Results for ' Act in literature'

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  1.  8
    Der Acte gratuit, Revolte und Literatur: Hegel, Dostojewskij, Nietzsche, Gide, Sartre, Camus, Beckett.Martin Raether - 1980 - Heidelberg: Winter.
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    On the Relevance of Literature to Life: The Significance of the Act of Reading.Wilna A. J. Meijer - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (5):567-577.
    What can literary education contribute to moral education? In this article the inherent practical, moral or political, relevance of literature and literary education is defended, which is opposed to a moralist approach to (children's) literature. A much debated danger in literature and the arts, viz. that it gives rise to a flight into a "promised land" instead of having relevance for real life and the real world, can be overcome by bringing to the fore the active part (...)
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    Literature and Speech Acts.Joseph Margolis - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):39-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Joseph Margolis LITERATURE AND SPEECH ACTS The trivial truth that literature employs language has been fastened on regularly and repeatedly to spawn a remarkable variety of misconceptions. Most famously, in the context of aesthetics, it has led to the untenable thesis that all art is language,1 and to the more pointed claim that works of art somehow affirm propositions that may be linguistically rendered and straightforwardly judged (...)
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    Rancière and literature.Grace Hellyer & Julian Murphet (eds.) - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Analyses the concepts that underpin Ranciere's thought on literature, scrutinising his interpretations of particular works This collection of original essays engages with Ranciere's accounts of literature from across his body of work, putting his conceptual apparatus to work in acts of literary criticism. From his archival investigations of the literary efforts of 19th-century workers to his engagements with specific novelists and poets, and from his concept of 'literarity' to his central positioning of the novel in his account of (...)
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    Literatur und Aussagen über Allgemeines.Achim Vesper - 2014 - In Ingrid Vendrell Ferran & Christoph Demmerling, Wahrheit, Wissen und Erkenntnis in der Literatur. Philosophische Beiträge. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 181-196.
    Nach einer weit verbreiteten Überzeugung beruht der Wert von fiktionaler Literatur wenigstens zum Teil darauf, dass Leser durch sie zu Wissen gelangen. Warum aber kommt fiktionale Literatur für den Erwerb von Wissen in Frage? Einige Autoren verweisen darauf, dass Literatur zwar kein propositionales Wissen im Sinne des Überzeugungswissens, aber ein nicht-propositionales Wissen im Sinne des Wissens von subjektiven Perspektiven oder von Fertigkeiten vermittelt. Der Beitrag argumentiert dafür, dass sich zusätzlich zu nicht-propositionalem Wissen auch propositionales Wissen durch Literatur erwerben lässt. Leser (...)
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  6. Wittgenstein, Literature, and the Idea of a Practice.Peter Lamarque - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (4):375-388.
    The familiar idea that literature is embedded in social practices that help explain both its existence and its value took a distinctive form in analytic philosophy, drawing on speech act theory and a conception of ‘rules’. A major influence was John Rawls's seminal paper ‘Two Concepts of Rules’ (1955) in which he introduced the ‘practice conception of rules’ according to which certain practices are defined by rules that in turn make possible certain kinds of action. The idea underlies the (...)
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    Dystopian literature and the sociological imagination.Sean Seeger & Daniel Davison-Vecchione - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 155 (1):45-63.
    This article argues that sociologists have much to gain from a fuller engagement with dystopian literature. This is because (i) the speculation in dystopian literature tends to be more grounded in empirical social reality than in the case of utopian literature, and (ii) the literary conventions of the dystopia more readily illustrate the relationship between the inner life of the individual and the greater whole of social-historical reality. These conventional features mean dystopian literature is especially attuned (...)
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    Literature and the Parasite.Anders M. Gullestad - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (3):301-323.
    J. L. Austin's claim that language ‘used not seriously’ is ‘parasitic’ upon ‘normal use’ has proved a puzzle to literary scholars, who have often taken this to mean that they are not allowed to apply the insights of speech-act theory to their own object of research. This article explores how, when read together, Michel Serres’ definition of the parasite as a ‘thermal exciter’ and Deleuze's concept of ‘minor literature’ bring out the hidden potential inherent in Austin's claim. More specifically, (...)
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    The event: literature and theory.Ilai Rowner - 2015 - London: University of Nebraska Press.
    What is an event? From a philosophical perspective, events are irregular occurrences--moments of change and interruption--categorized by human perception, language, and thought. While philosophers have pored over this subject extensively in recent years, The Event: Literature and Theory seeks to ground it: What is literature's approach to the event? How does literature produce and give testimony to events? Ilai Rowner's study not only revisits some of the most important thinkers of our time, including Maurice Blanchot, Gilles Deleuze, (...)
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    Children’s literature and body awareness: an eight-stage reading between picture books and somatics.Marcella Terrusi - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (65):79-95.
    The article proposes looking at children's literature, particularly the form of the picture book, as an educational resource for producing body awareness in school. Eight reading steps for as many bodily actions aimed at naming the body, activating it, getting to know it and moving it in space, on and off the pages; between grounding, listening, breathing, playing and moving, the rediscovery of gestures and anatomical truths invites to deepen self-knowledge as a preliminary act to the encounter and relationship (...)
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    What is ‘moral distress’? A narrative synthesis of the literature.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Fiona Irvine - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):646-662.
    Aims: The aim of this narrative synthesis was to explore the necessary and sufficient conditions required to define moral distress. Background: Moral distress is said to occur when one has made a moral judgement but is unable to act upon it. However, problems with this narrow conception have led to multiple redefinitions in the empirical and conceptual literature. As a consequence, much of the research exploring moral distress has lacked conceptual clarity, complicating attempts to study the phenomenon. Design: Systematic (...)
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  12. Derrida and literature.J. Hillis Miller - 2001 - In Tom Cohen, Jacques Derrida and the Humanities: A Critical Reader. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 58--81.
    -/- For I have to remind you, somewhat bluntly and simply, that my most constant interest, coming even before my philosophical interest I should say, if this is possible, has been directed towards literature, towards that writing which is called literature. -/- What is literature? –Jacques Derrida, “The Time of a Thesis, Punctuations” -/- Literature is everywhere in Jacques Derrida's writing. It is there from one end to the other of his work, even in essays or (...)
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  13. Beardsley on literature, fiction, and nonfiction.Szu-Yen Lin - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 8 (1).
    This paper attempts to revive interest in the speech act theory of literature by looking into Monroe C. Beardsley's account in particular. Beardsley's view in this respect has received, surprisingly, less attention than deserved. I first offer a reconstruction of Beardsley's account and then use it to correct some notable misconceptions. Next, I show that the reformulation reveals a hitherto unnoticed discrepancy in Beardsley's position and that this can be explained away by a weak version of intentionalism that Beardsley (...)
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    Overlooked contributions of Ayurveda literature to the history of physiology of digestion and metabolism.Aparna Singh, Sonam Agrawal, Kishor Patwardhan & Sangeeta Gehlot - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-19.
    Ayurveda is a traditional system of healthcare that is native to India and has a rich documented literature of its own. Most of the historians agree that the documentation of core Ayurveda literature took place approximately in between 400 BCE and 200 CE, while acknowledging that the roots of its theoretical framework can be traced back to a much earlier period. For multiple reasons many significant contributions of Ayurveda literature to various streams of biological and medical sciences (...)
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    What Is Neuro-literature?Catherine Malabou - 2016 - Substance 45 (2):78-87.
    Neuroliterature: this word is not a name for a new discipline, which—like neurolinguistics, neuropsychoanalysis, or neurophilosophy—would tend to explain the way in which our mental acts are rooted in biological neural processes. Even if we have to pay these new sciences the most acute attention to the extent that they are currently re-sketching the inner and outer boundaries of the Humanities, my purpose here is different and wishes to escape all forms of reductionism.Current neurobiology will be present in my discourse, (...)
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    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: (...)
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    Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy.Ann Davis, Thomas S. Engeman, Lilly J. Goren, Despina Korovessis, Peter Augustine Lawler, Carol McNamara, Mary P. Nichols & Laura Weiner (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Alexis de Tocqueville asserted that America had no truly great literature, and that American writers merely mimicked the British and European traditions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This new edited collection masterfully refutes Tocqueville's monocultural myopia and reveals the distinctive role American poetry and prose have played in reflecting and passing judgment upon the core values of American democracy. The essays, profiling the work of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, Edith Wharton, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Willa (...)
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    Sartre’s Dessin, Literature and the Ambiguities of the Representing Word.Ahmet Süner - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):891-904.
    Seemingly a minor part of L’Imaginaire, Sartre’s literary examples therein are of great significance especially in the way they highlight the implicit yet crucial role of linguistic signs and words in his psychology of the image. While commenting on the act of reading a novel, he views literary words practically as images, endowing them with both an affective and representative status and illustrating the word-image through the figure of a drawing or dessin. The novel’s word-images or dessins solve an important (...)
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    Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy.Christine Dunn Henderson (ed.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Alexis de Tocqueville asserted that America had no truly great literature, and that American writers merely mimicked the British and European traditions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This new edited collection masterfully refutes Tocqueville's monocultural myopia and reveals the distinctive role American poetry and prose have played in reflecting and passing judgment upon the core values of American democracy. The essays, profiling the work of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, Edith Wharton, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Willa (...)
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  20.  15
    Chaos Imagined: Literature, Art, Science.Martin Meisel - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    The stories we tell in our attempt to make sense of the world, our myths and religion, literature and philosophy, science and art, are the comforting vehicles we use to transmit ideas of order. But beneath the quest for order lies the uneasy dread of fundamental disorder. True chaos is hard to imagine and even harder to represent, especially without some recourse to the familiar coherency of order. In this book, Martin Meisel considers the long effort to conjure, depict, (...)
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    The Violence of Reading: Literature and Philosophy at the Threshold of Pain.Dominik Zechner - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The Violence of Reading: Literature and Philosophy at the Threshold of Pain expounds the scene of reading as one that produces an overwhelmed body exposed to uncontainable forms of violence. The book argues that the act of reading induces a representational instability that causes the referential function of language to collapse. This breakdown releases a type of “linguistic pain” (Scarry; Butler; Hamacher) that indicates a constitutive wounding of the reading body. The wound of language marks a rupture between linguistic (...)
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    Assessing the interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability‐Oriented Innovation: A systematic literature review and a research agenda.Andrea Urbinati, Zahra Shams Esfandabadi & Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1078-1095.
    Open Innovation and Sustainability-Oriented Innovation are undoubtedly two of the most debated topics of the last decades, gaining the interest of policymakers, practitioners, and scholars all over the world. Even if they have been usually described as two independent research fields, there are some emblematic examples presenting interplay and synergy between these topics, represented either by the hybrid perspectives of Open Sustainable Innovation, that is, the Open Innovation approach acting as an enabler of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, and Sustainable Open Innovation, which (...)
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    An “Empirical Science” of Literature.Edmund Nierlich - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):351-376.
    In this article the outlines are sketched of an empirical science of literature as close as possible to the model of the natural sciences. This raises the question of what the standards of an empirical science in the strictest sense should generally be. Practical relevance of its results soon turns up as the fundamental condition for an explanatory empirical science, if the ideology of nearing an empirical truth is no longer accepted and a mere pragmatic justification rejected as its (...)
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  24. Scepticism and Literature: An Essay on Pope, Hume, Sterne, and Johnson (review).M. A. Box - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (1):204-207.
    To carry on reasoning in the face of the implications of skepticism is what Fred Parker calls “sceptical thinking.” Not to be confused with the engineered vacillation leading to a tranquillizing suspense of judgement, it involves the double perspective of someone conducting a life, believing and reasoning as we do, while acutely aware that the whole endeavor is, in a sense, untenable. If, as Sir Philip Sidney famously said, an imaginative writer “nothing affirms, and therefore never lieth,” then the dilemma (...)
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    Social imaginaries: the literature of eugenics.Alison Sinclair - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (2):240-246.
    This paper starts from a premise relating to the act of fictional writing about eugenics and the way it may be understood as the embodiment and enactment of social imaginaries. It proposes that literature frequently, if not habitually, expresses the underside of what is expressed in public discourse. That is, far from being the implement of state policy or intervention, it acts in counterpoint to the state, constituting a type of social fantasy in that it explores through the realm (...)
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    Tzachi Zamir, "Just Literature: Philosophical Criticism and Justice.".Rafe McGregor - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (4):179-181.
    Tzachi Zamir is Professor of English and General & Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he directs the Amirim Interdisciplinary Honors Programme in the Humanities. Just Literature: Philosophical Criticism and Justice is his fifth book, continuing the exploration of the relationship between philosophy and literature begun in Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama (2007) and developed in Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost (2017). Aside from his complex and innovative work in this field, he (...)
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    Technopoetics: Seeing What Literature Has to Do with the Machine.Strother B. Purdy - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (1):130-140.
    What I refer to is how our thought in inventing, designing, modifying, and using machines carries over into acts we do not consciously associate with them—like writing or reading poetry. An airplane in flight may be “pure poetry,” or a Ferrari “a poem in steel”; it intrigues me to consider that beneath such object comparisons an object-of-thought connection may be made. Or in other words, there may be really something to a hackneyed compliment like “poem in steel.” My preference for (...)
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    Nursing and euthanasia: A narrative review of the nursing ethics literature.Barbara Pesut, Madeleine Greig, Sally Thorne, Janet Storch, Michael Burgess, Carol Tishelman, Kenneth Chambaere & Robert Janke - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):152-167.
    Background: Medical Assistance in Dying, also known as euthanasia or assisted suicide, is expanding internationally. Canada is the first country to permit Nurse Practitioners to provide euthanasia. These developments highlight the need for nurses to reflect upon the moral and ethical issues that euthanasia presents for nursing practice. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide a narrative review of the ethical arguments surrounding euthanasia in relationship to nursing practice. Methods: Systematic search and narrative review. Nine electronic databases were (...)
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  29. Rawls, Animals and Justice: New Literature, Same Response.Robert Garner - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (2):159-172.
    This article seeks to revisit the relationship between Rawls’s contractarianism and the moral status of animals, paying particular attention to the recent literature. Despite Rawls’s own reluctance to include animals as recipients of justice, and my own initial scepticism, a number of scholars have argued that his theory does provide resources that are useful for the animal advocate. The first type takes Rawls’s exclusion of animals from his theory of justice at face value but argues that animals can still (...)
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    Difficulties of the Bardic: Literature and the Human Voice.Donald Wesling - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):69-81.
    Speech, like sound, "exists only when it is passing out of existence."1 Although confounded with the very breath of life, speech dies on the lips that give it form. This undulation of air, whose speechprint is so personal that we have not been able to build machines to recognize it, is born in the body but effaces, forgets the body. This quality of speech, that it takes support form the body but does not reside there, has evoked a debate about (...)
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    The Ethical Interest of Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus: A Literature Review 200 Years After Its Publication.Irene Cambra-Badii, Elena Guardiola & Josep-E. Baños - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2791-2808.
    Two hundred years after it was first published, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, the modern Prometheus remains relevant. This novel has endured because of its literary merits and because its themes lend themselves to analysis from multiple viewpoints. Scholars from many disciplines have examined this work in relation to controversial scientific research. In this paper, we review the academic literature where Frankenstein is used to discuss ethics, bioethics, science, technology and medicine. We searched the academic literature and carried out (...)
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    Book Review: Literature as Sheltering the Human. [REVIEW]John Durham Peters - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):387-388.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Literature as Sheltering the HumanJohn Durham PetersLiterature as Sheltering the Human, by Frederic Will; 203 pp. Lewiston, Maine: Edwin Mellen Press, 1993, $69.95.This volume contains thirteen essays by Frederic Will, poet, critic, ex-professor of literature, autobiographer, translator, man of letters. All concern the peculiar powers of literature to offer spiritual comfort and protection against the storms of life.A cluster of four theoretical essays begins the (...)
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    Adapted Brains and Imaginary Worlds: Cognitive Science and the Literature of the Renaissance.Donald Beecher - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    In Adapted Brains and Imaginary Worlds, Donald Beecher explores the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of the brain as they affect the study of fiction. He builds upon insights from the cognitive sciences to explain how we actualize imaginary persons, read the clues to their intentional states, assess their representations of selfhood, and empathize with their felt experiences in imaginary environments. He considers how our own faculty of memory, in all its selective particularity and planned oblivion, becomes an increasingly significant dimension of (...)
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    The Pervasive Whiteness of Children’s Literature.Brynn F. Welch - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (2):367-388.
    In this paper, I argue that the pervasive whiteness of children’s literature contributes to the cultivation of racial biases and stereotypes while impeding the cultivation of compassion toward others. Furthermore, it makes many of the valuable goods associated with literature less accessible to children of color than to white children. Therefore, when possible, consumers have a moral obligation to purchase books that include multidimensional characters of color, and act wrongly when they purchase only books that do not. I (...)
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    Counter hegemony, popular education, and resistances: A systematic literature review on the squatters’ movement.Julia Ballesteros-Quilez, Pablo Rivera-Vargas & Judith Jacovkis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The squatting movement is a social movement that seeks to use unoccupied land or temporarily or permanently abandoned buildings as farmland, housing, meeting places, or centers for social and cultural purposes. Its main motivation is to denounce and at the same time respond to the economic difficulties that activists believe exist to realize the right to housing. Much of what we know about this movement comes from the informational and journalistic literature generated by actors that are close or even (...)
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  36. Scepticism and Literature: An Essay on Pope, Hume, Sterne, and Johnson. [REVIEW]B. O. X. M. A. - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (1):204-207.
    To carry on reasoning in the face of the implications of skepticism is what Fred Parker calls “sceptical thinking.” Not to be confused with the engineered vacillation leading to a tranquillizing suspense of judgement, it involves the double perspective of someone conducting a life, believing and reasoning as we do, while acutely aware that the whole endeavor is, in a sense, untenable. If, as Sir Philip Sidney famously said, an imaginative writer “nothing affirms, and therefore never lieth,” then the dilemma (...)
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    Aussies, Rogues and Slackers: Simon Hanselmann’s Megg, Mogg and Owl Comics as Contemporary Instances of Rogue Literature.Ronnie Scott - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):137-152.
    This paper examines the Megg, Mogg and Owl stories of Simon Hanselmann, an Australian artist whose serialized comics both depict acts of contemporary roguery committed by a group of friends in an inner city sharehouse and test the generic limits of its own storytelling conventions, thereby becoming contemporary instances of “rogue texts.” The paper positions the adventures of Megg, a witch, Mogg, her familiar, Owl, their housemate, and associated characters including Booger and Werewolf Jones as contemporary variations of both the (...)
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    Improving the peer review of narrative literature reviews.Jennifer A. Byrne - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    As the size of the published scientific literature has increased exponentially over the past 30 years, review articles play an increasingly important role in helping researchers to make sense of original research results. Literature reviews can be broadly classified as either “systematic” or “narrative”. Narrative reviews may be broader in scope than systematic reviews, but have been criticised for lacking synthesis and rigour. The submission of more scientific manuscripts requires more researchers acting as peer reviewers, which requires adding (...)
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    Including or excluding consent to the French offence of rape: an analysis of the criminal literature.Salomé Lannier - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2465-2487.
    Since the #MeToo movement, many discussions arose on the role of consent in defining rape, among academics, legal practitioners, non-governmental organisations, and at the European Union level. This debate is particularly relevant in France, where rape is a sexual act committed by violence, coercion, threat, or surprise, with no mention of consent in the Criminal Code. By conducting a meta-analysis of the discourse of the French legal literature on this topic in four criminal law reviews and ten textbooks, this (...)
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    Resisting Enchantment, Questioning Aestheticism: Modern Chinese Literature and the Public Sphere.Sebastian Veg - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (3):536-554.
    If indeed aestheticization and enchantment are perennial traits of state discourses and practices in China, it is perhaps unsurprising that a countertradition in modern literature should emphasize disenchantment. Cultural productions that originate from outside the sphere of the state have often questioned its authority. Where the state seeks to enchant, literature has sometimes sought to kindle doubt, to arouse debate. Although such debates have often been curtailed or suppressed, it is worth reexamining the connections between literary production and (...)
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  41. The Novel and Hegel's Philosophy of Literature.Barry Stocker - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12:43-48.
    Hegel's philosophy of literature, in the Aesthetics and other texts, gives no extended discussion of the novel. Hegel's predecessor Friedrich Schlegel had produced a philosophy of literature with a central position for the novel. Schlegel's discussion of the novel is based on a view of Irony which allows the novel to be the fusion of poetry and philosophy. Hegel retained a place for art, including poetry, below that of philosophy. The Ironic conception of the novel has themes, which (...)
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    Routledge Revivals: Pandora and Occam (1992): On the Limits of Language and Literature.Horst Ruthrof - 1992 - Routledge.
    First published in 1992, this book evokes Pandora and Occam as metaphoric corner posts in an argument about language as discourse and in doing so, brings analytic philosophy to bear on issues of Continental philosophy, with attention to linguistic, semiological, and semiotic concerns. Instead of regarding meanings as guaranteed by definitions, the author argues that linguistic expressions are schemata directing us more or less loosely toward the activation of nonlinguistic sign systems. Ruthrof draws up a heuristic hierarchy of discourses, with (...)
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    Acts of Literature.Jacques Derrida & Derek Attridge - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    An introduction to Derrida's contribution to literary studies, comprising much of Derrida's work on writers such as Shakespeare, Mallarme, Joyce and Kafka, with an introductory essay on deconstruction.
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    Memory and forgiveness. Soteriological discourse and literature.Adam Regiewicz - 2019 - Philosophical Discourses 1:27-36.
    In reflection concerning the study of literature, both categories, memory and forgiveness, are quite frequently contrasted. Literature, which activates memory, is perceived as a tool of settling the past. In this perspective, it takes the position opposite to that of forgiveness, which requires that 'one does not seek redress'. Using the example of the film bearing the title of The Tale, the author attempts to consider the conflict between a writer's duty to remember and the Christian appeal for (...)
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    Don Quijote and the Law of Literature.Carl Good - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):44-67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Don Quijote and the Law of LiteratureCarl Good (bio)The part is one of these beings, the whole minus this part the other. But the whole minus a part is not the whole and as long as this relationship persists, there is no whole, only two unequal parts.—Rousseau, Social Contract, cited by Paul de Man in Allegories of ReadingBut it is not just that, because it is also a performative.... (...)
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    Premises: Essays on Philosophy and Literature From Kant to Celan.Peter Fenves (ed.) - 1999 - Stanford University Press.
    "Poetry does not impose, it exposes itself," wrote Paul Celan. Werner Hamacher's investigations into crucial texts of philosophical and literary modernity show that Celan's apothegm is also valid for the structure of understanding and for language in general. In _Premises_ Hamacher demonstrates that the promise of a subject position is not only unavoidable—and thus operates as a structural imperative—but is also unattainable and therefore by necessity open to possibilities other than that defined as "position," to redefinitions and unexpected transformations of (...)
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    Literature and the Question of Philosophy.Anthony J. Cascardi & Comparative Literature Rhetroric & Spanish Anthony J. Cascardi - 1989 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    A distinguished group of authors reflects on problems currently enlivening the space shared by philosophy and literary theory in a series of chapters that range in scope from Plato to postmodernism.
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    Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation: Selected Essays on American Literature.J. Leland Miller Professor of American History Literature and Eloquence Michael Davitt Bell & Michael Davitt Bell - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation, Michael Davitt Bell charts the important and often overlooked connection between literary culture and authors' careers. Bell's influential essays on nineteenth-century American writers—originally written for such landmark projects as The Columbia Literary History of the United States and The Cambridge History of American Literature—are gathered here with a major new essay on Richard Wright. Throughout, Bell revisits issues of genre with an eye toward the unexpected details of authors' lives, and invites us to (...)
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    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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    Acts of Literature (review).William E. Cain - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):160-161.
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