Results for 'theory of science'

948 found
  1.  32
    Modeling Theory in Science Education.Ibrahim A. Halloun - 2006 - Springer.
    This book is the culmination of over twenty years of work toward a pedagogical theory that promotes experiential learning of model-laden theory and inquiry in science.
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    "Observation and Theory in Science," by Ernest Nagel, Sylvain Bromberger, and Adolf Grünbaum. [REVIEW]Richard J. Blackwell - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 50 (1):135-135.
  3.  49
    Medical conspiracy theories: cognitive science and implications for ethics.Gabriel Andrade - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (3):505-518.
    Although recent trends in politics and media make it appear that conspiracy theories are on the rise, in fact they have always been present, probably because they are sustained by natural dispositions of the human brain. This is also the case with medical conspiracy theories. This article reviews some of the most notorious health-related conspiracy theories. It then approaches the reasons why people believe these theories, using concepts from cognitive science. On the basis of that knowledge, the article makes (...)
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  4. Feminist Theory in Science: Working Toward a Practical Transformation.Deboleena Roy - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):255-279.
    Although a rich tradition of feminist critiques of science exists, it is often difficult for feminists who are scientists to bridge these critiques with practical transformations in scientific knowledge production. In this paper, I go beyond the general bases of feminist critiques of science by using feminist theory in science to illustrate how a practical transformation in methodology can change molecular biology based research in the reproductive sciences.
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    The Cybernetic “General Model Theory”: Unifying Science or Epistemic Change?Barbara E. Hof - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (1):76-96.
    "The term 'model' has become fashionable". What Mary Hesse characterized in the mid-1960s as a trend in logic, mathematics, and the natural sciences, applies today in general for a broad spectrum of disciplines. Today models appear to be of "extraordinary importance" compared to the first half of the twentieth century, when models were neither mentioned nor contemplated, either generally in scientific publications or specifically in the philosophy of science. It is even assumed that models are "the key to (...)" and that today's science is largely... (shrink)
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    Habermas, Argumentation Theory, and Science Studies: Toward Interdisciplinary Cooperation.William Rehg - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (2):161-182.
    This article examines two approaches to the analysis and critical assessment of scientific argumentation. The first approach employs the discourse theory that Jurgen Habermas has developed on the basis of his theory of communicative action and applied to the areas of politics and law. Using his analysis of law and democracy in his Between Facts and Norms as a kind of template, I sketch the main steps in a Habermasian discourse theory of science. Difficulties in his (...)
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    Observation and theory in science.Ernest Nagel, Sylvain Bromberger & Adolf grünbaum - 1971 - Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Sylvain Bromberger & Adolf Grünbaum.
    The three contributions collected in this volume deal with different aspects of a single theme—the logical status of scientific theories in their relation to observation. These lectures, authored by different thinkers, treat this theme in connection with some controversies in the philosophy of science. A nonspecialist who reads these lectures should realize that the theme itself is a perennial one with an ancient lineage. It has concerned philosophers from the earliest era of philosophy on down through the centuries. A (...)
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    Problèmes de théorie des sciences.Ludwik Fleck - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (4):585-600.
    Dans cet article écrit dès son retour de déportation le grand philosophe et historien de la médecine polonais d’origine juive Ludwik Fleck se sert de la « rare opportunité » que lui a offerte l’observation de travaux sur le typhus menés à Buchenwald pour tirer des conclusions épistémologiques. Il le fait à travers un dialogue entre Simplicius, qui défend une vision de la science proche de celles du cercle de Vienne, et Sympathius, son propre représentant, qui souligne la dimension (...)
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    Neither Theory nor Science Metaphilosophical Remarks on Philosophical Elucidations.Guadalupe Reinoso - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (63).
    This article examines Wittgenstein’s philosophical reflection on philosophy: its method, its scope, and its relationship with other knowledge as central elements of the philosophical proposal the author developed in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Therefore, my proposal is to rehearse a metaphilosophical reading of Wittgenstein’s remarks about philosophy in TLP focusing, on the one hand, on his reflections on philosophy as an activity and not as a theory; on the other hand, on his categorical differentiation established between philosophical elucidations and scientific explanations. (...)
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  10. Standpoint Theory, in Science.Alison Wylie & Sergio Sismondo - 2001 - In James Wright, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). Elsevier. pp. 324-330.
    Standpoint theory is based on the insight that those who are marginalized or oppressed have distinctive epistemic resources with which to understand social structures. Inasmuch as these structures shape our understanding of the natural and lifeworlds, standpoint theorists extend this principle to a range of biological and physical as well as social sciences. Standpoint theory has been articulated as a social epistemology and as an aligned methodological stance. It provides the rationale for ‘starting research from the margins’ and (...)
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  11.  24
    Feminism, Politics, Theories and Science.Marina Calloni - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (1):87-103.
    Are women's movement and feminist theories still connected to radical politics and the interest in changing social inequalities, when feminism has been `institutionalized', for instance in the academia, and has become a mainstreaming issue in social policies? This main question was put to eminent feminist scholars, with the aim of investigating the renewed critical role of international feminism and women's/gender studies in society, science, information, education and research. A reconstruction of the main changes which have occurred to women's movements (...)
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  12.  75
    Social Theory as Science.Frank Dorr - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:360-364.
  13. Science theory for engineers and physicists.Anders E. W. Jarfors - 2025 - Boca Raton: CRC Press.
    This book is a concise hands-on guide that provides students a useful tool for a systematic approach to scientific inquiry. Science Theory for Engineers and Physicists provides a basic understanding of "the method" as a question and to understand how a reliable answer that can be validated is constructed. It covers the basic terminology and methods which are exemplified for ease of understanding for the reader. Testing of hypotheses and quantitative understanding of uncertainty and uncertainty propagation are also (...)
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  14. Problems with Feminist Standpoint Theory in Science Education.Iddo Landau - 2008 - Science & Education 17:1081-1088.
    Feminist standpoint theory has important implications for science education. The paper focuses on difficulties in standpoint theory, mostly regarding the assumptions that different social positions produce different types of knowledge, and that epistemic advantages that women might enjoy are always effective and significant. I conclude that the difficulties in standpoint theory render it too problematic to accept. Various implications for science education are indicated: we should return to the kind of science education that instructs (...)
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  15.  10
    On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies.Mikko J. Virtanen & Antti Silvast - 2023 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 48 (1):167-189.
    Our review essay contributes to the long-standing and vibrant discussion in science and technology studies (STS) on methods, methodologies, and theory–method relationships. We aim to improve the reflexivity of research by unpacking the often implicit assumptions that imbue research conduct and by offering practical tools through which STS researchers can recognize their research designs and think through them in a new way. To achieve these aims, we analyze different compositions of theories, methods, and empirics in three different STS (...)
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    (2 other versions)Concepts, Theory, and Explanation in the Behavioral Sciences.R. W. Simpson - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (1):81-83.
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    Theory and practice in the social sciences.P. H. Partridge - 1945 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 23 (1-3):90 – 121.
  18. Social theory and the social sciences.Patrick Baert - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty, The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 14.
  19. Theory Construction in Science: Strategies from Mendelian Genetics.Lindley Darden - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (3):575-577.
  20.  17
    Theory and practice in the social sciences.P. H. Partridge - 1945 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 23 (1-3):90-121.
  21. Social science and social theory.Patrick Baert - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty, The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 14--24.
  22. A. Heyting.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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  23. FS3 a# 0&b# 0-* ab# 0. FS4 a# 0-» a~ 1 existe et a~ l# 0.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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  24. Theory change in science: strategies from Mendelian genetics.Lindley Darden - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This innovative book focuses on the development of the gene theory as a case study in scientific creativity.
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  25. RUSSELL, K., and URRY, J.: "Social Theory as Science". [REVIEW]Marie Boas Hall - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30:100.
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  26. (1 other version)Science and information theory.Léon Brillouin - 1956 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    A classic source for understanding the connections between information theory and physics, this text was written by one of the giants of 20th-century physics and is appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. Topics include the principles of coding, coding problems and solutions, the analysis of signals, a summary of thermodynamics, thermal agitation and Brownian motion, and thermal noise in an electric circuit. A discussion of the negentropy principle of information introduces the author's renowned examination of Maxwell's demon. Concluding (...)
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  27.  35
    Science, social theory and public knowledge.Alan Irwin - 2003 - Philadelphia: Open University Press. Edited by Mike Michael.
    How might social theory, public understanding of science and science policy best inform one another? What have been the key features of science-society relations in the modern world? How are we to re-think science-society relations in the context of globalization, hybridity and changing patterns of governance? This topical and unique book draws together the three key perspectives on science-society relations: public understanding of science, scientific and public governance, and social theory. The book (...)
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  28.  32
    Mathematical Sciences Paul D. Sherman, Colour vision in the nineteenth century. The Young-Helmholtz-Maxwell theory. Bristol: Adam Hilger Ltd, 1981. Pp. xiii + 233. $77.00/£35.00. [REVIEW]R. Turner - 1983 - British Journal for the History of Science 16 (3):297-298.
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    Issues-Directed Science Education - Theory and Applications in Biology and Chemistry.James R. Philips & David L. Adams - 1991 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 11 (3):155-160.
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    Natural Sciences, Management Theory, and System Transformation for Sustainability.Nuno Guimarães-Costa, Tim Fort, Sandra Waddock & David Wasieleski - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):7-25.
    It is becoming clear that many of today’s management theories are inadequate theoretically and practically to move understanding, scholarship, and practice to where it needs to be for scholars, business leaders, and policy makers to cope with an increasing fraught world. This Special Issue’s focus is on sustainability. Sustainability challenges need to incorporate multidisciplinary interventions and the trans- and interdisciplinary nature of solutions. To actively seek transformation toward sustainability, fundamental and innovative short-term as well as long-term efforts are required in (...)
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  31.  12
    Category theory for the sciences.David I. Spivak - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to category theory as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language that can be used across the sciences. Category theory was invented in the 1940s to unify and synthesize different areas in mathematics, and it has proven remarkably successful in enabling powerful communication between disparate fields and subfields within mathematics. This book shows that category theory can be useful outside of mathematics as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language throughout the sciences. Information is inherently (...)
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  32.  25
    Theory convergence in emotion science is timely and realistic.Klaus R. Scherer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):154-170.
    Over the last century, emotion research has been beset by the problem of major disagreements with respect to the definition of the phenomenon and an abundance of different theories. Arguably, these divergences have had adverse effects on theory development, on the theoretical foundations of empirical research, and on knowledge accumulation in the study of emotion. Similar problems have been encountered in other areas of behavioural science. Increasingly, there have been calls to work towards some form of theory (...)
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  33.  51
    Standpoint Theory and the Psy Sciences: Can Marginalization and Critical Engagement Lead to an Epistemic Advantage?Phoebe Friesen & Jordan Goldstein - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (4):659-687.
    As participatory research practices are increasingly taken up in health research, claims related to experiential authority and expertise are frequently made. Here, in an exploration of what grounds such claims, we consider how feminist standpoint theory might apply to the psy sciences (psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and so on). Standpoint theory claims that experiences of marginalization and critical engagement can lead to a standpoint that offers an epistemic advantage within a domain of knowledge. We examine experiences of marginalization (...)
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  34.  52
    The Instinctual Nation-State: Non-Darwinian Theories, State Science and Ultra-Nationalism in Oka Asajirō’s Evolution and Human Life.Gregory Sullivan - 2011 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (3):547-586.
    In his anthology of socio-political essays, Evolution and Human Life, Oka Asajirō, early twentieth century Japan’s foremost advocate of evolutionism, developed a biological vision of the nation-state as super-organism that reflected the concerns and aims of German-inspired Meiji statism and anticipated aspects of radical ultra-nationalism. Drawing on non-Darwinian doctrines, Oka attempted to realize such a fused or organic state by enhancing social instincts that would bind the minzoku and state into a single living entity. Though mobilization during the Russo-Japanese War (...)
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  35.  92
    Théories et modèles en sciences humaines. Le cas de la géographie.Franck Varenne - 2017 - Paris, France: Editions Matériologiques.
    Face à la diversité et à la complexification des modes de formalisation, une épistémologie des méthodes scientifiques doit confronter directement ses analyses à une pluralité d’études de cas comparatives. C’est l’objectif de cet ouvrage. -/- Aussi, dans une première partie, propose-t-il d’abord une classification large et raisonnée des différentes fonctions de connaissance des théories, des modèles et des simulations (de fait, cette partie constitue un panorama d’épistémologie générale particulièrement poussé). C’est ensuite à la lumière de cette classification que les deux (...)
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  36.  64
    Theory structure in the biomedical sciences.Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (1):57-97.
  37. Critical theory to structuralism: philosophy, politics and the human sciences.David Ingram - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift, The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    Philosophy in the middle of the 20th Century, between 1920 and 1968, responded to the cataclysmic events of the time. Thinkers on the Right turned to authoritarian forms of nationalism in search of stable forms of collective identity, will, and purpose. Thinkers on the Left promoted egalitarian forms of humanism under the banner of international communism. Others saw these opposed tendencies as converging in the extinction of the individual and sought to retrieve the ideals of the Enlightenment in ways that (...)
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  38.  77
    Economic Theory and Cognitive Science: Microexplanation.Don Ross - 2007 - Bradford.
    In this study, Don Ross explores the relationship of economics to other branches of behavioral science, asking, in the course of his analysis, under what interpretation economics is a sound empirical science. The book explores the relationships between economic theory and the theoretical foundations of related disciplines that are relevant to the day-to-day work of economics -- the cognitive and behavioral sciences. It asks whether the increasingly sophisticated techniques of microeconomic analysis have revealed any deep empirical regularities (...)
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  39. Theory flexibility and inconsistency in science.Peter Vickers - 2014 - Synthese 191 (13):2891-2906.
    For several decades now philosophers have discussed apparent examples of internally inconsistent scientific theories. However, there is still much controversy over how exactly we should conceive of scientific theories in the first place. Here I argue for a new approach, whereby all of the truly important questions about inconsistency in science can be asked and answered without disagreements about theories and theory-content getting in the way. Three examples commonly described as ‘internally inconsistent theories’ are analysed in the light (...)
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  40.  2
    Practice theory and law: on practices in legal and social sciences.Maciej Dybowski, Weronika Dzięgielewska & Wojciech Rzepiński (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book engages the field of practice theory in order to consider law as a social practice. Taking up the theoretical concept of practices, the contributors to this volume maintain that law can be fruitfully understood as one among other social practices. Including perspectives from philosophers of language, experts in practice theory, linguists and legal philosophers, the book examines the twin questions of what it means for law to be considered a practice, and what law's place is among (...)
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  41.  82
    Theory and Practice in Aristotle's Natural Science.David Ebrey (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle argued that in theory one could acquire knowledge of the natural world. But he did not stop there; he put his theories into practice. This volume of new essays shows how Aristotle's natural science and philosophical theories shed light on one another. The contributors engage with both biological and non-biological scientific works and with a wide variety of theoretical works, including Physics, Generation and Corruption, On the Soul, and Posterior Analytics. The essays focus on a number of (...)
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  42.  16
    Grand theories and ideologies in the social sciences.Howard J. Wiarda (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book is a comparative analysis of all the major social science/political science grand theories. It focuses on developmentalism, dependency theory, the world systems approach, Marxism, institutionalism, rational choice, psychoanalysis, political sociology, sociobiology, environmentalism, neuro-politics, transitions to democracy, and non-Western systems of analysis. To facilitate comparison and analysis, a common framework and outline are employed throughout. An integrating introduction and conclusion help tie the book together.
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    Building Theories: Heuristics and Hypotheses in Sciences.David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    This book explores new findings on the long-neglected topic of theory construction and discovery, and challenges the orthodox, current division of scientific development into discrete stages: the stage of generation of new hypotheses; the stage of collection of relevant data; the stage of justification of possible theories; and the final stage of selection from among equally confirmed theories. The chapters, written by leading researchers, offer an interdisciplinary perspective on various aspects of the processes by which theories rationally should, and (...)
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  44. Moral science and political theory in Aristotle.Terence Irwin - 1985 - History of Political Thought 6 (1/2):150-68.
  45.  50
    Theoretical Virtues in Science: Uncovering Reality Through Theory.Samuel Schindler - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    What are the features of a good scientific theory? Samuel Schindler's book revisits this classical question in the philosophy of science and develops new answers to it. Theoretical virtues matter not only for choosing theories 'to work with', but also for what we are justified in believing: only if the theories we possess are good ones can we be confident that our theories' claims about nature are actually correct. Recent debates have focussed rather narrowly on a theory's (...)
  46.  34
    Science and Speculation: Studies in Hellenistic Theory and Practice.Jonathan Barnes & J. Brunschwig - 1982 - Paris: Cambridge University Press.
    The five hundred years from 300 B.C. to A.D. 200 were a period during which Greek science made spectacular advances and Greek philosophy underwent dramatic changes. How much did the scientists take note of the philosophical issues bearing on their pursuits? What progress did the philosophers make with methodological and theoretical issues arising out of developments in science? What influence did philosophical criticism or philosophical ideas have on specific theories in medicine or mechanics, mathematics or astronomy? These are (...)
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  47. Theory and observation in science.Jim Bogen - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Scientists obtain a great deal of the evidence they use by observingnatural and experimentally generated objects and effects. Much of thestandard philosophical literature on this subject comes from20th century logical positivists and empiricists, theirfollowers, and critics who embraced their issues and accepted some oftheir assumptions even as they objected to specific views. Theirdiscussions of observational evidence tend to focus on epistemologicalquestions about its role in theory testing. This entry follows theirlead even though observational evidence also plays important andphilosophically interesting (...)
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  48.  13
    Science et nature: La théorie buridanienne du savoir by Joël Biard.Jack Zupko - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):786-787.
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    (1 other version)Speculative science: Aby Warburg and probability theory.Hönes Hans Christian - 2017 - Latest Issue of Philosophy of Photography 8 (1-2):131-139.
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    Legal Theories and Social Science.Morris R. Cohen - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (4):469-493.
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