Results for ' Christian education and Christian union'

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  1.  18
    (1 other version)Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture: Minzu University October 11, 2014.Thomas Cattoi - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Moving ForwardThomas Cattoi (bio) and Carol S. Anderson (bio)The San Francisco Bay Area is an interesting location in which to ponder Buddhist-Christian relations. The website lists more than a hundred institutions affiliated with Buddhist organizations—a density higher than in the Beijing metropolitan area. Some of these centers have a clearly ethnic and denominational character, serving a predominantly immigrant population. Some, like many of the Tibetan (...)
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    A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. Lehmann.Jeffrey P. Greenman - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):206-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. LehmannJeffrey P. GreenmanA Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne Edited by Michael Shahan Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2009. 184 pp. $30.00.Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: (...)
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    The intersection of Christian education and philosopher-feminist thought: Addressing child marriage in Indonesia.Alfonso Munte - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):7.
    One of the global challenges addressed in this article, particularly in the Global South, is the high prevalence of child marriage. The author is situated in an area with one of the highest rates of child marriage in Indonesia. The rationale for selecting this case study is to examine the concept of spiritual freedom and its potential to empower women to challenge the oppression they face with regard to their bodies, rights, and futures. Child marriage should be regarded as a (...)
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    Worldly and otherworldly virtue: Likeness to God as educational ideal in Plato, Plotinus, and today.Marie-Élise Zovko - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6):586-596.
    In Plato, ‘Becoming like God’ constitutes the telos of the philosophical life. Our ‘likeness to God’ is rooted in the relationship of the divine paradeigma to its image established in the generation of the Cosmos. This relationship makes knowledge and virtue possible, and informs Plato’s theory of education. Related concepts preexist in Judeo-Christian and other traditions and continue to inform our thought on moral and ethical issues, particularly as regards our understanding of what it means to be human. (...)
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    Teaching for Commitment: Liberal Education, Indoctrination, and Christian Nurture.Elmer John Thiessen - 1993 - McGill-Queens University Press.
    This book defends Christian nurture and education against the frequently made charge of indoctrination. It argues that Christian education is fully compatible with a liberal education.
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    Education and Standards of Living.Christian Barry - 2003 - In Randall Curren (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 456–470.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Concept of the Standard of Living The Diverse Purposes of the Concept of the Standard of Living The Importance of Disagreement about the Standard of Living The Role of Education in the Standard of Living Social Primary Goods The Capabilities Approach Conceiving and Applying the Standard of Living.
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    Why Is It ethical? Comparing Potential European Partners: A Western Christian and An Eastern Islamic Country – On Arguments Used in Explaining Ethical Judgments.Katharina J. Srnka, A. Ercan Gegez & S. Burak Arzova - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (2):101-118.
    Located at the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, Turkey today is characterized by a demographically versatile and modernizing society as well as a rapidly developing economy. Currently, the country is negotiating its accession to the European Union. This article yields some factual grounding into the ongoing value-related debate concerning Turkey's potential EU-membership. It describes a mixed-methodology study on moral reasoning in Austria and Turkey. In this study, the arguments given by individuals when evaluating ethically problematic situations in (...)
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    Christian ministry and theological education as instruments for economic survival in Africa.Vhumani Magezi & Collium Banda - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):9.
    There is a conflict over whether Christian ministry and theological education should be pursued with an expectation for economic survival. The rise of Christian ministry practice emphasising wealth and prosperity has heightened commodification of the Christian ministry. Church ministry and theological education are being used as instruments for economic profit. The link between theological education and Christian ministry, among other things, is that church practices and ministry expressions reflect the underlying theology. In such (...)
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    Philosophy and Christianity: a series of lectures delivered in New York, in 1883, on the Ely Foundation of the Union Theological Seminary.George Sylvester Morris - 1975 - Hicksville, N.Y.: Regina Press.
    Religion and intelligence.--The philosophic theory of knowledge.--The absolute object of intelligence.--The Biblical theory of knowledge.--Biblical ontology: the absolute.--Biblical ontology: the world.--Biblical ontology: man.--Comparative philosophic content of Christianity.
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    Theorizing Education and Educational Research.Christiane Thompson - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):239-250.
    In this paper, I address the question of how a philosophically enriched view of method might inform both educational theory and educational research. The first part of the paper elaborates recent discussions on “philosophical method” in the educational–philosophical discourse. These discussions point toward the importance of analyzing the conceptual or categorical frameworks of educational processes. The second part of the paper discusses Martin Heidegger’s work Being and Time to capture fully the challenges that a philosophical method faces in investigations of (...)
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    Education and/or Displacement? A Pedagogical Inquiry into Foucault's ‘Limit‐Experience’.Christiane Thompson - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (3):361-377.
    This paper is concerned with the educational‐philosophical implications of Michel Foucault's work: It poses the question whether Michel Foucault's remarks surrounding ‘limit‐experience’ can be placed in an educational context and provide an alternative view regarding the relationship that we maintain to ourselves. As a first step, the significance of ‘limit‐experience’ for Foucault's historicophilosophical investigations, his ‘critical ontology of the present’, is examined. Far from being an external marking point, it can be shown that limit‐experience lies at the centre of Foucault's (...)
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    Christian Mercy and Pro-Social Behaviors in the Memory of the Deportation of German Ethnics from Romania to the Soviet Union.Lavinia Betea - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):310-337.
    If the classic history of events is written in the spirit of winners, the approaches of collective mental reveal that wars are disasters and collective traumas for all of the involved communities. In the following pages we will present the decantation in long term memory of a relevant fact – the deportation of German ethnics from Romania to forced labor in the Soviet Union. On the base of a secret directive, sent by Stalin, approximately 75 000 Romanian citizens of (...)
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    Citizenship Education and Liberalism: A State of the Debate Analysis 1990–2010.Christian Fernández & Mikael Sundström - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (4):363-384.
    What kind of citizenship education, if any, should schools in liberal societies promote? And what ends is such education supposed to serve? Over the last decades a respectable body of literature has emerged to address these and related issues. In this state of the debate analysis we examine a sample of journal articles dealing with these very issues spanning a twenty-year period with the aim to analyse debate patterns and developments in the research field. We first carry out (...)
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    World Christianity, Theological Education and Scholarship.Andrew F. Walls - 2011 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 28 (4):235-240.
    The theological map of the world has been transformed through demographic changes in the Church brought about by the recession from Christian faith in the West and the huge accession to it in other parts of the world. The implications for theological education and Christian scholarship are considered in relation to geopolitical, religio-demographic, academic and theological factors. All point to an urgent need for the development of Christian scholarship in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and for (...)
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    Moral education in Hong Kong: Confucian‐parental, Christian‐religious and liberal‐civic influences.Roger Cheng - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):533-551.
    A brief review of the social and educational context of Hong Kong shows that the publication of the General guidelines on moral education in schools in 1981, by the Hong Kong Education Department, marked a milestone in the development of moral education. The Guidelines explicitly asserted moral education as one function of schooling, whilst also formally recognizing the home and the community as two main influences. This paper narrates how three moral sources of influence – namely (...)
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    Without Buddha I Could not Be a Christian (review).Peter A. Huff - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:211-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Without Buddha I Could not Be a ChristianPeter A. HuffWithout Buddha I Could not Be a Christian. By Paul F. Knitter. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009. xvii + 240 pp.Paul Knitter’s contributions to interfaith dialogue and Christian theologies of religions are well known and widely appreciated. Even critics of Christian theories of pluralism, most prominently Pope Benedict XVI, have acknowledged the significance of Knitter’s strategic integration of (...)
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    Public Knowledge and Christian Education.Theodore Plantinga - 1988 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This work discusses the results of importing and then attempting to Christianize the content of secular education in its available form of discourse (public knowledge), especially with regard to the sciences. The book addresses the need for Christian educators to be conscious of the sources of the content of their curricula.
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    Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski.Mehmet Ciftci - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):966-970.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. KozinskiMehmet CiftciModernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski (Brooklyn, NY: Angelico, 2019), 231 pp.Whether the names Adrian Vermeule, Fr. Edmund Waldstein, and Sohrab Ahmari provoke anxiety or glee in readers' minds will depend on where they stand on integralism, the brand of Catholic traditionalism that all three have (...)
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    Christian missions and evolution of the culture of mass education in western Nigeria.S. A. Ajayi - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 3 (2):33-54.
    The culture of mass education has become an enduring tradition in Western Nigeria. The root of this culture is traceable to the mid-nineteenth century when the Christian missionary bodies began a process of systematic evangelization, using Western education as a medium and an indispensable tool. Early converts were taught how to read the Bible in vernacular – a measure that helped produce the first widespread literate class in Western Nigeria. Thereafter, mass education was promoted through the (...)
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    Displacement or composition? Lyotard and Nancy on the trait d’union between Judaism and Christianity.Frans Peperstraten - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (1):29-46.
    In one of the essays in his recent book on Christianity, La déclosion (2005), Nancy discusses the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Nancy opens this discussion with a reference to Lyotard’s book on this relationship: Un trait d’union (1993). Both Lyotard and Nancy examine a very early figure in the emergence of Christianity from Judaism—whereas Lyotard focuses on the epistles of Paul, Nancy reads the epistle of James. Lyotard concludes that the hyphen in the expression ‘Judeo-Christian’ actually conceals (...)
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    Educating and training Christians to understand and relate to Muslims.Colin Chapman - 2000 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 17 (1):14-17.
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    Home Education and Social Integration.Christian W. Beck - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (2):59-69.
    If school attendance is important for social integration, then a particular out of school practice like home education could possibly represent a threat to social integration. The findings of a Norwegian research project that surveyed socialization among Norwegian home educated students from different regions are presented and discussed using socialization theory and a theory of cultural order. Among the conclusions are the following: Pragmatically motivated home educated students are often socially well integrated. Religiously motivated home educated students that hold (...)
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    Health Education and Its (Social) Scientization in the 1950s and 1960s. [REVIEW]Christian Sammer - 2019 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 27 (1):1-38.
    Die Zeitgeschichte der Prävention hat Konjunktur. An ihr lässt sich nämlich exemplarisch der Wandel von Konzepten, Organisation und Praxis des biopolitischen Regierens von Bevölkerung anhand des vorbeugenden gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Gesundheit und Krankheit beleuchten. Eine entscheidende Technologie ist hierbei die Gesundheitsaufklärung. Diese ist jedoch nach wie vor gerade im Hinblick auf ihre methodologischen Wandlungsprozesse sowie auf die Relationen zwischen internationalen Entwicklungen und nationalen Implementationen wenig erforscht. Auf Grundlage einer quantitativen sowie qualitativen Analyse dreier englischsprachiger Zeitschriften wird diese Lücke im Folgenden (...)
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  24. Theory and Design of Christian Education Curriculum.D. Campbell Wyckoff - 1961
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    ‘Life’ in Theological Education and Missional Formation: A Reflection for a New Christian Era.Wonsuk Ma - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (1):1-15.
    The third Christian millennium has dawned and global Christianity has been making a drastic shift from the north to the south. This also coincides with the beginning of the post-Christendom era. How these two mega shifts would impact theological education and missional formation is an active discussion today. The study, intended to be a preliminary conversation starter, is a reflection of a southern Christian. It identifies three major components that have been developed, altered, or even dropped in (...)
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  26. Forgiveness and Hope: Toward a Theology for Protestant Christian Education.Rachel Henderlite - 1961
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    A Union of Christianity, Humanity, and Philanthropy: The Christian Tradition and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Nineteenth-Century England.Chien-hui Li - 2000 - Society and Animals 8 (1):265-285.
    This paper offers an historical perspective to the discussion of the relationship between Christianity and nonhuman-human animal relationships by examining the animal protection movement in English society as it first took root in the nineteenth century. The paper argues that the Christian beliefs of many in the movement, especially the evangelical outlook of their faith, in a considerable way affected the character as well as the aims and scope of the emergent British animal welfare movement - although the church (...)
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    The Magic of Ritual: Our Need for Liberating Rites that Transform Our Lives and Our Communities by Tom F. Driver.Kevin W. Irwin - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):700-703.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:700 BOOK REVIEWS certain violations of justice can be appreciated without " any back· ground of social conventions" (p. 95). The cases he cites-racial and gender bias and the failure to return kindness-may he unproblematic for us, hut is this not because we have been tutored by the institutions of modern liberalism? A strong case can be made, moreover, that our general agreement vanishes when it comes to particular (...)
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    For Life Abundant: Practical Theology, Theological Education, and Christian Ministry.Joseph Bush - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):206-207.
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    Educating for Autonomy and Respect or Educating for Christianity? The Case of the Georgia Bible Bills.Suzanne Rosenblith - 2010 - Journal of Thought 45 (1-2):17.
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  31.  41
    Christian theology and educational theory: Can there be connections?John M. Hull - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (2):127-143.
  32.  10
    Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism: Education and the Restoration of Humanity.Jens Zimmermann (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Since the early 1980s, there has been renewed scholarly interest in the concept of Christian Humanism. A number of official Catholic documents have stressed the importance of 'Christian humanism', as a vehicle of Christian social teaching and, indeed, as a Christian philosophy of culture. Fundamentally, humanism aims to explore what it means to be human and what the grounds are for human flourishing. Featuring contributions from internationally renowned Christian authors from a variety of disciplines in (...)
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    The broad and the narrow account of education – A false dichotomy? Marley-Payne’s suggestion for amelioration of the concept of education.Christian Norefalk - 2022 - Theory and Research in Education 20 (3):289-293.
    In his article ‘An Ameliorative Analysis of the Concept of Education’, Jack Marley-Payne sets out to provide an ameliorative analysis of the concept ‘education’. Marley-Payne draws an important distinction between what he labels the ‘Broad’ and the ‘Narrow’ account of education. His conclusion is that an ameliorative conceptual analysis of education favours the narrow account. The main argument is that a narrow approach, tightly connected to formal schooling, provides a better basis for pursuing an egalitarian agenda. (...)
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    The European Union’s contributions to international stability: the role of education and study mobilities.Amy Stapleton, Mihaela Mecea & Lulzim Beqiri - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):401-412.
  35. Living in Union with Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Maintaining Christian virtues and ethos in Christian universities in Ghana: The reality, challenges and the way forward.Peter White & Samuel K. Afrane - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):8.
    Christian universities are established to integrate Christian faith, principles and virtues into their academic programmes with the expectation that through this holistic Christocentric education, students will be well-prepared to serve and to contribute positively to transform society. Although this approach to education is good, it however does not come without the challenge of how to maintain these Christian virtues in light of increasing secularisation and permissiveness in contemporary society. This article examines the realities and challenges (...)
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    The politics of humility: Humility in historical Christian thought and its educational implications.Stephen Chatelier & Liz Jackson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (2):190-202.
    In recent times, schools have begun to focus on issues of wellbeing, engaging with ideas from various fields such as positive psychology. It is in this context that there is a growing interest in humility, rather than this interest having emerged from debates in moral philosophy and moral education. However, to the extent that education for wellbeing initiatives might promote humility as a virtue, it is important to address the extent to which it can be considered as good. (...)
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    Evaluations and the Forgetfulness of Pedagogical Relations: Remarks on Educational Authority.Christiane Thompson - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (3):283-298.
    In this essay, Christiane Thompson addresses the question of evaluative practices, particularly student evaluation of teaching (SET), and their effects with respect to pedagogical relations in the university setting. In the first part of the essay, Thompson draws on Michel Foucault's analysis of power to show how university teaching has come to be defined according to notions of obligation, accountability, and assurance. The forgetfulness of pedagogical relations that results from the increasing use of SET prompts Thompson to rethink the significance (...)
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  39.  30
    Christian Action Research and Education (CARE): declaration on human genetics and other new technologies in medicine.Action Research Christian - 2003 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 9 (1):6.
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    Debating academic freedom. Educational-philosophical premises and problems.Christiane Thompson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1086-1096.
    In the past years, there has been an intensive discussion on the topic of academic freedom in the university. More precisely, it has been criticized that the university is confronted with a growing intolerance and the request to limit free speech. This contribution takes a case at a German university as point of departure. It shows how the current discussions draw on central figures of the philosophy of Enlightenment. In the first part of the paper, the ideas of free speech (...)
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  41.  21
    Analytic philosophy of education: Some suggested questions and directions.Christian Norefalk & Marianna Papastephanou - 2023 - Theory and Research in Education 21 (3):337-349.
    This article investigates whether there is any place for the school of thought that is known as analytic philosophy of education in the aftermath of postmodernism, and whether analytic philosophy of education can be treated as a ‘method’, among other alternative ‘methods’, that can be applied regardless of what kind of ‘-ism’ or ideology one embraces. An additional aim is to suggest some important questions for analytic philosophy of education to take into consideration. We argue that conceptual (...)
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  42. Understanding the Regulatory Framework for Regenerative Medicines in the European Union and the United Kingdom.Christiane Niederlaender - 2022 - In William Sietsema & Jocelyn Jennings (eds.), Regulation of regenerative medicines: a global perspective. Rockville: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
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    Displacement or composition? Lyotard and Nancy on the trait d’union between Judaism and Christianity.Frans van Peperstraten - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (1):29-46.
    In one of the essays in his recent book on Christianity, La déclosion (2005), Nancy discusses the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Nancy opens this discussion with a reference to Lyotard’s book on this relationship: Un trait d’union (1993). Both Lyotard and Nancy examine a very early figure in the emergence of Christianity from Judaism—whereas Lyotard focuses on the epistles of Paul, Nancy reads the epistle of James. Lyotard concludes that the hyphen in the expression ‘Judeo-Christian’ actually conceals (...)
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    Science and Christian Ethics.Paul Scherz - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There is a growing crisis in scientific research characterized by failures to reproduce experimental results, fraud, lack of innovation, and burn-out. In Science and Christian Ethics, Paul Scherz traces these problems to the drive by governments and business to make scientists into competitive entrepreneurs who use their research results to stimulate economic growth. The result is a competitive environment aimed at commodifying the world. In order to confront this problem of character, Scherz examines the alternative Aristotelian and Stoic models (...)
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    Theological Perspectives on Christian Formation: A Reader on Theology and Christian Education.Jeff Astley, Leslie J. Francis & Colin Crowder - 1996 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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    Managing Education, Training and Knowledge.Otter Christian - 2016 - Creative and Knowledge Society 6 (1):1-17.
    Purpose of the article: Knowledge is increasingly importance for the economic well-being of businesses. Core competencies of management are the generation and processing of information, used to develop a competitive advantage. Information has become established as a commodity in its own right which can be bought and sold. Four out of five goods traded on the market now consist of services or relate to information in the broadest sense. Knowledge is created when different pieces of information are linked on the (...)
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    The European Economic Constitution and its Transformation Through the Financial Crisis.Christian Joerges - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 242–261.
    Europe's economic constitution is obviously affected in a very fundamental way. There is every reason to depart from an historical reconstruction of the origins of the economic constitution in the early 1920s, to consider its remarkable renaissance in postwar Germany, and to explore against this background its emigration to the European level of governance as well as its development and metamorphosis in the integration process. This chapter focuses on the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), which, once hailed as the (...)
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    (1 other version)Gender equality from the perspective of Minahasa ethnicity and Christian religious education.Djoys A. Rantung - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    Gender equality continues to be a topic of ongoing public concern, with various alternatives proposed to achieve the ideal gender equality. Despite the utilisation of various references, the desired outcomes have yet to be realised. Local traditions in Minahasa and Christian religious education (CRE) in Indonesia offer constructive alternatives for gender equality efforts. While the political, religious and social spheres have not strongly supported gender equality, Minahasan culture and philosophy have long advocated for gender equality. Using a qualitative (...)
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  49. The Church and Christian Education.Paul H. Vieth & Ernest J. Chave - 1947
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    Dual-Use and Trustworthy? A Mixed Methods Analysis of AI Diffusion Between Civilian and Defense R&D.Christian Reuter, Thea Riebe & Stefka Schmid - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (2):1-23.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be impacting all industry sectors, while becoming a motor for innovation. The diffusion of AI from the civilian sector to the defense sector, and AI’s dual-use potential has drawn attention from security and ethics scholars. With the publication of the ethical guideline Trustworthy AI by the European Union (EU), normative questions on the application of AI have been further evaluated. In order to draw conclusions on Trustworthy AI as a point of reference for responsible (...)
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