Results for ' Cities and towns in literature'

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  1. From frontier town to Renaissance city: Kilkenny, 1500-1700.John Bradley - 2002 - In Bradley John, Provincial Towns in Early Modern England and Ireland: Change, Convergence and Divergence. pp. 29-51.
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    Satellite cities.Svea Josephy - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 141 (1):103-108.
    This photographic essay is about places that have the same names but are often worlds apart. Satellite Cities (2016) looks at the naming of settlements and suburbs primarily in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and their parallels in other parts of the world. It examines the possibility of relationships or connections between these disparate places, and their realities as sites of conflict and struggle, and of war, liberation, and reconciliation.
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    From city-dreams to the dreaming collective: Walter Benjamin's political dream interpretation.Tyrus Miller - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (6):87-111.
    This essay discusses Walter Benjamin's development of 'dream' as a model for understanding 19th- and 20th-century urban culture. Following Bergson and surrealist poetics, Benjamin used 'dream' in the 1920s as an heuristic analogy for investigating child hood memories, kitsch art and literature; during the early 1930s, he also developed it into an historiographic concept for studying 19th- century Parisian culture. Benjamin's interpretative use of the dream cuts across Ricoeur's distinction between the hermeneutics of 'recol lection' and the hermeneutics of (...)
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    Fairtrade Towns as Unconventional Networks of Ethical Activism.Ken Peattie & Anthony Samuel - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):265-282.
    The growing availability and consumption of Fairtrade products is recognised as one of the most widespread ethically inspired market developments, and as an example of activist-driven change within the wider marketing system. The Fairtrade Towns movement, now operating in over 1700 towns and cities globally, represents a comparatively recent extension of Fairtrade marketing driven by local activists seeking to promote positive change in production and consumption systems. This paper briefly explores the conventional framing of the role that (...)
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    African cities by 2063: Fostering theologies of urban citizenship.Stephan F. de Beer - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):11.
    Grounded in a postcolonial, liberationist urban vision, this article lamented the theological and political paralysis of urban denialism that fails African cities and African urban populations. Considering different possible urban trajectories towards 2063 – ranging from floundering to flourishing, implosion to explosion, and apocalyptic disaster to complete rebirth – it then proposed theologies of African urban citizenship, as response. It sought to articulate a vision of citizen-driven African cities, remaking cities ‘from below’, through interconnected and intersectional urban (...)
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    A Town on Its Knees?AbdouMaliq Simone - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (7-8):130-154.
    At best, Fanon had an ambivalent attitude toward the potentialities of African cities. As largely colonial creations, they were never viewed as the ‘real’ locus for an elaboration of a critical national consciousness or political project. Yet now that Africa is an ‘urban continent’, with cities moving in disparate directions through various broken infrastructures and temporalities, urbanization conveys both a desire for collective capacities that would seem to exceed both the terms of colonial residues and Fanon’s revolutionary projections, (...)
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    “Eco Cities” Under Construction.Semih Eryildiz & Klodjan Xhexhi - 2012 - Gazi University Journal of Science 25 (1):257-261.
    Ecological and livable cities need an objective method to be jugged. This paper is in search of a method to determine the level of livability and ecology of the cities. Examples chosen for this methodology are: DongTang (Shanghai, China); Masdar (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate); Arco Santi (Arizona, USA); Chang Chun (China); Globe Town (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). The results show that livable city should be in the pursuit of the overall development and ecological progress. Ecological city needs to (...)
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  8. The Post-Communist Town: An Incomparable Testing-Ground for Social Geography.G. Burgel - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):79-82.
    The study of the post-Communist towns of East Europe and Russia does not only present the social sciences with the opening of a new field and the attraction of exoticism close at hand. They are a remarkable observatory of the complex relations which unite the material facets of urban life (extension of the built-up area, architectural forms, types of distribution of infrastructures and services) and the social structures (mode of government, nature of the economic initiative, expressions of sociability). In (...)
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  9.  21
    Panel Response to Marcella Althaus-Reid's Indecent Theology.Emilie M. Townes - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):167-173.
    Marcella Althaus-Reid puts in print a discussion of sex, gender, and politics. For womanist theologian and ethicist, Townes, black women's experiences have been left out of the theoretical and material constructs of both black and feminist theologies in the United States. Townes argues that Althaus-Reid casts the reader in the role of voyeur as she describes the women lemon vendors in Indecent Theology. The reader observes them from the safety of their own cultural, economic, theo-ethical and sociopolitical mud huts in (...)
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    Cities Created by Modernity: A Fengshui Perspective.Michael John Paton - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (5):477-499.
    The 2011 tsunami had a devastating effect on the east coast of Japan. Particularly poignant were the century-old markers on hillsides warning against building anywhere below. Nevertheless, such wisdom from traditional knowledge was disregarded because of the perceived invulnerability of the modern. This paper attempts to garner such traditional empirical knowledge regarding the siting of towns and cities by considering the Chinese art/science of fengshui or dili, the original purpose of which was to site human habitation in the (...)
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  11.  77
    Empirical Naturalism: Bernard M. Loomer's Interpretation of Whitehead's Philosophy.Edgar A. Towne - 2011 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 32 (3):255 - 266.
    Bernard MacDougall Loomer (1912–1985) is well known for his influence on process theology, or as he preferred, “process-relational” theology. Less well known is his interpretation of the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) and its influence in the promotion of that philosophy not only among his students but also more recently beyond that circle. He presents his own views as one who has made Whitehead’s his own. Yet he is not uncritical of Whitehead. He has articulated an empirical naturalism in (...)
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    City University of New York.William deJong-Lambert - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3-4):65-71.
    This article describes the history of the City University of New York (CUNY), demonstrating its value as a model for the creation of the Virtual University. Since the establishment of City College in the mid-19th Century, CUNY has continually confronted the challenge of providing quality, low-cost higher education to generations of diverse students. Today CUNY has come to serve as a model not only for effective urban education, but also as an approach to preparing an international student body for a (...)
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    Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures.Heather Alberro - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):162-167.
    How to conjure up a picture, for instance, of a town without pigeons, without any trees or gardens, where you never hear the beat of wings or the rustle of leaves—a thoroughly negative place in short?Though now home to the majority of the world's human population, cities—indeed the politics of life itself—have always been multispecies endeavors. The quote above is Albert Camus's description of Oran, the fictional town that is the site of a devastating plague outbreak in his seminal (...)
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  14.  3
    On Black media philosophy.Armond R. Towns - 2022 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    Armond R. Towns demonstrates that humanity in media philosophy has implicitly referred to a social Darwinian understanding of the human as a Western, white, male, and capitalist figure. Building on concepts from Black studies and cultural studies, Towns develops an insightful critique of this dominant conception of the human in media philosophy and introduces a foundation for Black media philosophy.
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    The Quiet Hours: City Photographs.Mike Melman - 2003 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    In The Quiet Hours, Mike Melman records a vanishing era of Minnesota's towns and cities through a series of seventy black-and-white photographs taken from 1985 to 2002. Working in the half-light of predawn hours, Melman brings a new perspective to familiar places, one shaped by his training as an architect and his particular affinity for old buildings. Through his artistic and historic images, Melman exposes the speed at which American cities change and presents a gritty yet contemplative (...)
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  16. The Port City’s ‘Cine-scapes’.Asma Mehan - 2020 - The Port City Futures Blog.
    Cinema acts as a significant mediator between urban reality and the imaginary sensory experience of the fictive world. Viewing the city through the lens of a camera enables us to build new narratives. Films have captured port cities within the flows of, goods, people, and ideas, making them ever-present in shared memories, historical narratives, and urban nostalgia. Cultural production plays a role in the on-going construction of local port cultures, whether films, festivals, music, literature, theater, advertisements, or events. (...)
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    The variety of panentheisms.Edgar A. Towne - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3):779-786.
    . In this article I review the efforts of eighteen scientists and theologians, recorded in this book, to describe the relation of God to the universe during a conference sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation at Windsor Castle in 2001. Theologians from several branches of Christian faith articulate their understanding of panentheism, revealing a considerable diversity. I deal with each author in relation to six issues: the way God acts, how God's intimate relation to the world is to be described, (...)
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  18.  11
    Ugly town.Sean Gorman - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 135 (1):99-114.
    In considering the historical treatment of Aboriginal Australians this paper will discuss the different spaces operating in Western Australia’s South West in the late 1920s and the government policies that fed into them. These are the Moore River Native Settlement that is located some 100 km north of Perth and White City, a carnival sideshow located at the bottom of William Street on the banks of the Swan River in Perth. The 1905 Aborigines Act and a provision within that act (...)
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    (1 other version)Constructing a City: The Cerdà Plan for the Extension of Barcelona.Wiebe E. Bijker & Eduardo Aibar - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):3-30.
    This article applies a constructivist perspective to the analysis of a town-planning innovation. The so-called Cerdà Plan for the extension of Barcelona was launched in the 1860s and gave this city one of its most characteristic present features. For different reasons it can be considered an extraordinary case in town-planing history, though almost unknown to international scholars. The authors analyze the intense controversy that developed around the extension plan and the three technological frames involved. Finally, the relationship between power and (...)
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  20.  23
    Imaginative construction in theology: An aesthetic approach.Edgar A. Towne - 1998 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 19 (1):77 - 103.
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    Re-place: The Embodiment of Virtual Space.Embodied Interfaces & Legible City - 2011 - In Thomas Bartscherer & Roderick Coover, Switching Codes: Thinking Through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts. University of Chicago Press. pp. 218.
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    The “Era of the City” as an Emerging Challenge to Liberal Constitutional Democracy.Ran Hirschl - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):455-473.
    Extensive urbanization is one of the most significant demographic and geopolitical phenomena of our time. Yet, with few exceptions, constitutional theory has failed to turn its attention to this crucial trend. In particular, the burgeoning constitutional literature aimed at addressing phenomena such as democratic backsliding, constitutional retrogression, and populist threats to judicial independence and the rule of law has failed to respond to the significance of place as an emerging cleavage in contemporary politics. An alarming disconnect has emerged between (...)
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  23.  8
    Data as performance – Showcasing cities through open data maps.Morgan Currie - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    This article describes how the City of Los Angeles is showcasing data-driven services to the public through dynamic visualisations of open data. I frame an analysis of this aspect of datafication in local government through linguistics and cultural theory; drawing on this set of literature I theorise the use of public data as both a performative tool and a performance of data-driven city services. I then discuss examples of interactive maps on the City of Los Angeles’ open data websites, (...)
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    Constructing a Happy City-State.Nenad Miščević - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):583-596.
    The paper honors Heda Festini; it’s first part contains author’s personal memories of Heda. The central part of the paper addresses a favorite author of Heda Festini, Franjo Petrić, and his Utopia The Happy City-State. It then places the utopian construction on the map of contemporary understanding of political theorizing. Utopias, like the one due to Petrić, result from thought-experimenting; in contrast to purely epistemic thought-experiments they are geared to “guidance”, as Petrić puts it, namely advice giving and persuading. Political (...)
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  25.  12
    City Structures.Xenia Adjoubei (ed.) - 2009 - Architecture Research Unit, London Metropolitan University.
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  26. The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers: Second Edition.Carl L. Becker - 2003 - Yale University Press.
    Here a distinguished American historian challenges the belief that the eighteenth century was essentially modern in its temper. In crystalline prose Carl Becker demonstrates that the period commonly described as the Age of Reason was, in fact, very far from that; that Voltaire, Hume, Diderot, and Locke were living in a medieval world, and that these philosophers “demolished the Heavenly City of St. Augustine only to rebuild it with more up-to-date materials.” In a new foreword, Johnson Kent Wright looks at (...)
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  27. OTHER DESTINATIONS: Translating the Mid-sized European City.Michael G. Kelly, Jorge Mejía Hernández, Sonja Novak & Giuseppe Resta (eds.) - 2023 - Osijek: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.
    The present collection of translations arises from our work within Writing Urban Places, a network of researchers interested in the different ways citizens appropriate meaningful built environments through stories, and in doing so are also better able to integrate with others. A key locus in this respect is what our network has termed the ‘mid-sized’ [or ‘intermediate’] European city. Often afforded only cursory attention in the discussion of both culture and society, overlooked in favour of more usual suspects, such urban (...)
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    Cities of Alexander the Great (review).Muhammad Usman Erdosy - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):133-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cities of Alexander the GreatMuhammad Usman ErdosyP. M. Fraser. Cities of Alexander the Great. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xii 1 263 pp. Cloth, $72.Fraser’s survey aims at determining “what cities [Alexander] did indeed found, how many out of the large number attributed to him by our various sources are actually historical, and in what sense” (vi). Resolving these issues requires the analysis of sources which (...)
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    Hospital Advertising in California, 1991–1997.Robert J. Town & Imran Currim - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (3):298-313.
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    Unseen City: The Psychic Lives of the Urban Poor.Ankhi Mukherjee - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Unseen City: The Psychic Lives of the Urban Poor, Ankhi Mukherjee offers a magisterial work of literary and cultural criticism which examines the relationship between global cities, poverty, and psychoanalysis. Spanning three continents, this hugely ambitious book reads fictional representations of poverty with each city's psychoanalytic and psychiatric culture, particularly as that culture is fostered by state policies toward the welfare needs of impoverished populations. It explores the causal relationship between precarity and mental health through clinical case studies, (...)
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    When New Sounds Come. The Sociocultural Effects of City Soundscape Change Based on the Example of the Pandemic.Justyna Kusto - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (3).
    2020 has been called the year of silence for a reason. Actions such as lockdown taken by the majority of countries in the world aiming at preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus influenced many different areas including surrounding us soundscape. Devoid of noise and sounds associated with human activity soundscape of cities attracted attention not only of researchers and sound ecologists but also people not professionally related to sound studies. Such a great interest in sound space was primarily due (...)
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  32. A Theory of Good City Form.Kevin Lynch - 1981 - MIT Press (MA).
    Available in paperback under the title Good City Form With the publication of The Image of the City, Kevin Lynch embarked on the process of exploration of city form. A Theory of Good City Form, his most important book, is both a summation and an extension of his vision, a high point from which he views cities past and possible. The central section of the book develops a new normative theory of city form—an identification of the characteristics that good (...)
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    Poor Paris!: Kierkegaard's critique of the spectacular city.George Pattison - 1999 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Chapter One Kierkegaard Enters the Spectacular City The aim of this study is to explore the representation of the city in Kierkegaard's writings and its ...
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  34. Womanist ethics and the cultural production of evil.Emilie Maureen Townes - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This groundbreaking book provides an analytical tool to understand how and why evil works in the world as it does. Deconstructing memory, history, and myth as received wisdom, the volume critically examines racism, sexism, poverty, and stereotypes.
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    Toward More Clarity about Coherence in Whitehead’s Metaphysics.Edgar A. Towne - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):69-92.
    What I call ambiguities of system due to the sheer complexity of Whitehead’s metaphysics and his analysis of process in terms of concrescence and transition threaten its coherence in terms of what we know empirically of the quantum and classical dimensions of nature. Ambiguities of equivocation pertaining to Whitehead’s use of the terms “contemporary” and “objectification,” as the latter is employed in relation to prehension and satisfaction, also threaten its coherence. The article proposes ways to reduce these threats and uncertainty (...)
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    (1 other version)The heavenly city of the eighteenth-century philosophers.Carl Lotus Becker - 1932 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Here a distinguished American historian challenges the belief that the eighteenth century was essentially modern in its temper. In crystalline prose Carl Becker demonstrates that the period commonly described as the Age of Reason was, in fact, very far from that; that Voltaire, Hume, Diderot, and Locke were living in a medieval world, and that these philosophers “demolished the Heavenly City of St. Augustine only to rebuild it with more up-to-date materials.” In a new foreword, Johnson Kent Wright looks at (...)
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    Stem cells, embryos, and the environment: a context for both science and ethics.C. R. Towns - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):410-413.
    Debate on the potential and uses of human stem cells tends to be conducted by two constituencies—ethicists and scientists. On many occasions there is little communication between the two, with the result that ethical debate is not informed as well as it might be by scientific insights. The aim of this paper is to highlight those scientific insights that may be of relevance for ethical debate.Environmental factors play a significant role in identifying stem cells and their various subtypes. Research related (...)
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    Understanding the city through its semiotic spatialities.Tiit Remm - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):124-144.
    The city is a complex sociocultural phenomenon where space and time are simultaneously parts of itself and parts of its conceptualisation. In the paper I draw out three general perspectives where the city is characterised by different spatialities and temporalities. The urban space can thus be a space of rhythms and practices, an objectified dimension of the settlement, and a symbolic form in interpretations and creations of cities. The city can be understood as a semioticwhole by considering varying semiotic (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Surge at a New York City Medical Center.Lydia Dugdale, Kenneth M. Prager, Erin P. Williams, Joyeeta Dastidar, Gerald Neuberg & Katherine Fischkoff - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):212-218.
    The COVID-19 pandemic swept through New York City swiftly and with devastating effect. The crisis put enormous pressure on all hospital services, including the clinical ethics consultation team. This report describes the recent experience of the ethics consultants and Columbia University Irving Medical Center during the COVID-19 surge and compares the case load and characteristics to the corresponding period in 2019. By reporting this experience, we hope to supplement the growing body of COVID-19 scientific literature and provide details of (...)
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  40. City Limit: A Sociopolitical Philosophical Indictment.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2013 - Colorado Springs: Grand Viaduct.
    This philosophical narrative delves into deepening crises afflicting modern democracies, when extreme inequality and its resultant alienation grips not just adults but, even more anguishingly, children. These children and often their parents come in far under the social radar, so out-of-touch that even census takers overlook them. In this milieu, weapons and narcotics are as much an unquestioned part of life as breathing. The world beyond this invisible cage entirely escapes them, nor does the larger society miss them or know (...)
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    God Laughs: And Other Surprising Things You Never Knew About Him.Elmer L. Towns - 2009 - Regal Books. Edited by Charles Billingsley.
    Finding the heart of God -- Finding God's heart -- Have you seen God's face? -- Why does God sing? -- Searching God's mind -- When God is silent -- Did you know God thinks about you? -- God has unique plans for every unsaved person -- God remembers no longer -- Did you know God reads and writes? -- The unknowable of God -- God whispers -- DoesGod have a nose? -- Wax in God's ears -- God loves to (...)
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    Changes in business students' value orientations after the COVID‐19 outbreak: An exploration.Sophia Town, James Weber & Noémi Nagy - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (S1):253-282.
    Business and Society Review, Volume 127, Issue S1, Page 253-282, Spring 2022.
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    Could I be in a “matrix” or computer simulation?Permutation City, Vanilla Sky, John Pollock, Nick Bostrom & René Descartes - 2009 - In Susan Schneider, Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Ancient Cities and Towns of Rajasthan. A Study of Culture and Civilization.John F. Mosteller & Kailash Chand Jain - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):384.
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    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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    Regulation of non‐muscle myosin structure and function.Sandra Citi & John Kendrick-Jones - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (4):155-159.
    In vertebrate and invertebrate nonmuscle myosins, light‐ and heavy‐chain phosphorylation regulate myosin assembly into filaments, and interaction with actin. Vertebrate non‐muscle myosins can exist in vitro in three main states, either ‘folded’ (assembly‐blocked) or ‘extended’ (assembly‐competent) monomers, and filaments. Light‐chain phosphorylation regulates the ‘dynamic equilibrium’ between these states. The ability of the myosin to undergo changes in conformation and state of assembly may be an important mechanism in regulating the organization of the cytoskeleton and cell motility.
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    Commentary on Augustine City of God, Books 1–5 by Gillian Clark (review).James J. O'Donnell - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (1):179-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Commentary on Augustine City of God, Books 1–5 by Gillian ClarkJames J. O'DonnellCommentary on Augustine City of God, Books 1–5. By Gillian Clark. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. xii + 281. ISBN: 978-0-19-887007-4.Pierre Bayard's masterful How to Talk about Books You Haven't Read offers soothing balm for readers in the daunting presence of Augustine's City of God. Weighing in at a third of a million words, Augustine's (...)
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    Acropolis now: Ponte City as ‘portrait of a city’.Svea Josephy - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 141 (1):67-85.
    Ponte City is a project by Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse that uses photographs, architectural diagrams, text, interviews, fiction, found objects, oral history, and archival material to critically explore a particular urban landscape in Johannesburg. The exhibition and book, which comprise this project, manifest in different ways, but both work together to cut across disciplines and incorporate the languages of fine art, photography, architecture, urban planning, history, economics, popular culture, and literature. The publication comprises a book of photographs and (...)
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    Suits on make-believe games.Micah D. Tillman Core Division, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, Ca & Usa - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    While Bernard Suits's understanding of games has significantly influenced the philosophy of sport, the longest sustained investigation in The Grasshopper is of make-believe and roleplaying games. Suits’s discussion of make-believe and roleplaying is found in chapters 9 through 12, but what he says there is uncharacteristically unclear. To clarify Suits’s account, the present paper distinguishes between two arguments that Suits interweaves. In the first, Suits argues that game playing is not a species of play. In the second, Suits argues that (...)
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    The ‘good city’ or ‘post-colonial catch-basins of violent empire’? A contextual theological appraisal of South Africa’s Integrated Urban Development Framework.Stephan De Beer - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
    The Integrated Urban Development Framework was constructed as a ‘new deal’ for South African cities and towns. It outlines a vision with four overarching goals and eight priorities or policy levers meant to overcome the apartheid legacy through comprehensive spatial restructuring and strategic urban–rural linkages. This article is a contextual theological reflection ‘from below’, reading the IUDF through the lenses of five distinct contours. It asks whether the IUDF has the potential to mediate good cities in which (...)
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