Results for 'urdoxa'

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    Percevoir et juger. Le rôle de la croyance originelle (Urdoxa) dans la théorie du jugement de Husserl.Bruce Bégout - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (1):229-264.
  2.  21
    El pluralismo desde la "razón" fenomenológica.Javier San Martín - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):515-525.
    En un reciente y sumamente interesante Congreso organizado por Nordic Society of Phenomenology y la Lithuanian Society of Phenomenology expuse, en una de las seis sesiones plenarias, lo fundamental y básico de la fenomenología husserliana de la razón a la hora de fundar las ciencias humanas. Los dos elementos fundamentales de esa fenomenología de la razón, son, por un lado, la descripción husserliana que procede de las Ideas de 1913, de que en la donación que se da en la percepción (...)
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    Critical Phenomenology and the Mythopoetics of Nature.Bryan Smyth - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):381-392.
    ABSTRACT The idea of “critical phenomenology” is premised on the belief that there is a radically critical political impetus intrinsic to phenomenology as such. This belief is sound, but its grounds are unclear. This article clarifies the sense of critical phenomenology by showing how it is based in the methodological need for a generative apprehension of nature as the outermost horizon of experience, that this horizon is pregiven in the mythic Urdoxa of the lifeworld, and that critical phenomenology ultimately (...)
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    Sous les Masques Il n’y a Pas de Visages.Annabelle Dufourcq - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:347-369.
    « Sous les masques, il n’y a pas de visages, l’homme historique n’a jamais été homme, et pourtant nul homme n’est seul » : notre article s’interroge sur le sens et les enjeux éthiques de cette affirmation merleau-pontyenne énoncée dans la préface de Signes. Partant du caractère énigmatique et très inquiétant de cette thèse et constatant sa résonance avec l’affirmations deleuzienne, dans Différence et répétition, « Les masques ne recouvrent rien, sauf d’autres masques », nous avons voulu explorer la possibilité (...)
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  5. Delusional mood and affection.Jae Ryeong Sul - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (4):467-489.
    Delusional mood is a well-recognized psychological state, often present in the prodromal stage of schizophrenia. Various phenomenological psychopathologists have proposed that delusional mood may not only precede but also contribute to the later formation of schizophrenic delusion. Hence, understanding experiential abnormalities involved with the delusional mood have been considered central for the understanding of schizophrenic delusion. Ranging from traditional and contemporary phenomenological and neurobiological accounts, it has been often mentioned that the peculiar affective saliency of the world experience may underpin (...)
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