Results for 'the love of neighbor'

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  1.  61
    Loving My Neighbour, Loving Myself.Oswald Hanfling - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (264):145 - 157.
    The biblical injunction to love one's neighbour has long been regarded as a central pillar of morality. It is taken to be an ideal which gives direction to our moral aspirations, even though most of us find it difficult to live up to, owing to our selfish natures. But the difficulties I wish to raise are of a logical kind, as distinct from those depending on personal character. They fall under three headings: the first concerns the scope of ‘my (...)
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    Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.Lenn Evan Goodman - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This work is based on the prestigious Gifford Lectures, which Lenn Goodman was invited to deliver in 2005. Goodman was asked to speak about the commandment to 'love thy neighbour as thyself' from the standpoint of Judaism.
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    Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself, and: Maimonides and His Heritage.Louis E. Newman - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself, and: Maimonides and His HeritageLouis E. NewmanLove Thy Neighbor as Thyself Lenn E. Goodman New York: Oxford, 2008. 235 pp. $55.00.Maimonides and His Heritage Edited by Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Lenn E. Goodman, and James Allen Grady Albany: SUNY, 2009. $24.95.Perhaps no principle is more central to Western religious ethics than that of “loving your neighbor as yourself.” It is at (...)
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  4. Self-Love and Neighbor-Love in Kierkegaard's Ethics.Antony Aumann - 2013 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2013 (1):197–216.
    Kierkegaard faces an apparent dilemma. On the one hand, he concurs with the biblical injunction: we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. He takes this to imply that self-love and neighbor-love should be roughly symmetrical, similar in kind as well as degree. On the other hand, he recommends relating to others and to ourselves in disparate ways. We should be lenient, charitable, and forgiving when interacting with neighbors; the opposite when dealing with ourselves. The goal (...)
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    American Ideals 14. Love Thy Neighbor.Milton R. Konvitz - unknown
    Professor Konvitz quotes the Hebrew and Christian Bibles as well as modern authorities to expound the concept that the self can only be fully developed in context of the rest of humanity rather than by selfish self-interest. One’s neighbor, in this view, is to be seen as one’s fellow human and not limited to those in our immediate vicinity. The parable of the Good Samaritan is explored at length.
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    From Neighbor-Love to Utilitarianism, and Back.J. L. A. Garcia - 2015 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 89:1-32.
    Contrasting loving our neighbors with utilitarians’ demand to maximize good reveals important metatheoretic structures and dynamics that I call virtues- basing, input drive, role centering, and patient focus. First, love (good will) is a virtue; such virtues are foundational to both moral obligations and the impersonally valuable. Second, part of loving is acting lovingly. Whether and how I act lovingly, and how loving it is, is a matter of motivation; this input-driven account contrasts with highlighting actions’ outcome. Third, in (...)
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    Loving One's (Israelite) Neighbor: Election and Commandment in Leviticus 19.Joel S. Kaminsky - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (2):123-132.
    This essay illuminates a number of nuances implicit in the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” by exploring its connection to Israeli election theology as well as to the larger Priestly theology that forms much of the framework of the Torah.
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  8. Revolutionary Neighbor-Love: Kierkegaard, Marx, and Social Reform.Richard Eva & C. Stephen Evans - 2021 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 11 (1):199-218.
    In this paper we compare Kierkegaard’s and Marx’s views on social reform. Then we argue that Kierkegaard’s own reasoning is consistent with the expression of neighbor-love through collective action, i.e. social reform. However, Kierkegaard’s approach to social reform would be vastly different than Marx’s. We end by reviewing several questions that Kierkegaardian social reformers would ask themselves. Our hope is that this exploration will provide helpful insights into how those who genuinely love their neighbors ought to seek (...)
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  9. Alan Walker Tyson, 1926-2000.Oliver Neighbour - 2002 - In Neighbour Oliver, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I. pp. 367-382.
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    Practicing Neighbor Love: Empathy, Religion, and Clinical Ethics.Peter Bauck - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (3):237-252.
    The role of religion in clinical ethics consultations is contested. The religion of the ethics consultant _can be_ an important part of the consultation process and improve the quality of a consultation. Practicing neighbor love leads to empathy, which not only can improve the quality of ethics consultations but also creates a space for religion to be part of, but not imposed on, the consultation. The practice of empathy will build trust, rapport, and an intersubjective connection that improves (...)
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    Love your neighbor and yourself: a Jewish approach to modern personal ethics.Elliot N. Dorff - 2003 - Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society.
    In this, his third book on modern ethics for JPS, Elliot Dorff focuses on personal ethics, Judaism's distinctive way of understanding human nature, our role in ...
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    On helping one's neighbor.Bharat Ranganathan - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (4):653-677.
    Few people doubt that severe poverty is a pressing moral issue. But what sorts of obligations, if any, do affluent people have toward the severely poor? If one accepts the idea that one has some obligations to the severely poor there still remains disagreement about the magnitude of this obligation and when it obtains. I consider Peter Singer's influential "shallow pond" argument, which holds that affluent people have greater obligations toward the severely poor than ordinary moral judgments suggest. Critics hold (...)
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    Mobility, embodiment, and scales: Filipino immigrant perspectives on local food. [REVIEW]J. M. Valiente-Neighbours - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):531-541.
    Local foodshed proponents in the United States seek to change the food system through campaigns to “buy local” and to rediscover “good food” in the local foodshed. Presumably, common sense dictates that the word “local” signifies spatial proximity to the consumer. For some populations, however, both the terms “local” and “local food” signify various different meanings. The local food definition generally used by scholars and activists alike as “geographically proximate food” is unhelpfully narrow. Localist rhetoric often does not incorporate the (...)
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    Cosmopolitan theology: reconstituting planetary hospitality, neighbor-love, and solidarity in an uneven world.Namsoon Kang - 2013 - St. Louis: Chalice Press.
    In Cosmopolitan Theology, author Namsoon Kang proposes a theology that embraces and at the same time moves beyond collective identity position and group-based allegiances. It crosses borders of gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and ability. Kang offers a vision of a global community of radical inclusion, solidarity, and deep compassion and justice for others. Blending theology with philosophy, she crosses borders of academism and activism, and the discursive borders of modernism, postmodernism, feminism, and postcolonialism. Cosmopolitan Theology sheds a new (...)
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    Who is thy neighbour? On posthumanism, responsibility and interconnected solidarity.Jakob Signäs - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    This article engages with the question of who our neighbour is, linked to the imperative of love thy neighbour, with the aim of a broadened understanding of who should be seen as a neighbour on an ontological level. First, drawing on posthumanistic theory and its critique of human anthropocentrism, as well as ascribing subjectivity and agency outside the human sphere, it seeks to put it into relation with contemporary theological work. Secondly, it brings together the interconnectedness and interdependency argued (...)
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    Zero's Neighbour: Sam Beckett.Laurent Milesi (ed.) - 2010 - Polity.
    _Zero's Neighbour_ is Hélène Cixous's tribute to the minimalist genius of the artist in exile who courted nothingness in his writing like nobody else: Samuel Beckett. In this unabashedly personal odyssey through a sizeable range of his novels, plays and poems, Cixous celebrates Beckett’s linguistic flair and the poignant, powerful thrust of his stylistic terseness, and passionately declares her love for his unrivalled expression of the meaningless ‘precious little’ of life, its unfathomable banality ending in chaos and death. Poised (...)
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  17. Love of neighbor.Samson Hochfeld - 2009 - In Hans Küng, How to do good & avoid evil: a global ethic from the sources of Judaism. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths.
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    Is Isaac Kierkegaard's Neighbor?Timothy P. Jackson - 1997 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 17:97-119.
    I consider in this essay three possible interpretations of the infinitely rich story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 22. Against the background of what I call "the traditional reading," I compare the views of William Blake, Johannes de Silentio, and Søren Kierkegaard. Blake's poetry and painting suggest a striking alternative to our usual understanding of the story, but they finally require too radical a departure from the Biblical text. The pseudonym de Silentio's views on obedience to God, presented (...)
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    Oh my neighbors, there is no neighbor.Harris B. Bechtol - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (4-5):326-343.
    ABSTRACTThis article meditates on the Christian command to love the neighbor as yourself by focusing on how both Jacques Derrida and Søren Kierkegaard have read this command. I argue that Derrida, failing in his faithfulness to Kierkegaard, makes a mistake when he includes this command in the Greek model of the politics of friendship in his Politics of Friendship. Such a mistake is illumined by Kierkegaard’s understanding of the neighbor in this command from Works of Love (...)
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  20. Modeling item and category learning.Bradley C. Love & Douglas L. Medin - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 639--644.
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    Mutability, conceptual transformation, and context.Bradley C. Love - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 459--463.
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  22. Kierkegaard, Dylan, and masked and anonymous neighbor-love.Jamie A. Lorentzen - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski, Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press.
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  23. Predicting information needs: Adaptive display in dynamic environments.Bradley C. Love, Matt Jones, Marc T. Tomlinson & Michael Howe - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Explaining cultural evolution: an interdisciplinary endeavor.Alan Love & William C. Wimsatt - 2019 - In A. C. Love and W. C. Wimsatt, Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
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  25. Situating evolutionary developmental biology in evolutionary theory.Alan Love - 2020 - In S. M. Scheiner and D. P. Mindell, The Theory of Evolution: Principles, Concepts, and Assumptions. pp. 144-169.
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    Looking forward.Anthony Love & Alfred Allan - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love, Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley. pp. 161--169.
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  27. Aesthetic exchange: our neighbours observe and we explain: moses mendelssohn's critical encounter with Edmund Burke's aesthetics.Tom Furniss - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (1).
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    Foreign Bodies: Neighbours, Strangers, Monsters.Anne Dunlop & Cordelia Warr - 2019 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 95 (2):1-18.
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    1. Who Is My Neighbor?Nancy L. Rosenblum - 2016 - In Good Neighbors: The Democracy of Everyday Life in America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 23-43.
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    Introduction: Good Neighbor Nation.Nancy L. Rosenblum - 2016 - In Good Neighbors: The Democracy of Everyday Life in America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 1-20.
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    Pope's neighbours: An early landscape garden at Richmond.A. J. Sambrook - 1967 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 30 (1):444-446.
  32. On Being Neighbourly.Lars Hertzberg - 2002 - In Dewi Zephaniah Phillips & John H. Whittaker, The possibilities of sense. New York: Palgrave. pp. 24--38.
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  33. Efectos del sexo, escolaridad y tiempo en la relación en la satisfacción marital.A. Beltrán, M. Flores & R. Díaz Loving - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (2):5-14.
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    Consent, privacy, and confidentiality.Graham Davidson, Alfred Allan & Anthony Love - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love, Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley. pp. 77--91.
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  35. You only had to ask me once: Long-term retention requires direct queries during learning.Yasuaki Sakamoto & Bradley C. Love - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  36. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I.Neighbour Oliver - 2002
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    Deep Large Margin Nearest Neighbor for Gait Recognition.Wanjiang Xu - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):604-619.
    Gait recognition in video surveillance is still challenging because the employed gait features are usually affected by many variations. To overcome this difficulty, this paper presents a novel Deep Large Margin Nearest Neighbor (DLMNN) method for gait recognition. The proposed DLMNN trains a convolutional neural network to project gait feature onto a metric subspace, under which intra-class gait samples are pulled together as small as possible while inter-class samples are pushed apart by a large margin. We provide an extensive (...)
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    More worry and less love?Alan C. Love, Ingo Brigandt, Karola Stotz, Daniel Schweitzer & Alexander Rosenberg - 2008 - Metascience 17 (1):1-26.
    Review symposium of Alexander Rosenberg’s Darwinian Reductionism: Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Molecular Biology [2006]. -/- Worry carries with it a connotation of false concern, as in ‘your mother is always worried about you’. And yet some worrying, including that of your mother, turns out to be justified. Alexander Rosenberg’s new book is an extended argument intended to assuage false concerns about reductionism and molecular biology while encouraging a loving embrace of the two.
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  39. COMPARING PART-WHOLE REDUCTIVE EXPLANATIONS IN BIOLOGY AND PHYSICS.Alan C. Love & Andreas Hüttemann - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber, Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 183--202.
    Many biologists and philosophers have worried that importing models of reasoning from the physical sciences obscures our understanding of reasoning in the life sciences. In this paper we discuss one example that partially validates this concern: part-whole reductive explanations. Biology and physics tend to incorporate different models of temporality in part-whole reductive explanations. This results from differential emphases on compositional and causal facets of reductive explanations, which have not been distinguished reliably in prior philosophical analyses. Keeping these two facets distinct (...)
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    Stimulus selection and meaningfulness following a single opportunity to rehearse each paired associate.Franklin M. Berry, Donald A. Sherrod & Larry E. Love - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (3):209-210.
  41. Books Available List.Kerry T. Burch, Pak-Sang Lai, Michael Byram, Bettina L. Love, Darren E. Lund, E. Lisa Panayotidis, Hans Smits, Jo Towers, Richard Ognibene & A. Persistent Reformer - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1).
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    Collaborative explanation, explanatory roles, and scientific explaining in practice.Alan C. Love - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52:88-94.
    Scientific explanation is a perennial topic in philosophy of science, but the literature has fragmented into specialized discussions in different scientific disciplines. An increasing attention to scientific practice by philosophers is (in part) responsible for this fragmentation and has put pressure on criteria of adequacy for philosophical accounts of explanation, usually demanding some form of pluralism. This commentary examines the arguments offered by Fagan and Woody with respect to explanation and understanding in scientific practice. I begin by scrutinizing Fagan's concept (...)
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    (1 other version)From Universality to Inequality.Jeff Love & Todd May - 2008 - Symposium 12 (2):51-69.
    Alain Badiou argues in “Rancière and Apolitics” that Rancière has appropriated his central idea of equality from Badiou’s own work. We argue that Badiou’s characterisation of Rancière’s project is correct, but that his self-characterisation is mistaken. What Badiou’s ontology of events opens out onto is not necessarily equality, but instead universality. Equality is only one form of universality, but there is nothing in Badiou’s thought that prohibits the (multiple) universality he positsfrom being hierarchical. In the end, then, Badiou’s thought moves (...)
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    You can't play 20 questions with nature and win redux.Bradley C. Love & Robert M. Mok - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e402.
    An incomplete science begets imperfect models. Nevertheless, the target article advocates for jettisoning deep-learning models with some competency in object recognition for toy models evaluated against a checklist of laboratory findings; an approach which evokes Alan Newell's 20 questions critique. We believe their approach risks incoherency and neglects the most basic test; can the model perform its intended task.
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    Heidegger in Russia and Eastern Europe.Jeff Love (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This important collection reveals a hitherto neglected aspect of Heidegger’s impact, adding to our knowledge of the interaction between Western philosophy and Russia as well as the often neglected East European milieu.
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    Our Neighbours, Ourselves: Contemporary Reflections on Survival.Homi K. Bhabha - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    With the Hegel Lecture 2010, held by Homi K. Bhabha, the Dahlem Humanities Center is launching the Open Access publication of the series. In his talk, Bhabha evokes the spirit of Hegel in an attempt to understand contemporary issues of ethical witness, historical memory and the rights and representations of minorities in the cultural sphere. Who is our neighbour today? What does hospitality mean for our times? Why is the recognition of others such an agonizing encounter with the alterity of (...)
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    Who Is My Neighbor?Naim Ateek - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (2):156-165.
    When examined in light of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the term “neighbor” raises questions of exclusivity and inclusivity, one's understanding of God, and responsibility toward the “Other.”.
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  48. Who is my neighbour? Understanding indifference as a vice.Hallvard Lillehammer - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (4):559-579.
    Indifference is often described as a vice. Yet who is indifferent; to what; and in what way is poorly understood, and frequently subject to controversy and confusion. This paper proposes a framework for the interpretation and analysis of ethically problematic forms of indifference in terms of how different states of indifference can be either more or less dynamic, or more or less sensitive to the nature and state of their object.
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    Learning to neighbor? Service-learning in context.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):85-104.
    Service-learning has received a great deal of attention in the management education literature over the past decade, as a method by which students can acquire moral and civic values as well as gain academic knowledge and practice real-world skills. Scholars focus on student and community impact, curricular design, and rationale. However, the educational environment (“context”) in which service-learning occurs has been given less attention, although experienced educators know that the classroom is hardly a vacuum and that students learn a great (...)
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    Fostering inquiry in nonlaboratory settings.E. L. Ingram, E. Lehman, A. C. Love & K. M. Polacek - 2004 - Journal of College Science Teaching 34:39-43.
    Inquiry is an important learning strategy, even for students who cannot or do not perform actual experiments. The authors describe two activities, other than experimentation, that they used in introductory biology learning groups to emphasize inquiry abilities. They also provide recommendations for creating additional inquiry activities.
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