Results for ' Athenian politicians Demosthenes and Aeschines, members of an elite'

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  1.  21
    Culture War Concluded.Danielle S. Allen - 2012-12-10 - In Neville Morley, Why Plato Wrote. Blackwell. pp. 122–141.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Politics of the 330s Who Was Fighting Whom? What Were Lycurgus and Demosthenes Fighting About? Why Fight over Plato? The End of the Culture War Conclusion.
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    On the False Embassy.Demosthenes . & Douglas M. MacDowell - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In 346 BC. the Athenians negotiated a peace treaty with King Philip II of Macedon, but afterwards one of the Athenian ambassadors, Demosthenes, accused another, Aiskhines, of accepting a bribe from Philip to contrive that the terms of the treaty should be favourable to him. The case came to trial three years later, and On the False Embassy is the speech which Demosthenes prepared for the prosecution. It is one of the most famous pieces of ancient oratory, (...)
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    How often did the Athenian Assembly Meet?Edward M. Harris - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):363-.
    According to the Aristotelian Constitution of the Athenians , the Assembly in Athens met four times every prytany. At each one of these meetings certain topics had to be discussed or voted on. For instance, a vote concerning the conduct of magistrates presently in office was to be taken at the κυρα κκλησα. At another meeting anyone who wished to could request a discussion of any matter, be it private or public. Nothing is said in this passage or anywhere else (...)
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    History in [Demosthenes] 59.Jeremy Trevett - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):407-.
    It is well known that Athenian orators, when they made reference to the historical past, usually eschewed prolonged narrative in favour of brief allusions to familiar episodes from Athenian history. Perhaps the most striking exception to this custom is the long and detailed account of fifth-century Plataean history in the pseudo-Demosthenic speech Against Neaera . The main interest of this passage, however, lies not in its divergence from contemporary rhetorical practice, but in its clear reliance on Thucydides for (...)
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    Insult and oral excess in the disputes between aeschines and demosthenes.Nancy Baker Worman - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (1):1-25.
    This article argues that in the contests between Demosthenes and Aeschines, their insulting depictions of each other highlight the mouth as a prominent vehicle for communicating ideas about intemperance. Much of the imagery in the speeches lampoons oratorical delivery, especially vocal tone and deportment, which perceptibly project the speakers' characters. While Demosthenes is a piping chatterbox and Aeschines a voluble shouter, both extremes are characterized by an overuse or misuse of the mouth and its vocal organs. These insulting (...)
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    Eine Konjektur zu Aischines Gegen Ktesiphon, 25.Nicolai Futás & Tobias Hirsch - 2023 - Hermes 151 (4):494-499.
    In his oration Against Ctesiphon, Aeschines mentions the power his rival Demosthenes had during his term as treasurer of the theoric fund (ἐπὶ τὸ θεωρικόν). Many modern assumptions about the function of the Athenian financial administration and politics between the end of the Social War (357-355 BC) and the early 330’s BC are based on Aischin. Ctes. 25. This article argues for taking into account an emendation brought forward by the early 19 th century British scholar Peter Paul (...)
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  7.  49
    Les solidarités des élites politiques au Gabon : entre logique ethno-communautaire et réseaux sociaux.Axel Augé - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 123 (2):245.
    L’étude de 110 histoires de nominations individuelles dans l’administration publique au Gabon permet d’analyser l’importance des solidarités sociales situées en dehors d’une logique ethnique. Les relations individuelles qui prévalent au sein des réseaux des futures élites administratives montrent que la relation ethno-communautaire est latente dans le processus de sélection des élites de l’administration publique. Le lien ethnique devient actif dans le processus de nomination individuelle dès que s’ajoute un lien supplémentaire situé en dehors de l’affinité ethnique, comme les relations d’anciens (...)
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    Theopompos Not Theophrastos: Correcting an Attribution in Plutarch Demosthenes 14.4.Brad L. Cook - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):537-547.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Theopompos Not Theophrastos:Correcting an Attribution in Plutarch Demosthenes 14.4Brad L. CookModern reconstructions of Theopompos' presentation of Demosthenes are based on five passages, all of which are found in Plutarch's Demosthenes.1 Of these passages, two are favorable to the orator and two are starkly negative, with the fifth being neutral.2 In the negative passages Theopompos attacked the orator with such harshness, branding him unstable, unjust, and unworthy, (...)
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    The ‘Enforcer’ in Elite-Level Sport: A Conceptual Critique.Carwyn Jones & Scott Fleming - 2010 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 4 (3):306-318.
    The role of the ‘enforcer’ in elite-level sports contests is a familiar one. Simply, the role involves establishing or restoring a ‘moral balance’ to the sporting encounter when it is absent – usually when match officials are thought to be failing to apply the laws/rules of the game. How the enforcer secures this outcome is more morally contentious as it may involve deliberate violations of the laws/rules of the sport. In this paper we consider the role of the enforcer (...)
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  10.  20
    Priorities in Medical Research: elite dynamics in a pivotal episode for British health research.Stephen M. Davies - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-17.
    Priorities in Medical Research was published in 1988 by a select committee of the House of Lords. The report ushered in an era of NHS research and development that lasted from 2001 to 2006. The inquiry's origins lay in concerns about academic medicine in the United Kingdom, yet PMR gave relatively little attention to this subject. Instead the report focused critically on the disconnect between the Department of Health and the NHS in R & D. This, the committee argued, had (...)
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  11. Models for humanitarian health care ethics.L. Schwartz, M. Hunt, C. Sinding, L. Elit, L. Redwood-Campbell, N. Adelson & S. de Laat - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (1):81-90.
    Humanitarian health care practitioners working outside familiar settings, and without familiar supports, encounter ethical challenges both familiar and distinct. The ethical guidance they rely upon ought to reflect this. Using data from empirical studies, we explore the strengths and weaknesses of two ethical models that could serve as resources for understanding ethical challenges in humanitarian health care: clinical ethics and public health ethics. The qualitative interviews demonstrate the degree to which traditional teaching and values of clinical health ethics seem insufficient (...)
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  12.  27
    Aeschines κοιτοφοροσ.S. Douglas Olson - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):297-299.
    According to the manuscripts of On the Crown, Demosthenes mockingly claims that, as the youthful Aeschines led processions in his mother's mystery-cult celebrations, he was hailed by various old women as ἔξαρχος καὶ προηγεμὼν καὶ κιττοφόρος καὶ λικνοφόρος καὶ τοιαῦθ’. Τhese are clearly special titles—Aeschines is not just one celebrant among many but a leading figure in the train of worshippers—and recent editors accordingly note that κιττοφόρος seems weak and follow Albert Rubens in printing instead κιστοφόρος, which Harpocration reports (...)
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  13.  38
    Internal bolshevisation? Elite social science training in stalinist Poland.John Connelly - 1996 - Minerva 34 (4):323-346.
    From the viewpoint of its Stalinist-era creators, the IKKN/INS could at best be described as a mixed success. Despite heroic efforts, it failed to train the cadres that might have permeated Polish scholarship with Marxism-Leninism. If it was the major channel for transmitting Soviet experience to Polish academia, then Poland's universities would not learn to be Soviet—the Polish historian Jerzy Halbersztadt has made the point that the institute was the only direct conduit of Soviet experience into Polish academic life. It (...)
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  14.  44
    Resistance to Change in the Corporate Elite: Female Directors’ Appointments onto Nordic Boards.Aleksandra Gregorič, Lars Oxelheim, Trond Randøy & Steen Thomsen - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):267-287.
    In this empirical study, we investigate the variation in firms’ response to institutional pressure for gender-balanced boards, focusing specifically on the preservation of prevailing practices of director selection and its impact on the representation of women on the board of directors. Using 8 years of data from publicly listed Nordic corporations, we show societal pressure to be one of the determinants of female directorship. Moreover, in some corporations, the director selection process may work to maintain “a traditional type of board”. (...)
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  15.  33
    Politicians as cultural selectors: Favouring or discouraging youth participation.Marco Boffi - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):325-334.
    An evolutionary perspective can be applied to the analysis of cultural phenomena to describe how inheritance mechanisms can account for the development of cultural traits in a given environment. This paper aims to describe the psychosocial functioning of the political system from this perspective, focusing on the role of politicians as cultural selectors. As they are in charge of legislation, politicians have a key role in steering the evolution of cultural norms. In particular they play a leading part (...)
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  16.  49
    Should the Mass Public Follow Elite Opinion? It Depends ….Jennifer L. Hochschild - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (4):527-543.
    John Zaller's finding that members of the public usually follow elites' cues may seem normatively disturbing. If true, it might be taken to obviate the need for democracy or to show that elites are manipulating the public. However, as long as the public sometimes fails to follow elites, we can judge cases of public followership according to independent criteria, such as whether the public's occasional rebellions against elite opinion further liberal-democratic or utilitarian purposes. A review of some prominent (...)
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    Resilient Spirits: Disadvantaged Students Making It at an Elite University.Latty Lee Goodwin - 2002 - Routledge.
    This study explores the identity construction of socioeconomically and educationally disadvantaged students who enter an elite university. This critical ethnography gathered qualitative data about the twenty-three participants through non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Faculty, staff, and administrators were also interviewed.
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  18.  15
    How to Win an Election: An Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians.Philip Freeman (ed.) - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    How to Win an Election is an ancient Roman guide for campaigning that is as up-to-date as tomorrow's headlines. In 64 BC when idealist Marcus Cicero, Rome's greatest orator, ran for consul, his practical brother Quintus decided he needed some no-nonsense advice on running a successful campaign. What follows in his short letter are timeless bits of political wisdom, from the importance of promising everything to everybody and reminding voters about the sexual scandals of your opponents to being a chameleon, (...)
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  19.  9
    Elite Players Invest Additional Time for Making Better Embodied Choices.Matthias Hinz, Nico Lehmann & Lisa Musculus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Expert athletes are determined to make faster and better decisions, as revealed in several simple heuristic studies using verbal reports or micro-movement responses. However, heuristic decision-making experiments that require motor responses, also being considered as the embodied-choice experiments, are still underrepresented. Furthermore, it is less understood how decision time and confidence depend on the type of embodied choices players make. To scrutinize the decision-making processes, this study investigated the embodied choices of male athletes with different expertise in a close-to-real-life environment; (...)
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  20.  20
    Warning the demos: political communication with a democratic audience in Demosthenes.J. Miller - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (3):401-417.
    This paper examines rhetorical strategies used by the democratic fourth century BCE orator Demosthenes to contain and counteract aristocratic and oligarchic criticisms of democracy. Demosthenes specifically addresses six categories of complaints: procrastination, the reactive character of the democracy, factionalism, the physical threat posed by the democracy to politicians, excessive concern with private interests and finally the inability to opt for difficult but necessary actions. For each of these complaints, Demosthenes deploys a strength that the democracy has (...)
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  21.  25
    Improvement by love: from Aeschines to the old academy.Harold Tarrant - unknown
    The Alcibiades purports to offer us the very first conversation between Socrates and Alcibiades. Previously, it seems, Socrates has just lingered at the back of a crowd of lovers looking rather stupid. This is hardly surprising. Socrates did look stupid, and both Aristophanes and his rival Ameipsias thought that he was good enough material for a laugh to present him on stage in their comedies at the Dionysia of 423 BC. The only slight surprise here is that Alcibiades, though he (...)
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  22.  35
    Two lives or three? Pericles on the Athenian character.J. S. Rusten - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (1):14-19.
    ιλοκαλομέν τε γρ μετ' ετελείας κα ιλοσοομεν νευ μαλακίαας. πλούτ τε ργου μλλον και ἢ λόγου κόμπ χρώμεθα, κα τ πένεσθαι οχ μολοσεν τιν ασχρόν, λλ μ διαεύγειν ργ ασχιον νι τε τος ατος οκείων μα κα πολιτικν πιμέλεια, κα τέροις πρς ργα τετραμμένοις τ πολιτικ μ νδες γνναι. J. Kakridis has seen in this famous passage a reflection of the popular debate, conducted most memorably by Amphion and Zethus in Euripides' Antiope and Callicles and Socrates in Plato's Gorgias, over (...)
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  23.  58
    The Athenian experiment: building an imagined political community in ancient Attica, 508-490 B.C.Greg Anderson - 2003 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    In barely the space of one generation, Athens was transformed from a conventional city-state into something completely new--a region-state on a scale previously unthinkable. This book sets out to answer a seemingly simple question: How and when did the Athenian state attain the anomalous size that gave it such influence in Greek politics and culture in the classical period? Many scholars argue that Athens's incorporation of Attica was a gradual development, largely completed some two hundred years before the classical (...)
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  24.  15
    Crises macro-sociales et stabilité de l'élite : Etude de l'élite belge face aux perturbations sociales durant la période 1919-1981.Wilfried Dewachter - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (2):305-325.
    Between 1919 and 1981, Belgium was confronted with a number of profound societal crises : one world war, two af termaths of world wars, severe economie crises, a new politica! orientation, and serious internal political conflicts. This article examines the reaction of the elite to these crises, and operationalizes this reaction by the circulationof the elite.The non-political elite remained strikingly stable in spite of the multiplicity and intensity of the crises. The political elite, in this period, (...)
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  25. Three-membered domains for Aristotle's syllogistic.Fred Johnson - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (2):181 - 187.
    The paper shows that for any invalid polysyllogism there is a procedure for constructing a model with a domain with exactly three members and an interpretation that assigns non-empty, non-universal subsets of the domain to terms such that the model invalidates the polysyllogism.
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    How do politicians use Facebook? An applied Social Observatory.Christof Weinhardt, Margeret Hall & Simon Caton - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    In the age of the digital generation, written public data is ubiquitous and acts as an outlet for today's society. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn have profoundly changed how we communicate and interact. They have enabled the establishment of and participation in digital communities as well as the representation, documentation and exploration of social behaviours, and had a disruptive effect on how we use the Internet. Such digital communications present scholars with a novel way to detect, observe, analyse (...)
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  27.  19
    A New Reliable Performance Analysis Template for Quantifying Action Variables in Elite Men’s Wheelchair Basketball.John Francis, Alun Owen & Derek M. Peters - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:438212.
    This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable performance analysis template for quantifying team action variables in elite men’s wheelchair basketball. First action variables and operational definitions were identified by the authors and verified by an expert panel of wheelchair basketball coaching staff in order to establish expert validity. A total of 109 action variable were then placed into 17 agreed Categorical Predictor Variable categories. The action variables were then used to develop a computerized performance analysis template for (...)
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  28.  12
    Elity medyczne versus elity polityczne: kryzys elit zaufania publicznego.Mieczysław Gałuszka - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (2):13-23.
    The article analyzes the crisis of political and medical elites in the context of honesty, reliability and diligence. The starting point is the notion of “professional elite” and the differences between representatives of both groups. The text emphasizes the public resonance and interpretation of both professions. According to E. Freidson’s theoretical model, the physician`s and politician`s authorities have different reasons, functions and legitimization. Both professions are based on public trust in interaction practices. The public expectations are focused mostly on (...)
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    Striving for Contemplation. True Politicians Vs Good Politicians in Aristotle's Philosophy.Elena Irrera - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (1):77-110.
    In this paper I will argue that, in Aristotle’s thought, the political commitment of authentically wise men is ultimately motivated by an intellectual rather than by a merely practical interest. Through analysis of Eudemian Ethics A 4. 1216 a 23-7 and Q 3. 1248 b 8-37 I shall contend that the socalled “true politician” is to be identified with a kalos kai agathos man, i.e. with an individual who – rather than being driven by mere desire for the promotion of (...)
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  30.  37
    Anacreon's "Self": An Alternative Role Model for the Archaic Elite Male?Andrew Lear - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (1):47-76.
    Anacreon's poetic persona embodies a value system that contrasts sharply with the one, often viewed as traditionally Greek, that is embodied by the persona of the Theognidean poets. While "Theognis" is moderate, loyal, almost exclusively pederastic, and focused on public affairs, "Anacreon" is immoderate, promiscuous, bisexual, and focused on private concerns. Paradoxically, like "Theognis," "Anacreon" serves as a role model for the male listener. The "self's" domination by Eros is a central problem for the two poets/traditions; in Anacreon, this is (...)
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    Elite Power under Advanced Neoliberalism.William Davies - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):227-250.
    The financial crisis, and associated scandals, created a sense of a juridical deficit with regard to the financial sector. Forms of independent judgement within the sector appeared compromised, while judgement over the sector seemed unattainable. Elites, in the classical Millsian sense of those taking tacitly coordinated ‘big decisions’ over the rest of the public, seemed absent. This article argues that the eradication of jurisdictional elites is an effect of neoliberalism, as articulated most coherently by Hayek. It characterizes the neoliberal project (...)
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  32.  26
    An Evidence-Informed Framework to Promote Mental Wellbeing in Elite Sport.Rosemary Purcell, Vita Pilkington, Serena Carberry, David Reid, Kate Gwyther, Kate Hall, Adam Deacon, Ranjit Manon, Courtney C. Walton & Simon Rice - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Elite athletes, coaches and high-performance staff are exposed to a range of stressors that have been shown to increase their susceptibility to experiencing mental ill-health. Despite this, athletes may be less inclined than the general population to seek support for their mental health due to stigma, perceptions of limited psychological safety within sport to disclose mental health difficulties and/or fears of help-seeking signifying weakness in the context of high performance sport. Guidance on the best ways to promote mental health (...)
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  33.  14
    Elite Education: International Perspectives.Claire Maxwell & Peter Aggleton (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Elite Education – International Perspectives_ is the first book to systematically examine elite education in different parts of the world. Authors provide a historical analysis of the emergence of national elite education systems and consider how recent policy and economic developments are changing the configuration of elite trajectories and the social groups benefiting from these. Through country-level case studies, this book offers readers an in-depth account of elite education systems in the Anglophone world, in Europe and (...)
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    How to Win an Election: An Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians.Quintus Tullius Cicero - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    A guide that Marcus Cicero's brother wrote for him as he prepared to campaign for consul in ancient Rome includes a surprising amount of information that can be applied to today's political contests, and is now presenting again, in a ...
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  35.  35
    Middle-Level Party Elite Members' Attitudes toward Candidate Selection within Italian Parties.Aldo Di Virgilio & Daniela Giannetti - 2011 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 25 (2):205-234.
  36.  6
    Merytokracja czy „elity odpowiedzialnościowe”? Ewangelicka interpretacja zagadnienia elit społecznych.Piotr Kopiec - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (2):31-42.
    The notion of meritocracy is among the keywords used in order to describe the contemporary world. It has become more and more an inherent concept of an order whose main factors are said to be globalization as well as the impact of free market philosophy on society and culture. The concept of meritocracy considers the nature of elites. On the one hand, meritocratic elites are taken from groups selected for their merits and competences, but on the other hand they avoid (...)
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    (1 other version)Italian Elite Groups at Work: A View from the Urban Grassroots.Italo Pardo - 2016 - Diogenes 63 (3-4):39-50.
    Western élite groups’ moralities and actions can and should be studied empirically. Contrary to belief held in the 1980s in mainstream social anthropology that fieldwork in the classic anthropological fashion could not be done among the western élite, the findings of long-term research in this field have yielded key ethnographic insights leading to academic and public debate. In this article I draw on ethnographic research on legitimacy, power, and governance among key Neapolitan élite groups to offer reflections on a style (...)
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    L'activisme social des nouvelles élites musulmanes de Grande-Bretagne.Konrad Pedziwiatr - 2008 - Hermes 51:125.
    Les changements générationnels au sein de la population musulmane de Grande-Bretagne manifestent une différence fondamentale non pas tellement en matière de statut juridique, mais avant tout en matière d'identité et de participation. Les membres des nouvelles élites musulmanes qui apparaissent dans les villes britanniques possèdent une série de moyens efficaces qui leur permettent de choisir entre différents modes d'action et d'abandonner les formes conventionnelles au profit de formes plus concrètes de citoyenneté. Cet article, qui propose un éclairage de différents cas (...)
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    Athenian Naval Power in The Fourth Century.G. L. Cawkwell - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):334-.
    The reader of Demosthenes can hardly avoid the impression that there was something sadly awry with the Athenian naval system in the two decades prior to Chaeronea. The war in the north Aegean was essentially a naval war, and Demosthenes frequently enough blamedAthen's failure on her lack of preparation. ‘Why do you think, Athenians,… that all our expeditionary forces are too late for the critical moments?…In the business of the war and the preparation for it everything is (...)
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    The First-Night Effect in Elite Sports: An Initial Glance on Polysomnography in Home-Based Settings.Annika Hof zum Berge, Michael Kellmann & Sarah Jakowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-applied portable polysomnography is considered a promising tool to assess sleep architecture in field studies. However, no findings have been published regarding the appearance of a first-night effect within a sport-specific setting. Its absence, however, would allow for a single night sleep monitoring and hence minimize the burden on athletes while still obtaining the most important variables. For this reason, the aim of the study was to assess whether the effect appears in home-based sleep monitoring of elite athletes.The study (...)
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    TPITAΓΩNIΣTHΣ: A Reconsideration.O. J. Todd - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):30-38.
    When Demosthenes brought Aeschines to trial on a charge of malfeasance as an ambassador, he made what seems now the astonishing declaration in connection with Aeschines' acting of the part of Creon in Sophocles' Antigone: ⋯στε γ⋯ρ δ⋯που το⋯θ' ὅτι ⋯ν ἅπασι τοῖς δρ⋯μασι τοῖς τραγικοῖς ⋯ξα⋯ρετ⋯ν ⋯στιν ὥσπερ γ⋯ρας τοῖς τριταγωνισ ταῖς τὺ τοὺς τυρ⋯ννους κα⋯ τοὺς τ⋯ σκ⋯πτρ' ἔχοντας εἰσι⋯ναι. Until the last generation this was taken at face value as indicating that of the three actors presenting (...)
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    Human research ethics committees members: ethical review personal perceptions. [REVIEW]Marc Fellman, Anne-Marie Irwin, Keagan Brewer, Marguerite Maher, Kevin Watson, Chris Campbell & Boris Handal - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (1):94-114.
    This study aims to characterise Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) members’ perceptions on five main themes associated with ethics reviews, namely, the nature of research, ethical/moral issues, assent, participants’ risk and HREC prerogatives issues. Three hundred and sixteen HREC members from over 200 HRECs throughout Australia responded to an online questionnaire survey. The results show that in general, HREC members’ beliefs are reasoned and align with sound principles of ethical reviews. There seems to be a disposition for (...)
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    Is Confucius a failed politician? 정용수 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 83:85-102.
    This paper deals with the process of Confucius' failure to real politics in the process of touring many countries leaving behind his home nation Lu, and the dream of a great society as a political ideal. Confucius traveled to various countries and tried to spread his political ideals to the governors at that time, but he eventually returned to failure. However, even though the wall of real politics is high, Confucius dreamed of the ideology of Dae-dong as a political ideology, (...)
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    Power or Subjection?: French Women Politicians in the European Parliament.Niilo Kauppi - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (3):329-340.
    In the majority of European Union countries, women are far better represented in the European Parliament than in the lower house of their respective national parliaments. This article examines the political signicance of this imbalance through a case study of French women members of the European Parliament. The marginality of the European Parliament in French politics has meant that women have succeeded in getting elected there and that they have had access to power positions in the European Parliament. Some (...)
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    Czy Polska powinna pomóc Grecji? Relacja z debaty polityczno-ekonomicznej 2010-2012.Jerzy Kropiwnicki - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (1):127-147.
    This question raised emotions in Poland in 2010-2012. They began with the statement by the Prime Minister in March 2010 that Poland was ready to participate in a program of assistance to Greece. It evoked very strong reactions – not only in debates in conferences halls and in professional journals, but also in the tabloids and on TV and the radio. It was not only politicians and academic experts in economics who took part in those debates, but also the (...)
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  46.  30
    What Use is Popper to a Politician?Bryan Magee - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 39:259-273.
    Some years acquire symbolic status, and one such year is 1968. All over Europe and the United States university students exploded into violent rebellion. Insofar as this would-be revolution had an ideology it was unquestionably Marx-inspired, even if the Marxism was not always orthodox. It so happens that in the years 1970–1971 I was teaching philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford. And because of Oxford University's system, almost unique, of individual tuition for undergraduates, this meant I found myself in a continuing (...)
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    De lokale en provinciale politieke elites in Oost-Vlaanderen na WO II : een verkennend comparatief onderzoek.Herwig Reynaert & Tony Valcke - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (1):99-126.
    From the analysis of the local and provincial elected people in the province of East-Flanders during the period 1946-1991 one can conclude that there are barriers for women, lower social classes and certain age categories preventing them from moving up the local and provincial political! elites.Clear differences between local and provincial elected people are present when comparing professional backgrounds with the composition of the total working population in East-Flanders. Workers are neither on the local, nor on the provincial level very (...)
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    From Expert to Elite? — Research on Top Archer’s EEG Network Topology.Feng Gu, Anmin Gong, Yi Qu, Aiyong Bao, Jin Wu, Changhao Jiang & Yunfa Fu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    It is not only difficult to be a sports expert but also difficult to grow from a sports expert to a sports elite. Professional athletes are often concerned about the differences between an expert and an elite and how to eventually become an elite athlete. To explore the differences in brain neural mechanism between experts and elites in the process of motor behavior and reveal the internal connection between motor performance and brain activity, we collected and analyzed (...)
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    From Power Elites to Influence Elites: Resetting Elite Studies for the 21st Century.Janine R. Wedel - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):153-178.
    The dominant theory of elite power, grounded in Weberian bureaucracy, has analyzed elites in terms of stable positions at the top of enduring institutions. Today, many conditions that spawned these stable ‘command posts’ no longer prevail, and elite power thus warrants rethinking. This article advances an argument about contemporary ‘influence elites’. The way they are organized and the modus operandi they employ to wield influence enable them to evade public accountability, a hallmark of a democratic society. Three cases (...)
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  50. Does giving lead to receiving? Cypriot consumers' perceptions of corporate philanthropy and its value creation abilities for the banking sector.Christina Koutra & C. Demosthenous - unknown
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