Results for 'verslo vieta'

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  1.  33
    Outline of Article 5 of the OECD Model Convention.João Sérgio Ribeiro - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):295-312.
    The article “Outline of article 5 of the OECD model Convention” is written on a relevant topic, which is important because the object of analysis has many meanings. The author analyzes the concept of permanent establishment, provided for in Article 5 of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital. The main goal of the article is to discuss the institute of permanent establishment and to help understand it better. The (...)
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    El Proceso de Hannah Arendt. Contra su desintegración y unidad.Maria Luisa Vieta - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:530-542.
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    Marcuse’s "Transcendent Project" at 50.Marcelo Vieta - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (1):143-172.
    This article sets out to revisit Herbert Marcuse’s “transcendent project” of liberation, as well as his notion of “post-technological rationality,” which grounded this project, articulated in outline form in the last section of One-Dimensional Man and in fragments throughout his middle writings between 1955 and 1972. The aim is to assess this project’s continued validity for the struggle for alternatives to the disorganizations and enclosures of neoliberal capitalism and its perpetual moments of crises. This article first reviews Marcuse’s place within (...)
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    Jacob Klein on François Vieta’s Establishment of Algebra as the General Analytical Art.Burt C. Hopkins - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (2):51-85.
    What is at stake for Jacob Klein in François Vieta’s analytical art is the birth of both the “modern concept of ‘number’ [Zahl], as it underlies symbolic calculi” and the expanded, in contrast to ancient Greek science, scope of the generality of mathematical science itself. Of the former, Klein writes that it “heralds a general conceptual transformation which extends over the whole of modern science”. The latter, he says, lends the “treatment” [πραγματεία] at issue in the ancient Greek mathematical (...)
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  5. Filosofijos vieta tikrovės pažinimo raidoje: konferencijos, skirtos F. Engelso veikalų "Liūdvigas Fojerbachas ir klasikinės vokiečių filosofijos pabaiga" ir "Gamtos dialektika," 100-sioms metinėms pažymėti: Vilnius, 1986 m. rugsėjo 30 d.: pranešimų tezės.M. L. Shubas (ed.) - 1986 - Vilnius: Lietuvos TSR Mokslų akademija, Filosofijos, sociologijos ir teisės institutas.
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    Glaudžiai įsipynusi į dabartinį Nepriklausomybės laikotarpį: posovietinės transformacijos vieta socialinės atminties žemėlapyje šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje.Valda Budreckaitė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4).
    „Posocializmas“, „pokomunizmas“, „transformacija“ ir kiti semantiškai susiję žodžiai turi laikinumo atspalvį. Akademikai ir politikos formuotojai suvokė, kad šis laikotarpis bus sunkus eiliniams gyventojams. Svarstoma, kad Lietuvoje transformacijos laikotar­pis baigėsi – pavyzdžiui, 2004 m., šaliai įstojus į ES ir NATO. Tačiau nežinome, kada šis laikotarpis pasibaigė žiūrint iš Lietuvos gyventojų perspektyvos (jeigu apskritai pa­sibaigė). Todėl šiame straipsnyje siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, kokie su transformacija susiję periodai arba lūžiai išryškėja (jeigu išryškėja) socialinėje atmintyje. Straipsnyje laikomasi periodo definicijos, pagal kurią jis turi ribas (...)
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    Classification of Sale or Acquisition of Company Shares as a Business Transfer: Diagnostic Criteria and the Liability of the Seller (text only in Lithuanian).Virginijus Bitė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):357-378.
    The object of this study is the legal framework for the sale or purchase of company shares when the goal of the transaction is the sale of a business. The impact of such transactions on Lithuanian economic development underlines the importance of this study. The recent wave of mergers and acquisitions in Lithuania is likely to substantially increase the number of related legal disputes as well. Legislation on the purchase and sale of company shares and the resulting transfer of business (...)
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  8.  38
    Non-Competition Covenants in Case of a Business Transfer.Virginijus Bitė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):177-198.
    The validity (probability) of non-competition covenants which are typical for business transfer transactions is one of those issues on which discussions go in the international business transfer theory and practice. On one hand, such covenants help ensure the business interests of the buyer, on the other hand, by their nature, they can mean a restriction of competition, which is prohibited by law. This article, based on the analysis of the European Union, the Lithuanian and foreign legislation, case-law and doctrine, is (...)
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  9.  15
    Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra.Jacob Klein - 1968 - M. I. T. Press.
    Important study focuses on the revival and assimilation of ancient Greek mathematics in the 13th–16th centuries, via Arabic science, and the 16th-century development of symbolic algebra. This brought about the crucial change in the concept of number that made possible modern science — in which the symbolic "form" of a mathematical statement is completely inseparable from its "content" of physical meaning. Includes a translation of Vieta's Introduction to the Analytical Art. 1968 edition. Bibliography.
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  10.  79
    On the Origin of Symbolic Mathematics and Its Significance for Wittgenstein’s Thought.Sören Stenlund - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4 (1):7-92.
    The main topic of this essay is symbolic mathematics or the method of symbolic construction, which I trace to the end of the sixteenth century when Franciscus Vieta invented the algebraic symbolism and started to use the word ‘symbolic’ in the relevant, non-ontological sense. This approach has played an important role for many of the great inventions in modern mathematics such as the introduction of the decimal place-value system of numeration, Descartes’ analytic geometry, and Leibniz’s infinitesimal calculus. It was (...)
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  11.  65
    Critique of Reason and the Theory of Value: Groundwork of a Phenomenological Marxism.Ian Angus - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (1):63-80.
    There are three steps in my description of the ground-problem of value: First, Husserl’s analysis of the crisis of reason is based on the systematic loss and phenomenological recovery of the intuitive evidence of the lifeworld. But if letter symbols are essential to formalizing abstraction, as Klein’s de-sedimentation of Vieta’s institution of modern algebra shows, then the ultimate substrates upon which formalization rests cannot be “individuals” in Husserl’s sense. The consequence of the essentiality of the letter symbols to formalization (...)
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  12.  11
    The great refusal: Herbert Marcuse and contemporary social movements.Andrew T. Lamas (ed.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Herbert Marcuse examined the subjective and material conditions of radical social change and developed the "Great Refusal," a radical concept of "the protest against that which is." The editors and contributors to the exciting new volume The Great Refusal provide an analysis of contemporary social movements around the world with particular reference to Marcuse's revolutionary concept. The book also engages-and puts Marcuse in critical dialogue with-major theorists including Slavoj Žižek and Michel Foucault, among others. The chapters in this book analyze (...)
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  13. Libertà economica e controllo politico. Lo Stato commerciale chiuso di Fichte [Economic Freedom and Political Control. Fichte’s Closed Commercial State].Simone Furlani - 2005 - la Società Degli Individui 24:33-46.
    Lo Stato commerciale chiuso di J. G. Fichte fornisce un punto di vista sul rapporto tra economia e politica, agire interessato e agire etico, che consente di porre alcune distinzioni critiche all’interno della discussione attuale sulla ‘globalizzazione’. A partire dall’analisi della struttura stessa del sapere, emerge una nozione di libertà che vieta di intendere il problema nei termini di opposizione tra garanzia e controllo, libertà e limitazione. È proprio una tale idea che struttura gli ordinamenti politico-economici e giuridici e (...)
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  14. Metodologinis nacionalizmas ir naujasis kosmopolitizmas migracijos tyrimuose.Jolanta Kuznecovienė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamos kosmopolitizmo sąvokos sociologinės apibrėžtys ir metodologinio kosmopolitizmo taikymo migracijos tyrimuose privalumai. Apibrėžiant metodologinį kosmopolitizmą kaip tyrimais grindžiamą domėjimąsi žmonėmis, kurie saistosi ne tik nacionaliai ir / ar transnacionaliai, bet ir mato save kaip globalaus pasaulio dalyvį, straipsnyje teigiama, jog kosmopolitizmas suteikia galimybę pamatyti ne tik nacionalius / transnacionalius saistymusis, bet ir situacijas, vietas, erdves, kontekstus, kuriuose minėti saistymaisi suvokiami kaip nereikšmingi. Remiantis požiūriu, jog mobilumas ir transnacionalumas nėra pakankama sąlyga kosmopolitiškoms tapatybėms atsirasti, migracijos tyrimų erdvėje siūloma ieškoti (...)
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  15. Akademinės teritorijos ir jų ribos.Tomas Kačerauskas - 2013 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (1).
    Straipsnyje, remiantis ribų diskursu, komunikologijos prieigomis ir fenomenologijos nuostatomis, nagrinėjamos akademinės teritorijos ir jų ribos. Plėtojamos šios tezės: 1) akademininkas – dvigubas agentas, ne tik dirbdamas skirtingose institucijose, bet ir priklausydamas skirtingiems akademiniams lygmenims, mokslo idėjoms migruojant iš vienos akademinės teritorijos į kitą; 2) tik priklausydamas tam tikro mito bendrijai, kurios aplinkoje jis formuojasi drauge formuodamas šį mitą, akademininkas tampa savimi; 3) būdamas vienas akademininkas netapatus sau, kitaip tariant, jo nėra be akademinio fono, kurio mito ugdytinis būdamas ir kurį keisdamas (...)
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  16. On the Mathematical Representation of Spacetime: A Case Study in Historical–Phenomenological Desedimentation.Joseph Cosgrove - 2011 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 11:154-186.
    This essay is a contribution to the historical phenomenology of science, taking as its point of departure Husserl’s later philosophy of science and Jacob Klein’s seminal work on the emergence of the symbolic conception of number in European mathematics during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Sinceneither Husserl nor Klein applied their ideas to actual theories of modern mathematical physics, this essay attempts to do so through a case study of the conceptof “spacetime.” In §1, I sketch Klein’s account of (...)
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  17. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Field of Consumer Financial Services.Feliksas Petrauskas & Aida Gasiūnaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):179-194.
    Financial services have a very significant impact on and meaning to the daily life and welfare of consumers. The spectrum of these types of services is very broad, and their regulation is also changing both at EU and national (Member State) level. In order to implement the main or the most relevant EU level goals, such as high level consumer rights protection, consumer trust in business sector, proper and effective functioning of the EU internal market it is essential to ensure (...)
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  18. Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Disputes.Feliksas Petrauskas & Eglė Kybartienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):921-941.
    Consumer disputes and their nature are changing very fast every day. E-commerce is promoted by the all relevant stakeholders such as European Commission, consumers associations, competent institutions, and business sector in order to achieve the main present goal—consumer confidence in business and full functioning of the internal EU market. Here the third parties are important—trade partners from all over the word. There is no legal relation or actions between disputes and searching for the most convenient, fast, cheap and comfortable. Because (...)
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  19. Gyvenimas šiapus ir anapus ekrano.Tomas KaČerauskas - 2008 - Filosofija. Sociologija 19 (1).
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama televizija bei informacinės technologijos egzistencinės kūrybos perspektyvoje. Keliamas klausimas, ar medijuoti vaizdai gali tapti egzistencinės kūrybos veiksniais. Autorius priešina gyvenseną ir gyvenimo stilių. Pirmoji siejama su mąstymo ir egzistencijos dialektika, antrasis – su medijuotų vaizdų niveliuojančiu poveikiu. Teigiama, kad egzistencijos sąranga – ne tik kalbinė, bet ir vaizdinė. Pasak autoriaus, kūrybinė aplinka palaikoma skirtingos prigimties egzistencinių vaizdų sąšaukos dėka. Iškeliama didžioji tezė: mūsų egzistencinis projektas formuojasi skirtingų vaizdiškumo plotmių sąveikos žaizdre. Ši tezė seka iš prielaidos, kad mūsų gyvenamasis (...)
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  20.  41
    Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):132-132.
    This is a translation of Jacob Klein's study "Die Griechische Logistik und die Entstehung der Algebra" which appeared in 1934-1936. His principal thesis is that the Renaissance mathematicians of the sixteenth century did not simply continue the work of the Greek and Arab mathematicians but in the process of developing ancient mathematics introduced a radically new conception of number which has since guided modern mathematical thought. The central figure in this revolution is Vieta. Klein traces the influence of (...)'s ideas upon Stevin, Descartes, Wallis, and other figures of the scientific revolution, after discussing the conception of number and arithmetic in Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek sources. Persons reading this book with a primary interest in the philosophical ideas involved will be frustrated by the mass of historical detail which often obscures rather than illuminates the philosophical issues. But the book deserves its reputation as an important historical study.--R. H. K. (shrink)
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    The Supervision of Business Entities in Lithuania: Key Problems of the Legal Regulation and Possible Solutions.Algimantas Urmonas & Virginijus Kanapinskas - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):317-327.
    The article analyses the legal, economic and other problems of the legal regulation of supervision of business entities in Lithuania and outlines solutions to these problems. The first chapter describes the present situation of the legal regulation of supervision of businesses in Lithuania. The second chapter analyses the problems of the legal regulation of business supervision that the authors consider the most important. The article concludes by offering solutions to the key issues identified.
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    Protection of Creditors' Rights in Asset Deal.Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):199-212.
    The Civil Code of Lithuania re-established enterprise (business) as a self-sufficient object of civil rights and introduced several legal transanctions with it, the so- called asset deals (sale-purchase of enterprise and lease of enterprise). Since every transfer of enterprise comprises the transfer (delegation) of debts to the new owner, the legal regulation on asset deals must be orientated to the protection of creditors’ rights. However, the legal practice showed that the existing legal regulation regarding asset deals, in particular the mechanism (...)
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  23.  38
    Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Field of Consumer Energy Services in the Eu.Feliksas Petrauskas & Aida Gasiūnaitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):119-139.
    Energy services have a particularly significant impact on the daily life and welfare of consumers. The importance of such services is high, and their regulation is also changing both at the EU and Member States level, especially after the adoption of the Third Energy Package1, which is focused on improving the operation of retail markets to yield real benefits for both electricity and gas consumers. In order to implement the main or the most relevant goal of the EU, such as (...)
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    Space, Place, Haven: Levinas’s Phenomenology of Home.Jolanta Saldukaitytė - 2020 - Problemos 2020:58-68.
    By distinguishing between space and place, the article situates and analyses the meaning of the closest place – home – in the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. The effort to encounter transcendence, to escape, to leave, to not be attached a particular place, and not to be driven by a nostalgia to return, is dominant in Levinas’s philosophy. This article shows that dwelling in a place, as settling in a home, also has a positive meaning for Levinas. This positive meaning comes, (...)
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