity in the context of European collective action through the prism of value orientations/approaches. _Theoretical basis._ The following methods were used in order to cover the problem as objectively as possible: historical, analytical, comparative, socio-geographical, behavioral, and dialectical. The use of these methods contributed to tracing the peculiarities of identity and collective action in the dynamics of the historical process and social development. _Originality._ The role of identity in collective action (...)
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    Conceptualising Corporate Social Responsibility: 'Relational Governance' Assessed, Augmented, and Adapted. [REVIEW]Jenny Fairbrass & Anna Zueva-Owens - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):321-335.
    Academic interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be traced back to the 1930s. Since then an impressive body of empirical data and theory-building has been amassed, mainly located in the fields of management studies and business ethics. One of the most noteworthy recent conceptual contributions to the scholarship is Midttun’s (Corporate Governance 5(3):159–174, 2005 ) CSR-oriented embedded relational model of societal governance. It re-conceptualises the relationships between the state, business, and civil society. Other scholars (In Albareda et al. Corporate (...)
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  19.  10
    Ukrainian Civil Society: Past Lessons and Future Possibilities.Nataliia Volovchuk - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:176-187.
    In Ukrainian academia, the last decades have seen growing interest in the concept of civil society, which has been studied from different disciplinary angles. Commentators disagree on the level of development it has reached in Ukraine. They emphasize its absence in Soviet times, and the general lack of organizational initiative in contemporary Ukraine. In this essay, I show that, although these critiques of Ukrainian civil society are crucial for comprehending its historical evolution, the history of Ukrainian civil (...)
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  20.  21
    International Relations and Human Rights.V. Kartashkin - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):78-95.
    Human rights have always been an acute ideological issue. The peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems does not imply any relaxation of ideological struggle; but this struggle has to be carried on within a definite framework, without slander or interference in the domestic affairs of other states. Otherwise, it will undermine international détente, which is incompatible with any spread of suspicion, mistrust, or hostility in relations among nations. Détente implies mutual respect for the sovereignty and the laws (...)
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  21.  22
    Ukrainian Project” and it’s Discursive-Ethical Obstacles.Anatolij Karas - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:309-315.
    The perspectives of Ukraine which are outlined by the notion of the “Ukrainian project”, and determined by potential of development of civil society, as congruent with perspectives of steady international development for the sake of collaboration and peace, are examined in the article. Determination of such basic analytical notions as discursive practices of “prevailing” and “understanding” is offered with this purpose. Discourse is considered as reason for choice and giving the advantage to one meaning over the others that is (...)
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    Archival Discoveries Related to Ayn Rand’s Residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad).Mikhail Kravtsov & Mikhail Kizilov - 2022 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 22 (2):165-188.
    ABSTRACT This article provides new information about Ayn Rand’s residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad). The authors, who based the article on hitherto unknown archival documents, discovered new information regarding the exact location of the apartments where the Rosenbaums lived in the city from 1904 through the 1930s. Furthermore, the article provides information about where Rand’s grandparents, Berko (Boris) Kaplan and his wife Sarah, had been living. Additionally, it offers English translations and Russian originals of archival documents related to the (...)
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  23.  24
    Ukrainian refugees in Polish press.Natalia Zawadzka-Paluektau - 2023 - Discourse and Communication 17 (1):96-111.
    The paper examines the representations of Ukrainian refugees in Polish press at the beginning of the 2022 Russian invasion. Using corpus linguistics methods (namely, collocation analysis) it shows that the displaced Ukrainians were mostly referred to as (war) refugees and discussed with respect to their movement and reception in Poland. The study contrasts the construal of Ukrainian refugees in media outlets with different ideological and business aims. The findings are also discussed with respect to how European media (...)
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  24.  41
    Internalisation of Relations.Paweł Rojek - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1575-1593.
    The discussion about internal and external relations usually concerns what kind of relations exist. In this paper, I take up another question, namely whether external relations can become internal and internal relations become external. My starting point is the concept of a “relational collapse” formulated by the Soviet and Ukrainian philosopher Avenir Uemov. I try to develop his idea, distinguishing two senses of internal relation, based on the concepts of ground and essence. As I argue, (...)
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  25.  16
    Primary community of modern ukrainian orthodox church as a form church of sociality.Yu Borejko - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:22-33.
    In the article Boreyko Yuri Grigorovich «Primary community of modern ukrainian orthodox church as a form church of sociality» set significance of the religious community as a social phenomenon and the parish as a center of the institutional structure of the church in shaping religious orthodox believers, the ratio of the parish and the community as a form of religious associations, the nature of the participation of the believers in the daily life of religious communities and their integration into (...)
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  26.  40
    International Relations and Social Progress.R. I. Kosolapov - 1975 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (2):22-52.
    International relations has long been well known as a subject for research in the disciplines of history, economics, and law. However, little study of it has been done by experts in such extremely important fields of the social sciences as historical materialism and scientific communism. Examination of international relations from the standpoint of general theory as social relations and the methodology of such research are represented in the Marxist literature primarily in the works of Marx, Engels, and (...)
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    Historiographical research framework UkrainianVatican relations 1919 – 1921 years.Ivan Shtogryn - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:155-160.
    The article Shtogrin I.P. «Historiographical research framework UkrainianVatican relations 1919 – 1921 years» examines the state of scientific development in domestic and foreign historiography research problems of mutual relations of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Vatican during the 1919 – 1921 years have been analysed in the context of international recognition of Ukrainian statehood and Eastern plans Holy See.
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    Russian Metaphysics: Some Reactions to Zenkovsky's History.Charles Hartshorne - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (1):61 - 78.
    Professor Zenkovsky's work is a history in the grand manner --and a grand history it is. We are much indebted to Dr. George Kline for his lucid, readable translation. Our historian takes the basic theme of Russian thought to have been the relations of Christianity and secularism. This does not mean that there has been a dearth of studies in logic, philosophy of science, and so on; or that Zenkovsky neglects these or treats them unfairly or unintelligently. But (...)
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  29.  35
    Social Activity of Contemporary Ukrainian Society: Threat to Internal Stability or Possibility of Social Dialogue.Tetyana Yereskova, Oleg Mazuryk, Halyna Tymofieieva & Tetiana Opryshko - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (4):144-173.
    The article substantiates the social nature of the dichotomy of contemporary postmodern society through the analysis of the social content of possible forms of social activity. Using the terminology of S. Deetz’s theory of communication, the authors substantiate that today in Ukrainian society there are three main forms of social activity - consent; involvement; participation. The dominance of a certain form of social dialogue in society determines the nature, dynamics, direction, spatial and temporal social activity limitations. The results of (...)
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  30.  26
    "Modernism" Versus "Traditionalism" in Bourgeois Studies of International Relations.S. A. Petrovskii & L. A. Petrovskaia - 1975 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (2):69-96.
    Implementation of the Peace Program propounded by the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU is substantially furthered by the struggle against bourgeois ideology in a field directly related to interpretation of the principal problems of contemporary foreign policy - the field of the theory of international relations. Naturally, the success of this struggle depends in large degree on the depth and care with which one analyzes the conditions and tendencies characteristic of bourgeois studies of international politics.
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    Interpersonal relating.Interpersonal Relating - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 240.
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    Nature and manifestations of Ukrainian religious plurality.Anatolii Kolodnyi - forthcoming - Ukrainian Religious Studies.
    The article reveals the nature and manifestations of Ukrainian religious pluralism. Despite the constant interest in the topic - the plurality of religious life in Ukraine, science has not yet clarified the causes and roots of this phenomenon. The author analyzes the historical, psychological, socio-political factors that caused the religious diversity of Ukraine. The presence of many religious traditions within one ethnic and state territory promotes tolerant relations between bearers of different religious beliefs. Ukraine's religious plurality distinguishes Ukrainians (...)
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    Interconfessional Polemics in a Model of Ukrainian Literary History.Ihor Isichenko - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:27-44.
    Polemic texts on issues of Orthodox-Catholic relations occupy, for various reasons, a prominent place among publications in Ukrainian literature of the late 16th – early 17th centuries. Because of this, researchers of the history of Ukrainian literature continue to be interested in them. The history of the study of interconfessional polemics depends to a large extent on political contexts, primarily on the national and religious policies of states. Objective interpretation of polemical prose of the late 16th to (...)
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    Ukrainian community life of believers.Pavlo Yuriyovych Pavlenko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 46:110-134.
    The cornerstone of any religion is its anthropological concept, which seeks to determine the essential orientations of man, to outline the ideological framework of its existence, to represent the idea of ​​its essence, purpose in earthly life. The main task of the religious system is the act of involving and subordinating man to the spiritual divine realm as the realm of the transcendental existence of God. Belief in the real presence of the latter implies a new understanding of oneself, which (...)
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    Relation between Christian Realism of Reinhold Niebuhr and Neo-orthodoxy.Vitaliy Brynov - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:88-104.
    The article considers the development of the ideas of Christian realism as a philosophical and ethical concept of Reinhold Niebuhr. The background of the development of Christian realism’s ideas is described. It is noted that the most impact had Niebuhr’s personal attitude to philosophy and epistemology, as well as the practical experience of serving in Detroit. The methodological approach of Niebuhr is defined as a contrast between the ideal and the real, with the subsequent solving of the conflict between them. (...)
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    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and (...)
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    Russian identity. Alexander Pushkin vs Pyotr Chaadaev: two approaches to russian history.Ihor Nemchynov - 2003 - Sententiae 9 (2):177-186.
    The purpose of the article is to study the creative heritage of A. Pushkin and P. Chaadaev as catalysts of historiosophical reflections on the fate of Russia, which later took shape in the circles of Westernizers and Slavophiles. By comparing the positions of Pushkin and Chaadaev, the author finds out the reasons and consequences of the emergence and strengthening of the Uvarov ideological construction "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality", which is still the main identifying principle of Russian thought. Study of theses (...)
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    Russian Military Occupation and Polish Historical Myths.Jerzy J. Kolarzowski & Lesław Kawalec - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (3):47-53.
    The early 18th century saw the beginnings of Russian military occupation of Poland, followed by a secret agreement by the neighboring countries, meant to maintain a political status quo in the internal affairs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Then, the dynamics of the economic transformations of the European continent led to a permanent economic deadlock, particularly in the regions with large agricultural areas, such as Poland. Five years from the turn of the 18th century the Polish polity disappeared from the (...)
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    Ethnic Russian Minority in Estonia.Agata Włodarska-Frykowska - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (2):153-164.
    The article examines the position of Russians in Estonia and their relation with ethnic Estonians. The author analyzes models of the society integration introduced by Tallinn after 1991. The results raise questions regarding language education in Estonia, the proficiency level of Estonian is getting widely known by Russians, but on the other hand, there is still a significant part of the population that cannot communicate in Estonian. Those who have a good command of Estonian tend to be better integrated and (...)
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    Неоязичництво-рідновірство україни у його суті і перспективах.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:239-252.
    Paganism is revived. In recent years, the phenomenon of paganism has been increasingly mentioned in connection with attempts to revive it in one way or another, making it a mass religious phenomenon. Since it appears to us as a non-religious non-religious phenomenon, rather than as an intrinsic phenomenon of primordial beliefs, it is regarded as neo-paganism. It has appeared and spread in many countries and is already a worldwide phenomenon. Non-pagans often congregate in their forums, have their own international association, (...)
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    In Search of Individual and Social Sense.K. Kowacki - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:14-24.
    _Purpose._ The author of this article aims to present and analyze the views of Józef Maria Bocheński concerning the issue of the question of life’s sense based on the text "Sens życia i inne eseje". From the philosopher’s reflections under the theme of the impossibility of life’s sense in the case of community, the author analyzes Ukrainian society and tries to find an answer to the question, can the human community’s sense exist? Among the tasks are the following: to (...)
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  42. Українсько-польсько-російські відносини у висвітленні волинської періодики хіх - поч. Хх ст.Oksana Bila - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):62-68.
    The paper reviews historical and regional studies publications of Volyn periodicals in the 19 th -20 th centuries, which covered the Ukrainian-Polish-Russian relations. Their key theme lines are indicated, specifically a socio-economic line which addressed social inequality problems, enslavement of Ukrainian peasants by Polish gentry at the time when some Ukrainian regions were a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; a religious line which covered consequences of Polonization, threats to Orthodoxy, feats and courage of its defenders; (...)
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    Russian guilt and Russian irresponsibility.Anastasia Merzenina - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):575-583.
    The article deals with philosophical concepts of collective guilt and collective responsibility in the context of the RussianUkrainian conflict. Based on several ideas formulated by Kierkegaard, Hegel, and Arendt, it analyzes the phenomena of abstract collective unity and concrete action. The author concludes that contemporary Russian society needs to abandon the manifestations of the work of the “abstract”, i.e., production of feeling both of national collective pride and collective guilt. Instead, it might be useful to take the (...)
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    Політико-правовий аспект відносин самодержавства та адвентистів у контексті загального протестантського руху в другій половині хіх – перших роках хх століть.Roman Anatoliyovych Sitarchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:99-108.
    The topic of the study is a component of modern scientific exploration that examines the role of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in building our multi-denominational society. In particular, the issue of determining the place and role of the Adventist Church in society and the state is important. However, today it is possible to unleash it only by summing up the accumulated experience in this field for the whole period of the history of Adventism in Ukraine. The problem of state-confessional (...) is important, but it has not been given sufficient importance in terms of theoretical research, which sometimes leads to gross errors in the construction of these relations, which is not beneficial to society. Thus, it is interesting for us to experience the emergence of relations between the state and the Adventist faith in the Ukrainian lands that were part of the Russian Empire, since that is when the formation of the Adventist Church in the domestic territories began. (shrink)
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    German-Russian Relations in a Modern World of Change. [REVIEW]Edgar Hösch - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (1):89-90.
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    A History of Russian Philosophy.S. R. Seliga - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (21):375.
    This set reprints volumes that were orginally published by Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. in 1953. Landmark volumes at the time of their original publication, these titles do not merely expound the theoretical constructions of Russian philosophers, but also relate these constructions to the general conditions of Russian life. Volume One examines the historical conditions of the development of philosophy in Russia and explores the general features of Russian philosophy. It also surveys the principal works on the (...)
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    Requests and counters in Russian traffic police officer-citizen encounters.Rosina Márquez Reiter, Kristina Ganchenko & Anna Charalambidou - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (4):512-539.
    This paper analyses video recorded interactions between police officers and drivers in traffic stops in Russia. The interactions were recorded via cameras installed on the drivers’ car dashboards, and subsequently uploaded to YouTube; a practice to which over one million Russian motorists have resorted to counterbalance perceived high levels of bribery and corruption. The analysis focuses on responses to opening requests for identification in five different encounters. These show that the drivers repeatedly engage in potentially interpersonally sensitive activities in (...)
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    Time, Individualisation, and Ethics: Relating Vladimir Nabokov and education.Herner Saeverot - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (1):32-45.
    This article states that the concept of time we generally hold is a spatial version of time.However, a spatial time concept creates a series of problems,with unfortunate consequences for education.The problems become particularly obvious when the spatial time concept is used as a basis for the education function that is connected to the individuality of the pupils. In order to examine this problem more closely, the article turns to literature in order to get a new and different insight into education. (...)
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    Vladimir Soloviev: a Russian Newman: (1853-1900).Michel D' Herbigny - 1918 - San Rafael, Calif.: Semantron Press.
    Newman and Soloviev -- The influences of Tolstoy and Tchadaiev -- Early influences -- Soloviev as professor -- Soloviev as writer -- Soloviev as logician -- Soloviev as moralist -- The beginning of Soloviev's work as a theologian -- Soloviev's development as a theologian-questions put to the Russian hierarchy-his relations with Mgr. Strossmayer -- The conclusions of Soloviev the theologian -- Soloviev's asceticism.
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  50. Future Vs. Present in Russian and English Adjunct Clauses.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    In this work, we treat the interpretation of tense in adjunct clauses in English and Russian (relative clauses, before/after/when-clauses) with a future matrix verb. The main findings of our paper are the following: 1. English has a simultaneous reading in Present adjuncts embedded under will. Russian Present adjuncts under budet or the synthetic perfective future can only have a deictic interpretation. This follows from our SOT parameter. 2. The syntax of Russian temporal adjunct clauses (do/posle togo kak…) (...)
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