Results for 'Łukasz Kucharczyk'

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  1.  3
    Niemcy wobec Europy Środkowej na przestrzeni XVIII-XX wieku.Grzegorz Kucharczyk - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):329-346.
    Artykuł przedstawia zarys historii stosunku Niemiec do Europy Środkowej od osiemnastego wieku po koniec wieku dwudziestego. Należy podkreślić, że od samego początku (tj. od epoki oświecenia) na relację tą wpływały dwa najważniejsze czynniki: prymat Realpolitik ukształtowany przez egoistyczną politykę Prus, a od 1871 roku Rzeszy Niemieckiej wobec Europy Środkowej oraz przez niemiecką (pruską) kulturę polityczną akcentującą „kulturową misję” Niemiec w tej części Starego Kontynentu. Jak podkreśla się w artykule, to ostatnie stanowisko jest charakterystyczne dla niemieckich elit politycznych i intelektualnych aż (...)
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    The Body and the Universe: On Corporeality in Stanisław Lem’s Return from the Stars.Łukasz Kucharczyk - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (10):85-96.
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  3. Tropem genewskich korzeni Jana Jakuba. Kalwińskie źródła koncepcji relacji między naturą a kulturą w fi lozofi i Rousseau.Janusz Kucharczyk - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):297-316.
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    Henri Lefebvre on Space: Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory / Lukasz Stanek.Lukasz Stanek - 2011 - University of Minnesota Press.
    Introduction -- Henri Lefebvre : the production of theory -- Research : from practices of dwelling to the production of space -- Critique : space as concrete abstraction -- Project : urban society and its architecture -- Afterword : toward an architecture of jouissance.
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    Empirical evaluation of the uncanny valley hypothesis fails to confirm the predicted effect of motion.Lukasz Piwek, Lawrie S. McKay & Frank E. Pollick - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):271-277.
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    Audiovisual integration of emotional signals from others' social interactions.Lukasz Piwek, Frank Pollick & Karin Petrini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Blockian Proviso and the Rationality of Property Rights.Lukasz Dominiak - 2017 - Libertarian Papers 9.
    This paper defends the Blockian Proviso against its critics, Kinsella in particular, and interprets it as a law of non-contradiction in the theory of just property rights. I demonstrate that one may not lawfully appropriate in such a way as to forestall others from appropriating an unowned land because such appropriation would result in conflict-generating norms, and conflict-generating norms are not rationally justifiable and just norms. The Blockian Proviso, which precludes forestalling, operates therefore at the level of original appropriation and (...)
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  8. Ownership unity, neural substrates, and philosophical relevance: A response to Rex Welshon’s “Searching for the neural realizers of ownership unity”.Lukasz A. Kurowski - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):123-132.
    In this commentary, I critically assess Rex Welshon’s position on the neural substrates of ownership unity. First, I comment on Welshon’s definition of ownership unity and underline some of the problems stemming from his phenomenological analysis. Second, I analyze Welshon’s proposal to establish a mechanistic relation between neural substrates and ownership unity. I show that it is insufficient and defend my own position on how neural mechanisms may give rise to whole subjects of experience, which I call the neuro-integrative account (...)
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  9. The Influence of the Early Enlightenment on John Amos Comenius.Lukasz Kurdybacha - 1970 - Acta Comeniana 2:93-101.
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    How many kingdoms of life? Eukaryotic phylogeny and philosophy of systematics.Lukasz Lamza - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:203-227.
    According to contemporary understanding of the universal tree of life, the traditionally recognized kingdoms of eukaryotic organisms—Protista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae—are irregularly interspersed in a vast phylogenetic tree. There are numerous groups that in any Linnaean classification advised by phylogenetic relationships would form sister groups to those kingdoms, therefore requiring us to admit them the same rank. In practice, this would lead to the creation of ca. 25-30 new kingdoms that would now be listed among animals and plants as “major (...)
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  11. The Gettier Problem.Lukasz Lozanski - 2007 - Philosophy Now 63:28-29.
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  12. NiewspóŁ miernosc systemów jezyowych.Pawel Lukasz Polowczyk - 2005 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 41 (2):123-144.
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  13. Problem modeli ekonomicznych" azjatyckiego sposobu produkcji" w teoretycznym projekcie Sencera Divitçioglu.Lukasz Piatek - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    The Dynamic Representation of Reality Worlds.Lukasz Piwek - 2008 - In P. Brey, A. Briggle & K. Waelbers, Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy. IOS Press. pp. 175--24.
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    The Importance of Teachers’ Need for Cognition in Their Use of Technology in Mathematics Instruction.Lukasz Tanas, Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak & Katarzyna Pobiega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Modern technology offers an increasing number of tools for teaching mathematics, but technology adoption in schools encounters many barriers. The Technology Acceptance Model explains that technology usage is dependent on intentions, which rest on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Less is known about the relationship between intentions and actual behaviour. In the current study we show that the level of cognitive investment on the part of the teachers, captured by the construct of Need for Cognition (NC), is crucial (...)
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    Endowment effect despite the odds.Lukasz Walasek, Erica C. Yu & David A. Lagnado - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (1):79-96.
    Can ownership status influence probability judgements under condition of uncertainty? In three experiments, we presented our participants with a recording of a real horse race. We endowed half of our sample with a wager on a single horse to win the race, and the other half with money to spend to acquire the same wager. Across three large studies, we found the endowment effect – owners demanded significantly more for the wager than buyers were willing to pay to acquire it. (...)
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    Event construal and temporal distance in natural language.Sudeep Bhatia & Lukasz Walasek - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):1-8.
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  18. Sexual Quality of Life, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitudes of Older Adults on the Example of Inhabitants Over 60s of Bialystok, Poland.Mateusz Cybulski, Lukasz Cybulski, Elzbieta Krajewska-Kulak, Magda Orzechowska, Urszula Cwalina & Marek Jasinski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Beyond Whitehead: Recent Advances in Process Thought.Jakub Dziadkowiec & Lukasz Lamza (eds.) - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Beyond Whitehead brings the reader up to date with the latest developments in process philosophy, concerning the study its basic concepts and their roots, and its potential extensions and revisions.
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  20. Kognitywna teoria metafory w filozofii Nelsona Goodmana.Pawel Lukasz Polowczyk - 2003 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 39 (1):165-176.
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  21. Autonomic Nervous System Activity During Positive Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review.Maciej Behnke, Sylvia D. Kreibig, Lukasz D. Kaczmarek, Mark Assink & James J. Gross - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (2):132-160.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 132-160, April 2022. Autonomic nervous system activity is a fundamental component of emotional responding. It is not clear, however, whether positive emotional states are associated with differential ANS reactivity. To address this issue, we conducted a meta-analytic review of 120 articles, measuring ANS activity during 11 elicited positive emotions, namely amusement, attachment love, awe, contentment, craving, excitement, gratitude, joy, nurturant love, pride, and sexual desire. We identified a widely dispersed collection of studies. Univariate (...)
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  22.  88
    Personality, Parasites, Political Attitudes, and Cooperation: A Model of How Infection Prevalence Influences Openness and Social Group Formation.Gordon D. A. Brown, Corey L. Fincher & Lukasz Walasek - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):98-117.
    What is the origin of individual differences in ideology and personality? According to the parasite stress hypothesis, the structure of a society and the values of individuals within it are both influenced by the prevalence of infectious disease within the society's geographical region. High levels of infection threat are associated with more ethnocentric and collectivist social structures and greater adherence to social norms, as well as with socially conservative political ideology and less open but more conscientious personalities. Here we use (...)
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    Adaptation and Validation of the Steen Happiness Index into Polish.Stephan Dombrowski, Maja Stanko-Kaczmarek & Lukasz Kaczmarek - 2010 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (3):98-104.
    Adaptation and Validation of the Steen Happiness Index into Polish Authentic happiness is a construct comprising 3 factors: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Three studies involving altogether 464 participants adapted and validated the authentic happiness measure Steen Happiness Index into Polish. In Study 1 the Polish version of the scale was developed and its convergence with the original SHI was assessed using bilingual response method, r =.98, p <.001. In Study 2 cluster analysis confirmed the theoretical profiles of happiness, testing the (...)
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    Improving Cognitive Workload in Radiation Therapists: A Pilot EEG Neurofeedback Study.Alana M. Campbell, Matthew Mattoni, Mae Nicopolis Yefimov, Karthik Adapa & Lukasz M. Mazur - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Radiation therapy therapists face challenging daily tasks that leave them prone to high attrition and burnout and subsequent deficits in performance. Here, we employed an accelerated alpha-theta neurofeedback protocol that is implementable in a busy medical workplace to test if 12 RTTs could learn the protocol and exhibit behavior and brain performance-related benefits. Following the 3-week protocol, participants showed a decrease in subjective cognitive workload and a decrease in response time during a performance task, as well as a decrease in (...)
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    The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review.Maciej Behnke, Magdalena Pietruch, Patrycja Chwiłkowska, Eliza Wessel, Lukasz D. Kaczmarek, Mark Assink & James J. Gross - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (1):45-62.
    The undoing hypothesis proposes that positive emotions serve to undo sympathetic arousal related to negative emotions and stress. However, a recent qualitative review challenged the undoing effect by presenting conflicting results. To address this issue quantitatively, we conducted a meta-analytic review of 16 studies ( N = 1,220; 72 effect sizes) measuring sympathetic recovery during elicited positive emotions and neutral conditions. Findings indicated that in most cases, positive emotions did not speed sympathetic recovery compared to neutral conditions. However, when a (...)
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    Distinguishing Underlying, Inferred, and Expressed Preferences, Attitudes, and Beliefs: An Absence of (Mental) Flatness?Gordon D. A. Brown & Lukasz Walasek - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    People's choices of food and drink, the attitudes they express, and the beliefs that they state are influenced by their political and other identities. At the same time, people's everyday choices depend on the context of available options in ways that are difficult to explain in terms of the choosers’ preferences and beliefs. Such phenomena provoke various questions. Do partisans or conspiracy theorists really believe what they are saying? Given the systematic inconsistency of their choices, in what sense do consumers (...)
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    The double-stranded RNA binding domain of human Dicer functions as a nuclear localization signal.Michael Doyle, Lukas Badertscher, Lukasz Jaskiewicz, Stephan Güttinger, Sabine Jurado, Tabea Hugenschmidt, Ulrike Kutay & Witold Filipowicz - unknown
    Dicer is a key player in microRNA (miRNA) and RNA interference (RNAi) pathways, processing miRNA precursors and doublestranded RNA into ~21-nt-long products ultimately triggering sequence-dependent gene silencing. Although processing of substrates in vertebrate cells occurs in the cytoplasm, there is growing evidence suggesting Dicer is also present and functional in the nucleus. To address this possibility, we searched for a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in human Dicer and identified its C-terminal double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) as harboring NLS activity. We (...)
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    The moon size illusion does not improve perceptual judgments.Gregory Francis, Benjamin Cummins, Jiyoon Kim, Lukasz Grzeczkowski & Evelina Thunell - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102754.
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    The Anxiety-Buffering Properties of Cultural and Subcultural Worldviews: Terror Management Processes among Juvenile Delinquents.Molly Maxfield, Romuald Derbis & Lukasz Baka - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (1):1-11.
    The Anxiety-Buffering Properties of Cultural and Subcultural Worldviews: Terror Management Processes among Juvenile Delinquents Terror management research indicates that people reminded of mortality strongly affirm values and standards consistent with their cultural worldview and distance themselves from values and standards inconsistent with it. However, limited research has addressed how individuals holding beliefs inconsistent with the dominant worldview cope with death-related anxiety. The present article aims to determine which worldview subcultural groups rely on when reminded of mortality: mainstream or subcultural? Juvenile (...)
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    Does sensitivity in binary choice tasks depend on response modality?Izabela Szumska, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe, Lukasz Grzeczkowski & Michael H. Herzog - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:57-65.
  31. Larry Cahill, Lukasz Gorski, Annabelle Belcher, and Quyen Huynh. The influence of sex versus sex-related traits on long-term.Matthew Brown, Derek Besner, Daniel T. Levin & Donald A. Varakin - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13:212.
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    Reply to Lukasz Kurowski’s “Ownership unity, neural substrates, and philosophical relevance”.Rex Welshon - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):133-137.
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    Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy: Volume I Context and Considerations.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Ageing populations are a major consideration for socio-economic development in the early twenty first century. This demographic change is mainly seen as a threat rather than as an opportunity to improve the quality of human life, especially in Europe, where ageing has resulted in a reduction in economic competitiveness. Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy mixes the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social economy to construct positive solutions for an ageing population. Klimczuk covers theoretical analyses and case study (...)
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