Results for ' Disability and Work, Employment Policy, Poland, Vocational Activity Support System'

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  1.  24
    The employment policy and vocational activity support system for people with intellectual disabilities in Poland.Agnieszka Woynarowska - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):354-362.
    L’article explore la question de la politique d’emploi et le fonctionnement du système de soutien à l’activité professionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap mental en Pologne. Les analyses sont basées sur des données provenant d’un projet de recherche plus large: Emploi et handicap. Reconstructions des expériences professionnelles des personnes en situation de handicap mental en Pologne. L’objectif du projet était de connaître la situation professionnelle de ces personnes en termes de politique d’emploi, de pratiques d’accompagnement sur les lieux de (...)
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    Inclusive Management Research: Persons with Disabilities and Self-Employment Activity as an Exemplar.Bruce C. Martin & Benson Honig - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):553-575.
    We highlight exclusionary practices in management research, and demonstrate through example how a more inclusive management literature can address the unique contexts of persons with disabilities, a group that is disadvantaged in society, globally. Drawing from social psychology, disability, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and vocational rehabilitation literatures, we develop and test a holistic model that demonstrates how persons with disabilities might attain meaningful work and improved self-image via self-employment, thus accessing some of the economic and social-psychological benefits often (...)
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    Fiqhical Foundations of Disability Employment Policy According to Islamic Law.Şevket Pekdemir - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):43-59.
    One of the most significant economic challenges faced by people with disabilities in Turkey and globally is employment. Unfortunately, even in developed countries, the desired level of employment of the disabled individuals has not yet been measured up. The fundamental rights and freedoms of employment and labor have gained a basis of legitimacy through certain principles within the legal system throughout human history. As a matter of fact, in the main references of Islamic law, the principles (...)
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    (In)capacité au travail?Stephanie Czedik, Lisa Pfahl & Boris Traue - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):363-374.
    The article elaborates on the emergence of a new social category: the “worker incapable of working,” which has not yet been recognized in the scientific literature. In Germany, people excluded from the labour market are increasingly employed in workshops for people with disabilities due to what is defined as a total incapacity to work. In addition to the objective of labour market participation of people with disabilities, these workshops assume the aim of (re)establishing their performance and monitoring their reintegration into (...)
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    Bioethics commissions town meetings with a "blue, blue ribbon".Susan Cartier Poland - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):91-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics Commissions: Town Meetings with a “Blue, Blue Ribbon”Susan Cartier Poland (bio)Town meetings are characteristic of New England. In theory, a quorum of registered voters in a small municipality meets annually to decide local public policy. In fact, special interests and the town bureaucracy control the meeting.Like a town meeting, a commission (or committee or council) comes into being, whether on an ad hoc or permanent basis, to direct (...)
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  6.  20
    Vocational Training in Virtual Environments for People With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review.Stefan C. Michalski, Caroline Ellison, Ancret Szpak & Tobias Loetscher - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People with neurodevelopmental disorders are often considered unsuitable or incapable of working in open employment. When employment is available, tasks are often limited, and opportunities for career development are restricted. Policy and funding constraints leave people with disabilities without an opportunity to develop skills due to the additional time and costs for employers. To overcome these barriers, virtual environments have been proposed as a safe and reliable solution for training. An important prerequisite for a wider uptake of training (...)
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  7. Niepubliczne agencje zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych. Możliwości i dylematy rozwoju w sektorze pozarządowym.Andrzej Klimczuk, Marcin Siedlecki, Paulina Sadowska & Michał Sydow - 2013 - Fundacja Pomocy Matematykom I Informatykom Niespra.
    Raport powstał z inicjatywy Fundacji Pomocy Matematykom i Informatykom Niesprawnym Ruchowo w ramach projektu „Centrum Edukacji i Aktywizacji Zawodowej Osób Niepełnosprawnych - Oddziały Bydgoszcz i Łódź". Stanowi on rezultat badań zjawiska niepełnosprawności i kategorii społecznej, jaką stanowią osoby niepełnosprawne, oraz funkcjonowania ponad 30 agencji zatrudnienia wyspecjalizowanych we wsparciu osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy. Pierwszy rozdział ekspertyzy dotyczy sposobów definiowania zjawiska niepełnosprawności, w drugim zaś - podjęto zagadnienie budowania potencjału niepublicznych służb zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych. Trzeci rozdział raportu zawiera informacje dotyczące przyjętej (...)
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    Development tendencies of the inclusive education system at higher medical school: Adaptation, maintenance, professional readiness.A. N. Zholudo, D. N. Os´kin, O. V. Polyakova & E. G. Vershinin - 2020 - Bioethics 26 (2):32-38.
    This article considers the issues of adaptation and organization of the educational process, barrier-free environment and readiness for professional activity of students with disabilities in inclusive education in conditions of inclusive education in a medical university. The relevance of this work is determined by one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of higher education – access to higher education for people with disabilities in inclusive education. Inclusive education at the university is designed to ensure not (...)
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  9. Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2012 - Wiedza I Edukacja.
    "Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok" to książka oparta na analizach teoretycznych i empirycznych, która przedstawia problem diagnozowania i używania kapitału społecznego ludzi starych w procesach rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego. Kwestia ta jest istotna ze względu na zagrożenia i wyzwania związane z procesem szybkiego starzenia się społeczeństwa polskiego na początku XXI wieku. Opracowanie stanowi próbę sformułowania odpowiedzi na pytania: jaki jest stan kapitału społecznego ludzi starych mieszkających w Białymstoku, jakim ulega przemianom i jakie jest jego zróżnicowanie? Ludzie (...)
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  10.  42
    Exploring the Ethical Underpinnings of Self-advocacy Support for Intellectually Disabled Adults.Rohhss Chapman & Liz Tilley - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (3):257-271.
    Self-advocacy organisations support people in a wide range of political activities, alongside providing key social networks. The emergence of formalised self-advocacy for intellectually disabled people marked an important cultural shift. These groups soon became associated with the pursuit of social change and the attainment of rights. The role of the self-advocacy support worker, working together with self-advocates, has been pivotal. However, studies have shown there has been concern over the relationship between self-advocates and those who advise or (...) them. Both parties are aware of the potential tensions of supporters teaching people skills to take control, to manage their workers, whilst, perhaps inadvertently, assuming a powerful position in the relationship. This interesting paradox hints at ethical complexities inherent in the role. A key challenge facing these support workers is how they can support their employers to run successful organisations, without ?taking over?. Using material from both Chapman and Tilley's research of self-advocacy organisations in the UK, this article problematises some key ethical issues within the role. (shrink)
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    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity.Anna Brzezińska & Konrad Piotrowski - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):160-168.
    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity This study focused on relations between identity and sense of self-sufficiency. These relations were analysed in the context of educational and vocational activity. 204 persons without disabilities and 230 persons with different kinds of disability participated in the study. Participants were divided into three groups: 18-24-year-olds - students, 25-30-year-olds - unemployed and 25-30-year-olds - employed. The results revealed that unemployed people have significant (...)
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  12. Mixed Economy of Welfare Emerging in Poland: Outplacement and Non-Governmental Employment Agencies Examples.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 4 (2):110--134.
    One of the key challenges of social policy in Poland in the early 21st century is to adapt its management to the requirements of a service economy. Essential conditions for the mixed economy of welfare have been already created after adjustments of the subsystems of national social policy during the first years of membership in the European Union since 2004. Labour market policies already include the relationships between providers from the public sector, the commercial sector, and the non-governmental sector. However, (...)
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  13.  27
    The evolution of policy arguments in teachers' negotiations.LindaL Putnam, SteveR Wilson & DudleyB Turner - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (2):129-152.
    Argument is a critical component in policy deliberations. In this study, negotiation is viewed as a type of policy deliberation, one characterized by attack and defense of proposals, interdependence between disputants, and mixed motives of cooperation and competition. Argument in negotiation, then, functions as a reason-giving activity to enact policy. Employing a category system based on rhetorical stasis, the researchers examine whether bargainers specialize in their use of argument types and whether this specialization remains consistent throughout a teacher-school (...)
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    In Case of Emergency: Why it is so Hard to Normalize Intellectual Disability in Russia.Anna Altukhova - 2003 - Sociology of Power 15 (3):135-151.
    The article analyzes attempts to “normalize” disabilities, particularly intellectual disabilities, in contemporary Russia. The NGOs that emerged in the 1990s put a lot of work into reforming the long-term state residential care system and changing the principles of care for people with disabilities. They offered so-called assisted living as an alternative — specially created conditions in which people who have no experience of living outside the state institutions can become familiar with a “normal” life. However, as the author shows, (...)
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  15.  50
    Do Personal Values Influence the Propensity for Sustainability Actions? A Policy-Capturing Study.Joel Marcus, Heather A. MacDonald & Lorne M. Sulsky - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):459-478.
    Using a policy-capturing approach with a broad student sample we examine how individuals’ economic, social and environmental values influence their propensity to engage in a broad range of sustainability-related corporate actions. We employ a multi-dimensional sustainability framework of corporate actions and account for both the positive and negative impacts associated with corporate activity—termed strength and concern actions, respectively. Strong economic values were found to increase the propensity for concern actions and the willingness to work in controversial industries. Individuals with (...)
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  16.  1
    Is Work Still a Right if it has Become a Norm? Disability Inclusion in Labor Market Policy Discourse.Andries Baeken, Anneleen Forrier & Nele De Cuyper - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Policy motives for work for people with a disability (PWD) are divergent along two discourses: work as a right vs norm. Work as a right, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), portrays work as a potential gateway for inclusion. Work as a norm fits a neoliberal agenda. It considers labor market participation of all, including PWD, as a civil responsibility crucial for economic welfare. Critics argue that the work as a norm discourse (...)
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    Dual Career Development Perspective: Factors Affecting Quality of Post-sport Career Transition of Employed Olympic Athletes.Petra Robnik, Edvard Kolar, Boro Štrumbelj & Marko Ferjan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:800031.
    Although Olympic athletes are celebrated for their sports achievements, they often face serious difficulties in their post-sport career employment. Factors of development that are affecting the quality of post-sport career transition of Olympic athletes are important to acknowledge in the dual career (DC) development perspective. Due to the side lining of academic activities, athletes are often not well prepared for the labor market. If they do not gain sufficient financial background in their careers, it can lead to a lack (...)
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  18. Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) - 2017 - Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie.
    This volume-"Selected Contemporary Challenges of Aging Policy"-is the most international of all published monographs from the series "Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology." Among the scholars trying to grasp the nuances and trends of social policy, there are diverse perspectives, resulting not only from the extensive knowledge of the authors on the systematic approach to the issue of supporting older people but also from the grounds of the represented social gerontology schools. In the texts of Volume VII interesting are (...)
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  19. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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    Public Health Policy Actions to Address Health Issues Associated with Drought in a Changing Climate.Rachel E. Lookadoo & Jesse E. Bell - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):653-663.
    Over the last century, droughts have caused more deaths internationally than any other weather- or climate-related disaster. Like other natural disasters, droughts cause significant changes in the environment that can lead to negative health outcomes. As droughts are becoming more frequent and intense with climate change, public health systems need to address impacts associated with these events. Partnering with federal and local entities, we evaluated the state of knowledge of drought and health in the United States through a National Drought (...)
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  21.  4
    Compelled Speech at Work: Employer Mobilization as a Threat to Employee Speech Rights.Aaron Ancell - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management:1-17.
    Employers often encourage, incentivize, or even require their employees to engage in politics in a variety of ways. For example, employers often encourage employees to vote, press employees to support particular political candidates or policies, require employees to participate in political events, or ask employees to contact elected officials to advocate for the employer’s interests. Such practices are all forms of employer mobilization. This essay considers the threat that employer mobilization poses to employees’ speech rights, specifically employees’ right against (...)
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  22.  21
    Entrepreneurs Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: from Powerlessness in the Face of the Government’s Policies to Protests.Elżbieta Zalesko & Sławomir Kamosiński - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):397-424.
    The Covid-19 pandemic triggered a crisis affecting many spheres of socio-economic life. Both the authorities and entrepreneurs found themselves in a new and unusual situation. The lockdown introduced in the Polish economy in March 2020 has changed drastically environment and conditions for entrepreneurs and companies in Poland. The article touches on the problem of changes in the system of formal and informal institutions during that period. An attempt was made to answer the question: to what extent was the institutional (...)
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  23.  22
    Poland: A Dark Side of Church Cultural Policy.Konrad Szocik & Aneta Szyja - 2015 - Studia Humana 4 (4):13-22.
    The cultural policy of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland is incorporated into state-run cultural policies. The organs of public authority enforce the objectives of Church regardless of Church’s actual ability to influence the society. It should be pointed out that the secularization of religion in Poland is frequently misinterpreted and usually equated with its deprivatization. It is worth mentioning that Catholicism is the dominant religion of the country and the Roman Catholic Church has hold a special position in Poland (...)
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    Реалізація спортивної політики у муніципальних адміністраціях і радах: Приклад литви.Domas Kriščiūnas - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:100-109.
    The Resolution of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on the Approval of the State Sports Development Strategy for 2011-2020 states that it is important to create and develop a horizontal structure of public administration of sport, which includes many state administration areas and municipal institutions, which would allow to develop cooperation with non-governmental sports organizations and private sector of sports activities. To create legal and economic conditions for the fast development of active and healthy lifestyle and universal sports (...)
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    The ‘Empowered Client’ in Vocational Rehabilitation: The Excluding Impact of Inclusive Strategies.Lineke Be van Hal, Agnes Meershoek, Frans Nijhuis & Klasien Horstman - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (3):213-230.
    In vocational rehabilitation, empowerment is understood as the notion that people should make an active, autonomous choice to find their way back to the labour process. Following this line of reasoning, the concept of empowerment implicitly points to a specific kind of activation strategy, namely labour participation. This activation approach has received criticism for being paternalistic, disciplining and having a one-sided orientation on labour participation. Although we share this theoretical criticism, we want to go beyond it by paying attention (...)
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  26.  3
    Le modèle de protection sociale à l’épreuve du travail protégé en France.Mathéa Boudinet - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-4 (18-4):31-46.
    Based on interviews and observations conducted in France between 2018 and 2019, this article discusses the notion of a “social welfare model” theorised by sociologist Katharina Heyer, by examining of the implementation of sheltered work policies in France. Facing the evolution of public policies in France, and their will to transform sheltered workshops into transition platforms leading to ordinary employment, can sheltered work establishments still be described as parallel and separate paths to the ordinary labour market? This article shows (...)
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  27.  3
    Référents handicap: mieux reconnaître leur fonction essentielle pour favoriser l’inclusion des personnes handicapées dans l’emploi.Béatrice Daubas-Letourneux Valdes - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-3 (16-3):5-22.
    This article presents the main results of a statistical survey carried out among disability advisors in the civil service in 2019. Through the many tasks they carry out, alone or in cooperation, disability advisors appear to be key players in the implementation of a policy of inclusion of people with disabilities in employment, which aims to go beyond the simple respect of quotas. However, these professionals express the need for better recognition of their function, in particular in (...)
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  28. Pozarządowe agencje zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych. Szanse i wyzwania (Non-Governmental Employment Agencies for Disabled People. Opportunities and Challenges).Andrzej Klimczuk - 2014 - In Joachim Osiński & Joanna Zuzanna Popławska, Oblicza Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego. Państwo, Gospodarka, Świat. Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej. pp. 297--307.
    We współczesnej polityce rynku pracy udział biorą nie tylko takie podmioty publiczne, jak urzędy pracy, lecz także niepubliczne agencje zatrudnienia prowadzone przez podmioty komercyjne i organizacje pozarządowe. Agencje zatrudnienia, mając zróżnicowane cele, struktury i formy zarządzania, podejmują w znacznej mierze działalność aktywizacyjną, zaadresowaną do grup znajdujących się w szczególnej sytuacji na rynku pracy, w tym do osób niepełnosprawnych. Opracowanie ma na celu przybliżenie potencjału krajowych agencji zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych, które są prowadzone przez organizacje pozarządowe. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na teoretyczne koncepcje (...)
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    Employment of Zakat Funds in Islam: A Jurisprudential Study.Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Suleiman Al-Salem - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1972-1978.
    Zakat is mandatory contribution in Islam. It is the command (Pherman) of Allah revealed in holy interaction/discourse of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) with Allah. Islam stands for social and economic solidarity among the followers of Islam. It seeks to provide the basic needs of the individual out of the Zakat contribution pool. For this study, the aim is to discuss the noble and holy idea of employing zakat funds. The employment of Zakat funds are permissible in certain forms and prohibited (...)
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    Taboos on the teaching vocation.Theodor W. Adorno - 2021 - Філософія Освіти 26 (2):168-187.
    The work "Taboos on the teaching vocation" was read by the German social philosopher and representative of critical theory Theodor Adorno as a report on May 21, 1965 at the Berlin Institute for Educational Research. In this report, Adorno considered the socio-psychological and socio-cultural reasons that in the context of Western European culture have historically led to the social emergence of many psychological taboos on the pedagogical work of the school teacher. The philosopher theoretically deduced the dialectical connection between human (...)
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    The 'Empowered Client' in Vocational Rehabilitation: The Excluding Impact of Inclusive Strategies. [REVIEW]Lineke B. E. Hal, Agnes Meershoek, Frans Nijhuis & Klasien Horstman - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (3):213-230.
    In vocational rehabilitation, empowerment is understood as the notion that people should make an active, autonomous choice to find their way back to the labour process. Following this line of reasoning, the concept of empowerment implicitly points to a specific kind of activation strategy, namely labour participation. This activation approach has received criticism for being paternalistic, disciplining and having a one-sided orientation on labour participation. Although we share this theoretical criticism, we want to go beyond it by paying attention (...)
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    Ḥāfiẓ as a Social Source for the Visually Impaired People.Yunus Bucuka - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):619-639.
    Sacred texts are important sources for all religions. These resources have a variety of social functions, either implicit or explicit. Therefore, it is important to protect and transfer sacred texts in many cultures. For this reason, in many societies, it has become necessary to memorize these texts after they have been written down and to transfer them orally to the next generations. Thus, over time, various structures related to the memorization of these sacred texts have emerged. Being Ḥāfiẓ is an (...)
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    Twenty Years of Poland's Euro-Atlantic Foreign Policy.Ryszard Zięba - 2011 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 13 (1):27-39.
    Twenty Years of Poland's Euro-Atlantic Foreign Policy During the years 1989-1991, after a deep transformation of the internal system and the international order in Europe, Poland pursued a sovereign foreign policy. The new policy had the following general goals: 1) to develop a new international security system which would guarantee Poland's national security; 2) to gain diplomatic support for the reforms conducted in Poland, including primarily the transformation of the economy and its adaption to free market mechanisms, (...)
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    Policy Learning in Nascent Industries’ Venue Shifting: A Study of the U.S. Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Industry.Lori Qingyuan Yue & Jue Wang - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (5):1203-1251.
    Industry groups engage in venue shifting when they seek to overturn or alter restrictive regulations imposed by one political venue through another. A critical step in this process is resolving uncertainties surrounding the preference of the targeted venue and the nature of the relevant policy proposal. While existing studies emphasize a long-term trial-and-error process of policy learning, we focus on nascent industries and argue that ventures seek other information sources to resolve these uncertainties quickly. In particular, nascent industry groups are (...)
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    Rethinking gender mainstreaming in agricultural innovation policy in Nepal: a critical gender analysis.Rachana Devkota, Laxmi Prasad Pant, Helen Hambly Odame, Bimala Rai Paudyal & Kelly Bronson - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1373-1390.
    Gender mainstreaming has been prioritised within the national agricultural policies of many countries, including Nepal. Yet gender mainstreaming at the national policy level does not always work to effect change when policies are implemented at the local scale. In less-developed nations such as Nepal, it is rare to find a critical analysis of the mainstreaming process and its successes or failures. This paper employs a critical gender analysis approach to examine the gender mainstreaming efforts in Nepal as they move from (...)
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    How Disability Activism Advances Disability Bioethics.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (2):335-349.
    In this paper, I argue that, even when disability rights activists are most clearly acting as activists, they can advance the scholarly activity of disability bioethics. In particular, I will argue that even engaging in non-violent direct action, including civil disobedience, is an important way in which disability rights activists directly support the efforts of disability bioethics scholars. I will begin by drawing upon Hilde Lindemann’s work on relational narrative identity to describe how certain (...)
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    Keep Up the Good Work! Age-Moderated Mediation Model on Intention to Retire.Paola Dordoni, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Pascale Peters, Sascha Kraus-Hoogeveen & Piergiorgio Argentero - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:290650.
    In European nations, the aging of the workforce is a major issue which is increasingly addressed both in national and organizational policies in order to sustain older workers’ employability and to encourage longer working lives. Particularly older workers’ employability can be viewed an important issue as this has the potential to motivate them for their work and change their intention to retire. Based on lifespan development theories and Van der Heijden’s ‘employability enhancement model’, this paper develops and tests an age-moderated (...)
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    Attitudes and behaviour of employers to recruiting persons with disabilities.Thomas Bredgaard & Julia Salado-Rasmussen - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):61-70.
    1.Introduction Despite more than two decades of strategies and policies to promote equal employment opportunities and avoid discrimination against persons with disabilities, major employment and participation gaps still remain. Persons with disabilities have significantly lower employment rates, and higher inactivity and unemployment rates than persons without disabilities. If they do work, they are less likely to be in full-time employment and more likely to be in subsidised or supported emp...
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    Une participation de proximité.Anne-Lise Mithout - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-4 (18-4):63-78.
    In Japan, inclusion policies place great emphasis on participation in the local community. Sheltered workshops are evolving in this direction, and their number has risen sharply while mainstream employment was being promoted as well. The aim of this paper is to examine the forms of participation in local life offered by these workshops to their workers. It analyzes the strategies implemented by workshop managers to develop opportunities for interaction between disabled workers and the outside population, as well as their (...)
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    Good Neighbors but Bad Employers: Two Faces of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs.Heung-Jun Jung & Dong-One Kim - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):295-310.
    Using two firm-level datasets in Korea, we analyzed the effects of corporate social responsibility on employment relations. We propose that participation in corporate social activity may not necessarily reflect an ethical commitment to do “the right thing,” but instead can be associated with mobilizing internal resources to offset the costs imposed by external CSR involvement undertaken because of social pressure. Analysis of the two datasets showed similar results. The results demonstrate that socially responsible actions facilitate employer tendency to (...)
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    Karl Aschenbrenner, 1911-1988.Edward W. Strong - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (2):333-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:KARL ASCHENBRENNER, 19x 1-1988 Karl Aschenbrenner was born in Bison, Kansas, on November 20, 1911. He received the A. B. degree from Reed College in 1934 and his graduate degrees at Berkeley (M. A., 1938; Ph.D., 194o). After two years as an instructor at Reed College, he served in the U.S. Naval Reserve (Lieutenant in Meteorology ) from 1943 to 1946. From 1946 to 1948, he taught in the (...)
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    Women’s Work Empowerment through “Reupcycle” Initiatives for Women-at-home.Rohaiza Rokis - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):617-634.
    Recyclable issues do not receive sufficient attention, which thus see low awareness among Malaysians. This paper1 proposes women’s active participation in re-upcycling habits to maintain the ecologically challenging world today. Empowering women-at-home in this way enable them to sustain their own social and ecological well-being. Women can be active participants in community development activities. Even though they may be disinterested to work outside home, their involvement in their community should be encouraged. Embeddedness theory advocates empowerment of women through re-upcycling actions (...)
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    Youth policy development in Ukraine - experience of the European Union.Hanna Ortina & Liudmyla Yefimenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:129-130.
    «Youth policy» as an independent term is defined in the scientific literature in the 1960s., which in many ways «was associated with the formation of youth as an independent social force and its self-determination in the socio-political space». By the 1970s XX century youth policy in the vast majority of developed countries is transforming an independent direction of national policy. Youth is a complex, multidimensional and rather controversial social phenomenon. Modern youth acts as the most active and mobile social group, (...)
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    Brain activation during associative short-term memory maintenance is not predictive for subsequent retrieval.Heiko C. Bergmann, Sander M. Daselaar, Sarah F. Beul, Mark Rijpkema, Guillén Fernández & Roy P. C. Kessels - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:155175.
    Performance on working memory (WM) tasks may partially be supported by long-term memory (LTM) processing. Hence, brain activation recently being implicated in WM may actually have been driven by (incidental) LTM formation. We examined which brain regions actually support successful WM processing, rather than being confounded by LTM processes, during the maintenance and probe phase of a WM task. We administered a four-pair (faces and houses) associative delayed-match-to-sample (WM) task using event-related fMRI and a subsequent associative recognition LTM task, (...)
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    La participation sociale à l’association des paralysés de France.Clément Gazza, Anne Marcellini & Nathalie Le Roux - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):265-285.
    In line with public policies, the French Association of Paralyzed People (APF) promotes the social participation of people with disabilities. This objective can be achieved both through participation in activities and participation in decision-making processes. This dual categorisation raises questions about the compatibility of logics of support and program objectives across these two facets of participation. Arising from work conducted in the context of a PhD dissertation, this article is based on document analysis and 49 indepth interviews with employees, (...)
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    Learning to Be Employable Through Volunteering: A Qualitative Study on the Development of Employability Capital of Young People.Maria Luisa Giancaspro & Amelia Manuti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:574232.
    Over the last decades, consistent research showed that voluntary work could be considered as a tool for professional development and concrete employment: volunteering could be either experienced as a desire to improve career opportunities or to acquire new skills. The study aimed to investigate voluntary work as a context of informal and non-formal workplace learning and vocational guidance, useful to develop skills and abilities, namely the capital of personal and social resources, that could promote future employability. Participants were (...)
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    The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Social Policy in Interwar Poland.Paweł Grata - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (4):373-387.
    The aim of this paper is to determine how the economic crisis, and the ad hoc attempts made by the authorities to counteract it, affected the Polish society and, above all, to prepare a multidimensional analysis of how the crisis impacted systemic changes in the Polish social policy. The author will examine both positive changes that followed the relevant global trends and also negative changes that resulted from the developmental lag, the country’s economic situation and especially the generally low involvement (...)
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    Prison as a Generator of Social Disablement.Sergio Grossi & Luca Decembrotto - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):21-30.
    The paper explores the effects of social disablement caused by imprisonment, analyzing how this institution can exacerbate existing disability conditions or create new ones. Through a review of sociological literature, it highlights how the prison context can significantly contribute to an additional level of disablement. Considering the incapacitating effects of imprisonment, it emerges that the prison system acts as a “producer” of social disablement, intensifying marginalization processes and increasing societal disparities. This process is fueled by prison overcrowding, loss (...)
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    A Comparative Analysis of Personalisation: Balancing an Ethic of Care with User Empowerment.Kirstein Rummery - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):138-152.
    Developments in the provision of care and support services for disabled and older people across developed welfare states have led to the expansion of personalisation (sometimes called cash-for-care, direct payments, care payments, etc.) schemes, whereby cash is paid in substitute for care services and support. Although these schemes vary considerably in their scope and operation (sometimes paying carers directly, sometimes enabling disabled and older people to act as direct employers, sometimes mixing paid and unpaid care), they share the (...)
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    Knowing with the Disability Community: Building a Disability Standpoint for Health Policy Research.Laura M. Cupples - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (2):36-60.
    For the last eighteen months, I have worked with a group of disability and health policy researchers. I began this interview-based project trying to learn how these researchers’ disability identities shaped their work. How did their disability standpoint contribute to the liberatory nature of their research? I found that the disability standpoint of these researchers was in fact hard-won and grew not just out of their own disability experiences but out of their connections with the (...)
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