Results for ' Conservation of Natural Resources'

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  1.  51
    Harms, wrongs, and indirect natural resource conservation obligations: a reply to Benjamin Sachs.Joseph Mazor - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (2):212-215.
    In his recent commentary on my work, entitled ‘Mazor on indirect obligations to conserve natural resources for future generations’ (Sachs, 2013), Benjamin Sachs explores whether the argument I have provided for grounding indirect obligations of justice to conserve natural resources for future people really succeeds. Sachs insightfully points out that it does not necessarily follow from the fact that profligate individuals increase the obligation of others to conserve natural resources, that those others can insist (...)
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    Natural Resources Management in North-East India: Linking Ecology, Economics & Ethics.Ayyanadar Arunachalam & Kusum Arunachalam (eds.) - 2010 - Dvs Publishers.
    section 1. Natural resources management -- section 2. Biodiversity and ecosystems -- section 3. Traditional farming and its management -- section 4. Conservation and sustainable development.
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    Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory.Chris Armstrong - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Struggles over precious resources such as oil, water, and land are increasingly evident in the contemporary world. States, indigenous groups, and corporations vie to control access to those resources, and the benefits they provide. These conflicts are rapidly spilling over into new arenas, such as the deep oceans and the Polar regions. How should these precious resources be governed, and how should the benefits and burdens they generate be shared? Justice and Natural Resources provides a (...)
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    Mazor on Indirect Obligations to Conserve Natural Resources for Future Generations.Benjamin Sachs - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (2):208 - 211.
    Many of us have the intuition that we are duty-bound to conserve natural resources for the benefit of future generations. Yet there is a well-known difficulty in trying to identify the source of th...
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    Totonac homegardens and natural resources in Veracruz, Mexico.Ana Lid Del Angel-pérez & Mendoza B. Martín Alfonso - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):329-346.
    The Totonac homegarden is a traditionally designed agroecosystem mixing different elements, such as cultivated and wild plants, and livestock. Our objective was to understand the role and importance of homegardens as a strategy for subsistence and natural resources management. Anthropological fieldwork was carried out in Coxquihui, Veracruz, Mexico, a Totonac community. Conventional sampling using a questionnaire yielded a sample of 40 individuals, each representing a family group. Personal interviews, life stories, observations, and field transects enriched survey information. Fieldwork (...)
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  6. Economic and Biophysical Perspectives.Natural Resource Scarsity - 1991 - In Robert Costanza, Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 992.
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    The role of Agricultural Economists in the Conservation of Natural Resources.Keith O. Campbell - 1981 - Minerva 19 (4):632-639.
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    Science, culture, and politics in U.S. natural resources management.Arthur F. McEvoy - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):469-486.
    What I have tried to do here is to provide a historical example of the interdependence between nature and culture that is one of the themes of this conference. To sum up: Scientific descriptions of the world emerge out of a complex interaction between nature, economic production, and the legal system. “Science” consists of a struggle among scientists, and between scientists and citizens, over what counts as “reality.” Lawmaking, in turn, consists of a struggle between people who want to allocate (...)
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    Conserving resources for children.Alan R. Rogers - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (1):73-82.
    Parents can benefit their offspring by conserving resources that the offspring stand to inherit. Thus, inheritance of resources should promote the evolution of propensities to conserve. But inheritance also has another, less obvious effect: it can reduce the fertility of the conserver’s grandchildren, thus reducing the expected number of great-grandchildren. Consequently, inheritance of resources promotes the evolution of conservation less than might be supposed.
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    Conservation and natural resources.N. W. Pirie - 1966 - The Eugenics Review 58 (3):163.
  11.  44
    The Commons, Game Theory and Aspects of Human Nature that May Allow Conservation of Global Resources.Walter K. Dodds - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (4):411-425.
    Fundamental aspects of human use of the environment can be explained by game theory. Game theory explains aggregate behaviour of the human species driven by perceived costs and benefits. In the ‘game’ of global environmental protection and conservation, the stakes are the living conditions of all species including the human race, and the playing field is our planet. The question is can we control humanity's hitherto endless appetite for resources before we irreparably harm the global ecosystem and cause (...)
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    Conservation or preservation? A qualitative study of the conceptual foundations of natural resource management.Ben A. Minteer & Elizabeth A. Corley - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (4):307-333.
    Few disputes in the annals of US environmentalism enjoy the pedigree of the conservation-preservation debate. Yet, although many scholars have written extensively on the meaning and history of conservation and preservation in American environmental thought and practice, the resonance of these concepts outside the academic literature has not been sufficiently examined. Given the significance of the ideals of conservation and preservation in the justification of environmental policy and management, however, we believe that a more detailed analysis of (...)
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  13. Nature above people: Rolston and "fortress" conservation in the south.Hanna Siurua - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (1):71-96.
    : Holmes Rolston III has argued that in some situations where the needs of starving people come into conflict with the protection of natural values, "we" ought to prioritize the latter. Focusing on the threat to pristine ecosystems and endangered species posed by overpopulation in developing countries, Rolston advocates the exclusion of human settlement and activity from the most fragile and valuable wild areas—a strategy sometimes termed "fortress conservation." This approach suffers from at least three serious faults. First, (...)
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  14. Conservation," X-Inefficiency" and Efficient Use of Natural Resources.E. C. Pasour Jr - 1979 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 3 (4):371-390.
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  15.  27
    Wicked Solutions to Wicked Problems? A Christian Ethical Reflection on Synthetic Biology as Nature Conservation.Manitza Kotzé - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (2):181-197.
    While a distinction should be made between wicked problems as first defined by Churchman and Rittel and Webber and problems that are merely challenging and difficult to solve, in this contribution, I argue that climate change and the resulting destruction of nature could be explained as a wicked problem. One of the proposed solutions to climate change, making use of synthetic biology for nature conservation, has the potential to be classified not only as a wicked solution but as a (...)
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    Planning Material Resources and Conservation.E. I. Ignat'ev - 1974 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 13 (2):22-26.
    In his remarks E. I. Ignat'ev considered a number of economic matters associated with the problem of the environment. Ignat'ev emphasized that environmental protection is becoming a vitally essential field of social activity. Inasmuch as this is the fact, he said, it is natural that, under the conditions existing in our country, this field of activity be planned in a specific way. The financial, material, and human resources needed to implement the program of conservation and improvement of (...)
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    Simone Schleper. Planning for the Planet: Environmental Expertise and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1960–1980. (Environment in History: International Perspectives, 16.) ix + 240 pp., app., bibl., index. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019. $120 (cloth); ISBN 9781789202984. E-book available. [REVIEW]Stefan Bargheer - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):906-907.
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    Japan's green resources: Forest conservation and social values. [REVIEW]Theodore E. Howard - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (4):421-430.
    Modern and historical Japanese societies are and were quite comfortable with a nature defined, designed, and dominated by humans. While contemporary Japanese are concerned about the environment, especially about non-timber (“green”) forest resources, conservation organizations are generally small and locally focused. Public forests, accounting for 40 percent of all Japan's forests, are intensively managed. At the national level, the timber program is operating below cost and there is increasing emphasis on non-timber management and rural economic development. A professional (...)
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    L'écosophie ou La sagesse de la nature.Serge Mongeau - 2017 - Montréal, Québec: Écosociété. Edited by Serge Mongeau.
    Deux classiques de l’un des plus importants précurseurs de l’écologie politique au Québec réunis en seul volume! Dans L’écosophie ou la sagesse de la nature, Serge Mongeau nous invite, à partir de ses propres expériences, à une profonde réflexion sur une éthique écologique. Au lieu de voir la nature comme extérieure à nous, comme un réservoir de ressources, il faut l’envisager comme un processus de vie dans lequel nous avons un rôle à jouer. C’est donc un autre mode de relation (...)
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  20. Trophy Hunting as Conservation Strategy?Garrett Pendergraft - 2021 - SAGE Business Cases.
    Should we kill animals to save animals? This question lies at the heart of this case study. Sovereign nations have an interest in protecting and conserving their natural resources, and in particular their distinctive flora and fauna. As they seek to promote these interests, they inevitably face the economic question of how they are going to finance their conservation efforts. One way of answering this question is to engage in the practice of selling big game hunting licenses (...)
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    Conservation and practical morality: challenges to education and reform.Les Brown - 1987 - New York: St. Martins [sic] Press.
  22. Relationship-scale Conservation.Jeffrey Brooks, Jeffrey J. Brooks, Robert Dvorak, Mike Spindler & Susanne Miller - 2015 - Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 (1):147-158.
    Conservation can occur anywhere regardless of scale, political jurisdiction, or landownership. We present a framework to help managers at protected areas practice conservation at the scale of relationships. We focus on relationships between stakeholders and protected areas and between managers and other stakeholders. We provide a synthesis of key natural resources literature and present a case example to support our premise and recommendations. The purpose is 4-fold: 1) discuss challenges and threats to conservation and protected (...)
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  23. Conservation and Wildlife Management in South African National Parks 1930s–1960s.Jane Carruthers - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):203-236.
    In recent decades conservation biology has achieved a high position among the sciences. This is certainly true of South Africa, a small country, but the third most biodiverse in the world. This article traces some aspects of the transformation of South African wildlife management during the 1930s to the 1960s from game reserves based on custodianship and the "balance of nature" into scientifically managed national parks with a philosophy of "command and control" or "management by intervention." In 1910 the (...)
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  24. De la protection de la nature au développement durable : Genèse d'un oxymore éthique et politique.Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):103-142.
    Le concept de développement durable s’enracine dans l’histoire des mouvements de préservation de la nature et de conservation des ressources naturelles et de leurs relations avec les sciences de la nature, en particulier l’écologie. En tant que paradigme sociétal, à la fois écologique, politique et économique, il se présente comme un projet politique idéal applicable à l’ensemble des sociétés, qui prétend dépasser l’opposition entre ces deux visions profondément divergentes des relations homme‑nature. L’analyse des textes internationaux pertinents permet de dégager (...)
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    From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity: Conceptual and Practical Challenges.Elena Casetta, Jorge Marques da Silva & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book features essays written by philosophers, biologists, ecologists and conservation scientists facing the current biodiversity crisis. Despite increasing communication, accelerating policy and management responses, and notwithstanding improving ecosystem assessment and endangered species knowledge, conserving biodiversity continues to be more a concern than an accomplished task. Why is it so?The overexploitation of natural resources by our species is a frequently recognised factor, while the short-term economic interests of governments and stakeholders typically clash with the burdens (...)
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    Conservation by native peoples.Michael S. Alvard - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (2):127-154.
    Native peoples have often been portrayed as natural conservationists, living a “balanced” existence with nature. It is argued that this perspective is a result of an imprecise operational definition of conservation. Conservation is defined here in contrast to the predictions of foraging theory, which assumes that foragers will behave to maximize their short-term harvesting rate. A behavior is deemed conservation when a short-term cost is paid by the resource harvester in exchange for long-term benefits in the (...)
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    Geopolitics and Social Resistance: Flows of Latin America’s Natural Resources.Victoria Machado - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):129-135.
    This review essay looks at Christopher Boyer’s Political landscapes: forests, conservation and community in Mexico,, Thomas Miller Klubock’s La Frontera: forests and ecological conflict in Chile’s Frontier Territory, Pablo Lapegna’s Soybeans and power: genetically modified crops, environmental politics and social movements in Argentina and Elspeth Probyn’s Eating the ocean as each provide a holistic study of how political ecology and marginalized peoples engage the issue of natural resources in Latin America. Through they deal with different regions and (...)
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  28. Thomas pogge’s global resources dividend: A critique and an alternative.Tim Hayward - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (3):317-332.
    Pogge’s proposal for a Global Resources Dividend (GRD) has been criticized because its likely effects would be less predictable than Pogge supposes and could even be counterproductive to the main aim of relieving poverty. The GRD might also achieve little with respect to its secondary aim of promoting environmental protection. This article traces the problems to Pogge’s inadequate conception of natural resources. It proposes instead to conceive of natural resources in terms of ‘ecological space’. Using (...)
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    Current Normative Concepts in Conservation.J. Baird Callicott, Larry B. Crowder & Karen Mumford - 1999 - Conservation Biology 13 (1):22-35.
    A plethora of normative conservation concepts have recently emerged, most of which are ill-defined: biological diversity, biological integrity, ecological restoration, ecological services, ecological rehabilitation, ecological sustainability, sustainable development, ecosystem health, ecosystem management, adaptive management, and keystone species are salient among them. These normative concepts can be organized and interpreted by reference to two new schools of conservation philosophy, compositionalism and functionalism. The former comprehends nature primarily by means of evolutionary ecology and considers Homo sapiens separate from nature. The (...)
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    Reflecting on Access to Common Property Coastal Resources via a Case Study along Connecticut’s Shoreline.Matthew G. McKay - 2015 - Environment, Space, Place 7 (1):68-104.
    Public access to the commons is often restricted, thus leading to implicit regulations. This is relevant toward spatial systems, as an important geographical issue is access to various sites over space, and this paper presents varying degrees of accessibility in different places. There is a dialectic struggle to enhance access to the commons as a fundamental right of the public, with the need to balance tourism and recreational uses of coastal resources with conservation and preservation eff orts. This (...)
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    Natural Resources for Morality.Friedrich Heubel - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (2):92-95.
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  32. [Natural limits versus administrative limits: when botanical geography meets politics].P. Matagne - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 54 (4):523-541.
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  33. Liberal Justice, Future People, and Natural Resource Conservation.Joseph Mazor - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (4):380-408.
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    Проблема охорони довкілля та природоохоронні інституції галичини.Haydukevych Olena - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):46-52.
    The article highlights the issues of nature protection in Halychyna region that have been arising since ancient times till1939. Inthe 20-30s of the XXth century the solution of this problem was considered in the search of separate valuable objects of nature, their expropriation from the sphere of economic usage and complete protection. In the hard interwar period, the Polish government, scientists and some land owners were doing their best to protect nature. This intense activity had a significant public basis, as (...)
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  35. Against ‘permanent sovereignty’ over natural resources.Chris Armstrong - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (2):129-151.
    The doctrine of permanent sovereignty over natural resources is a hugely consequential one in the contemporary world, appearing to grant nation-states both jurisdiction-type rights and rights of ownership over the resources to be found in their territories. But the normative justification for that doctrine is far from clear. This article elucidates the best arguments that might be made for permanent sovereignty, including claims from national improvement of or attachment to resources, as well as functionalist claims linking (...)
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  36. Natural Resources, Territorial Right, and Global Distributive Justice.Margaret Moore - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (1):84-107.
    The current statist order assumes that states have a right to make rules involving the transfer and/or extraction of natural resources within the territory. Cosmopolitan theories of global justice have questioned whether the state is justified in its control over natural resources, typically by pointing out that having resources is a matter of good luck, and this unfairness should be addressed. This paper argues that self-determination does generate a right over resources, which others should (...)
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    From opportunism to nascent conservation.William T. Vickers - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (4):307-337.
    Siona-Secoya hunters of the northwest Amazon strive to maximize short-term yields to provision their households with meat. The observed patterns of hunting more closely resemble the predictions of optimal foraging theory (OFT) than they do a conservation ethic. In the past the Siona-Secoya worried little about conservation because they believed that good shamans attracted abundant game. When hunting was poor, shamans performedyagé ceremonies and appealed to supernatural gamekeepers for the release of more animals from the underworld. The sustainability (...)
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    Natural Resources, Gadgets and Artificial Life 1.Steven Luper - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (1):27-54.
    I classify different sorts of natural resources and suggest how these resources may be acquired. I also argue that inventions, whether gadgets or artificial life forms, should not be privately owned. Gadgets and life-forms are not created (although the term 'invention' suggests otherwise); they are discovered, and hence have much in common with more familiar natural resources such as sunlight that ought not to be privately owned. Nonetheless, inventors of gadgets, like discoverers of certain more (...)
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  39. Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    To address climate change fairly, many conflicting claims over natural resources must be balanced against one another. This has long been obvious in the case of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas sinks including the atmosphere and forests; but it is ever more apparent that responses to climate change also threaten to spur new competition over land and extractive resources. This makes climate change an instance of a broader, more enduring and - for many - all too familiar (...)
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  40. Natural resources and government responsiveness.David Wiens - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (1):84-105.
    Pogge and Wenar have recently argued that we are responsible for the persistence of the so-called ‘resource curse’. But their analyses are limited in important ways. I trace these limitations to their undue focus on the ways in which the international rules governing resource transactions undermine government accountability. To overcome the shortcomings of Pogge’s and Wenar’s analyses, I propose a normative framework organized around the social value of government responsiveness and discuss the implications of adopting this framework for future normative (...)
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  41. Justice and Attachment to Natural Resources.Chris Armstrong - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (1):48-65.
  42. Natural Resources and Institutional Development.David Wiens - 2014 - Journal of Theoretical Politics 26 (2):197-221.
    Recent work on the resource curse argues that the effect of resource wealth on development outcomes is a conditional one: resource dependent countries with low quality institutions are vulnerable to a resource curse, while resource dependent countries with high quality institutions are not. But extant models neglect the ways in which the inflow of resource revenue impacts the institutional environment itself. In this paper, I present a formal model to show that where domestic institutions do not limit state leaders' discretion (...)
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    “Culling the Herd”: Eugenics and the Conservation Movement in the United States, 1900–1940. [REVIEW]Garland E. Allen - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (1):31-72.
    While from a late twentieth- and early twenty-first century perspective, the ideologies of eugenics (controlled reproduction to eliminate the genetically unfit and promote the reproduction of the genetically fit) and environmental conservation and preservation, may seem incompatible, they were promoted simultaneously by a number of figures in the progressive era in the decades between 1900 and 1950. Common to the two movements were the desire to preserve the “best” in both the germ plasm of the human population and (...) environments (including not only natural resources, but also undisturbed nature preserves such as state and national parks and forests). In both cases advocates sought to use the latest advances in science to bolster and promote their plans, which in good progressive style, involved governmental planning and social control. This article explores the interaction of eugenic and conservationist ideologies in the careers of Sacramento banker and developer Charles M. Goethe and his friend and mentor, wealthy New York lawyer Madison Grant. In particular, the article suggests how metaphors of nature supported active work in both arenas. (shrink)
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  44. Arguments from Need in Natural Resource Debates.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2023 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 26 (1):19-33.
    With regard to any natural resource, we can ask whether we should obtain (more of) it. For instance, we may ask whether we, as a society, should seek to obtain more minerals, or more oil. Furthermo...
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    Shared Sovereignty over Migratory Natural Resources.Alejandra Mancilla - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):21-35.
    With growing vigor, political philosophers have started questioning the Westphalian system of states as the main actors in the international arena and, within it, the doctrine of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. In this article I add to these questionings by showing that, when it comes to migratory natural resources, i.e., migratory species, a plausible theory of territorial rights should advocate a regime of shared sovereignty among states. This means that one single entity should represent their (...)
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    Conclusion: Natural Resource Justice and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield - 2019 - In Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter summarizes the argument of the work. It situates the conception of natural resource justice that has been defended between the (egalitarian) principle of equal division and the (statist) principle of resource sovereignty. As an interpretation of relational egalitarianism concerning natural resources, the view is shown to avoid three of the most common objections to global egalitarianism. This is because the view is compatible with collective self-determination, protects cultural diversity, and avoids the metric problem. The chapter (...)
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    The most perfect natural laboratory in the world: Making and knowing Hawaii National Park.Ashanti Shih - 2019 - History of Science 57 (4):493-517.
    This article reimagines the meanings of U.S. national parks and so-called ‘natural’ places in our environmental histories and histories of science. Environmental historians have created a compelling narrative about the creation and use of U.S. national parks as places for recreation and natural resource conservation. Although these motivations were undoubtedly significant, I argue that some of the early parks were created and used for a third, often overlooked, reason: to preserve a permanent, state-sanctioned space for scientific knowledge (...)
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    Natural resource scarcity and economic growth revisited: Economic and biophysical perspectives.Cutler J. Cleveland - 1991 - In Robert Costanza, Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 289--317.
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    Natural Resources, the Environment, and Human Welfare: Volume 26, Part 2.Ellen Frankel Paul, Miller Jr & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Modern industrial societies have achieved a level of economic prosperity undreamed of in earlier times, but in the view of the contemporary environmental movement, the prosperity has come at the cost of serious degradations to the natural world. For environmental advocates, problems such as resource depletion, air and water pollution, global warming and the loss of biodiversity represent due threats to the well-being of human societies and the planet itself. But just how serious are these threats and how should (...)
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    Natural resources, sustaining capacity and technologic development.Janos I. Töth - 1999 - Global Bioethics 12 (1-4):99-105.
    Modem economics relied on the false presupposition that natural resources are free goods. It gave rise to exaggerated expectations on the side of economists concerning the possibilities of economic growth. I try to interpret the terms of natural resources, sustaining capacity, production from a human-ecological platform. The quantity of natural resources may vary within a large spectrum between absolute abundance and total exhaustion. The support capacity can be raised in different ways. Extensive growth is (...)
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