Results for 'truth-functions'

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  1. Grounding and truth-functions.Fabrice Correia - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (211):251-279.
    How does metaphysical grounding interact with the truth-functions? I argue that the answer varies according to whether one has a worldly conception or a conceptual conception of grounding. I then put forward a logic of worldly grounding and give it an adequate semantic characterisation.
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  2. On Truth-Functionality.Daniel J. Hill & Stephen K. Mcleod - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):628-632.
    Benjamin Schnieder has argued that several traditional definitions of truth-functionality fail to capture a central intuition informal characterizations of the notion often capture. The intuition is that the truth-value of a sentence that employs a truth-functional operator depends upon the truth-values of the sentences upon which the operator operates. Schnieder proposes an alternative definition of truth-functionality that is designed to accommodate this intuition. We argue that one traditional definition of ‘truth-functionality’ is immune from the (...)
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  3. Truth-functionality.Benjamin Schnieder - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):64-72.
    It is shown that the standard definitions of truth-functionality, though useful for their purposes, ignore some aspects of the usual informal characterisations of truth-functionality. An alternative definition is given that results in a stronger notion which pays attention to those aspects.
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  4. Truth-Functional Disparity ofp Lambda q'from Semantic Standpoint-A Study.J. Jena - 2007 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1):43.
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    The truth-functional hypothesis does not imply the liar’s paradox.Matheus Martins Silva - 2016 - Filosofia Unisinos 17 (3).
    The truth-functional hypothesis states that indicative conditional sentences and the material implication have the same truth conditions. Haze (2011) has rejected this hypothesis. He claims that a self-referential conditional, coupled with a plausible assumption about its truth-values and the assumption that the truth-functional hypothesis is true, lead to a liar’s paradox. Given that neither the self-referential conditional nor the assumption about its truth-values are problematic, the culprit of the paradox must be the truth-functional hypothesis. (...)
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  6. Truth-Functional Logic and the Form of a Tractarian Proposition.Oliver Thomas Spinney - 2022 - Public Reason 13 (2):101-105.
    In this paper I argue against Michael Morris’ claim, that the Tractatus view involves holding that the possibility of truth-functional combination is prior to the possibility for sentential constituents to combine with one another. I provide an alternative interpretation in which I deny the presence of any distinction in the Tractatus between these two possibilities. I then turn to Adrian Moore’s ‘disjunctivist’ account of sentencehood, itself inspired by the Tractatus view. I argue that Moore’s account need not involve a (...)
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    On an Argument for Truth-Functionality.Robert C. Cummins & Dale Gottlieb - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3):265 - 269.
    Quine argued that any context allowing substitution of logical equivalents and coextensive terms is truth functional. We argue that Quine's proof for this claim is flawed.
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  8. Fibring non-truth-functional logics: Completeness preservation.C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, A. Sernadas & C. Sernadas - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):183-211.
    Fibring has been shown to be useful for combining logics endowed withtruth-functional semantics. However, the techniques used so far are unableto cope with fibring of logics endowed with non-truth-functional semanticsas, for example, paraconsistent logics. The first main contribution of thepaper is the development of a suitable abstract notion of logic, that mayalso encompass systems with non-truth-functional connectives, and wherefibring can still be dealt with. Furthermore, it is shown that thisextended notion of fibring preserves completeness under certain reasonableconditions. This (...)
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  9. Peirce's Truth-functional Analysis and the Origin of the Truth Table.Irving H. Anellis - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (1):87 - 97.
    We explore the technical details and historical evolution of Charles Peirce's articulation of a truth table in 1893, against the background of his investigation into the truth-functional analysis of propositions involving implication. In 1997, John Shosky discovered, on the verso of a page of the typed transcript of Bertrand Russell's 1912 lecture on ?The Philosophy of Logical Atomism? truth table matrices. The matrix for negation is Russell's, alongside of which is the matrix for material implication in the (...)
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  10. Truth-Functional and Penumbral Intuitions.Sergi Oms - 2010 - Theoria 25 (2):137-147.
    Two of the main intuitions that underlie the phenomenon of vagueness are the truth-functional and the penumbral intuitions. After presenting and contrasting them, I will put forward Tappenden's gappy approach to vagueness (which takes into account the truth-functional intuition). I will contrast Tappenden'sview with another of the theories of vagueness that see it as a semantic phenomenon: Supervaluationism (which takes into account the penumbral intuition). Then I will analyze some objections to Tappenden's approach and some objections to Supervaluationism. (...)
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  11. Wittgenstein, Truth-Functions, and Generality.Michael Scanlan - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:175-193.
    Although it is eommon to attribute to Wittgenstein in the Tractatus a treatment of general propositions as equivalent to eonjunctions and disjunctions of instance propositions, the evidence for this is not perfeetly clear. This article considers Wittgenstein’s comments in 5.521, which can be read as rejecting such a treatment. It argues that properly situating the Tractatus historically allows for a revised reading of 5.521 and other parts of the Tractatus relevant to Wittgenstein’s theory of generality. The result is that 5.521 (...)
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    Generality, truth functions, and expressive capacity in the tractatus.Scott Soames - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (4):573-589.
  13. Truth, function and paradox.S. Shapiro - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):38-44.
    Michael Lynch’s Truth as One and Many is a contribution to the large body of philosophical literature on the nature of truth. Within that genre, advocates of truth-as-correspondence, advocates of truth-as-coherence, and the like, all hold that truth has a single underlying metaphysical nature, but they sharply disagree as to what this nature is. Lynch argues that many of these views make good sense of truth attributions for a limited stretch of discourse, but he (...)
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    Quasi-truth-functional systems of propositional logic.Nicholas Rescher - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):1-10.
  15. Conditionals and Truth Functionality.Rani Lill Anjum - manuscript
    The material interpretation of conditionals is commonly recognized as involving some paradoxical results. I here argue that the truth functional approach to natural language is the reason for the inadequacy of this material interpretation, since the truth or falsity of some pair of statements ‘p’ and ‘q’ cannot per se be decisive for the truth or falsity of a conditional relation ‘if p then q’. This inadequacy also affects the ability of the overall formal system to establish (...)
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  16. What is a Non-truth-functional Logic?João Marcos - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):215-240.
    What is the fundamental insight behind truth-functionality ? When is a logic interpretable by way of a truth-functional semantics? To address such questions in a satisfactory way, a formal definition of truth-functionality from the point of view of abstract logics is clearly called for. As a matter of fact, such a definition has been available at least since the 70s, though to this day it still remains not very widely well-known. A clear distinction can be drawn between (...)
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  17.  28
    From Games to Truth Functions: A Generalization of Giles’s Game.Christian G. Fermüller & Christoph Roschger - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):389-410.
    Motivated by aspects of reasoning in theories of physics, Robin Giles defined a characterization of infinite valued Łukasiewicz logic in terms of a game that combines Lorenzen-style dialogue rules for logical connectives with a scheme for betting on results of dispersive experiments for evaluating atomic propositions. We analyze this game and provide conditions on payoff functions that allow us to extract many-valued truth functions from dialogue rules of a quite general form. Besides finite and infinite valued Łukasiewicz (...)
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    Rational Agency from a Truth-Functional Perspective.Ekaterina Kubyshkina & Dmitry V. Zaitsev - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (4):499-520.
    The aim of the present paper is to introduce a system, where the epistemic state of an agent is represented truth-functionally. In order to obtain this system, we propose a four-valued logic, that we call the logic of rational agent, where the fact of knowing something is formalized at the level of valuations, without the explicit use of epistemic knowledge operator. On the basis of this semantics, a sound and complete system with two distinct truth-functional negations is provided. (...)
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  19. Conditionals Are Not Truth-Functional: An Argument from Peirce.Stephen Read - 1992 - Analysis 52 (1):5 - 12.
    Peirce's example puts another nail in the coffin of the truth-functionality thesis. Conditionals are not truth-functional.
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    Truth-functionality and referential opacity.Richard Sharvy - 1970 - Philosophical Studies 21 (1-2):5 - 9.
  21. A Truth-Functional Analysis of Aristotelian Logic.M. G. Evans - 1976 - International Logic Review 14:198.
  22. Undead argument: the truth-functionality objection to fuzzy theories of vagueness.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):3761–3787.
    From Fine and Kamp in the 70’s—through Osherson and Smith in the 80’s, Williamson, Kamp and Partee in the 90’s and Keefe in the 00’s—up to Sauerland in the present decade, the objection continues to be run that fuzzy logic based theories of vagueness are incompatible with ordinary usage of compound propositions in the presence of borderline cases. These arguments against fuzzy theories have been rebutted several times but evidently not put to rest. I attempt to do so in this (...)
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  23. Teaching Truth-Functional Conditionals.James Cain - 1999 - APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 98 (2):160-162.
  24. Truth-functional conditionals and modern vs. traditional syllogistic.R. B. Angell - 1986 - Mind 95 (378):210-223.
  25. Truth-functions.P. M. Simons - 1982 - Logique Et Analyse 25 (98):207.
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    A truth-functional logic for near-universal generalizations.Ian F. Carlstrom - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (4):379 - 405.
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    Reference, Truth-Functionality and Causal Sentences.A. J. Dale - 1978 - Analysis 38 (2):99 - 106.
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    The Expressive Unary Truth Functions of n -valued Logic.Stephen Pollard - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (1):93-105.
    The expressive truth functions of two-valued logic have all been identified. This paper begins the task of identifying the expressive truth functions of n-valued logic by characterizing the unary ones. These functions have distinctive algebraic, semantic, and closure-theoretic properties.
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    Temporal truth-function.Takeo Sugihara - 1970 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 3:15-26.
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    A Truth-functional Non-modal Interpretation of Ockham's Theory of Consequences.John Beierle - 1984 - Franciscan Studies 44 (1):71-80.
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    Expressive Three-valued Truth Functions.Stephen Pollard - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Logic 4:226-245.
    The expressive truth functions of two-valued logic have all been characterized, as have the expressive unary truth functions of finitely-many-valued logic. This paper introduces some techniques for identifying expressive functions in three-valued logics.
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    Truth-functional Disjunction.Joseph T. Clark - 2009 - Philosophical Studies of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 3:25 - 27.
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    Truth-function evaluation using the Polish notation.Arthur W. Burks, Don W. Warren & Jesse B. Wright - unknown
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    Truth-Functional Counterfactuals.F. T. Sommers - 1964 - Analysis 24 (Suppl-2):120 - 126.
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    Infinite truth-functional logic.Theodore Hailperin - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (1):28-33.
  36. Generalizing truth-functionality.Joao Marcos - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):511-511.
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  37. Extensional and non-truth-functional contexts.Adam Morton - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (6):159-164.
    I discuss Frege's argument - later called the slingshot - that if a construction is extensional and preserves logical equivalence then it is truth-functional. I consider some simple apparent counterexamples and conclude that they are not sentence-embedding in the required way.
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    Unate Truth Functions.Robert Mcnaughton - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):263-263.
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    Truth-Functional Logic.Roger Montague - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (60):273.
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    (1 other version)Non Truth-Functional Many-Valuedness.Buchsbaum Arthur & Jean-Yves Béziau - unknown
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    Truth-functions: A criticism.Max Black - 1936 - Analysis 4 (1):15-16.
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    Truth-functional Conjunction.Joseph T. Clark - 1952 - Philosophical Studies of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 3:24-25.
  43. Showing, analysis and the truth-functionality of logical necessity in Wittgenstein's tractatus.Leo K. C. Cheung - 2004 - Synthese 139 (1):81 - 105.
    This paper aims to explain how the Tractatus attempts to unify logic by deriving the truth-functionality of logical necessity from the thesis that a proposition shows its sense. I first interpret the Tractarian notion of showing as the displaying of what is intrinsic to an expression (or a symbol). Then I argue that, according to the Tractatus, the thesis that a proposition shows its sense implies the determinacy of sense, the possibility of the complete elimination of non-primitive symbols, the (...)
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  44. Truth-functional perturbations.Jason Xenakis - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  45. What is a Truth Functional Component?David H. Sanford - 1970 - Logique Et Analyse 52:4483-486.
    Although the truth value (falsity) of "Henry knows that (dogs live in trees and beavers chew wood)" remains unchanged no matter what sentence is substituted in it for "beavers chew wood", we want not to regard the second as a truth functional component (tfc) of the first. Many definitions of "tfc" (e.g., Quine's) fail to insure satisfaction of the following principle: if p is a component of r which is in turn a component of q, then p is (...)
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  46. Indicative conditionals are truth-functional.William H. Hanson - 1991 - Mind 100 (1):53-72.
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    Trouble no more: how non-truth-functionality makes the alethic indeterminacy solution to the Liar Paradox viable.Jay Newhard - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Jay Newhard (2021) proposes a novel solution to the Liar Paradox, which he calls the alethic indeterminacy solution to the Liar Paradox. Bradley Armour-Garb (2021) raises a pair of objections to the alethic indeterminacy solution. Both objections are based upon the alethic indeterminacy solution’s alleged commitment that the truth conditions for a Liar Sentence are indeterminate, and therefore not true. In this paper, this alleged commitment is shown to be mistaken. The alethic indeterminacy solution is compatible with maintaining that (...)
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  48. Natural Deduction for the Sheffer Stroke and Peirce’s Arrow (and any Other Truth-Functional Connective).Richard Zach - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (2):183-197.
    Methods available for the axiomatization of arbitrary finite-valued logics can be applied to obtain sound and complete intelim rules for all truth-functional connectives of classical logic including the Sheffer stroke and Peirce’s arrow. The restriction to a single conclusion in standard systems of natural deduction requires the introduction of additional rules to make the resulting systems complete; these rules are nevertheless still simple and correspond straightforwardly to the classical absurdity rule. Omitting these rules results in systems for intuitionistic versions (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Simplest normal truth functions.Raymond J. Nelson - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):105-108.
  50. Diagonalization and truth functional operators.Harry Deutsch - 2010 - Analysis 70 (2):215-217.
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