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  1.  53
    “Rivers of blood”: Migration, fear and threat construction.Monika Kopytowska & Paul Chilton - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):133-161.
    The article focuses on Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech and its recontextualisation 50 years later in view of the rising anti-immigration sentiment and Brexit campaign. Having discussed the dynamics of the threat construction process and its role in shaping public attitudes to migration and policies related to it across time and space, we proceed to analyse Powell’s speech in terms of lexical, grammatical, and discursive fear-inciting devices and strategies. While doing so we draw on the insights from neuroscientific research (...)
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    Revising ethical guidance for the evaluation of programmes and interventions not initiated by researchers.Samuel I. Watson, Mary Dixon-Woods, Celia A. Taylor, Emily B. Wroe, Elizabeth L. Dunbar, Peter J. Chilton & Richard J. Lilford - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):26-30.
    Public health and service delivery programmes, interventions and policies (collectively, ‘programmes’) are typically developed and implemented for the primary purpose of effecting change rather than generating knowledge. Nonetheless, evaluations of these programmes may produce valuable learning that helps determine effectiveness and costs as well as informing design and implementation of future programmes. Such studies might be termed ‘opportunistic evaluations’, since they are responsive to emergent opportunities rather than being studies of interventions that are initiated or designed by researchers. However, current (...)
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  3.  15
    Still something missing in CDA.Paul Chilton - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (6):769-781.
    In an important article, Chris Hart makes the case that CDA needs to draw on a wider range of theoretical sources in Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Science, giving particular attention to Evolutionary Psychology. While I support Hart’s case for this approach to CDA, and also support his argument, as a corrective to Chilton, that Evolutionary Psychology actually shows the need for something like CDA, this present article advances three further points, aimed to supplement the cognitive approach to CDA. The first (...)
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  4.  89
    Did Epicurus approve of Marriage? A study of Diogenes Laertius X, 119.C. W. Chilton - 1960 - Phronesis 5 (1):71-74.
  5.  23
    Characterization of nurses’ duty to care and willingness to report.Charleen McNeill, Danita Alfred, Tracy Nash, Jenifer Chilton & Melvin S. Swanson - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):348-359.
    Background: Nurses must balance their perceived duty to care against their perceived risk of harm to determine their willingness to report during disaster events, potentially creating an ethical dilemma and impacting patient care. Research aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses’ perceived duty to care and whether there were differences in willingness to respond during disaster events based on perceived levels of duty to care. Research design: A cross-sectional survey research design was used in this study. Participants (...)
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  6.  36
    Recent Developments in Health Law.Adam Chilton & Igor Gorlach - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):696-703.
    In the last several years, Brazil has gained international attention as an emerging BRIC economy, was awarded the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, and elected its first female president. This has led many to declare that Brazil is emerging as a potential world power for the 21st century. In addition to improving its international stature, in the last several decades Brazil has also significantly improved the availability and quality of health care within the country. Despite these gains, however, Brazil (...)
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  7.  10
    Grounding political development.Stephen Chilton - 1991 - Boulder, Colo.: L. Rienner Publishers.
    Professor Chilton has argued previously that political development must be defined in terms of the moral/cognitive structures of political culture. The present work provides the philosophical and analytic framework within which that definition is embedded. This framework encompasses four major issues of social science: how we conceptualize culture; why we require a normatively grounded theory of development; how agreement over disputed concepts can be reached; and how a cross-culturally applicable conception of development can avoid moral imperialism.
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  8.  36
    Transnational Violence Against Asylum-Seeking Women and Children: Honduras and the United States-Mexico Border.Cinthya Alberto & Mariana Chilton - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (2):205-227.
    Corrupt political institutions, lack of resources, and gang violence in Central America fuel the influx of asylum-seeking women and children to the United States. Yet, immigrant women and children are still at risk for poor health and violence in the US due to the lack of protection and support. Through a case study of a teenage girl from Honduras living in the US who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend who followed her to the US, we elucidate ways in which the (...)
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  9.  41
    Constitutional conscience: Criminal justice and public interest ethics.Bradley Stewart Chilton - 1998 - Criminal Justice Ethics 17 (2):33-41.
    (1998). Constitutional conscience: Criminal justice and public interest ethics. Criminal Justice Ethics: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 33-41. doi: 10.1080/0731129X.1998.9992056.
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  10.  33
    Beyond Sense and Sensibility: Moral Formation and the Literary Imagination From Johnson to Wordsworth.Rhona Brown, Leslie A. Chilton, Timothy Erwin, Evan Gottlieb, Christopher D. Johnson, Heather King, James Noggle, Adam Rounce & Adrianne Wadewitz (eds.) - 2014 - Bucknell University Press.
    Drawing on philosophical thought from the eighteenth century as well as conceptual frameworks developed in the twenty-first century, the essays in Beyond Sense and Sensibility examine moral formation as represented in or implicitly produced by literary works of late eighteenth-century British authors.
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  11.  39
    The WTP/WTA Discrepancy: A Preliminary Qualitative Examination.Anthony C. Burton, Susan M. Chilton & Martin K. Jones - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (4):481-491.
    This paper explores the psychological foundations of the 'Willingness to Pay/Willingness to Accept' discrepancy. Using a qualitative approach we find that the two response modes appear to invoke different strategies for completion. An examination of the heuristics used by respondents to answer questions concerning the buying and selling of the chance to play a straightforward lottery shows that only some could be taken as supporting current theories which aim to explain the discrepancy.
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  12.  65
    An Epicurean View of Protagoras: A Note on Diogenes of Oenoanda Fragment XII(W).C. W. Chilton - 1962 - Phronesis 7 (1):105-109.
  13. A Galilean Rabbi and his Bible: Jesus' Use of the Interpreted Scripture of His Time.Bruce D. Chilton - 1984
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  14.  24
    Epicurus and His Gods.C. W. Chilton - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (1):110-111.
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  15.  15
    Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch.Bruce Chilton & Uwe Glessmer - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (2):279.
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  16.  19
    Embracing the dialectical tension in authenticity, morality and social justice.Stephen Chilton - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (4):509-531.
    Trata-se de retrabalhar uma perspectiva teórica sobre a moral interpessoal e a justiça social de forma a descrever a natureza da autentícidade pessoal. Tal perspectiva concebe esses valores como uma dialética de diferentes vozes, tanto internas como extemas. Visto que ninguém pode prever quem está “certo” num discurso qualquer dado em meio a essas vozes, a moral lida fundamentalmente com o modo como nós/as diferentes vozes tratam-se mutuamente ao buscar e alcançar um acordo; a moral não trata do conteúdo efetivo (...)
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  17.  20
    Frames of reference and the linguistic conceptualization of time: present and future.Paul Chilton - 2013 - In Kasia M. Jaszczolt & Louis de Saussure, Time: Language, Cognition & Reality. Oxford University Press. pp. 1--236.
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  18. God in Strength: Jesus' Announcement of the Kingdom.Bruce David Chilton - 1979
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  19. Jesus' Baptism and Jesus' Healing: His Personal Practice of Spirituality.Bruce Chilton - 1998
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  20.  14
    John the purifier: His immersion and his death.Bruce Chilton - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (1/2).
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  21.  44
    Lucretius de Rerum Natura 5.849–854.C. W. Chilton - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (02):378-.
    For we see that many happenings must be united for things, that they may be able to beget and propagate their races; first that they may have food, and then a way whereby birth-giving seeds may pass through their frames, and issue from their slackened limbs; and that woman may be joined with man, they must needs each have means whereby they can interchange mutual joys.
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  22. La plate-forme de travail de Marc et le caractère achevé de son œuvre.Bruce Chilton & Christian Grappe - 2011 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 91 (4):481-506.
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  23.  15
    Studies in the Book of Jubilees.Bruce Chilton, Matthias Albani, Jörg Frey, Armin Lange & Jorg Frey - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):267.
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  24. Studying the New Testament: A Fortress Introduction.Bruce Chilton & Deirdre Good - 2011
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  25.  13
    The Epicurean Theory of the Origin of Language. A Study of Diogenes of Oenoanda, Fragments X and XI.C. W. Chilton - 1962 - American Journal of Philology 83 (2):159.
  26.  19
    The faith of epicurus.C. W. Chilton - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (1):9-10.
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  27. The Temple of Jesus: His Sacrificial Program Within a Cultural History of Sacrifice.Bruce Chilton - 1992
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    Laterality in negation: Are Jakobson and Vavra right?Peter Collett & Josephine Chilton - 1981 - Semiotica 35 (1-2).
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  29.  52
    Recent Developments in Health Law.Jonathan J. Darrow & Adam Chilton - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (2):291-300.
  30.  20
    Gender, Race, and Crime:: An Analysis of Urban Arrest Trends, 1960-1980.Susan K. Datesman & Roland Chilton - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (2):152-171.
    Unpublished counts of larceny arrests and census data for five of the largest cities in the United States are used to examine the contribution of white and nonwhite men and women in specific age groups to increases in larceny arrests from 1960 to 1980. The results suggest that nonwhite women and white men now have similar larceny arrest rates and that 77 percent of the total increase in the arrest of women for larceny from 1960 to 1980 was the result (...)
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  31.  18
    Diogenes of Oenoanda The Fragments.Diogenes of Oenoanda & C. W. Chilton - 1971 - New York,: Published for the University of Hull by Oxford University Press. Edited by Diogenes.
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  32.  13
    Diogenes of Oenoanda. The Fragments: A Translation and Commentary.George Leonidas Koniaris & C. W. Chilton - 1974 - American Journal of Philology 95 (3):308.
  33.  36
    Preferences and Compliance with International Law.Katerina Linos & Adam Chilton - 2021 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 22 (2):247-298.
    International law lacks many of the standard features of domestic law. There are few legislative or judicial bodies with exclusive authority over particular jurisdictions or subject matters, the subjects regulated by international law typically must affirmatively consent to be bound by it, and supranational authorities with the power to coerce states to comply with international obligations are rare. How can a legal system with these features generate changes in state behavior? For many theories, the ability of international law to inform (...)
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  34.  11
    Just War in Religion and Politics.Jacob Neusner, Bruce Chilton & Robert E. Tully (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham, Md.: Upa.
    The basis of this collection of essays is the reading of a common topic from different perspectives. The contributors compare and contrast not only positions, but also methods of learning. They examine theories of just war in diverse cultural contexts and their disciplinary settings.
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  35.  6
    The golden rule: analytical perspectives.Jacob Neusner & Bruce Chilton (eds.) - 2009 - Lanham: University Press of America.
    The role of the Golden Rule in various systems of thought, both religious and philosophical, invites study. How the logic of a given system interprets the Golden Rule demands analysis. Objective data deriving from empirical study of nature and society deserve close examination.
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  36. Just James: the Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition.John Painter, Brucee chilton & Craig A. Evans - 1999
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  37.  18
    Political Reasoning and Cognition: A Piagetian View.Shawn Rosenberg, Dana Ward & Stephen Chilton - 1988 - Duke University Press.
    This work presents a new, alternative approach to studying the formation of political ideologies and attitudes, addressing a concern in political science that research in this area is at a crossroads. The authors provide an epistemologically grounded critique on the literature of belief systems, explaining why traditional approaches have reached the limits of usefulness. Following the lead of such continental theorists such as Jurgen Habermas and Anthony Giddens, who stress the importance of Jean Piaget to the development of a strong (...)
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  38.  15
    Equality: More or Less.Robert E. Tully & Bruce Chilton (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Hamilton Books.
    This book examines a fundamental social paradox: although less equality certainly entrenches injustice, more equality may nevertheless protect the advantages that one group enjoys over fellow citizens. Their studies confront us with vivid cases where equality for some is preferred to equality for all.
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  39.  9
    Intolerance: Political Animals and Their Prey.Robert E. Tully & Bruce Chilton (eds.) - 2017 - Hamilton Books.
    The essays examine specimens of social intolerance drawn from a broad field of history and culture: Classical Greece, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and America. Themes include women’s legal rights; humanitarian law; legitimized child sacrifice; discrimination against racial and religious minorities; religious animosity; Just War morality; theological discord; philosophical antagonism.
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  40.  18
    The expanding universe of bilateral labor agreements.Bartosz Woda & Adam Chilton - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (2):1-64.
    In the seventy-five years since the end of World War II, pairs of countries have entered into over a thousand bilateral labor agreements to regulate the cross-border flow of workers. These agreements have received little public or academic attention. This is likely, in part, because there is limited data or easily available information on BLAs. This Article hopes to change that by introducing three new resources: a dataset documenting the formation of over 1,200 BLAs; a corpus including the texts of (...)
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  41.  40
    Geometrical concepts at the interface of formal and cognitive models: Aktionsart, aspect, and the English progressive.Paul Chilton - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (1):91-114.
    The paper has two related aims. One is to outline a proposal for a spatially motivated model of discourse, called Discourse Space Theory. The other is to use this framework to explore, in a relatively formalised way, the spatial basis of the conceptual complexities arising in the uses of the English progressive verb form. The theory utilises an abstract space in three dimensions. Verb stems are associated with Aktionsart schemas; aspectual forms like the progressive are viewed as operations on these (...)
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  42.  50
    The Myth of Superman. [REVIEW]Umberto Eco & Natalie Chilton - 1972 - Diacritics 2 (1):14.
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  43. Book Review: Are You the One Who Is to Come? The Historical Jesus and the Messianic Question. [REVIEW]Bruce Chilton - 2011 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65 (3):308-310.
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  44. Book Review: The One Who Is to Come. [REVIEW]Bruce Chilton - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (3):336-336.
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  45.  32
    Book Review: The History of the Barometer. [REVIEW]D. Chilton - 1965 - History of Science 4 (1):141-143.
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  46.  48
    Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi. [REVIEW]C. W. Chilton - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (2):315-316.
  47.  24
    Clerk Maxwell and Modern Science. Six commemorative lectures by SirEdward V. Appleton, E. G. Bowen, C. A. Coulson, R. E. Peierls, SirJohn Randall, and R. A. Smith. Edited by C. Domb. Pp. x + 118, frontis., 5 plates and numerous text figures. University of London, The Athlone Press. 1963. Price 25s. net. [REVIEW]D. Chilton - 1964 - British Journal for the History of Science 2 (1):76-76.
  48.  47
    Hermannus Usener: Glossarium Epicureum. [REVIEW]C. W. Chilton - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (2):322-323.
  49.  27
    J. J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory. By Sir George Paget Thomson, F.R.S. Pp. xii + 186, 20 half-tone plates and 25 line figures. London: Nelson, 1964. 25s. net. [REVIEW]D. Chilton - 1965 - British Journal for the History of Science 2 (3):266-266.
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  50.  73
    Lucretius the Philosopher James H. Nichols Jr.: Epicurean Political Philosophy: The De Rerum Natura of Lucretius. Pp. ii + 202. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1976. Cloth, £8·05. [REVIEW]C. W. Chilton - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (02):244-245.
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