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Summary Roughly speaking, research on Spinoza's philosophy of mind concerns the nature of the mind, its elements, and its mechanisms -- i.e., what it is, what its parts are, and how it works. The papers under the first category -- the nature of the mind -- therefore concern the mind-body problem, broadly construed, which relates in Spinoza to mind-body parallelism and panpsychism, as well as the issue of consciousness. Topics of personal identity and the mind's eternity are also discussed. The second category concerns particular elements of Spinoza's psychological theory, including ideas, imagination, reason and intuition. The third category herein explores how the mind works; such papers therefore explore the conatus, or essential striving, of the mind, as well as the dynamics of the affects.

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Spinoza: Affects
  1. Adequacy as an epistemically just social practice in Spinoza's philosophy.Oliver Toth - 2025 - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    Spinoza is usually understood to be internalist about the representation of adequate ideas and externalist about the representation of inadequate ideas. Existing readings of Spinoza's social epistemology do not challenge this view; they argue that the social context of the mind is an empowering enabling condition for acquiring knowledge. In this article, I argue that Spinoza is an externalist about the representation of both adequate and inadequate ideas: adequate ideas are constituted by the relation between the mind's real essence and (...)
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  2. Was Spinoza a Deleuzian? Rethinking the Politics of Emotions and Affects.Ahmet Aktas - 2025 - Theory, Culture and Society:1-20.
    A salient tradition in contemporary affect theory heavily relies on distinguishing between emotions and affects. The former refers to structured categories of socially coded affective states, while the latter denotes the pre-social libidinal flow underlying emotions. This distinction is commonly attributed to Spinoza and is thought to have been further developed by Deleuze. In this article, I argue that this overall historical picture is misleading and inaccurate. Deleuze radically transforms Spinoza’s theory of affect for the ends of his own ethical-political (...)
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  3. “The Habit of Virtue”: Spinoza on Reason and Memory.Oberto Marrama - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):63-84.
    In this paper I explain how, for Spinoza, humans can acquire the “habit of virtue” from “fatal necessity” (Ep.58). Spinoza claims that no decision can be made without memory of the thing that one wants to do. However, his rejection of free will also implies that nobody can freely select what to remember. It seems that, as it is not in the power of an individual to freely choose what to remember and do, it is not possible to establish a (...)
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  4. Die Affekte von Lust und Unlust in Platons Philebus in Bezug zu Spinoza.Ivana Renić - 2023 - Distinctio 2 (1):63-77.
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es zu zeigen, wie Platons Verständnis von Lust und Unlust in seinem Dialog Philebus mit Spinozas Theorie der Affekte zusammenhängt. Beide Denker verstehen den Affekt der Lust in Relation zu Werturteilen und dem Charakter einer Person. Ich behaupte, dass Platon und Spinoza gleichermaßen feststellen, dass die Wahl des Individuums für lustvolle Objekte von der Definition und Bestimmung des Guten und des Ideals des Individuums selbst abhängt, und somit auch von der Ursache der Lust. Beide Philosophen stimmen (...)
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  5. Spinoza on the Fear of Solitude.Hasana Sharp - 2022 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy:137-162.
    Spinoza is widely understood to criticize the role that fear plays in political life. Yet, in the Political Treatise, he maintains that everyone desires civil order due to a basic and universal fear of solitude. This chapter argues that Spinoza represents the fear of solitude as both a civilizing passion and as an affect that needs to be amplified and encouraged. The turbulence of social and political life makes solitude attractive, but isolation undermines the conditions of human power. Although it (...)
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  6. Experience and passion: Descartes, Spinoza and Hume', 'Experiencia y pasión: Descartes, Espinosa y Hume.Rafael García Torres - unknown
  7. Identitas discernibilium. Spinoza und Fichte über Streben, Trieb und Affekt.Günter Zöller - 2013 - In Stefan Lang & Lars Thade Ulrichs, Subjektivität und Autonomie: Praktische Selbstverhältnisse in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 259-274.
  8. Una aproximación al amor en la filosofía de Baruch Spinoza.Danilo Tapia - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19:37-60.
    El artículo analiza la noción de amor en la filosofía de Spinoza a través del Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento, el Tratado breve y la Ética. El amor en Spinoza debe contextualizarse en su fenomenología crítica de los afectos y su teoría del conocimiento. Así es posible mostrar que, para Spinoza, cómo se ama —activa o pasivamente— es más importante que una distinción normativa entre objetos de amor correctos o incorrectos. Esta interpretación sobre el amor en Spinoza es coherente (...)
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  9. Anthropologie et politique au XVIIe siècle: études sur Spinoza.Alexandre Matheron - 1986 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  10. (1 other version)Spinoza on the human mind.Lilli Alanen - 2011 - In Peter A. French, Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered. Boston, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  11. Affektenlehre und amor Dei intellectualis: die Rezeption Spinozas im Deutschen Idealismus, in der Frühromantik und in der Gegenwart.Violetta Waibel (ed.) - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Wichtige Aspekte der Spinoza-Rezeption sind lange Zeit im Hintergrund geblieben. Spinoza galt seit dem öffentlich gemachten Bekenntnis des Aufklärers Lessing zum Hen kai Pan als Vertreter einer Substanzenontologie für Atheisten. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi war es, der 1785 und 1789 eine breite Debatte um Pantheismus, Atheismus, letztbegründende Prinzipien der Metaphysik, ferner um Freiheit und Notwendigkeit auslöste. Spinozas Trieb- und Affektenlehre blieb in der Forschung weitgehend unbeachtet. Weniger lautstark als im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert, aber durchaus wirksam, ist Spinoza im 20. und 21. (...)
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  12. “Moral Awareness” as an Adequate Idea in Spinoza’s Ethics: Conscious or Conscience?Enes DAĞ - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1181-1196.
    As in classical Latin philosophical and theological texts, Spinoza did not make any semantic distinction between the concepts of conscientia and conscius, and used one interchangeably. But the concept of conscientia is used as an “inner voice” or “conscience” meaning “moral sensitivity” or “moral awareness” and expresses both rational and irrational processes in traditioanl philosophy. On the other hand, the concept of conscius is used in the sense of “consciousness” and expresses a mental or psychological reflexive activity based on rational (...)
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  13. [Book Review] Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love by Michael Strawser. [REVIEW]Ian MacLean-Evans - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (4):452-456.
    Strawser’s Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love is a long-needed investigation into what Spinoza has to say about love, how Spinoza’s views of love are historically situated, and how Spinoza’s views...
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  14. The art of good encounters : Spinoza, Deleuze and Macherey on moving from passive to active joy.Bruce Baugh - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald, From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  15. The Intellectual Love of God in Spinoza.Noa L. Ayalon - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (4):420-437.
    One of the most famous and identifiable of Spinoza’s ideas is his amor Dei intellectualis (the intellectual love of God). It has been argued that this concept is somewhat alien to the main tenets of the Ethics, especially since it is reminiscent of more orthodox religious relations to God, and has a certain mystical (and so, nonrational) quality. In this paper, I will show that it is a consistent development of Spinoza’s interconnected and elaborate theories of knowledge and the affects. (...)
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  16. Nietzsche on the passions and self-cultivation: contra the Stoics and Spinoza.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):245-265.
    Although the literature on Nietzsche is now voluminous one area where there has surprisingly been very little research concerns Nietzsche on the passions. This essay aims to correct this neglect. My focus is on illuminating Nietzsche on the passions in relation to his primary teaching on self-cultivation. To illuminate his position, I focus attention on examining his relation to Stoic teaching on the passions. If for Nietzsche the Christian mind-set involves a disturbing pathological excess of feeling, the Stoic way of (...)
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  17. Necessity and Nature in Spinoza's Philosophy.Don Garrett - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  18. Stili di vita: fonti, forme e governo nella filosofia spinoziana degli affetti.Francesco Cerrato - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  19. Nature and necessity in Spinoza's philosophy.Don Garrett - 2018 - New York City: Oxford University Press.
    Spinoza's guiding commitment to the thesis that nothing exists or occurs outside of the scope of nature and its necessary laws makes him one of the great seventeenth-century exemplars of both philosophical naturalism and explanatory rationalism. Nature and Necessity in Spinoza's Philosophy brings together for the first time eighteen of Don Garrett's articles on Spinoza's philosophy, ranging over the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy. Taken together, these influential articles provide a comprehensive interpretation of that (...)
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  20. Spinoza, heterarchical ontology, and affective architecture.Gökhan Kodalak - 2018 - In Beth Lord, Spinoza’s Philosophy of Ratio. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 89-107.
  21. Dispassion, God, and nature : Maimonides and Spinoza.Daniel Frank - 2019 - In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz & Aaron Segal, Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
  22. Affirmation, judgment, and epistemic theodicy in Descartes and Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa, The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
  23. L'intelligence de la pratique: le concept de disposition chez Spinoza.Jacques-Louis Lantoine - 2019 - Lyon: ENS éditions. Edited by Pierre-François Moreau.
    Si chacun a le pouvoir de vivre selon la raison, comment se fait-il que si peu la suivent, alors même qu'un grand nombre s'en réclament? Certains voient le meilleur, mais font le pire. D'autres font le pire en croyant qu'il est le meilleur. Tous font tout ce qu'ils peuvent, et se réjouissent finalement de ce qu'ils sont. La philosophie de Spinoza rend compte de ces paradoxes : toute puissance est en acte. Qui peut le plus s'efforce nécessairement de faire le (...)
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  24. Le cœur de Spinoza: vivre sans haine.Pierre Ansay - 2019 - Mons: Couleur livres.
  25. Spinoza et les passions du social.Éva Debray, Frédéric Lordon, Ong-Van-Cung & Kim Sang (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Amsterdam.
  26. Spinoza's Ethics: a guide.Michael LeBuffe - 2023 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This guide has an introduction and five chapters, one for each of the parts of Spinoza's Ethics. The Introduction includes background material necessary for productive study of the Ethics: advice for working with Spinoza's geometrical method, a biographical sketch of Spinoza, and accounts of important predecessors: Aristotle, Maimonides, and Descartes. The chapters that follow trace the Ethics in detail, including accounts of most of the elements in Spinoza's book and raising questions for further research. Chapter 1, "One Infinite Substance," covers (...)
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  27. The art of good encounters : Spinoza, Deleuze and Macherey on moving from passive to active joy.Bruce Baugh - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald, From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  28. Cheerfulness.Valtteri Viljanen - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg, The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 85-86.
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  29. De Descartes a Spinoza: la aceptación de las pasiones.Juan Berraondo - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:511.
  30. Thomas Hobbes y Baruch Spinoza en torno al miedo: la relación entre la política democrática y las pasiones.Gabriela Rodríguez Rial & Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):169-184.
    El presente artículo se propone indagar el estatuto del miedo y sus declinaciones políticas en los pensamientos de Thomas Hobbes y Baruch Spinoza para interpretar su impacto en la democracia como un problema teórico político. Cuando se comparan a Hobbes y Spinoza, las interpretaciones predominantes, incluso aquellas que identifican algunas coincidencias respecto de los sentidos y efectos políticos de miedo, tienden a poner en primer plano las diferencias entre ambos. Sin embargo, la problematización de esta emoción es un punto de (...)
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  31. Spinoza, Hume, and Vasubandhu: the relation between reason and emotion in self-development.Winnie Tomm - unknown
  32. Spinoza on Melancholy and Cheerfulness.Christopher Thomas - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (1):161-176.
    RésuméLa philosophie de Spinoza est souvent célébrée pour son fort courant anti-normatif. Spinoza soutient, par exemple, que le bien et le mal n'indiquent rien de positif dans les choses, et que les affects sont toujours particuliers à la situation dans laquelle ils surviennent. Et pourtant, Spinoza soutient que la mélancolie est « toujours mauvaise » et la gaieté « toujours bonne », problématisant ainsi un principe métaphysique clé de son système. Prêtant attention à certaines sections de l’Éthique et du Traité (...)
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  33. Od patetiky k etike. Spinozova teória ľudskej slobody [From Pathetics to Ethics. Spinoza's Theory of Human Freedom].Michaela Petrufova Joppova - 2022 - Prešov, Slovensko: Atény nad Torysou.
    The monograph offers an original account of Spinoza’s philosophy and ethics concentrated on its concordance with selected modern neuroscientific theories. The book proceeds through the whole of Spinoza’s philosophy and by increasingly complex analytical account acquaints with its essential frameworks, terminology, and concepts, and is thus accessible also to readers who are not yet familiar with the thought of this peculiar thinker. The fundamental motives of this interpretation are the nature of the mind and the questions of human freedom and (...)
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  34. Guided by Joy: Becoming-Active in Deleuze’s Spinoza.Eric Aldieri - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (2):214-232.
    Spinoza’s Ethics makes reference to three kinds of knowledge that humans are capable of winning: imagination, reason and intuitive knowledge of God. Of these, imagination is necessarily inadequate while the latter two are necessarily adequate. In other words, we remain passive in the first type of knowledge, but come into our power of acting in the latter two. The passage from the first to the second and third types of knowledge, however, remains, in Spinoza’s text, rather obscure. This paper seeks (...)
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  35. Review of Francesco Cerrato, "Un secolo di passioni e politica. Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza", DeriveApprodi 2012. [REVIEW]Simone Guidi - 2013 - Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia 13:435-438.
  36. Part V of Spinoza's Ethics: Intuitive knowledge, contentment of mind, and intellectual love of God.Kristin Primus - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12838.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 6, June 2022.
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  37. Superbia, existimatio, and despectus: an aspect of Spinoza’s theory of esteem.Francesco Toto - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (1):113-133.
    This article focuses on three of the affects discussed in Spinoza’s Ethics: pride, esteem, and scorn. At first, it focuses mainly on the delusional aspect Spinoza attributes to these passions as a matter of definition, emphasizing the monological and self-referential dimension in which they seem to imprison the subject. It then analyzes the reference to a notion of justice contained in their definitions, and how this triggers a struggle for recognition. In a third moment, it highlights the political efficacy of (...)
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  38. The Ethics of Joy: Spinoza on the Empowered Life by Andrew Youpa.Julie R. Klein - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (1):162-163.
    The Ethics of Joy offers reconstructive argument, careful engagement with select literature, and a big-picture presentation of Spinoza’s view of the well-lived human life. Not “convinced that Kantians in ethics are Kantians because of an argument that Kant or Korsgaard makes,” Andrew Youpa urges us to consider Spinoza’s view as “an alternative way of thinking about our lives—an alternative that is illuminating and insightful”. Since “the presentation of an illuminating alternative is arguably the best a philosopher can do”, this is (...)
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  39. Affects, Actions and Passions in Spinoza: The Unity of Body and Mind.Chantal Jaquet & Tatiana Reznichenko - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Tatiana Reznichenko.
    Revisiting the generally accepted notion of psycho-physical parallelism in Spinoza, Chantal Jaquet offers a new analysis of the relation between body and mind. Looking at a range of Spinoza's texts, and using an original methodology, she analyses their unity in action through affects, actions and passions.
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  40. S. Cremaschi, L’automa spirituale. La teoria delle passioni e della mente in Spinoza. [REVIEW]Carlo Vinti - 1980 - Libri-Per 10 (June):22-23.
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  41. Love and essence in Spinoza's ethics.Noa Lahav Ayalon - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (3):1-41.
    Several questions regarding Spinoza's concept of essence have been the topic of recent scholarly debate. In this paper, I show that the connection between love, desire and essence is ubiquitous in the Ethics, as well as metaphysically and psychologically coherent; moreover, it provides the key to answer unresolved questions. Analyzing the notion of essence through Spinoza's theory of love shows that essence can be expressed in different ways, and be reflected through different objects of love. These objects of love, in (...)
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  42. Entre Nietzsche y Spinoza: estética afectiva desde la voluntad de poder.Sergio Casado Chamizo - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):293-312.
    Este artículo propone una interpretación estética de la relación entre los sistemas filosóficos de Spinoza y Nietzsche a partir una base ontológica común. Aunque sea difícil defender una lectura de Spinoza por parte de Nietzsche, si nos dirigimos a la mediación desde el pensamiento indio entre los pilares de sus respectivos sistemas, podremos fundar una relación entre la voluntad de poder y el _conatus _spinozista. El propósito de esta investigación es doble: por un lado, proponer una interpretación estética de la (...)
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  43. Reconsidering Spinoza’s ‘Rationalism’.Genevieve Lloyd - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):196-215.
    ABSTRACT Spinoza has often been cited as a classic example of the philosophical category of ‘rationalism’; and there is indeed much about his philosophy that can seem to warrant that classification. This essay will argue that it is nonetheless a simplification, which can cloud some of the most important and interesting insights that can be gained from reading Spinoza now. Although it is true that his treatment of human knowledge emphasized the exercise of reason, his crucial—and frequently misunderstood—concept of ratio (...)
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  44. A Qualified Defence of Rationalism: On the Role of the Analogical Imagination in Spinoza.Michael A. Rosenthal - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):243-249.
    ABSTRACT This commentary defends an interpretation of Spinoza that preserves some key elements of traditional rationalism, in which reason does have an independent path to the truth. While it agrees with Lloyd’s general view, in which reason, imagination, and emotion are more closely tied than the Cartesian scheme, in which reason is distinct from the world of bodies, the paper disagrees with her central claim that reason is constituted by the imagination. It argues that the imagination is effective to the (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Law as Adequate Emotion: Spinoza’s Legacy.Jean-Baptiste Pointel - 2016 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 102 (2):261-277.
    Spinoza might solve the Body-Mind problem with parallelism: physical events are correlated instantly by mental events, which are ideas. Everyone has a force needing a direction to create a motion. With adequate knowledge, we can reallocate the Emotion adequately to empower us. Modern Spinozism can be summed up as: full naturalism, radical determinism, theoretical antihumanism, denunciation of methodological individualism, and pure relational approach of human realities. Bringing Spinoza in nowadays analysis of law unfolds two paths of study: law is institutions (...)
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  46. Core Affect Dynamics: Arousal as a Modulator of Valence.Valentina Petrolini & Marco Viola - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (4):783-801.
    According to several researchers, core affect lies at the foundation of our affective lives and may be characterized as a consciously accessible state combining arousal (activated-deactivated) and valence (pleasure-displeasure). The interaction between these two dimensions is still a matter of debate. In this paper we provide a novel hypothesis concerning their interaction, by arguing that subjective arousal levels modulate the experience of a stimulus’ affective quality. All things being equal, the higher the arousal, the more a given stimulus would be (...)
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  47. Descartes and Spinoza on the Primitive Passions.Lisa Shapiro - 2019 - In Noa Naaman Zauderer, Freedom Action and Motivation in Spinoza's Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge Press. pp. 62-81.
    Motivating my discussion is a puzzle in Spinoza’s account of the primary affects – his shift away from adopting Descartes’s list of six primitive passions in the Short Treatise to the three primary affects in the Ethics. I lay out this puzzle in Section 1. In Section 2, I approach this puzzle by considering the taxonomy offered by Descartes of the basic or primitive passions. In considering Descartes, I will also briefly consider Aquinas’s view since Descartes positions himself as rejecting (...)
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  48. Spinoza on Learning to Live Together.Susan James - 2020 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophising, as Spinoza conceives it, is the project of learning to live joyfully. This in turn is a matter of learning to live together, and the most obvious test of philosophical insight is our capacity to sustain a harmonious way of life. Susan James defends this interpretation and explores Spinoza's influence on contemporary debates.
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  49. Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die.Steven Nadler - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From Pulitzer Prize-finalist Steven Nadler, an engaging guide to what Spinoza can teach us about life’s big questions In 1656, after being excommunicated from Amsterdam’s Portuguese-Jewish community for “abominable heresies” and “monstrous deeds,” the young Baruch Spinoza abandoned his family’s import business to dedicate his life to philosophy. He quickly became notorious across Europe for his views on God, the Bible, and miracles, as well as for his uncompromising defense of free thought. Yet the radicalism of Spinoza’s views has long (...)
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  50. Schopenhauer und Spinozas Affektenlehre.Thorsten Sander - 2002 - In Achim Engstler, Affekte und Ethik: Spinozas Lehre im Kontext. Hildesheim: Olms. pp. 263-278.
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