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H. Tristram Engelhardt [89]H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr [41]H. T. Engelhardt [26]Jeff Engelhardt [19]
Paul E. Engelhardt [12]Hugo Tristram Engelhardt [11]Viktor Engelhardt [11]H. T. Engelhardt Jr [9]

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  1. (1 other version)The Foundations of Bioethics.H. T. Engelhardt - 1986 - Ethics 98 (2):402-405.
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  2. Bioethics and secular humanism: the search for a common morality.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1991 - Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
    "A book from the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics." Includes bibliographical references (p. [141]-195) and index.
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  3. Stereotypical Inferences: Philosophical Relevance and Psycholinguistic Toolkit.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2017 - Ratio 30 (4):411-442.
    Stereotypes shape inferences in philosophical thought, political discourse, and everyday life. These inferences are routinely made when thinkers engage in language comprehension or production: We make them whenever we hear, read, or formulate stories, reports, philosophical case-descriptions, or premises of arguments – on virtually any topic. These inferences are largely automatic: largely unconscious, non-intentional, and effortless. Accordingly, they shape our thought in ways we can properly understand only by complementing traditional forms of philosophical analysis with experimental methods from psycholinguistics. This (...)
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  4. Intuitions' Linguistic Sources: Stereotypes, Intuitions and Illusions.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (1):67-103.
    Intuitive judgments elicited by verbal case-descriptions play key roles in philosophical problem-setting and argument. Experimental philosophy's ‘sources project’ seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions which help us assess our warrant for accepting them. This article develops a psycholinguistic explanation of intuitions prompted by philosophical case-descriptions. For proof of concept, we target intuitions underlying a classic paradox about perception, trace them to stereotype-driven inferences automatically executed in verb comprehension, and employ a forced-choice plausibility-ranking task to elicit the relevant (...)
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  5. Ideology and etiology.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1976 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (3):256-268.
  6. Experimental ordinary language philosophy: a cross-linguistic study of defeasible default inferences.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt, Joachim Horvath & Hiroshi Ohtani - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1029-1070.
    This paper provides new tools for philosophical argument analysis and fresh empirical foundations for ‘critical’ ordinary language philosophy. Language comprehension routinely involves stereotypical inferences with contextual defeaters. J.L. Austin’s Sense and Sensibilia first mooted the idea that contextually inappropriate stereotypical inferences from verbal case-descriptions drive some philosophical paradoxes; these engender philosophical problems that can be resolved by exposing the underlying fallacies. We build on psycholinguistic research on salience effects to explain when and why even perfectly competent speakers cannot help making (...)
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  7. Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultants: In Search of Professional Status in a Post-Modern World.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (3):129-145.
    The American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) issued its Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation just as it is becoming ever clearer that secular ethics is intractably plural and without foundations in any reality that is not a social–historical construction (ASBH Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation , 2nd edn. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Glenview, IL, 2011 ). Core Competencies fails to recognize that the ethics of health care ethics consultants is not ethics in (...)
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  8. The concepts of health and disease.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1975 - In H. Tristram Engelhardt & Stuart F. Spicker, Evaluation and explanation in the biomedical sciences. Reidel. pp. 125-141.
  9.  31
    Scientific Controversies: Case Studies in the Resolution and Closure of Disputes in Science and Technology.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr, Arthur L. Caplan & Drs William F. And Virginia Connolly Mitty Chair Arthur L. Caplan - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of essays examines the ways in which disputes and controversies about the application of scientific knowledge are resolved. Four concrete examples of public controversy are considered in detail: the efficacy of Laetrile, the classification of homosexuality as a disease, the setting of safety standards in the workplace, and the utility of nuclear energy as a source of power. The essays in this volume show that debates about these cases are not confined to matters of empirical fact. Rather, as (...)
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  10. Diagnostic Experimental Philosophy.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):117-137.
    Experimental philosophy’s much-discussed ‘restrictionist’ program seeks to delineate the extent to which philosophers may legitimately rely on intuitions about possible cases. The present paper shows that this program can be (i) put to the service of diagnostic problem-resolution (in the wake of J.L. Austin) and (ii) pursued by constructing and experimentally testing psycholinguistic explanations of intuitions which expose their lack of evidentiary value: The paper develops a psycholinguistic explanation of paradoxical intuitions that are prompted by verbal case-descriptions, and presents two (...)
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  11.  37
    The Context of Self: A Phenomenological Inquiry Using Medicine as a Clue.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43 (2):267-271.
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  12.  63
    The Recent History of Christian Bioethics Critically Reassessed.H. T. Engelhardt - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (2):146-167.
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  13.  80
    Confronting Moral Pluralism in Posttraditional Western Societies: Bioethics Critically Reassessed.H. T. Engelhardt - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (3):243-260.
    In the face of the moral pluralism that results from the death of God and the abandonment of a God's eye perspective in secular philosophy, bioethics arose in a context that renders it essentially incapable of giving answers to substantive moral questions, such as concerning the permissibility of abortion, human embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, etc. Indeed, it is only when bioethics understands its own limitations and those of secular moral philosophy in general can it better appreciate those tasks that (...)
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  14. The Foundations of Bioethics: Second Edition.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1996
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  15.  85
    Informed consent in texas: Theory and practice.Mark J. Cherry & H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):237 – 252.
    The legal basis of informed consent in Texas may on first examination suggest an unqualified affirmation of persons as the source of authority over themselves. This view of individuals in the practice of informed consent tends to present persons outside of any social context in general and outside of their families in particular. The actual functioning of law and medical practice in Texas, however, is far more complex. This study begins with a brief overview of the roots of Texas law (...)
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  16.  57
    Concepts of health and disease: interdisciplinary perspectives.Arthur L. Caplan, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt & James J. McCartney (eds.) - 1981 - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division.
    The concepts of health and disease play pivotal roles in medicine and the health professions This volume brings together the requisite literature for understanding current discussions and debates these concepts. The selections in the volume attempt to present a wide range of views concerning the nature of the concepts of health and issues using both historical and contemporary sources -- Back cover.
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  17.  29
    Bioethics and Secular Humanism: The Search for a Common Morality.Paul Kurtz & H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (4):40.
    Book reviewed in this article: Bioethics and Secular Humanism: The Search for a Common Morality. By H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.
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  18. Fragmented and conflicted: folk beliefs about vision.Paul E. Engelhardt, Keith Allen & Eugen Fischer - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-33.
    Many philosophical debates take for granted that there is such a thing as ‘the’ common-sense conception of the phenomenon of interest. Debates about the nature of perception tend to take for granted that there is a single, coherent common-sense conception of vision, consistent with Direct Realism. This conception is often accorded an epistemic default status. We draw on philosophical and psychological literature on naïve theories and belief fragmentation to motivate the hypothesis that untutored common sense encompasses conflicting Direct Realist and (...)
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  19.  92
    Beyond the Best Interests of Children: Four Views of the Family and of Foundational Disagreements Regarding Pediatric Decision Making.H. T. Engelhardt - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (5):499-517.
    This paper presents four different understandings of the family and their concomitant views of the authority of the family in pediatric medical decision making. These different views are grounded in robustly developed, and conflicting, worldviews supported by disparate basic premises about the nature of morality. The traditional worldviews are often found within religious communities that embrace foundational metaphysical premises at odds with the commitments of the liberal account of the family dominant in the secular culture of the West. These disputes (...)
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  20. The ordination of bioethicists as secular moral experts.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (2):59-82.
    The philosophy of medicine cum bioethics has become the socially recognized source for moral and epistemic direction in health-care decision-making. Over the last three decades, this field has been accepted politically as an authorized source of guidance for policy and law. The field's political actors have included the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical (...)
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  21. Intuitions and illusions: From explanation and experiment to assessment.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt & Aurelie Herbelot - 2015 - In Eugen Fischer & John Collins, Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method. London: Routledge. pp. 259-292.
    This paper pioneers the use of methods and findings from psycholinguistics in experimental philosophy’s ‘sources project’. On this basis, it clarifies the epistemological relevance of empirical findings about intuitions – a key methodological challenge to experimental philosophy. The sources project (aka ‘cognitive epistemology of intuitions’) seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions, which help us assess their evidentiary value. One approach seeks explanations which trace relevant intuitions back to automatic cognitive processes that are generally reliable but predictably generate (...)
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  22.  70
    Sin and Bioethics: Why a Liturgical Anthropology is Foundational.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (2):221-239.
    The project of articulating a coherent, canonical, content-full, secular morality-cum-bioethics fails, because it does not acknowledge sin, which is to say, it does not acknowledge the centrality of holiness, which is essential to a non-distorted understanding of human existence and of morality. Secular morality cannot establish a particular moral content, the harmony of the good and the right, or the necessary precedence of morality over prudence, because such is possible only in terms of an ultimate point of reference: God. The (...)
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  23.  18
    After God: morality and bioethics in a secular age.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2017 - Yonkers, New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.
    Engelhardt invites readers to understand what it means to live in a world after God, where questions of sin and virtue have been replaced with life-and-death-style choices. After God provides a dark prophetic vision. But there is still hope. As Engelhardt argues, In this culture, children now grow up apart from and defended against a recognition of the God Who lives. They are nurtured in a social fabric that is structured so as to avoid a recognition of, much less an (...)
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  24.  23
    Like It or Not: When Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Attract Potential Applicants.Eva Alexandra Jakob, Holger Steinmetz, Marius Claus Wehner, Christina Engelhardt & Rüdiger Kabst - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):105-127.
    Companies increasingly recognize the importance of communicating corporate social responsibility including their engagement toward employees, the community, the environment and other stakeholder groups to attract applicants. The positive findings on the effect of CSR on applicants’ reactions are commonly based on the assumption that companies send a clear signal about their commitment to CSR. However, communication is always contextualized and has become more ambiguous through the increased availability of information online. External stakeholders including actual and potential applicants are confronted with (...)
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  25. The ontology of abortion. Engelhardt - 1974 - Ethics 84 (3):217-234.
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  26. Linguistic labor and its division.Jeff Engelhardt - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1855-1871.
    This paper exposes a common mistake concerning the division of linguistic labor. I characterize the mistake as an overgeneralization from natural kind terms; this misleads philosophers about which terms are subject to the division of linguistic labor, what linguistic labor is, how linguistic labor is divided, and how the extensions of non-natural kind terms subject to the division of linguistic labor are determined. I illustrate these points by considering Sally Haslanger’s account of the division of linguistic labor for social kind (...)
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  27. Global bioethics: the collapse of consensus.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt (ed.) - 2006 - Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
    This collection of essays, Global Bioethics: The Collapse of Consensus, deals with the issue of the repeated failure of attempts to derive a universal set of ...
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  28.  81
    Some Reflections on Gaslighting and Language Games.Jeff Engelhardt - 2023 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9 (3).
    This paper proposes that, in many cases, conversational norms permit gaslighting when socially subordinate speakers report systemic injustice. Section 1 introduces gaslighting and the kinds of cases on which I focus—namely, cases in which multiple people gaslight. I give examples and statistics to suggest that these cases are common in response to reports of race- or gender-based injustice; and I appeal to scholarship on epistemologies of ignorance to suggest that this kind of gaslighting is common because it is systematically produced (...)
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  29. What is the Exclusion Problem?Jeff Engelhardt - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (2):205-232.
    The philosophical literature contains at least three formulations of the problem of causal exclusion. Although each of the three most common formulations targets theories according to which some effects have ‘too many determiners’, no one is reducible to either of the others. This article proposes two ‘new’ exclusion problems and suggests that exclusion is not a single problem but a family of problems unified by the situations they problematize. It is shown, further, that for three of the most popular attempts (...)
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  30.  51
    Generic Chaplaincy: Providing Spiritual Care in a Post-Christian Age.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (3):231-238.
    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; Generic Chaplaincy: Providing Spiritual Care in a Post-Christian Age, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morali.
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  31. The search for a global morality: Bioethics, the culture wars, and moral diversity.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2006 - In Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Global bioethics: the collapse of consensus. Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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  32.  68
    Human Nature Technologically Revisited.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):180.
    This essay is meant as a form of philosophical exorcism. The goal is to dispel the view that there are general secular grounds for holding human germline genetic engineering to be intrinsically wrong, a malum in se, or a morally culpable violation of human nature. The essay endorses the view that major obligations of prudence and care attend the development of this technology. However, these justifiable moral concerns can be seen more clearly when one has dispelled what must, from a (...)
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  33.  79
    The Dechristianization of Christian Hospital Chaplaincy: Some Bioethics Reflections on Professionalization, Ecumenization, and Secularization.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):139-160.
    The traditional roles of Christian chaplains in aiding patients, physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators in repentance, right belief, right worship, and right conduct are challenged by the contemporary professionalization of chaplaincy guided by post-Christian norms located in a public space structured by three defining postulates: the non-divinity of Christ, robust ecumenism, and the irrelevance of God’s existence. The norms of this emerging post-Christian profession of chaplaincy make interventions with patients, physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators in defense of specifically Christian bioethical (...)
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  34.  59
    Consensus Formation: The Creation of an Ideology.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):7-16.
    Bioethics is not merely a theoretical discipline but a practice as well. Indeed, bioethics is a sort of moral trade. Bioethicists serve on ethics committees, give expert testimony to courts, provide guidance for healthcare policy, and receive payment for these services. The difficulty is that their role as experts able to guide clinical choice and public policy formation is brought into question by the diversity of moral understandings regarding central moral issues at the heart of the culture wars in healthcare. (...)
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  35. What is Christian About Christian Bioethics? Metaphysical, Epistemological, and Moral Differences.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (3):241-253.
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  36.  45
    A New Theological Framework for Roman Catholic Bioethics: Pope Francis Makes a Significant Change in the Moral Framework for Bioethics.H. T. Engelhardt - 2015 - Christian Bioethics 21 (1):130-134.
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  37.  90
    Long-Term Care: The Family, Post-Modernity, and Conflicting Moral Life-Worlds.H. T. Engelhardt - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (5):519-536.
    Long-term care is controversial because it involves foundational disputes. Some are moral-economic, bearing on whether the individual, the family, or the state is primarily responsible for long-term care, as well as on how one can establish a morally and financially sustainable long-term-care policy, given the moral hazard of people over-using entitlements once established, the political hazard of media democracies promising unfundable entitlements, the demographic hazard of relatively fewer workers to support those in need of long-term care, the moral hazard to (...)
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  38.  74
    DeChristianization of Christian Health Care Institutions, or, How the Pursuit of Social Justice and Excellence can Obscure the Pursuit of Holiness.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):151-161.
    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; The DeChristianization of Christian Health Care Institutions, or, How the Pursuit of Social Justice and Excellence can Obscure the.
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  39. Eyes as windows to minds: psycholinguistics for experimental philosophy.Eugen Fischer & Paul Engelhardt - 2019 - In Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis, Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Press. pp. 43–100.
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  40.  94
    The Logic of Misandrogyny.Jeff M. Engelhardt - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 22.
    This paper develops an account of misandrogyny that is modeled on Kate Manne’s account of misogyny. On Manne’s view, misogyny is a system of mechanisms that together police and enforce the gendered hierarchy of a patriarchal order. On the account developed here, misandrogyny is a system of mechanisms that together police and enforce the gender binary of a patriarchal order. The gender binary is constituted by norms that preclude the existence of persons who aren’t consistently ‘read’ either as a man (...)
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  41.  92
    Kant, Hegel, and Habermas.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (4):871-903.
  42. Critical Reflections on Theology’s Handmaid.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (1):53-75.
    Orthodox Christian theology gives philosophy the same role it played in the Church of the first half-millennium. This article distinguishes among nine senses of philosophy and four senses of theology in order to highlight the characteristic features of Orthodox Christian theology’s use of philosophy and philosophical reasoning. It shows why, given the metaphysics and epistemology of Orthodox Christian theology (e.g., God is recognized as fully transcendent, such thatthere is no analogia entis between created and Uncreated Being, with the result that (...)
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    Language and memory for object location.Harmen B. Gudde, Kenny R. Coventry & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2016 - Cognition 153 (C):99-107.
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  44.  41
    Using the Ideal/Nonideal Distinction in Philosophy of Language (and Elsewhere).Jeff Engelhardt & Molly Moran - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Herman Cappelen and Josh Dever (C&D) have recently argued that the ideal/non-ideal distinction is ‘useless’ in philosophy of language. This paper responds to C&D’s argument, develops an account of the distinction, and applies it to philosophy of language. Section 1 summarizes C&D’s argument against Charles Mills’s version of the distinction. Section 2 develops an account of the distinction that’s inspired by Mills’s work but that differs from what C&D take Mills’s view to be. Section 3 shows that, pace C&D, this (...)
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    The Culture Wars in Bioethics Revisited.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (1):1-8.
    The contemporary societies of the West are characterized by a collision of radically incommensurable cultures, that of traditional Christianity and that of the robustly laicist cultures that took shape in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, drawing not only on the French Revolution and the Western European Enlightenment but also on deep roots in the synthesis of faith and reason that framed the thirteenth-century Western Christian Middle ages. This article explores the foundational contrast and conflict between traditional Christian bioethics and the (...)
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    Now, the Real Foundations of Bioethics. [REVIEW]Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 31 (6):46-47.
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    Courage: Facing and Living with Moral Diversity.H. T. Engelhardt - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (3):278-280.
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  48. Varieties of Multiple Antecedent Cause.Jeff Engelhardt - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (3):231-246.
    A great deal has been written over the past decade defending ‘higher-level’ causes by arguing that overdetermination is more complex than many philosophers initially thought. Although two shooters overdetermine the death of a firing squad victim, a baseball and its parts do not overdetermine the breaking of a window. But while these analyses of overdetermination have no doubt been fruitful, the focus on overdetermination—while ignoring other varieties of causal relation—has limited the discussion. Many of the cases of interest resemble joint (...)
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    Christian bioethics in a post-Christian world: Facing the challenges.H. T. Engelhardt - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (1):93-114.
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    Mental Causation is Not Just Downward Causation.Jeff Engelhardt - 2017 - Ratio 30 (1):31-46.
    According to a popular model of mental causation, an irreducible mental cause M1 brings about an irreducible mental effect M2 by bringing about M2's supervenience base, P2. Call this ‘the Downward Causation View’. This paper raises doubts about the Downward Causation View on grounds that M1 does not cause M2 immediately and there is no causal chain from M1 to M2. Prima facie, then, M1 does not cause M2 on this view. But a theory of mental causation ought to account (...)
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