100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "History, Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences" in "HAL"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Quantum origin of time's arrow.Davide Romano - unknowndetails
- Scientific plurality and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): A philosophical and historical perspective on Charcot’s texts.Anne Fenoy - unknowndetails
- Shaping the Sciences of the Ancient and Medieval World: An Introduction.Karine Chemla & Agathe Keller - unknowndetails
- Possibility, necessity and purposiveness: the metaphysical novelties in the Critique of Judgement.Philippe Huneman - unknowndetails
- From groups to individuals: evolution and emerging individuality.Philippe Huneman & Frédéric Bouchard (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.details
- Is the Evolutionary Component of Wakefield's "Harmful Dysfunction Analysis" stipulative?Maël Lemoine - unknowndetails
- Implications of big data for knowledge organization.Fidelia Ibekwe-Sanjuan & Bowker Geoffrey - unknowndetails
- What does embodiment do to the breast cancer clinic?Sidonie Richard - unknowndetails
- Stephen Gaukroger and the Neutralityof Historical Epistemology.Charles T. Wolfe - unknowndetails
- Cartographic Animals: Zoological Motifs on Early Maps 1500–1800.Émilie Dreyfus - unknowndetails
- (2 other versions)Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush? Or, whether scientists should publish intermediate results.Thomas Boyer - unknowndetails
- In practice, is quantum mechanics a unified theory?Thomas Boyer - unknowndetails
- Early Modern Ideas of Space and Spatiality.Koen Vermeir & Jonathan Regier - unknowndetails
- Metaphysics, Function and the Engineering of Life: the Problem of Vitalism.Cécilia Bognon, Bohang Chen & Charles T. Wolfe - unknowndetails
- Matters of Interest: The Objects of Research in Science and Technoscience.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Sacha Loeve & Nordmann Alfred - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Right out of the box: How to situate metaphysics of science in relation to other metaphysical approaches.Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu - unknowndetails
- Sciences, objectivity and realism between Ludwik Fleck and contemporary debates.Anna C. Zielinska - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Creation, Generation, Force, Motion, Habit: Medieval Theoretical Definitions of Nature.Isabelle Draelants - unknowndetails
- Nietzschean dissolution of the individual: foundations and implications for organisation theory.Norbert Lebrument - unknowndetails
- The Advent of PhyloCode.Michel Laurin - unknowndetails
- Introduction (Part II).Sophie A. de Beaune & Oscar Moro Abadia - unknowndetails
- Does movement precede space and time? The contribution of relational thinking and embodied cognition.Bernard Guy - unknowndetails
- Risk and Disease: Two Alternative Ways of Modelling Health Phenomena.Élodie Giroux - unknowndetails
- Highlighting the epistemological issues of bibliography through the practical problems of building a philosophy of science database: the SIPS case study.Fabien Ferri - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Actor-Network Theory.Fabian Muniesa - unknowndetails
- The time that money requires: use of the future and critique of the present in financial valuation.Fabian Muniesa & Liliana Doganova - unknowndetails
- Digital technology : revealing intersections between epistemology, political philosophy and philosophy of technology.Éric Guichard - unknowndetails
- 'Language as ideology' or the rhetoric of vagueness.Jean Szlamowicz - unknowndetails
- Ibn Sīnā’s Approach to Equality and Unity.S. Rahman, Johan-Georg Granström & Z. Salloum - unknowndetails
- Gödel and the question of the ‘objective existence' of mathematical objects.Pierre Cassou-Noguès - unknowndetails
- Die Idee von Στοιχεῖον in Grammatik und Kosmologie: Von antiken Wurzeln zu mittelalterlichen Systemen.Juan Acevedo - unknowndetails
- Physics and Metaphysics of Scale.James D. Fraser - unknowndetails
- Aristotelian philosophy and illusionism in late medieval Europe.Thibaut Rioult - unknowndetails
- Fairness in machine learning from the perspective of sociology of statistics.Bilel Benbouzid - manuscriptdetails
- Émile Meyerson and his contemporaries.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - unknowndetails
- Computational Psychoanalysis and Formal Bi-Logic Frameworks.Giuseppe Iurato - unknowndetails
- Tropes, Bare Demonstratives, and Apparent Statements of Identity.Friederike Moltmann - unknowndetails
- Brouwer meets Husserl. On the Phenomenology of Choice Sequences.Mark van Atten - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Wittgenstein's Answer to "What is Colour?".Jacques Bouveresse - unknowndetails
- The development of intuitionistic logic.Mark van Atten - unknowndetails
- Some theoretical challenges of deformable robotics.Olivia Chevalier - unknowndetails
- Schmitt’s Warring Wars. On the Political Epistemology of Political Theology.Elad Lapidot - unknowndetails
- Divine Invisibility and Ethical Epistemology in Late Modernity: Heidegger, Jonas and Levinas.Elad Lapidot - unknowndetails
- The life of matter: early modern vital matter theories.Charles T. Wolfe (ed.) - 2023details
- The Geometrical Foundation of Federigo Enriques’ Gnoseology and Epistemology.Paolo Bussotti & Raffaele Pisano - unknowndetails
- Jews Out of the Question. A Critique of Anti-Anti-Semitism.Elad Lapidot - unknowndetails
- Technoscience and Convergence: A Tranmutation of values?Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknowndetails
- ‘Meyerson a chemist turned philosopher'.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknowndetails
- Chemistry beyond the ‘positivism vs realism' debate.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknowndetails
- Live Patching and Remote Interaction: A Practice- Based, Intercontinental Approach to Kiwi.Marcello Messina, João Svidzinski, Deivid de Menezes Bezerra & David Ferreira da Costa - unknowndetails
- Ubiquitous Music, Gelassenheit and the Metaphysics of Presence: Hijacking the Live Score Piece Ntrallazzu 4.Marcello Messina & Luzilei Aliel - unknowndetails
- Epistemology Historicized: The French Tradition.Anastasios Brenner - unknowndetails
- Ontology and Logic in Avicenna's Concept of Truth.Olga Lucia Lizzini - unknowndetails
- Contingency and. Experience in Maupertuis's Essay on Cosmology.Anne-Lise Rey - unknowndetails
- Gender Perspectives and New narratives.Anne-Lise Rey - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Gender: A Useful Category of Analysis for Tanzanian Researchers.Florence Wenzek - 2022 - Journal of International Women’s Studies 23 (2):119-132.details
- A Modern Diotima: Johanna Charlotte Unzer between Wolffianism, Aesthetics and Popular Philosophy.Stefanie Buchenau - unknowndetails
- Transforming architecture through fiction? Some ideas from an experience in action.Frédérique Mocquet - unknowndetails
- From deep time to physics: the contribution of geology to the interpretation of some fundamental concepts.Bernard Guy - unknowndetails
- We Bergsonians: The Kyoto Manifesto.Elie During & Paul-Antoine Miquel - unknowndetails
- The propensity interpretation of fitness and the propensity interpretation of probability.Isabelle Drouet - unknowndetails
- Review of Robert Porter: Ideology. Contemporary Social, Political and Cultural Theory. [REVIEW]Signe Kjær Jørgensen - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Formal verification, scientific code, and the epistemological heterogeneity of computational science.Cyrille Imbert & Vincent Ardourel - unknowndetails
- Science Facing Interoperability as a Necessary Condition of Success and Evil.Rémy Demichelis - unknowndetails
- Can We Learn Anything from Brain Simulation?Remy Demichelis - unknowndetails
- Digitized and Digitalized Humanities: Words and Identity.Claire Clivaz - unknowndetails
- Introduction: Informing a Depthless World, the Great Consequence of our Digital Management.François-Xavier de Vaujany - unknowndetails
- From 'Management' to 'Gestio', from New York to Rome.François-Xavier de Vaujany - unknowndetails
- Boyarin’s Judaism and the Question of Religion.Daniel Barbu - 2023 - Judaïsme Ancien/Ancient Judaism.details
- Reflection.Simone Bateman, Jérôme Goffette, Sylvie Allouche & Michela Marzano - unknowndetails
- The Rise of Digital Management.François-Xavier de Vaujany - unknowndetails
- Hommage to Koyré: space as paradigmatic example of the unity of human thought.Charles Braverman - unknowndetails
- The Concept of Complexion in Antonio da Parma's Medical Anthropology.Aurélien Robert - unknowndetails
- An Unfolding Geometry: Appropriating Proclus in the Harmonice mundi (1619).Jonathan Regier - unknowndetails
- Eliminating Life: From the early modern ontology of Life to Enlightenment proto-biology.Charles T. Wolfe - forthcoming - In Stephen Howard & Jack Stetter (eds.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Early Modern and Enlightenment Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press.details
- Augustine, Aristotle, and Franciscans on Lying: A Study on Texts by Francis of Meyronnes and Gerald Odonis.Zi'Ang Chen - unknowndetails
- Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.details
- Monuments of cyberspace.Paris Chrysos - unknowndetails
- Mathematical Hygiene.Andrew Arana & Heather Burnett - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-28.details
- Transhumanism as a glimpse in the beyond: A case for its ventriloquy and narrative substitution.Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Adrian Lemeni & Nichifor Tănase (eds.), Transhumanism in the Light of Theology, Philosophy and Science: Critical Perspectives and Christian Metaphysical Implications (Timişoara, 26-29 May, 2022). pp. 61-73.details
- Disruption of biological processes in the Anthropocene: the case of phenological mismatch.Maël Montévil - unknowndetails
- A History of Gravitational Waves between Discoveries & Nature of Science Teaching : hypotheses and Perspectives.Philippe Vincent - unknowndetails
- Engineering and Philosophy: Has Their Conversation Come of Age? (Panel).Christelle Didier, Diana-Adela Martin & Diane Michelfelder - unknowndetails
- Avicenna, Book of the Healing, Isagoge (“Madḫal”) : Edition of the Arabic text, English translation and Commentary.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2018 - Dissertation, Scuola Normale Superioredetails
- Vortex Theories in the Early Modern Period.Fabrice Ferlin & Hugues Chabot - 2020 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.details
- Space Journeys in the 17th Century as Thought Experiments?Hugues Chabot - unknowndetails
- Mechanical and Chemical Explanations in Du Clos' Chemistry.Rémi Franckowiak - 2013 - Ambix 58 (1):13-28.details
- (1 other version)Cottereau Du Clos, Samuel (1598-1685).Rémi Franckowiak - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes. pp. 289-290.details
- (1 other version)Cottereau Du Clos, Samuel (1598-1685).Rémi Franckowiak - 2015 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle : acteurs et réseaux du savoir. Editions Classiques Garnier. pp. 462-464.details
- Canguilhem: a philosophy of life and a philosophical history of the life sciences.Olivier Perru - 2018 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 13 (1):109-124.details
- The Spirit of Parody: Nakae Chōmin and the 'Philosophy of Joy'.Eddy Dufourmont - 2009 - In Nakajima Takahiro (ed.), Whither Japanese Philosophy 2? Reflections through Other Eyes.details
- (1 other version)Genetics after World War II: The Laboratories at Gif.Richard Burian & Jean Gayon - 1989 - Cahiers Pour l'Histoire du CNRS 6:108-110.details
- Remote Encounters of a Distant Kind: Natives and Westerners in Adam Smith’s International Thought.Jean Dellemotte & Laurie Bréban - 2024 - In Benjamin Bourcier & Mikko Jakonen (eds.), British Modern International Thought in the Making: Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham. Springer Verlag. pp. 167-201.details
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