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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Publikationer från Uppsala Universitet"

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  1. A relative defence of infinitism.Jan Hansen - unknown
    Infinitism is an often-dismissed and seldom-discussed theory about the formal structure of epistemic justification, according to which a proposition is justified iff it has an infinite and non-circular chain of reasons. After introducing infinitism and competing structures of justification through Agrippa’s trilemma, this paper sheds further light on infinitism and argues that infinitism is not worse than coherentism. While mostly focusing on Peter Klein’s version of infinitism, other infinitists and their theories are mentioned. Comparisons to coherentism are made to demonstrate (...)
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  2. Advertising and Consumer Autonomy in Consumption Culture.Alva Katsoulis - unknown
    Advertising and Consumer Autonomy in Consumption Culture.
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  3. A method for the ethical analysis of brain-inspired AI.Michele Farisco, Gianluca Baldassarre, Emilio Cartoni, Antonia Leach, Mihai A. Petrovici, Achim Rosemann, Arleen Salles, Bernd Stahl & Sacha J. van Albada - unknown
    Despite its successes, to date Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still characterized by a number of shortcomings with regards to different application domains and goals. These limitations are arguably both conceptual (e.g., related to the underlying theoretical models, such as symbolic vs.connectionist), and operational (e.g., related to robustness and ability to generalize). Biologically inspired AI, and more specifically brain-inspired AI, promises to provide further biological aspects beyond those that are already traditionally included in AI, making it possible to assess and possibly (...)
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  4. Autonomism.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2023 - In James Harold (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 282-301.
    This chapter examines autonomism. Autonomism is roughly the view that an artwork’s ethical properties do not bear on its aesthetic or artistic value. The author sketches some of the view’s history before describing various versions of it defended over the last quarter-century. These are divided into ‘radical’, ‘robust’, and ‘moderate’ forms of autonomism. The author considers the strengths and weaknesses of each. The author also devotes some space to the ‘interactionist’ views against which contemporary autonomism is typically opposed. In doing (...)
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  5. Dark Ecology: Obscurities Illuminated.Nadja Gollbo - unknown
    This study investigates “dark ecology” – an ecological theory formulated by Timothy Morton, based on an object-oriented ontology and claimed to offer a new perspective on how humans can and should coexist with other “objects” in the world in a better, less hostile way. Dark ecology is a critique of both an anthropocentric and a biocentric worldview, aiming to erase the dichotomy between human/nature and subject/object. This essay performs an internal critique of dark ecology, analyzing and interpreting Morton’s books Dark (...)
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  6. Eliciting the plurality of causal reasoning in social-ecological systems research.Tilman Hertz, T. Homas Banitz, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Emilie Lindkvist, Lars-Göran Johansson, Petri Ylikoski & Maja Schlüter - 2024 - Ecology and Society 29 (1).
    Understanding causation in social-ecological systems (SES) is indispensable for promoting sustainable outcomes. However, the study of such causal relations is challenging because they are often complex and intertwined, and their analysis involves diverse disciplines. Although there is agreement that no single research approach (RA) can comprehensively explain SES phenomena, there is a lack of ability to deal with this diversity. Underlying this diversity and the challenge of dealing with it are different causal reasonings that are rarely explicit. Awareness of hidden (...)
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  7. Using values in cognitive and behavioral therapy : A bridge back to philosophy.Sylvia Martin - unknown
    Ancient therapeutic practices have influenced the development of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) theories such as Albert Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy and Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy. By drawing inspiration from Socratic questioning, the importance of philosophy in evidence-based practices in human mental health can be acknowledged. Stoicism has also informed CBT, notably its emphasis on establishing psychological distance from emotions. Cognition and emotion are two aspects of mental processes, and irrational demands are processed through rational deliberation. Using mental imaging techniques (...)
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  8. Should we develop AGI? : Artificial suffering and the moral development of humans.Oliver Li - unknown
    Recent research papers and tests in real life point in the direction that machines in the future may develop some form of possibly rudimentary inner life. Philosophers have warned and emphasized that the possibility of artificial suffering or the possibility of machines as moral patients should not be ruled out. In this paper, I reflect on the consequences for moral development of striving for AGI. In the introduction, I present examples which point into the direction of the future possibility of (...)
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  9. The Many Faces of Sameness : Perfect Intralinguistic Synonymy in Competence-Oriented Semantics.Luis Enrique Bazet Velásquez - unknown
    In Meaning as Species, Mark Richard provides an argument to the conclusion that stipulation can transiently create perfect intralinguistic synonymy. The key to achieve this is the notion of meaning as "abstracted common ground” (ACG). In this thesis, I argue that Richard’s argument is not enough to ensure the existence of perfect synonymy. It remains possible to coin a new term, stipulate that it has the same meaning(-cum-ACG) as a previous one, and yet make the case that the coined term (...)
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  10. Activist Art and the Intentionality of Empathy.Anthony Öhnström - unknown
    In this paper, I provide a rich account of the mental content representing the intentionality of empathic emotion in cases concerning activist art. At the core of this account is a distinction between intentional content and what I call mediating content. Intentional content is, with regard to empathic emotion, a proposition referring to the relationship between the emotion empathised with and its intentional object. Mediating content is a proposition representing the emotion empathised with which also attributes that emotion to the (...)
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  11. Contributions of Religious Leaders to the Conceptualization of World Peace : A comparative case study of Statements by Bahá’í, Catholic, and Tibetan Buddhist Leadership.Lua Nazerian - unknown
    In this research, Lua Nazerian examines the conceptualization of three different statements given by leaders of the Bahá'í, Catholic, and Tibetan Buddhist faiths on the topic of world peace. Moreover, through a comparative analysis, each conceptualization was examined in light of the different degrees they agree or contradict each other and whether a coherent contribution could be made to a common concept of world peace. The research was conducted in two stages, first, through the thematic analysis method some major principles (...)
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  12. Book review : The philosophy of person‐centred healthcareBy Derek Mitchell, Michael Loughlin, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2023.201 pp. £64.99. ISBN (10): 1‐5275‐9058‐5, ISBN (13): 978‐1‐5275‐9058‐8.Luis de Miranda - forthcoming - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
    Book review : The philosophy of person‐centred healthcareBy Derek Mitchell, Michael Loughlin, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2023.201 pp. £64.99. ISBN (10): 1‐5275‐9058‐5, ISBN (13): 978‐1‐5275‐9058‐8.
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  13. The Collapse of Decoherence : Can Decoherence Theory Solve The Problems of Measurement?Karl Herlin - unknown
    In this review study, we ask ourselves if decoherence theory can solve the problems of measurement in quantum mechanics. After an introduction to decoherence theory, we present the problem of preferred basis, the problem of non-observability of interference and the problem of definite outcomes. We present Zurek's theory of environment induced superselection rules and find that the problem of preferred basis and the problem of non-observability of interference can be solved through decoherence theory, but not the problem of outcomes, if (...)
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  14. Aesthetic injustice.Jessica Rodarte - unknown
    I argue that talking about aesthetic injustice implies reflection about some failures on the exercise of aesthetic judgment due to mechanisms of oppression, which have a negative impact on the development of potential aesthetic agents. I claim that mechanisms of oppression like aesthetic identity prejudice, oppression or lack of recognition of sensitivities, and aesthetic dysfunctionality in sites of enunciation continue undermining the degree of validation of potential aesthetic agents - who mostly belong to historical oppressed groups like women, black people, (...)
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  15. Hope and Despair : Philosophy of life, expectations and optimism in cancer patients and their spouses.Jeanette Winterling - 2007 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    The general aim was to explore philosophy of life, expectations and optimism in patients and spouses in two different cancer situations, and to determine whether these aspects had relevance for psychological distress and quality of life. The first situation was being newly diagnosed with advanced cancer. Data on philosophy of life, optimism and psychological distress were gathered on one occasion. In addition, changes in life were described using a qualitative approach in a sub-sample. The second situation was having completed curative (...)
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  16. Plato's Republic on Democracy : Freedom, Fear and Tyrants Everywhere.Oda E. Wiese Tvedt - unknown
    This thesis poses the question ‘What is the critique of democracy in Plato’s Republic?’ It is not the first to do so. But contrary to standard readings, this thesis does not assume neither epistemological nor elitist explanations. Rather, it sees the Kallipolis, ‘the beautiful city in words’ as predicated on a particular anthropology. This theory of human nature, which claims that it is human to be greedy for wealth, sex, and power is contributed by Glaucon, Socrates’ main interlocutor in the (...)
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  17. The Apostle to the Intelligentsia : Father Alexander Men’ and the Rediscovery of the Russian Silver Age.Robert Lindsay - unknown
    This thesis seeks to shed light on a remarkable figure in Russian history, Father Alexander Men’. How and why did Men’ identify Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Berdyaev, and other pre-revolutionary cultural figures as representatives of authentic Russian religious culture? Why would a popular Russian Orthodox priest present the writings of mystics, anarchists, and the Silver Age counterculture as the antidote for seventy years of Soviet materialism? What role did Judaism and the Russo-Jewish intellectual tradition have on Men’s identifications as an Orthodox (...)
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  18. Free Indirect Discourse in Non-Fiction.Andreas Stokke - 2021 - Frontiers in Communication 5 (606616).
    This paper considers some uses of Free Indirect Discourse within non-fictional discourse. It is shown that these differ from ordinary uses in that they do not attribute actual thoughts or utterances. I argue that the explanation for this is that these uses of Free Indirect Discourse are not assertoric. Instead, it is argued here that they are fictional uses, that is, they are used with fictional force like utterances used to tell a fictional story. Rather than making assertions about the (...)
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  19. Learning to find a way out of non-sustainable systems.Katrien Van Poeck & Leif Östman - unknown
    This article presents and illustrates an analytical framework designed to open-up the black-box of what and how people learn while trying to tackle sustainability problems and to investigate the potential of learning processes and outcomes to enable transitions. It consists of an analytical method: practical epistemology analysis, and two analytical models: transactional learning theory and the multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions. The framework is empirically illustrated with an analysis of what/how people learn through participating in workshops to develop scenarios for (...)
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  20. Cats’ nine lives : European Union legislation on the trade of endangered animals and its effects on animal welfare.Ida Aho - unknown
    The issues raised in this thesis concern the adverse effects of EU's wildlife trade regulations, mainly the unequal treatment of captive and wild-born endangered animals. The nature of these regulations is analyzed from an animal law perspective. The purpose of the analysis is to determine whether the regulations are anthropocentric and, if so, what issues arise from it. Previous research has studied the legal personhood of animals in relation to animal welfare. This thesis continues that discussion by examining legal animal (...)
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  21. De Dicto Harm and the Non-Identity Problem.Jack Rizell Montan - unknown
    This paper is concerned with the examination of Caspar Hare's de dicto approach to the non-identity problem and specifically the non-identity case of The Inconsiderate Mother. On the de dicto approach an act can be wrong if it makes things de dicto worse for a role, even if that act does not make things worse for any actual person that fills that role. In this paper I provide a brief overview and reconstruction of Hare's argument. I argue that objections to (...)
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  22. Psychologizing Aesthetic Attention.Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann - 2019 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 56 (1):110-117.
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  23. Interpretive Skepticism : Stanley Cavell, New Criticism, and Literary Interpretation.Ingeborg Löfgren - unknown
    This dissertation explores and analyzes interpretive skepticism in literary theory. It argues that traditional interpretive theories and debates often harbor unacknowledged forms of skeptical thinking and arguments. As these forms of skepticism are seldom recognized as skepticism, the problem tends to remain hidden and unresolved. The dissertation further argues that interpretive skepticism is (i) the result of a philosophical confusion, and (ii) practically harmful when used in order to regulate interpretive practice. Accordingly, a central purpose of the dissertation is to (...)
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  24. Introduction - Justice of Others: Arbitrary Law-making in Contemporary Migration Policy.Patricia Mindus - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 14 (2):1-7.
    Does the regulation of migration constitute a blatant case of arbitrary law-making? What is arbitrary law-making? And how does it manifest itself in contemporary migration policy? These are pressing issues that the scholars who come together in this special issue seek to engage with, by exploring international migration from the point of view of arbitrary power. When does legitimate state discretion slide into an exercise of arbitrary power? Since we cannot address what we do not understand, the urgency of the (...)
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  25. Belief as an artefact : Implications for religious diversity.Elena Kalmykova - 2019 - In Peter Jonkers & Oliver J. Wiertz (eds.), Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality. Routledge.
    In this chapter, I argue that empirical research of religious belief demands reconsidering the role of doctrinal commitments in religious life. Empirical evidence shows that believers are commonly incorrect about the content of doctrinal statements, and apparently not much interested in that content. Therefore, I propose the hypothesis that, in many cases, doctrinal beliefs are held by believers as sacred artefacts, without a proper understanding of their propositional contents, but with a strong adherence to them. I compare the way doctrinal (...)
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  26. Multidimensional Property Supplementation : A Method for Discovering and Describing Emergent Qualities of Concepts in Grounded Theory Research.Linus Johnsson - 2021 - Qualitative Health Research 31 (1).
    Multidimensional property supplementation is a grounded theory method for analysis that conceives of concepts as multidimensional spaces of possibilities. It is applied in an iterative process comprising four steps: expansion, whereby vague codes are split and contraries postulated; abstraction of practically significant differences in terms of properties and dimensions; geometrization of properties to create conceptual subspaces that supplant subcategories and have additional, emergent qualities; and unification of the concept by validating it against data and relieving it of properties that do (...)
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  27. To know the self as a matrix of maybe : An account of the specialness of self-knowledge.Konstantin Andreev - unknown
    The essay is an attempt to make sense of the apparently special relation between self-knowledge and agency. To achieve that goal, the essay translates the account of what it is like to be a human self offered by Sartre into the language of evolutionary psychology. In L’être et le néant, Sartre describes the phenomenology of the self as a series of inescapable choices in a contingent set of circumstances. This essay identifies Sartre’s description with what Baumeister, Maranges and Sjåstad call (...)
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  28. Wittgenstein´s Language Theory of 1930, Part 2: Consequences of an Overview.Solveig Delfin - unknown
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  29. Indicators and Criteria of Consciousness in Animals and Intelligent Machines : An Inside-Out Approach.Cyriel Pennartz, Michele Farisco & Kathinka Evers - 2019 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13.
    In today’s society, it becomes increasingly important to assess which non-human and non-verbal beings possess consciousness. This review article aims to delineate criteria for consciousness especially in animals, while also taking into account intelligent artifacts. First, we circumscribe what we mean with “consciousness” and describe key features of subjective experience: qualitative richness, situatedness, intentionality and interpretation, integration and the combination of dynamic and stabilizing properties. We argue that consciousness has a biological function, which is to present the subject with a (...)
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  30. The Structure of the Virtues : A Study of Thomas Aquinas’s and Godfrey of Fontaines's Accounts of Moral Goodness.Alexander Stöpfgeshoff - 2018 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    This dissertation is a study of Thomas Aquinas’s and Godfrey of Fontaines’s moral philosophies. In this study, I conduct a detailed analysis of two Aristotelian commitments concerning the character virtues, namely, The Plurality of the Character Virtues and The Connection of the Character Virtues. Both Aquinas and Godfrey think that there are many distinct character virtues, however, one cannot possess these character virtues in separation from each other. In Chapter I, it is established that Aquinas believes in the plurality of (...)
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  31. How can we know anything in questions of morality? : A Critical Assessment of Rainer Forst’s Theory of Justification.Emma Jakobsson - unknown
    When discussing any question in which a human being has a moral claim or a moral choice to make we need to address the justification of those claims and actions. Hence one can ask the question whether we can discuss a justification of moral judgments without having any specific knowledge about any corresponding fact or if it is possible to justify a moral judgment without having that kind of knowledge. This thesis has critically assessed Rainer Forst’s justification theory in relation (...)
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  32. Form and philosophy in Sándor Weöres' poetry.Susanna Fahlström - unknown
    This dissertation, by presenting comprehensive analyses of six poems by the Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres, investigates the poetical forms and the poetical philosophies in these texts. The poems represent specific philosophic spheres of Weöres' poetry. The analyses emerge from the formal elements, and aim to shed light upon the structural coherences between the texts and their philosophical contexts. This method of analysis also complies with Weöres' views on the aesthetics of poetics and his method of writing, where form and structure (...)
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  33. Between Democracy and Nationality : Citizenship Policies in the Lisbon Ruling.Goldoni Marco & Mindus Patricia - unknown
    When the German constitutional court expressed itself in the Lisbon ruling, on the 30th of June 2009, the famous German newspaper Der Bild published the corrosive headline “the end of federalism”. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the arguments of the Court concerning the nature of the EU as a confederation, the illegitimacy of further development towards a federal state and the determination of the EU’s ‘core competences’, in order to shed light on why, within the (...)
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  34. The intuition of neutrality and consequentialist thinking : potential antinatalist implications.Karl Pettersson - 2013 - Springerplus 2.
    Many people seem to share some version of what has been called the “intuition of neutrality” aboutcreating new people, which, roughly, says that there exists a certain range of levels of well-beingsuch that creating people within this range is, in itself, morally neutral, but creating people with alevel of well-being outside this range is not morally neutral. In this paper, I will discuss differentinterpretations of this intuition, and specifically distinguish between what I will call counterfactualinterpretations and Do-interpretations of the intuition. (...)
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  35. Dimensions of Citizenship.Patricia Mindus - 2014 - German Law Journal 15 (5):735-750.
    The Maastricht Treaty (the “Treaty”) first introduced the status of EU citizenship. The twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty, marked in 2013, was declared the European Year of the Citizen. Union citizenship has been understood as the world’s first post-national citizenship, although it is still complementary to national citizenships. EU citizens enjoy rights that have been expanded, modified, and reinterpreted in light of the EU integration process. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has been a (...)
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  36. Are Judas the Galilean and the "Fourth Philosophy" Mere Concoctions? : The Limits of Josephus' Inventiveness.Bermejo-Rubio Fernando - 2016 - Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 81:91-111.
    It is well known that Josephus was not at all a dispassionate historian. There are biases and heavy interests modeling his accounts. Nevertheless, the claim that Judas the Galilean and the Fourth Philosophy are nothing but Josephus’ fabrication is an exceedingly bold contention. In this article it is argued that the initial skepticism towards that contention is fully justified. On the basis of a whole set of arguments it is concluded that the traditional view, according to which the core of (...)
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  37. Displacing the Subject of Knowledge.Boberg Johan - unknown
    This paper examines Foucault’s attempt to displace the constitutive role of the subject of knowledge and to replace it with the concrete practices that constitute subjects. The prevalent tendency to transform discourse analysis into a new form of epistemology, here exemplified through the works of Paul Veyne, is criticized. It is suggested that Veyne’s reading of Foucault is subject to an illusion similar to what Kant once called “transcendental illusion,” and gives rise to a new form of metaphysics which repeats (...)
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  38. Moral Skepticism and the Benacerraf Challenge.Tersman Folke - unknown
    The Benacerraf challenge is a well-known objection to Platonism in mathematics. Its proponent argues that, if mathematical entities are, as Platonists claim, mind-independent, causally inert, and existent beyond space and time, then we are led to a skeptical stance according to which it is not possible to explain how it is that we have cognitive access to the mathematical realm or how it is that our mathematical beliefs are reliable. It has been argued that a similar objection could be leveled (...)
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  39. The question of finding a merciful God : Understanding Martin Luther's relation to metaphysics and ontology.Myrén Anna - unknown
    “The question of finding a merciful God. Understanding Martin Luther’s relation to metaphysics and ontology” Myrén, Anna. 2017, Master’s Thesis, 30 credits. E-mail: [email protected] The Department of Theology, Uppsala University, Engelska Parken, Thunbergsv. 3B, Box 511, SE-751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden, [email protected] This thesis examines arguments and premises for understanding Luther’s relationship to metaphysics and ontology. The main theoretical sources are firstly research that, on the one hand argue that Luther’s doctrine of justification has ontological structures and on the other treat (...)
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  40. The right to live in the community as the right to have rights.Gradwohl Csilla - unknown
    The present thesis explores Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognizes the right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others. The relationship between Article 19 and the other articles of the Convention are explored, in order to discuss the role of Article 19 in the Convention. The thesis examines whether the right to live in the community, set out in Article 19, can be (...)
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  41. The Sovereignty of Subjectivity : Pursuing a Philosophically Optimal Justification of Claims Affirming the Existence of Universal Human Rights.Reagan Anders - unknown
    The United Nation’s mandate to engineer international peacecraft is correlated with the promotion of universal human rights. Universal human rights are held to apply consistently to everyone everywhere without conceivable exception. There is some debate as to whether universal human rights possibly exist. This debate centers around two difficulties: 1) the task of identifying a single trait or capability that all human beings necessarily share, and 2) the task of relating human rights to this trait or capability. Conventional epistemic justifications (...)
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  42. Over-Determination and Act-Consequentialism.Jedenheim Edling Magnus - unknown
    This dissertation is a discussion of the challenge that cases of over-determination pose to Act-Consequentialism. Although there are many realistic examples of such cases – for example, pollution, overfishing, or the election of an inappropriate politician – I consider structurally purer examples, one of which I call “Case One.” Suppose that you and I independently shoot and kill a third person called “Victim.” Our bullets arrive at the same time and each shot would have killed Victim by itself. Finally, Victim (...)
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  43. Legitimate legal authority and the obligation to obey : An analysis of Joseph Raz´s arguments on legitimate authority.Molin Emma - unknown
    Two central issues in literature discussing legal authority seems to the the questions of what the law has when it has authority and under what conditions the law can be said to have authority. This thesis analyses an answer to these two questions as it has been developed by legal philosopher Joseph Raz. The analysis is conducted through scrutinizing the relation within and between three central concepts in Raz´s theory on legal authority; authority as normative power, the service conception and (...)
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  44. Hizmet educational philosophy in the example of a Hizmet-inspired school; Hayskolen : Could Hizmet educational philosophy be an alternative solution to criminality and radicalism among immigrant-origin youths?Kaya Ibrahim - unknown
    Turkey-origin families in Denmark have long been suffering for their children’s future due to the challenges of criminal gangs and violent religious extremist organizations. Hizmet movement which is a non-governmental civic movement offers a solution to the afore-mentioned problems of youths through education. Hizmet movement is a voluntary, transnational, faith-inspired civil movement which was founded in Turkey 50 years ago by a Muslim scholar and preacher Fethullah Gülen and now is globally active. The purpose of this thesis is to understand (...)
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  45. Understanding, Desirability and Truth : Configurative and Evolutionary Perspectives on ‘Understanding’.Johan Marticki - unknown
    This paper examines how human beings may be able to reach certain kinds of understanding. On either side of the how, a cognitive apparatus and evidence will be theoretically presupposed. Though this examination will frequently spill over into the domains of cognition and evidence, there is no presupposition that the solution will be found exclusively in either; rather, answers will be sought in a conceptually unprejudiced how.
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  46. Space Syntax and Geography : A Question of Logic and Dialectics.Sara Westin - unknown
  47. Lean Management : Consultant perspective on the concept.Oshrit Liebech Schwartz & Christian Söderberg - unknown
    Lean has become a popular management concept in the last decade, especially in the management consultant industry in Sweden. However, regardless of the popularity, it has been criticized in academia for its inconsistency. Researchers have questioned the validity for Lean as a concept. The lack of consistency in the management literature also makes Lean a target for misinterpretation by practitioners, which also influences the success rate for implementing the concept. Success in the implementation stage is critical and management consultants are (...)
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  48. F. A. Hayek's Critique of Legislation.Cyril Holm - unknown
    The dissertation concerns F. A. Hayek’s critique of legislation. The purpose of the investigation is to clarify and assess that critique. I argue that there is in Hayek’s work a critique of legislation that is distinct from his well-known critique of social planning. Further that the main claim of this critique is what I refer to as Hayek’s legislation tenet, namely that legislation that aims to achieve specific aggregate results in complex orders of society will decrease the welfare level. The (...)
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  49. An Evolutionary Argument against Physicalism : or some advice to Jaegwon Kim and Alvin Plantinga.Christoffer Skogholt - unknown
    According to the dominant tradition in Christianity and many other religions, human beings are both knowers and actors: beings with conscious beliefs about the world who sometimes act intentionally guided by these beliefs. According to philosopher of mind Robert Cummins the “received view” among philosophers of mind is epiphenomenalism, according to which mental causation does not exist: neural events are the underlying causes of both behavior and belief which explains the correlation (not causation) between belief and behavior. Beliefs do not, (...)
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  50. Ethics in occupational health : deliberations of an international workgroup addressing challenges in an African context.Leslie London, Godfrey Tangwa, Reginald Matchaba-Hove, Nhlanhla Mkhize, Remi Nwabueze, Aceme Nyika & Peter Westerholm - unknown
    Background: International codes of ethics play an important role in guiding professional practice in developing countries. In the occupational health setting, codes developed by international agencies have substantial import on protecting working populations from harm. This is particularly so under globalisation which has transformed processes of production in fundamental ways across the globe. As part of the process of revising the Ethical Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health, an Africa Working Group addressed key challenges for the relevance and (...)
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  51. On the nature of time: a biopragmatic perspective on language, thought, and reality.Nils B. Thelin - 2014 - Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
    This book is a synthesis of more than three decades of research into the concept of time and its semiotic nature. If traditional philosophy – and philosophy of time should be no exception – in the shadow of advancing biology can be said to have reached an impasse, one important reason for this, in harmony with Wittgenstein’s vision, appears to have been its lack of appropriate tools for explicating language. The present theory of time proceeds, accordingly, from the exploration of (...)
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  52. Explorations of University Physics in Abstract Contexts : From de Sitter Space to Learning Space.Daniel Domert - unknown
    This is a thesis which contributes to research in two different fields: theoretical physics and physics education research. The common link between these two research areas is that both involve explorations of abstract physics and mathematical representations, but from different perspectives. The first part of this thesis is situated in theoretical physics. Here a cosmological scenario is explored where a de Sitter phase is replaced with a phase described with a scale factor a ~ tq, where 1/3<1. This scenario could (...)
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