Results for ' Civilization, Medieval, in literature'

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  1.  10
    The Future of Human Civilization.Peter Baofu - 2000
    This text focuses on why the global spread of formal rationality contributes to a critical spirit which undermines human values and beliefs, be they ancient, medieval, modern and now postmodern. This is so in special relation to the model of the seven major dimensions of human existence: the True (knowledge), the Holy (religion), the Good (morals), the Just (justice), the Everyday (consumeristic culture), the Technological (technophilic culture), and the Beautiful (arts and literature). This not only has happened in the (...)
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  2. Reception of Medieval Arabic Literature of Imaginative Socrates’ Political Teachings.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    Usually thoughts are not in isolation but in varing degrees have interrelations with each other. With regard to this historical fact as a classist want to explore the reception of a few medieval Arabic texts and writers of Socrates available teachings about politics.
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    Civil Society and Literature: Hegel and Lukács on the Possibility of a Modern Epic.David James - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (2):205-221.
    It is claimed that Hegel denies the possibility of a modern epic and that his lectures on aesthetics demand the condemnation of all the art of his own time. I use the available student transcripts of his lectures on aesthetics, in conjunction with Lukács's views on the novel, to show that Hegel suggests that the novel might count as a modern epic and that it may perform a significant function in modern ethical life (Sittlichkeit) as presented in his own philosophy (...)
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    Alternative Modernities and Medieval Indian Literature: The Oriya Lakshmi Purana as Radical Pedagogy.Satya P. Mohanty - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (3):3-21.
    Focusing on the sixteenth-century Oriya Lakshmi Purana by Balaram Das, this essay shows how distinctly “modern” values are being explored and elaborated in this religious poem. Das’s narrative develops the notion of a self-critical individuality that is distinct from—rather than merely embedded in—the dominant social structure and its patriarchal and caste-based value system. The LP provides a feminist and anticaste critique of patriarchal behavior and defends the value of the work done by women and others who are socially marginalized. This (...)
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  5. Paul J. Cornish is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. He defended his dissertation, Rule and Subjection: The Concept of 'Dominium'in Augustine and Aquinas, at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1995. His publications include:'John Courtney Murray and Thomas Aquinas on Obedience and the Civil Conversation', Vera Lex: Journal. [REVIEW]Medieval Europe - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (2):131-132.
  6.  21
    Mediaeval Bulgarian and Serbian theological literature: an essential Vademecum.Francis J. Thomson - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):503-549.
    The name of Gerhard PODSKALSKY is well known to all Byzantinists and his works on Russian Christianity and theology (988–1237) and Greek theology (1453–1821) published by Beck in 1982 and 1988 respectively have become classic works of reference. Since both Bulgaria and Serbia were the Empire's immediate neighbours and at various times integral parts of the Byzantine Empire this book is of greater importance for the Byzantinist than the previous two and without any doubt it will find a place in (...)
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    Medieval Writers and Their Work: Middle English Literature 1100-1500.J. A. Burrow - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In an updated edition of his hugely successful student introduction to English literature from 1100 to 1500, J. A. Burrow takes account of scholarly developments in the the field, most notably devoting a final chapter to the impact of historicism on medieval studies. Full of information and stimulating ideas, and a pleasure to read, Burrow's book deals with circumstances of composition and reception, the main genres, 'modes of meaning', and medieval literature's afterlife in modern times. It shows that (...)
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  8.  31
    Grotius and Late Medieval Ius Commune on Rebellion and Civil War.Dante Fedele - 2020 - Grotiana 41 (2):371-389.
    This paper explores the presence of late medieval ius commune in Grotius’s thought on the use of force in internal strife and war, based on De iure belli ac pacis. To this end, it examines Grotius’s use of ius commune sources, and considers some similar sources, which he does not actually cite, but which relate to his discussion. By clarifying Grotius’s selection and use of ius commune sources, the paper intends to contribute to the achievement of a double aim: firstly, (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture.Patrick J. Gallacher & Helen Damico (eds.) - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    Includes 28 illustrations of manuscripts, artwork, and architecture. Paperback edition ($16.95) not seen. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Beauty, evolution, and medieval literature.Claudio Solledar - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 95-111.
    "You must learn first how to choose a woman" says the character Don Love to the protagonist of the Book of Good Love (fourteenth-century Castile) who has suffered a few setbacks in love. Don Love then goes on to describe in detail the ideal woman, beginning with her physical characteristics: a small head; blond hair; eyebrows set apart, long and arched; a narrow chin; large, prominent, colorful, and shining eyes, with long lashes; small, delicate ears; a long throat; a finely (...)
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  11.  8
    El humanismo medieval y Alfonso X el Sabio: ensayo sobre los orígenes del humanismo vernáculo.H. Salvador Martínez - 2016 - Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo.
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    Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature, and: Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–Z (review).William J. Courtenay - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):141-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature, and: Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–ZWilliam J. CourtenayCharles H. Lohr. Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature. Unione Accademica Nazionale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Subsidia XV. Florence: SISMEL–Editioni del Galluzzo, 2005. Pp. xiv + 567. Cloth, €90.00.Charles H. Lohr. Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–Z. Unione Accademica Nazionale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Subsidia XVIII. (...)
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  13. Beauty, Evolution, and Medieval Literature.Claudio Da Soller - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):95-111.
    Medieval literature often used stock descriptions of beautiful women following a well-established rhetorical canon which included expressions such as "golden hair," "sparkling eyes," or "skin whiter than snow." But were these terms mere rhetorical conventions derived from Latin poetry, as generally accepted by medieval scholars? And what happens if we examine these descriptions at the "literal" level of interpretation? This survey of works in the languages of medieval Iberia shows that the medieval rhetorical portrait synthesized a widely shared ideal (...)
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  14.  42
    The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory.Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith (eds.) - 2010 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    This collection of essays argues that any valid theory of the modern should—indeed must—reckon with the medieval. Offering a much-needed correction to theorists such as Hans Blumenberg, who in his _Legitimacy of the Modern Age_ describes the “modern age” as a complete departure from the Middle Ages, these essays forcefully show that thinkers from Adorno to Žižek have repeatedly drawn from medieval sources to theorize modernity. To forget the medieval, or to discount its continued effect on contemporary thought, is to (...)
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  15.  23
    Medieval humanism.Gerald Groveland Walsh - 1942 - New York,: Macmillan.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  16. Revisiter les violences passées pour expliquer celles d’un conflit vécu : imaginaire médiéval, souvenirs des guerres révolutionnaires et impériales dans les écritures de soi des civils en 1870-1871.Sandra Chapelle - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    The French defeat of 1871 against Prussia and its allies was experienced and felt as a deep trauma by contemporaries. The personal accounts (diaries and letters) of those who lived through the war but who did not fight, testify both to the multiplicity of their feelings in the face of a situation they did not understand, and to the mechanisms that they put in place in order to give meaning to defeat. The first of these is the use of the (...)
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  17.  50
    A Clash Or Dialogue Of Civilizations? A “Medieval” Or “Modern” Mentality.Leonard Swidler - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):59-67.
    A clash of civilizations has been perennial in human history, and today it is again taking the form of a more than thousand year old clash: The West and Islam. However, I want to argue that humanity now has the tools to transform that clash to cooperation, and not just occasionally, as in a few times and places in the past, dependent on the temporary benignity of a well-placed leader.
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  18.  7
    The System of Thomas Aquinas: Formerly Titled, Mediaeval Philosophy Illustrated From the System of Thomas Aquinas.M. DeWulf - 2021 - Hassell Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  19.  87
    Formalizing Medieval Logical Theories: Suppositio, Consequentiae and Obligationes.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2007 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book presents novel formalizations of three of the most important medieval logical theories: supposition, consequence and obligations. In an additional fourth part, an in-depth analysis of the concept of formalization is presented - a crucial concept in the current logical panorama, which as such receives surprisingly little attention.Although formalizations of medieval logical theories have been proposed earlier in the literature, the formalizations presented here are all based on innovative vantage points: supposition theories as algorithmic hermeneutics, theories of consequence (...)
  20.  17
    On the Influence of Translations of Religious and Philosophical Texts of Buddhism on the Literature and Art of Medieval China.Vitaly G. Kosykhin & Svetlana M. Malkina - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):601-608.
    The era of the Tang dynasty was a period of great flourishing of all aspects of Chinese culture, when changes covered the most diverse spheres of philosophy, art and literature. The article examines the role played in this cultural transformation by translations from Sanskrit into Chinese of the religious and philosophical texts of Indian Buddhism. The specificity of the Chinese approach to the translation of Indian texts is demonstrated, when, at the initial stage, many works were translated in a (...)
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  21.  11
    Perceptions of medieval manuscripts: the phenomenal book.Elaine Treharne - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Perceptions of Medieval Manuscripts takes as its starting point an understanding that a medieval book is a whole object at every point of its long history. As such, medieval books can be studied most profitably in a holistic manner as objects-in-the-world. This means readers might profitably account for all aspects of the manuscript in their observations, from the main texts that dominate the codex to the marginal notes, glosses, names, and interventions made through time. This holistic approach allows us to (...)
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  22.  17
    Willing and understanding: late medieval debates on the will, the intellect, and practical knowledge.Monika Michałowska & Riccardo Fedriga (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    Willing and Understanding elucidates a variety of issues in and approaches to debating the will-intellect interplay in the late Middle Ages. Authored by prominent scholars in the field, the contributions offer different perspectives on the development of late medieval theories of the will. Charting a dense map of voluntarist and epistemological ideas - entrenched leitmotifs of late medieval philosophy, seminal insights sparking original trends, and ephemeral novelties - the volume is a testimony to the conceptual multidimensionality and ethical complexity of (...)
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  23. Some Medieval and Renaissance Hebrew Writings on the Poetry of the Bible.James L. Kugel - 1979 - In Isadore Twersky, Studies in medieval Jewish history and literature. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 57--81.
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  24. Medieval Social Epistemology: Scientia for Mere Mortals.Robert Pasnau - 2010 - Episteme 7 (1):23-41.
    Medieval epistemology begins as ideal theory: when is one ideally situated with regard to one's grasp of the way things are? Taking as their starting point Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, scholastic authors conceive of the goal of cognitive inquiry as the achievement of scientia, a systematic body of beliefs, grasped as certain, and grounded in demonstrative reasons that show the reason why things are so. Obviously, however, there is not much we know in this way. The very strictness of this ideal (...)
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  25.  26
    Medieval Studies between Literary Studies and Intellectual History.Christian Kiening & Susanne Reichlin - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (2):287-332.
    According to their founders, the DVjs, established in 1923, was supposed to develop a specific focus also for medieval literature and culture. This article analyzes how this program was realized and how the relationship between literary studies and intellectual history (›Geistesgeschichte‹) was shaped in different periods from the early articles of Günther Müller, Wolfgang Stammler or Walther Rehm to the reestablishment by Hugo Kuhn around 1950. The authors reconstruct a particular branch of German medieval studies still relevant today.
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  26. Medieval Studies after Derrida after Heidegger.R. A. Shoaf - 1988 - In Julian N. Wasserman & Lois Roney, Sign, sentence, discourse: language in medieval thought and literature. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. pp. 9--30.
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  27.  61
    Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality. An Introduction.Fabrizio Amerini - 2010 - Quaestio 10:3-23.
    Historians of medieval philosophy have always paid attention to the topic of intentionality. This is not surprising. For medieval authors, the analysis of the metaphysics and the mechanisms of human cognition became over time one of the most important instruments for approaching a bundle of basic philosophical and theological questions, such as the nature of universals, the mind-world relation, the explanation of divine knowledge, and the like. For this and other reasons, theories of cognition have been a crucial theme for (...)
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  28. The atomic priesthood and nuclear waste management: Religion, sci‐fi literature, and the end of our civilization.Sebastian Musch - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):626-639.
    This article discusses the idea of an “Atomic Priesthood,” a religious caste that would preserve and transmit the knowledge of nuclear waste management for future generations. In 1981, the US Department of Energy commissioned a “Human Interference Task Force” that would examine the possibilities of how to maintain the security of nuclear waste storage sites for 10,000 years, a period during which our civilization would likely perish, but the dangerous nature of nuclear waste would persist. One option that was discussed (...)
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  29.  18
    Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.Barbara K. Gold, Barbara H. Gold, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature Paul Allen Miller, Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines interrelated topics in Medieval and Renaissance Latin literature: the status of women as writers, the status of women as rhetorical figures, and the status of women in society from the fifth to the early seventeenth century.
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  30.  44
    Medieval or modern? A scholastic's view of business ethics, circa 1430.Daniel A. Wren - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (2):109 - 119.
    There are varying opinions about whether or not the field of business ethics has a history or is a development of more modern times. It is suggested that a book by a Dominican Friar, Johannes Nider, De Contractibus Mercatorum, written ca. 1430 and published ca. 1468 provides a basis for a history of over 500 years. Business ethics grew out of attempts to reconcile Biblical precepts, canon law, civil law, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and the writings of early (...)
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  31.  20
    Tensioned Civility: Presidential Delegitimization of the Press.Rui Alexandre Novais & Viviane Araújo - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1533-1560.
    This explorative study contributes to the theoretical debate on political incivility beyond the domination of Western-centric approaches while connecting the bodies of literature in political philosophy and media research. It offers empirical evidence of Bolsonaro’s delegitimizing criticisms and uncivil expressions toward the press, some specific news outlets, and individual journalists during the first two years of his presidential mandate in Brazil. It concludes that Bolsonaro displayed the complete repertoire of the defining elements of political incivility in liberal democracies vis (...)
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  32.  17
    Book Review: The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval England. [REVIEW]Edward E. Foster - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):400-401.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval EnglandEdward E. FosterThe French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval England, by William Calin; xvi & 587pp. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994, $75.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.Probably not many people will read all of this book, because it is very long. That is too bad, because it is also very good and its length is necessary for its (...)
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  33.  25
    A Hidden Wisdom: Medieval Contemplatives on Self-Knowledge, Reason, Love, Persons, and Immortality.Christina van Dyke - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Medieval philosophy is primarily associated today with university-based disputations and the authorities cited in those disputations. In their own time, however, scholastic debates were recognized as just one part of wide-ranging philosophical and theological discussions. A Hidden Wisdom breaks new ground by drawing attention to another crucial component of these conversations: the Christian contemplative tradition. The thirteenth–fifteenth centuries in particular saw a dramatic increase in the production and consumption of mystical and contemplative literature in the ‘Christian West’, by laypeople (...)
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  34.  7
    A Civil Tongue: Justice, Dialogue, and the Politics of Pluralism.Mark Kingwell - 1994 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book is about a widely shared desire: the desire among citizens for a vibrant and effective social discourse of legitimation. It therefore begins with the conviction that what political philosophy can provide citizens is not further theories of the good life but instead directions for talking about how to justify the choices they make—or, in brief, "just talking." As part of the general trend away from the aridity of Kantian universalism in political philosophy, thinkers as diverse as Bruce Ackerman, (...)
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  35.  12
    Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning. Three Essays. [REVIEW]F. W. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (3):558-559.
    In this first volume of a new series, "Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies," three independently published essays by Professor Kristeller have been gathered together in one volume. Though originally written for different occasions, all three develop the theme expressed by the title, that is, "the continued presence of medieval traits in the civilization of the Renaissance". As Kristeller himself explains in the Preface, the presence of medieval traits in the Renaissance does not militate against the acknowledged reality of (...)
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  36.  61
    Medieval Natural Law and the Reformation.David VanDrunen - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (1):77-98.
    An important aspect of the contemporary controversies over John Calvin’s natural law doctrine has been his relation to the medieval natural law inheritance. This paper attempts to put Calvin in better context through a detailed examination of his ideas on natural law, in comparison with those of Thomas Aquinas. I argue that significant points of both similarity and difference between them must berecognized. Among important similarities, I highlight their grounding of natural law in the divine nature and the relationship of (...)
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    Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories (review).Gad Freudenthal - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):273-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 273-274 [Access article in PDF] Christoph Lüthy, John E. Murdoch, and William R. Newman, editors. Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories. Leiden: Brill, 2001. Pp. viii + 610. Cloth, $186.00. The nineteen papers of this weighty (handsomely produced, but expensive) volume are mostly devoted to the views of one thinker or group of persons on "corpuscularism" (see 17ff.), in (...)
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  38.  36
    Van Dyke: Medieval Philosophy, 4-vol. set.Christina van Dyke & Andrew W. Arlig (eds.) - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    The Middle Ages saw a great flourishing of philosophy. Now, to help students and researchers make sense of the gargantuan—and, often, dauntingly complex—body of literature on the main traditions of thinking that stem from the Greek heritage of late antiquity, this new four-volume collection is the latest addition to Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Concepts in Philosophy series. Christina Van Dyke of Calvin College, USA, and an editor of the Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, has carefully assembled classic contributions, as well (...)
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  39.  63
    Civil societies and democratization: Assumptions, dilemmas and the south african experience.Lorenzo Fioramonti - 2005 - Theoria 44 (107):65-88.
    The argument put forward by this article is not that democratization does not benefit from the activity of a vibrant civil society, but rather that academic research should address this relationship in a critical way. This article maintains that one should take care to distinguish between 'civil society' as an ideal-type concept that embodies the qualities of separation, autonomy and civil association in its pure form, and the factual world of 'civil societies' composed of associations that embody these principles to (...)
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  40.  1
    The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Volume 2, Ethics and Political Philosophy.Arthur Stephen McGrade, John Kilcullen & Matthew Kempshall (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The eagerly-awaited second volume of The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts will allow scholars and students access for the first time in English to major texts in ethics and political thought from one of the most fruitful periods of speculation and analysis in the history of western thought. Beginning with Albert the Great, who introduced the Latin west to the challenging moral philosophy and natural science of Aristotle, and concluding with the first substantial presentation in English of the revolutionary (...)
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  41.  12
    German Literature Through Nazi Eyes.G. H. Atkins - 2010 - Routledge.
    The influence of Nazism on German culture was a key concern for many Anglo-American writers, who struggled to reconcile the many contributions of Germany to European civilization, with the barbarity of the new regime. In _German Literature Through Nazi Eyes_, H.G. Atkins gives an account of how the Nazis undertook a re-evaluation of German literature, making it sub-ordinate to their own interests. All reference to Jewish writers and influence was virtually eliminated, and key writers such as Goethe and (...)
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  42.  66
    Literature: the "Mattering" and the Matter.Ranjan Ghosh - 2013 - Substance 42 (2):33-47.
    How empty and barren would life be if all our art and literature were taken away. What a calamity!Beyond the circle of the reading room are the world's greatest collection of books and the finest works of art from all places and times—sculpture from the Parthenon, Ming vases, Viking jewelry, great stone bulls and lions from Assyria, Egyptian mummies, medieval tapestries—brought together and taken out of context and time, like Keats's Grecian urn, because in themselves and in conjunction they (...)
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    Strikes, civil rights, and radical disobedience: From King to Debs and back.Alex Gourevitch - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (2):143-164.
    Recent scholarship has insisted on a more historically attentive approach to civil disobedience. This article follows their lead by arguing that the dominant understanding of civil disobedience relies on a conceptual confusion and a historical mistake. Conceptually, the literature fails to distinguish between violating a law and defying the authority of a legal order. Historically, the literature misreads the exemplary case of Martin Luther King Jr. in Birmingham, Alabama. When read in its proper context, we can see King (...)
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    Civility and its development: the experiences of China and Taiwan.David C. Schak - 2018 - Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
    This is the first book-length study of the development of civility in Chinese societies. Although some social scientists and political philosophers have discussed civility, none has defined it as an analytical tool to systematically measure attitudes and behavior, and few have applied it to a non-Western society. By comparing the development of civility in mainland China and Taiwan, Civility and Its Development: The Experiences of China and Taiwan analyzes the social conditions needed for civility to become established in a society. (...)
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  45. Indigenous Bodies, Civilized Selves, and the Escape from the Earth.Eugene Halton - 2019 - In Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian Collier & Georges Enderle, Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First-Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing. Peter Lang. pp. 47-73.
    History can be understood as involving a problematic interplay between the long-term legacy of human evolution, still tempered into the human body today, and the shorter-term heritage of civilization from its beginnings to the present. Each of us lives in a tension between our indigenous bodies and our civilized selves, between the philosophy of the earth and that which I characterize as “the philosophy of escape from the earth.” The standard story of civilization is one of linear upward progress, a (...)
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  46. J.S. Mill on Civilization and Barbarism.Michael Levin - 2004 - Frank Cass.
    John Stuart Mill's best-known work is On Liberty. In it he declared that Western society was in danger of coming to a standstill. This was an extraordinarily pessimistic claim in view of Britain's global dominance at the time and one that has been insufficiently investigated in the secondary literature. The wanting model was that of China, a once advanced civilization that had apparently ossified. To understand how Mill came to this conclusion requires one to investigate his notion of the (...)
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    Civil Disobedience, Epistocracy, and the Question of whether Superior Political Judgment Defeats Majority Authority.Tine Hindkjaer Madsen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (6):606-632.
    I outline a new approach to the question of when civil disobedience is legitimate by drawing on insights from the epistocracy literature. I argue that civil disobedience and epistocracy are similar in the sense that they both involve the idea that superior political judgment defeats majority authority, because this can lead to correct, i.e. just, prudent or morally right, political decisions. By reflecting on the question of when superior political judgment defeats majority authority in the epistocracy case, I identify (...)
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  48.  16
    The Civil War.Julius Caesar - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    `All over Italy men were conscripted, and weapons requisitioned; money was exacted from towns, and taken from shrines; and all the laws of god and man were overturned.' The Civil War is Caesar's masterly account of the celebrated war between himself and his great rival Pompey, from the crossing of the Rubicon in January 49 B.C. to Pompey's death and the start of the Alexandrian War in the autumn of the following year. His unfinished account of the continuing struggle with (...)
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    The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Volume 3, Mind and Knowledge.Robert Pasnau (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The third volume of The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts will allow scholars and students access in English, to major texts that form the debate over mind and knowledge at the center of medieval philosophy. Beginning with thirteenth-century attempts to classify the soul's powers and to explain the mind's place within the soul, the volume proceeds systematically to consider the scope of human knowledge and the role of divine illumination, intentionality and mental representation, and attempts to identify the object (...)
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    Where Three Civilizations Meet.Joanna Weinberg - 1991 - History and Theory 30 (4):13-26.
    Resonances of Samuel David Luzzatto's characterization of Italian Jewry can be heard in the personal memoirs of Arnaldo Momigliano. Pagan, Jewish, and Christian -these were the three civilizations which dominated Momigliano's life work. Between 1930 and 1934 Momigliano wrote four major works on representative areas of the triple civilizations: one on the Maccabean tradition; two articles on Josephus' defense of Judaism, the Contra Apionem; a presentation of his conception of first century Pharisaic Judaism; and Alien Wisdom, in which he explored (...)
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