Results for ' Andean and Aztec philosophies'

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  1.  34
    Pre-Columbian philosophies.James Maffie - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 7–22.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Contact‐Period Indigenous Andean Philosophy Contact‐Era Aztec or Nahua Philosophy Conclusion References.
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    Hermeneutic, Comparative, and Syncretic Philosophy: Or, On Ricoeurian, Confucian and Aztec Philosophy.Sebastian Purcell - 2020 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28 (2).
    Hermeneutic philosophy, and Paul Ricoeur’s formulation of hermeneutics in particular, faces a serious challenge, not from external sources, but from internal proponents of the program. In what might be called the Collapse Challenge, Ricoeur’s understanding of the hermeneutic circle is criticized for making use of structuralist methods that are no longer considered viable. Rather than look to replace Ricoeur’s work with an external model, the present essay draws on his late model of translation to suggest two viable paths forward beyond (...)
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    Andean aesthetics and anticolonial resistance: a cosmology of unsociable bodies.Omar Rivera - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Informed by Gloria Anzaldúa's and José Carlos Mariátegui's work, as well as by Andean cosmology, Omar Rivera turns to Inka stonework and architecture as an example of a "Cosmological Aesthetics." He articulates ways of sensing, feeling and remembering that are attuned to an aesthetic of water, earth and light. On this basis, Rivera brings forth a corporeal orientation that can be inhabited by the oppressed, one that withdraws from predominant modern/Western conceptions of the human. By providing an aesthetic analysis (...)
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  4. Andeanizing Philosophy: Rodolfo Kusch and Indigenous Thought.Philip Derbyshire - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 163:34.
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  5. Eudaimonia and Neltiliztli: Aristotle and the Aztecs on the Good Life.Lynn Sebastian Purcell - 2017 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 16 (2):10-21.
    This essay takes a first step in comparative ethics by looking to Aristotle and the Aztec's conceptions of the good life. It argues that the Aztec conception of a rooted life, neltiliztli, functions for ethical purposes in a way that is like Aristotle's eudaimonia. To develop this claim, it not only shows just in what their conceptions of the good consist, but also in what way the Aztecs conceived of the virtues (in qualli, in yectli).
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  6. On What There 'Is': Aristotle and the Aztecs on Being and Existence.Lynn Sebastian Purcell - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 18 (1):11-23.
    A curious feature of Aztec philosophy is that the basic metaphysical question of the “Western” tradition cannot be formulated in their language, in Nahuatl. This did not, however, prevent the Aztecs from developing an account of 'reality', or whatever it is that might exist. The article is the first of its kind to compare the work of Aristotle on ousia (being) and the Aztecs on teotl and ometeotl. Through this analysis, it suggests that both of the Nahuatl terms are (...)
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    The Garden of the Aztec Philosopher‐King.Susan Toby Evans - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 205–219.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Aztecs and Their Kings Nezahualcoyotl: Renaissance Man of Aztec Culture The Uses of Nezahualcoyotl: Bridging Spanish and Aztec Cultures Nezahualcoyotl's Place, and the Place of Gardens, in Aztec Political History Texcotzingo Notes.
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    A Process Interpretation of Aztec Metaphysics.Michel Weber - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):48-62.
    This article is a review essay on James Maffie's recent book titled Aztec Philosophy: Understanding a World in Motion. I try to understand the nature and significance of Aztec philosophy when interpreted as a version of process philosophy.
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  9. The Dangers of Re-colonization: Possible Boundaries Between Latin American Philosophy and Indigenous Philosophy from Latin America.Jorge Sanchez-Perez - 2023 - Comparative Philosophy 14 (2).
    The field of Latin American philosophy has established itself as a relevant subfield of philosophical inquiry. However, there might be good reasons to consider that our focus on the subfield could have distracted us from considering another subfield that, although it might share some geographical proximity, does not share the same historical basic elements. In this paper, I argue for a possible and meaningful conceptual difference between Latin American Philosophy and Indigenous philosophy produced in Latin America. First, I raise what (...)
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  10. Why care about nezahualcoyotl? Veritism and nahua philosophy.James Maffie - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (1):71-91.
    Sixteenth-century Nahua philosophy understands neltiliztli (truth) and tlamitilizli (wisdom, knowledge) nonsemantically in terms of a complex notion consisting of well-rootedness, alethia ,authenticity, adeptness, moral righteousness, beauty, and balancedness. In so doing, it offers compelling a posteriori grounds for denying what Alvin Goldman calls veritism .Veritism defends the universality of correspondence (semantic) truth as well as the universal centrality of correspondence (semantic) truth to epistemology. Key Words: truth • veritism • Nahua philosophy • Aztec philopsophy • mesoamerican philosophy • teotl (...)
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  11.  16
    Andean civilization in Poma de Ayala’s Chronicle.Elena Anatolievna Grinina & Galina Semenovna Romanova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the analysis of this paper is the Andean civilization view by the Peruvian author of the XVI century Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, a Quechua Indian by origin, who became a Catholic monk, as well as a translator and mediator between two civilizations: European, personalized by Spanish administration and Catholic Church present in the conquered lands, and Andean civilization, represented by local population speaking native Quechua and other Native American languages. The collision of two worlds (...)
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  12. The Virtues of Mestizaje: Lessons from Las Casas on Aztec Human Sacrifice.Noell Birondo - 2020 - APA Studies on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 19 (2):2-8.
    Winner of the American Philosophical Association’s 2019 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought | Western imperialism has received many different types of moral-political justifications, but one of the most historically influential justifications appeals to an allegedly universal form of human nature. In the early modern period this traditional conception of human nature—based on a Western archetype, e.g. Spanish, Dutch, British, French, German—opens up a logical space for considering the inhabitants of previously unknown lands as having a ‘less-than-human’ nature. This appeal (...)
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  13. Comparative Studies in Asian and Latin American Philosophies.Leah Kalmanson & Stephanie Rivera Berruz - 2018 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Comparative philosophy is an important site for the study of non-Western philosophical traditions, but it has long been associated with “East-West” dialogue. Comparative Studies in Asian and Latin American Philosophies shifts this trajectory to focus on cross-cultural conversations across Asia and Latin America. A team of international contributors discuss subjects ranging from Orientalism in early Latin American studies of Asian thought to liberatory politics in today's globalized world. They bring together resources including Latin American feminism, Aztec teachings on (...)
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    Resistant Epistemologies from the Andes.Omar Rivera - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):76-88.
    This paper adds to the epistemological contributions of Latin American philosophy. In particular, I propose a “resistant epistemology” informed by contemporary indigenous Andean philosophies and cosmologies. Focusing on the work of María Lugones, Rodolfo Kusch, and Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, I explore ways in which communities are made and remade on the basis of knowledges from below, surviving political and ecological crises, including colonialism and modern development. These kinds of resistive knowledges draw from rituals, quotidian and cosmic rhythms, and (...)
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  15.  23
    Beyond gatekeeping: Philosophical sources, Indigenous philosophy, and the Huarochirí Manuscript.Jorge Sanchez-Perez - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):1-16.
    This paper argues for a broad definition of philosophical sources and how Indigenous traditional knowledge fits that definition. It concludes by showing how, following the previous two points, an Indigenous document such as the Huarochirí Manuscript can be considered a philosophical source by academic philosophers. The paper has three sections: the first deals with the methodological point of addressing what can be considered as philosophy. This section presents a conversational approach to philosophy. This approach, although broad, properly captures the practices (...)
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  16.  28
    Merleau-Ponty and Mexica Ontology.David Morris - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:289-303.
    Movement is crucial to Merleau-Ponty’s effort to comprehend sense, meaning as generated within being. This requires a new concept of movement, not as a dislocation within an already determinate space- or time- frame, but as a deeper, more fundamental change that first engenders space and time as determinate contexts in which movement can follow a sensible course. This poses a novel challenge: conceptualizing determinate space and time as contingently arising from a deeper sort of change, which I call templacement. I (...)
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  17.  24
    Pachasophy: Landscape Ethics in the Central Andes Mountains of South America. May Jr - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (3):301-319.
    Andean philosophy of nature or pachasophy results from topography and mode of production that, merged together, have produced an integrated and interacting worldview that blurs the line between culture and nature. Respecting Pacha, or the interconnectedness of life and geography, maintaining complementarity and equilibrium through symbolic interactions, and caring for Pachamama, the feminine presence of Pacha manifested mainly as cultivable soil are the basis of Andean environmental and social ethics. Reciprocity or ayni is the glue that holds everything (...)
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  18.  37
    De-imperializing Joseph Brodsky: “On the independence of Ukraine” and other poems.Andrei Desnitsky - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (4):609-622.
    This article discusses the poem written by Joseph Brodsky shortly after the proclamation of Ukrainian independence in the early 1990s. It compares this poem with other pieces by the same author that deal with the paradigm of “independence vs. imperial unity.” These poems present a difference, which is striking at first glance: Brodsky welcomes Lithuanian independence, while simultaneously denying the same rights to Ukrainians and Aztecs. As for Afghanis … his disdain is even more palpable. The proposed explanation is the (...)
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  19.  28
    Cosmological Topologies and the (De)formations of Things at Catastrophic Ends.Omar Rivera - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (1):52-73.
    Drawing from Andean cosmological, mythological and aesthetic lineages, this paper is about the possibility of a phenomenology of things at catastrophic ends. In this regard, I approach things under the sway of a (de)formative emptiness. In the first part, I develop a relational ontology on the basis of the Andean notion of pacha or cosmos, which provides a phenomenological frame for a determination of “place,” “world” and “topology.” I also contrast an elemental topology of the cosmos configured by (...)
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  20.  25
    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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  21.  64
    Asian and feminist philosophies in dialogue: liberating traditions.Jennifer McWeeny & Ashby Butnor (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In this collection of original essays, international scholars put Asian traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, into conversation with one or more contemporary feminist philosophies, founding a new mode of inquiry that attends to diverse voices and the complex global relationships that define our world. -/- These cross-cultural meditations focus on the liberation of persons from suffering, oppression, illusion, harmful conventions and desires, and other impediments to full personhood by deploying a methodology that traverses multiple philosophical styles, (...)
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  22.  21
    Ethics Embodied: Rethinking Selfhood Through Continental, Japanese, and Feminist Philosophies.Erin McCarthy & Thomas P. Kasulis - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Ethics Embodied: Rethinking Selfhood through Continental, Japanese and Feminist Philosophies explores the importance of the body to ethical selfhood. Through her comparative feminist approach to ethics, the critical comparison McCarthy offers in Ethics Embodied not only illuminates complexities in Continental, Japanese and Feminist philosophies, it provides clues about how to live the model of selfhood, ethics, and the body that emerges through the encounter.
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  23. Theology bulletin and medieval philosophies.Thomas Jeschke, Christian Rode & Guy Guldentops - 2011 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 78 (2):507-545.
  24.  12
    Time and the philosophies.Honorat Aguessy (ed.) - 1977 - Paris: UNESCO.
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  25.  41
    (1 other version)Feminist Theory and the Philosophies of Man.Andrea Nye - 1989 - Routledge.
    First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
  26.  9
    Sumak Kawsay, coloniality and the criminalisation of violence against women in Ecuador.Silvana Tapia Tapia - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (2):141-156.
    This article asks if the incorporation of Sumak Kawsay, a concept from Andean philosophy, into the Constitution of Ecuador, has impacted the legal regulation of violence against women. It examines the trajectory of penal reform in the field of domestic violence and suggests that the decolonial shift in the Constitution has failed to significantly disrupt the dominant framework of penality in which gender violence regulation is inscribed. At the same time, feminist demands have been reframed through the formations of (...)
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    Hindu Metaphysics and Its Philosophies.Ian Kesarcodi-Watson - 1978 - International Philosophical Quarterly 18 (4):413-432.
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  28. Latina feminist metaphysics and genetically engineered foods.Lisa A. Bergin - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (3):257--271.
    In this paper I critique two popular, non-scientific attitudes toward genetically engineered foods. In doing so, I will be employing the concepts of ambiguity, purity/impurity, control/resistance, and unity/diversity as developed by Latina feminist metaphysicians. I begin by casting a critical eye toward a specific anti-biotech account of transgenic food crops, an account that I will argue relies on an anti-feminist metaphysics. I then cast that same critical eye toward a specific pro-biotech account, arguing that it also relies on such an (...)
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    An introduction to Mesoamerican philosophy.Alexus McLeod - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book introduces the central topics of the philosophical traditions of indigenous groups of North-Central America such as the Maya and Nahua (Aztecs), and the current state of the field. It includes references to and quotes from crucial primary and secondary literature in the area.
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    Defending Gender And Ethnic Philosophies.Oscar R. Martí - 2012 - In George Yancy (ed.), Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. State University of New York Press. pp. 235-248.
  31. Husserl’s 1901 and 1913 Philosophies of Perceptual Occlusion: Signitive, Empty, and Dark Intentions.Thomas Byrne - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (2):123-139.
    This paper examines the evolution of Edmund Husserl’s theory of perceptual occlusion. This task is accomplished in two stages. First, I elucidate Husserl’s conclusion, from his 1901 Logical Investigations, that the occluded parts of perceptual objects are intended by partial signitive acts. I focus on two doctrines of that account. I examine Husserl’s insight that signitive intentions are composed of Gehalt and I discuss his conclusion that signitive intentions sit on the continuum of fullness. Second, the paper discloses how Husserl (...)
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  32. Foucault and Spinoza: philosophies of immanence and the decentred political subject.James Juniper & Jim Jose - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (2):1-20.
    Deleuze has suggested that Spinoza and Foucault share common concerns, particularly the notion of immanence and their mutual hostility to theories of subjective intentionality and contract-based theories of state power. This article explores these shared concerns. On the one hand Foucault's view of governmentality and its re-theorization of power, sovereignty and resistance provide insights into how humans are constituted as individualized subjects and how populations are formed as subject to specific regimes or mentalities of government. On the other, Spinoza was (...)
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  33.  26
    "Sunyata and Ajati": Absolutism and the Philosophies of Nagarjuna and Gaudapada.Richard King - 1989 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 17 (4):385.
    Gau $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{d}$$ apāda, whilst accepting much of the argumentation and style of Nāgārjuna's philosophy, aligns himself firmly with the ātman/ svabhāvatā tradition of Vedānta; his view of ātman is inspired by an absorption of Nāgārjuna's dialectical method. For both Nāgārjuna and Gau $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{d}$$ apāda, the basis of both the Madhyamaka and Advaitic perspectives is the impossibility of change (na anyathabhāva). For Nāgārjuna this entails ni $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{h}$$ svabhāvatā, for Gau $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{d}$$ apāda it means absolute svabhāvatā. Both accept that the belief in (...)
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  34.  51
    Political and legal philosophies: western, eastern, and Filipino.Leonardo N. Mercado - 2006 - [Manila]: Logos Publications.
  35. Machiavelli, historical repetition, and French philosophies of difference.Miguel Vatter - 2005 - In Stephen H. Daniel (ed.), Current continental theory and modern philosophy. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    Early modern emotion and the economy of scarcity.Daniel M. Gross - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (4):308-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.4 (2001) 308-321 [Access article in PDF] Early Modern Emotion and the Economy of Scarcity 1 - [PDF] Daniel M. Gross Where do we get the idea that emotion is kind of excess, something housed in our nature aching for expression? In part, I argue, from The Passions of the Soul (1649), wherein Descartes proposed the reductive psychophysiology of emotion that informs both romantic expressivism and (...)
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    A comparison of ethical perceptions and moral philosophies of American and Egyptian business students.Janet K. Mullin Marta, Ashraf Attia, Anusorn Singhapakdi & Nermine Atteya - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (1):1-20.
  38. Melioristic genealogies and Indigenous philosophies.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2022 - Philosophical Forum (4):1-18.
    According to Mary Midgley, philosophy is like plumbing: like the invisible entrails of an elaborate plumbing system, philosophical ideas respond to basic needs that are fundamental to human life. Melioristic projects in philosophy attempt to fix or reroute this plumbing. An obstacle to melioristic projects is that the sheer familiarity of the underlying philosophical ideas renders the plumbing invisible. Philosophical genealogies aim to overcome this by looking at the origins of our current concepts. We discuss philosophical concepts developed in Indigenous (...)
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    Wilson Harris and Caribbean Philosophies of Art: A Review Essay.Paget Henry - 2004 - CLR James Journal 10 (1):278-291.
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    Misleading Pictures, Temptations and Meta-Philosophies: Marty and Wittgenstein.Kevin Mulligan - 2019 - In Giuliano Bacigalupo & Hélène Leblanc (eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave. pp. 197-232.
    Are philosophers regularly led into error by misleading pictures, grammatical appearances, illusions and fictions? An affirmative answer to this question lies at the heart of the writings of the later Wittgenstein on mind and language. Another affirmative answer was given much earlier by Anton Marty. The two Austrian philosophers think that philosophers regularly succumb to certain temptations which lie in natural language. Many of the examples given by the two philosophers are indeed the same. I set out the similarities between (...)
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  41.  26
    African and Chinese Philosophies Compared: A Dialogue between East and South.Renate Schepen & Hans van Rappard - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 68 (4):1369-1379.
    Please note that this book review was written in August 2017, prior to The World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing In 2011 Africa and China in Dialogue: Philosophical South-East Dialogues from a Western Perspective by the German philosopher Heinz Kimmerle and the Dutch psychologist Hans van Rappard was published in Dutch, and was then followed in 2013 by a German translation by the first author. In this book, an appeal is made for establishing dialogues between philosophies from Africa and (...)
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    The impact of customer characteristics and moral philosophies on ethicaljudgments of salespeople.Brett A. Boyle - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):249 - 267.
    This study considers customer characteristics as situational influences on a salesperson'sethical judgment formation. Specifically, customer gender, income, and propensity to buy were considered as factors which may bias these judgments. Additionally, the gender of the salesperson and their moral value structure were examined as moderating effects. An experiment using real estate agents reading hypothetical sales scenarios revealed differences across (1) customer gender, (2) customer income, and (3) level of the respondent'sidealism. Significant interactive effects with these factors were also found involving (...)
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  43. The Concept of Vital Energy Among Andean Pastoralists.Andean Pastoralism - 1996 - In R. F. Ellen & Katsuyoshi Fukui (eds.), Redefining nature: ecology, culture, and domestication. Washington, D.C.: Berg. pp. 187.
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    (1 other version)The poverty of philosophy: readings in non and other philosophies or arts of immanence.Philip Beitchman (ed.) - 2023 - Lanham: Hamilton Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Poverty of Philosophy: Readings in Non and Other Philosophies and Arts of Imminence includes an 8,000 word overture, "Poverty of Philosophy" introducing non-philosophy and its progenitor, François Laruelle.
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  45. Reflections on iconicity, representation, and resemblance: Peirce's theory of signs, Goodman on resemblance, and modern philosophies of language and mind.Randall R. Dipert - 1996 - Synthese 106 (3):373 - 397.
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    Essays on Vedanta and Western philosophies: (Vedanta as interpreted by Sri Aurobindo).Arun Chatterjee - 2017 - Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press.
    Philosophical issues such as reality and appearance, God and world, self and not-self, rebirth and immortality, free will and determination, mysticism, etc., have been examined by eastern and western philosophers as far back as the sages of Upanishads (700 BCE) in the East, and Plato (400 BCE) in the West. However, there was no significant communication among the philosophers of the East and West perhaps until the eighteenth century. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was one of the first among the great western (...)
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  47. On continental and analytic philosophies.Sergio Cremaschi - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):51-79.
    I discuss the way in which the cleavage between the Continental and the Anglo-American philosophies originated, the images of both philosophical worlds, the converging rediscoveries from the Seventies, as well as recent ecumenical or anti-ecumenical strategies. I argue that pragmatism provides an important counterinstance to both the familiar self-images and to fashionable ecumenical or anti-ecumenical strategies. My conclusions are: Continental philosophy does not exist; less obviously, also analytic philosophy does not exist, or does not exist any longer as a (...)
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    The Rise of Modem Philosophy: The Tension between the New and Traditional Philosophies from Machiavelli to Leibniz.Nicholas Jolley - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (1):42-44.
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    In the beginning: studies in Vedic and Greek philosophies.N. Kazanas - 2019 - New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan.
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    Njikọka amaka: further discussions on the philosophy of integrative humanism: a contribution to African and intercultural philosophies.G. O. Ozumba - 2014 - Calabar: 3rd Logic Option Publishing. Edited by Jonathan O. Chimakonam.
    Njik ka Amaka: Further Discussions on the Philosophy of Integrative Humanism (A Contribution to African and Intercultural Philosophies) presents philosophy from the view point of African thought system and logic. It presents African philosophy not as a reactionary to another brand of philosophy as is popularly the case among writers of African philosophy but as an unspoken, unstated rival of the positions of other philosophical traditions, with great emphasis on the importance of intercultural philosophizing. Somehow, the work manages to (...)
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