Results for ' ATTITUDE'

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  1. Value'.On Fitting Pro-Attitudes - 2004 - Ethics 114 (3):391-423.
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    3 Aquinas and Islamic and Jewish thinkers.I. Aquinas S. Attitudes Toward Avicenna - 1993 - In Norman Kretzmann & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  3. The cognitive attitude of rational trust.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2014 - Synthese 191 (9).
    I provide an account of the cognitive attitude of trust that explains the role trust plays in the planning of rational agents. Many authors have dismissed choosing to trust as either impossible or irrational; however, this fails to account for the role of trust in practical reasoning. A can have therapeutic, coping, or corrective reasons to trust B to ${\phi}$ , even in the absence of evidence that B will ${\phi}$ . One can choose to engage in therapeutic trust (...)
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  4. Decomposing attitude verbs.Angelika Kratzer - unknown
    I will assume (without explicitly argue for it here) that the verb’s external argument is not an argument of the verb root itself, but is introduced by a separate head in a neo-Davidsonian way. The content argument can be saturated by DPs denoting the kinds of things that can be believed or reported.
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  5. Is Belief a Propositional Attitude?Ray Buchanan - 2012 - Philosophers' Imprint 12.
    According to proponents of the face-value account, a beliefreport of the form ‘S believes that p’ is true just in case the agentbelieves a proposition referred to by the that-clause. As againstthis familiar view, I argue that there are cases of true beliefreports of the relevant form in which there is no proposition that thethat-clause, or the speaker using the that-clause, can plausibly betaken as referring to. Moreover, I argue that given the distinctiveway in which the face-value theory of belief-reports (...)
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    The questioning-attitude account of agnosticism.Avery Archer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-15.
    I defend a proposition-directed, sui generis account of agnosticism, according to which being agnostic about some proposition, P, involves a sceptical or questioning mental stance towards both the truth and falsity of P. Call this the questioning-attitude account. The questioning-attitude account contrasts with the question-directed attitude account of Jane Friedman, which holds that the object of agnosticism is a question rather than a proposition. I argue that the questioning-attitude account not only avoids a major weakness of (...)
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  7. The Natural Ontological Attitude.Arthur I. Fine - 1984 - In Jarrett Leplin (ed.), Scientific Realism. University of California Press. pp. 261--77.
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    Religiosity, Attitude, and the Demand for Socially Responsible Products.Johan Graafland - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):121-138.
    In this paper, we examine the relationship between various Christian denominations and attitude and behavior regarding consumption of socially responsible products. Literature on the relationship between religiosity and pro-social behavior has shown that religiosity strengthens positive attitudes towards pro-social behavior, but does not affect social behavior itself. This seems to contradict the theory of planned behavior that predicts that attitude fosters behavior. One would therefore expect that if religiosity encourages attitude towards SR products, it would also increase (...)
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    Retributivism and The Objective Attitude.Sofia Jeppsson - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):56-73.
    It has been argued that a retributivist criminal justice system treats offenders with a respect lacking in alternative criminal justice systems; retributivism presumably recognizes that offenders are fellow members of the moral community who can be held responsible for their actions. One version of the respect argument builds on P.F. Strawson’s moral responsibility theory. According to Strawson, we may take either a participant or objective attitude toward other people. The former is the default attitude when interacting with other (...)
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    Een verbeeldingsgezinde attitude.Yanni Ratajczyk - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (4):549-563.
    An imaginative attitude: On metaphors, ethics and poetry In this article, I describe how moral understanding, moral philosophy, and poetry are connected through our use of the imagination. From insights of the pragmatic tradition, I derive the existence of an imaginative attitude that steers us towards imaginative moral interpretation and action. I show how such an attitude not only develops through our personal ethical experience but is also nurtured and shaped by poetry. Finally, I will argue that (...)
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  11. Attitude verbs’ local context.Kyle Blumberg & Simon Goldstein - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (3):483-507.
    Schlenker (Semant Pragmat 2(3):1–78, 2009; Philos Stud 151(1):115–142, 2010a; Mind 119(474):377–391, 2010b) provides an algorithm for deriving the presupposition projection properties of an expression from that expression’s classical semantics. In this paper, we consider the predictions of Schlenker’s algorithm as applied to attitude verbs. More specifically, we compare Schlenker’s theory with a prominent view which maintains that attitudes exhibit belief projection, so that presupposition triggers in their scope imply that the attitude holder believes the presupposition (Karttunen in Theor (...)
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  12. Propositions and Attitude Ascriptions: A Fregean Account.David J. Chalmers - 2011 - Noûs 45 (4):595-639.
    When I say ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’, I seem to express a proposition. And when I say ‘Joan believes that Hesperus is Phosphorus’, I seem to ascribe to Joan an attitude to the same proposition. But what are propositions? And what is involved in ascribing propositional attitudes?
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    Bosses without a heart: socio-demographic and cross-cultural determinants of attitude toward Emotional AI in the workplace.Peter Mantello, Manh-Tung Ho, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):97-119.
    Biometric technologies are becoming more pervasive in the workplace, augmenting managerial processes such as hiring, monitoring and terminating employees. Until recently, these devices consisted mainly of GPS tools that track location, software that scrutinizes browser activity and keyboard strokes, and heat/motion sensors that monitor workstation presence. Today, however, a new generation of biometric devices has emerged that can sense, read, monitor and evaluate the affective state of a worker. More popularly known by its commercial moniker, Emotional AI, the technology stems (...)
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  14. Fine-grained semantics for attitude reports.Harvey Lederman - 2021 - Semantics and Pragmatics 14 (1).
    I observe that the “concept-generator” theory of Percus and Sauerland (2003), Anand (2006), and Charlow and Sharvit (2014) does not predict an intuitive true interpretation of the sentence “Plato did not believe that Hesperus was Phosphorus”. In response, I present a simple theory of attitude reports which employs a fine-grained semantics for names, according to which names which intuitively name the same thing may have distinct compositional semantic values. This simple theory solves the problem with the concept-generator theory, but, (...)
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    From Counter-Conduct to Critical Attitude: Michel Foucault and the Art of Not Being Governed Quite So Much.Daniele Lorenzini - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:7-21.
    In this article I reconstruct the philosophical conditions for the emergence of the notion of counter-conduct within the framework of Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, and I explore the reasons for its disappearance after 1978. In particular, I argue that the concept of conduct becomes crucial for Foucault in order to redefine governmental power relations as specific ways to conduct the conduct of individuals: it is initially within this context that, in Security, Territory, Population, he rethinks the problem of resistance (...)
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    Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions for an Employee of Color Shortage.E. Holly Buttner, Kevin B. Lowe & Lenora Billings-Harris - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):129-144.
    Diversity scholars have emphasized the critical role of corporate leaders for ensuring the success of diversity strategic initiatives in organizations. This study reports on business school leaders’ attributions regarding the causes for and solutions to the low representation of U.S. faculty of color in business schools. Results indicatethat leaders with greater awareness of racial issues rated an inhospitable organizational culture as a more important cause and cultural change and recruitment as more important solutions to faculty of color under-representation than did (...)
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    Medical ethics: knowledge, attitude and practice among doctors in three teaching hospitals in Sri Lanka.A. W. I. P. Ranasinghe, Buddhika Fernando, Athula Sumathipala & Wasantha Gunathunga - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background Medical ethics deals with the ethical obligations of doctors to their patients, colleagues and society. The annual reports of Sri Lanka Medical Council indicate that the number of complaints against doctors has increased over the years. We aimed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding medical ethics among doctors in three teaching hospitals in Sri Lanka. Methods A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted among doctors using a pre-tested self-administered, anonymous questionnaire. Chi Squared test, and ANOVA (...)
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  18. Attitude and Social Rules, or Why It's Okay to Slurp Your Soup.Jeffrey Kaplan - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (28).
    Many of the most important social institutions—e.g., law and language—are thought to be normative in some sense. And philosophers have been puzzled by how this normativity can be explained in terms of the social, descriptive states of affairs that presumably constitute them. This paper attempts to solve this sort of puzzle by considering a simpler and less contentious normative social practice: table manners. Once we are clear on the exact sense in which a practice is normative, we see that some (...)
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  19. Digital Piracy: Factors that Influence Attitude Toward Behavior.Sulaiman Al-Rafee & Timothy Paul Cronan - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (3):237-259.
    A new form of software piracy known as digital piracy has taken the spotlight. Lost revenues due to digital piracy could reach $5 billion by the end of 2005.Preventives and deterrents do not seem to be working – losses are increasing. This study examines factors that influence an individual’s attitude toward pirating digital material. The results of this study suggest that attitude toward digital pirating is influenced by beliefs about the outcome of behavior (cognitive beliefs), happiness and excitement (...)
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    Online Religious Education Attitude Scale.Handan Yalvaç Arici & Hacer Çeti̇n - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):543-570.
    It is experienced that online education has become further more widespread in recent years. Especially with the pandemic period, it is seen that there is more demand for online training. In the same way, formal and non-formal of religious education is also provided online In this study, a scale development study was carried out to measure attitudes of Online Religious Education. The data was obtained via electronic forms. This data consisted of information from 642 adult participants. The age range of (...)
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    A survey on the attitude of college students to the privacy right as opposed to the right to know.Nader Ghotbi - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 11 (3):1-8.
    There are times when two essential human rights may appear to be in conflict, or need to be balanced against one another. This paper examines the right of a party, such as officials, a group of people or an individual, to ‘privacy and confidentiality’ when others may have a conflicting ‘right to know’ about them. Although similar conflicts have been studied by other researchers, there is still controversy over the rightful balance in situations driven by new information and communication technologies. (...)
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    Children's attitude problems: Bootstrapping verb meaning from syntax and pragmatics.Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (1):73-96.
    How do children learn the meanings of propositional attitude verbs? We argue that children use information contained in both syntactic distribution and pragmatic function to zero in on the appropriate meanings. Specifically, we identify a potentially universal link between semantic subclasses of attitude verbs, their syntactic distribution and the kinds of indirect speech acts they can be used to perform. As a result, children can use the syntax as evidence about the meaning, which in turn constrains the kinds (...)
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  23. No Good Fit: Why the Fitting Attitude Analysis of Value Fails.Krister Bykvist - 2009 - Mind 118 (469):1-30.
    Understanding value in terms of fitting attitudes is all the rage these days. According to this fitting attitude analysis of value (FA-analysis for short) what is good is what it is fitting to favour in some sense. Many aspects of the FA-analysis have been discussed. In particular, a lot of discussion has been concerned with the wrong-reason objection: it can be fitting to have an attitude towards something for reasons that have nothing to do with the value the (...)
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  24. Trust as an unquestioning attitude.C. Thi Nguyen - 2022 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 7:214-244.
    According to most accounts of trust, you can only trust other people (or groups of people). To trust is to think that another has goodwill, or something to that effect. I sketch a different form of trust: the unquestioning attitude. What it is to trust, in this sense, is to settle one’s mind about something, to stop questioning it. To trust is to rely on a resource while suspending deliberation over its reliability. Trust lowers the barrier of monitoring, challenging, (...)
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    The Ahmadis: Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society. By Antonio Gualtieri. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. Pp. xvi+ 192. Hardcover $65.00. Paper Cdn $24.95/US $19.95. American Knees. By Shawn Wong. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2005. Pp. xxi+ 229. Paper $14.95. [REVIEW]Buddhist Inclusivism, Attitudes Towards Religious Others By Kristin & Beise Kiblinger - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):365-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ahmadis: Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society. By Antonio Gualtieri. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. Pp. xvi + 192. Hardcover $65.00. Paper Cdn $24.95 / U.S. $19.95.American Knees. By Shawn Wong. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2005. Pp. xxi + 229. Paper $14.95.The Art of Worldly Wisdom. By Baltasar Gracian and translated by Joseph Jacobs. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2005. Pp. (...)
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    The Act of Being: The Philosophy of Revelation in Mulla Sadra. By Christian Jambet. Brooklyn: Zone Books, 2006. Pp. 497. Hardcover $38.95. Analysis in Sankara Vedanta: The Philosophy of Ganeswar Misra. Edited by Bijaya-nanda Kar. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2006. Pp. xxv+ 190. Hardcover Rs. 240.00. [REVIEW]Buddhist Inclusivism, Attitudes Towards Religious Others By Kristin, Beise Kiblinger, Guard By Tina Chunna Zhang & Frank Allen Berkeley - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (4):608-610.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Act of Being: The Philosophy of Revelation in Mullā Sadrā. By Christian Jambet. Brooklyn: Zone Books, 2006. Pp. 497. Hardcover $38.95.Analysis in Śaṅkara Vedānta: The Philosophy of Ganeswar Misra. Edited by Bijayananda Kar. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2006. Pp. xxv + 190. Hardcover Rs. 240.00.Bhakti and Philosophy. By R. Raj Singh. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2006. Pp. 112. Hardcover $65.00.Brahman and the Ethos of Organization. (...)
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  27. Moral Utterances, Attitude Expression, and Implicature.Guy Fletcher - 2014 - In Guy Fletcher & Michael Ridge (eds.), Having It Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This paper examines implicaturist hybrid theories by examining how closely attitude expression by moral utterances fits with the varieties of implicature (conventional, particular conversational, generalized conversational) using five standard criteria for implicature: indeterminacy (§3), reinforceability (§4), non-detachability (§5), cancellability (§6), and calculability (§7). I argue (1) that conventional implicature is a clear non-starter as a model of attitude expression by moral utterances (2) that generalised conversational implicature yields the most plausible implicaturist hybrid but (3) that a non-implicaturist, and (...)
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  28. Content and Theme in Attitude Ascriptions.Graeme Forbes - 2018 - In Alex Grzankowski & Michelle Montague (eds.), Non-Propositional Intentionality. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 114-133.
    This paper is about a substitution-failure in attitude ascriptions, but not the one you think. A standard view about the semantic shape of ‘that’-clause attitude ascriptions is that they are fundamentally relational. The attitude verb expresses a binary relation whose extension, if not empty, is a collection of pairs each of which consists in an individual and a proposition, while the ‘that’-clause is a term for a proposition. One interesting problem this view faces is that, within the (...)
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    Semantic Information and the Syntax of Propositional Attitude Verbs.Aaron S. White, Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):416-456.
    Propositional attitude verbs, such as think and want, have long held interest for both theoretical linguists and language acquisitionists because their syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties display complex interactions that have proven difficult to fully capture from either perspective. This paper explores the granularity with which these verbs’ semantic and pragmatic properties are recoverable from their syntactic distributions, using three behavioral experiments aimed at explicitly quantifying the relationship between these two sets of properties. Experiment 1 gathers a measure of (...)
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    (1 other version)The scientific attitude.Conrad Hal Waddington - 1968 - London,: Hutchinson.
  31. The attitude of trust is basic.Paul Faulkner - 2015 - Analysis 75 (3):424-429.
    Most philosophical discussion of trust focuses on the three-place trust predicate: X trusting Y to φ. This article argues that it is the one-place and two-place predicates – X is trusting, and X trusting Y – that are fundamental.
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    Health professionals' attitude towards information disclosure to cancer patients in China.Zeng Tieying, Huang Haishan, Zhao Meizhen, Li Yan & Fang Pengqian - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):356-363.
    A self-designed questionnaire was given to 634 health professionals in a large teaching hospital in Hubei Province in mainland China, to clarify the participants’ attitude towards information disclosure to cancer patients. Statistic description was used to analyze the data. The item ‘inappropriate information about cancer easily leads to medical disputes’ scored highest at 3.86, while the scores of such items as ‘advantages of fully informing patients outweigh disadvantages’, ‘if their family members demand nondisclosure, you will find it difficult to (...)
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  33. Content-Related and Attitude-Related Reasons for Preferences.Christian Piller - 2006 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 59:155-182.
    In the first section of this paper I draw, on a purely conceptual level, a distinction between two kinds of reasons: content-related and attitude-related reasons. The established view is that, in the case of the attitude of believing something, there are no attitude-related reasons. I look at some arguments intended to establish this claim in the second section with an eye to whether these argument could be generalized to cover the case of preferences as well. In the (...)
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    Perfectibility and Attitude in Nietzsche's "Übermensch".Bernd Magnus - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):633 - 659.
    THIS paper consists essentially of three parts. The first part argues the case for construing Nietzsche's remarks about Übermenschlichkeit as endorsing some specific set of character traits, of "virtues" if you like. To be an Übermensch, on this reading, is to possess or exhibit certain traits of character, traits which in the typical case are associated with notions of self-overcoming, sublimation, creativity, and self-perfection. An Übermensch, construed in this way, expresses Nietzsche's vision of the human ideal, of what human beings (...)
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    Explaining value: on Orsi and Garcia’s explanatory objection to the fitting-attitude analysis.Wlodek Rabinowicz & Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2020 - Philosophical Studies.
    Orsi and Garcia argue that fitting-attitude analysis of value is vulnerable to an explanatory objection. On FA-analysis, for an object to be valuable is for it to be a fitting target of an attitude—a pro-attitude if its value is positive and a con-attitude if it is negative. For different kinds of value different kinds of attitudes are fitting: desire for desirability, admiration for admirability, etc. To explain the fittingness relation we therefor need to appeal to the (...)
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    The attitude of agnosticism.Avery Archer (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    We often describe ourselves as agnostic on a wide range of questions, such as does God exist, is String Theory true, or will the President win re-election? But what does it mean to be agnostic and when is agnosticism justified? This monograph addresses these and related questions.
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    Purchase Intention for Green Cars Among Chinese Millennials: Merging the Value–Attitude–Behavior Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.Lei Wang, Qi Zhang & Philip Pong Weng Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:786292.
    The value–attitude–behavior and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) appear to provide limited explanation for consumer green purchase behavior. This study aims to examine the relationship between pro-environmental value, consumption value, and TPB toward green car purchasing intention among the young Chinese generation. A total of 541 student responses were collected, and the results showed that altruistic value positively influenced subjective norm (SN) and perceived behavioral control (PBC), but negatively influenced green purchase attitude (GPA). Biospheric value positively influenced (...)
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  38. Semantics for propositional attitude ascriptions.Graham Oppy - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 67 (1):1 - 18.
    This paper provides a semantics for propositional attitude ascriptions. (In this respect, the title of the paper is quite well chosen.).
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  39. Théorie générale de l'attitude et du mouvement chez l'homme.F. J. J. Buytendijk - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:269-270.
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  40. Designing the nuclear energy attitude scale.Lawrence Calhoun, Robert L. Shrigley & Dennis E. Showers - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):157-174.
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    A question of attitude.Joseph Chandler - 2005 - The Philosophers' Magazine 31:46-46.
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  42. The objective attitude.Tamler Sommers - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):321–341.
    I aim to alleviate the pessimism with which some philosophers regard the 'objective attitude', thereby removing a particular obstacle which P.F. Strawson and others have placed in the way of more widespread scepticism about moral responsibility. First, I describe what I consider the objective attitude to be, and then address concerns about this raised by Susan Wolf. Next, I argue that aspects of certain attitudes commonly thought to be opposed to the objective attitude are in fact compatible (...)
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    Ad hoc concepts, affective attitude and epistemic stance.Manuel Padilla Cruz - 2022 - Pragmatics and Cognition 29 (1):1-28.
    In relevance-theoretic pragmatics thelower-levelorfirst-order explicatureis a propositional form resulting from a series of inferential developments of the logical form. It amounts to the message the speaker communicates explicitly. Thehigher-levelorsecond-order explicatureis a description of the speech act that the speaker performs, her affective attitude towards what she says or her epistemic stance to the communicated information. Information about the speaker’s affective attitude or epistemic stance need not solely be represented in the latter, though. It could be included as beliefs (...)
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  44. Scruton on the aesthetic attitude.Christopher New - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (4):320-330.
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  45. Attitude Isn't Everything: Hermeneutics as an Unfinished Project.David Liakos - 2021 - Analecta Hermeneutica 13 (1):158-180.
    This article critically investigates the landscape of contemporary philosophical hermeneutics, especially Gadamerian hermeneutics. This investigation reveals that one of the central trends in recent decades has been to construe hermeneutics as, instead of an ongoing and substantive philosophical research project, rather an amorphous current or nebulous spirit of intellectual life and culture—what this article refers to as the sense of hermeneutics as an attitude. The “effective history” of this characterization of hermeneutics is traced to polemical references to hermeneutics by (...)
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  46. Attitude in Philosophy.Sanford C. Goldberg & Mark Walker (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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  47. The Attitude of the Junzi toward Wealth, Social Eminence, Poverty, and Humbleness in Light of Analects 4.5.Attilio Andreini - 2021 - In Ian M. Sullivan & Joshua Mason (eds.), One corner of the square: essays on the philosophy of Roger T. Ames. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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  48. Attitude formation: Function and structure.Sally Chaiken, J. S. Neil & B. B. Paul - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 2--899.
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    Attitude similarity and attraction: The effects of the bogus pipeline.Richard A. Page & Martin K. Moss - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):63-65.
  50. Attitude towards the scriptures of other religions-a gandhian model.A. Pushparajan - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (3):337-351.
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