Results for ' Flesh Ontology'

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  1.  14
    The problem of difference examined through Merleau-Ponty's ‘Body-Flesh Ontology’. 심귀연 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:167-187.
    The purpose of this article is to find out the possibility of overcoming the problem of modern philosophy which is represented by the identity philosophy by the problem of 'difference' in Merleau - Ponty 's ‘Body - Flesh Ontology’. In particular, we will note that although Merleau-Ponty's philosophy is still phenomenology, it is distinguished from Husserl's phenomenology and very important. So Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology is the phenomenology of phenomenology and the ‘Body-Flesh Ontology’. Therefore, the problem of 'subject' (...)
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    The proposition for ethics in Merleau-Ponty: the condition of bodily-fleshly ontology to ontological ethics. 한우섭 - 2021 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 88:69-116.
    메를로-퐁티의 철학은 그의 철학적 기술들(descriptions)에서 발견되는 미학적 관점, 언어적 관점, 정치적 관점 등의 세부 논의를 제외하면 크게 신체의 현상학적 관점과 살의 존재론적 관점으로 구분할 수 있다. 그런데 그것이 무엇이건 특정한 철학이 취하는 인식론적, 존재론적 틀 속에는 그러한 틀에 부합하는 윤리적 해석이 또한 내재할 수밖에 없으며, 이는 메를로-퐁티의 철학도 마찬가지이다. 따라서 비록 그가 윤리학을 구체적으로 이야기하고 있지 않다고 하더라도 메를로-퐁티의 철학을 윤리학적 관점으로 해석하고, 그의 철학을 윤리학의 범위로 확장하고자 하는 노력들이 그의 철학이 갖는 현상학적 특징과 존재론적 특징에 의해 폄하될 필요는 없을 (...)
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    A ontological study on the Image in the Age of The Fourth Industrial Revolution - On the Base of Merleau-Ponty's Flesh-Ontology -. 김병환 - 2017 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 80:355-383.
    이 글은 4차 산업혁명의 이미지 시대에서 메를로-퐁티의 살-존재론적 입장에서 세계 속 ‘신체 주체의 살’과 ‘세계의 살’ 및 이미지의 본질적 특성을 밝히고, 그의 살-존재론을 토대로 4차 산업혁명 사회 속 이미지의 성질과 중요성을 고찰하며, 회화이미지·사진이미지·영화이미지의 특성과 가치 및 효용성을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이런 밝힘으로 4차 산업혁명 사회에서 사람 존재의 참된 의미와 우리의 미래지향적 길을 드러낼 것이다. 신체 주체와 세계의 교차에서, 신체 주체는 세계에 대한 살을 가지고, 동시에 세계는 신체 주체에 대한 살을 가진다. 가역성과 가시성으로서의 살, 즉 교차적 살은 모든 존재자의 특성과 (...)
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    A study on the Deconstructivist, Flesh-Ontological Analysis for Van Gogh’s World of Art and the Pro-intentional Beauty of Consilience. 김병환 - 2016 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 77:117-147.
    이 글은 강렬한 인상과 사유를 통해 대립적 색채-형상의 예술미를 표현하였던 고흐의 예술 세계에 내포되어 있는 해체주의적 특성과 살-존재론적 특성을 밝히고, 이를 토대로 새로운 창의적 예술 세계가 펼쳐질 수 있는 미래지향적 예술의 한 양상을 제시하는 미래지향적 예술미로서의 통섭미를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 해체란 파괴임과 동시에 구성이다. 고흐의 예술 세계가 내포하고 있는 해체주의적 특성은 인상적인 보색 대비의 양상에서 잘 드러난다. 회화에서 색채와 형상의 차연적인 흔적을 통해서 아름다운 것들은 드러난다. 색채와 형상을 통한 아름다움은 바로 아름다운 것들의 흔적에 의한 것이다. 그것들은 차이의 시간·공간적 네트워크로서의 (...)
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    A Study on the Characteristics of Phenomenological, Ontological Flesh of Film-Image - On the Base of Merleau-Ponty s Phenomenological Flesh-Ontology -. 김병환 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 88:35-61.
    이 글은 세계 속 신체-주체와 지각 대상의 접속에 의한 지각 현상의 특성을 밝히고, 이를 바탕으로 영화 속 영화이미지의 현상학적 특성과 현상학적인 존재론적 살로서의 영화 이미지의 특성 및 영화이미지의 존재 의미를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이런 밝힘으로 말미암아 현상학적인 존재론적 살로서의 영화이미지의 가치가 드러날 것이다. 현상학적 지각 현상은 차이장 속 차이의 지각 현상이 되고 차이 존재를 토대로 지각 현 상 자체를 나타내는 차이존재론적 지각 현상이 된다. 지각 현상은 운동적인 지각지평-차 이장 속 역동적인 차이들이 시공적으로 생산되고 있는 총체적 시스템의 지각 현상이다. 시간적 (...)
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  6.  38
    Flesh and Matter: Merleau-Ponty’s Late Ontology as a Materialist Philosophy.Richard Theisen Simanke - 2016 - Humana Mente (31):117-133.
    The ontology developed by Merleau-Ponty in the final stage of his work is centered on the concept of flesh, giving this notion its most general scope by complementing the idea of “flesh of the body” with that of a “flesh of the world.” This paper seeks to evaluate the possibility of reading this philosophy of the flesh as a materialist ontology. For this purpose, the possibility is considered of interpreting the concept of flesh (...)
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  7. Flesh and Nature: Understanding Merleau-Ponty’s Relational Ontology.Bryan E. Bannon - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (3):327-357.
    In this paper I attempt to develop several ways Merleau-Ponty's ontology might contribute to an environmental ethic through a redefinition of his concept of flesh in terms of a general theory of affectivity. Currently accepted interpretations of the concept such as those in Abram, Toadvine, Barbaras, and Dastur rely upon conceiving flesh as a perceptual experience. I contest this interpretation and argue that a more productive conception of flesh emerges when understood in terms of Heidegger's philosophy. (...)
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  8.  23
    The flesh made word: critical realism, psychoanalysis, and the ontology of love.Alan Norrie - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (4):341-361.
    This essay considers the two-way relation between critical realism and psychoanalysis. Critical realism vindicates and deepens our understanding of ontology by drawing on the sciences for which it...
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  9. Chiasm, flesh, figuration : Toward a non-positive ontology.Véronique Fóti - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
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    What is Your Essentialism is My Immanent Flesh!: The Ontological Politics of Feminist Epistemology.Deborah M. Withers - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (3):231-247.
    This article examines one of the main epistemological frameworks that feminist theory has used for the past 30 years: essentialism and anti-essentialism. It explores what is at stake by continuing to use such perspectives within the late days of the early 21st century, and how it is linked to a performance of critical sophistication which has specific political consequences. Instead of seeing the body as essentialist, the author draws on two examples — popular musician Kate Bush and ontological ideas about (...)
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    Corporeity and the Eurocentric Community: Recasting Husserl’s Crisis in Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology of the Flesh.Andréa Delestrade - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (2):189-212.
    This paper attempts to develop a phenomenological account of community which would not be pervaded by Eurocentric assumptions. Such Eurocentrism is what Husserl’s phenomenological framework has been accused of. I first reconstruct Husserl’s phenomenology of community in his late transcendental phenomenology by examining the Vienna Lecture. I show that Husserl’s Eurocentrism is encapsulated in his account of corporeity, which simultaneously recognizes the importance of corporeity and its necessary overcoming in theoria, which originates in the European philosopher. I then argue that (...)
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  12.  8
    Sentient Flesh: Thinking in Disorder, Poiesis in Black.R. A. Judy - 2020 - Duke University Press.
    In _Sentient Flesh _R. A. Judy takes up freedman Tom Windham’s 1937 remark “we should have our liberty 'cause... us is human flesh" as a point of departure for an extended meditation on questions of the human, epistemology, and the historical ways in which the black being is understood. Drawing on numerous fields, from literary theory and musicology, to political theory and phenomenology, as well as Greek and Arabic philosophy, Judy engages literary texts and performative practices such as (...)
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  13.  23
    Flesh Possessed.Jennifer McWeeny - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:215-231.
    What does it mean to say that “I am always on the same side of my body” if the body is understood as flesh? This question of sidedness, and specifically of perspectival unilaterality, in Merleau-Ponty’s ontology leads to a careful sorting of the various relational metaphors that he deploys across his oeuvre, including reversibility, intertwining, possession, encroachment, incorporation, promiscuity, and many others. Curiously, each of these notions implicates a different image of sidedness, from sides that are impermeable in (...)
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  14.  21
    Between Flesh and Text.Richard Kearney - 2016 - Eco-Ethica 5:219-231.
    This essay explores how Paul Ricoeur analyses the body as both flesh and text. Beginning with a phenomenology of embodiment and life in his early philosophy of the will, after his hermeneutic turn in the 1960s he concentrated more on the mediation of flesh through textual interpretation and language. This led Ricoeur beyond Husserl and Levinas and closer to the work of Merleau-Ponty. His later writing opens horizons for rethinking the ‘flesh of the world’ in new ontological (...)
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  15.  19
    Distorted flesh – Towards a non-speculative concept of social pathology.Domonkos Sik - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    The article aims at elaborating a non-speculative concept of social pathology. In the first section, various conceptualizations (e.g. Habermas, Honneth) are critically revaluated. It is argued that (a) applying the originally medical concept of ‘pathology’ on social entities has untenable connotations (due to the lacking social equivalent of death); (b) grounding social pathology on the level of ‘social suffering’ is not in accordance with the actors’ horizon shaped by biomedical- and psy-discourses. To avoid these dead-ends, social pathologies are reinterpreted as (...)
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  16.  12
    En-Fleshed Practicing in Organisations Flesh as Elemental Carnality and Formative Medium for Organising Sustainability Development.Wendlin Keupers - 2023 - Phenomenology and Practice 18 (1).
    Based on Merleau-Pontys’s philosophy of flesh, this paper outlines possibilities for organisational practices towards sustainability development. In order to elucidate these en-fleshed practices, the paper begins by presenting Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body and perception as well as his ontology of ‘flesh’. In particular, flesh is interpreted as elemental ‘carnality’ and formative medium. As such, it is processed through sensual and reflexive doubling as a reversibility and chiasm of the sentient and the sensible. This understanding opens (...)
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  17.  55
    The Flesh of Images, Images of Flesh: Merleau-Ponty Forwarded.Galen A. Johnson - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):360-367.
    The Flesh of Images: Merleau-Ponty Between Painting and Cinema, by Mauro Carbone, is his third book in a body of work interpreting Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of Flesh: The Thinking of the Sensible: M...
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  18.  87
    Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of Nature and the Ontology of Flesh.Ane Faugstad Aarø - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (3):331-345.
    The essay attempts to delineate how Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception can be applied to theories of sign processes, and how it reworks the framework of the phenomenalist conception of communication. His later philosophy involved a reformulation of subjectivity and a resolution of the subject/object dualism. My claim is that this non-reductionist theory of perception reveals a different view of nature as we experience it in an expressive and meaningful interaction. The perspective that another living being has and communicates entails (...)
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  19.  33
    Fleshing Out the Political: Merleau-Ponty, Lefort and the Problem of Alterity.Paul Mazzocchi - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (1):22-43.
    This paper attempts to draw out the political import of Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the flesh, by engaging the critique levelled against it by his student and literary executor Claude Lefort. In suggesting a tension in Merleau-Ponty’s work that obscures alterity, Lefort seems to miss the rich political import of Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the flesh. Founded in his development of the concepts of écart and reversibility, Merleau-Ponty’s ontological position breaks with many of the standard tenets of political (...)
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  20. The Flesh of Negation: Adorno and Merleau-Ponty contra Heidegger.Daniel Neofetou - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (7):798-813.
    Theodor Adorno’s 1960–1961 lecture course Ontology and Dialectics, recently translated into English, provides the most systematic articulation of his critique of Martin Heidegger. When Adorno delivered three of the lectures at the Collège de France, Maurice Merleau-Ponty was reportedly scandalised as he was at that time developing his own ontology, informed by Heidegger. However, this article problematises the assumption that Adorno’s negative dialectic and Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology are incompatible. First, Adorno’s criticism of Heidegger’s ontology is delineated, (...)
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  21. The flesh of all that is: Merleau-Ponty, Irigaray, and Julian’s ‘showings’.Diane Antonio - 2001 - Sophia 40 (2):47-65.
    Julian of Norwich (b. 1342) anticipated the ontological and epistemological work on sexed embodiment pioneered in the work of Merleau-Ponty and Irigaray in the 20th century. Her epistemology of sensual ‘showings’ helped reconfigure women’s embodiment and speech acts (‘bodytalk’): by recognizing cognitive emotions and the knowledge-producing body; and by envisioning the intertwining of human flesh with All That Is. The paper next examines Merleau-Ponty’s somatic discourse on the chiasmic flesh, which leads to a discussion of Irigaray’s work on (...)
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  22.  22
    Flesh, Folds and Texturality: Thinking Visual Ellipsis via Merleau-Ponty, Hélène Cixous and Robert Frank.Jenny Chamarette - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (2):34-49.
    Certain forms of art privilege the ellipsis. For example, in poetry, one has only to think of Mallarmé's Un Coup de dés for ellipsis to mark its peculiar trace upon the processes of meaning. Nonetheless, because ellipsis situates itself so curiously between meaning and signification, a formal definition may seem too categorical in explaining what ellipsis can do in its between-state, flanked by visuality, semiotics and signification. This article examines how Merleau- Ponty, Derrida and Deleuze, employ textual-visual and ontological-perceptual strategies (...)
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    Foreign Food, Foreign Flesh: Apathetic Anthropophagy and Racial Melancholia in Houellebecq’s Submission.Luke F. Johnson - 2020 - Substance 49 (1):25-40.
    This article explores the cannibalistic dimensions of racial disgust and desire in Michel Houellebecq’s Submission. Situated within broader discourses of French déclinisme, Submis- sion offers a melancholic portrait of white nostalgia. Through the tastes and consumptive practices of his characters, Houellebecq depicts white identification as dependent on an ambivalent relationship to corporeal difference. Paying close attention to the mouth’s dual function as a site of ontological triage (sorting out the human from the non-human, the edible from the inedible) and ontological (...)
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  24.  38
    The Flesh Between.Luca Vanzago - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:49-61.
    In this paper I aim to discuss an essay written by the French psychoanalyst André Green on occasion of the publication in 1964 of The Visible and the Invisible, in order to frame it within the context of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy for the sake of letting emerge both the critical importance and some structural issues implied in Green’s reading.Green’s study clearly points out that the question concerning Merleau-Ponty’s notion of “flesh” represents a fundamental theme for psychoanalysis, in connection with Lacan’s (...)
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  25.  25
    Flesh and the Machine.Stefan Kristensen - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:169-182.
    This essay is a second attempt to reconcile the perspectives of Merleau-Ponty and Guattari, following on the examination of the unconscious in a previous issue of Chiasmi. Here the focus concerns an ontology that overcomes the dualistic heritage of Western metaphysics. More precisely, I compare the concept of flesh as Merleau-Ponty employs it in his later texts with that of the machine as Guattari uses this from the end of the 1960s until his last writings in the early (...)
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    “Naked flesh”—A somatic calling of the “mind”?Robert Švarc - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (3):233-239.
    Actionism, Performance and Body Art have produced forms that still provoke in their radicalism and brutality and raise many questions. Regardless of the theme—love, violence, gender, death, sexuality, killing of animals, ritual practices and myths, ecology, criticism of the ideology and so on—they are almost always characterized by an explicit and demonstrative exposure of flesh. The topic of my research is the body as a medium of the human act. Does the body elicit different “corporations of the mind” or (...)
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    Milk and flesh: A phenomenological reflection on infancy and coexistence.Eva-Maria Simms - 2001 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 32 (1):22-40.
    Infants who suffer severe neglect fail to thrive emotionally as well as bodily. The absence of early coexistential structures that provide well-being leads to a narrowing of the child's perceptual and social developmental horizon. What is the nature of these early structures? In this essay, an ontology of well-being or housedness is elaborated through phenomenological reflections on breast-feeding and infant perception. Merleau-Ponty's ontology of the flesh makes a contribution to the ontology of well-being: it gives us (...)
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    Nature, Negativity, Event: The Question of the Emergence of the Centre in the Ontology of the Flesh.Luca Vanzago - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:171-182.
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  29. Flesh as otherness.Gary Brent Madison - 1990 - In Galen A. Johnson & Michael Bradley Smith (eds.), Ontology and alterity in Merleau-Ponty. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    Flesh of My Flesh: The Ethics of Cloning Humans a Reader.Gregory E. Pence, George Annas, Stephen Jay Gould, George Johnson, Axel Kahn, Leon Kass, Philip Kitcher, R. C. Lewontin, Gilbert Meilaender, Timothy F. Murphy, National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Chief Justice John Roberts & James D. Watson - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Flesh of My Flesh is a collection of articles by today's most respected scientists, philosophers, bioethicists, theologians, and law professors about whether we should allow human cloning. It includes historical pieces to provide background for the current debate. Religious, philosophical, and legal points of view are all represented.
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    Topographies of Flesh: Women, Nonhuman Animals, and the Embodiment of Connection and Difference.Jennifer McWeeny - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):269-286.
    Because of risks of essentialism and homogenization, feminist theorists frequently avoid making precise ontological claims, especially in regard to specifying bodily connections and differences among women. However well-intentioned, this trend may actually run counter to the spirit of intersectionality by shifting feminists' attention away from embodiment, fostering oppressor-centric theories, and obscuring privilege within feminism. What feminism needs is not to turn from ontological specificity altogether, but to engage a new kind of ontological project that can account for the material complexity (...)
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    Can Merleau-Ponty's Notion of 'Flesh' Inform or even Transform Environmental Thinking?Isis Brook - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (3):353 - 362.
    Reference to Merleau-Ponty's ideas surfaces in environmental thinking from time to time. This paper examines whether, and in what way, his ideas could be helpful to that thinking. In order to arrive at a conclusion I examine in detail and attempt to clarify the notions of 'Flesh' and 'Earth' in order to see if they can carry the meanings that commentators sometimes attribute to them. With a clearer outline of what he was saying in place, I suggest that the (...)
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  33. Flesh and otherness.Claude Lefort - 1990 - In Galen A. Johnson & Michael Bradley Smith (eds.), Ontology and alterity in Merleau-Ponty. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 3--13.
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    An Ontology of Nature with Local Causality, Parallel Lives, and Many Relative Worlds.Mordecai Waegell - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (12):1698-1730.
    Parallel lives is an ontological model of nature in which quantum mechanics and special relativity are unified in a single universe with a single space-time. Point-like objects called lives are the only fundamental objects in this space-time, and they propagate at or below c, and interact with one another only locally at point-like events in space-time, very much like classical point particles. Lives are not alive in any sense, nor do they possess consciousness or any agency to make decisions—they are (...)
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    Endo-Ontology and the Later Merleau-Ponty’s Thoughts on Space-Time.Michel Dalissier - 2018 - Studia Phaenomenologica 18:303-328.
    In this paper, I consider the idea of space-time in its philosophical specificity. Such an approach must satisfy three main conditions. First, the inquiry must meditate on the link epitomized by the hyphen in the expression “space-time”. Second, it must not reduce either space to time or time to space, but must instead explore the significance of their in-between-ness and of their interweaving reality. Third, the inquiry must rid itself of any priority of space over time or of time over (...)
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  36.  42
    The Poetry of ‘Flesh’ or the Reality of Perception? Merleau-Ponty’s Fundamental Error.Paul Crowther - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (2):255-278.
    The present paper argues that Merleau-Ponty’s notion of Flesh/reversibility intellectually is significantly flawed, and leads phenomenology into something of a dead end. This is shown through the following strategy. First Merleau-Ponty’s account of originary perception and his critique of the reflective attitude are expounded. They are shown to culminate in rejection of the subject-object relation as an ontological fundamental in favour of a ‘hyper-reflective method’. A critique of Merleau-Ponty’s position is then offered. It argues that originary perception is not (...)
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  37. Spirit and/or Flesh: Merleau-Ponty’s Encounter with Hegel.David Storey - 2009 - PhaenEx 4 (1):59-83.
    This paper has four parts. First, I attempt to pinpoint how and why Merleau-Ponty was driven to go beyond Husserlian phenomenology, and did so for what are, largely, Hegelian reasons. Second, I trace the parallels between Hegel’s “metaphysics of Spirit” and Merleau-Ponty’s “ontology of the Flesh,” stressing the thinkers’ consensus about the nature of philosophical method. Third, I identify Merleau-Ponty’s criticisms of Hegel’s approach, and assay his claim that Hegel’s system actually constitutes a lapse into a pre-critical, pre-Kantian, (...)
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  38. De Reconciliatione: Violence, the Flesh, and Primary Vulnerability.James Griffith - 2018 - In Dagmar Kusá (ed.), Identities in Flux: Globalization, Trauma, and Reconciliation. pp. 69-80.
    This essay compares Maurice Merleau-Ponty's notion of the flesh with Judith Butler's concept of primary vulnerability in terms of their helpfulness for developing an intersubjective ontology. It compares the flesh with Butler's more recent concept of primary vulnerability insofar as she sees both as useful for intersubjective ontology. The hiatus of the flesh is that which spans between self and world and opens Merleau-Ponty's thought onto an intersubjective ontology. While Butler's discussion of vulnerability as (...)
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    Flesh of My Flesh.Kaja Silverman - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Through a wide-ranging discussion, that extends from Ovid and Leonardo da Vinci to Gerhard Richter, and from philosophy and literature to time-based art, Kaja ...
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    Estrangement, Nature and 'the Flesh'.Simon Hailwood - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):71-85.
    In this paper I address the question of what it is to be alienated from nature. The focus is alienation in the sense of estrangement, a ‘being cut off from’ a wider world. That we are so estranged is a claim associated with ecological critique of contemporary society. But what is it to be estranged from nature given that everything we are, do and produce, always remains within a wider nature? I explore the possibility that this might be understood with (...)
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    The Hyper-Dialectic in Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology of the Flesh.Michael Berman - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (4):404-420.
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    Rewriting the flesh of the world for the new human: Merleau‐Ponty, Fanon, and Wynter on the ethics of futurity.J. Reese Faust - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):65-78.
    This article reads Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ontology of the “flesh of the world” alongside the ontology that seems to undergird Frantz Fanon's sociodiagnostics as well as his theory of sociogeny. It argues that reading Fanonian sociogeny in terms of the ambiguity and intercorporeality of the flesh of the world renders the ethical and political imperatives of Fanon's decolonial project all the more pressing, since the “new human” is prefigured—if not totally determined—in the national consciousness obtained by “les (...)
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    Enactive subjectivity as flesh.John Jenkinson - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):931-951.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of embodiment has been widely adopted by enactivists seeking to provide an account of cognition that is both embodied and embedded. Yet very little attention has been paid to Merleau-Ponty’s later works. This is troubling given that in The Visible and the Invisible Merleau-Ponty revises his conception of embodied subjectivity because he came to the realization that understanding consciousness through the concepts of subject and object imposed a dualistic framework that he was trying to escape. To overcome (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty’s and Paul Claudel’s Overlapping Expression of Poetic Ontology.Glen A. Mazis - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:167-185.
    Merleau-Ponty characterizes the poetic or literary use of language as bringing forth of sense as if it is a being that is an interlocutor with its readers. Sense will be explored as interwoven with a deeper imagination that works within the temporality of institution to become more fully manifest. Throughout the essay will be seen the overlap with Claudel’s ontology as expressed in L’Art poetique and Claudel’s approach to language. Why Merleau-Ponty’s articulation of embodiment and perception must culminate in (...)
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  45. The Missing Flesh: On Heidegger's Alleged Neglect of the Body.Kevin A. Aho - 2004 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    One of the traditional metaphysical assumptions that Heidegger's Being and Time challenges is that the disembodied 'theoretical' standpoint has priority over the embodied 'practical' standpoint. Heidegger argues that any act of theoretical reflection is derivative of pre-reflective social practices that we are "always already" familiar with. Some contemporary critics insist they are continuing this project by exploring aspects of our concrete practices that Heidegger's analysis allegedly overlooks, particularly by focusing on the role that the body plays in everyday life. In (...)
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    The Horizons of the Flesh: Critical Perspectives on the Thought of Merleau-Ponty.Garth Gillan - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (4):613-614.
    The_ _extraordinary, and continuing, influ­ence of Merleau-Ponty on American as well as European philosophy is amply demonstrated in this first collection of essays on his work, all written especially for this volume. Taken as a whole, the essays comprise the first major critical assessment of the scope of Merleau-­Ponty’s thought, and cover all of his principal works. Since Merleau­-Ponty’s thought spans the junctures of painting and psychology, language and history, politics and perception, ontol­ogy and linguistics, and literature and anthropology, the (...)
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    Gregory E. Pence (ed.), Flesh of my flesh. The ethics of cloning humans. A reader.Uwe Czaniera - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (1):83-85.
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    Ontology and Politics: Interdependence and Radical Contingency in Merleau-Ponty’s Political Interworld.Anya Daly - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (2):341-359.
    This paper takes as its point of departure Merleau-Ponty’s assertion: “everything will have to begin again, in politics as well as in philosophy”. In pursuing his later work, Merleau-Ponty signalled the need for a reconfiguration of his philosophical vision, so it was no longer caught in Cartesianism and the philosophy of consciousness. This required a turn towards ontology through which he consolidated two key ideas: firstly, a pervasive interdependence articulated in his reversibility thesis and the ontology of ‘ (...)’; secondly, a radical contingency at the heart of existence. This paper interrogates the political implications of these ideas, and specifically regarding humanism and human progress. Relatedly, I address the question – how might recognitions of ontological interdependence and radical contingency support a flourishing democracy? Merleau-Ponty’s early political work concerned the issues of his day – Nazism, Marxism and the status of humanism – and did not engage extensively with these emerging onto-political concerns. Nonetheless, there are indicative reflections in the writings and interviews; the political implications of his ontological interrogations become more thematic in the later works. There is no rupture between the earlier and later works regarding his philosophical vision, although he later distanced himself from Marxism with revelations of the gulags under Stalin and the Korean War. The overarching claim of this paper – we need to rethink politics from the ground up beginning with ontology; ontology is political and the political is intrinsically ontologically informed. Getting the ontology ‘right’ is a matter of discovery and not theory choice. (shrink)
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  49. Beyond the Digital: The Virtuality of the Flesh in Merleau-Ponty’s The Visibile and the Invisible.Floriana Ferro - 2024 - Scenari 19:88-101.
    This paper aims to find, in Merleau-Ponty’s late thinking, a definition of the virtual which aligns with the latest advancements in digital technology while avoiding a reduction to the digital realm or a stark opposition to reality. The virtual is considered as a crucial characteristic in Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology, especially in The Visible and the Invisible, where a “virtual focus” or “virtual center” of the flesh is introduced. The argument posits that Merleau-Ponty’s monism of the flesh results (...)
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  50. Justice in the Flesh.David Michael Levin - 1990 - In Galen A. Johnson & Michael Bradley Smith (eds.), Ontology and alterity in Merleau-Ponty. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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