Results for ' Derivational redundancy'

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  1. Getting Rid of Derivational Redundancy or How to Solve Kuhn’s Problem.Rens Bod - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (1):47-66.
    This paper deals with the problem of derivational redundancy in scientific explanation, i.e. the problem that there can be extremely many different explanatory derivations for a natural phenomenon while students and experts mostly come up with one and the same derivation for a phenomenon (modulo the order of applying laws). Given this agreement among humans, we need to have a story of how to select from the space of possible derivations of a phenomenon the derivation that humans come (...)
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    (1 other version)Redundancies in the Hilbert-Bernays derivability conditions for gödel's second incompleteness theorem.R. G. Jeroslow - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (3):359-367.
  3.  9
    Finding optimal derivation strategies in redundant knowledge bases.Russell Greiner - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 50 (1):95-115.
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    Jeroslow R. G.. Redundancies in the Hilbert–Bernays derivability conditions for Gödel's second incompleteness theorem.C. F. Kent - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):875-876.
  5. Redundancy in Perceptual and Linguistic Experience: Comparing Feature-Based and Distributional Models of Semantic Representation.Brian Riordan & Michael N. Jones - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):303-345.
    Abstract Since their inception, distributional models of semantics have been criticized as inadequate cognitive theories of human semantic learning and representation. A principal challenge is that the representations derived by distributional models are purely symbolic and are not grounded in perception and action; this challenge has led many to favor feature-based models of semantic representation. We argue that the amount of perceptual and other semantic information that can be learned from purely distributional statistics has been underappreciated. We compare the representations (...)
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  6. Demonstratives, definite descriptions and non-redundancy.Kyle Hammet Blumberg - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):39-64.
    In some sentences, demonstratives can be substituted with definite descriptions without any change in meaning. In light of this, many have maintained that demonstratives are just a type of definite description. However, several theorists have drawn attention to a range of cases where definite descriptions are acceptable, but their demonstrative counterparts are not. Some have tried to account for this data by appealing to presupposition. I argue that such presuppositional approaches are problematic, and present a pragmatic account of the target (...)
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    Nomological Dispositionalism and Its Problems: Redundancy, Experimentalism, and Nomic Modality.Cristian Soto - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:251-270.
    Nomological dispositionalism has occupied a center stage in contemporary metaphysics about laws, holding the view that laws of nature derive from an ontology of intrinsically modal dispositional properties. This view faces, though, various challenges, some of which are worth revisiting. Among them, dispositionalism about properties condemns laws to ontological redundancy; its reconstruction of properties does not seem to fit with experimentalism; it introduces a view of metaphysical modality that ambiguously moves between (_de dicto_) logical modality and (_de re_) physical (...)
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    Multiple growth factors are associated with lesions of atherosclerosis: Specificity or redundancy?Elaine W. Raines & Russell Ross - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (4):271-282.
    Within the last five years, a number of specific growth factors have been localized in developing lesions of atherosclerosis. This localization of growth factors that is not observed in normal vessels, together with the pleotrophic activities of growth factors, have suggested a role for growth factors in atherosclerotic lesion progression. However, based on in vitro studies, many of the growth factors identified in lesions have overlapping target cells and are derived from the same cellular sources. What is the relative role (...)
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    Rescuing human embryonic stem cell research: The possibility of embryo reconstitution after stem cell derivation.Katrien Devolder & Christopher M. Ward - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (2-3):245–263.
    We discuss in this essay the alternative techniques proposed for the isolation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that attempt to satisfy moral issues surrounding killing embryos but show that these techniques are either redundant or do not achieve their intended aim. We discuss the difficulties associated with defining a human embryo and how the lack of clarity on this issue antagonises the ethical debate and impedes hESC research. We present scientific evidence showing that isolation of hESCs does not necessarily (...)
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    The exploitation of regularities in the environment by the brain.Horace Barlow - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):602-607.
    Statistical regularities of the environment are important for learning, memory, intelligence, inductive inference, and in fact, for any area of cognitive science where an information-processing brain promotes survival by exploiting them. This has been recognised by many of those interested in cognitive function, starting with Helmholtz, Mach, and Pearson, and continuing through Craik, Tolman, Attneave, and Brunswik. In the current era, many of us have begun to show how neural mechanisms exploit the regular statistical properties of natural images. Shepard proposed (...)
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    A Problem of Normal Form in Natural Deduction.Jan von Plato - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (1):121-124.
    Recently Ekman gave a derivation in natural deduction such that it either contains a substantial redundant part or else is not normal. It is shown that this problem is caused by a non-normality inherent in the usual modus ponens rule.
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    Deixis, demonstratives, and definite descriptions.Thomas J. Hughes - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):285-297.
    Definite articles and demonstratives share many features in common including a related etymology and a number of parallel communicative functions. The following paper is concerned with developing a novel proposal on how to distinguish the two types of expression. First, crosslinguistic evidence is presented to argue that demonstratives contain locational markers that are employed in deictic uses to force contrastive focus and accentuate an intended referent against a contextual background. Conversely, definite articles lack such markers. Demonstratives are thus more likely (...)
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  13. A microrealistic explanation of fundamental quantum phenomena.C. W. Rietdijk - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (5-6):403-457.
    We abandon as redundant the assumption that there exists something more in the physical world than action quanta, which constitute the atoms of the events of which the four-dimensional world consists. We derive metric, energy, matter, etc., from action and the structure formed by the quanta. In the microworld thequantization of space so introduced implies deviations from conventional metrics that make it possible in particular to explain nonlocality. The uncertainty relations, then, in conjunction with the action-based metric, appear to play (...)
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    1 Unnatural Nuptials.Barry Allen - 2019 - In Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro (eds.), Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 23-41.
    In Difference and Repetition, Charles Darwin was the philosopher of individuals and the priority of individual differences. His theory of evolution inaugurated ‘the thought of individual difference’. (DR 248) For Darwin, the individual and its differences come first. Species-specific characteristics do not exist until natural selection does its work on individual differences over geological time. It is not the individual that is derivative in relation to the genus of the species, which was the conclusion of Aristotlean science. Rather, it is (...)
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  15. Overdetermination, Counterfactuals, and Mental Causation.Chiwook Won - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (2):205-229.
    The overdetermination problem has long been raised as a challenge to nonreductive physicalism. Nonreductive physicalists have, in various ways, tried to resolve the problem through appeal to counterfactuals. This essay does two things. First, it takes up the question whether counterfactuals can yield an appropriate notion of causal redundancy and argues for a negative answer. Second, it examines how this issue bears on the mental causation debate. In particular, it considers the argument that the overdetermination problem simply does not (...)
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  16. A genuine realist theory of advanced modalizing.John Divers - 1999 - Mind 108 (430):217-239.
    The principle of modal ubiquity - that every truth is necessary or contingent - and the validity of possibility introduction, are principles that any modal theory suffers for failing to accommodate. Advanced modal claims are modal claims about entities other than spatiotemporally unified individuals (perhaps, then, spatiotemporally disunified individuals, sets, numbers, properties, propositions and events). I show that genuine modal realism, as it has thus far been explicitly developed, and in so far as it deals with advanced modal claims, cannot (...)
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  17. What is the human language faculty? Two views.Ray Jackendoff - unknown
    In addition to providing an account of the empirical facts of language, a theory that aspires to account for language as a biologically based human faculty should seek a graceful integration of linguistic phenomena with what is known about other human cognitive capacities and about the character of brain computation. The present article compares the theoretical stance of biolinguistics (Chomsky 2005, Di Sciullo and Boeckx 2011) with a constraint-based Parallel Architecture approach to the language faculty (Jackendoff 2002, Culicover and Jackendoff (...)
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    How to Ekman a Crabbé-Tennant.Peter Schroeder-Heister & Luca Tranchini - 2018 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):617-639.
    Developing early results of Prawitz, Tennant proposed a criterion for an expression to count as a paradox in the framework of Gentzen’s natural deduction: paradoxical expressions give rise to non-normalizing derivations. Two distinct kinds of cases, going back to Crabbé and Tennant, show that the criterion overgenerates, that is, there are derivations which are intuitively non-paradoxical but which fail to normalize. Tennant’s proposed solution consists in reformulating natural deduction elimination rules in general form. Developing intuitions of Ekman we show that (...)
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    Supplementing the capabilities approach.Suzy Killmister - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):977-978.
    Soofi makes a persuasive case that a modified version of Nussbaum’s capabilities approach can be used to develop effective care guidelines for persons with dementia. 1 I agree with Soofi that, so elaborated, the capabilities approach can avoid the four problems that are typically taken to beset dignitarian theories—redundancy, exclusion, speciesism and vagueness. Moreover, I do not seek to challenge the utility of the care guidelines Soofi derives from the capabilities approach—they are clear, practicable and appropriately wide-ranging. I do, (...)
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  20. Real patterns and indispensability.Abel Suñé & Manolo Martínez - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4315-4330.
    While scientific inquiry crucially relies on the extraction of patterns from data, we still have a far from perfect understanding of the metaphysics of patterns—and, in particular, of what makes a pattern real. In this paper we derive a criterion of real-patternhood from the notion of conditional Kolmogorov complexity. The resulting account belongs to the philosophical tradition, initiated by Dennett :27–51, 1991), that links real-patternhood to data compressibility, but is simpler and formally more perspicuous than other proposals previously defended in (...)
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    Default Risk Prediction of Enterprises Based on Convolutional Neural Network in the Age of Big Data: Analysis from the Viewpoint of Different Balance Ratios.Zhe Li, Zhenhao Jiang & Xianyou Pan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    In the age of big data, machine learning models are globally used to execute default risk prediction. Imbalanced datasets and redundant features are two main problems that can reduce the performance of machine learning models. To address these issues, this study conducts an analysis from the viewpoint of different balance ratios as well as the selection order of feature selection. Accordingly, we first use data rebalancing and feature selection to obtain 32 derived datasets with varying ratios of balance and feature (...)
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    Is Machiavellianism Dead or Dormant? The Perils of Researching a Secretive Construct.Daniel N. Jones & Steven M. Mueller - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):535-549.
    Machiavellianism is a popular construct in research on ethics and organizational behavior. This research has demonstrated that Machiavellianism predicts a host of counterproductive, deviant, and unethical behaviors. However, individuals high in Machiavellianism also adapt to their organizational surroundings, engaging in unethical behavior only in certain situations. Nevertheless, the utility of Machiavellianism has been questioned. Meta-analyses have demonstrated that psychopathy out-predicts Machiavellianism for most antisocial outcomes. Thus, many researchers assume Machiavellianism is a derivative and redundant construct. However, researchers examining the utility (...)
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    Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey (review).Erwin F. Cook - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):461-464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the OdysseyErwin F. CookLillian Doherty. Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. viii 1 220 pp. Cloth, $37.50.Siren Songs makes a significant contribution to feminist literature on Homer. Most importantly, Doherty is able to show in detail how the very sensibilities that make Homer appealing to the modern reader can seduce the (...)
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    Material Composition: The Special Question.Timothy H. Pickavance & Robert C. Koons - 2017 - In Robert C. Koons & Timothy Pickavance (eds.), The atlas of reality: a comprehensive guide to metaphysics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 479–513.
    This chapter examines the problem of unity and considers how it is possible for one thing to exist in and through a plurality of parts or phases. It begins with a general discussion of the existence of composite things. The chapter considers the view that composite entities are always an 'ontological free lunch', things that can be freely posited without incurring any cost in relation to ontological economy or Ockham's Razor. It looks at the issue of causal redundancy, a (...)
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    I am 14 billion years old: a new epistemology of my reality and my existence.Godwin Fernando - 2014 - [Colombo]: [Godwin Fernando].
    Many professionals, mainly scientists have told me that a divine being is not necessary to explain why there is something rather than nothing. Theology and even metaphysics are redundant disciplines, they say. To me to reject a discipline a priori is irrational, whereas the methodology of science itself is basically rational. Why do Newton's equations say time is symmetrical, Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics say time is an illusion and now Smolin says time is reborn - the present moment is (...)
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    Criseyde's Infidelity and the Moral of the TroilusArticle author queryaproberts rp [Google Scholar].Robert Roberts - 1969 - Speculum 44 (3):383-402.
    Another Essay on Chaucer's Criseyde might seem as redundant as another essay on Hamlet, whose bibliographer discouragingly warns us to expect a new pronouncement every week or so. Perhaps Criseyde would be almost as popular a subject as Hamlet if readers of Chaucer were as numerous as readers of Shakespeare. But she is popular enough already. Even now there is not much hope of discovering anything in Chaucer's poem that has not been noted by someone in the long line of (...)
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    σ-homomorphisms from the Borel σ-algebra into the Loeb σ-algebra.Hermann Render - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (1-2):15-21.
    In nonstandard measure theory the standard part map is very useful to represent standard measures by Loeb measures. We give here a different method of representing measures using the concept of a σ -homomorphism. As an application a measure extension theorem is derived. Finally a nonstandard proof of a result of Pták is given showing that his assumption of nonmeasurable cardinality is redundant.
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  28. Nelson Goodman’s aesthetics – a critique.Krzysztof Guczalski - 2021 - Arts 10.
    Nelson Goodman (1906–1998) is one of the leading American philosophers of the twentieth century. His well-known book Languages of Art is considered a major contribution to analytical aesthetics. While his views on particular issues have often been criticized, on the whole, he is considered to be a leading figure in twentieth-century aesthetics. Contrary to such a stance, I intend to argue that Goodman’s overall contribution to aesthetics is not as outstanding and valuable as is often maintained. Rather, I will try (...)
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  29. Reactive oxygen species as signals that modulate plant stress responses and programmed cell death.Tsanko S. Gechev, Frank Van Breusegem, Julie M. Stone, Iliya Denev & Christophe Laloi - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (11):1091-1101.
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known as toxic metabolic products in plants and other aerobic organisms. An elaborate and highly redundant plant ROS network, composed of antioxidant enzymes, antioxidants and ROS-producing enzymes, is responsible for maintaining ROS levels under tight control. This allows ROS to serve as signaling molecules that coordinate an astonishing range of diverse plant processes. The specificity of the biological response to ROS depends on the chemical identity of ROS, intensity of the signal, sites of production, plant (...)
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    Distinctions between c‐Rel and other NF‐κB proteins in immunity and disease.Hsiou-Chi Liou & Constance Y. Hsia - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (8):767-780.
    Abstractc‐Rel is a proto‐oncogene first identified as the cellular counterpart of the v‐Rel oncogene derived from the avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus (REV‐T). It was subsequently discovered that c‐Rel belongs to the NF‐κB/Rel transcription factor family whose members share a common DNA recognition motif and similar signaling pathways. Despite the similarities, however, each NF‐κB/Rel member possesses unique properties with regard to tissue expression pattern, response to receptor signals and target gene specificity. These differences are fairly evident from the non‐redundant phenotypes exhibited by (...)
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    Mathematical Basis of Predicting Dominant Function in Protein Sequences by a Generic HMM–ANN Algorithm.Siddhartha Kundu - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (2):135-148.
    The accurate annotation of an unknown protein sequence depends on extant data of template sequences. This could be empirical or sets of reference sequences, and provides an exhaustive pool of probable functions. Individual methods of predicting dominant function possess shortcomings such as varying degrees of inter-sequence redundancy, arbitrary domain inclusion thresholds, heterogeneous parameterization protocols, and ill-conditioned input channels. Here, I present a rigorous theoretical derivation of various steps of a generic algorithm that integrates and utilizes several statistical methods to (...)
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    A Commentary on Robin Hendry’s Views on Molecular Structure, Emergence and Chemical Bonding.Eric Scerri - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi (eds.), New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 161-177.
    In this article I examine several related views expressed by Robin Hendry concerning molecular structure, emergence and chemical bonding. There is a long-standing problem in the philosophy of chemistry arising from the fact that molecular structure cannot be strictly derived from quantum mechanics. Two or more compounds which share a molecular formula, but which differ with respect to their structures, have identical Hamiltonian operators within the quantum mechanical formalism. As a consequence, the properties of all such isomers yield precisely the (...)
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    On the eliminatibility of ideal linguistic entities.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (4):587 - 615.
    With reference to Polish logico-philosophical tradition two formal theories of language syntax have been sketched and then compared with each other. The first theory is based on the assumption that the basic linguistic stratum is constituted by object-tokens (concrete objects perceived through the senses) and that the types of such objects (ideal objects) are derivative constructs. The other is founded on an opposite philosophical orientation. The two theories are equivalent. The main conclusion is that in syntactic researches it is redundant (...)
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    A Representation of Quantum Measurement in Nonassociative Algebras.Gerd Niestegge - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (2):120-136.
    Starting from an abstract setting for the Lüders-von Neumann quantum measurement process and its interpretation as a probability conditionalization rule in a non-Boolean event structure, the author derived a certain generalization of operator algebras in a preceding paper. This is an order-unit space with some specific properties. It becomes a Jordan operator algebra under a certain set of additional conditions, but does not own a multiplication operation in the most general case. A major objective of the present paper is the (...)
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    On tarski’s axiomatic foundations of the calculus of relations.Hajnal Andréka, Steven Givant, Peter Jipsen & István Németi - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (3):966-994.
    It is shown that Tarski’s set of ten axioms for the calculus of relations is independent in the sense that no axiom can be derived from the remaining axioms. It is also shown that by modifying one of Tarski’s axioms slightly, and in fact by replacing the right-hand distributive law for relative multiplication with its left-hand version, we arrive at an equivalent set of axioms which is redundant in the sense that one of the axioms, namely the second involution law, (...)
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  36. Informational Theories of Content and Mental Representation.Marc Artiga & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):613-627.
    Informational theories of semantic content have been recently gaining prominence in the debate on the notion of mental representation. In this paper we examine new-wave informational theories which have a special focus on cognitive science. In particular, we argue that these theories face four important difficulties: they do not fully solve the problem of error, fall prey to the wrong distality attribution problem, have serious difficulties accounting for ambiguous and redundant representations and fail to deliver a metasemantic theory of representation. (...)
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    Roemer vs. Marx: Should Anyone Be Interested In Exploitation?Gary A. Dymski - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15:333-374.
    This paper argues that exploitation is a central and non-redundant concept in a Marxian understanding of capitalism. This finding runs counter to John Roemer’s conclusion in his critical reexamination of exploitation. For a static setting with perfectly competitive markets, Roemer shows that exploitation is a property of agents which derives from unequal wealth endowments, that is, from differential ownership of productive assets, not a social relation between capitalists and workers. Further, he shows that DOPA suffices in this setting to generate (...)
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    A Pervasive Approach to EEG-Based Depression Detection.Hanshu Cai, Jiashuo Han, Yunfei Chen, Xiaocong Sha, Ziyang Wang, Bin Hu, Jing Yang, Lei Feng, Zhijie Ding, Yiqiang Chen & Jürg Gutknecht - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
    Nowadays, depression is the world’s major health concern and economic burden worldwide. However, due to the limitations of current methods for depression diagnosis, a pervasive and objective approach is essential. In the present study, a psychophysiological database, containing 213 subjects, was constructed. The electroencephalogram signals of all participants under resting state and sound stimulation were collected using a pervasive prefrontal-lobe three-electrode EEG system at Fp1, Fp2, and Fpz electrode sites. After denoising using the Finite Impulse Response filter combining the Kalman (...)
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    Vestimentary strategy of film and ethical values of time.Olga Confederat & Natalya Dyadyk - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The intensity of the visual media influence in the format of films and TV series on cultural life, reaching its peak in the era of streaming television, poses the task for the humanities to study the visual type of thinking, visual consciousness, which is different from the classical visualization of verbal thinking in the plastic arts. If a researcher intends to derive from a film or TV series, a value system, a cognitive strategy that is relevant for its time, (...)
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    In Defense of the Autonomy of Rights.David M. Adams - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:51-72.
    Several philosophers, including most prominently Theodore Benditt, have recently urged that the discourse of rights, widely thought to be a central, if not foundational feature of moral and political thought, is in reality a mere “redundant” appendage---a discourse that holds no distinctive place in moral or legal reasoning owing to the fact that it is thoroughly derivative because collapsible into other forms of moral or legal language. In this paper I attempt to (1) flesh out this “Redundancy” Thesis (RT) (...)
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    Noise as Information: Finance Economics as Second-Order Observation.Jesse Cunningham & Huon Curtis - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (5):51-74.
    In noise we hear the possibility of a signal, indeed different signals, and in the multiplicity of signals we hear noise. With variation and selection comes dynamic evolution, a contingent state, one that could be otherwise. The term ‘polemogenous’ (from the French, polémogène) means that which generates polemics. And polemics are creative. If everyone, every system, were to reason in the same way, there would be silence. Every remark would be redundant, having no informational value. Thus noise is not bad. (...)
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  42. Expression, truth, predication, and context: Two perspectives.James Higginbotham - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (4):473 – 494.
    In this article I contrast in two ways those conceptions of semantic theory deriving from Richard Montague's Intensional Logic (IL) and later developments with conceptions that stick pretty closely to a far weaker semantic apparatus for human first languages. IL is a higher-order language incorporating the simple theory of types. As such, it endows predicates with a reference. Its intensional features yield a conception of propositional identity (namely necessary equivalence) that has seemed to many to be too coarse to be (...)
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    Relational values and management of plant resources in two communities in a highly biodiverse area in western Mexico.Sofía Monroy-Sais, Eduardo García-Frapolli, Alejandro Casas, Francisco Mora, Margaret Skutsch & Peter R. W. Gerritsen - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1231-1244.
    AbstractIn many cultures, interactions between humans and plants are rooted in what is called “relational values”—values that derive from relationships and entail reciprocity. In Mexico, biocultural diversity is mirrored in the knowledge and use of some 6500 plant species and the domestication of over 250 Mesoamerican native crop species. This research explores how different sets of values are attributed to plants and how these influence management strategies to maintain plant resources in wild and anthropogenic environments. We ran workshops in two (...)
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    Matrix-based logic for application in physics.Paul Weingartner - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):132-163.
    The paper offers a matrix-based logic (relevant matrix quantum physics) for propositions which seems suitable as an underlying logic for empirical sciences and especially for quantum physics. This logic is motivated by two criteria which serve to clean derivations of classical logic from superfluous redundancies and uninformative complexities. It distinguishes those valid derivations (inferences) of classical logic which contain superfluous redundancies and complexities and are in this sense from those which are or in the sense of allowing only the most (...)
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    Ekman’s Paradox.Peter Schroeder-Heister & Luca Tranchini - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (4):567-581.
    Prawitz observed that Russell’s paradox in naive set theory yields a derivation of absurdity whose reduction sequence loops. Building on this observation, and based on numerous examples, Tennant claimed that this looping feature, or more generally, the fact that derivations of absurdity do not normalize, is characteristic of the paradoxes. Striking results by Ekman show that looping reduction sequences are already obtained in minimal propositional logic, when certain reduction steps, which are prima facie plausible, are considered in addition to the (...)
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  46. Descartes and some predecessors on the divine conservation of motion.Stephen Menn - 1990 - Synthese 83 (2):215 - 238.
    Here I reexamine Duhem's question of the continuity between medieval dynamics and early modern conservation theories. I concentrate on the heavens. For Aristotle, the motions of the heavens are eternally constant (and thus mathematizable) because an eternally constant divine Reason is their mover. Duhem thought that impetus and conservation theories, by extending sublunar mechanics to the heavens, made a divine renewer of motion redundant. By contrast, I show how Descartes derives his law of conservation by extending Aristotelian celestial dynamics to (...)
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  47. Embodiment, Consciousness, and the Massively Representational Mind.Robert D. Rupert - 2011 - Philosophical Topics 39 (1):99-120.
    In this paper, I claim that extant empirical data do not support a radically embodied understanding of the mind but, instead, suggest (along with a variety of other results) a massively representational view. According to this massively representational view, the brain is rife with representations that possess overlapping and redundant content, and many of these represent other mental representations or derive their content from them. Moreover, many behavioral phenomena associated with attention and consciousness are best explained by the coordinated activity (...)
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    Creating a Self-Plagiarism Research Topic Typology through Bibliometric Visualisation.Peter Kokol, Jernej Završnik, Danica Železnik & Helena Blažun Vošner - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):221-230.
    Self-plagiarism, textual recycling and redundancy seemed to be controversial and unethical; however some questions about its definition are still open. The objective in this paper presented study was to use bibliometric analysis to synthesise and visualize the research literature production and derive a typology of self-plagiarism research. Five topics emerged: Self-plagiarism, Institutional self-plagiarism, Self-plagiarism and ICT, Self-plagiarism in academic writing, Self-plagiarism in science. The state of the art topics seem to be “social medium”, “virtual world”, “face book”, “sociomateriality”, “knowledge (...)
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    Does the Is-Ought Issue Suggest a Transcendental Realm?Halil Turan - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1:7-12.
    The principle that values cannot be derived from facts, though first explicitly formulated by David Hume, does not seem to be consistent with Hume's assertions that value becomes intelligible through experience, and that the will is determined by pleasure and pain. Moral reasoning involving pleasures and pains in the context of the peculiarities of human existence in society must be more complicated than reasoning involving ordinary, i.e. natural, pleasures and pains. Nevertheless, all pains and pleasures must be sensations. Hence Hume's (...)
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  50. A Commentary on Robin Hendry’s Views on Molecular Structure, Emergence and Chemical Bonding.Eric Scerri - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi (eds.), New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 161 - 177.
    In this article I examine several related views expressed by Robin Hendry concerning molecular structure, emergence and chemical bonding. There is a long-standing problem in the philosophy of chemistry arising from the fact that molecular structure cannot be strictly derived from quantum mechanics. Two or more compounds which share a molecular formula, but which differ with respect to their structures, have identical Hamiltonian operators within the quantum mechanical formalism. As a consequence, the properties of all such isomers yield precisely the (...)
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